예제 #1
def test_get_command_output():
    cmd = 'ls *.py'
    rc, so, se = get_command_output(cmd)
    assert rc == True

    cmd = 'ls asdf'
    rc, so, se = get_command_output(cmd)
    assert rc == False
예제 #2
def test_pisgah_bullion_mtn(tmpdir):
    # a segment of this fault causes a division by zero error that
    # we trap for and are testing here.

    # make a temporary directory
    p = tmpdir.mkdir("sub")
    jsonfile = os.path.join(shakedir, 'tests/data/eventdata/UCERF3_EventSet_All.json')
    cmd = 'mkinputdir -f %s -i 46 -s %s' %(jsonfile, p)
    rc,so,se = get_command_output(cmd)
    if se != b'':
    assert se == b''
예제 #3
def test_pisgah_bullion_mtn(tmpdir):
    # a segment of this fault causes a division by zero error that
    # we trap for and are testing here.

    # make a temporary directory
    p = tmpdir.mkdir("sub")
    jsonfile = os.path.join(shakedir,
    cmd = 'mkinputdir -f %s -i 46 -s %s' % (jsonfile, p)
    rc, so, se = get_command_output(cmd)
    if se != b'':
    assert se == b''
예제 #4
    def send(self):
        # we can really only support sending of one file and/or one directory, so error out
        # if someone has specified more than one of either.
        if len(self.files) > 1:
            raise ShakeMapException(
                'For PDL, you may only send one file at a time.')
        if len(self.directories) > 1:
            raise ShakeMapException(
                'For PDL, you may only send one directory at a time.')

        # make sure we have all the required properties
        for prop in self.required_properties:
            if prop not in list(self.properties.keys()):
                raise ShakeMapException(
                    '"%s" property must be supplied to send via PDL')

        # build pdl command line from properties
        self.properties['command'] = 'send'
        self.properties['status'] = 'UPDATE'
        if self.files:
            self.properties['file'] = self.files[0]
            self.properties['file'] = ''
        if self.directories:
            self.properties['directory'] = self.directories[0]
            self.properties['directory'] = ''
        cmd = self.pdlcmd
        for propkey, propvalue in self.properties.items():
            cmd = cmd.replace('[' + propkey.upper() + ']', propvalue)

        # call PDL on the command line
        retcode, stdout, stderr = get_command_output(cmd)
        if not retcode:
            fmt = 'Could not send product "%s" due to error "%s"'
            tpl = (code, stdout + stderr)
            raise ShakeMapException(fmt % tpl)

        # return the number of files we just sent
        nfiles = 0
        if self.properties['file']:
            nfiles += 1
        if self.properties['directory']:
            nfiles += len(os.listdir(self.properties['directory']))

        return nfiles
예제 #5
    def send(self):
        # we can really only support sending of one file and/or one directory, so error out
        # if someone has specified more than one of either.
        if len(self.files) > 1:
            raise ShakeMapException(
                'For PDL, you may only send one file at a time.')
        if len(self.directories) > 1:
            raise ShakeMapException(
                'For PDL, you may only send one directory at a time.')

        # make sure we have all the required properties
        for prop in self.required_properties:
            if prop not in list(self.properties.keys()):
                raise ShakeMapException(
                    '"%s" property must be supplied to send via PDL')

        # build pdl command line from properties
        self.properties['command'] = 'send'
        self.properties['status'] = 'UPDATE'
        if self.files:
            self.properties['file'] = self.files[0]
            self.properties['file'] = ''
        if self.directories:
            self.properties['directory'] = self.directories[0]
            self.properties['directory'] = ''
        cmd = self.pdlcmd
        for propkey, propvalue in self.properties.items():
            cmd = cmd.replace('[' + propkey.upper() + ']', propvalue)

        # call PDL on the command line
        retcode, stdout, stderr = get_command_output(cmd)
        if not retcode:
            fmt = 'Could not send product "%s" due to error "%s"'
            tpl = (code, stdout + stderr)
            raise ShakeMapException(fmt % tpl)

        # return the number of files we just sent
        nfiles = 0
        if self.properties['file']:
            nfiles += 1
        if self.properties['directory']:
            nfiles += len(os.listdir(self.properties['directory']))

        return nfiles
예제 #6
    def delete(self):
        for prop in self.required_properties:
            if prop not in list(self.properties.keys()):
                raise ShakeMapException(
                    '"%s" property must be supplied to send via PDL')

        # build pdl command line from properties
        self.properties['status'] = 'DELETE'
        self.properties['files'] = ''
        self.properties['directories'] = ''
        cmd = self.pdlcmd
        for propkey, propvalue in self.properties.items():
            cmd = cmd.replace('[' + propkey.upper() + ']', propvalue)

        retcode, stdout, stderr = get_command_output(cmd)
        if not retcode:
            fmt = 'Could not delete product "%s" due to error "%s"'
            tpl = (code, stdout + stderr)
            raise ShakeMapException(fmt % tpl)
예제 #7
    def delete(self):
        for prop in self.required_properties:
            if prop not in list(self.properties.keys()):
                raise ShakeMapException(
                    '"%s" property must be supplied to send via PDL')

