def _subitem_add(): id = request.json['id'] item = get_item(id) if not g.user['admin'] or (item['owner_id'] != g.user['id']): abort(403) try: subitem_id = request.json['subitem'] # assert that subitem exists subitem = get_item(subitem_id) if not g.user['admin'] or (subitem['owner_id'] != g.user['id']): abort(403) cursor = get_db_cursor() # check whether this item is already included somewhere cursor.execute( 'SELECT * FROM item_relation' ' WHERE item_id2 = %s AND type = %s', (subitem_id, Relation.REL_INCLUDES)) if cursor.fetchone() is not None: abort(403) # check possible recursion if id == subitem_id or not check_parent_loops(id, subitem_id): abort(403) cursor.execute( 'INSERT INTO item_relation (item_id1, item_id2, type)' ' VALUES (%s, %s, %s)', (id, subitem_id, Relation.REL_INCLUDES)) db_commit() except: db_rollback() abort(403) return jsonify(result='success')
def upload_image(file, desc='', width=-1, height=-1): if not allowed_image(file.filename): abort(403) if not g.user: abort(403) img = if width != -1: if (img.width != width and img.height != height ) or img.width > width or img.height > height: return None filename = secure_filename(file.filename) ext = filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower() cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute( 'INSERT INTO image (ext, filename, description, owner_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)', ( ext, filename, desc, g.user['id'], )) file_id = cursor.lastrowid os.path.join( os.path.join(os.path.abspath(current_app.instance_path), 'uploads'), '%d.%s' % (file_id, ext))) return file_id
def get_catalog_full(id): cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute( 'SELECT, c.title, c.title_eng, c.description, c.created,' ' IF(c.type = %s, 1, 0) AS is_physical,' ' IF(c.type = %s, 1, 0) AS is_group,' ' IF(c.type = %s, 1, 0) AS is_kit,' ' IF(c.type = %s, 1, 0) AS is_bits,' ' IF(c.type = %s, 1, 0) AS is_company,' ' IFNULL(c.year, "") as year,' ' ccomp.title_eng as company, as company_id,' ' c.type,' ' rr.catalog_id1 AS root, cr.title_eng AS root_title' ' FROM catalog c' ' LEFT JOIN catalog_relation rr ON rr.catalog_id2 = AND rr.type = %s' ' LEFT JOIN catalog cr ON rr.catalog_id1 =' ' LEFT JOIN catalog_relation rcomp ON rcomp.catalog_id2 = AND rcomp.type = %s' ' LEFT JOIN catalog ccomp ON rcomp.catalog_id1 =' ' WHERE = %s', ( Type.TYPE_PHYSICAL, Type.TYPE_ABSTRACT, Type.TYPE_KIT, Type.TYPE_BITS, Type.TYPE_COMPANY, Relation.REL_ROOT, Relation.REL_PRODUCED, id, )) return cursor.fetchone()
def _create_modification(): error = None id = int(request.args['id']) catalog = get_catalog(id) title = request.json['title'] title_eng = request.json['title_eng'] description = request.json['description'] year = None if request.json['year'] != '': try: year = int(request.json['year']) if year < 1500 or year > 2100: error = 'Invalid year' except: error = 'Invalid year' if title_eng is None or title_eng == "": error = 'title_eng is required' if error is not None: abort(403) try: cursor = get_db_cursor() catalog_id = create_catalog(cursor, catalog['type'], title, title_eng, description, year, get_catalog_root(id)) create_relation(cursor, id, catalog_id, Relation.REL_MODIFICATION) db_commit() except: db_rollback() abort(403) return jsonify(result='success')
