예제 #1
def importInput():
    # Import workstations and operators schedule from json file

    print 'in import'
    with open('DemoJuly.json') as data_file:
        data = json.load(data_file)

    frozen = {}
    takenPeriods = {}

    startSimDate = dateToOrdinal(data['general']['currentDate'],
                                 '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')

    forzenOpsData = tablib.Dataset()
    forzenOpsData.headers = [
        'Date', 'Part', 'Order Name', 'WP-ID', 'Personnel', 'WorkStation',
        'Time In', 'Time Out', 'Date Out', 'Frozen'

    schedule = data['result']['result_list'][0]['component_schedule']

    for item in schedule:
        if "Job ID" in item:
        startDate = dateToOrdinal(item[5], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')
        pt = dt.timedelta(hours=item[6])
        dateOut = startDate + pt
        station = item[4]
        ordinalOutDate = excel_date(dateOut.date())
        order = item[1].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
        part = item[0].encode('ascii', 'ignore')

        #print 'startDate', startDate.date()

        if pt.seconds > 0 or pt.days > 0:
                startDate.date(), part, order, item[3], item[7], station,
                dateOut.time(), ordinalOutDate, 'X'
            frozen[item[3]] = 'X'

                [order, part, item[3], station, item[7], startDate, dateOut])

            if station not in takenPeriods:
                takenPeriods[station] = {}

            takenPeriods[station][startDate] = {
                'endDate': dateOut,
                'taskID': item[3]

    PMschedule = data['result']['result_list'][0]['operator_gantt'][

    for item in PMschedule:
        if 'parent' in item.keys():
            pm = item['parent']
            startDate = dateToOrdinal(item['start_date'], "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M")
            stopDate = dateToOrdinal(item['stop_date'], "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M")
            ordinalOutDate = excel_date(stopDate.date())
            taskID = item['text'].split()[0]
            print pm, taskID
            pt = float((stopDate - startDate).seconds) / 3600

            if taskID == 'off-shift':

            if pt:
                print pm, taskID
                if pm not in takenPeriods:
                    takenPeriods[pm] = {}

                takenPeriods[pm][startDate] = {
                    'endDate': stopDate,
                    'taskID': taskID

    print 'frozen operations', forzenOpsData
    print 'taken periods', takenPeriods

    # Import Workplan from Excel file

    global numParts

    scenario = 'SIMPLE_2.xlsx'
    wb = xlrd.open_workbook(scenario)

    WorkPlan = wb.sheet_by_index(0)

    Projects = {}
    OrderDates = {}
    DueDates = {}
    Shift = {}
    seqPrjDone = {}

    # FIXME: importare data riferimento
    td = dt.datetime(2015, 07, 23)
    xlreftime = excel_date(td)

    for i in range(WorkPlan.nrows):
        i += 1
        if i < WorkPlan.nrows:  #for the first line of the project name
            if WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 2) != '' and WorkPlan.cell_value(
                    i, 6) != '':
                Projects[WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 2)] = {}
                print 'order date', xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(
                    WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 3), wb.datemode)
                oyear, omonth, oday, ohour, ominute, osecond = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(
                    WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 3), wb.datemode)
                if ohour < 8:
                    ohour = 8
                OrderDates[WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 2)] = dt.datetime(
                    oyear, omonth, oday, ohour, ominute,
                    osecond)  #FIXME: perche cosi?
                    i, 2)] = (xlreftime + WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 4))
                header = i
                current = WorkPlan.cell_value(header, 2)
                seqPrjDone[current] = {}

            #for a part whose name is not in the first line

            if str(WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 13)).split(';' +
                                                     ' ')[0].upper() == 'ALL':
                prerq = []
                for wpid in range(header, i):
                    prerq.append(str(WorkPlan.cell_value(wpid, 14)))
                prerq = str(WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 13)).split(';' + ' ')

            if len(prerq) == 1 and prerq[0] == '':
                prerq = []

            if WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 6) == '':

            Projects[current].setdefault(WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 6),
                                             str(WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 14)),
                                             str(WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 10)),
                                             WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 12),
                                             WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 11),
                                             str(WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 8)),
                                             WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 9),
                                             WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 6)
            seqPrjDone[current].setdefault(WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 6), 0)

    print 'workplan', Projects
    print 'sequence', seqPrjDone
    # Import shift data from json file

    offShiftTimes = {}
    stRtstOp = {}
    unitTime = 'Hours'

