예제 #1
 def recobject(self, data):
     self.messageProcessingStartTime = time.time()
     lengthOfTimeWeShouldUseToProcessThisMessage = shared.checkAndShareObjectWithPeers(data)
     Sleeping will help guarantee that we can process messages faster than a 
     remote node can send them. If we fall behind, the attacker could observe 
     that we are are slowing down the rate at which we request objects from the
     network which would indicate that we own a particular address (whichever
     one to which they are sending all of their attack messages). Note
     that if an attacker connects to a target with many connections, this
     mitigation mechanism might not be sufficient.
     sleepTime = lengthOfTimeWeShouldUseToProcessThisMessage - (time.time() - self.messageProcessingStartTime)
예제 #2
    def processmsg(self, data):
        messageProcessingStartTime = time.time()
        shared.numberOfMessagesProcessed += 1
            ('updateNumberOfMessagesProcessed', 'no data'))
        readPosition = 20  # bypass the nonce, time, and object type
        msgVersion, msgVersionLength = decodeVarint(
            data[readPosition:readPosition + 9])
        if msgVersion != 1:
                'Cannot understand message versions other than one. Ignoring message.'
        readPosition += msgVersionLength

        streamNumberAsClaimedByMsg, streamNumberAsClaimedByMsgLength = decodeVarint(
            data[readPosition:readPosition + 9])
        readPosition += streamNumberAsClaimedByMsgLength
        inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(data)
        initialDecryptionSuccessful = False
        # Let's check whether this is a message acknowledgement bound for us.
        if data[-32:] in shared.ackdataForWhichImWatching:
            logger.info('This msg IS an acknowledgement bound for me.')
            del shared.ackdataForWhichImWatching[data[-32:]]
            sqlExecute('UPDATE sent SET status=? WHERE ackdata=?',
                       'ackreceived', data[-32:])
                      'Acknowledgement of the message received. %1').arg(
            logger.info('This was NOT an acknowledgement bound for me.')

        # This is not an acknowledgement bound for me. See if it is a message
        # bound for me by trying to decrypt it with my private keys.

        for key, cryptorObject in shared.myECCryptorObjects.items():
                decryptedData = cryptorObject.decrypt(data[readPosition:])
                toRipe = key  # This is the RIPE hash of my pubkeys. We need this below to compare to the destination_ripe included in the encrypted data.
                initialDecryptionSuccessful = True
                    'EC decryption successful using key associated with ripe hash: %s.'
                    % key.encode('hex'))
            except Exception as err:
        if not initialDecryptionSuccessful:
            # This is not a message bound for me.
                'Length of time program spent failing to decrypt this message: %s seconds.'
                % (time.time() - messageProcessingStartTime, ))

        # This is a message bound for me.
        toAddress = shared.myAddressesByHash[
            toRipe]  # Look up my address based on the RIPE hash.
        readPosition = 0
        sendersAddressVersionNumber, sendersAddressVersionNumberLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        readPosition += sendersAddressVersionNumberLength
        if sendersAddressVersionNumber == 0:
                'Cannot understand sendersAddressVersionNumber = 0. Ignoring message.'
        if sendersAddressVersionNumber > 4:
                'Sender\'s address version number %s not yet supported. Ignoring message.'
                % sendersAddressVersionNumber)
        if len(decryptedData) < 170:
                'Length of the unencrypted data is unreasonably short. Sanity check failed. Ignoring message.'
        sendersStreamNumber, sendersStreamNumberLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        if sendersStreamNumber == 0:
            logger.info('sender\'s stream number is 0. Ignoring message.')
        readPosition += sendersStreamNumberLength
        behaviorBitfield = decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 4]
        readPosition += 4
        pubSigningKey = '\x04' + decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 64]
        readPosition += 64
        pubEncryptionKey = '\x04' + decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition +
        readPosition += 64
        if sendersAddressVersionNumber >= 3:
            requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte, varintLength = decodeVarint(
                decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
            readPosition += varintLength
                'sender\'s requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte is %s'
                % requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte)
            requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes, varintLength = decodeVarint(
                decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
            readPosition += varintLength
            logger.info('sender\'s requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes is %s' %
        endOfThePublicKeyPosition = readPosition  # needed for when we store the pubkey in our database of pubkeys for later use.
        if toRipe != decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 20]:
                'The original sender of this message did not send it to you. Someone is attempting a Surreptitious Forwarding Attack.\n\
                See: http://world.std.com/~dtd/sign_encrypt/sign_encrypt7.html \n\
                your toRipe: %s\n\
                embedded destination toRipe: %s' %
                 decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 20].encode('hex')))
        readPosition += 20
        messageEncodingType, messageEncodingTypeLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        readPosition += messageEncodingTypeLength
        messageLength, messageLengthLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        readPosition += messageLengthLength
        message = decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + messageLength]
        # print 'First 150 characters of message:', repr(message[:150])
        readPosition += messageLength
        ackLength, ackLengthLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        readPosition += ackLengthLength
        ackData = decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + ackLength]
        readPosition += ackLength
        positionOfBottomOfAckData = readPosition  # needed to mark the end of what is covered by the signature
        signatureLength, signatureLengthLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        readPosition += signatureLengthLength
        signature = decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + signatureLength]
        signedData = data[8:20] + encodeVarint(
            1) + encodeVarint(streamNumberAsClaimedByMsg
                              ) + decryptedData[:positionOfBottomOfAckData]

        if not highlevelcrypto.verify(signedData, signature,
            logger.debug('ECDSA verify failed')
        logger.debug('ECDSA verify passed')
            'As a matter of intellectual curiosity, here is the Bitcoin address associated with the keys owned by the other person: %s  ..and here is the testnet address: %s. The other person must take their private signing key from Bitmessage and import it into Bitcoin (or a service like Blockchain.info) for it to be of any use. Do not use this unless you know what you are doing.'

