예제 #1
    def fromrgb(rgb):
        """ http://www.rapidtables.com/convert/color/rgb-to-hsv.htm """
        R = rgb[0] / 255  # norm to [0,1]
        G = rgb[1] / 255  # norm to [0,1]
        B = rgb[2] / 255  # norm to [0,1]

        Imax = max_index(R, G, B)
        Cmax = max(R, G, B)
        Cmin = min(R, G, B)
        delta = Cmax - Cmin

        if delta == 0:
            H = 0
            H = {
                0: 60 * ((G - B) / delta % 6),  # Max R
                1: 60 * ((B - R) / delta + 2),  # Max G
                2: 60 * ((R - G) / delta + 4),  # Max B

        V = Cmax

        S = {True: 0, False: delta / Cmax if Cmax != 0 else 1}[Cmax == 0]

        return [round(H), round(S * 100), round(V * 100)]
예제 #2
    def fromrgb(rgb):
        """ http://www.rapidtables.com/convert/color/rgb-to-hsl.htm """
        R = rgb[0] / 255  # norm to [0,1]
        G = rgb[1] / 255  # norm to [0,1]
        B = rgb[2] / 255  # norm to [0,1]

        Imax = max_index(R, G, B)
        Cmax = max(R, G, B)
        Cmin = min(R, G, B)
        delta = Cmax - Cmin

        if delta == 0:
            H = 0
            H = {
                0: 60 * ((G - B) / delta % 6),  # Max R
                1: 60 * ((B - R) / delta + 2),  # Max G
                2: 60 * ((R - G) / delta + 4),  # Max B

        L = (Cmax + Cmin) / 2
        S = {True: 0, False: delta / (1 - abs(2 * L - 1)) if L != 1 and L != 0 else delta}[delta == 0]

        return [round(H), round(S * 100), round(L * 100)]
예제 #3
    def circle(self, force=False):
        # To calculate the circle based on the vectorial space of RGB. 
        # TODO: Add reference to paper about this
        if self._circle is not None and not force:
            return self._circle

        base = ''
        # copy of the rgb
        rgb = self()
        # create a dict to contain all the colors in the circle
        circle = { k : [ 0 for i in range(3) ] for k in [ a + str(b) for b in (1,2) for a in _rgb_str ] + list(_cmy_str) }
        # normalize the rgb values from 0 - 255, to 0 - 1
        percents = [ i/255 for i in rgb ]

        # The first thing, is to verify, which type of color is this
        # get the index of the dominant color
        dominant = vector.max_index(rgb)

        # REDS
        if dominant == 0: # Meaning this color is primarily red
            # YELLOW
            # If the green component is within the range 10% of the red,
            # from the left is a yellow
            if _in_range( percents[1], percents[0]-0.1, percents[0] ):
                base = 'Y'
            # MAGENTA
            # If the blue component is within the range 10% of the red,
            # from the left is a magenta
            elif _in_range( percents[2], percents[0]-0.1, percents[0] ):
                base = 'M'
            # RED
                base = 'R'

        # GREENS
        elif dominant == 1: # Meaning this color is primarily green
            # YELLOW
            # If the red component is within the range 10% of the green,
            # from the left is a yellow
            if _in_range( percents[0], percents[1]-0.1, percents[1] ):
                base = 'Y'

            # CYAN
            # If the blue component is within the range 10% of the green,
            # from the left is a cyan
            elif _in_range( percents[2], percents[1]-0.1, percents[1] ):
                base = 'C'

            # GREEN
                base = 'G'

        # BLUES
        elif dominant == 2: # Meaning this color is primarily blue
            # MAGENTA
            # If th red component is within the range 10% of the blue,
            # from the left is a magenta
            if _in_range( percents[0], percents[2]-0.1, percents[2] ):
                base = 'M'

            # CYAN
            # If the green component is within the range 10% of the blue,
            # from the left is a cyan
            elif _in_range( percents[1], percents[2]-0.1, percents[2] ):
                base = 'C'

                base = 'B'

        self._identity = base

        if base in _rgb_str:
            if base == 'R':
                val = _add_color( 'R', circle, rgb )

                green = _rotate_color('R', 'G', rgb)
                _add_color( 'G', circle, green )

                blue = _rotate_color('R', 'B', rgb)
                _add_color( 'B', circle, blue )
            elif base == 'G':
                val = _add_color( 'G', circle, rgb )

                red = _rotate_color('G', 'R', rgb)
                _add_color( 'R', circle, red )

                blue = _rotate_color('G', 'B', rgb)
                _add_color( 'B', circle, blue )
            elif base =='B':
                val = _add_color( 'B', circle, rgb )

                green = _rotate_color('B', 'G', rgb)
                _add_color( 'G', circle, green )

                red = _rotate_color('B', 'R', rgb)
                _add_color( 'R', circle, red )

            self._identity += str(val)

            yellow = _get_color('Y', circle, val)
            _add_color( 'Y', circle, yellow )

            cyan = _get_color('C', circle, val)
            _add_color( 'C', circle, cyan )

            magenta = _get_color('M', circle, val)
            _add_color( 'M', circle, magenta )

        elif base in _cmy_str:
            if base == 'C':
                _add_color( 'C', circle, rgb )

                yellow = _rotate_color('C', 'Y', rgb)
                _add_color( 'Y', circle, yellow )

                magenta = _rotate_color('C', 'M', rgb)
                _add_color( 'M', circle, magenta )
            elif base == 'Y':
                _add_color( 'Y', circle, rgb )

                cyan = _rotate_color('Y', 'C', rgb)
                _add_color( 'C', circle, cyan )

                magenta = _rotate_color('Y', 'M', rgb)
                _add_color( 'M', circle, magenta )
            elif base == 'M':
                _add_color( 'M', circle, rgb )

                cyan = _rotate_color('M', 'C', rgb)
                _add_color( 'C', circle, cyan )

                yellow = _rotate_color('M', 'Y', rgb)
                _add_color( 'Y', circle, yellow )

            red = _get_color('R', circle)
            _add_color( 'R', circle, red )

            green = _get_color('G', circle)
            _add_color( 'G', circle, green )

            blue = _get_color('B', circle)
            _add_color( 'B', circle, blue )

        result = []
        if circle['G1'] != circle['G2']:
        if circle['B1'] != circle['B2']:
        if circle['R1'] != circle['R2']:

        self._circle = result
        return result