예제 #1
def main(client_id, user_arguments_dict):
    """Main function used by front end"""

    (configuration, logger, output_objects, op_name) = \
        initialize_main_variables(client_id, op_header=False)
    defaults = signature()[1]
    title_entry = find_entry(output_objects, 'title')
    label = "%s" % configuration.site_vgrid_label
    title_entry['text'] = "Remove %s Owner" % label
    output_objects.append({'object_type': 'header', 'text':
                           'Remove %s Owner' % label})
    (validate_status, accepted) = validate_input_and_cert(
    if not validate_status:
        return (accepted, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    vgrid_name = accepted['vgrid_name'][-1]
    flags = ''.join(accepted['flags'])
    cert_id = accepted['cert_id'][-1]
    cert_dir = client_id_dir(cert_id)
    # inherited vgrid membership
    inherit_vgrid_member = False

    if not safe_handler(configuration, 'post', op_name, client_id,
                        get_csrf_limit(configuration), accepted):
            {'object_type': 'error_text', 'text': '''Only accepting
CSRF-filtered POST requests to prevent unintended updates'''
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    # always allow owner to remove self
    if client_id != cert_id:

        user_map = get_full_user_map(configuration)
        user_dict = user_map.get(client_id, None)
        # Optional site-wide limitation of manage vgrid permission
        if not user_dict or \
                not vgrid_manage_allowed(configuration, user_dict):
            logger.warning("user %s is not allowed to manage vgrids!" %
                {'object_type': 'error_text', 'text':
                 'Only privileged users can manage %ss' % label})
            return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

        # make sure vgrid settings allow this owner to edit other owners
        (allow_status, allow_msg) = allow_owners_adm(configuration, vgrid_name,
        if not allow_status:
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text':
            return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    # Validity of user and vgrid names is checked in this init function so
    # no need to worry about illegal directory traversal through variables

    (ret_val, msg, _) = \
        init_vgrid_script_add_rem(vgrid_name, client_id, cert_id,
                                  'owner', configuration)
    if not ret_val:
        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text': msg})
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    # don't remove if not already an owner

    if not vgrid_is_owner(vgrid_name, cert_id, configuration):
        logger.warning('%s is not allowed to remove owner %s from %s' %
                       (client_id, cert_id, vgrid_name))
        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text':
                               '%s is not an owner of %s or a parent %s.' %
                               (cert_id, vgrid_name, label)})
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    # we need the local owners file to detect inherited ownerships

    (owners_status, owners_direct) = vgrid_owners(vgrid_name, configuration,
    (all_status, owners) = vgrid_owners(vgrid_name, configuration, True)
    if not owners_status or not all_status:
        logger.error('Error loading owners for %s: %s / %s'
                     % (vgrid_name, owners_direct, owners))
            {'object_type': 'error_text', 'text':
             'An internal error occurred, error conditions have been logged.'})
        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'text', 'text': '''
         You can help us fix the problem by notifying the administrators
         via mail about what you wanted to do when the error happened.'''})
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    logger.info('%s removing owner %s from %s' % (client_id, cert_id,

    # find out whether to just remove an owner or delete the whole thing.
    # ask about delete if last or no direct owners.

    if len(owners_direct) > 1:

        logger.debug('Removing %s, one of several owners, from %s.' %
                     (cert_id, vgrid_name))

        if not (cert_id in owners_direct):

            # the owner owns an upper vgrid, ownership is inherited
            # cannot remove, not last (inherited) owner

            logger.warning('Cannot delete: Inherited ownership.' +
                           '\n Owners: %s,\n Direct owners: %s.'
                           % (owners, owners_direct))
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text':
                                   '''%s is owner of a parent %s. 
Owner removal has to be performed at the topmost vgrid''' %
                                   (cert_id, label)})
            return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)


            # Remove any tracker admin rights

            if configuration.trac_admin_path:
                public_tracker_dir = \
                        configuration.vgrid_public_base, vgrid_name,
                private_tracker_dir = \
                        configuration.vgrid_private_base, vgrid_name,
                vgrid_tracker_dir = \
                        configuration.vgrid_files_home, vgrid_name,
                for tracker_dir in [public_tracker_dir, private_tracker_dir,
                    if not rm_tracker_admin(configuration, cert_id,
                                            vgrid_name, tracker_dir,
                        return (output_objects, returnvalues.SYSTEM_ERROR)

            user_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(configuration.user_home,
                                                    cert_dir)) + os.sep