def included_rec(id, t, rel): params = () q = '' if t != -1: q = ' WHERE c.type = %s' params = (t, ) cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute( 'WITH RECURSIVE families (id) AS (' ' SELECT %s' ' UNION DISTINCT' ' SELECT r.catalog_id1 FROM families' ' INNER JOIN catalog_relation AS r ON = r.catalog_id2 AND (r.type = %s OR r.type = %s)' ' INNER JOIN catalog c ON = r.catalog_id1' ' WHERE c.type = %s' ')' 'SELECT, c.title_eng, IF( = %s, 1, 0) AS own,' ' cr.title_eng AS root_title' ' FROM families' ' INNER JOIN catalog_relation r ON r.catalog_id2 = AND r.type = %s' ' INNER JOIN catalog c ON r.catalog_id1 =' ' LEFT JOIN catalog_relation rr ON rr.catalog_id2 = AND rr.type = %s' ' LEFT JOIN catalog cr ON rr.catalog_id1 =' + q, (id, Relation.REL_INCLUDES, Relation.REL_MODIFICATION, Type.TYPE_ABSTRACT, id, rel, Relation.REL_ROOT, *params)) res = {} for c in cursor.fetchall(): res[c['id']] = c return res
def _upload_image(): id = request.form.get('id', -1, type=int) item = get_item(id) if item['owner_id'] != g.user['id']: return abort(403) if 'file' not in request.files: return abort(400) file = request.files['file'] if file: file_id = upload_image(file, request.form.get('desc')) cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute( 'INSERT INTO item_attribute (type, item_id, value_id)' ' VALUES (%s, %s, %s)', ( Attribute.ATTR_IMAGE, id, file_id, )) db_commit() cursor.execute('SELECT id, filename FROM image WHERE id = %s', (file_id, )) return jsonify(cursor.fetchone()) return abort(400)
def _filtered_count(): q = filtered_query(request.args, True) cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute(q['query'], q['params']) result = cursor.fetchone() return jsonify(result)
def latest(): try: cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute( 'SELECT, c.message, c.user_id, c.created,' ' u.username, cc.ref_id AS catalog_id, ic.ref_id AS item_id,' ' CASE WHEN cat.title IS NOT NULL' ' THEN cat.title' ' ELSE icat.title' ' END AS catalog_title,' ' CASE WHEN cat.title_eng IS NOT NULL' ' THEN cat.title_eng' ' ELSE icat.title_eng' ' END AS catalog_title_eng' ' FROM comment c' ' INNER JOIN user u ON = c.user_id' ' LEFT OUTER JOIN catalog_comment cc ON cc.comment_id =' ' LEFT OUTER JOIN catalog cat ON cc.ref_id =' ' LEFT OUTER JOIN item_comment ic ON ic.comment_id =' ' LEFT OUTER JOIN item it ON ic.ref_id =' ' LEFT OUTER JOIN catalog icat ON it.catalog_id =' ' ORDER BY c.created DESC' ' LIMIT 10') return jsonify(cursor.fetchall()) except: abort(400)
def _set_logo(): try: id = int(request.form['id']) get_catalog(id) file = request.files['file'] file_id = upload_image(file, width=64, height=64) if file_id is None: # Only 64x64 images can be used as a logo abort(400) cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute( 'DELETE FROM catalog_attribute' ' WHERE type=%s AND catalog_id=%s', ( Attribute.ATTR_LOGO, id, )) cursor.execute( 'INSERT INTO catalog_attribute (type, catalog_id, value_id)' ' VALUES (%s, %s, %s)', ( Attribute.ATTR_LOGO, id, file_id, )) db_commit() except: db_rollback() abort(403) return jsonify(result='success')
def _filtered_list(): q = filtered_query(request.args, False) cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute(q['query'], q['params']) result = cursor.fetchall() return jsonify(result)
def confirm_email(): try: email = request.json['email'] h = request.json['h'] cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM user WHERE email = %s', (email, )) user = cursor.fetchone() if user is None: return jsonify(error='Can\'t find the user.') if user['status'] != UserStatus.REGISTERED: return jsonify(error='Can\'t enable this user login.') hash = user_hash(email, user['id']) if h != hash: return jsonify(error='Wrong confirmation code.') cursor.execute('UPDATE user SET status = %s WHERE id = %s', ( UserStatus.ACTIVE, user['id'], )) db_commit() except: return jsonify(error='Internal server error.') return jsonify(success='Email was successfully validated.')
