def main(): options,args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if len(args) < 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(45) run=args[0] c = shapesim.read_config(run) run = c['run'] sim_config = c['sim_config'] mcmc_config = c['mcmc_config'] s2n_vals = c['s2n_vals'] ns2n = len(s2n_vals) d = shapesim.get_wq_dir(run, bytrial=True, fs='local') if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d) d = shapesim.get_output_dir(run, sub='bytrial') if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d) groups='' if options.groups is not None: groups = 'group: [%s]' % options.groups smax=numpy.iinfo('i8').max for is2n in xrange(ns2n): s2n = s2n_vals[is2n] npair, nsplit = get_npair_nsplit(c, is2n) for isplit in xrange(nsplit): job_name='%s-%03i-%03i' % (run,is2n,isplit) # note the wq logs are local wqurl = shapesim.get_wq_url(run,0,is2n,itrial=isplit,fs='local') output = shapesim.get_output_url(run, 0, is2n, itrial=isplit) seed = numpy.random.randint(smax) wlog("writing wq script:",wqurl) with open(wqurl,'w') as fobj: d={'job_name':job_name, 'version':options.version, 'groups':groups, 'pri':options.priority, 'sim_config':sim_config, 'mcmc_config':mcmc_config, 's2n':s2n, 'npair':npair, 'seed':seed, 'output':output} wqscript=_wqtemplate % d fobj.write(wqscript)
def main(): options,args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if len(args) < 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(45) run=args[0] c = shapesim.read_config(run) cs = shapesim.read_config(c['sim']) if group is not None: group = 'group: ['+group+']' else: group='' mode='' if options.bynode: mode='mode: bynode' extra='' if options.extra is not None: extra='\n'.join( options.extra.split(';') ) wqd = shapesim.get_wq_dir(run, combine=True) if not os.path.exists(wqd): os.makedirs(wqd) if run[0:8] == 'gmix-fit': rstr=run.replace('gmix-fit','gmix') else: rstr=run n1 = cs['nums2'] runtype = c['runtype'] if runtype == 'byellip': n2 = cs['nume'] else: n2 = shapesim.get_nums2n(c) for i1 in xrange(n1): for i2 in xrange(n2): job_name='%s-combine-%03i-%03i' % (rstr,i1,i2) wqurl = shapesim.get_wq_url(run,i1,i2,combine=True) wlog("writing wq script:",wqurl) with open(wqurl,'w') as fobj: wqscript=_wqtemplate % {'job_name':job_name, 'run':run, 'i1':i1, 'i2':i2, 'group':group, 'mode':mode, 'extra':extra, 'pri':options.priority} fobj.write(wqscript)
def main(): options,args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if len(args) < 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(45) run=args[0] c = shapesim.read_config(run) cs = shapesim.read_config(c['sim']) if options.bytrial: if 'stack-' in run: ntrial=c['nsplit'] else: orient=cs.get('orient','rand') if orient == 'ring': ntrial = cs['nsplit'] else: ntrial = cs['ntrial'] wqd = shapesim.get_wq_dir(run, bytrial=options.bytrial) if not os.path.exists(wqd): os.makedirs(wqd) extra='' if options.bynode: extra='mode: bynode\nN: 1' elif options.ncores is not None: ncores=int(options.ncores) extra='mode: bycore1\nN: %d' % ncores if run[0:8] == 'gmix-fit': rstr=run.replace('gmix-fit','gmix') else: rstr=run n1 = shapesim.get_numT(cs) runtype = c['runtype'] if runtype == 'byellip': n2 = cs['nume'] else: n2 = shapesim.get_nums2n(c) for i1 in xrange(n1): for i2 in xrange(n2): groups='' if options.i2new is not None and i2 <= int(options.i2new): groups='group: [new,new2]' elif options.i2new1 is not None and i2 <= int(options.i2new1): groups='group: [new]' elif options.i2new2 is not None and i2 <= int(options.i2new2): groups='group: [new2]' elif options.groups is not None: groups = 'group: [%s]' % options.groups if options.bytrial: for itrial in xrange(ntrial): job_name='%s-%03i-%03i-%02i' % (rstr,i1,i2,itrial) wqurl = shapesim.get_wq_url(run,i1,i2,itrial=itrial) wlog("writing wq script:",wqurl) with open(wqurl,'w') as fobj: d={'job_name':job_name, 'run':run, 'i1':i1, 'i2':i2, 'itrial':itrial, 'groups':groups, 'extra':extra, 'pri':options.priority} wqscript=_wqtemplate_bytrial % d fobj.write(wqscript) else: job_name='%s-%03i-%03i' % (rstr,i1,i2) wqurl = shapesim.get_wq_url(run,i1,i2) wlog("writing wq script:",wqurl) with open(wqurl,'w') as fobj: wqscript=_wqtemplate % {'job_name':job_name, 'run':run, 'i1':i1, 'i2':i2, 'groups':groups, 'extra':extra, 'pri':options.priority} fobj.write(wqscript)