            # Do not touch vgrid share if still a member of a parent vgrid

            if vgrid_is_member(vgrid_name, cert_id, configuration):
                # list is in top-down order
                parent_vgrids = vgrid_list_parents(vgrid_name, configuration)
                inherit_vgrid_member = vgrid_name
                for parent in parent_vgrids:
                    if vgrid_is_member(parent, cert_id, configuration,
                        inherit_vgrid_member = parent
                    {'object_type': 'text', 'text':
                     '''NOTE: %s is still a member of parent %s %s.
Preserving access to corresponding %s.''' % (cert_id, label,
                                             inherit_vgrid_member, label)})
                (success, msg) = unlink_share(user_dir, vgrid_name)
                if not success:
                    logger.error('Could not remove share link: %s.' % msg)
                    output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text':
                                           'Could not remove share links: %s.'
                                           % msg})
                    return (output_objects, returnvalues.SYSTEM_ERROR)

            # unlink shared web folders

            (success, msg) = unlink_web_folders(user_dir, vgrid_name)
            if not success:
                logger.error('Could not remove web links: %s.' % msg)
                output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text':
                                       'Could not remove web links: %s.'
                                       % msg})
                return (output_objects, returnvalues.SYSTEM_ERROR)

            # remove user from saved owners list
            (rm_status, rm_msg) = vgrid_remove_owners(configuration, vgrid_name,
            if not rm_status:
                output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text':
                                       '%s of owners of %s'
                                       % (rm_msg, vgrid_name)})
                return (output_objects, returnvalues.SYSTEM_ERROR)

            # Any parent vgrid membership is left untouched here as we only
            # force a normal refresh in unmap_inheritance
            unmap_inheritance(configuration, vgrid_name, cert_id)

            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'text', 'text':
                                   '%s successfully removed as owner of %s!'
                                   % (cert_id, vgrid_name)})
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'link', 'destination':
                                   'adminvgrid.py?vgrid_name=%s' % vgrid_name, 'text':
                                   'Back to administration for %s' % vgrid_name})
            return (output_objects, returnvalues.OK)


        # no more direct owners - we try to remove this VGrid

        logger.debug('Leave %s from %s with no more direct owners: delete' %
                     (vgrid_name, cert_id))

        if not force(flags):
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'text', 'text': '''
No more direct owners of %s - leaving will result in the %s getting
deleted. Please use either of the links below to confirm or cancel.
''' % (vgrid_name, label)})
            # Reuse csrf token from this request
            target_op = 'rmvgridowner'
            js_name = target_op
            csrf_token = accepted[csrf_field][-1]
            helper = html_post_helper(js_name, '%s.py' % target_op,
                                      {'vgrid_name': vgrid_name,
                                       'cert_id': cert_id, 'flags': 'f',
                                       csrf_field: csrf_token})
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'html_form', 'text': helper})
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'link', 'destination':
                                   "javascript: %s();" % js_name, 'class':
                                   'removelink iconspace', 'text':
                                   'Really leave and delete %s' % vgrid_name})
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'text', 'text': ''})
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'link', 'destination':
                                   'adminvgrid.py?vgrid_name=%s' % vgrid_name,
                                   'text': 'Back to administration for %s'
                                   % vgrid_name})
            return (output_objects, returnvalues.OK)

        # check if any resources participate or sub-vgrids depend on this one

        (list_status, subs) = vgrid_list_subvgrids(vgrid_name, configuration)

        if not list_status:
            logger.error('Error loading sub-vgrid for %s: %s)' % (vgrid_name,
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text': '''
An internal error occurred, error conditions have been logged.'''})
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'text', 'text': '''
You can help us fix the problem by notifying the administrators
via mail about what you wanted to do when the error happened.'''})
            return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

        if len(subs) > 0:
            logger.debug('Cannot delete: still has sub-vgrids: %s' % subs)
                {'object_type': 'error_text', 'text':
                 '%s has one or more child %ss and cannot be deleted.' %
                 (vgrid_name, label)})
                {'object_type': 'text', 'text': '''To leave (and delete) %s
first remove all its children: %s.''' % (vgrid_name, ', '.join(subs))})
            return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