        # calculate the fromRipe.
        sha = hashlib.new('sha512')
        sha.update(pubSigningKey + pubEncryptionKey)
        ripe = hashlib.new('ripemd160')
        fromAddress = encodeAddress(sendersAddressVersionNumber,
                                    sendersStreamNumber, ripe.digest())

        # Let's store the public key in case we want to reply to this
        # person.
        sqlExecute('''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)''', ripe.digest(),
                   decryptedData[:endOfThePublicKeyPosition], int(time.time()),

        # Check to see whether we happen to be awaiting this
        # pubkey in order to send a message. If we are, it will do the POW
        # and send it.
        if sendersAddressVersionNumber <= 3:
        elif sendersAddressVersionNumber >= 4:

        # If this message is bound for one of my version 3 addresses (or
        # higher), then we must check to make sure it meets our demanded
        # proof of work requirement. If this is bound for one of my chan
        # addresses then we skip this check; the minimum network POW is
        # fine.
        if decodeAddress(toAddress)[1] >= 3 and not shared.safeConfigGetBoolean(
                toAddress, 'chan'
        ):  # If the toAddress version number is 3 or higher and not one of my chan addresses:
            if not shared.isAddressInMyAddressBookSubscriptionsListOrWhitelist(
                    fromAddress):  # If I'm not friendly with this person:
                requiredNonceTrialsPerByte = shared.config.getint(
                    toAddress, 'noncetrialsperbyte')
                requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes = shared.config.getint(
                    toAddress, 'payloadlengthextrabytes')
                if not shared.isProofOfWorkSufficient(
                        data, requiredNonceTrialsPerByte,
                        'Proof of work in msg is insufficient only because it does not meet our higher requirement.'
        blockMessage = False  # Gets set to True if the user shouldn't see the message according to black or white lists.
        if shared.config.get(
                'blackwhitelist') == 'black':  # If we are using a blacklist
            queryreturn = sqlQuery(
                '''SELECT label FROM blacklist where address=? and enabled='1' ''',
            if queryreturn != []:
                logger.info('Message ignored because address is in blacklist.')

                blockMessage = True
        else:  # We're using a whitelist
            queryreturn = sqlQuery(
                '''SELECT label FROM whitelist where address=? and enabled='1' ''',
            if queryreturn == []:
                    'Message ignored because address not in whitelist.')
                blockMessage = True

        toLabel = shared.config.get(toAddress, 'label')
        if toLabel == '':
            toLabel = toAddress

        if messageEncodingType == 2:
            subject, body = self.decodeType2Message(message)
            logger.info('Message subject (first 100 characters): %s' %
        elif messageEncodingType == 1:
            body = message
            subject = ''
        elif messageEncodingType == 0:
                'messageEncodingType == 0. Doing nothing with the message. They probably just sent it so that we would store their public key or send their ack data for them.'
            subject = ''
            body = ''
            body = 'Unknown encoding type.\n\n' + repr(message)
            subject = ''
        # Let us make sure that we haven't already received this message
        if helper_inbox.isMessageAlreadyInInbox(toAddress, fromAddress,
                                                subject, body,
            logger.info('This msg is already in our inbox. Ignoring it.')
            blockMessage = True
        if not blockMessage:
            if messageEncodingType != 0:
                t = (inventoryHash, toAddress, fromAddress, subject,
                     int(time.time()), body, 'inbox', messageEncodingType, 0)

                    ('displayNewInboxMessage', (inventoryHash, toAddress,
                                                fromAddress, subject, body)))

            # If we are behaving as an API then we might need to run an
            # outside command to let some program know that a new message
            # has arrived.
            if shared.safeConfigGetBoolean('bitmessagesettings', 'apienabled'):
                    apiNotifyPath = shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings',
                    apiNotifyPath = ''
                if apiNotifyPath != '':
                    call([apiNotifyPath, "newMessage"])

            # Let us now check and see whether our receiving address is
            # behaving as a mailing list
            if shared.safeConfigGetBoolean(toAddress, 'mailinglist'):
                    mailingListName = shared.config.get(
                        toAddress, 'mailinglistname')
                    mailingListName = ''
                # Let us send out this message as a broadcast
                subject = self.addMailingListNameToSubject(
                    subject, mailingListName)
                # Let us now send this message out as a broadcast
                message = time.strftime(
                    "%a, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC", time.gmtime()
                ) + '   Message ostensibly from ' + fromAddress + ':\n\n' + body
                fromAddress = toAddress  # The fromAddress for the broadcast that we are about to send is the toAddress (my address) for the msg message we are currently processing.
                ackdataForBroadcast = OpenSSL.rand(
                )  # We don't actually need the ackdataForBroadcast for acknowledgement since this is a broadcast message but we can use it to update the user interface when the POW is done generating.
                toAddress = '[Broadcast subscribers]'
                ripe = ''

                t = ('', toAddress, ripe,
                     fromAddress, subject, message, ackdataForBroadcast,
                     int(time.time()), 'broadcastqueued', 1, 1, 'sent', 2)

                     (toAddress, '[Broadcast subscribers]', fromAddress,
                      subject, message, ackdataForBroadcast)))
                shared.workerQueue.put(('sendbroadcast', ''))

        if self.ackDataHasAVaildHeader(ackData):

        # Display timing data
        timeRequiredToAttemptToDecryptMessage = time.time(
        ) - messageProcessingStartTime
        sum = 0
        for item in shared.successfullyDecryptMessageTimings:
            sum += item
        logger.debug('Time to decrypt this message successfully: %s\n\
                     Average time for all message decryption successes since startup: %s.'
                     % (timeRequiredToAttemptToDecryptMessage,
                        sum / len(shared.successfullyDecryptMessageTimings)))
예제 #3
    def processmsg(self, data):
        messageProcessingStartTime = time.time()
        shared.numberOfMessagesProcessed += 1
            'updateNumberOfMessagesProcessed', 'no data'))
        readPosition = 20 # bypass the nonce, time, and object type
        msgVersion, msgVersionLength = decodeVarint(data[readPosition:readPosition + 9])
        if msgVersion != 1:
            logger.info('Cannot understand message versions other than one. Ignoring message.') 
        readPosition += msgVersionLength
        streamNumberAsClaimedByMsg, streamNumberAsClaimedByMsgLength = decodeVarint(
            data[readPosition:readPosition + 9])
        readPosition += streamNumberAsClaimedByMsgLength
        inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(data)
        initialDecryptionSuccessful = False

