예제 #1
 def handle(self, *args, **options):
     if len(args) != 2:
         raise CommandError, "two arguments required, old and new appversion"
     fork = AppVersion.objects.get(code=args[0])
     target = AppVersion.objects.get(code=args[1])
     if fork.tree.l10n != target.tree.l10n:
         raise CommandError, "Fork and target appversion don't share l10n"
     fsos = _signoffs(fork)
     tsos = _signoffs(target)
     known_push_ids = dict(tsos.values_list('locale__code','push__id'))
     sos = fsos.exclude(push__id__in=known_push_ids.values())
     for so in sos.order_by('locale__code').select_related('locale'):
         if so.push_id <= known_push_ids[so.locale.code]:
             print "not merging %s, target newer" % so.locale.code
         print "merging " + so.locale.code
         _so = target.signoffs.create(push = so.push,
                                   author = so.author,
                                   when = so.when,
                                   locale = so.locale)
         for a in so.action_set.order_by('pk'):
             _so.action_set.create(flag = a.flag,
                                   author = a.author,
                                   when = a.when,
                                   comment = a.comment)
예제 #2
   def handle(self, *args, **options):
       appver = options.get('appver', None)
       if appver is None:
           ms = options.get('ms', None)
           if ms is not None:
               av_or_m = Milestone.objects.get(code=ms)
           av_or_m = AppVersion.objects.get(code=appver)
       if not args or av_or_m is None:
       sos = _signoffs(av_or_m).annotate(tip=Max('push__changesets__id'))
       tips = dict(sos.values_list('locale__code', 'tip'))
       revmap = dict(Changeset.objects.filter(id__in=tips.values()).values_list('id', 'revision'))
       multi = map(lambda s: s.strip(), open(args[0]).readlines())
       chunks = []
       for loc in sorted(tips.keys()):
           platforms = ['"maemo"']
           if loc in multi:
           platforms = ', '.join(platforms)
           chunks.append('''  "%(loc)s": {
   "revision": "%(rev)s",
   "platforms": [%(plat)s]
 }''' % {"loc":loc, "rev":revmap[tips[loc]][:12], "plat": platforms})
       out = "{\n%s\n}" % ",\n".join(chunks)
       print out
예제 #3
 def handle(self, *args, **options):
     if len(args) != 2:
         raise CommandError, "two arguments required, old and new appversion"
     old = AppVersion.objects.get(code=args[0])
     new = AppVersion.objects.get(code=args[1])
     if old.tree.l10n != new.tree.l10n:
         raise CommandError, "Old and new appversion don't share l10n"
     sos = _signoffs(old)
     for so in sos:
         print "transplanting " + so.locale.code
         _so = new.signoffs.create(push = so.push,
                                   author = so.author,
                                   when = so.when,
                                   locale = so.locale)
         for a in so.action_set.order_by('pk'):
             _so.action_set.create(flag = a.flag,
                                   author = a.author,
                                   when = a.when,
                                   comment = a.comment)
예제 #4
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        quiet = options.get('quiet', False)
        if not args:
            ms = Milestone.objects.get(code=args[0])
            raise CommandError, "No milestone with code %s found" % args[0]

        forest = ms.appver.tree.l10n.name.split('/')
        def resolve(path):
            return os.path.join(settings.REPOSITORY_BASE, *(forest + path.split('/')))

        sos=dict(_signoffs(ms).values_list('locale__code', 'push_id'))
        tips = dict(Push.objects.filter(id__in=sos.values()).annotate(tip=Max('changesets__id')).values_list('id', 'tip'))
        revs = dict(Changeset.objects.filter(id__in=tips.values()).values_list('id','revision'))
        from mercurial.dispatch import dispatch as hgdispatch
        for loc in sorted(sos.keys()):
            repopath = resolve(loc)
            rev = revs[tips[sos[loc]]]
            hgdispatch(['update', '-R', repopath, '-r', rev])
예제 #5
def statuses(req, ms_code):
    """JSON work horse for the about() view.

    @see: about
        ms = Milestone.objects.get(code=ms_code)
        return HttpResponse('no milestone found for %s' % ms_code)

    sos_vals = _signoffs(ms).values_list('id','push__id', 'locale__code')
    sos = dict(d[:2] for d in sos_vals)
    loc2push = dict((d[2], d[1]) for d in sos_vals)
    locales = sorted(d[2] for d in sos_vals)
    allpushes = sos.values()

    def runs2dict(rs, prefix=''):
        fields = [prefix + f for f in ['locale__code']+Run.dfields]
        dcs = Run.to_class_string(runs.values(*fields), prefix)
        return dict((d[prefix+'locale__code'], {'class': cls, 'val': strval})
                    for d, cls, strval in dcs)

    # if the milestone is not shipped, let's check the active Runs, too
    active = {}
    if ms.status != 2:
        runs = Run.objects.filter(active__isnull=False)
        runs = runs.filter(tree__appversion__milestone=ms)
        active = runs2dict(runs)

