예제 #1
    def loop(self, g, r):
        if g.dead == 1:
            self.image = self.orginalImage.subsurface((0, 0, 0, 0))

        keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        dy = 0
        self.pos = g.screen_to_tile((g.player.rect.x - g.view.x + 8, g.player.rect.y - g.view.y + 16))
        faced = 0
        aimup, aimdown = 0, 0
        shooting = 0

        # move the player
        if g.intermission == 0:
            jumpkeydown = 0
            if keys[K_DOWN]:
                faced = 1
                if g.infobox:
                    self.staylooking = 1
                if self.jumpshoot:
                    aimdown = 1
            if keys[K_UP]:
                faced = 2
                # jump
                aimup = 1
            if keys[K_LEFT]:
                faced = 0
                self.staylooking = 0
                self.dx -= SPEED
                self.direction = 1
                if g.player.canjump:
                    self.framecount += 1
            if keys[K_RIGHT]:
                faced = 0
                self.staylooking = 0
                self.dx += SPEED
                self.direction = 0
                if g.player.canjump:
                    self.framecount += 1
            if keys[K_LEFT] and keys[K_RIGHT]:
                self.framecount = 0
            if keys[K_z]:
                if g.player.canjump == 1 and g.player.gravity == 0 and g.disable_fire == 0:
                    g.player.canjump = 0
                    g.player.gravity += self.jump_gravity
                    g.player.jumping = 1
            if keys[K_x]:
                # firing code
                shooting = 1
                if g.level.weapon_gui == 0 and g.level.inventory_gui == 0:
                    if "weapon" in g.saveData and g.disable_fire == 0:
                        if self.shotcounter <= 0 and g.saveData["weapon"] > 0:
                            xoffset = (not self.direction) * 2
                            shottype = "shot" + str(g.saveData["weapon"])
                            sdirection = self.direction
                            if aimup:
                                sdirection = 2
                            if aimdown:
                                sdirection = 3
                            s = None
                            if shottype == "shot2":
                                s = Shot2(g, sdirection, (self.rect.x - xoffset, self.rect.y + 20))
                            elif shottype == "shot4":
                                s = Shot4(g, sdirection, (self.rect.x - xoffset, self.rect.y + 20))
                                s = Shot(g, sdirection, (self.rect.x - xoffset, self.rect.y + 20), shottype)
                            s.invisible_timer = 1
                            self.shotcounter += s.get_reload_time()
            self.jumpshoot = 0
            if jumpkeydown == 0 and self.canjump == 0:
                self.jumpshoot = 1
            if g.disable_fire != 0:
                g.disable_fire += 1
                if g.disable_fire > 3:
                    g.disable_fire = 0
            # the gui disables firing
            # if not keys[K_z]:
            #    g.disable_fire = 0
            # if not keys[K_x]:
            #    g.disable_fire = 0
        # not walking
        if not keys[K_LEFT] and not keys[K_RIGHT]:
            self.framecount = 0

        # not going anywhere
        if keys[K_LEFT] and keys[K_RIGHT]:
            if self.dx > 0:
                self.dx -= SPEED
            if self.dx < 0:
                self.dx += SPEED
        if g.intermission:
            self.dx = 0

        if not keys[K_RIGHT] and self.dx > 0:
            self.dx -= SPEED
        if not keys[K_LEFT] and self.dx < 0:
            self.dx += SPEED

        if self.dx > self.maxspeed:
            self.dx = self.maxspeed
        if self.dx < -self.maxspeed:
            self.dx = -self.maxspeed

        # move camera with player
        if not g.intermission:
            if g.player.rect.x - g.view.x > SW - 200 and self.dx > 0:
                g.view.x += self.dx
            if g.player.rect.x - g.view.x < 200 and self.dx < 0:
                g.view.x += self.dx
            if g.player.rect.y - g.view.y > SH - 180:

                if self.maxspeed < dy - g.player.gravity:

                    g.view.y += dy - g.player.gravity
                    g.view.y += self.maxspeed
            if g.player.rect.y - g.view.y < 100:
                g.view.y -= self.maxspeed

        weaponvisible = 0
        if "weapon" in g.saveData:
            if g.saveData["weapon"] != 0:
                weaponvisible = 1

        # animation
        iw, ih = g.player.image.get_width(), g.player.image.get_height()
        if weaponvisible == 0 or self.dieanimation == 1:
            g.player.image = g.player.orginalImage.subsurface((iw * ((self.framecount / 3) % 5), 0, 32, 32))

            if g.following:
                # draw hand
                if g.connected == 1 and self.direction == 1:
                    g.player.image = pygame.Surface((32, 32), SRCALPHA)
                        g.player.orginalImage.subsurface((iw * ((self.framecount / 3) % 5), 6 * 32, 32, 32)), (0, 0)
                    g.player.image.blit(g.player.orginalImage.subsurface((2 * 32, 4 * 32, 32, 32)), (7, 0))
                    g.player.image = pygame.transform.flip(g.player.image, self.direction, 0)

