def isInsidePolygon(point, polyPoints):
    # adapted from
    shapelyPoint = Point(point['lat'], point['lon'])
    shapelyPolygon = Polygon(polyPoints)
    isInside = shapelyPolygon.contains(shapelyPoint)
    return isInside
def isInsideAnyOfPolygons(point, polys):
    for poly in polys:
        shapelyPoint = Point(point['lat'], point['lon'])
        shapelyPolygon = Polygon(poly)
        isInside = shapelyPolygon.contains(shapelyPoint)
        if isInside:
            return True
    return False
예제 #3
    def is_clicked(self, click, handles):

        from shapely.geometry import Point
        from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon

        point = Point(*click)
        polygon = Polygon([handles["1BL"].position,

        return polygon.contains(point)
예제 #4
 def decoderSTSC(self, date_ini, polygon, anima):
     '''Filter the data from STSC inside an specific polygon'''
     stsc_data = self.redemet.get_produto_stsc(date_ini, anima)
     if stsc_data != None:
         stsc_points = stsc_data['stsc'][0]
         polygon_shp = Polygon(polygon)
         for _pnt in stsc_points:
             point = (float(_pnt['la']), float(_pnt['lo']))
             point_shp = Point(point)
             if polygon_shp.contains(point_shp):
         print('Error DecoderSTSC!')
예제 #5
def find_tiles_inside(param, domain, oceanonly=True):
    """Determine which tiles are inside `domain`

    The function uses `corners` the list of corners for each tile
    p = Polygon(domain)
    tileslist = []
    for tile, c in param.corners.items():
        if (not oceanonly) or (not param.missing[tile]):
            q = Polygon(c)
            if p.overlaps(q) or p.contains(q):
                tileslist += [tile]
    return tileslist
예제 #6
def find_point_in_polygon_p(cells=None,point=None):
    loop all the cells and find the polygon that contains
    the point,with printing the center
    for i in cells:
        if polygon.contains(point):
예제 #7
def filter_polygons_points_intersection(polygon_contours, center_coords):
    # checking if polygon contains point
    final_cons = []
    for con in polygon_contours:
        polygon = Polygon(zip(con[::2], con[1::2]))
        for center in center_coords:
            point = Point(center[1], center[0])
            if polygon.contains(point):

    return final_cons
예제 #8
def list_all_points_inside_polyg(polyg_choords, vision_radius=0.5):
    polygon = Polygon(polyg_choords)
    inside_points = []
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = polygon.bounds
        for i in range(int(ymin), int(ymax) + 1, int(vision_radius * 2)):
            for j in range(int(xmin), int(xmax) + 1, int(vision_radius * 2)):
                if polygon.contains(Point((j, i))):
                    inside_points.append((j, i))
    except ValueError:
            "Please, choose a 'vision_radius' multiple of 0.5 (where 0.5 is the minimum value)"
    return inside_points
예제 #9
def check_suburb(coordinate):
    # return the name of suburb that contains the coordinate

    name = ''
    for feature in suburb_info_json['features']:
        lat_lon_list = feature['geometry']['coordinates'][0][
            0]  # the coordinates of a suburb
        suburb_name = feature['properties']['name']  # the name of the suburb
        polygon = Polygon(lat_lon_list)
        point = Point(coordinate[0], coordinate[1])
        if polygon.contains(point):
            name = suburb_name

    return name
예제 #10
class Region:
    """ class for managing particular regions.
    def __init__(self, region_kml): =
        s = str(region_kml.MultiGeometry.Polygon.outerBoundaryIs.LinearRing.coordinates)
        self.coords = [map(float, l.split(',')) for l in s.strip().split('\n')]
        self.polygon = Polygon(self.coords)

    def contains(self, lat, lon):
        """ does this region contain the point at (lat, lon)?
        p = Point(lon, lat)
        return self.polygon.contains(p)
예제 #11
def build_prm(obstacles,start,goal,n,k,ax):
    #prm algo
    v = set()
    e = set()
    while len(v) < n:
        x = random.randint(0,600)
        y = random.randint(0,600)
        point = Point(x,y)
        #delect collisions
        no_collisions = []
        for obstacle in obstacles:
            polygon = Polygon(obstacle)
            if not polygon.contains(point):
        if all(no_collisions):
    #find neighbors
    V_2d = [list(coord) for coord in v]
    for q in v:
        n_q = kNeighbors(q,V_2d,k)
        for q_prime in n_q:
            if (q,q_prime) not in e and hasCollision([q,q_prime],obstacles)==False:

    #connect start and goal points to nearest q in v
    closest_to_start = kNeighbors(start,V_2d,len(V_2d))
    closest_to_goal = kNeighbors(goal,V_2d,len(V_2d))
    for q in closest_to_start:
        if hasCollision([q,start],obstacles)==False:
    for q in closest_to_goal:
        if hasCollision([q,goal],obstacles)==False:

    #draw the graph
    for edge in e:
        (line_xs,line_ys) = zip(*edge)

    #find shortest path and highlight it
    shortest_path = get_shortest_path(v,e,start,goal)
    for edge in shortest_path:
        (line_xs,line_ys) = zip(*edge)

    return v,e
예제 #12
def is_in_square_table(table_coor, point):

    # table_coor,      按照顺时针方向的桌子顶点
    # point,           待计算点坐标 例,Point(Neck[0], Neck[1])
    # 调用实例
    # table_back = [(ellipse_cali_info['back_top_left'][0], ellipse_cali_info['back_top_left'][1]), (ellipse_cali_info['back_top_right'][0], ellipse_cali_info['back_top_right'][1]),
    # check_1 = is_in_square_table(table_back, Point(Neck[0], Neck[1]))

    polygon = Polygon(table_coor)
    inout = polygon.contains(point)
    if inout:
        return True
        return False
예제 #13
def find_sections_Mmax(f_for_sherifs, zones_json):
    # Find the max length for each section
    nb_sections = len(f_for_sherifs)
    for si in range(nb_sections):
        f_for_sherifs[si]["max_possible_length"] = 10000.
        f_for_sherifs[si]["max_possible_Mmax"] = 11.

