예제 #1
def some_basic_tests():
    import pyfftw
    from mpi4py import MPI

    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    N = 8
    K0 = shenfun.fourier.bases.C2CBasis(N)
    K1 = shenfun.fourier.bases.C2CBasis(N)
    K2 = shenfun.fourier.bases.C2CBasis(N)
    K3 = shenfun.fourier.bases.R2CBasis(N)
    T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (K0, K1, K2, K3))

    # Create data on rank 0 for testing
    if comm.Get_rank() == 0:
        f_g = np.random.random(T.shape())
        f_g_hat = pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.rfftn(f_g, axes=(0, 1, 2, 3))
        f_g = np.zeros(T.shape())
        f_g_hat = np.zeros(T.spectral_shape(), dtype=np.complex)

    # Distribute test data to all ranks
    comm.Bcast(f_g, root=0)
    comm.Bcast(f_g_hat, root=0)

    # Create a function in real space to hold the test data
    fj = shenfun.Array(T)
    fj[:] = f_g[T.local_slice(False)]

    # Perform forward transformation
    f_hat = T.forward(fj)

    assert np.allclose(f_g_hat[T.local_slice(True)], f_hat * N**4)

    # Perform backward transformation
    fj2 = shenfun.Array(T)
    fj2 = T.backward(f_hat)

    assert np.allclose(fj, fj2)

    f_hat = T.scalar_product(fj)

    # Padding
    # Needs new instances of bases because arrays have new sizes
    Kp0 = shenfun.fourier.bases.C2CBasis(N, padding_factor=1.5)
    Kp1 = shenfun.fourier.bases.C2CBasis(N, padding_factor=1.5)
    Kp2 = shenfun.fourier.bases.C2CBasis(N, padding_factor=1.5)
    Kp3 = shenfun.fourier.bases.R2CBasis(N, padding_factor=1.5)
    Tp = TensorProductSpace(comm, (Kp0, Kp1, Kp2, Kp3))

    f_g_pad = Tp.backward(f_hat)
    f_hat2 = Tp.forward(f_g_pad)

    assert np.allclose(f_hat2, f_hat)
예제 #2
def test_to_ortho(basis, quad):
    N = 10
    if basis.family() == 'legendre':
        B1 = lBasis[0](N, quad)
        #B3 = lBasis[0](N, quad)
    elif basis.family() == 'chebyshev':
        if basis.short_name() == 'DU':
            B1 = cBasisGC[0](N, quad)
            B1 = cBasis[0](N, quad)
        #B3 = cBasis[0](N, quad)
    elif basis.family() == 'laguerre':
        B1 = laBasis[0](N, quad)
        #B3 = laBasis[0](N, quad)

    B0 = basis(N, quad=quad)
    a = shenfun.Array(B0)
    a_hat = shenfun.Function(B0)
    b0_hat = shenfun.Function(B1)
    b1_hat = shenfun.Function(B1)
    a[:] = np.random.random(a.shape)
    a_hat = a.forward(a_hat)
    b0_hat = shenfun.project(a_hat, B1, output_array=b0_hat, fill=False,  use_to_ortho=True)
    b1_hat = shenfun.project(a_hat, B1, output_array=b1_hat, fill=False,  use_to_ortho=False)
    assert np.linalg.norm(b0_hat-b1_hat) < 1e-10

    #B2 = basis(N, quad=quad)
    TD = shenfun.TensorProductSpace(shenfun.comm, (B0, B0))
    TC = shenfun.TensorProductSpace(shenfun.comm, (B1, B1))
    a = shenfun.Array(TD)
    a_hat = shenfun.Function(TD)
    b0_hat = shenfun.Function(TC)
    b1_hat = shenfun.Function(TC)
    a[:] = np.random.random(a.shape)
    a_hat = a.forward(a_hat)
    b0_hat = shenfun.project(a_hat, TC, output_array=b0_hat, fill=False, use_to_ortho=True)
    b1_hat = shenfun.project(a_hat, TC, output_array=b1_hat, fill=False, use_to_ortho=False)
    assert np.linalg.norm(b0_hat-b1_hat) < 1e-10