    # if we have a previously shipped milestone, check the diffs
    previous = {}
    so_ids = dict((d[2], d[0]) for d in sos_vals) # current signoff ids
    pso = Milestone_Signoffs.objects.filter(milestone__id__lt=ms.id,
    pso = pso.order_by('milestone__id')
    for loc, sid, pid, mcode in pso.values_list('signoff__locale__code',
        previous[loc] = {'signoff': sid, 'push': pid, 'stone': mcode}
    # whatever is in so_ids but not in previous is added
    added = [loc for loc in so_ids.iterkeys() if loc not in previous]
    removed = [] # not yet used
    # drop those from previous that we're shipping in the same rev
    for loc, details in previous.items():
        if loc in so_ids:
            if so_ids[loc] <= details['signoff']:
    allpushes += [d['push'] for d in  previous.itervalues()]

    # get the most recent result for the signed off stamps
    cs = Changeset.objects.filter(pushes__id__in=sos.values())
    cs_ids = list(cs.values_list('id',flat=True))
    runs = Run_Revisions.objects.filter(changeset__id__in=cs_ids,
    latest = runs2dict(runs, 'run__')

    # get the snapshots from the sign-offs
    snaps = Snapshot.objects.filter(signoff__id__in=sos.keys(), test=0)
    runs = Run.objects.filter(id__in=list(snaps.values_list('tid',flat=True)))
    snapshots = runs2dict(runs)

    # get the shortrev's for all pushes, current sign-offs and previous
    pushes = Push.objects.annotate(tip=Max('changesets__id'))
    pushes = pushes.filter(id__in=allpushes)
    tips = dict(pushes.values_list('id', 'tip'))
    revmap = dict(Changeset.objects.filter(id__in=tips.values()).values_list('id', 'revision'))

    # generator to convert the various information to exhibit json
    def items():
        for loc in locales:
            d = {'label': loc, 'revision': revmap[tips[loc2push[loc]]][:12]}
            if loc in active:
                d['active'] = active[loc]['val']
                d['active_class'] = active[loc]['class']
            if loc in latest:
                d['latest'] = latest[loc]['val']
                d['latest_class'] = latest[loc]['class']
            if loc in snapshots:
                d['snapshot'] = snapshots[loc]['val']
                d['snapshot_class'] = snapshots[loc]['class']
            if loc in previous:
                d['updatedFromRev'] = revmap[tips[previous[loc]['push']]][:12]
                d['updatedFrom'] = previous[loc]['stone']
            elif loc in added:
                d['added'] = 'added'
            yield d

    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'items': list(items())}, indent=2),
예제 #6
def json_changesets(request):
    """Create a json l10n-changesets.
    This takes optional arguments of triples to link to files in repos
    specifying a special platform build. Used for multi-locale builds
    for fennec so far.
      multi_PLATFORM_repo: repository to load maemo-locales from
      multi_PLATFORM_rev: revision of file to load (default is usually fine)
      multi_PLATFORM_path: path inside the repo, say locales/maemo-locales

    XXX: For use in Firefox, this needs to learn about Japanese, still.
    if request.GET.has_key('ms'):
        av_or_m = Milestone.objects.get(code=request.GET['ms'])
    elif request.GET.has_key('av'):
        av_or_m = AppVersion.objects.get(code=request.GET['av'])
        return HttpResponse('No milestone or appversion given')

    sos = _signoffs(av_or_m).annotate(tip=Max('push__changesets__id'))
    tips = dict(sos.values_list('locale__code', 'tip'))
    revmap = dict(Changeset.objects.filter(id__in=tips.values()).values_list('id', 'revision'))
    platforms = re.split('[ ,]+', request.GET['platforms'])
    multis = defaultdict(dict)
    for k, v in request.GET.iteritems():
        if not k.startswith('multi_'):
        plat, prop = k.split('_')[1:3]
        multis[plat][prop] = v
    extra_plats = defaultdict(list)
        from mercurial.hg import repository
        from mercurial.ui import ui as _ui
        _ui = None
    if _ui is not None:
        for plat in sorted(multis.keys()):
                props = multis[plat]
                path = os.path.join(settings.REPOSITORY_BASE, props['repo'])
                repo = repository(_ui(), path)
                ctx = repo[props['rev']]
                fctx = ctx.filectx(props['path'])
                locales = fctx.data().split()
                for loc in locales:

    tmpl = '''  "%(loc)s": {
    "revision": "%(rev)s",
    "platforms": ["%(plats)s"]
    content = ('{\n' +
               ',\n'.join(tmpl % {'loc': l,
                                  'rev': revmap[tips[l]][:12],
                                  'plats': '", "'.join(platforms+extra_plats[l])
                          for l in sorted(tips.keys())
                          ) +
    r = HttpResponse(content,
                     content_type='text/plain; charset=utf-8')
    r['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline; filename=l10n-changesets.json'
    return r