    # default shift times are hard coded as there is no correspondence with json file
    # 7:00 - 18:00 are standard shift times

    defaultStartShift = 8.0 / 24
    defaultEndShift = 18.0 / 24
    stRtstOp['Default'] = [defaultStartShift, defaultEndShift]

    shiftData = data['input']["shift_spreadsheet"]
    for item in shiftData:

        if 'Date' in item:

        if item[1] == '' or item[1] == None:

        currDate = excel_date(dateToOrdinal(item[1], "%Y/%m/%d").date())
        cDate = dateToOrdinal(item[1], "%Y/%m/%d").date()

        print item[2], item[3]
        if item[2] == '' or item[2] == None:
            shiftStart = defaultStartShift
            shiftStart = dt.datetime.strptime(item[2], '%H:%M')
        if item[3] == '' or item[3] == None:
            shiftEnd = defaultEndShift
            shiftEnd = dt.datetime.strptime(item[3], '%H:%M')
        if item[4] == '' or item[4] == None:
            offshiftPeriods = {}
            offshiftPeriods = offShiftFormat_2(item[4], cDate)

        if item[0] != '':  #the first line for an operator
            currResc = item[0]
            if currResc not in offShiftTimes:  #no previous entry for the operator
                offShiftTimes[currResc] = {}
                offShiftTimes[currResc] = offshiftPeriods
                stRtstOp[currResc] = {}
                stRtstOp[currResc][cDate] = [
                    shiftStart.time(), shiftEnd.time()

                offShiftTimes[currResc] = offshiftPeriods

            offShiftTimes[currResc][cDate] = offshiftPeriods
            stRtstOp[currResc][cDate] = [shiftStart, shiftEnd]

    print 'off shift time', offShiftTimes

    offShifts = dict(
        (k, {}) for k in offShiftTimes.keys() + takenPeriods.keys())

    for rsce in offShifts.keys():
        if rsce in takenPeriods:
            offShifts[rsce] = takenPeriods[
                rsce]  #directly copy everything from the extracted dict
        if rsce in offShiftTimes:  #if that resource is present in the directly specified
            for dte in offShiftTimes[rsce]:
                if dte not in offShifts[
                        rsce]:  #if this date was not originally specified
                    offShifts[rsce][dte] = offShiftTimes[rsce][dte]
                    starts = offShifts[rsce][dte]['Start']
                    stops = offShifts[rsce][dte]['Stop']
                    u = list(set(starts))
                    v = list(set(stops))
                    offShifts[rsce][dte]['Start'] = u
                    offShifts[rsce][dte]['Stop'] = v

    print 'stRtstOp', stRtstOp

    print 'off shift', offShifts

    # Import machine and pm information from json file

    MachInfo = []
    MachPool = {}
    PMInfo = []
    PMPool = {}

    stationTechnologies = {
        "CAD1": [
            "ENG", "CAD"
        ],  # XXX CAD1 is considered different than CAD2, they are not equivalent
        "CAD2": ["CAD"],
        "CAM": ["CAM"],
        "MILL": ["MILL"],
        "TURN": ["TURN"],
        "DRILL": ["DRILL"],
        "EDM": ["EDM"],
        "WORK": [
            "QUAL", "MAN"
        ],  # XXX currently we consider different stations for QUAL/MAN and ASSM
        "ASSM": ["ASSM"],
        "INJM": ["INJM"]

    possMachines = data['graph']['node']

    for mach in possMachines.keys():

        if 'machine' in possMachines[mach]['_class'].lower(
        ) or 'assembly' in possMachines[mach]['_class'].lower():

            capacity = 1
            initials = len(mach)
            while initials > 0 and mach[:initials] not in stationTechnologies:
                initials -= 1

            pool = stationTechnologies[mach[:initials]]

                'name': mach,
                'cap': capacity,
                'tech': pool,
                'sched': 'FIFO'
            for tec in pool:
                MachPool.setdefault(tec, []).append(mach)

    print MachInfo
    print 'mach pool', MachPool

    PMskills = data['input']['operator_skills_spreadsheet']

    for item in range(1, len(PMskills)):

        if PMskills[item][0] == None or PMskills[item][0] == '':

        skills = PMskills[item][1].split(';' + ' ')
        if 'INJM-MAN' in skills:

            'name': PMskills[item][0],
            'skills': skills,
            'sched': 'FIFO',
            'status': ''
        for sk in skills:
            PMPool.setdefault(sk, []).append(PMskills[item][0])
    print PMInfo
    print 'pm pool', PMPool

    print '======================', offShifts

    shiftRes = {}
    resAvailability = {}
    for item in PMInfo:
        pm = item['name']
        shiftRes[pm] = shiftGenerator(startSimDate, 7)
        resAvailability[pm] = deepcopy(shiftRes[pm])
        if pm in offShifts:
            for unavailDate in offShifts[pm].keys():
                print pm, unavailDate, offShifts[pm][unavailDate][
                    'endDate'] - unavailDate
                resAvailability[pm] = availableTime_Shift(
                    unavailDate, offShifts[pm][unavailDate]['endDate'],

        print 'shift', pm, shiftRes[pm]
        print 'shift', pm, resAvailability[pm]

    for item in MachInfo:
        mach = item['name']
        shiftRes[mach] = shiftGenerator(startSimDate, 7)
        resAvailability[mach] = deepcopy(shiftRes[mach])
        if mach in offShifts:
            for unavailDate in offShifts[mach].keys():
                print mach, unavailDate, offShifts[mach][unavailDate][
                    'endDate'] - unavailDate
                resAvailability[mach] = availableTime_Shift(
                    unavailDate, offShifts[mach][unavailDate]['endDate'],
        print 'shift', mach, shiftRes[mach]
        print 'shift', mach, resAvailability[mach]