        # we consider the local members and resources here, not inherited ones

        (member_status, members_direct) = vgrid_members(vgrid_name,
        (resource_status, resources_direct) = vgrid_resources(vgrid_name,
        if not member_status or not resource_status:
            logger.warning('failed to load %s members or resources: %s %s'
                           % (vgrid_name, members_direct, resources_direct))
                {'object_type': 'error_text', 'text':
                 'could not load %s members or resources for %s.' %
                 (label, vgrid_name)})
            return (output_objects, returnvalues.SYSTEM_ERROR)
        if len(resources_direct) > 0:
            logger.debug('Cannot delete: still has direct resources %s.'
                         % resources_direct)
                {'object_type': 'error_text', 'text':
                 '%s still has resources and cannot be deleted.' % vgrid_name})
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'text', 'text': '''
To leave (and delete) %s, first remove the participating resources.'''
                                   % vgrid_name})

            return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

        if len(members_direct) > 0:

            logger.debug('Cannot delete: still has direct members %s.'
                         % members_direct)
                {'object_type': 'error_text', 'text':
                 '%s still has members and cannot be deleted.' % vgrid_name})
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'text', 'text': '''
To leave (and delete) %s, first remove all members.'''
                                   % vgrid_name})

            return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

        # Deleting write restricted VGrid is not allowed

        (load_status, saved_settings) = vgrid_settings(vgrid_name,
        if not load_status:
                {'object_type': 'error_text', 'text':
                 'failed to load saved %s settings' % vgrid_name})
            return (output_objects, returnvalues.SYSTEM_ERROR)

        if saved_settings.get('write_shared_files', keyword_members) != \
            logger.warning("%s can't delete vgrid %s - write limited!"
                           % (client_id, vgrid_name))
                {'object_type': 'error_text', 'text': """You can't delete
write-restricted %ss - first remove any write restrictions for shared files
on the admin page and then try again.""" % label})
            return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

        # When reaching here, OK to remove the VGrid.
        #   if top-level: unlink, remove all files and directories,
        #   in all cases: remove configuration entry for the VGrid
        #   unlink and move new-style vgrid sub dir to parent

        logger.info('Deleting %s and all related data as requested by %s' %
                    (vgrid_name, cert_id))

        if (cert_id in owners_direct):

            # owner owns this vgrid, direct ownership

            logger.debug('%s looks like a top-level vgrid.' % vgrid_name)
            logger.debug('Deleting all related files.')

            user_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(configuration.user_home,
                                                    cert_dir)) + os.sep
            (share_lnk, share_msg) = unlink_share(user_dir, vgrid_name)
            (web_lnk, web_msg) = unlink_web_folders(user_dir, vgrid_name)
            (files_act, files_msg) = abandon_vgrid_files(vgrid_name,

            # owner owns some parent vgrid - ownership is only inherited

            logger.debug('%s looks like a sub-vgrid, ownership inherited.' %
            logger.debug('Only removing entry, leaving files in place.')
            share_lnk, share_msg = True, ''
            web_lnk, web_msg = True, ''
            (files_act, files_msg) = inherit_vgrid_files(vgrid_name,

        (removed, entry_msg) = remove_vgrid_entry(vgrid_name, configuration)

        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'text', 'text':
                               '%s has been removed with last owner.'
                               % vgrid_name})

        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'link',
                               'destination': 'vgridman.py',
                               'text': 'Back to the overview.'})

        if not share_lnk or not web_lnk or not files_act or not removed:
            err = '\n'.join([share_msg, web_msg, files_msg, entry_msg])
            logger.error('Errors while removing %s:\n%s.' % (vgrid_name, err))

            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text': '''
An internal error occurred, error conditions have been logged.'''})
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'text', 'text': '''
You can help us fix the problem by notifying the administrators
via mail about what you wanted to do when the error happened.'''})
            return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)