        # This is not an acknowledgement bound for me. See if it is a message
        # bound for me by trying to decrypt it with my private keys.
        for key, cryptorObject in shared.myECCryptorObjects.items():
                if initialDecryptionSuccessful: # continue decryption attempts to avoid timing attacks
                    decryptedData = cryptorObject.decrypt(data[readPosition:])
                    toRipe = key  # This is the RIPE hash of my pubkeys. We need this below to compare to the destination_ripe included in the encrypted data.
                    initialDecryptionSuccessful = True
                    logger.info('EC decryption successful using key associated with ripe hash: %s.' % hexlify(key))
            except Exception as err:
        if not initialDecryptionSuccessful:
            # This is not a message bound for me.
            logger.info('Length of time program spent failing to decrypt this message: %s seconds.' % (time.time() - messageProcessingStartTime,)) 

        # This is a message bound for me.
        toAddress = shared.myAddressesByHash[
            toRipe]  # Look up my address based on the RIPE hash.
        readPosition = 0
        sendersAddressVersionNumber, sendersAddressVersionNumberLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        readPosition += sendersAddressVersionNumberLength
        if sendersAddressVersionNumber == 0:
            logger.info('Cannot understand sendersAddressVersionNumber = 0. Ignoring message.') 
        if sendersAddressVersionNumber > 4:
            logger.info('Sender\'s address version number %s not yet supported. Ignoring message.' % sendersAddressVersionNumber)  
        if len(decryptedData) < 170:
            logger.info('Length of the unencrypted data is unreasonably short. Sanity check failed. Ignoring message.')
        sendersStreamNumber, sendersStreamNumberLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        if sendersStreamNumber == 0:
            logger.info('sender\'s stream number is 0. Ignoring message.')
        readPosition += sendersStreamNumberLength
        behaviorBitfield = decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 4]
        readPosition += 4
        pubSigningKey = '\x04' + decryptedData[
            readPosition:readPosition + 64]
        readPosition += 64
        pubEncryptionKey = '\x04' + decryptedData[
            readPosition:readPosition + 64]
        readPosition += 64
        if sendersAddressVersionNumber >= 3:
            requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte, varintLength = decodeVarint(
                decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
            readPosition += varintLength
            logger.info('sender\'s requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte is %s' % requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte)
            requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes, varintLength = decodeVarint(
                decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
            readPosition += varintLength
            logger.info('sender\'s requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes is %s' % requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes)
        endOfThePublicKeyPosition = readPosition  # needed for when we store the pubkey in our database of pubkeys for later use.
        if toRipe != decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 20]:
            logger.info('The original sender of this message did not send it to you. Someone is attempting a Surreptitious Forwarding Attack.\n\
                See: http://world.std.com/~dtd/sign_encrypt/sign_encrypt7.html \n\
                your toRipe: %s\n\
                embedded destination toRipe: %s' % (hexlify(toRipe), hexlify(decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 20]))
        readPosition += 20
        messageEncodingType, messageEncodingTypeLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        readPosition += messageEncodingTypeLength
        messageLength, messageLengthLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        readPosition += messageLengthLength
        message = decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + messageLength]
        # print 'First 150 characters of message:', repr(message[:150])
        readPosition += messageLength
        ackLength, ackLengthLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        readPosition += ackLengthLength
        ackData = decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + ackLength]
        readPosition += ackLength
        positionOfBottomOfAckData = readPosition  # needed to mark the end of what is covered by the signature
        signatureLength, signatureLengthLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        readPosition += signatureLengthLength
        signature = decryptedData[
            readPosition:readPosition + signatureLength]
        signedData = data[8:20] + encodeVarint(1) + encodeVarint(streamNumberAsClaimedByMsg) + decryptedData[:positionOfBottomOfAckData]
        if not highlevelcrypto.verify(signedData, signature, hexlify(pubSigningKey)):
            logger.debug('ECDSA verify failed')
        logger.debug('ECDSA verify passed')
        sigHash = hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(signature).digest()).digest()[32:] # Used to detect and ignore duplicate messages in our inbox

        # calculate the fromRipe.
        sha = hashlib.new('sha512')
        sha.update(pubSigningKey + pubEncryptionKey)
        ripe = hashlib.new('ripemd160')
        fromAddress = encodeAddress(
            sendersAddressVersionNumber, sendersStreamNumber, ripe.digest())
        # Let's store the public key in case we want to reply to this
        # person.
            '''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)''',
        # Check to see whether we happen to be awaiting this
        # pubkey in order to send a message. If we are, it will do the POW
        # and send it.
        # If this message is bound for one of my version 3 addresses (or
        # higher), then we must check to make sure it meets our demanded
        # proof of work requirement. If this is bound for one of my chan
        # addresses then we skip this check; the minimum network POW is
        # fine.
        if decodeAddress(toAddress)[1] >= 3 and not BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(toAddress, 'chan'):  # If the toAddress version number is 3 or higher and not one of my chan addresses:
            if not shared.isAddressInMyAddressBookSubscriptionsListOrWhitelist(fromAddress):  # If I'm not friendly with this person:
                requiredNonceTrialsPerByte = BMConfigParser().getint(
                    toAddress, 'noncetrialsperbyte')
                requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes = BMConfigParser().getint(
                    toAddress, 'payloadlengthextrabytes')
                if not protocol.isProofOfWorkSufficient(data, requiredNonceTrialsPerByte, requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes):
                    logger.info('Proof of work in msg is insufficient only because it does not meet our higher requirement.')
        blockMessage = False  # Gets set to True if the user shouldn't see the message according to black or white lists.
        if BMConfigParser().get('bitmessagesettings', 'blackwhitelist') == 'black':  # If we are using a blacklist
            queryreturn = sqlQuery(
                '''SELECT label FROM blacklist where address=? and enabled='1' ''',
            if queryreturn != []:
                logger.info('Message ignored because address is in blacklist.')