    F0 = shenfun.FunctionSpace(N, 'F')
    TD = shenfun.TensorProductSpace(shenfun.comm, (B0, F0))
    TC = shenfun.TensorProductSpace(shenfun.comm, (B1, F0))
    a = shenfun.Array(TD)
    a_hat = shenfun.Function(TD)
    b0_hat = shenfun.Function(TC)
    b1_hat = shenfun.Function(TC)
    a[:] = np.random.random(a.shape)
    a_hat = a.forward(a_hat)
    b0_hat = shenfun.project(a_hat, TC, output_array=b0_hat, fill=False, use_to_ortho=True)
    b1_hat = shenfun.project(a_hat, TC, output_array=b1_hat, fill=False, use_to_ortho=False)
    assert np.linalg.norm(b0_hat-b1_hat) < 1e-10
예제 #3
def test_transforms(ST, quad, dim):
    kwargs = {}
    if not ST.family() == 'fourier':
        kwargs['quad'] = quad
    ST0 = ST(N, **kwargs)
    fj = shenfun.Array(ST0)
    fj[:] = np.random.random(fj.shape[0])

    # Project function to space first
    f_hat = shenfun.Function(ST0)
    f_hat = ST0.forward(fj, f_hat)
    fj = ST0.backward(f_hat, fj)

    # Then check if transformations work as they should
    u0 = shenfun.Function(ST0)
    u1 = shenfun.Array(ST0)
    u0 = ST0.forward(fj, u0)
    u1 = ST0.backward(u0, u1)
    assert np.allclose(fj, u1, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-6)
    u0 = ST0.forward(fj, u0)
    u1 = ST0.backward(u0, u1)
    assert np.allclose(fj, u1, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-6)
    u0 = ST0.forward(fj, u0, fast_transform=False)
    u1 = ST0.backward(u0, u1, fast_transform=False)
    assert np.allclose(fj, u1, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-6)

    # Multidimensional version
    for axis in range(dim):
        bc = [
        ] * dim
        bc[axis] = slice(None)
        fij = np.broadcast_to(fj[tuple(bc)], (N, ) * dim).copy()

        ST1 = ST(N, **kwargs)
        ST1.tensorproductspace = ABC(dim, ST0.coors)
        ST1.plan((N, ) * dim, axis, fij.dtype, {})

        u00 = shenfun.Function(ST1)
        u11 = shenfun.Array(ST1)
        u00 = ST1.forward(fij, u00)

        u11 = ST1.backward(u00, u11)
        cc = [
        ] * dim
        cc[axis] = slice(None)
        cc = tuple(cc)
        assert np.allclose(fij[cc], u11[cc], rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-6)
        del ST1
예제 #4
def test_axis(ST, quad, axis):
    kwargs = {'plan': True}
    if not ST.family() == 'fourier':
        kwargs['quad'] = quad
    ST = ST(N, **kwargs)
    points, weights = ST.points_and_weights(N)
    f_hat = shenfun.Function(ST)
    f_hat[:] = np.random.random(f_hat.shape[0])

    B = inner_product((ST, 0), (ST, 0))
    c = shenfun.Function(ST)
    c = B.solve(f_hat, c)

    # Multidimensional version
    f0 = shenfun.Array(ST)
    bc = [
    ] * 3
    bc[axis] = slice(None)
    ST.plan((N, ) * 3, axis, f0.dtype, {})
    if hasattr(ST, 'bc'):
        )  # To set Dirichlet boundary conditions on multidimensional array
    ck = shenfun.Function(ST)
    fk = np.broadcast_to(f_hat[bc], ck.shape).copy()
    ck = B.solve(fk, ck, axis=axis)
    cc = [
    ] * 3
    cc[axis] = slice(None)
    assert np.allclose(ck[cc], c)
예제 #5
    def _setup_variational_problem(self):
        u = sf.TrialFunction(self._V)
        v = sf.TestFunction(self._V)

