예제 #1
  def mismatches(self, r2ns):

    mismatches = 0
    for r, (num, sym) in r2ns.items():
      atom_name = r.atom.name
      from_sym = r.group.symbol
      from_stats = shiftstats_ncIDP.atom_statistics(r.group.number,from_sym, atom_name, self.RC_prediction)
      if from_stats != None:
        stats = shiftstats_ncIDP.atom_statistics(num, sym, atom_name, self.RC_prediction)
        if stats == None:
          mismatches = mismatches + 1
    return mismatches
예제 #2
  def deviation_text(self, resonance, shift):

    # Added by kT on 30th Nov 2010 follwing the suggestions by Tom Goddard
    # from our e-mail correspondence (16th Sep 2010)
    asys = self.assignments.assignment_system
    self.RC_prediction = shiftstats_ncIDP.sequence_resonance_statistics(asys.sequence)
    # The end of the addition
    stats = shiftstats_ncIDP.atom_statistics(resonance.number, resonance.symbol, resonance.atom_name, self.RC_prediction )
    if stats == None or stats.shift_deviation == 0:
      return ''

    dev = (shift - stats.average_shift) / stats.shift_deviation
    return '(%+.3f SD)' % dev
예제 #3
  def mean_deviation(self, r2ns):

    total_dev = 0
    dev_count = 0
    for r, (num, sym) in r2ns.items():
      stats = shiftstats_ncIDP.atom_statistics(num,sym, r.atom.name, self.RC_prediction)
      if stats and stats.shift_deviation != 0:
        dev = abs(r.frequency - stats.average_shift) / stats.shift_deviation
        total_dev = total_dev + dev
        dev_count = dev_count + 1

    if dev_count == 0:
      return None
    return total_dev / dev_count
예제 #4
  def shifts_cb(self):

    if self.read_range():
      heading = 'Group  Atom  Shift  Expected  Dev  Peaks'
      self.offset_list.heading['text'] = heading
      def nsa_value(r):
        return (r.group.number, r.group.symbol, r.atom.name)
      # here we get the resonance list
      reslist = pyutil.sort_by_function_value(self.resonances, nsa_value)
      for r in reslist:
        stats = shiftstats_ncIDP.atom_statistics(r.group.number,r.group.symbol, r.atom.name, self.RC_prediction)
        if stats:
          dev = abs(r.frequency - stats.average_shift) / stats.shift_deviation
          expected = '%6.4g %+6.1f' % (stats.average_shift, dev)
          expected = ''
        line = '%5s %5s %6.4g %14s %4d' % (r.group.name, r.atom.name,
                                           r.frequency, expected, r.peak_count)
        self.offset_list.append(line, r)