                blockMessage = True
        else:  # We're using a whitelist
            queryreturn = sqlQuery(
                '''SELECT label FROM whitelist where address=? and enabled='1' ''',
            if queryreturn == []:
                logger.info('Message ignored because address not in whitelist.')
                blockMessage = True

        toLabel = BMConfigParser().get(toAddress, 'label')
        if toLabel == '':
            toLabel = toAddress

        decodedMessage = helper_msgcoding.MsgDecode(messageEncodingType, message)
        subject = decodedMessage.subject
        body = decodedMessage.body

        # Let us make sure that we haven't already received this message
        if helper_inbox.isMessageAlreadyInInbox(sigHash):
            logger.info('This msg is already in our inbox. Ignoring it.')
            blockMessage = True
        if not blockMessage:
            if messageEncodingType != 0:
                t = (inventoryHash, toAddress, fromAddress, subject, int(
                    time.time()), body, 'inbox', messageEncodingType, 0, sigHash)

                queues.UISignalQueue.put(('displayNewInboxMessage', (
                    inventoryHash, toAddress, fromAddress, subject, body)))

            # If we are behaving as an API then we might need to run an
            # outside command to let some program know that a new message
            # has arrived.
            if BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean('bitmessagesettings', 'apienabled'):
                    apiNotifyPath = BMConfigParser().get(
                        'bitmessagesettings', 'apinotifypath')
                    apiNotifyPath = ''
                if apiNotifyPath != '':
                    call([apiNotifyPath, "newMessage"])

            # Let us now check and see whether our receiving address is
            # behaving as a mailing list
            if BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(toAddress, 'mailinglist') and messageEncodingType != 0:
                    mailingListName = BMConfigParser().get(
                        toAddress, 'mailinglistname')
                    mailingListName = ''
                # Let us send out this message as a broadcast
                subject = self.addMailingListNameToSubject(
                    subject, mailingListName)
                # Let us now send this message out as a broadcast
                message = time.strftime("%a, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC", time.gmtime(
                )) + '   Message ostensibly from ' + fromAddress + ':\n\n' + body
                fromAddress = toAddress  # The fromAddress for the broadcast that we are about to send is the toAddress (my address) for the msg message we are currently processing.
                ackdataForBroadcast = OpenSSL.rand(
                    32)  # We don't actually need the ackdataForBroadcast for acknowledgement since this is a broadcast message but we can use it to update the user interface when the POW is done generating.
                toAddress = '[Broadcast subscribers]'
                ripe = ''

                # We really should have a discussion about how to
                # set the TTL for mailing list broadcasts. This is obviously
                # hard-coded. 
                TTL = 2*7*24*60*60 # 2 weeks
                t = ('', 
                     int(time.time()), # sentTime (this doesn't change)
                     int(time.time()), # lastActionTime

                queues.UISignalQueue.put(('displayNewSentMessage', (
                    toAddress, '[Broadcast subscribers]', fromAddress, subject, message, ackdataForBroadcast)))
                queues.workerQueue.put(('sendbroadcast', ''))

        # Don't send ACK if invalid, blacklisted senders, invisible messages, disabled or chan
        if self.ackDataHasAValidHeader(ackData) and \
            not blockMessage and \
            messageEncodingType != 0 and \
            not BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(toAddress, 'dontsendack') and \
            not BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(toAddress, 'chan'):

        # Display timing data
        timeRequiredToAttemptToDecryptMessage = time.time(
        ) - messageProcessingStartTime
        sum = 0
        for item in shared.successfullyDecryptMessageTimings:
            sum += item
        logger.debug('Time to decrypt this message successfully: %s\n\
                     Average time for all message decryption successes since startup: %s.' %
                     (timeRequiredToAttemptToDecryptMessage, sum / len(shared.successfullyDecryptMessageTimings)) 
    def processmsg(self, data):
        messageProcessingStartTime = time.time()
        shared.numberOfMessagesProcessed += 1
            'updateNumberOfMessagesProcessed', 'no data'))
        readPosition = 20 # bypass the nonce, time, and object type
        msgVersion, msgVersionLength = decodeVarint(data[readPosition:readPosition + 9])
        if msgVersion != 1:
            logger.info('Cannot understand message versions other than one. Ignoring message.') 
        readPosition += msgVersionLength
        streamNumberAsClaimedByMsg, streamNumberAsClaimedByMsgLength = decodeVarint(
            data[readPosition:readPosition + 9])
        readPosition += streamNumberAsClaimedByMsgLength
        inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(data)
        initialDecryptionSuccessful = False
        # Let's check whether this is a message acknowledgement bound for us.
        if data[-32:] in shared.ackdataForWhichImWatching:
            logger.info('This msg IS an acknowledgement bound for me.')
            del shared.ackdataForWhichImWatching[data[-32:]]
            sqlExecute('UPDATE sent SET status=?, lastactiontime=? WHERE ackdata=?',
            shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (data[-32:], tr.translateText("MainWindow",'Acknowledgement of the message received. %1').arg(l10n.formatTimestamp()))))
            logger.info('This was NOT an acknowledgement bound for me.')

