def run_parallel_context(): print('Running run_parallel_context') import sys import time from shell_proc import Shell, python_args if Shell.is_linux(): python_args.PYTHON = 'python3' with Shell(stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, shell=True) as sh: # if sh.is_linux(): # This wont work with parallel due to a new shell being created. # sh('alias python=python3') with sh.parallel() as p: for i in range(10): if i == 3: p.python( '-c', 'import os', 'import time', 'time.sleep(1)', "print('My ID:', {id}, 'My PID:', os.getpid(), time.time())" .format(id=i)) else: p.python( '-c', 'import os', 'import time', "print('My ID:', {id}, 'My PID:', os.getpid(), time.time())" .format(id=i)) # p.wait() on exit context print('finished parallel')
def run_module(): import sys from shell_proc import Shell, python_args if Shell.is_linux(): python_args.PYTHON = 'python3' with Shell(stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) as sh: if sh.is_linux(): sh('alias python=python3') sh.python('-m', 'pip', '-V')
def run_python_file(): import sys from shell_proc import Shell, python_args if Shell.is_linux(): python_args.PYTHON = 'python3' with Shell(stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) as sh: if sh.is_linux(): sh('alias python=python3') sh.python('')
def run_command(): import sys from shell_proc import Shell, python_args if Shell.is_linux(): python_args.PYTHON = 'python3' with Shell(stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) as sh: if sh.is_linux(): sh('alias python=python3') sh.python('-c', 'import os', 'print("My PID:", os.getpid())') # Try different quotes sh.python('-c', 'import os', "print('My PID:', os.getpid())")
def run_subprocess(): # Create the continuous terminal process if Shell.is_windows(): proc = Popen('cmd.exe', stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=False) else: proc = Popen('/bin/bash', stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=False) # Cannot communicate multiple times # out, err = proc.communicate(input=b'cd ./storage\n') # print(out, err, proc.poll()) # out, err = proc.communicate(input=b'dir\n') # print(out, err) proc.stdin.write(b'cd ./storage\n') proc.stdin.flush() print(proc.poll(), proc.returncode) proc.stdin.write(b'dir\n') proc.stdin.flush() print(proc.poll(), proc.returncode)
def run_context_manager(): import sys from shell_proc import Shell with Shell(stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) as sh:'mkdir storage') sh('cd storage') # Same as sh('echo Hello World! > hello.txt') if sh.is_windows(): sh('python -m venv ./winvenv') sh('call ./winvenv/Scripts/activate.bat') else: pwd = sh('pwd') sh('cd ~') sh('python3 -m venv ./lxvenv') sh('source ./lxvenv/bin/activate') sh('cd {}'.format(pwd.stdout.strip())) sh('pip install requests') sh('pip list') table = '|{:_<20}|{:_<20}|{:_<20}|{:_<50}|' print(table.format('', '', '', '').replace('|', '_')) print(table.format("Exit Code", "Has Error", "Has Ouput", "Command").replace('_', ' ')) print(table.format('', '', '', '')) for cmd in sh.history: print(table.format(cmd.exit_code, cmd.has_error(), cmd.has_output(), cmd.cmd).replace('_', ' ')) x = 1 print(table.format('', '', '', '').replace('|', '_'))
def test_has_err(): from shell_proc import Shell with Shell() as sh: print('\n========== Begin Shell has_err ==========') # Create a directory storage and make a virtual environment in storage with the requests library installed sh('mkdir storage') print('mkdir storage', '>>', sh.last_command.stderr) # Directory may exist sh('cd storage') print('cd storage', '>>', sh.last_command.stderr) sh('echo Hello World! > hello.txt') print('echo Hello World! > hello.txt', '>>', sh.last_command.stderr) if sh.is_windows(): sh('python -m venv ./winvenv') print('python -m venv ./winvenv', '>>', sh.last_command.stderr) sh('call ./winvenv/Scripts/activate.bat') else: pwd = sh('pwd') sh('cd ~') sh('python3 -m venv ./lxvenv') print('python3 -m venv ./lxvenv', '>>', sh.last_command.stderr) sh('source ./lxvenv/bin/activate') sh('cd {}'.format(pwd.stdout)) sh('pip -V') print('pip -V', '>>', sh.last_command.stderr) sh('pip install requests') print('pip install requests', '>>', sh.last_command.stderr) # Possible stderr message to update pip sh('pip list') print('pip list', '>>', sh.last_command.stderr) # Possible stderr message to update pip print('========== End Shell ==========')