    # set global variables
    G.resAvailability = deepcopy(resAvailability)
    G.seqPrjDone = deepcopy(seqPrjDone)
    G.resAvailability = deepcopy(resAvailability)
    G.MachPool = deepcopy(MachPool)
    G.PMPool = deepcopy(PMPool)
    G.Projects = deepcopy(Projects)
    G.xlreftime = td
    G.OrderDates = deepcopy(OrderDates)
    G.completionDate = deepcopy(OrderDates)
예제 #2
def importInput(jInput, excelInput, algorithmAttributes):
    # Import workstations and operators schedule from json file
    dataJSON = json.loads(jInput)
    wb = xlrd.open_workbook(file_contents=excelInput)

    frozen = {}
    takenPeriods = {}

    startSimDate = dateToOrdinal(dataJSON['general']['currentDate'],
                                 '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')
    startUserDate = dateToOrdinal(
        algorithmAttributes.get('currentDate', startSimDate), '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')

    forzenOpsData = tablib.Dataset()
    forzenOpsData.headers = [
        'Date', 'Part', 'Order Name', 'WP-ID', 'Personnel', 'WorkStation',
        'Time In', 'Time Out', 'Date Out', 'Frozen'

    selSol = 0
    if 'reference_solution' in dataJSON['input']:
            selSol = int(dataJSON['input']['reference_solution'])
            selSol = 0

    schedule = dataJSON['result']['result_list'][selSol]['component_schedule']

    for item in schedule:
        if "Job ID" in item:
        startDate = dateToOrdinal(item[5], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')
        pt = dt.timedelta(hours=item[6])
        dateOut = startDate + pt
        station = item[4]
        ordinalOutDate = excel_date(dateOut.date())
        order = item[1].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
        part = item[0].encode('ascii', 'ignore')

        if pt.seconds > 0 or pt.days > 0:
                startDate.date(), part, order, item[3], item[7], station,
                dateOut.time(), ordinalOutDate, 'X'
            frozen[item[3]] = 'X'

                [order, part, item[3], station, item[7], startDate, dateOut])

            takenPeriods.setdefault(station, {})[startDate] = {
                'endDate': dateOut,
                'taskID': item[3]

    # import PM schedule
    PMschedule = dataJSON['result']['result_list'][selSol]['operator_gantt'][

    # extract resource availability
    for item in PMschedule:
        if 'parent' in item.keys():
            pm = item['parent']
            startDate = dateToOrdinal(item['start_date'], "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M")
            stopDate = dateToOrdinal(item['stop_date'], "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M")
            ordinalOutDate = excel_date(stopDate.date())
            taskID = item['text'].split()[0]
            pt = float((stopDate - startDate).seconds) / 3600

            if taskID == 'off-shift':

            if pt:
                if pm not in takenPeriods:
                    takenPeriods[pm] = {}

                takenPeriods[pm][startDate] = {
                    'endDate': stopDate,
                    'taskID': taskID
                G.pmScheduleOrig.append([pm, startDate, stopDate, taskID])

    # Import Workplan from Excel file

    WorkPlan = wb.sheet_by_index(0)

    Projects = {}
    OrderDates = {}
    seqPrjDone = {}

    for i in range(WorkPlan.nrows):
        i += 1
        if i < WorkPlan.nrows:  #for the first line of the project name
            if WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 0) != '' and WorkPlan.cell_value(
                    i, 2) != '':
                Projects[WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 0)] = {}
                oyear, omonth, oday, ohour, ominute, osecond = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(
                    WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 1), wb.datemode)
                if ohour < 8:
                    ohour = 8
                OrderDates[WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 0)] = dt.datetime(
                    oyear, omonth, oday, ohour, ominute, osecond)
                header = i
                current = WorkPlan.cell_value(header, 0)
                seqPrjDone[current] = {}

            #for a part whose name is not in the first line

            if str(WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 6)).split(';' +
                                                    ' ')[0].upper() == 'ALL':
                prerq = []
                for wpid in range(header, i):
                    prerq.append(str(WorkPlan.cell_value(wpid, 7)))
                prerq = str(WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 6)).split(';' + ' ')

            if len(prerq) == 1 and prerq[0] == '':
                prerq = []

            if WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 2) == '':

            Projects[current].setdefault(WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 2), []).append(
                    'id': str(WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 7)),
                    'pt': WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 5),
                    'qty': WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 4),
                    'preReq': prerq,
                    'operation': str(WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 3)),
                    'project': current,
                    'part': WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 2)
            )  #'personnel':str(WorkPlan.cell_value(i,10)), 'sequence':WorkPlan.cell_value(i,9),
            seqPrjDone[current].setdefault(WorkPlan.cell_value(i, 2), 0)

    maxODate = min(OrderDates.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1))[1]

    # Import shift data from json file

    offShiftTimes = {}
    stRtstOp = {}

    # default shift times are hard coded as there is no correspondence with json file
    # 8:00 - 18:00 are standard shift times

    defaultStartShift = dt.datetime(year=2014,
    defaultEndShift = dt.datetime(year=2014, month=1, day=1, hour=18, minute=0)
    stRtstOp['Default'] = [defaultStartShift, defaultEndShift]

    shiftData = dataJSON['input']["shift_spreadsheet"]
    for item in shiftData:

        if 'Date' in item:

        if item[1] == '' or item[1] == None:

        if item[0] != '':  #the first line for an operator
            currResc = item[0]

        cDate = dateToOrdinal(item[1], "%Y/%m/%d").date()