        # This is not an acknowledgement bound for me. See if it is a message
        # bound for me by trying to decrypt it with my private keys.
        for key, cryptorObject in shared.myECCryptorObjects.items():
                decryptedData = cryptorObject.decrypt(data[readPosition:])
                toRipe = key  # This is the RIPE hash of my pubkeys. We need this below to compare to the destination_ripe included in the encrypted data.
                initialDecryptionSuccessful = True
                logger.info('EC decryption successful using key associated with ripe hash: %s.' % key.encode('hex'))
            except Exception as err:
        if not initialDecryptionSuccessful:
            # This is not a message bound for me.
            logger.info('Length of time program spent failing to decrypt this message: %s seconds.' % (time.time() - messageProcessingStartTime,)) 

        # This is a message bound for me.
        toAddress = shared.myAddressesByHash[
            toRipe]  # Look up my address based on the RIPE hash.
        readPosition = 0
        sendersAddressVersionNumber, sendersAddressVersionNumberLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        readPosition += sendersAddressVersionNumberLength
        if sendersAddressVersionNumber == 0:
            logger.info('Cannot understand sendersAddressVersionNumber = 0. Ignoring message.') 
        if sendersAddressVersionNumber > 4:
            logger.info('Sender\'s address version number %s not yet supported. Ignoring message.' % sendersAddressVersionNumber)  
        if len(decryptedData) < 170:
            logger.info('Length of the unencrypted data is unreasonably short. Sanity check failed. Ignoring message.')
        sendersStreamNumber, sendersStreamNumberLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        if sendersStreamNumber == 0:
            logger.info('sender\'s stream number is 0. Ignoring message.')
        readPosition += sendersStreamNumberLength
        behaviorBitfield = decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 4]
        readPosition += 4
        pubSigningKey = '\x04' + decryptedData[
            readPosition:readPosition + 64]
        readPosition += 64
        pubEncryptionKey = '\x04' + decryptedData[
            readPosition:readPosition + 64]
        readPosition += 64
        if sendersAddressVersionNumber >= 3:
            requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte, varintLength = decodeVarint(
                decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
            readPosition += varintLength
            logger.info('sender\'s requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte is %s' % requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte)
            requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes, varintLength = decodeVarint(
                decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
            readPosition += varintLength
            logger.info('sender\'s requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes is %s' % requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes)
        endOfThePublicKeyPosition = readPosition  # needed for when we store the pubkey in our database of pubkeys for later use.
        if toRipe != decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 20]:
            logger.info('The original sender of this message did not send it to you. Someone is attempting a Surreptitious Forwarding Attack.\n\
                See: http://world.std.com/~dtd/sign_encrypt/sign_encrypt7.html \n\
                your toRipe: %s\n\
                embedded destination toRipe: %s' % (toRipe.encode('hex'), decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 20].encode('hex'))
        readPosition += 20
        messageEncodingType, messageEncodingTypeLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        readPosition += messageEncodingTypeLength
        messageLength, messageLengthLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        readPosition += messageLengthLength
        message = decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + messageLength]
        # print 'First 150 characters of message:', repr(message[:150])
        readPosition += messageLength
        ackLength, ackLengthLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        readPosition += ackLengthLength
        ackData = decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + ackLength]
        readPosition += ackLength
        positionOfBottomOfAckData = readPosition  # needed to mark the end of what is covered by the signature
        signatureLength, signatureLengthLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        readPosition += signatureLengthLength
        signature = decryptedData[
            readPosition:readPosition + signatureLength]
        signedData = data[8:20] + encodeVarint(1) + encodeVarint(streamNumberAsClaimedByMsg) + decryptedData[:positionOfBottomOfAckData]
        if not highlevelcrypto.verify(signedData, signature, pubSigningKey.encode('hex')):
            logger.debug('ECDSA verify failed')
        logger.debug('ECDSA verify passed')
        logger.debug('As a matter of intellectual curiosity, here is the Bitcoin address associated with the keys owned by the other person: %s  ..and here is the testnet address: %s. The other person must take their private signing key from Bitmessage and import it into Bitcoin (or a service like Blockchain.info) for it to be of any use. Do not use this unless you know what you are doing.' %
                     (helper_bitcoin.calculateBitcoinAddressFromPubkey(pubSigningKey), helper_bitcoin.calculateTestnetAddressFromPubkey(pubSigningKey))
        sigHash = hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(signature).digest()).digest()[32:] # Used to detect and ignore duplicate messages in our inbox

        # calculate the fromRipe.
        sha = hashlib.new('sha512')
        sha.update(pubSigningKey + pubEncryptionKey)
        ripe = hashlib.new('ripemd160')
        fromAddress = encodeAddress(
            sendersAddressVersionNumber, sendersStreamNumber, ripe.digest())
        # Let's store the public key in case we want to reply to this
        # person.
            '''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)''',
        # Check to see whether we happen to be awaiting this
        # pubkey in order to send a message. If we are, it will do the POW
        # and send it.
        # If this message is bound for one of my version 3 addresses (or
        # higher), then we must check to make sure it meets our demanded
        # proof of work requirement. If this is bound for one of my chan
        # addresses then we skip this check; the minimum network POW is
        # fine.
        if decodeAddress(toAddress)[1] >= 3 and not shared.safeConfigGetBoolean(toAddress, 'chan'):  # If the toAddress version number is 3 or higher and not one of my chan addresses:
            if not shared.isAddressInMyAddressBookSubscriptionsListOrWhitelist(fromAddress):  # If I'm not friendly with this person:
                requiredNonceTrialsPerByte = shared.config.getint(
                    toAddress, 'noncetrialsperbyte')
                requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes = shared.config.getint(
                    toAddress, 'payloadlengthextrabytes')
                if not shared.isProofOfWorkSufficient(data, requiredNonceTrialsPerByte, requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes):
                    logger.info('Proof of work in msg is insufficient only because it does not meet our higher requirement.')
        blockMessage = False  # Gets set to True if the user shouldn't see the message according to black or white lists.
        if shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'blackwhitelist') == 'black':  # If we are using a blacklist
            queryreturn = sqlQuery(
                '''SELECT label FROM blacklist where address=? and enabled='1' ''',
            if queryreturn != []:
                logger.info('Message ignored because address is in blacklist.')