def run_non_blocking(): import sys import time from shell_proc import Shell with Shell(stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, blocking=False, wait_on_exit=True) as sh:'mkdir storage') sh('cd storage') # Same as sh('echo Hello World! > hello.txt') if sh.is_windows(): sh('python -m venv ./winvenv') sh('call ./winvenv/Scripts/activate.bat') else: pwd = sh('pwd') sh('cd ~') sh('python3 -m venv ./lxvenv') sh('source ./lxvenv/bin/activate') sh('cd {}'.format(pwd.stdout)) sh('pip install requests') sh('pip list') print('---------- At exit (shows non-blocking until exit) ----------') table = '|{:_<20}|{:_<20}|{:_<20}|{:_<50}|' print(table.format('', '', '', '').replace('|', '_')) print(table.format("Exit Code", "Has Error", "Has Ouput", "Command").replace('_', ' ')) print(table.format('', '', '', '')) for cmd in sh.history: print(table.format(cmd.exit_code, cmd.has_error(), cmd.has_output(), cmd.cmd).replace('_', ' ')) print(table.format('', '', '', '').replace('|', '_'))
def run_python(): import sys from shell_proc import Shell with Shell(stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, python_call='python3') as sh: sh.python('-c', 'import os', 'print("My PID:", os.getpid())')
def run_parallel(): print('Running run_parallel') import sys import time from shell_proc import Shell, python_args if Shell.is_linux(): python_args.PYTHON = 'python3' with Shell(stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) as sh: # if sh.is_linux(): # This wont work with parallel due to a new shell being created. # sh('alias python=python3') start = time.time() sh.parallel(*(python_args( '-c', 'import os', 'import time', 'print("My ID:", {id}, "My PID:", os.getpid(), time.time() - {s})'. format(s=start, id=i)) for i in range(10)))
def run_interactive(): """WIP: I dont know how to get this to work with a subshell.""" import sys import time from shell_proc import Shell, python_args if Shell.is_linux(): python_args.PYTHON = 'python3' with Shell(stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, shell=True) as sh: if sh.is_linux(): sh('alias python=python3') sh.end_command = '' # Terminator to help determine when a task finished sh.set_blocking(False) # Must have non blocking commands sh.python() time.sleep(0.5) while sh.is_proc_running(): sh(input('>>> '))
def run_shell(): import sys with Shell(stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) as sh: sh('cd ./storage') sh('exit()') try: sh('dir') raise AssertionError('Shell already closed!') except (ShellExit): pass # Should hit here
def run_simple_result(): from shell_proc import Shell with Shell() as sh: sh('cd ..') if sh.is_windows(): cmd = sh('dir') else: cmd = sh('ls') # cmd (Command) Attributes: cmd, exit_code, stdout, stderr print(cmd.stdout)
def run_parallel(): import sys import time from shell_proc import Shell, python_args with Shell(stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, python_call='python3') as sh: p = sh.parallel(*(python_args('-c', 'import os', 'import time', "print('My ID:', {id}, 'My PID:', os.getpid(), time.time())".format(id=i), python_call='python3') for i in range(10))) sh.wait() # or p.wait() print('finished parallel') time.sleep(1) tasks = [] for i in range(10): if i == 3: t = python_args('-c', 'import os', 'import time', 'time.sleep(1)', "print('My ID:', {id}, 'My PID:', os.getpid(), time.time())".format(id=i), python_call='python3') else: t = python_args('-c', 'import os', 'import time', "print('My ID:', {id}, 'My PID:', os.getpid(), time.time())".format(id=i), python_call='python3') tasks.append(t) p = sh.parallel(*tasks) p.wait() print('finished parallel') time.sleep(1) with sh.parallel() as p: # python3 from shell for i in range(10): if i == 3: p.python('-c', 'import os', 'import time', 'time.sleep(1)', "print('My ID:', {id}, 'My PID:', os.getpid(), time.time())".format(id=i)) else: p.python('-c', 'import os', 'import time', "print('My ID:', {id}, 'My PID:', os.getpid(), time.time())".format(id=i)) # p.wait() on exit context print('finished parallel')