        self._dw_int = self._elastic_law.dw_int(u, v)

        self._dw_ext = inner(
            v, sf.Array(self._V.get_orthogonal(), buffer=(0, ) * self._dim))

        if self._body_forces is not None:
            V_body_forces = self._V.get_orthogonal()
            body_forces_quad = sf.Array(V_body_forces,
            self._dw_ext = inner(v, body_forces_quad)
예제 #6
def test_axis(ST, quad, axis):
    kwargs = {}
    if not ST.family() == 'fourier':
        kwargs['quad'] = quad
    ST = ST(N, **kwargs)
    points, weights = ST.points_and_weights(N)
    f_hat = shenfun.Function(ST)
    f_hat[:] = np.random.random(f_hat.shape[0])

    B = inner_product((ST, 0), (ST, 0))
    c = shenfun.Function(ST)
    c = B.solve(f_hat, c)

    # Multidimensional version
    f0 = shenfun.Array(ST)
    bc = [np.newaxis,]*3
    bc[axis] = slice(None)
    ST.tensorproductspace = ABC(3, ST.coors)
    ST.plan((N,)*3, axis, f0.dtype, {})
    if ST.has_nonhomogeneous_bcs:
        ST.bc.set_tensor_bcs(ST, ST) # To set Dirichlet boundary conditions on multidimensional array
    ck = shenfun.Function(ST)
    fk = np.broadcast_to(f_hat[tuple(bc)], ck.shape).copy()
    ck = B.solve(fk, ck, axis=axis)
    cc = [1,]*3
    cc[axis] = slice(None)
    assert np.allclose(ck[tuple(cc)], c, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-6)
예제 #7
def test_shear_test():
    h = 0.1
    length_ratio = 20
    ell = h * length_ratio
    N = (round(length_ratio / 5) * 30, 30)
    domain = ((0., ell), (0., h))
    print('Starting shear test ...')
    for elastic_law in (LinearCauchyElasticity(), LinearGradientElasticity()):
        for name_suffix in ('DisplacementControlled', 'TractionControlled'):
            Shear = ShearTest(N, domain, elastic_law, name_suffix)
            u_ana_dl = get_dimensionless_displacement(Shear.u_ana,

            error_center = sf.Array(Shear.solution.function_space(),
                                    buffer=u_ana_dl)[0, round(N[0] / 2), :] - \
                Shear.solution.backward()[0, round(N[0] / 2), :]

            error = np.linalg.norm(error_center)
            assert error < 1e-5, 'Error tolerance not achieved'

                f'Error {elastic_law._name} ({name_suffix}):\t {error}\t N = {N}'
    print('Finished tensile test (clamped)!')
    def postprocess(self):
        dirs = ['results', str(self.name), str(self.elastic_law.name)]
        for d in dirs:
            if not os.path.exists(d):

        output = []
        # displacement
        u = self.get_dimensional_solution()

        V = u.function_space()
        fl_disp_name = 'displacement'
        fl_disp = sf.ShenfunFile(fl_disp_name, V, backend='hdf5', mode='w',
        output.append(fl_disp_name + '.h5')

        for i in range(self.dim):
            fl_disp.write(i, {'u': [u.backward(kind='uniform')]},

        # stress
        stress, space = self.elastic_law.compute_cauchy_stresses(u)
        fl_stress_name = 'cauchy_stress'
        fl_stress = sf.ShenfunFile(fl_stress_name, space,
                                   backend='hdf5', mode='w', uniform=True)
        for i in range(self.dim):
            for j in range(self.dim):
                s = sf.Array(space, buffer=stress[i, j])
                fl_stress.write(0, {f'S{i}{j}': [s]}, as_scalar=True)
        output.append(fl_stress_name + '.h5')