    # Load the zones
    with open(zones_json) as f:
        gj = geojson.load(f)
    zones_length = gj['features']

    # Loop on the zone to find the sections within
    for zone_i in zones_length:
        poly = []
        for pt in zone_i["geometry"]["coordinates"][0][0]:
            poly.append((pt[0], pt[1]))
        polygon = Polygon(poly)
        max_i = zone_i["properties"]["max_length"]
        Mmax_i = zone_i["properties"]["max_possible_Mmax"]
        for si in range(nb_sections):
            if f_for_sherifs[si]["max_possible_length"] > max_i:
                lons_si = f_for_sherifs[si]['lons']
                lats_si = f_for_sherifs[si]['lats']
                for lon_i, lat_i in zip(lons_si, lats_si):
                    if polygon.contains(Point(lon_i, lat_i)):
                        f_for_sherifs[si]["max_possible_length"] = max_i

        for si in range(nb_sections):
            if f_for_sherifs[si]["max_possible_Mmax"] > Mmax_i:
                lons_si = f_for_sherifs[si]['lons']
                lats_si = f_for_sherifs[si]['lats']
                for lon_i, lat_i in zip(lons_si, lats_si):
                    if polygon.contains(Point(lon_i, lat_i)):
                        f_for_sherifs[si]["max_possible_Mmax"] = Mmax_i

    return f_for_sherifs
예제 #14
    def addBackProjectRegion(self, bgLayer, origPointsLayer, border, srcArea):
        newPointsLayer = pointslayer.PointsLayer(isPointSelect=True)

        origPts = origPointsLayer.getPoints()
        borderPoly = Polygon(border)
        for i in origPts:
            pt = origPts[i]
            xy = pt["xy"]
            self.originalImagePlanePositions[i] = {
                "xy": [xy[0], xy[1]],
                "label": pt["label"],
                "timedelay": pt["timedelay"]

            if borderPoly.contains(Point(*xy)):
                bpXY = (
                    self.traceThetaApproximately(np.array(xy) * ANGLE_ARCSEC) /
                newPointsLayer.setPoint(i, bpXY, pt["label"])

                origLayerId = origPointsLayer.getUuid()
                if not origLayerId in self.originalPointInfo:
                    self.originalPointInfo[origLayerId] = {}
                    i] = newPointsLayer.getPoint(
                        i)  # Use this to check what to update

        newScene = scenes.PointsSingleLayerScene(newPointsLayer, bgLayer)
        layerItem, _ = newScene.getCurrentItemAndLayer()

        newView = base.GraphicsView(newScene, parent=self.ui.tabWidget)
        self.ui.tabWidget.addTab(newView, bgLayer.getName())
        self.bpViews[newView] = {
            "scene": newScene,
            "newlayer": newPointsLayer,
            "origlayer": origPointsLayer,
            "srcarea": srcArea,
            "border": border

        isPixels = self.ui.m_pointPixelsBox.isChecked()
        )) if isPixels else newScene.setPointSizeSceneSize(

        self._setViewRange(newView, srcArea[0], srcArea[1])
예제 #15
def main():
    cwd = os.getcwd()

    # !!! INIT PHASE !!! Took too long, that's why we saved our results
    # start_time = time.time()
    # df = create_commit_df(cwd)
    # df.to_hdf('100_days_commits.h5', key='commit')
    # print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

    for stdin in sys.stdin:
        file = str.strip(stdin)
        with open(os.path.join(cwd, file)) as f:
            source_code =
            sc_tokens = tokenize_sc(source_code)

        df = pd.read_hdf('./100_days_commits.h5')  # load data from init phase
        vocab = create_vocab(df.tokens, top=256)
        df = df.groupby('', as_index=False).agg({'tokens': sum})
        author_bow_df = create_bow_df(df, vocab)
        vecs = [
            np.array(list(bow.values())) for bow in author_bow_df.bow.values

        sc_bow = create_bow(sc_tokens, vocab)
        sc_vec = [np.array(list(sc_bow.values()))]

        tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, random_state=128)
        vecs_2d = tsne.fit_transform(vecs + sc_vec)

        vor = Voronoi(vecs_2d[:-1])
        regions, vertices = voronoi_finite_polygons_2d(vor)

        offset = 10
        point = Point(np.array(vecs_2d[-1]))

        for i, region in enumerate(regions):
            polygon_points = vertices[region]
            polygon = Polygon(polygon_points)
            if polygon.contains(point):
                plt.fill(*zip(*polygon_points), alpha=0.4)

        plt.plot(vecs_2d[:-1, 0], vecs_2d[:-1, 1], 'ko')
        plt.xlim(vor.min_bound[0] - offset, vor.max_bound[0] + offset)
        plt.ylim(vor.min_bound[1] - offset, vor.max_bound[1] + offset)
        plt.plot(point.x, point.y, 'rs')
def parse_geo_result(plat, plong):
    ppoint = Point(float(plong), float(plat))
    #geo-result.json file downloaded from
    with open(basedirectory + "/geo-result.json") as f:
        docket_content =
        datann = json.loads(docket_content)
        pResult = 0
        mygss = ''
        myiso = ''
        myregname = ''
        pcount = 0
        #i = (len(datann['features']))
        for dtt in datann['features']:
            mycoords = dtt['geometry']
            if dtt['geometry']['type'] == 'Polygon':
                polygon = Polygon(dtt['geometry']['coordinates'][0])
                if polygon.contains(ppoint):
                    pcount = pcount + 1
                    mygss = dtt['properties']['gss']
                    myiso = dtt['properties']['iso_3166_2']
                    myregname = dtt['properties']['label_en']
                    if pcount == 2:
                        return mygss, myiso, myregname
                        #return dtt['properties']['gss'], dtt['properties']['iso_3166_2'], dtt['properties']['label_en']
                for drr in dtt['geometry']['coordinates'][0]:
                    polygon = Polygon(drr)
                    if polygon.contains(ppoint):
                        pcount = pcount + 1
                        mygss = dtt['properties']['gss']
                        myiso = dtt['properties']['iso_3166_2']
                        myregname = dtt['properties']['label_en']
                        if pcount == 2:
                            return mygss, myiso, myregname
                            #return dtt['properties']['gss'], dtt['properties']['iso_3166_2'], dtt['properties']['label_en']
        return mygss, myiso, myregname
예제 #17
파일: 프로젝트: Molter73/PyTrek
    def calculate_suns_position(self, day):
        This method will be responsible for creating a polygon with all the
        galaxy's planets and determining whether the sun is inside of it
        If the sun is inside, also returns the polygons perimeter
        positions = []
        for p in self.planets:

