예제 #1
    def test_basic(self):
        with self.make_backend() as b:
            def make_entry(n, contents):
                hashes = []
                while contents:
                    hashes.append(('sha512', contents[0:5])) # treat contents as hash, nevermind
                    contents = contents[5:]

                return ('%d' % (n,), md.FileMetaData.from_string('-rwxr-xr-x 5 6 7 8 9 10'), hashes)

            entries_in = [ make_entry(n, 'contents'.join([ unicode(m) for m in xrange(0, n)])) for n in xrange(0, 100) ]
            manifest.write_manifest(b, 'test_manifest', entries_in)
            entries_out = [ entry for entry in manifest.read_manifest(b, 'test_manifest') ]

            #print b.get('test_manifest')

            self.assertEqual(manifest.list_manifests(b), [ 'test_manifest' ])
            manifest.delete_manifest(b, 'test_manifest')
            self.assertEqual(manifest.list_manifests(b), [])

            def to_comparable(entry):
                path, md, algos = entry

                return (path, md.to_string(), algos)

            self.assertEqual([ to_comparable(entry) for entry in entries_in ],
                             [ to_comparable(entry) for entry in entries_out])
예제 #2
def show_manifest(config, uri, label):
    def number_group(n, sep):
        # TODO: if boto didn't bork out we would use locale instead of re:
        # return locale.format('%d', attr.size, grouping=True)
        return re.sub(r'(\d)(?=(\d{3})+$)',
                      r"\1" + sep,

    b = get_backend_factory(uri, config)()
    print "%10s %7s %14s %s" % ('Attr','Blocks','Bytes','Name')
    print "-" * (10 + 7 + 14 + 2 + 10)
    totblocks = 0
    totsize = 0
    for name,attr,sums in manifest.read_manifest(b, label):
        totblocks += len(sums)
        totsize += attr.size
        print "%10s %7s %14s %s" % (
            str(attr).split(' ',1)[0],
            number_group(len(sums), "'"),
            number_group(attr.size, "'"),
    print "-" * (10 + 7 + 14 + 2 + 10)
    print "%10s %7s %14s %s" % ('',
                                number_group(totblocks, "'"),
                                number_group(totsize, "'"),
예제 #3
def list_manifest(uri, config):
    b = get_backend_factory(uri)()
    print "%-20s %6s %7s" % ("Manifest", "Files", "Blocks")
    for mft in b.list():
        mf = list(manifest.read_manifest(b, mft))
        flatten = lambda z: reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, z)
        print "%-20s %6d %7d" % (mft, len(mf), len(flatten([x[2] for x in mf])))
예제 #4
def materialize(src_uri, dst_path, config):
    mpath, label, dpath = src_uri.split(",")
    fs = filesystem.LocalFileSystem()
    mf = list(manifest.read_manifest(get_backend_factory(mpath)(), label))
    sq = storagequeue.StorageQueue(get_backend_factory(dpath), CONCURRENCY)
    materialization.materialize(fs, dst_path, mf, sq)
예제 #5
def materialize(src_uri, dst_path, config):
    mpath, label, dpath = src_uri.split(',')
    fs = filesystem.LocalFileSystem()
    mf = list(manifest.read_manifest(get_backend_factory(mpath)(), label))
    sq = storagequeue.StorageQueue(get_backend_factory(dpath), CONCURRENCY)
    materialization.materialize(fs, dst_path, mf, sq)
예제 #6
def list_manifest(uri, config):
    b = get_backend_factory(uri)()
    print "%-20s %6s %7s" % ('Manifest', 'Files', 'Blocks')
    for mft in b.list():
        mf = list(manifest.read_manifest(b, mft))
        flatten = lambda z: reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, z)
        print "%-20s %6d %7d" % (mft, len(mf), len(flatten([x[2]
                                                            for x in mf])))
예제 #7
def materialize(config, src_uri, dst_path, *files):
    if len(files) == 0:
        files = None
    mpath, label, dpath = src_uri.split(',')
    fs = filesystem.LocalFileSystem()
    mf = list(manifest.read_manifest(get_backend_factory(mpath, config)(),
    sq = storagequeue.StorageQueue(get_backend_factory(dpath, config),
    materialization.materialize(fs, dst_path, mf, sq, files)
예제 #8
def common_blocks(config, uri, *mf_names):
    b = get_backend_factory(uri, config)()
    mfs = [manifest.read_manifest(b, x) for x in mf_names]
    blocks = [get_all_blockhashes([x]) for x in mfs]
    all_blocks = flatten(blocks)
    before = [len(x) for x in blocks]
    [ [bl.remove(x) for bl in blocks]
       for x in list(set(all_blocks))
       if all_blocks.count(x) == len(mf_names)
    after = [len(x) for x in blocks]
    for nm,bf,af in zip(mf_names,before,after):
        print '%d unique in %s' % (af, nm)
    print '%d in common' % (before[0] - after[0])
예제 #9
    def test_basic(self):
        with self.make_backend() as b:

            def make_entry(n, contents):
                hashes = []
                while contents:
                         contents[0:5]))  # treat contents as hash, nevermind
                    contents = contents[5:]

                return ('%d' % (n, ),
                        md.FileMetaData.from_string('-rwxr-xr-x 5 6 7 8 9 10'),

            entries_in = [
                           'contents'.join([unicode(m) for m in xrange(0, n)]))
                for n in xrange(0, 100)

            manifest.write_manifest(b, 'test_manifest', entries_in)
            entries_out = [
                entry for entry in manifest.read_manifest(b, 'test_manifest')

            #print b.get('test_manifest')

            self.assertEqual(manifest.list_manifests(b), ['test_manifest'])
            manifest.delete_manifest(b, 'test_manifest')
            self.assertEqual(manifest.list_manifests(b), [])

            def to_comparable(entry):
                path, md, algos = entry

                return (path, md.to_string(), algos)

            self.assertEqual([to_comparable(entry) for entry in entries_in],
                             [to_comparable(entry) for entry in entries_out])
예제 #10
def get_all_manifests(be):
    return [(x, list(manifest.read_manifest(be, x)))
            for x in manifest.list_manifests(be)]