        # hyper stress
        if self.elastic_law.name == 'LinearGradientElasticity':
            stress, space = self.elastic_law.compute_hyper_stresses(u)
            fl_stress_name = 'hyper_stress'
            fl_stress = sf.ShenfunFile(fl_stress_name, space,
                                       backend='hdf5', mode='w', uniform=True)
            for i in range(self.dim):
                for j in range(self.dim):
                    for k in range(self.dim):
                        s = sf.Array(space, buffer=stress[i, j])
                        fl_stress.write(0, {f'S{i}{j}{k}': [s]},
        output.append(fl_stress_name + '.h5')
예제 #9
def test_tensor2():
    B0 = shenfun.FunctionSpace(8, 'C')
    T = shenfun.TensorProductSpace(comm, (B0, B0))
    x, y = sp.symbols('x,y')
    ue = x**2 + y**2
    ua = shenfun.Array(T, buffer=ue)
    uh = ua.forward()
    M = shenfun.VectorSpace(T)
    gradu = shenfun.project(grad(uh), M)
예제 #10
def test_transforms(ST, quad):
    N = 10
    kwargs = {}
    if not ST.family() == 'fourier':
        kwargs['quad'] = quad
    ST0 = ST(N, **kwargs)
    fj = shenfun.Array(ST0)
    fj[:] = np.random.random(N)
    fj = fj.forward().backward().copy()
    assert np.allclose(fj, fj.forward().backward())
    u0 = shenfun.Function(ST0)
    u1 = shenfun.Array(ST0)
    u0 = ST0.forward(fj, u0, fast_transform=False)
    u1 = ST0.backward(u0, u1, fast_transform=False)
    assert np.allclose(fj, u1, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-6)

    # Multidimensional version
    ST0 = ST(N, **kwargs)
    if ST0.short_name() in ('R2C', 'C2C'):
        F0 = shenfun.FunctionSpace(N, 'F', dtype='D')
        T0 = shenfun.TensorProductSpace(shenfun.comm, (F0, ST0))

        F0 = shenfun.FunctionSpace(N, 'F', dtype='d')
        T0 = shenfun.TensorProductSpace(shenfun.comm, (F0, ST0))
    fij = shenfun.Array(T0)
    fij[:] = np.random.random(T0.shape(False))
    fij = fij.forward().backward().copy()
    assert np.allclose(fij, fij.forward().backward())

    if ST0.short_name() in ('R2C', 'C2C'):
        F0 = shenfun.FunctionSpace(N, 'F', dtype='D')
        F1 = shenfun.FunctionSpace(N, 'F', dtype='D')
        T = shenfun.TensorProductSpace(shenfun.comm, (F0, F1, ST0), dtype=ST0.dtype.char)

        F0 = shenfun.FunctionSpace(N, 'F', dtype='d')
        F1 = shenfun.FunctionSpace(N, ST.family())
        T = shenfun.TensorProductSpace(shenfun.comm, (F0, ST0, F1))

    fij = shenfun.Array(T)
    fij[:] = np.random.random(T.shape(False))
    fij = fij.forward().backward().copy()
    assert np.allclose(fij, fij.forward().backward())
예제 #11
def test_transforms(ST, quad, axis):
    kwargs = {'plan': True}
    if not ST.family() == 'fourier':
        kwargs['quad'] = quad
    ST = ST(N, **kwargs)
    points, weights = ST.points_and_weights(N)
    fj = shenfun.Array(ST)
    fj[:] = np.random.random(fj.shape[0])

    # Project function to space first
    f_hat = shenfun.Function(ST)
    f_hat = ST.forward(fj, f_hat)
    fj = ST.backward(f_hat, fj)

    # Then check if transformations work as they should
    u0 = shenfun.Function(ST)
    u1 = shenfun.Array(ST)
    u0 = ST.forward(fj, u0)
    u1 = ST.backward(u0, u1)
    assert np.allclose(fj, u1)
    u0 = ST.forward(fj, u0)
    u1 = ST.backward(u0, u1)
    assert np.allclose(fj, u1)

    # Multidimensional version
    bc = [
    ] * 3
    bc[axis] = slice(None)
    fj = np.broadcast_to(fj[bc], (N, ) * 3).copy()

