예제 #1
def stack_model_print(model, level=0, id_=1):
    indent = "    " * level
    indent2 = indent + "  "
    print indent, repr(model)
    for attr in attrs:
        if hasattr(model, attr):
            print indent2 + "{0}: {1}".format(attr, repr(getattr(model, attr)))
    print id_

    if hasattr(model, "parts"):
        newparts = []
        for part in model.parts:
            newparts.append(stack_model_print(part, level + 1, id_))
        if hasattr(model, "op"):
            print indent2 + "Returning op(newparts) = {0}({1})".format(repr(model.op), repr(newparts))
            return model.op(*newparts)
        elif isinstance(model, sherpa.astro.instrument.RMFModel):
            print indent2 + "Returning model.rmf(newparts) = {0}({1})".format(repr(model.rmf), repr(newparts))
            return sherpa.astro.instrument.RMFModel(rmf=model.rmf, model=newparts[0], arf=model.arf, pha=model.pha)
        elif isinstance(model, sherpa.astro.instrument.ARFModel):
            print indent2 + "Returning model.arf(newparts) = {0}({1})".format(repr(model.rmf), repr(newparts))
            return sherpa.astro.instrument.ARFModel(rmf=model.rmf, model=newparts[0], arf=model.arf, pha=model.pha)
        print model.name
        return eval(re.sub(r"_ID", str(id_), model.name))
예제 #2
def stack_model(model, id_=1, model_comps=None):
    if model_comps is None:
        model_comps = []

    if hasattr(model, "parts"):
        # Recursively descend through model and create new parts (as needed)
        # corresponding to the stacked model components.
        newparts = []
        for part in model.parts:
            newparts.append(stack_model(part, id_, model_comps))

        if hasattr(model, "op"):
            return model.op(*newparts)
        elif isinstance(model, sherpa.astro.instrument.RMFModel):
            return sherpa.astro.instrument.RMFModel(rmf=model.rmf, model=newparts[0], arf=model.arf, pha=model.pha)
        elif isinstance(model, sherpa.astro.instrument.ARFModel):
            return sherpa.astro.instrument.ARFModel(rmf=model.rmf, model=newparts[0], arf=model.arf, pha=model.pha)
            raise ValueError("Unexpected composite model {0} (not operator, ARF or RMF)".format(repr(model)))
        if isinstance(model, sherpa.models.model.ArithmeticConstantModel):
            return model.val

        if "_ID" not in model.name:
            model_comps.append((model, "plain"))
            return model

            model_type, model_name = model.name.split(".")
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Model name "{0}" must be in format <model_type>.<name>'.format(model.name))
        model_name = re.sub("_ID", str(id_), model_name)
            newmodel = getattr(getattr(sherpa.astro.ui, model_type), model_name)
        except AttributeError:
            # Must be a user model, so use add_model to put a modelwrapper function into namespace
            newmodel = eval("{0}.{1}".format(model_type, model_name))

        model_comps.append((newmodel, "stacked"))
        return newmodel