예제 #1
def find_closest_edge(polygons, edges, to_attr='index', column='nearest'):
    """Find closest edge for centroid of polygons.
        polygons: a pandas DataFrame with geometry column of Polygons
        edges: a pandas DataFrame with geometry column of LineStrings
        to_attr: a column name in DataFrame edges (default: index)
        column: a column name to be added/overwrite in DataFrame polygons with
                the value of column to_attr from the nearest edge in edges
        a list of LineStrings connecting polygons' centroids with the nearest 
        point in in edges. Side effect: polygons recieves new column with the 
        attribute value of nearest edge. Warning: if column exists, it is 

    connecting_lines = []
    nearest_indices = []
    centroids = [b.centroid for b in polygons['geometry']]

    for centroid in centroids:
        nearest_edge, _, nearest_index = shapelytools.closest_object(
            edges['geometry'], centroid)
        nearest_point = shapelytools.project_point_to_object(
            centroid, nearest_edge)

            LineString(tuple(centroid.coords) + tuple(nearest_point.coords)))


    polygons[column] = pd.Series(nearest_indices, index=polygons.index)

    return pd.DataFrame({'geometry': connecting_lines})
예제 #2
def find_closest_edge(polygons, edges, to_attr='index', column='nearest'):
    """Find closest edge for centroid of polygons.
        polygons: a pandas DataFrame with geometry column of Polygons
        edges: a pandas DataFrame with geometry column of LineStrings
        to_attr: a column name in DataFrame edges (default: index)
        column: a column name to be added/overwrite in DataFrame polygons with
                the value of column to_attr from the nearest edge in edges
        a list of LineStrings connecting polygons' centroids with the nearest 
        point in in edges. Side effect: polygons recieves new column with the 
        attribute value of nearest edge. Warning: if column exists, it is 
    connecting_lines = []
    nearest_indices = []
    centroids = [b.centroid for b in polygons['geometry']]
    for centroid in centroids:
        nearest_edge, _, nearest_index = shapelytools.closest_object(
                                         edges['geometry'], centroid)
        nearest_point = shapelytools.project_point_to_object(centroid, nearest_edge)
        connecting_lines.append(LineString(tuple(centroid.coords) + 
    polygons[column] = pd.Series(nearest_indices, index=polygons.index)
    return pd.DataFrame({'geometry': connecting_lines})
예제 #3
파일: KMM.py 프로젝트: jawwada/KMM

cl = streets[streets["Edge ID"].isin(closest)]

small_nw = {key: nw.network_dict[key] for key in cl["Edge ID"]}

closest_nw = dict()

for i in range(len(gps_p.points_list[1:gps_points])):
    closest_nw[i] = tuple(reversed(min((gps_p.points_list[i].distance(geom), k) for k, geom in small_nw.iteritems())))

point_edge_dict = {k: v[0] for k, v in closest_nw.iteritems()}

print point_edge_dict

nearest_points = [st.project_point_to_object(gps_p.points_list[p], small_nw[e]) for p, e in point_edge_dict.iteritems()]

long_proj = [x.coords.xy[0][0] for x in nearest_points]
lat_proj = [x.coords.xy[1][0] for x in nearest_points]
proj = pyproj.Proj("+proj=utm +zone=10T, +north +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m")
xx, yy = proj(long_proj, lat_proj, inverse=True)

# project_point_to_object(point, geometry)
# closest_object(geometries, point):
for index, i in cl.iterrows():
    plt.plot(i["Long"], i["Lat"])

plt.plot(xx, yy, "ro")
    gps.ix[1:gps_points, "Longitude"] + np.random.normal(0, 0.0001, gps_points),