    ST.plan((N, ) * 3, axis, fj.dtype, {})
    if hasattr(ST, 'bc'):
        ST.bc.set_slices(ST)  # To set Dirichlet boundary conditions

    u00 = shenfun.Function(ST)
    u11 = shenfun.Array(ST)
    u00 = ST.forward(fj, u00)
    u11 = ST.backward(u00, u11)
    cc = [
    ] * 3
    cc[axis] = slice(None)
    assert np.allclose(fj[cc], u11[cc])
예제 #12
    def __call__(self, a_hat, b_hat, ab_hat=None):
        """Compute convolution of a_hat and b_hat without truncation

            a_hat : Function
            b_hat : Function
            ab_hat : Function
        Tp = self.padding_space
        T = self.newspace
        if ab_hat is None:
            ab_hat = shenfun.Function(T)

        a = shenfun.Array(Tp)
        b = shenfun.Array(Tp)
        a = Tp.backward(a_hat, a)
        b = Tp.backward(b_hat, b)
        ab_hat = T.forward(a * b, ab_hat)
        return ab_hat
예제 #13
def compute_numerical_error(u_ana, u_hat):
    assert isinstance(u_hat, sf.Function)

    V = u_hat.function_space()
    # evaluate u_ana at quadrature points
    error_array = sf.Array(V, buffer=u_ana)
    # subtract numerical solution
    error_array -= u_hat.backward()
    # compute integral error
    error = np.sqrt(sf.inner((1, 1), error_array**2))

    return error
예제 #14
def test_scalarproduct(ST, quad):
    """Test fast scalar product against Vandermonde computed version"""
    kwargs = {}
    if not ST.family() == 'fourier':
        kwargs['quad'] = quad
    ST = ST(N, **kwargs)
    f = x*x+cos(pi*x)
    fj = shenfun.Array(ST, buffer=f)
    u0 = shenfun.Function(ST)
    u1 = shenfun.Function(ST)
    u0 = ST.scalar_product(fj, u0, fast_transform=True)
    u1 = ST.scalar_product(fj, u1, fast_transform=False)
    assert np.allclose(u1, u0)
    assert not np.all(u1 == u0) # Check that fast is not the same as slow
예제 #15
def test_tensor2():
    B0 = shenfun.FunctionSpace(8, 'C')
    T = shenfun.TensorProductSpace(comm, (B0, B0))
    x, y = sp.symbols('x,y')
    ue = x**2 + y**2
    ua = shenfun.Array(T, buffer=ue)
    uh = ua.forward()
    M = shenfun.VectorSpace(T)
    gradu = shenfun.project(grad(uh), M)
    V = shenfun.TensorSpace(T)
    gradgradu = shenfun.project(grad(grad(uh)), V)
    g = gradgradu.backward()
    assert np.allclose(g.v[0], 2)
    assert np.allclose(g.v[1], 0)
    assert np.allclose(g.v[2], 0)
    assert np.allclose(g.v[3], 2)
예제 #16
def test_project_1D(basis):
    ue = sin(2*np.pi*x)*(1-x**2)
    T = basis(12)
    u = shenfun.TrialFunction(T)
    v = shenfun.TestFunction(T)
    u_tilde = shenfun.Function(T)
    X = T.mesh()
    ua = shenfun.Array(T, buffer=ue)
    u_tilde = shenfun.inner(v, ua, output_array=u_tilde)
    M = shenfun.inner(u, v)
    u_p = shenfun.Function(T)
    u_p = M.solve(u_tilde, u=u_p)
    u_0 = shenfun.Function(T)
    u_0 = shenfun.project(ua, T)
    assert np.allclose(u_0, u_p)
    u_1 = shenfun.project(ue, T)
    assert np.allclose(u_1, u_p)
예제 #17
def test_scalarproduct(ST, quad):
    """Test fast scalar product against Vandermonde computed version"""
    kwargs = {}
    if not ST.family() == 'fourier':
        kwargs['quad'] = quad
    ST = ST(N, **kwargs)
    points, weights = ST.points_and_weights(N)
    f = x * x + cos(pi * x)
    fl = lambdify(x, f, 'numpy')
    fj = shenfun.Array(ST)
    fj[:] = fl(points)
    u0 = shenfun.Function(ST)
    u1 = shenfun.Function(ST)
    u0 = ST.scalar_product(fj, u0, fast_transform=True)
    u1 = ST.scalar_product(fj, u1, fast_transform=False)
    assert np.allclose(u1, u0)
    assert not np.all(u1 == u0)  # Check that fast is not the same as slow
예제 #18
def test_eval(ST, quad):
    """Test eval against fast inverse"""
    kwargs = {}
    if not ST.family() == 'fourier':
        kwargs['quad'] = quad
    ST = ST(N, **kwargs)
    points, weights = ST.mpmath_points_and_weights(N)
    fk = shenfun.Function(ST)
    fj = shenfun.Array(ST)
    fj[:] = np.random.random(fj.shape[0])
    fk = ST.forward(fj, fk)
    fj = ST.backward(fk, fj)
    fk = ST.forward(fj, fk)
    f = ST.eval(points, fk)
    assert np.allclose(fj, f, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-6), np.linalg.norm(fj-f)
    fj = ST.backward(fk, fj, fast_transform=False)
    fk = ST.forward(fj, fk, fast_transform=False)
    f = ST.eval(points, fk)
    assert np.allclose(fj, f, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-6)
예제 #19
    def check_with_pde(self, u_hat, material_parameters, body_forces):
        assert isinstance(u_hat, sf.Function)
        assert len(material_parameters) == self._n_material_parameters
        for comp in body_forces:
            assert isinstance(comp, (sp.Expr, float, int))