            # Remove vgrid from vgrid cache (after deleting all)
            unmap_vgrid(configuration, vgrid_name)
            return (output_objects, returnvalues.OK)
예제 #2
            '%s of member of %s' % (rm_msg, vgrid_name)
            'object_type': 'error_text',
            'text': '''(If %(vgrid_label)s %(vgrid_name)s has
sub-%(vgrid_label)ss then removal must be performed from the most significant
%(vgrid_label)s possible.)''' % {
                'vgrid_name': vgrid_name,
                'vgrid_label': label
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.SYSTEM_ERROR)

    unmap_inheritance(configuration, vgrid_name, cert_id)

        '%s successfully removed as member of %s %s!' %
        (cert_id, vgrid_name, label)
        'object_type': 'link',
        'destination': 'adminvgrid.py?vgrid_name=%s' % vgrid_name,
        'text': 'Back to administration for %s' % vgrid_name
    return (output_objects, returnvalues.OK)
예제 #3

    # remove from list

    (rm_status, rm_msg) = vgrid_remove_members(configuration, vgrid_name,
    if not rm_status:
        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text'
                              : '%s of member of %s' % (rm_msg,
        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text':
                               '''(If %(_label)s %(vgrid_name)s has
sub-%(_label)ss then removal must be performed from the most significant
%(_label)s possible.)''' % {'vgrid_name': vgrid_name,
                            '_label': configuration.site_vgrid_label}
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.SYSTEM_ERROR)

    unmap_inheritance(configuration, vgrid_name, cert_id)
    output_objects.append({'object_type': 'text', 'text'
                          : '%s successfully removed as member of %s %s!'
                           % (cert_id, vgrid_name,
    output_objects.append({'object_type': 'link', 'destination':
                           'adminvgrid.py?vgrid_name=%s' % vgrid_name, 'text':
                           'Back to administration for %s' % vgrid_name})
    return (output_objects, returnvalues.OK)

예제 #4
def main(client_id, user_arguments_dict):
    """Main function used by front end"""

    (configuration, logger, output_objects, op_name) = \
        initialize_main_variables(client_id, op_header=False)
    defaults = signature()[1]
    (validate_status, accepted) = validate_input_and_cert(
    if not validate_status:
        return (accepted, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    if not correct_handler('POST'):
            {'object_type': 'error_text', 'text'
             : 'Only accepting POST requests to prevent unintended updates'})
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    vgrid_name = accepted['vgrid_name'][-1]
    flags = ''.join(accepted['flags'])
    cert_id = accepted['cert_id'][-1]
    cert_dir = client_id_dir(cert_id)
    # inherited vgrid membership
    inherit_vgrid_member = False

    title_entry = find_entry(output_objects, 'title')
    title_entry['text'] = 'Remove %s' % configuration.site_vgrid_label
    output_objects.append({'object_type': 'header', 'text'
                          : 'Remove %s Owner' % \

    # Validity of user and vgrid names is checked in this init function so
    # no need to worry about illegal directory traversal through variables

    (ret_val, msg, _) = \
        init_vgrid_script_add_rem(vgrid_name, client_id, cert_id,
                                  'owner', configuration)
    if not ret_val:
        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text'
                              : msg})
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    # don't remove if not already an owner

    if not vgrid_is_owner(vgrid_name, cert_id, configuration):
        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text'
                              : '%s is not an owner of %s or a parent %s.'
                               % (cert_id, vgrid_name,
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    # we need the local owners file to detect inherited ownerships

    (status, owners_direct) = vgrid_owners(vgrid_name, configuration, False)
    (all_status, owners) = vgrid_owners(vgrid_name, configuration, True)
    if not status or not all_status:
        logger.error('Error loading owners for %s: %s / %s'
                     % (vgrid_name, owners_direct, owners))
        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text'
         : 'An internal error occurred, error conditions have been logged.'})
        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'text', 'text'
         : '''
         You can help us fix the problem by notifying the administrators
         via mail about what you wanted to do when the error happened.'''})
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    # find out whether to just remove an owner or delete the whole thing.
    # ask about delete if last or no direct owners.

    if len(owners_direct) > 1:
        logger.debug('Removing %s, one of several owners, from %s.' % 
                     (cert_id, vgrid_name))

        if not (cert_id in owners_direct):