        # set shift exceptions
        if item[2] == '' or item[2] == None:
            shiftStart = defaultStartShift
            shiftStart = dt.datetime.strptime(item[2], '%H:%M')
        if item[3] == '' or item[3] == None:
            shiftEnd = defaultEndShift
            shiftEnd = dt.datetime.strptime(item[3], '%H:%M')

        # read off-shift periods
        if item[4] == '' or item[4] == None:
            offshiftPeriods = {}
            offshiftPeriods = offShiftFormat_2(item[4], cDate)

        offShiftTimes.setdefault(currResc, {})
        for offS in offshiftPeriods.keys():
            offShiftTimes[currResc][offS] = offshiftPeriods[offS]
                            {})[cDate] = [shiftStart.time(),

    # Import machine and pm information from json file

    MachInfo = []
    MachPool = {}
    PMInfo = []
    PMPool = {}

    # static information on applicable technologies
    stationTechnologies = {
        "CAD1": [
            "ENG", "CAD"
        ],  # XXX CAD1 is considered different than CAD2, they are not equivalent
        "CAD2": ["CAD"],
        "CAM": ["CAM"],
        "MILL": ["MILL"],
        "TURN": ["TURN"],
        "DRILL": ["DRILL"],
        "EDM": ["EDM"],
        "WORK": [
            "QUAL", "MAN"
        ],  # XXX currently we consider different stations for QUAL/MAN and ASSM
        "ASSM": ["ASSM"],
        "INJM": ["INJM"]

    # import machines information
    possMachines = dataJSON['graph']['node']

    for mach in possMachines.keys():

        if 'machine' in possMachines[mach]['_class'].lower(
        ) or 'assembly' in possMachines[mach]['_class'].lower():

            capacity = 1
            initials = len(mach)
            while initials > 0 and mach[:initials] not in stationTechnologies:
                initials -= 1

            pool = stationTechnologies[mach[:initials]]

                'name': mach,
                'cap': capacity,
                'tech': pool,
                'sched': 'FIFO'
            for tec in pool:
                MachPool.setdefault(tec, []).append(mach)

    # import PM information
    PMskills = dataJSON['input']['operator_skills_spreadsheet']

    for item in range(1, len(PMskills)):

        if PMskills[item][0] == None or PMskills[item][0] == '':

        skills = PMskills[item][1].split(';' + ' ')
        if 'INJM-MAN' in skills:
        if 'INJM-SET' in skills:
        if 'EDM-SET' in skills:
        if 'MILL-SET' in skills:

            'name': PMskills[item][0],
            'skills': skills,
            'sched': 'FIFO',
            'status': ''
        for sk in skills:
            PMPool.setdefault(sk, []).append(PMskills[item][0])

    # set start simulation date as maximum betweeen the current date (json) and the order date
    G.xlreftime = max(maxODate, startUserDate)  #startSimDate,
    shiftRes = {}
    resAvailability = {}

    # define shifts for PMs
    for item in PMInfo:
        pm = item['name']
        if pm in stRtstOp:
            exceptions = stRtstOp[pm]
            exceptions = {}
        shiftRes[pm] = shiftGenerator(G.xlreftime, 30, exceptions)
        resAvailability[pm] = deepcopy(shiftRes[pm])
        if pm in offShiftTimes:
            for unavailDate in offShiftTimes[pm].keys():
                resAvailability[pm] = availableTime_Shift(
                    unavailDate, offShiftTimes[pm][unavailDate]['endDate'],
        if pm in takenPeriods:
            for unavailDate in takenPeriods[pm].keys():
                resAvailability[pm] = availableTime_Shift(
                    unavailDate, takenPeriods[pm][unavailDate]['endDate'],

    # define shifts for machines
    for item in MachInfo:
        mach = item['name']
        if mach in stRtstOp:
            exceptions = stRtstOp[mach]
            exceptions = {}
        shiftRes[mach] = shiftGenerator(G.xlreftime, 30, exceptions)
        resAvailability[mach] = deepcopy(shiftRes[mach])
        if mach in offShiftTimes:
            for unavailDate in offShiftTimes[mach].keys():
                resAvailability[mach] = availableTime_Shift(
                    unavailDate, offShiftTimes[mach][unavailDate]['endDate'],
        if mach in takenPeriods:
            for unavailDate in takenPeriods[mach].keys():
                resAvailability[mach] = availableTime_Shift(
                    unavailDate, takenPeriods[mach][unavailDate]['endDate'],