        lambd, mu = material_parameters
        V = u_hat.function_space().get_orthogonal()
        # left hand side of pde
        lhs = (lambd + mu) * grad(div(u_hat)) + mu * div(grad(u_hat))

        error_array = sf.Array(V, buffer=body_forces)
        error_array += sf.project(lhs, V).backward()

        error = np.sqrt(inner((1, 1), error_array ** 2))
        # scale by magnitude of solution
        scale = np.sqrt(inner((1, 1), u_hat.backward() ** 2))

        return error / scale
예제 #20
def test_eval(ST, quad):
    """Test eval agains fast inverse"""
    kwargs = {}
    if not ST.family() == 'fourier':
        kwargs['quad'] = quad
    ST = ST(N, **kwargs)
    points, weights = ST.points_and_weights(N)
    fk = shenfun.Function(ST)
    fj = shenfun.Array(ST)
    fj[:] = np.random.random(fj.shape[0])
    fk = ST.forward(fj, fk)
    fj = ST.backward(fk, fj)
    fk = ST.forward(fj, fk)
    f = ST.eval(points, fk)
    #from IPython import embed; embed()
    assert np.allclose(fj, f)
    fj = ST.backward(fk, fj, fast_transform=False)
    fk = ST.forward(fj, fk, fast_transform=False)
    f = ST.eval(points, fk)
    assert np.allclose(fj, f)
예제 #21
def test_CXXmat(test, trial):
    test = test(N)
    trial = trial(N)

    CT = cBasis[0](N)

    Cm = inner_product((test, 0), (trial, 1))
    S2 = Cm.trialfunction[0]
    S1 = Cm.testfunction[0]

    fj = shenfun.Array(S2, buffer=np.random.randn(N))
    # project to S2
    f_hat = fj.forward()
    fj = f_hat.backward(fj)

    # Check S1.scalar_product(f) equals Cm*S2.forward(f)
    f_hat = S2.forward(fj, f_hat)
    cs = np.zeros_like(f_hat)
    cs = Cm.matvec(f_hat, cs)
    df = shenfun.project(shenfun.grad(f_hat), CT).backward()
    cs2 = np.zeros(N)
    cs2 = S1.scalar_product(df, cs2)
    s = S1.slice()
    assert np.allclose(cs[s], cs2[s], rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-6)