                blockMessage = True
        else:  # We're using a whitelist
            queryreturn = sqlQuery(
                '''SELECT label FROM whitelist where address=? and enabled='1' ''',
            if queryreturn == []:
                logger.info('Message ignored because address not in whitelist.')
                blockMessage = True
        toLabel = shared.config.get(toAddress, 'label')
        if toLabel == '':
            toLabel = toAddress

        if messageEncodingType == 2:
            subject, body = self.decodeType2Message(message)
            logger.info('Message subject (first 100 characters): %s' % repr(subject)[:100])
        elif messageEncodingType == 1:
            body = message
            subject = ''
        elif messageEncodingType == 0:
            logger.info('messageEncodingType == 0. Doing nothing with the message. They probably just sent it so that we would store their public key or send their ack data for them.')
            subject = ''
            body = '' 
            body = 'Unknown encoding type.\n\n' + repr(message)
            subject = ''
        # Let us make sure that we haven't already received this message
        if helper_inbox.isMessageAlreadyInInbox(sigHash):
            logger.info('This msg is already in our inbox. Ignoring it.')
            blockMessage = True
        if not blockMessage:
            if messageEncodingType != 0:
                t = (inventoryHash, toAddress, fromAddress, subject, int(
                    time.time()), body, 'inbox', messageEncodingType, 0, sigHash)

                shared.UISignalQueue.put(('displayNewInboxMessage', (
                    inventoryHash, toAddress, fromAddress, subject, body)))

            # If we are behaving as an API then we might need to run an
            # outside command to let some program know that a new message
            # has arrived.
            if shared.safeConfigGetBoolean('bitmessagesettings', 'apienabled'):
                    apiNotifyPath = shared.config.get(
                        'bitmessagesettings', 'apinotifypath')
                    apiNotifyPath = ''
                if apiNotifyPath != '':
                    call([apiNotifyPath, "newMessage"])

            # Let us now check and see whether our receiving address is
            # behaving as a mailing list
            if shared.safeConfigGetBoolean(toAddress, 'mailinglist'):
                    mailingListName = shared.config.get(
                        toAddress, 'mailinglistname')
                    mailingListName = ''
                # Let us send out this message as a broadcast
                subject = self.addMailingListNameToSubject(
                    subject, mailingListName)
                # Let us now send this message out as a broadcast
                message = time.strftime("%a, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC", time.gmtime(
                )) + '   Message ostensibly from ' + fromAddress + ':\n\n' + body
                fromAddress = toAddress  # The fromAddress for the broadcast that we are about to send is the toAddress (my address) for the msg message we are currently processing.
                ackdataForBroadcast = OpenSSL.rand(
                    32)  # We don't actually need the ackdataForBroadcast for acknowledgement since this is a broadcast message but we can use it to update the user interface when the POW is done generating.
                toAddress = '[Broadcast subscribers]'
                ripe = ''

                # We really should have a discussion about how to
                # set the TTL for mailing list broadcasts. This is obviously
                # hard-coded. 
                TTL = 2*7*24*60*60 # 2 weeks
                t = ('', 
                     int(time.time()), # sentTime (this doesn't change)
                     int(time.time()), # lastActionTime

                shared.UISignalQueue.put(('displayNewSentMessage', (
                    toAddress, '[Broadcast subscribers]', fromAddress, subject, message, ackdataForBroadcast)))
                shared.workerQueue.put(('sendbroadcast', ''))

        if self.ackDataHasAVaildHeader(ackData):

        # Display timing data
        timeRequiredToAttemptToDecryptMessage = time.time(
        ) - messageProcessingStartTime
        sum = 0
        for item in shared.successfullyDecryptMessageTimings:
            sum += item
        logger.debug('Time to decrypt this message successfully: %s\n\
                     Average time for all message decryption successes since startup: %s.' %
                     (timeRequiredToAttemptToDecryptMessage, sum / len(shared.successfullyDecryptMessageTimings)) 
예제 #5
    def processmsg(self, data):
        messageProcessingStartTime = time.time()
        shared.numberOfMessagesProcessed += 1
        readPosition = 20 # bypass the nonce, time, and object type
        msgVersion, msgVersionLength = decodeVarint(data[readPosition:readPosition + 9])
        if msgVersion != 1:
        readPosition += msgVersionLength
        streamNumberAsClaimedByMsg, streamNumberAsClaimedByMsgLength = decodeVarint(
            data[readPosition:readPosition + 9])
        readPosition += streamNumberAsClaimedByMsgLength
        inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(data)
        initialDecryptionSuccessful = False
        # Let's check whether this is a message acknowledgement bound for us.
        if data[-32:] in shared.ackdataForWhichImWatching:
            del shared.ackdataForWhichImWatching[data[-32:]]
            sqlExecute('UPDATE sent SET status=?, lastactiontime=? WHERE ackdata=?',
        # This is not an acknowledgement bound for me. See if it is a message
        # bound for me by trying to decrypt it with my private keys.
        for key, cryptorObject in shared.myECCryptorObjects.items():
                decryptedData = cryptorObject.decrypt(data[readPosition:])
                toRipe = key  # This is the RIPE hash of my pubkeys. We need this below to compare to the destination_ripe included in the encrypted data.
                initialDecryptionSuccessful = True
            except Exception as err:
        if not initialDecryptionSuccessful:
            # This is not a message bound for me.
        # This is a message bound for me.
        toAddress = shared.myAddressesByHash[
            toRipe]  # Look up my address based on the RIPE hash.
        readPosition = 0
        sendersAddressVersionNumber, sendersAddressVersionNumberLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        readPosition += sendersAddressVersionNumberLength
        if sendersAddressVersionNumber == 0:
        if sendersAddressVersionNumber > 4:
        if len(decryptedData) < 170:
        sendersStreamNumber, sendersStreamNumberLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        if sendersStreamNumber == 0:
        readPosition += sendersStreamNumberLength
        behaviorBitfield = decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 4]
        readPosition += 4
        pubSigningKey = '\x04' + decryptedData[
            readPosition:readPosition + 64]
        readPosition += 64
        pubEncryptionKey = '\x04' + decryptedData[
            readPosition:readPosition + 64]
        readPosition += 64
        if sendersAddressVersionNumber >= 3:
            requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte, varintLength = decodeVarint(
                decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
            readPosition += varintLength
            requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes, varintLength = decodeVarint(
                decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
            readPosition += varintLength
        endOfThePublicKeyPosition = readPosition  # needed for when we store the pubkey in our database of pubkeys for later use.
        if toRipe != decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 20]:
        readPosition += 20
        messageEncodingType, messageEncodingTypeLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        readPosition += messageEncodingTypeLength
        messageLength, messageLengthLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        readPosition += messageLengthLength
        message = decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + messageLength]
        readPosition += messageLength
        ackLength, ackLengthLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        readPosition += ackLengthLength
        ackData = decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + ackLength]
        readPosition += ackLength
        positionOfBottomOfAckData = readPosition  # needed to mark the end of what is covered by the signature
        signatureLength, signatureLengthLength = decodeVarint(
            decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
        readPosition += signatureLengthLength
        signature = decryptedData[
            readPosition:readPosition + signatureLength]
        signedData = data[8:20] + encodeVarint(1) + encodeVarint(streamNumberAsClaimedByMsg) + decryptedData[:positionOfBottomOfAckData]
        if not highlevelcrypto.verify(signedData, signature, pubSigningKey.encode('hex')):
        sigHash = hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(signature).digest()).digest()[32:] # Used to detect and ignore duplicate messages in our inbox