        poly = Polygon(positions)

        if poly.contains(Point(0, 0)):
            return (PlanetsPosition.SUN_INSIDE_POLYGON, poly.length)
        return (PlanetsPosition.SUN_NOT_INSIDE_POLYGON, poly.length)
예제 #18
def water_mass_id(T, S):
    """Returns the water mass associated to the given T-S properties.


    wm = water_masses_def()

    point = Point(S, T)
    wm_id = ''
    for name in wm.keys():
        polygon = Polygon(wm.get(name))
        if polygon.contains(point):
            wm_id = name

    return wm_id
예제 #19
    def checkIfObjectInArea(objectPos: Point, field: Field):
        """Checks if object in area of map.
            field: polygon defining the area
            objectPos (list): object x and y coordinates
            bool: True if object in area
        point = SPoint(objectPos.reprTuple())

        (topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight) = field.reprTuple()

        polygon = SPolygon((bottomLeft, topLeft, topRight, bottomRight))

        return polygon.contains(point)
예제 #20
def check_gv_word_in_azure(gv_info, azure_info):
    poly_coordinates = [
    point_coordinates = (int(
        (gv_info[0] + gv_info[2]) / 2), int((gv_info[1] + gv_info[5]) / 2))
    point = Point(point_coordinates)
    polygon = Polygon(poly_coordinates)
    #    print(polygon.contains(point))
    return polygon.contains(point)
예제 #21
def remove_fully_contained_signs(squares):
    signs_do_not_contain = []
    for first_sign in squares:
        contains = False
        s1 = Polygon(first_sign)
        for second_sign in squares:
            if (first_sign == second_sign).all():
            s2 = Polygon(second_sign)
            contains = s1.contains(s2)
            if contains:
        if not contains:
    return signs_do_not_contain
예제 #22
def CoordsInBoundingbox(coordinate_list, boundingbox):
    result_list = []
    if not isinstance(boundingbox[0], tuple):
        for coord in coordinate_list:
            if coord[0] > float(boundingbox[0]) and coord[0] < float(
                if coord[1] > float(boundingbox[2]) and coord[1] < float(
        polygon = Polygon(boundingbox)
        for coord in coordinate_list:
            if polygon.contains(Point(coord[0], coord[1])):
    return result_list
예제 #23
def Homography(tgtCorners, srcCorners, affArray, changeElements, image,
               srcImage, final, poly):

    residual = 0
    newLocation = []
    for i in range(0, len(tgtCorners)):

        cordMat = [[srcCorners[i][0]], [srcCorners[i][1]], [1]]

        h20 = changeElements[6][0]
        h21 = changeElements[7][0]
        D = h20 * srcCorners[i][0] + h21 * srcCorners[i][1] + 1

        tgtCod = np.floor(np.matmul(affArray, cordMat))

        # print(tgtLoc)

        x = int(tgtCod[0][0] / D)
        y = int(tgtCod[1][0] / D)
        residual += np.linalg.norm([[tgtCorners[i][0] - x],
                                    [tgtCorners[i][1] - y]])
        newLocation.append([x, y])

    if final == True:
        polygon = Polygon(poly)
        for i in range(0, len(image)):
            for j in range(0, len(image[0])):
                point = Point(i, j)
                if polygon.contains(point):
                    cordMat = [[i], [j], [1]]

                    tgtLoc = np.floor(np.matmul(affArray, cordMat))

                    h20 = changeElements[6][0]
                    h21 = changeElements[7][0]
                    D = h20 * i + h21 * j + 1

                    x = int(round(tgtLoc[0][0] / D))
                    y = int(round(tgtLoc[1][0] / D))

                    if x < len(srcImage) and y < len(
                            srcImage[0]) and x >= 0 and y >= 0:
                        image[i][j][0] = srcImage[x][y][0]
                        image[i][j][1] = srcImage[x][y][1]
                        image[i][j][2] = srcImage[x][y][2]

    return (residual, newLocation)
    def detect(self, image, tVal=25):
        # compute the absolute difference between the background model
        # and the image passed in, then threshold the delta image
        delta = cv2.absdiff("uint8"), image)
        thresh = cv2.threshold(delta, tVal, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]

        # perform a series of erosions and dilations to remove small
        # blobs
        thresh = cv2.erode(thresh, None, iterations=2)
        thresh = cv2.dilate(thresh, None, iterations=2)

        # find contours in the thresholded image and initialize the
        # minimum and maximum bounding box regions for motion
        cnts = cv2.findContours(thresh.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,
        cnts = imutils.grab_contours(cnts)
        (minX, minY) = (np.inf, np.inf)
        (maxX, maxY) = (-np.inf, -np.inf)

        # if no contours were found, return None
        # if len(cnts) == 0:
        # 	return None

        # otherwise, loop over the contours
        rect = []
        for c in cnts:
            # compute the bounding box of the contour and use it to
            # update the minimum and maximum bounding box regions
            if cv2.contourArea(c) < 300:
            (x, y, w, h) = cv2.boundingRect(c)
            # (minX, minY) = (min(minX, x), min(minY, y))
            # (maxX, maxY) = (max(maxX, x + w), max(maxY, y + h))
            mid_point_x = (x + x + w) / 2
            mid_point_y = (y + y + h) / 2
            point = Point(mid_point_x, mid_point_y)

            for pts in self.region:
                polygon = Polygon(pts)
                if polygon.contains(point) == False:
                rect.append({'x': x, 'y': y, 'w': w, 'h': h})
        if len(rect) == 0:
            return None