    # Multidimensional version
    f_hat = f_hat.repeat(4 * 4).reshape(
        (N, 4, 4)) + 1j * f_hat.repeat(4 * 4).reshape((N, 4, 4))
    df = df.repeat(4 * 4).reshape((N, 4, 4)) + 1j * df.repeat(4 * 4).reshape(
        (N, 4, 4))
    cs = np.zeros_like(f_hat)
    cs = Cm.matvec(f_hat, cs)
    cs2 = np.zeros((N, 4, 4), dtype=np.complex)
    S1.tensorproductspace = ABC(3, S1.coors)
    S1.plan((N, 4, 4), 0, np.complex, {})
    cs2 = S1.scalar_product(df, cs2)

    assert np.allclose(cs[s], cs2[s], rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-6)
예제 #22
def test_CXXmat(test, trial):
    test = test(N)
    trial = trial(N)

    CT = cBasis[0](N)

    Cm = inner_product((test, 0), (trial, 1))
    S2 = Cm.trialfunction[0]
    S1 = Cm.testfunction[0]

    fj = shenfun.Array(S2, buffer=np.random.randn(N))
    # project to S2
    f_hat = fj.forward()
    fj = f_hat.backward(fj)

    # Check S1.scalar_product(f) equals Cm*S2.forward(f)
    f_hat = S2.forward(fj, f_hat)
    cs = np.zeros_like(f_hat)
    cs = Cm.matvec(f_hat, cs)
    df = shenfun.project(shenfun.grad(f_hat), CT).backward()
    cs2 = np.zeros(N)
    cs2 = S1.scalar_product(df, cs2)
    s = S1.slice()
    assert np.allclose(cs[s], cs2[s], rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-6)
예제 #23
import shenfun as sf
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

N = 10
L = sf.FunctionSpace(N, family='legendre', bc=(0, 0))

# plot quadrature points
quad_points = L.mpmath_points_and_weights()[0]
plt.scatter(quad_points, np.zeros_like(quad_points))

# a projection
x = sp.symbols('x', real=True)
f = 1 - 1 / 2 * (3 * x**2 - 1)  # the first Shen-Dirichlet basis function
P = sf.Function(L)
func = sf.project(f, L)
func_quad = sf.Array(L, buffer=f)

plt.scatter(quad_points, func_quad)

# should be orthogonal to all others except 0th and 2nd
scalprod = L.scalar_product(func_quad)
assert np.allclose(scalprod[np.r_[1, 3:N - 1]], 0)
assert np.logical_not(np.allclose(scalprod[np.r_[0, 2]], 0))
예제 #24
    e = shenfun.Expr(basis)
    e2 = -e
    assert np.allclose(np.array(e.scales()).astype(np.int), (-np.array(e2.scales())).astype(np.int))

K0 = shenfun.FunctionSpace(N, 'F', dtype='D')
K1 = shenfun.FunctionSpace(N, 'F', dtype='D')
K2 = shenfun.FunctionSpace(N, 'F', dtype='d')
K3 = shenfun.FunctionSpace(N, 'C', dtype='d')
T = shenfun.TensorProductSpace(comm, (K0, K1, K2))
C = shenfun.TensorProductSpace(comm, (K1, K2, K3))
TT = shenfun.VectorTensorProductSpace(T)
CC = shenfun.VectorTensorProductSpace(C)
VT = shenfun.MixedTensorProductSpace([TT, T])
KK = shenfun.MixedTensorProductSpace([T, T, C])
vf = shenfun.Function(TT)
va = shenfun.Array(TT)
cf = shenfun.Function(CC)
ca = shenfun.Array(CC)
df = shenfun.Function(KK)
da = shenfun.Array(KK)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('u', (va, vf, cf, ca, df, da))
def test_index(u):
    va0 = u[0]
    va1 = u[1]
    va2 = u[2]
    assert (va0.index(), va1.index(), va2.index()) == (0, 1, 2)
    assert va0.function_space() is u.function_space()[0]
    assert va1.function_space() is u.function_space()[1]
    assert va2.function_space() is u.function_space()[2]