    # set global variables
    G.seqPrjDoneOrig = deepcopy(seqPrjDone)
    G.resAvailabilityOrig = deepcopy(resAvailability)
    G.MachPool = deepcopy(MachPool)
    print 'mach pool', G.MachPool
    G.PMPool = deepcopy(PMPool)
    G.Projects = deepcopy(Projects)
    G.OrderDates = deepcopy(OrderDates)
예제 #3
def importInput():
    # Import workstations and operators schedule from json file
    print 'in import'
    with open('DemoJuly.json') as data_file:    
        data = json.load(data_file)
    frozen ={}
    takenPeriods = {}
    startSimDate = dateToOrdinal(data['general']['currentDate'], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')
    forzenOpsData.headers = ['Date','Part','Order Name','WP-ID','Personnel','WorkStation','Time In','Time Out','Date Out','Frozen']
    schedule = data['result']['result_list'][0]['component_schedule']
    for item in schedule:
        if "Job ID" in item:
        startDate = dateToOrdinal(item[5], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')
        pt = dt.timedelta(hours=item[6])
        dateOut = startDate + pt
        station = item[4]
        ordinalOutDate = excel_date(dateOut.date())
        order = item[1].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
        part = item[0].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
        #print 'startDate', startDate.date()
        if pt.seconds > 0 or pt.days>0:
            forzenOpsData.append([startDate.date(), part, order, item[3], item[7], station, startDate.time(), dateOut.time(), ordinalOutDate, 'X'])
            frozen[item[3]] = 'X'
            G.tabSchedule.append([order,part, item[3],station,item[7],startDate,dateOut])
            if station not in takenPeriods:
                takenPeriods[station] = {}
            takenPeriods[station][startDate] = {'endDate': dateOut, 'taskID':item[3]}
    PMschedule = data['result']['result_list'][0]['operator_gantt']['task_list']
    for item in PMschedule:
        if 'parent' in item.keys():
            pm = item['parent']
            startDate = dateToOrdinal(item['start_date'], "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M")
            stopDate = dateToOrdinal(item['stop_date'], "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M")
            ordinalOutDate = excel_date(stopDate.date())
            taskID = item['text'].split()[0]
            print pm, taskID
            pt = float((stopDate-startDate).seconds)/3600
            if taskID == 'off-shift':
            if pt:
                print pm, taskID
                if pm not in takenPeriods:
                    takenPeriods[pm] = {}
                takenPeriods[pm][startDate] = {'endDate': stopDate, 'taskID': taskID}
    print 'frozen operations', forzenOpsData
    print 'taken periods', takenPeriods
    # Import Workplan from Excel file
    global numParts
    scenario = 'SIMPLE_2.xlsx'
    wb = xlrd.open_workbook(scenario)
    WorkPlan = wb.sheet_by_index(0)
    Projects = {}
    OrderDates = {}
    DueDates = {}
    Shift = {}
    seqPrjDone = {}
    # FIXME: importare data riferimento
    td = dt.datetime(2015,07,23)
    xlreftime = excel_date(td)
    for i in range(WorkPlan.nrows):
        i += 1
        if i < WorkPlan.nrows: #for the first line of the project name
            if WorkPlan.cell_value(i,2) != ''  and WorkPlan.cell_value(i,6) != '':
                Projects[WorkPlan.cell_value(i,2)] = {}
                print 'order date',  xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(WorkPlan.cell_value(i,3), wb.datemode)
                oyear, omonth, oday, ohour, ominute, osecond = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(WorkPlan.cell_value(i,3), wb.datemode)
                if ohour < 8:
                    ohour = 8                    
                OrderDates[WorkPlan.cell_value(i,2)] = dt.datetime(oyear, omonth, oday, ohour, ominute, osecond)   #FIXME: perche cosi?
                DueDates[WorkPlan.cell_value(i,2)] = (xlreftime + WorkPlan.cell_value(i,4))
                header = i
                current = WorkPlan.cell_value(header,2)
                seqPrjDone[current] = {}
            #for a part whose name is not in the first line
            if str(WorkPlan.cell_value(i,13)).split(';'+' ')[0].upper() == 'ALL':
                prerq = []
                for wpid in range(header,i):
                prerq = str(WorkPlan.cell_value(i,13)).split(';'+' ')
            if len(prerq) == 1 and prerq[0]=='':
            if WorkPlan.cell_value(i,6) == '':
            Projects[current].setdefault(WorkPlan.cell_value(i,6),[]).append({'id':str(WorkPlan.cell_value(i,14)), 'personnel':str(WorkPlan.cell_value(i,10)),
                                                                              'pt': WorkPlan.cell_value(i,12), 'qty':WorkPlan.cell_value(i,11), 'preReq': prerq, 
                                                                              'operation': str(WorkPlan.cell_value(i,8)), 'sequence':WorkPlan.cell_value(i,9), 
                                                                              'project':current, 'part':WorkPlan.cell_value(i,6)})
    print 'workplan', Projects            
    print 'sequence', seqPrjDone
    # Import shift data from json file
    offShiftTimes = {}
    stRtstOp = {}
    unitTime = 'Hours'
    # default shift times are hard coded as there is no correspondence with json file
    # 7:00 - 18:00 are standard shift times
    defaultStartShift = 8.0/24
    defaultEndShift = 18.0/24
    stRtstOp['Default'] = [defaultStartShift,defaultEndShift]
    shiftData = data['input']["shift_spreadsheet"]
    for item in shiftData:
        if 'Date' in item:
        if item[1] == '' or item[1]== None:
        currDate = excel_date(dateToOrdinal(item[1], "%Y/%m/%d").date())
        cDate = dateToOrdinal(item[1], "%Y/%m/%d").date()
        print item[2], item[3]
        if item[2] == '' or item[2]== None:
            shiftStart = defaultStartShift
            shiftStart = dt.datetime.strptime(item[2],'%H:%M')
        if item[3] == '' or item[3]== None:
            shiftEnd = defaultEndShift
            shiftEnd = dt.datetime.strptime(item[3],'%H:%M')
        if item[4] == '' or item[4]== None:
            offshiftPeriods = {}
            offshiftPeriods = offShiftFormat_2(item[4],cDate)
        if item[0] != '':#the first line for an operator
            currResc = item[0]
            if currResc not in offShiftTimes:#no previous entry for the operator
                offShiftTimes[currResc] = {}
                offShiftTimes[currResc] = offshiftPeriods
                stRtstOp[currResc] = {}
                stRtstOp[currResc][cDate] = [shiftStart.time(),shiftEnd.time()]
                offShiftTimes[currResc] = offshiftPeriods
            offShiftTimes[currResc][cDate] = offshiftPeriods