        # otherwise, return a tuple of the thresholded image along
        # with bounding box
        return (thresh, rect)
def write_correlation_catalog(City_Latitude, City_Longitude, Circle_Radius,
                              earthquake_depth, MagLo, completeness_mag):

    input_file = open("USGS_WorldWide.catalog", "r")
    output_file = open("EQ_Correlation.catalog", "w")

    #   Compute vertices that define the circle around the city

    lng_circle_dg, lat_circle_dg = MCUtilities.createCircleAroundWithRadius(
        City_Latitude, City_Longitude, Circle_Radius)

    number_polygon_vertices = len(lng_circle_dg)

    point_list = []

    for i in range(number_polygon_vertices):
        point_list.append((float(lat_circle_dg[i]), float(lng_circle_dg[i])))

    polygon = Polygon(point_list)

    #   print point_list

    for line in input_file:
        items = line.strip().split()
        dep = items[6]
        mag = items[5]
        eq_lat = items[4]
        eq_lng = items[3]

        point = Point((float(eq_lat), float(eq_lng)))

        if (float(dep) <= float(earthquake_depth)
                and float(mag) >= float(completeness_mag)
                and polygon.contains(point) == True):


예제 #26
def check_update_tables_conf(final_json, cord, conf, style):
    update = True
    p = Point(cord)

    for i in range(len(final_json['tables'])):

        # str table number********* when saved
        p1, p3 = final_json['table_coordinates'][i + 1][:2], \
                 final_json['table_coordinates'][i + 1][2:]
        p2 = [p3[0], p1[1]]
        p4 = [p1[0], p3[1]]
        polygon_coordinates_list = [p1, p2, p3, p4]
        temp_polygon = Polygon(polygon_coordinates_list)

        if temp_polygon.contains(p):
            for cell in final_json['tables'][i + 1]:
                bb = final_json['tables'][i + 1][cell]['boundingBox']

                if cord[0] in range(bb['p1'][0],
                                    bb['p3'][0]) and cord[1] in range(
                                        bb['p1'][1], bb['p3'][1]):
                    words_bb = final_json['tables'][i + 1][cell]['words']

                    for j, bb in enumerate(
                        [el['boundingBox'] for el in words_bb]):
                        if cord[0] in range(min(bb['p1'][0], bb['p3'][0]), max(bb['p1'][0], bb['p3'][0])) and \
                                cord[1] in range(min(bb['p1'][1], bb['p3'][1]), max(bb['p1'][1], bb['p3'][1])):

                                i + 1][cell]['words'][j]['azure_conf'] = conf
                                i + 1][cell]['words'][j]['style'] = style

                            update = True
                        #                            return True, final_json


    if not update:
        return False, final_json
        return True, final_json
예제 #27
def isStateValid(state):
    global newPoseX
    global newPoseY
    point = Point(state.getX(), state.getY())
    TrueList = []
    for i in range(len(newPoseX)):
        polygon = Polygon([ (newPoseX[i][0], newPoseY[i][0]),\
                            (newPoseX[i][1], newPoseY[i][1]),\
                            (newPoseX[i][2], newPoseY[i][2]),\
                            (newPoseX[i][3], newPoseY[i][3])
        if (polygon.contains(point)):
    return not any(x is 0 for x in TrueList)
예제 #28
def env_viewed(xhist, yhist,zhist, square):
    viewed = {(x,y):'unviewed' for x in range(int(square[0][0]),int(square[1][0])+10,10) for y in range(int(square[0][1]),int(square[2][1])+10,10)}
    for i,x in enumerate(xhist[1:len(xhist)]):
        w,h,d = viewable_area(zhist[i+1])
        viewed_area = rect(xhist[i],yhist[i],xhist[i+1],yhist[i+1], w+5,h+5)
        if abs(xhist[i]-xhist[i+1]) + abs(yhist[i]-yhist[i+1]) > 0.1 and w >0.01:
            #plt.plot(*polygon.exterior.xy) (displays area to debug code)
            if not polygon.is_valid:    
                print('invalid points')
            for spot in viewed:
                if polygon.contains(Point(spot)): 
    return viewed
 def clearance(self, state):
     global newPoseX
     global newPoseY
     point = Point(state[0], state[1])
     TrueList = []
     for i in range(len(newPoseX)):
         polygon = Polygon([ (newPoseX[i][0], newPoseY[i][0]),\
                             (newPoseX[i][1], newPoseY[i][1]),\
                             (newPoseX[i][2], newPoseY[i][2]),\
                             (newPoseX[i][3], newPoseY[i][3])
         if (polygon.contains(point)):
     return not any(x is 0 for x in TrueList) 
 def mark_outdoor_points(self, triangulation):
     hull_points = list()
     for p_idx in self.convex_hull.vertices:
             (self.usr_points[p_idx][0], self.usr_points[p_idx][1]))
     poly = Polygon(hull_points)
     outdoor = [False] * len(triangulation[VERTICES])
     for i in range(len(outdoor)):
         outdoor[i] = not (triangulation[SRC_POINT_MARKERS][i] or
     return [
         outdoor[i] and all([
             outdoor[v] or triangulation[SRC_POINT_MARKERS][v]
             for v in triangulation[GRAPH][i]
         ]) for i in range(len(outdoor))
예제 #31
def group_in_range(group_id, range_id):
    if group_id in cdi.active_players_by_group_id.keys():
        pos = cdi.active_players_by_group_id[group_id].unit_pos
        # pos = db.env_group_dict[group_id].lead_pos
        # print(pos)
        group_point = Point(pos['x'], pos['z'])
        range_boundary_point = range_polygon[range_id]
        poly = Polygon(range_boundary_point)