        # calculate the fromRipe.
        sha = hashlib.new('sha512')
        sha.update(pubSigningKey + pubEncryptionKey)
        ripe = hashlib.new('ripemd160')
        fromAddress = encodeAddress(
            sendersAddressVersionNumber, sendersStreamNumber, ripe.digest())
        # Let's store the public key in case we want to reply to this
        # person.
        if fromAddress not in shared.hadPubkeys.keys():
            shared.hadPubkeys[fromAddress] = (fromAddress, sendersAddressVersionNumber, decryptedData[:endOfThePublicKeyPosition], int(time.time()), 'yes')
            # Check to see whether we happen to be awaiting this
            # pubkey in order to send a message. If we are, it will do the POW
            # and send it.
        # If this message is bound for one of my version 3 addresses (or
        # higher), then we must check to make sure it meets our demanded
        # proof of work requirement. If this is bound for one of my chan
        # addresses then we skip this check; the minimum network POW is
        # fine.
        blockMessage = False  # Gets set to True if the user shouldn't see the message according to black or white lists.
        if shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'blackwhitelist') == 'black':  # If we are using a blacklist
            if fromAddress in shared.blacklist:
                blockMessage = True
        else:  # We're using a whitelist
            if fromAddress not in shared.whitelist:
                blockMessage = True
        toLabel = shared.config.get(toAddress, 'label')
        if toLabel == '':
            toLabel = toAddress

        if messageEncodingType == 2:
            subject, body = self.decodeType2Message(message)
        elif messageEncodingType == 1:
            body = message
            subject = ''
        elif messageEncodingType == 0:
            subject = ''
            body = '' 
            body = 'Unknown encoding type.\n\n' + repr(message)
            subject = ''
        # Let us make sure that we haven't already received this message
        if messageEncodingType != 0:
            t = (inventoryHash, toAddress, fromAddress, subject, int(
                time.time()), body, 'inbox', messageEncodingType, 0, sigHash)
            if t not in shared.messages:

        if self.ackDataHasAVaildHeader(ackData):

        # Display timing data
        timeRequiredToAttemptToDecryptMessage = time.time(
        ) - messageProcessingStartTime
        sum = 0
        for item in shared.successfullyDecryptMessageTimings:
            sum += item
예제 #6
    def _handle_request(self, method, params):
        if method == 'add':
            (a, b) = params
            return a + b

    #   Commands for disseminating msgs, getpubkeys, and pubkeys

        elif method == 'disseminateMsg': 
            self.checkParameters(params, 1)
            payload, = params 
            payloadBytes = payload.decode('hex') 
            if (shared.checkAndShareObjectWithPeers(payloadBytes) > 0):
                return 'Message disseminated successfully'
                return 'Message dissemination failed'

        elif method == 'disseminatePubkey': 
            self.checkParameters(params, 1)
            payload, = params 
            payloadBytes = payload.decode('hex') 
            if (shared.checkAndShareObjectWithPeers(payloadBytes) > 0):
                return 'Pubkey disseminated successfully'
                return 'Pubkey dissemination failed'

        elif method == 'disseminateGetpubkey': 
            self.checkParameters(params, 1)
            payload, = params 
            payloadBytes = payload.decode('hex') 
            if (shared.checkAndShareObjectWithPeers(payloadBytes) > 0):
                return 'Getpubkey disseminated successfully'
                return 'Getpubkey dissemination failed'