        # build pdl command line from properties
        self.properties['status'] = 'DELETE'
        self.properties['files'] = ''
        self.properties['directories'] = ''
        cmd = self.pdlcmd
        for propkey, propvalue in self.properties.items():
            cmd = cmd.replace('[' + propkey.upper() + ']', propvalue)

        retcode, stdout, stderr = get_command_output(cmd)
        if not retcode:
            fmt = 'Could not delete product "%s" due to error "%s"'
            tpl = (code, stdout + stderr)
            raise ShakeMapException(fmt % tpl)
예제 #8
def main(args):

    # where should .rst files, Makefile, _build folder be written?
    API_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '__api-doc')
    shutil.rmtree(API_DIR, ignore_errors=True)

    # where should the temporary clone of the shakemap gh-pages repo live?
    TOP_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '__shake-doc')
    CLONE_DIR = os.path.join(TOP_DIR, 'html')
    shutil.rmtree(TOP_DIR, ignore_errors=True)

    # Some additional useful directories
    REPO_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    DOC_DIR = os.path.join(REPO_DIR, 'doc')
    REST_DIR = os.path.join(REPO_DIR, 'rest')
    PACKAGE_DIR = os.path.join(REPO_DIR, 'shakemap')

    # get the human-friendly version of the ShakeMap version
    res, verstr, stderr = get_command_output('git describe --tags')
    verstr = verstr.decode().strip()
    if not len(verstr):
        verstr = DEFAULT_TAG
        if verstr[0] == 'v':
            verstr = verstr[1:]
        spl = re.findall(r"[\w']+", verstr)
        verstr = "%s.%s.%s" % (spl[0], spl[1], spl[2])

    # what is the package called and who are the authors
    PACKAGE = "shakemap"
    AUTHORS = 'Bruce Worden, Eric Thompson, Mike Hearne'

    # find the make command on this system
    res, stdout, stderr = get_command_output('which make')
    if not res:
        print('Could not find the "make" command on your system. Exiting.')
    make_cmd = stdout.decode().strip()

    # clone the repository
    if args.post:
        sys.stderr.write('Cloning shakemap gh-pages branch...\n')
        if os.path.isdir(CLONE_DIR):
        clonecmd = 'git clone -b gh-pages https://github.com/usgs/'\
                   'shakemap.git %s' % CLONE_DIR
        res, stdout, stderr = get_command_output(clonecmd)
        if not res:
            raise Exception('Could not clone gh-pages branch.')

        # Delete everything in the repository (except hidden git files)
        cmd = 'rm -fr %s' %CLONE_DIR

    # run the api doc command; this creates the .rst files
    sys.stderr.write('Building shakemap API documentation (REST)...\n')
    sphinx_cmd = 'sphinx-apidoc -o %s -f -e -l -d 12 -F -H %s -A "%s"'\
                 ' -V %s %s' % (API_DIR, PACKAGE, AUTHORS, verstr,

    res, stdout, stderr = get_command_output(sphinx_cmd)

    if not res:
        raise Exception('Could not build ShakeMap API documentation'
                        ' - error "%s".' % stderr)

    # change index.rst to api_index.rst
    move_cmd = 'mv %s/index.rst %s/api_index.rst' % (API_DIR, API_DIR)
    res, stdout, stderr = get_command_output(move_cmd)

    # Change name of API documentation in api_index.rst
    cmd = "sed -i -e 's/Welcome to shakemap.*/ShakeMap 4.0 API/g' "\
          "%s/api_index.rst" % API_DIR
    res, stdout, stderr = get_command_output(cmd)

    # try to clean up some of the excess labeling
    clean_cmd = "sed -i -e 's/ module//g' `find %s/*.rst -type f "\
                "-maxdepth 0 -print`" % API_DIR
    res, stdout, stderr = get_command_output(clean_cmd)
    clean_cmd = "sed -i -e 's/ package//g' `find %s/*.rst -type f "\
                "-maxdepth 0 -print`" % API_DIR
    res, stdout, stderr = get_command_output(clean_cmd)
    clean_cmd = "sed -i -e '/Subpackages/d' `find %s/*.rst -type f "\
                "-maxdepth 0 -print`" % API_DIR
    res, stdout, stderr = get_command_output(clean_cmd)
    clean_cmd = "sed -i -e '/-.*-/d' `find %s/*.rst -type f "\
                "-maxdepth 0 -print`" % API_DIR
    res, stdout, stderr = get_command_output(clean_cmd)