            stRtstOp[currResc][cDate] = [shiftStart,shiftEnd]
    print 'off shift time', offShiftTimes
    offShifts = dict((k,{}) for k in offShiftTimes.keys() + takenPeriods.keys())
    for rsce in offShifts.keys():
        if rsce in takenPeriods:
            offShifts[rsce] = takenPeriods[rsce] #directly copy everything from the extracted dict
        if rsce in offShiftTimes:#if that resource is present in the directly specified
            for dte in offShiftTimes[rsce]:
                if dte not in offShifts[rsce]:#if this date was not originally specified
                    offShifts[rsce][dte] = offShiftTimes[rsce][dte]
                    starts = offShifts[rsce][dte]['Start']
                    stops = offShifts[rsce][dte]['Stop']
                    u = list(set(starts))
                    v = list(set(stops))
                    offShifts[rsce][dte]['Start'] = u
                    offShifts[rsce][dte]['Stop'] = v
    print 'stRtstOp', stRtstOp
    print 'off shift', offShifts
    # Import machine and pm information from json file
    MachInfo = []
    MachPool = {}
    PMInfo = []
    PMPool = {}
    stationTechnologies = {"CAD1": ["ENG", "CAD"],         # XXX CAD1 is considered different than CAD2, they are not equivalent
                "CAD2": ["CAD"],
                "CAM": ["CAM"],
                "MILL": ["MILL"],
                "TURN": ["TURN"],
                "DRILL": ["DRILL"],
                "EDM": ["EDM"],
                "WORK": ["QUAL", "MAN"],        # XXX currently we consider different stations for QUAL/MAN and ASSM
                "ASSM": ["ASSM"],
                "INJM": ["INJM"]}
    possMachines = data['graph']['node']
    for mach in possMachines.keys():
        if 'machine' in possMachines[mach]['_class'].lower() or 'assembly' in possMachines[mach]['_class'].lower(): 
            capacity = 1
            initials = len(mach)
            while initials>0 and mach[:initials] not in stationTechnologies:
                initials -= 1
            pool = stationTechnologies[mach[:initials]]
            MachInfo.append({'name': mach, 'cap':capacity, 'tech':pool, 'sched':'FIFO'})
            for tec in pool:
    print MachInfo
    print 'mach pool', MachPool
    PMskills = data['input']['operator_skills_spreadsheet']
    for item in range(1,len(PMskills)):
        if PMskills[item][0] == None or PMskills[item][0] == '':
        skills = PMskills[item][1].split(';'+' ')
        if 'INJM-MAN' in skills:
        PMInfo.append({'name':PMskills[item][0], 'skills': skills, 'sched':'FIFO', 'status':''})
        for sk in skills:
    print PMInfo
    print 'pm pool', PMPool
    print '======================',offShifts
    shiftRes = {} 
    resAvailability = {}
    for item in PMInfo:
        pm = item['name']
        shiftRes[pm] = shiftGenerator(startSimDate,7)
        resAvailability[pm] = deepcopy(shiftRes[pm])
        if pm in offShifts:
            for unavailDate in offShifts[pm].keys():
                print pm, unavailDate, offShifts[pm][unavailDate]['endDate']-unavailDate
                resAvailability[pm] = availableTime_Shift(unavailDate,offShifts[pm][unavailDate]['endDate'],resAvailability[pm])
        print 'shift', pm, shiftRes[pm]
        print 'shift', pm, resAvailability[pm]
    for item in MachInfo:
        mach = item['name']
        shiftRes[mach] = shiftGenerator(startSimDate,7)
        resAvailability[mach] = deepcopy(shiftRes[mach])
        if mach in offShifts:
            for unavailDate in offShifts[mach].keys():
                print mach, unavailDate, offShifts[mach][unavailDate]['endDate']-unavailDate
                resAvailability[mach] = availableTime_Shift(unavailDate,offShifts[mach][unavailDate]['endDate'],resAvailability[mach])
        print 'shift', mach, shiftRes[mach]
        print 'shift', mach, resAvailability[mach]
    # set global variables
    G.resAvailability = deepcopy(resAvailability)
    G.seqPrjDone = deepcopy(seqPrjDone) 
    G.resAvailability = deepcopy(resAvailability)
    G.MachPool = deepcopy(MachPool)
    G.PMPool = deepcopy(PMPool)
    G.Projects = deepcopy(Projects)
    G.xlreftime = td
    G.OrderDates = deepcopy(OrderDates)
    G.completionDate = deepcopy(OrderDates)
예제 #4
def importInput(jInput, excelInput, algorithmAttributes):
    # Import workstations and operators schedule from json file
    dataJSON = json.loads(jInput)
    wb = xlrd.open_workbook(file_contents = excelInput)
    frozen ={}
    takenPeriods = {}
    startSimDate = dateToOrdinal(dataJSON['general']['currentDate'], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')
    startUserDate = dateToOrdinal(algorithmAttributes.get('currentDate',startSimDate), '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')
    forzenOpsData.headers = ['Date','Part','Order Name','WP-ID','Personnel','WorkStation','Time In','Time Out','Date Out','Frozen']
    selSol = 0
    if 'reference_solution' in dataJSON['input']:
          selSol = int(dataJSON['input']['reference_solution'])
          selSol = 0
    schedule = dataJSON['result']['result_list'][selSol]['component_schedule']
    for item in schedule:
        if "Job ID" in item:
        startDate = dateToOrdinal(item[5], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')
        pt = dt.timedelta(hours=item[6])
        dateOut = startDate + pt
        station = item[4]
        ordinalOutDate = excel_date(dateOut.date())
        order = item[1].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
        part = item[0].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
        if pt.seconds > 0 or pt.days>0:
            forzenOpsData.append([startDate.date(), part, order, item[3], item[7], station, startDate.time(), dateOut.time(), ordinalOutDate, 'X'])
            frozen[item[3]] = 'X'
            G.tabScheduleOrig.append([order,part, item[3],station,item[7],startDate,dateOut])
            takenPeriods.setdefault(station,{})[startDate] = {'endDate': dateOut, 'taskID':item[3]}
    # import PM schedule
    PMschedule = dataJSON['result']['result_list'][selSol]['operator_gantt']['task_list']
    # extract resource availability
    for item in PMschedule:
        if 'parent' in item.keys():
            pm = item['parent']
            startDate = dateToOrdinal(item['start_date'], "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M")
            stopDate = dateToOrdinal(item['stop_date'], "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M")
            ordinalOutDate = excel_date(stopDate.date())
            taskID = item['text'].split()[0]
            pt = float((stopDate-startDate).seconds)/3600
            if taskID == 'off-shift':
            if pt:
                if pm not in takenPeriods:
                    takenPeriods[pm] = {}
                takenPeriods[pm][startDate] = {'endDate': stopDate, 'taskID': taskID}