            # the owner owns an upper vgrid, ownership is inherited
            # cannot remove, not last (inherited) owner

            logger.debug('Cannot delete: Inherited ownership.' + 
                         '\n Owners: %s,\n Direct owners: %s.' 
                         % (owners, owners_direct))
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text'
                                   : '''%s is owner of a parent %s. 
Owner removal has to be performed at the topmost vgrid''' % \
                                   (cert_id, configuration.site_vgrid_label)})
            return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)


            # Remove any tracker admin rights
            if configuration.trac_admin_path:
                public_tracker_dir = \
                    configuration.vgrid_public_base, vgrid_name,
                private_tracker_dir = \
                    configuration.vgrid_private_base, vgrid_name,
                vgrid_tracker_dir = \
                    configuration.vgrid_files_home, vgrid_name,
                for tracker_dir in [public_tracker_dir, private_tracker_dir,
                    if not rm_tracker_admin(configuration, cert_id,
                                             vgrid_name, tracker_dir,
                        return (output_objects, returnvalues.SYSTEM_ERROR)

            user_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(configuration.user_home,
                                                    cert_dir)) + os.sep
            # Do not touch vgrid share if still a member of a parent vgrid
            if vgrid_is_member(vgrid_name, cert_id, configuration):
                # list is in top-down order 
                parent_vgrids = vgrid_list_parents(vgrid_name, configuration)
                inherit_vgrid_member = vgrid_name
                for parent in parent_vgrids:
                    if vgrid_is_member(parent, cert_id, configuration,
                        inherit_vgrid_member = parent
                    {'object_type': 'text', 'text'
                     : '''NOTE: %s is still a member of parent %s %s.
                     Preserving access to corresponding %s.''' % \
                     (cert_id, configuration.site_vgrid_label,
                      inherit_vgrid_member, configuration.site_vgrid_label)
                (success, msg) = unlink_share(user_dir, vgrid_name)
                if not success: 
                    logger.error('Could not remove share link: %s.' % msg)
                    output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text'
                                           : 'Could not remove share links: %s.'
                                           % msg})
                    return (output_objects, returnvalues.SYSTEM_ERROR)

            # unlink shared web folders

            (success, msg) = unlink_web_folders(user_dir, vgrid_name)
            if not success: 
                logger.error('Could not remove web links: %s.' % msg)
                output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text'
                                       : 'Could not remove web links: %s.' 
                                       % msg})
                return (output_objects, returnvalues.SYSTEM_ERROR)

            # remove user from saved owners list
            (rm_status, rm_msg) = vgrid_remove_owners(configuration, vgrid_name,
            if not rm_status:
                output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text'
                                       : '%s of owners of %s' 
                                       % (rm_msg, vgrid_name)})
                return (output_objects, returnvalues.SYSTEM_ERROR)

            # Any parent vgrid membership is left untouched here as we only
            # force a normal refresh in unmap_inheritance
            unmap_inheritance(configuration, vgrid_name, cert_id)

            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'text', 'text'
                          : '%s successfully removed as owner of %s!'
                           % (cert_id, vgrid_name)})
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'link', 'destination':
                           'adminvgrid.py?vgrid_name=%s' % vgrid_name, 'text':
                           'Back to administration for %s' % vgrid_name})
            return (output_objects, returnvalues.OK)

        # no more direct owners - we try to remove this VGrid

        logger.debug('Leave %s from %s with no more direct owners: delete' %
                     (vgrid_name, cert_id))

        if not force(flags):
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'text', 'text' : '''
No more direct owners of %s - leaving will result in the %s getting
deleted. Please use either of the links below to confirm or cancel.
''' % (vgrid_name, configuration.site_vgrid_label)})
            js_name = 'rmvgridowner%s' % hexlify(vgrid_name)
            helper = html_post_helper(js_name, 'rmvgridowner.py',
                                      {'vgrid_name': vgrid_name,
                                       'cert_id': cert_id, 'flags': 'f'})
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'html_form', 'text': helper})
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'link', 'destination':
                                   "javascript: %s();" % js_name, 'class':
                                   'removelink', 'text':
                                   'Really leave and delete %s' % vgrid_name})
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'text', 'text' : ''})
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'link', 'destination':
                                   'adminvgrid.py?vgrid_name=%s' % vgrid_name,
                                   'text': 'Back to administration for %s'
                                   % vgrid_name})
            return (output_objects, returnvalues.OK)