    # run the make command to build the shakemap manual (pdf version)
    if not args.nopdf:
        sys.stderr.write('Building shakemap manual (PDF)...\n')
        # Need to run HTML to create __shakedoc/html/_static
        manualcmd = '%s latexpdf' % make_cmd
        res, stdout, stderr = get_command_output(manualcmd)
        if not res:
            raise Exception('Could not build the PDF version of the ShakeMap '
                            'manual - error "%s".' % stderr)

        # Move PDF to API_DIR/_static
        spdf = '%s/latex/ShakeMapManual.pdf' %TOP_DIR
        dpdf = '%s/_static/ShakeMapManual.pdf' %API_DIR
        shutil.copy2(spdf, dpdf)

    # Edit the conf.py file to include the theme.
    fname = os.path.join(API_DIR, 'conf.py')
    f = open(fname, 'at')
    f.write("sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('%s'))\n" % (REPO_DIR))

    # Built in theme:
#    f.write("html_theme = 'haiku'\n")

    # RTD theme
    f.write("import sphinx_rtd_theme\n")
    f.write("html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'\n")
    f.write("html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()]\n")
    f.write("html_theme_options = {\n")
    f.write("    'collapse_navigation': False,\n")

    # Bootstrap theme
#    f.write("import sphinx_bootstrap_theme\n")
#    f.write("html_theme = 'bootstrap'\n")
#    f.write("html_theme_path = sphinx_bootstrap_theme.get_html_theme_path()\n")
#    f.write("html_theme_options = {\n")
#    f.write("    'bootswatch_theme': \"Sandstone\",\n")
#    f.write("    'navbar_site_name': \"API Documentation\",\n")
#    f.write("    'navbar_sidebarrel': False,\n")
#    f.write("    'navbar_pagenav': False,\n")
#    f.write("    'navbar_links': [\n")
#    f.write("        (\"Manual\", \"../shake_index.html\", 1),\n")
#    f.write("    ],\n")
#    f.write("}\n")

    # Napolean extension? Supports Goggle and Numpy style docstrings, but it
    # also has some side effects such as restrictions on what sections are
    # allowed and it seems to suppress the [source] link to code; maybe this
    # is a configurable option though.
#    f.write("extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinxcontrib.napoleon']\n")

    # This line is needed to inclue __init__ methods in documentation
    f.write("autoclass_content = 'both'\n")
    f.write("html_show_copyright = False\n")

    # Copy the manual REST files to the API directory

    # put aside Makefile so it doesn't get overwritten
    oldmake = '%s/Makefile' %API_DIR
    tmpmake = '%s/Makefile_save' %API_DIR
    os.rename(oldmake, tmpmake)

    # move files inot API directory; this should raise exceptions if any
    # files will get overwritten. 
    copy_tree(DOC_DIR, API_DIR)

    # put Makefile back
    os.rename(tmpmake, oldmake)

    # Move index.rst to manual_index.rst
    ind1 = '%s/index.rst' %API_DIR
    ind2 = '%s/manual_index.rst' %API_DIR
    os.rename(ind1, ind2)

    # Copy index.rst from rest/ directory into build directory
    restind = '%s/index.rst' %REST_DIR
    apiind = '%s/index.rst' %API_DIR
    shutil.copy2(restind, apiind)

    # Go to the api directory and build the html
    sys.stderr.write('Building shakemap manual (HTML)...\n')
    res, stdout, stderr = get_command_output('%s html' % make_cmd)
    if not res:
        raise Exception('Could not build HTML for API documentation. - '
                        'error "%s"' % stderr)

    # Copy the generated content to the gh-pages branch we created
    # earlier
    htmldir = os.path.join(API_DIR, '_build', 'html')
    if not os.path.isdir(CLONE_DIR):
    copy_tree(htmldir, CLONE_DIR)

    if args.post:
        # Post to gh-pages

        # cd to directory above where html content was pushed
        res, stdout, stderr = get_command_output('touch .nojekyll')
        res1, stdout, stderr1 = get_command_output('git add --all')
        res2, stdout, stderr2 = get_command_output(
            'git commit -am"Pushing version %s to GitHub pages"' % verstr)
        res3, stdout, stderr3 = get_command_output(
            'git push -u origin +gh-pages')
        if res1 + res2 + res3 < 3:
            stderr = stderr1 + stderr2 + stderr3
            print('Something bad happened when attempting to add, commit, '
                  'or push gh-pages content to GitHub - error "%s". Exiting.'
                  % stderr)
        print('You can inspect the ShakeMap manual and API docs by looking '
              'here: http://usgs.github.io/shakemap/index.html')
        if not args.clean:
            indexpage = os.path.join(CLONE_DIR, 'index.html')
            print('ShakeMap documentation index: %s' % indexpage)