            # looking forward
            if faced == 1 or self.staylooking:
                g.player.image = g.player.orginalImage.subsurface((5 * 32, 0, 32, 32))
            if faced == 2:
                g.player.image = g.player.orginalImage.subsurface((1 * 32, 32, 32, 32))
            # animations...
            if self.animation == 1:
                g.player.image = g.player.orginalImage.subsurface((6 * 32, 0, 32, 32))
            elif self.animation == 2:
                g.player.image = g.player.orginalImage.subsurface((7 * 32, 0, 32, 32))
            elif self.animation == 3:
                g.player.image = g.player.orginalImage.subsurface((0 * 32, 32, 32, 32))
            g.player.image = pygame.transform.flip(g.player.image, self.direction, 0)
            if self.direction == 0:
                g.player.image = g.player.orginalImage.subsurface((iw * ((self.framecount / 3) % 5), 2 * 32, 32, 32))
                if g.following:
                    g.player.image = pygame.Surface((32, 32), SRCALPHA)
                        g.player.orginalImage.subsurface((iw * ((self.framecount / 3) % 5), 5 * 32, 32, 32)), (0, 0)

                    # draw hand
                    if g.connected == 1 and self.direction == 1:
                        g.player.image.blit(g.player.orginalImage.subsurface((2 * 32, 4 * 32, 32, 32)), (7, 0))
                    g.player.image = g.player.orginalImage.subsurface(
                        (iw * ((self.framecount / 3) % 5), 3 * 32, 32, 32)
            # looking forward
            if (faced == 1 or self.staylooking) and not shooting and not self.jumping:
                if self.direction == 0:
                    g.player.image = g.player.orginalImage.subsurface((5 * 32, 2 * 32, 32, 32))
                    g.player.image = g.player.orginalImage.subsurface((5 * 32, 3 * 32, 32, 32))
            if faced == 2:
                if self.direction == 0:
                    g.player.image = g.player.orginalImage.subsurface((4 * 32, 1 * 32, 32, 32))
                    g.player.image = g.player.orginalImage.subsurface((5 * 32, 1 * 32, 32, 32))
            if self.jumping == 1:
                if self.direction == 0:
                    g.player.image = g.player.orginalImage.subsurface((6 * 32, 2 * 32, 32, 32))
                    g.player.image = g.player.orginalImage.subsurface((6 * 32, 3 * 32, 32, 32))
            if aimup:
                if self.direction:
                    self.image = g.player.orginalImage.subsurface((5 * 32, 1 * 32, 32, 32))
                    self.image = g.player.orginalImage.subsurface((4 * 32, 1 * 32, 32, 32))
            if aimdown:
                if self.direction:
                    self.image = g.player.orginalImage.subsurface((7 * 32, 1 * 32, 32, 32))
                    self.image = g.player.orginalImage.subsurface((6 * 32, 1 * 32, 32, 32))
        if g.player.gravity == 0:
            self.jumping = 0
        self.looking = faced
        g.infobox = 0

        if self.hidden == 1:
            self.image = self.orginalImage.subsurface((0, 0, 0, 0))

        # getting shot
        for b in g.bullets:
            if b.owner == "enemy":
                drect = (b.rect.x, b.rect.y)
                if self.rect.collidepoint(drect):

        # edge
        g.player.gravity -= GRAVITY
        if g.player.gravity < MAXVEL:
            g.player.gravity = MAXVEL
        self.rect.x += self.dx
        self.rect.y += dy - g.player.gravity
        # self.rect.clamp_ip(g.view)

        # dead ...
        if self.health <= 0 and not g.dead:
            g.dead = 1
        if self.imortal > 0:
            if self.imortal / 5 % 2 == 0:
                g.player.image = g.make_image_white(g.player.image)
            self.imortal -= 1

        # getting demoted
        if self.g.saveData["weapon"] > 1:
            shottype = "shot" + str(self.g.saveData["weapon"])
            if self.g.saveData[shottype] == 0:
                if self.g.saveData["weapon"] == 2:
                    self.g.saveData["weapon"] = 1
                elif self.g.saveData["weapon"] == 4:
                    self.g.saveData["weapon"] = 2
                elif self.g.saveData["weapon"] == 7:
                    self.g.saveData["weapon"] = 4
                    print "weapon not down graded"

        # reloading the gun
        if self.shotcounter > 0:
            self.shotcounter -= 1