        #   Commands for requesting msgs and pubkeys

        elif method == 'requestPubkey':
            ''' Check the supplied parameters ''' 
            if len(params) != 2: 
                raise APIError(0, 'I need 2 parameters!') 
            identifierHex, addressVersion = params
            ''' Check that the address version and requested tag are valid '''
            if addressVersion < 1:
                raise APIError(2, 'The address version cannot be less than 1')
            elif addressVersion > 4:
                raise APIError(3, 'Address versions above 4 are currently not supported')
            elif addressVersion < 4: # For pubkeys of address versions 1-3
                if len(identifierHex) != 40: 
                    raise APIError(4, 'The length of identifier (the ripe hash of the pubkey) should be 20 bytes (encoded in hex and thus 40 characters).')
            else:  # For pubkeys of address version 4  
                if len(identifierHex) != 64: 
                    raise APIError(5, 'The length of identifier (the tag of the pubkey) should be 32 bytes (encoded in hex and thus 64 characters).') 
            ''' Now attempt to retrieve the pubkey using the given identifier '''
            requestedTag = self._decode(identifierHex, "hex")
            queryReturn = sqlQuery('''SELECT payload FROM inventory WHERE objecttype=1 and tag=? ''', requestedTag) 
            if queryReturn != []:
                payload = queryReturn[0]
                if len(payload) <= self.MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_TO_RETURN:
                    return self.outputQueryReturn("pubkeyPayload", queryReturn)
                    raise APIError(6, 'The requested object was found, but its payload is above the maximum size limit. The size of the object payload is ' + str(len(payload)))                   
                # We had no success looking in the sql inventory. Let's look through the memory inventory.
                with shared.inventoryLock:
                    for hash, storedValue in shared.inventory.items():
                        objectType, streamNumber, payload, expiresTime, tag, receivedTime = storedValue
                        if objectType == self.OBJECT_TYPE_PUBKEY and tag == requestedTag:
                            if len(payload) <= self.MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_TO_RETURN:
                                return self.outputPayload("pubkeyPayload", payload)
                                raise APIError(6, 'The requested object was found, but its payload is above the maximum size limit. The size of the object payload is ' + str(len(payload)))
                            return 'No pubkeys found'
        elif method == 'checkForNewMsgs':
            self.checkParameters(params, 3)
            streamNumber, receivedSinceTime, receivedBeforeTime = params
            queryReturn = sqlQuery('''SELECT payload FROM inventory WHERE objecttype=2 and streamnumber=? and receivedTime>? and receivedTime<? ''', streamNumber, receivedSinceTime, receivedBeforeTime)
            output = []
            if queryReturn != []:
                output = self.addQueryReturnToOutput(output, queryReturn)
            # Now let us search through the objects stored in memory
            with shared.inventoryLock:
                for hash, storedValue in shared.inventory.items():
                    objectType, streamNumber, payload, expiresTime, tag, receivedTime = storedValue
                    if objectType == self.OBJECT_TYPE_MSG and receivedTime > receivedSinceTime and receivedTime < receivedBeforeTime:
                        if len(payload) <= self.MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_TO_RETURN:
                            output = self.addPayloadToOutput(output, payload)
            if output == []:
                return 'No msgs found'
                return self.outputAsJSON('msgPayloads', output)
예제 #7
    def _handle_request(self, method, params):

        if method == 'add':
            (a, b) = params
            return a + b

    #   Commands for disseminating msgs, getpubkeys, and pubkeys

        elif method == 'disseminateMsg':
            self.checkParameters(params, 1)
            payload, = params
            payloadBytes = payload.decode('hex')
            if (shared.checkAndShareObjectWithPeers(payloadBytes) > 0):
                return 'Message disseminated successfully'
                return 'Message dissemination failed'

        elif method == 'disseminatePubkey':
            self.checkParameters(params, 1)
            payload, = params
            payloadBytes = payload.decode('hex')
            if (shared.checkAndShareObjectWithPeers(payloadBytes) > 0):
                return 'Pubkey disseminated successfully'
                return 'Pubkey dissemination failed'

        elif method == 'disseminateGetpubkey':
            self.checkParameters(params, 1)
            payload, = params
            payloadBytes = payload.decode('hex')
            if (shared.checkAndShareObjectWithPeers(payloadBytes) > 0):
                return 'Getpubkey disseminated successfully'
                return 'Getpubkey dissemination failed'

        #   Commands for requesting msgs and pubkeys

        elif method == 'requestPubkey':
            ''' Check the supplied parameters '''
            if len(params) != 2:
                raise APIError(0, 'I need 2 parameters!')
            identifierHex, addressVersion = params
            ''' Check that the address version and requested tag are valid '''
            if addressVersion < 1:
                raise APIError(2, 'The address version cannot be less than 1')
            elif addressVersion > 4:
                raise APIError(
                    3, 'Address versions above 4 are currently not supported')
            elif addressVersion < 4:  # For pubkeys of address versions 1-3
                if len(identifierHex) != 40:
                    raise APIError(
                        'The length of identifier (the ripe hash of the pubkey) should be 20 bytes (encoded in hex and thus 40 characters).'
            else:  # For pubkeys of address version 4
                if len(identifierHex) != 64:
                    raise APIError(
                        'The length of identifier (the tag of the pubkey) should be 32 bytes (encoded in hex and thus 64 characters).'
            ''' Now attempt to retrieve the pubkey using the given identifier '''
            requestedTag = self._decode(identifierHex, "hex")
            queryReturn = sqlQuery(
                '''SELECT payload FROM inventory WHERE objecttype=1 and tag=? ''',
            if queryReturn != []:
                payload = queryReturn[0]
                if len(payload) <= self.MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_TO_RETURN:
                    return self.outputQueryReturn("pubkeyPayload", queryReturn)
                    raise APIError(
                        'The requested object was found, but its payload is above the maximum size limit. The size of the object payload is '
                        + str(len(payload)))
                # We had no success looking in the sql inventory. Let's look through the memory inventory.
                with shared.inventoryLock:
                    for hash, storedValue in shared.inventory.items():
                        objectType, streamNumber, payload, expiresTime, tag, receivedTime = storedValue
                        if objectType == self.OBJECT_TYPE_PUBKEY and tag == requestedTag:
                            if len(payload) <= self.MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_TO_RETURN:
                                return self.outputPayload(
                                    "pubkeyPayload", payload)
                                raise APIError(
                                    'The requested object was found, but its payload is above the maximum size limit. The size of the object payload is '
                                    + str(len(payload)))
                            return 'No pubkeys found'

        elif method == 'checkForNewMsgs':
            self.checkParameters(params, 3)
            streamNumber, receivedSinceTime, receivedBeforeTime = params
            queryReturn = sqlQuery(
                '''SELECT payload FROM inventory WHERE objecttype=2 and streamnumber=? and receivedTime>? and receivedTime<? ''',
                streamNumber, receivedSinceTime, receivedBeforeTime)
            output = []
            if queryReturn != []:
                output = self.addQueryReturnToOutput(output, queryReturn)
            # Now let us search through the objects stored in memory
            with shared.inventoryLock:
                for hash, storedValue in shared.inventory.items():
                    objectType, streamNumber, payload, expiresTime, tag, receivedTime = storedValue
                    if objectType == self.OBJECT_TYPE_MSG and receivedTime > receivedSinceTime and receivedTime < receivedBeforeTime:
                        if len(payload) <= self.MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_TO_RETURN:
                            output = self.addPayloadToOutput(output, payload)
            if output == []:
                return 'No msgs found'
                return self.outputAsJSON('msgPayloads', output)