def set_password(): old_password = request.args.get('old_password').strip() new_password = request.args.get('new_password').strip() new_password = generate_password_hash(new_password) error = None if not old_password: error = 'Password is required.' if not new_password or new_password == '': error = 'New password is required.' cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = %s', (g.user['id'], )) user = cursor.fetchone() if not check_password_hash(user['password'], old_password): error = 'Incorrect password.' if error: return jsonify(error=error) cursor.execute('UPDATE user SET password = %s WHERE id = %s', (new_password, g.user['id'])) db_commit() return jsonify(result='success')
def catalog(): try: cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM page_catalog' ' ORDER BY num') return jsonify(cursor.fetchall()) except: abort(400)
def get_user(id): cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute( 'SELECT as id, username, admin, as col_id,' ' email FROM user ' ' LEFT JOIN collection ON = collection.owner_id' ' WHERE = %s', (id, )) return cursor.fetchone()
def get(): try: id = request.args['id'] cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM comment WHERE id = %s', (id, )) return jsonify(cursor.fetchone()) except: abort(400)
def get(): id = request.args.get('id', -1, type=int) cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT description FROM image WHERE id = %s', (id, )) image = cursor.fetchone() if image is None: abort(403) return jsonify(image)
def list(): # No parameters yet cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute( 'SELECT *' ' FROM catalog_history ch' ' ORDER BY ch.created,' ) return jsonify(cursor.fetchall())
def get_catalog_child(id, rel): cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute( 'SELECT catalog_id2 FROM catalog_relation' ' WHERE catalog_id1 = %s AND type = %s', (id, rel)) try: res = cursor.fetchone()['catalog_id2'] except: res = None return res
def get_catalog_attachments(id): cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute( 'SELECT a.value_id AS id' ' FROM catalog_attribute a' ' WHERE a.type = %s AND a.catalog_id = %s', ( Attribute.ATTR_ATTACH, id, )) return cursor.fetchall()
def get_item_images(id): cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute( 'SELECT a.value_id AS id' ' FROM item_attribute a' ' WHERE a.type = %s AND a.item_id = %s', ( Attribute.ATTR_IMAGE, id, )) return cursor.fetchall()
def get_item(id): cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute( 'SELECT * FROM catalog_history ch' ' WHERE id = %s', (id,) ) it = cursor.fetchone() if it is None: abort(403, "Catalog history id {0} doesn't exist.".format(id)) return it
def get(): id = request.args.get('id', -1, type=int) cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute( 'SELECT filename, description FROM attachment WHERE id = %s', (id,) ) res = cursor.fetchone() if res is None: abort(403) return jsonify(res)
def approve(): id = int(request.args['id']) item = get_item(id) cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute( 'DELETE FROM catalog_history WHERE id = %s', (id,) ) db_commit() return jsonify(result='success')
def get_catalog_logo_own(id): cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute( 'SELECT' ' FROM catalog c JOIN catalog_attribute a ON = a.catalog_id' ' JOIN image img ON a.value_id =' ' WHERE a.type = %s AND = %s', ( Attribute.ATTR_LOGO, id, )) res = cursor.fetchone() if res: return res['id'] return None
def _categories(): cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute( 'SELECT, c.title_eng FROM catalog c' ' LEFT JOIN catalog_relation r' ' ON = r.catalog_id2 AND r.type = %s' ' WHERE r.catalog_id1 IS NULL' ' AND c.type = %s', ( Relation.REL_ROOT, Type.TYPE_ABSTRACT, )) result = cursor.fetchall() return jsonify(result)
def item(): try: id = request.args['id'] cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute( 'SELECT, c.message, c.user_id, c.created,' ' u.username FROM comment c' ' INNER JOIN item_comment ii ON ii.comment_id =' ' INNER JOIN user u ON = c.user_id' ' WHERE ii.ref_id = %s' ' ORDER BY c.created DESC', (id, )) return jsonify(cursor.fetchall()) except: abort(400)
def get_user_collection(id): cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute( 'SELECT id, title, description, created, owner_id' ' FROM collection' ' WHERE owner_id = %s', (id,) ) collection = cursor.fetchone() if collection is None: abort(404, "Collection id {0} doesn't exist.".format(id)) return collection
def _filtered_list(): # No parameters yet db = get_db_cursor() db.execute( 'SELECT, title, description, created, owner_id, username,' ' (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM item it WHERE AS count' ' FROM collection c JOIN user u ON c.owner_id =' ' WHERE u.status = %s' ' ORDER BY title', (UserStatus.ACTIVE,) ) collections = db.fetchall() return jsonify(collections)
def upload_file(file, desc): if not g.user: abort(403) filename = secure_filename(file.filename) cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute( 'INSERT INTO attachment (filename, description, owner_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)', (filename, desc, g.user['id'],) ) file_id = cursor.lastrowid os.path.join(os.path.abspath(current_app.instance_path), 'uploads'), '%d' % (file_id,))) return file_id
def undo(): id = int(request.args['id']) item = get_item(id) if item['field'] == 'create': # no cascade delete yet abort(403) cursor = get_db_cursor() cursor.execute(item['undo_query']) cursor.execute( 'DELETE FROM catalog_history WHERE id = %s', (id,) ) db_commit() return jsonify(result='success')