        if poly.contains(group_point):
            return True
            return False

        return False
예제 #32
def look_for_ice(planes, icebergs, k):
    """Retrieve, for each plane, the visible ice."""
    for p in planes:
            fov = Polygon(p.fov)
            p.findings = [
                i for i in range(icebergs.positions.shape[1]) if fov.contains(
                    Point(icebergs.positions[0, i], icebergs.positions[1, i]))
            p.scan = lmb.Scan(
                lmb.sensors.SquareSensor(p.fov, p.p_detect, p.lambdaB), [
                        np.random.multivariate_normal(icebergs.positions[:, i],
                                                      Pz_true), p.Pz, i)
                    for i in p.findings
예제 #33
def calcTimeToStayInPosition(centroidPath, footprint):
    polygon = Polygon(footprint)
    cPath = centroidPath.copy()
    # First centroid assumed to be in footprint: increment by update interval
    time_s = deltaTT_s
    centroidContained = True
    while (centroidContained == True and len(cPath) > 0):
        nextCentroid = cPath.pop(0)
        point = Point(nextCentroid)
        # Check if the next centroid is in footprint
        if (polygon.contains(point)):
            # Since it is, increment by update interval
            time_s = time_s + deltaTT_s
            centroidContained = False
    return time_s
예제 #34
class VoronoiData:
    def __init__(self, hydrants):
        self.vor = Voronoi(hydrants, incremental=True)
        self.poly = Polygon([(float(x.split(', ')[0]), float(x.split(', ')[1])) for x in open('coords.txt').read().split('\n')[:-1]])

    def polygons(self):
        for point_index, region_index in enumerate(self.vor.point_region):
            region = self.vor.regions[region_index]
            if region == [] or -1 in region:
            points = self.vor.vertices[region]
            l[tuple(self.vor.points[point_index])] = points
        return l
    def valid(self, candidate):
        #lat, long = candidate
        #return (lat <= 41.861571 and lat >= 41.772414) and (long <= -71.369694 and long >= -71.472667)
        return self.poly.contains(Point(*candidate))
    def most_vulnerable_point(self):
        l = self.polygons()
        candidates = []
        for center, points in l.items():
            farthest = None
            farthestDistance = 0.0
            for p in points:
                dist = (p[0] - center[0])**2 + (p[1] - center[1])**2
                if dist > farthestDistance:
                    farthestDistance = dist
                    farthest = p
            candidates.append((farthestDistance, farthest))
        candidates = sorted(candidates, reverse=True)
        for candidate in candidates:
            if self.valid(candidate[1]):
                return candidate
        raise Exception("vulnerable point not found")

    def add_hydrant(self, p):
예제 #35
def h__getEccentricityAndOrientation(x_mc,y_mc,xRange_all,yRange_all,gridAspectRatio_all,N_GRID_POINTS,eccentricity,orientation,run_mask):
    # h__getEccentricityAndOrientation
    for iFrame in np.nditer(utils.find(run_mask)):
        cur_aspect_ratio = gridAspectRatio_all[iFrame]
       # x_range = xRange_all[iFrame]
        #y_range = yRange_all[iFrame]


        cur_cx = x_mc[:, iFrame]
        cur_cy = y_mc[:, iFrame]
        poly = Polygon(zip(cur_cx, cur_cy))

        if cur_aspect_ratio > 1:
            # x size is larger so scale down the number of grid points in
            # the y direction
            n1 = N_GRID_POINTS
            n2 = np.round(N_GRID_POINTS / cur_aspect_ratio)
            # y size is larger so scale down the number of grid points in
            # the x direction
            n1 = np.round(N_GRID_POINTS * cur_aspect_ratio)
            n2 = N_GRID_POINTS

        wtf1 = np.linspace(np.min(x_mc[:, iFrame]), np.max(x_mc[:, iFrame]), num=n1)
        wtf2 = np.linspace(np.min(y_mc[:, iFrame]), np.max(y_mc[:, iFrame]), num=n2)

        m, n = np.meshgrid(wtf1, wtf2)

        n_points = m.size
        m_lin = m.reshape(n_points)
        n_lin = n.reshape(n_points)
        in_worm = np.zeros(n_points, dtype=np.bool)
        for i in range(n_points):
            p = Point(m_lin[i], n_lin[i])
#        try:
            in_worm[i] = poly.contains(p)
#        except ValueError:
#          import pdb
#          pdb.set_trace()

        x = m_lin[in_worm]
        y = n_lin[in_worm]

        eccentricity[iFrame],orientation[iFrame] = h__calculateSingleValues(x,y)

# First eccentricity value should be: 0.9743
    TODO: Finish this
    hold on
    hold off
    axis equal

    return (eccentricity,orientation)   
예제 #36
def coords_to_ccg(lng, lat):
    takes coordinates and returns ccg name and code
    import json
    import operator
    import ast
    from shapely.geometry import Point
    from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
    fd = open("ccg_kml_dicts")
    sd =
    ldData = ast.literal_eval(sd)
    lNames = [ldData[i]['CCG'] for i in range(len(ldData))]
    lCodes = [ldData[i]['CCG Code'] for i in range(len(ldData))]
    lBoundaries = [ldData[i]['boundary'] for i in range(len(ldData))]
    ldUnsorted = []
    #clean up boundaries
    for i in range(len(lBoundaries)):
        lBoundaries[i] = lBoundaries[i].split("\n")
        lx = []
        ly = []
        for j in range(len(lBoundaries[i])):
            lBoundaries[i][j] = lBoundaries[i][j].strip()
            lBoundaries[i][j] = (float(lBoundaries[i][j].split(",")[0]), float(lBoundaries[i][j].split(",")[1]))
        fXmid = ((min(lx))+(max(lx)))/2
        fYmid = ((min(ly))+(max(ly)))/2
            "ccg_name": lNames[i],
            "dist": ((fXmid - lat)**2 + (fYmid - lng)**2)**0.5,
            "boundary": lBoundaries[i],
            "ccg_code": lCodes[i]
    #order all boundaries by how close they are to the lat lng
    ldSorted = sorted(ldUnsorted, key=lambda t:t['dist'])
    lNamesSorted = [ldSorted[i]["ccg_name"] for i in range(len(ldSorted))]
    lCodesSorted = [ldSorted[i]["ccg_code"] for i in range(len(ldSorted))]
    lBoundariesSorted = [ldSorted[i]["boundary"] for i in range(len(ldSorted))]
    for iB in range(len(lBoundariesSorted)):
        coordPoint = Point(lat, lng)
        coordPolygon = Polygon(lBoundariesSorted[iB])
        if coordPolygon.contains(coordPoint):
            sName = lNamesSorted[iB]
            sCode = lCodesSorted[iB]
            return sName,sCode
    return None,None
예제 #37
polygon_bottom_exclude2 = Polygon(lines_bottom_exclude2)