    # Import Workplan from Excel file
    WorkPlan = wb.sheet_by_index(0)
    Projects = {}
    OrderDates = {}
    seqPrjDone = {}
    for i in range(WorkPlan.nrows):
        i += 1
        if i < WorkPlan.nrows: #for the first line of the project name
            if WorkPlan.cell_value(i,0) != ''  and WorkPlan.cell_value(i,2) != '':
                Projects[WorkPlan.cell_value(i,0)] = {}
                oyear, omonth, oday, ohour, ominute, osecond = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(WorkPlan.cell_value(i,1), wb.datemode)
                if ohour < 8:
                    ohour = 8                    
                OrderDates[WorkPlan.cell_value(i,0)] = dt.datetime(oyear, omonth, oday, ohour, ominute, osecond)   
                header = i
                current = WorkPlan.cell_value(header,0)
                seqPrjDone[current] = {}
            #for a part whose name is not in the first line
            if str(WorkPlan.cell_value(i,6)).split(';'+' ')[0].upper() == 'ALL':
                prerq = []
                for wpid in range(header,i):
                prerq = str(WorkPlan.cell_value(i,6)).split(';'+' ')
            if len(prerq) == 1 and prerq[0]=='':
            if WorkPlan.cell_value(i,2) == '':
                                                                              'pt': WorkPlan.cell_value(i,5), 'qty':WorkPlan.cell_value(i,4), 'preReq': prerq, 
                                                                              'operation': str(WorkPlan.cell_value(i,3)), 
                                                                              'project':current, 'part':WorkPlan.cell_value(i,2)}) #'personnel':str(WorkPlan.cell_value(i,10)), 'sequence':WorkPlan.cell_value(i,9), 
    maxODate = min(OrderDates.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1))[1]
    # Import shift data from json file
    offShiftTimes = {}
    stRtstOp = {}
    # default shift times are hard coded as there is no correspondence with json file
    # 8:00 - 18:00 are standard shift times
    defaultStartShift = dt.datetime(year=2014,month=1,day=1,hour=8,minute=0)
    defaultEndShift = dt.datetime(year=2014,month=1,day=1,hour=18,minute=0)
    stRtstOp['Default'] = [defaultStartShift,defaultEndShift]
    shiftData = dataJSON['input']["shift_spreadsheet"]
    for item in shiftData:
        if 'Date' in item:
        if item[1] == '' or item[1]== None:
        if item[0] != '':#the first line for an operator
            currResc = item[0]
        cDate = dateToOrdinal(item[1], "%Y/%m/%d").date()
        # set shift exceptions
        if item[2] == '' or item[2]== None:
            shiftStart = defaultStartShift
            shiftStart = dt.datetime.strptime(item[2],'%H:%M')
        if item[3] == '' or item[3]== None:
            shiftEnd = defaultEndShift
            shiftEnd = dt.datetime.strptime(item[3],'%H:%M')
        # read off-shift periods   
        if item[4] == '' or item[4]== None:
            offshiftPeriods = {}
            offshiftPeriods = offShiftFormat_2(item[4],cDate)