def run_manual(): import io import sys from shell_proc import Shell # Initialize and run tasks sh = Shell('mkdir storage', 'cd storage', 'echo Hello World! > hello.txt', stderr=io.StringIO()) # Manually run tasks if sh.is_windows(): sh('python -m venv ./winvenv') sh('call ./winvenv/Scripts/activate.bat') else: pwd = sh('pwd') sh('cd ~') sh('python3 -m venv ./lxvenv') sh('source ./lxvenv/bin/activate') sh('cd {}'.format(pwd.stdout)) # Not exactly success. If True no output was printed to stderr. Stderr could also be warning like need to update pip results ='pip install requests') print("***** Successful install: ", results.exit_code == 0) if results.exit_code != 0: # Move to start of io.StringIO() err = # All text collected into stderr from subprocess stderr print(err, file=sys.stderr) # sh.print_stderr() # Also available sh.stdout = io.StringIO() # Start saving output for new tasks results = sh('pip list') print('***** Output Printed\n', results.stdout) sh('pip -V') print('pip -V =>', sh.last_command.stdout) # ... for some odd reason PyCharm terminal does not print this "\r\r\n" print('All collected stdout') # Move to start of io.StringIO() print(, end='', flush=True) # Print all read data # Should close when finished to stop threads from reading stdout and stderr subprocess.PIPE # (will close automatically eventually) sh.close()
def run_command_pipe(): import sys from shell_proc import Shell, ShellExit, shell_args, quote with Shell(stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) as sh: # One step if sh.is_windows(): results = sh( 'dir') | 'find "run"' # Hard to tell where find output starts else: results = sh('ls -al') | 'grep "run"' assert '' in results.stdout, results.stdout # Two Steps if sh.is_windows(): cmd = sh('dir') print('\nRUN PIPE') results = cmd | 'find "run"' else: cmd = sh('ls -al') print('\nRUN PIPE') results = cmd | 'grep "run"' assert '' in results.stdout
def test_has_out(): import io from shell_proc import Shell with Shell(stdout=io.StringIO()) as sh: print('\n========== Begin Shell has_out ==========') # Create a directory storage and make a virtual environment in storage with the requests library installed sh('mkdir storage') print('mkdir storage', '>>', sh.last_command.stdout) sh('cd storage') print('cd storage', '>>', sh.last_command.stdout) sh('echo Hello World! > hello.txt') print('echo Hello World! > hello.txt', '>>', sh.last_command.stdout) if sh.is_windows(): sh('python -m venv ./winvenv') print('python -m venv ./winvenv', '>>', sh.last_command.stdout) sh('call ./winvenv/Scripts/activate.bat') else: pwd = sh('pwd') sh('cd ~') sh('python3 -m venv ./lxvenv') print('python3 -m venv ./lxvenv', '>>', sh.last_command.stdout) sh('source ./lxvenv/bin/activate') sh('cd {}'.format(pwd.stdout)) sh('pip -V') print('pip -V', '>>', sh.last_command.stdout) sh('pip install requests') print('pip install requests', '>>', sh.last_command.stdout) sh('pip list') print('pip list', '>>', sh.last_command.stdout) out = ) # All text saved to stdout from the subprocess terminal commands assert out != '' print('========== End Shell ==========')
def test_simple(): import sys from shell_proc import Shell with Shell(stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) as sh: print('\n========== Begin Shell ==========') # Create a directory storage and make a virtual environment in storage with the requests library installed sh('mkdir storage') sh('cd storage') sh('echo Hello World! > hello.txt') if sh.is_windows(): sh('python -m venv ./winvenv') sh('call ./winvenv/Scripts/activate.bat') else: pwd = sh('pwd') sh('cd ~') sh('python3 -m venv ./lxvenv') sh('source ./lxvenv/bin/activate') sh('cd {}'.format(pwd.stdout)) sh('pip -V') sh('pip install requests') sh('pip list') print('========== End Shell ==========')
import sys import os import argparse from shell_proc import Shell P = argparse.ArgumentParser('Run shell commands') P.add_argument('tasks', nargs='*', type=str, help='Shell tasks to run.') P.add_argument('--stdout', type=str, default=sys.stdout, help='Filename to write stdout to') P.add_argument('--stderr', type=str, default=sys.stderr, help='Filename to write stderr to') P.add_argument('--blocking', type=bool, default=True) ARGS, REMAIN = P.parse_known_args(sys.argv[1:]) OUT = ARGS.stdout if isinstance(OUT, str): OUT = open(OUT, 'w') ERR = ARGS.stderr if isinstance(ERR, str): ERR = open(ERR, 'w') with Shell(*ARGS.tasks, stdout=OUT, stderr=ERR, blocking=ARGS.blocking) as sh: while sh.is_proc_running(): sh(input('> '))