x = 0.0
y = 0.0

for x in range(int((board_width + x_offset * 2) / spacing)):
  x *= spacing
  x += x_offset
  for y in range(int((board_height + y_offset * 2) / spacing)):
    y *= spacing
    y += y_offset
    tp = Point(x, y)

    make_via = True
    if not polygon_top.contains(tp):
      make_via = False
    if not polygon_bottom.contains(tp):
      make_via = False
    if polygon_top_exclude.contains(tp):
      make_via = False
    if polygon_top_exclude2.contains(tp):
      make_via = False
    if polygon_bottom_exclude.contains(tp):
      make_via = False
    if polygon_bottom_exclude2.contains(tp):
      make_via = False

    # x y thickness clearance mask drillholedia name number flags
    if make_via:
      print ('Via[%fmm %fmm 0.7000mm 20.00mil 0.0000 0.3000mm "" "thermal(0S,5S)"]' % (x, y))
예제 #38
def create_initial_positions3(xdivide=10, ydivide=10,lon0=55.,lon1=56.,lat0=-21.5, lat1=-20.5
                            ,start=1, zdivide=10, k0=56., k1=60., crop=False,
                             outfile='initial_positions.txt', domain_dir='/Users/agn/Data/NEMO0083'):

    lons = np.linspace(lon0, lon1, xdivide+1)
    lats = np.linspace(lat0, lat1, ydivide+1)
    kdepths = np.linspace(k0, k1, zdivide+1)

    path = pjoin(domain_dir,'')
    print('path for mask file', path)
    with Dataset(path) as f:
        Ndlat = f.variables['nav_lat']
        meridional = Ndlat[:,0]
        jeq = meridional.searchsorted(0.)
        Ndlon = f.variables['nav_lon']
        zonal = Ndlon[jeq,:]

        ibreak = np.argmax(zonal) + 1
        if lon0 > zonal[0] and lon1 < zonal[ibreak-1]:
            zonal_part = zonal[:ibreak]
            iadd = 0
        elif lon0 > zonal[ibreak] and lon1 < zonal[-1]:
            zonal_part = zonal[ibreak:]
            iadd = ibreak
            sys.exit('lon0 and lon1 bracket dateline; not implemented yet')

        i0 = zonal_part.searchsorted(lon0) - 1 + iadd
        i1 = zonal_part.searchsorted(lon1) + 1 + iadd
        imid = (i0 + i1)//2
        meridional = Ndlat[:,imid]
        j0 = meridional.searchsorted(lat0) - 1
        j1 = meridional.searchsorted(lat1) + 1
        jmid = (j0 + j1)//2
        zonal = Ndlon[jmid,:]

        dlon = np.diff(zonal)
        ibreak = np.argmin(dlon)

        ri = np.interp(lons, zonal[i0:i1], np.arange(i0,i1,dtype=zonal.dtype))
        rj = np.interp(lats, meridional[j0:j1], np.arange(j0,j1,dtype=meridional.dtype))
        print('specified longitudes are','\n',lons)
        print('i values are','\n',ri + 1. -.5)
        print('specified latitudes are','\n',lats)
        print('j values are','\n',rj + 1. -.5)
        print('k values are','\n',kdepths)

        i00, i11 = i0 - 1, i1 + 1
        j00, j11 = j0 - 1, j1 + 1
        tmask = ~(f.variables['tmask'][0,:,j00:j11,i00:i11].astype(np.bool))

    uvmask = tmask[:,1:-1,1:-1] + tmask[:,:-2,1:-1] + tmask[:,2:,1:-1] \
                + tmask[:,1:-1,:-2] + tmask[:,1:-1,2:]

    if crop:
        inner_circle, outer_circle, fuel_circle, box = get_circles()
        polygon = Polygon( zip(*box) )
    npoints = 0
    with open(outfile, 'w') as f:
        for kdepth in kdepths:
            for y, lat in zip(rj, lats):
                for x, lon in zip(ri, lons):
                    if (not crop) or (crop and polygon.contains(Point(lon, lat))):
                        i, j, k = int(x), int(y), int(kdepth)
                        if not uvmask[k-1,j-j0, i-i0]:
                            # ri and rj are  c-indices relative to T-cells
                            # subtract .5 to produce u v indices as required by ariane
                            # ... and add 1 to convert from C to fortran numbering
                            f.write('%10g%10g%10g%10g%5g\n' %(x + 1. -.5, y + 1. -.5 , kdepth, start, 1))
                            npoints +=1
    print('# of sea points started is %g out of %g' % (npoints, len(rj)*len(ri)*len(kdepths)))
예제 #39
def calculate_erection_operation_time(project_specs, project_data, construct_duration, operational_construction_time):
    Calculates operation time required for each type of equipment included in project data.

    :param project_specs: data frame with project details (from project input file)
    :param project_data: dictionary of data frames for each of the csv files loaded for the project
    :param construct_duration: duration of construction (in months)
    :param operational_construction_time: operational hours of construction
    :return: list of possible cranes that could be used to erect tower and turbine
    erection_construction_time = 1/3 * construct_duration

    print('Calculating operation time for erection...')
    # group project data by project ID
    project = project_specs

    # for components in component list determine if base or topping
    project_data['components']['Operation'] = project_data['components']['Lift height m'] > (float(project['Hub height m'] * project['Breakpoint between base and topping (percent)']))
    boolean_dictionary = {True: 'Top', False: 'Base'}
    project_data['components']['Operation'] = project_data['components']['Operation'].map(boolean_dictionary)