        for offS in offshiftPeriods.keys():
            offShiftTimes[currResc][offS] = offshiftPeriods[offS]
        stRtstOp.setdefault(currResc,{})[cDate] = [shiftStart.time(),shiftEnd.time()]

    # Import machine and pm information from json file
    MachInfo = []
    MachPool = {}
    PMInfo = []
    PMPool = {}
    # static information on applicable technologies
    stationTechnologies = {"CAD1": ["ENG", "CAD"],         # XXX CAD1 is considered different than CAD2, they are not equivalent
                "CAD2": ["CAD"],
                "CAM": ["CAM"],
                "MILL": ["MILL"],
                "TURN": ["TURN"],
                "DRILL": ["DRILL"],
                "EDM": ["EDM"],
                "WORK": ["QUAL", "MAN"],        # XXX currently we consider different stations for QUAL/MAN and ASSM
                "ASSM": ["ASSM"],
                "INJM": ["INJM"]}
    # import machines information
    possMachines = dataJSON['graph']['node']
    for mach in possMachines.keys():
        if 'machine' in possMachines[mach]['_class'].lower() or 'assembly' in possMachines[mach]['_class'].lower(): 
            capacity = 1
            initials = len(mach)
            while initials>0 and mach[:initials] not in stationTechnologies:
                initials -= 1
            pool = stationTechnologies[mach[:initials]]
            MachInfo.append({'name': mach, 'cap':capacity, 'tech':pool, 'sched':'FIFO'})
            for tec in pool:
    # import PM information
    PMskills = dataJSON['input']['operator_skills_spreadsheet']
    for item in range(1,len(PMskills)):
        if PMskills[item][0] == None or PMskills[item][0] == '':
        skills = PMskills[item][1].split(';'+' ')
        if 'INJM-MAN' in skills:
        if 'INJM-SET' in skills:
        if 'EDM-SET' in skills:
        if 'MILL-SET' in skills:
        PMInfo.append({'name':PMskills[item][0], 'skills': skills, 'sched':'FIFO', 'status':''})
        for sk in skills:
    # set start simulation date as maximum betweeen the current date (json) and the order date 
    G.xlreftime = max(maxODate,startUserDate)    #startSimDate,
    shiftRes = {} 
    resAvailability = {}

    # define shifts for PMs 
    for item in PMInfo:
        pm = item['name']
        if pm in stRtstOp:
            exceptions = stRtstOp[pm]
            exceptions = {}            
        shiftRes[pm] = shiftGenerator(G.xlreftime,30,exceptions)
        resAvailability[pm] = deepcopy(shiftRes[pm])
        if pm in offShiftTimes:
            for unavailDate in offShiftTimes[pm].keys():
                resAvailability[pm] = availableTime_Shift(unavailDate,offShiftTimes[pm][unavailDate]['endDate'],resAvailability[pm])
        if pm in takenPeriods:
            for unavailDate in takenPeriods[pm].keys():
                resAvailability[pm] = availableTime_Shift(unavailDate,takenPeriods[pm][unavailDate]['endDate'],resAvailability[pm])

    # define shifts for machines
    for item in MachInfo:
        mach = item['name']
        if mach in stRtstOp:
            exceptions = stRtstOp[mach]
            exceptions = {}            
        shiftRes[mach] = shiftGenerator(G.xlreftime,30,exceptions)
        resAvailability[mach] = deepcopy(shiftRes[mach])
        if mach in offShiftTimes:
            for unavailDate in offShiftTimes[mach].keys():
                resAvailability[mach] = availableTime_Shift(unavailDate,offShiftTimes[mach][unavailDate]['endDate'],resAvailability[mach])
        if mach in takenPeriods:
            for unavailDate in takenPeriods[mach].keys():
                resAvailability[mach] = availableTime_Shift(unavailDate,takenPeriods[mach][unavailDate]['endDate'],resAvailability[mach])
    # set global variables
    G.seqPrjDoneOrig = deepcopy(seqPrjDone) 
    G.resAvailabilityOrig = deepcopy(resAvailability)
    G.MachPool = deepcopy(MachPool)
    print 'mach pool',G.MachPool
    G.PMPool = deepcopy(PMPool)
    G.Projects = deepcopy(Projects)
    G.OrderDates = deepcopy(OrderDates)