        # check if any resources participate or sub-vgrids depend on this one

        (status, subs) = vgrid_list_subvgrids(vgrid_name, configuration)

        if not status:
            logger.error('Error loading sub-%ss for %s: %s)'
                         % (configuration.site_vgrid_label, vgrid_name, subs))
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text' : '''
An internal error occurred, error conditions have been logged.'''})
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'text', 'text' : '''
You can help us fix the problem by notifying the administrators
via mail about what you wanted to do when the error happened.'''})
            return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

        if len(subs) > 0:

            logger.debug('Cannot delete: still has sub-%ss %s.'
                         % (configuration.site_vgrid_label, subs))
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text' : \
    '%s has sub-structures and cannot be deleted.' % vgrid_name})
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'text', 'text' : '''
To leave (and delete) %s, first remove its sub-structures: %s.'''
                                      % (vgrid_name, ', '.join(subs))})

            return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

        # we consider the local members and resources here, not inherited ones
        (member_status, members_direct) = vgrid_members(vgrid_name,
        (resource_status, resources_direct) = vgrid_resources(vgrid_name,
        if not member_status or not resource_status:
            logger.warning('failed to load %s members or resources: %s %s'
                           % (vgrid_name, members_direct, resources_direct))
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text' : \
    'could not load %s members or resources for %s.' % \
            return (output_objects, returnvalues.SYSTEM_ERROR)
        if len(resources_direct) > 0:
            logger.debug('Cannot delete: still has direct resources %s.'
                         % resources_direct)
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text' : \
    '%s still has resources and cannot be deleted.' % vgrid_name})
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'text', 'text' : '''
To leave (and delete) %s, first remove the participating resources.'''
                                      % vgrid_name})

            return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

        if len(members_direct) > 0:

            logger.debug('Cannot delete: still has direct members %s.'
                         % members_direct)
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text' : \
    '%s still has members and cannot be deleted.' % vgrid_name})
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'text', 'text' : '''
To leave (and delete) %s, first remove all members.'''
                                      % vgrid_name})

            return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

        # When reaching here, OK to remove the VGrid.
        #   if top-level: unlink, remove all files and directories, 
        #   in all cases: remove configuration entry for the VGrid

        if (cert_id in owners_direct):

            # owner owns this vgrid, direct ownership

            logger.debug('%s looks like a top-level %s.' % \
                         (configuration.site_vgrid_label, vgrid_name))
            logger.debug('Deleting all related files.')

            user_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(configuration.user_home,
                                                    cert_dir)) + os.sep
            (share_lnk, msg1)  = unlink_share(user_dir, vgrid_name)
            (web_lnk, msg1)  = unlink_web_folders(user_dir, vgrid_name)
            (abandoned, msg2) = abandon_vgrid_files(vgrid_name, configuration)

            # owner owns an upper vgrid, ownership is inherited

            logger.debug('%s looks like a sub-%s, ownership inherited.'
                         % (vgrid_name, configuration.site_vgrid_label))
            logger.debug('Only removing entry, leaving files in place.')
            share_lnk = True
            web_lnk = True
            abandoned = True
            msg1 = ''
            msg2 = ''

        (removed, msg3) = remove_vgrid_entry(vgrid_name, configuration)

        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'text', 'text'
                                   : '%s has been removed with last owner.'
                                      % vgrid_name})

        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'link', 
                               'destination': 'vgridadmin.py', 
                               'text': 'Back to the overview.'})

        if not share_lnk or not web_lnk or not abandoned or not removed:

            logger.error('Errors while removing %s:\n%s.'
                         % (vgrid_name, '\n'.join([msg1,msg2,msg3])))

            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text' : '''
An internal error occurred, error conditions have been logged.'''})
            output_objects.append({'object_type': 'text', 'text' : '''
You can help us fix the problem by notifying the administrators
via mail about what you wanted to do when the error happened.'''})
            return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)


            # Remove vgrid from vgrid cache (after deleting all)
            unmap_vgrid(configuration, vgrid_name)
            return (output_objects, returnvalues.OK)