    # create groups for operations
    top_v_base = project_data['components'].groupby(['Operation'])

    # group crane data by boom system and crane name to get distinct cranes
    crane_grouped = project_data['crane_specs'].groupby(['Equipment name', 'Crane name', 'Boom system', 'Crane capacity tonne'])

    crane_poly = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Equipment name', 'Crane name', 'Boom system', 'Crane capacity tonne', 'Crane poly'])
    for name, crane in crane_grouped:
        crane = crane.reset_index(drop=True)
        x = crane['Max capacity tonne']
        y = crane['Hub height m']
        wind_speed = min(crane['Max wind speed m per s'])
        hoist_speed = min(crane['Hoist speed m per min'])
        travel_speed = min(crane['Speed of travel km per hr'])
        setup_time = max(crane['Setup time hr'])
        crew_type = crane['Crew type ID'][0]  #todo: fix this so it's not a hack... need to rethink data structure - right now just picking first crew type - this is correct because same for all crane/boom combinations but we should come up with a better way to do it
        polygon = Polygon([(0, 0), (0, max(y)), (min(x), max(y)), (max(x), min(y)), (max(x), 0)])
        df = pd.DataFrame([[name[0],
                            columns=['Equipment name', 'Crane name', 'Boom system', 'Crane capacity tonne',
                                     'Max wind speed m per s', 'Setup time hr',
                                     'Hoist speed m per min', 'Speed of travel km per hr',
                                     'Crew type ID', 'Crane poly'])
        crane_poly = crane_poly.append(df, sort=True)

    # loop through operation type (topping vs. base)
    rownew = pd.Series()
    component_max_speed = pd.DataFrame()
    crane_poly_new = crane_poly
    for name_operation, component_group in top_v_base:
        # calculate polygon for crane capacity and check if component can be lifted by each crane without wind loading
        for idx, crane in crane_poly.iterrows():
            polygon = crane['Crane poly']

            for component in component_group['Component']:
                # get weight and height of component in each component group
                component_only = component_group.where(component_group['Component'] == component).dropna(thresh=1)
                point = Point(component_only['Mass tonne'], component_only['Lift height m'])
                crane['Lift boolean {component}'.format(component=component)] = polygon.contains(point)

            rownew = rownew.append(crane)

            bool_list = list()
            for component in component_group['Component']:
                if crane['Lift boolean {component}'.format(component=component)] is False:
                    crane_bool = False
                    crane_bool = True

            # calculate max permissible wind speed
            # equation for calculating permissible wind speed:
            # vmax = max_TAB * sqrt(1.2 * mh / aw), where
            # mh = hoist load
            # aw = area exposed to wind = surface area * coeff drag
            # 1.2 = constant in m^2 / t
            # vmax_tab = maximum load speed per load chart
            # source: pg. 33 of Liebherr

            mh = component_group['Mass tonne']
            aw = component_group['Surface area sq m'] * component_group['Coeff drag']
            vmax_tab = crane['Max wind speed m per s']
            vmax_calc = vmax_tab * sqrt(1.2 * mh / aw)

            # if vmax_calc is less than vmax_tab then vmax_calc, otherwise vmax_tab (based on pg. 33 of Liebherr)
            # todo: check vmax - should it be set to calculated value rather than vmax_tab if greater?
            component_group_new = pd.DataFrame(component_group,
                                               columns=list(component_group.columns.values) + ['vmax',
                                                                                               'Crane name',
                                                                                               'Boom system',
            component_group_new['vmax'] = list((min(vmax_tab, x) for x in vmax_calc))
            component_group_new['Crane name'] = crane['Crane name']
            component_group_new['Boom system'] = crane['Boom system']
            component_group_new['crane_bool'] = bool_list

            component_max_speed = component_max_speed.append(component_group_new, sort=True)

        crane_poly_new['Crane bool {operation}'.format(operation=name_operation)] = min(bool_list)

    crane_poly = crane_poly_new

    # join crane polygon to crane specs
    crane_component = pd.merge(crane_poly, component_max_speed, on=['Crane name', 'Boom system'])

    # select only cranes that could lift the component
    possible_cranes = crane_component.where(crane_component['crane_bool'] == True).dropna(thresh=1).reset_index(drop=True)

    # calculate travel time per cycle
    turbine_spacing = float(project['Turbine spacing (times rotor diameter)'] * project['Rotor diameter m'] * km_per_m)
    turbine_num = float(project['Number of turbines'])
    possible_cranes['Travel time hr'] = turbine_spacing / possible_cranes['Speed of travel km per hr'] * turbine_num

    # calculate erection time
    possible_cranes['Operation time hr'] = ((possible_cranes['Lift height m'] / possible_cranes['Hoist speed m per min'] * hr_per_min)
                                            + (possible_cranes['Cycle time installation hrs'])
                                            ) * turbine_num

    # store setup time
    possible_cranes['Setup time hr'] = possible_cranes['Setup time hr'] * turbine_num

    erection_time = possible_cranes.groupby(['Crane name', 'Equipment name', 'Crane capacity tonne', 'Crew type ID',
                                             'Boom system', 'Operation'])['Operation time hr'].sum()
    travel_time = possible_cranes.groupby(['Crane name', 'Equipment name', 'Crane capacity tonne', 'Crew type ID',
                                           'Boom system', 'Operation'])['Travel time hr'].max()
    setup_time = possible_cranes.groupby(['Crane name', 'Equipment name', 'Crane capacity tonne', 'Crew type ID',
                                          'Boom system', 'Operation'])['Setup time hr'].max()
    rental_time_without_weather = erection_time + travel_time + setup_time

    operation_time = rental_time_without_weather.reset_index()
    operation_time = operation_time.rename(columns={0: 'Operation time all turbines hrs'})
    operation_time['Operational construct days'] = (operation_time['Operation time all turbines hrs'] /

    # if more than one crew needed to complete within construction duration then assume that all construction happens
    # within that window and use that time frame for weather delays; if not, use the number of days calculated
    operation_time['time_construct_bool'] = (operation_time['Operational construct days'] >
                                             erection_construction_time * 30)
    boolean_dictionary = {True: erection_construction_time * 30, False: np.NAN}
    operation_time['time_construct_bool'] = operation_time['time_construct_bool'].map(boolean_dictionary)
    operation_time['Time construct days'] = operation_time[['time_construct_bool', 'Operational construct days']].min(axis=1)

    #print(possible_cranes[['Crane name', 'Component', 'Operation time hr', 'Operation']])
    for operation, component_group in top_v_base:
        unique_component_crane = possible_cranes.loc[possible_cranes['Operation'] == operation]['Component'].unique()
        for component in component_group['Component']:
            if component not in unique_component_crane:
                error = 1
                sys.exit('Error: Unable to find installation crane for {} operation and {} component'.format(operation, component))
                error = 0
        if error == 0:
            print('Crane(s) found for all components for {} installation'.format(operation))

    return possible_cranes, operation_time, error
def get_eccentricity_and_orientation(contour_x, contour_y):
      [eccentricity, orientation] = seg_worm.feature_helpers.posture.getEccentricity(xOutline, yOutline, gridSize)
      Given x and y coordinates of the outline of a region of interest, fill
      the outline with a grid of evenly spaced points and use these points in
      a center of mass calculation to calculate the eccentricity and
      orientation of the equivalent ellipse.
      Placing points in the contour is a well known computer science problem
      known as the Point-in-Polygon problem.

      This function became a lot more complicated in an attempt to make it 
      go much faster. The complication comes from the simplication that can
      be made when the worm doesn't bend back on itself at all.
      OldName: getEccentricity.m
      xOutline : [96 x num_frames] The x coordinates of the contour. In particular the contour
                  starts at the head and goes to the tail and then back to
                  the head (although no points are redundant)
      yOutline : [96 x num_frames]  The y coordinates of the contour "  "
      N_ECCENTRICITY (a constant from
                 (scalar) The # of points to place in the long dimension. More points
                 gives a more accurate estimate of the ellipse but increases
                 the calculation time.
      Outputs: a namedtuple containing:
      eccentricity - [1 x num_frames] The eccentricity of the equivalent ellipse
      orientation  - [1 x num_frames] The orientation angle of the equivalent ellipse
      Nature Methods Description
      The eccentricity of the worm’s posture is measured using
      the eccentricity of an equivalent ellipse to the worm’s filled contour.
      The orientation of the major axis for the equivalent ellipse is used in
      computing the amplitude, wavelength, and track length (described
      The code below is finished although I want to break it up into smaller
      functions. I also need to submit a bug report for the inpoly FEX code.

  Translation of: SegwormMatlabClasses / 
  +seg_worm / +feature_helpers / +posture / getEccentricity.m
  t_obj = time.time()
  N_GRID_POINTS = 50 #TODO: Get from config ...
  x_range_all       = np.ptp(contour_x,axis=0)
  y_range_all       = np.ptp(contour_y,axis=0)
  x_mc = contour_x - np.mean(contour_x,axis=0) #mc - mean centered
  y_mc = contour_y - np.mean(contour_y,axis=0)  
  grid_aspect_ratio = x_range_all/y_range_all
  #run_mask = np.logical_not(np.isnan(grid_aspect_ratio))

  n_frames = len(x_range_all)
  eccentricity    = np.empty(n_frames)
  eccentricity[:] = np.NAN
  orientation     = np.empty(n_frames)
  orientation[:]  = np.NAN
  for iFrame in range(n_frames):
    cur_aspect_ratio = grid_aspect_ratio[iFrame]

    if not np.isnan(cur_aspect_ratio):
      cur_cx = x_mc[:,iFrame]
      cur_cy = y_mc[:,iFrame]
      poly = Polygon(zip(cur_cx,cur_cy))     
      if cur_aspect_ratio > 1:
        #x size is larger so scale down the number of grid points in the y direction
        n1 = N_GRID_POINTS
        n2 = np.round(N_GRID_POINTS / cur_aspect_ratio)
        #y size is larger so scale down the number of grid points in the x direction        
        n1 = np.round(N_GRID_POINTS * cur_aspect_ratio)
        n2 = N_GRID_POINTS
      wtf1 = np.linspace(np.min(x_mc[:,iFrame]), np.max(x_mc[:,iFrame]), num=n1);
      wtf2 = np.linspace(np.min(y_mc[:,iFrame]), np.max(y_mc[:,iFrame]), num=n2);    
      m,n = np.meshgrid( wtf1 , wtf2 );

      n_points = m.size
      m_lin    = m.reshape(n_points)
      n_lin    = n.reshape(n_points)  
      in_worm  = np.zeros(n_points,dtype=np.bool)
      for i in range(n_points):
        p = Point(m_lin[i],n_lin[i])
#        try:
        in_worm[i] = poly.contains(p)
#        except ValueError:
#          import pdb
#          pdb.set_trace()
        x = m_lin[in_worm]
        y = n_lin[in_worm]
        TODO: Finish this
        hold on
        hold off
        axis equal
      #First eccentricity value should be: 0.9743

      N = float(len(x))
      # Calculate normalized second central moments for the region.
      uxx = np.sum(x*x)/N
      uyy = np.sum(y*y)/N
      uxy = np.sum(x*y)/N
      # Calculate major axis length, minor axis length, and eccentricity.
      common               = np.sqrt((uxx - uyy)**2 + 4*(uxy**2))
      majorAxisLength      = 2*np.sqrt(2)*np.sqrt(uxx + uyy + common)
      minorAxisLength      = 2*np.sqrt(2)*np.sqrt(uxx + uyy - common)
      eccentricity[iFrame] = 2*np.sqrt((majorAxisLength/2)**2 - (minorAxisLength/2)**2) / majorAxisLength
      # Calculate orientation.
      if (uyy > uxx):
        num = uyy - uxx + np.sqrt((uyy - uxx)**2 + 4*uxy**2)
        den = 2*uxy
        num = 2*uxy
        den = uxx - uyy + np.sqrt((uxx - uyy)**2 + 4*uxy**2)
      orientation[iFrame] = (180/np.pi) * np.arctan(num/den)

    #[eccentricity(iFrame),orientation(iFrame)] = h__calculateSingleValues(x,y);  
  elapsed_time = time.time() - t_obj
  print('Elapsed time in seconds for eccentricity: %d' % elapsed_time)
  return (eccentricity,orientation)