def test_dtopo_io(): r"""Test IO of dtopography class""" test_data_path = os.path.join(testdir, "data", "alaska1964_test_data.tt3") test_dtopo = dtopotools.DTopography(path=test_data_path) temp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: dtopo_paths = [os.path.join(temp_path, 'alaska1964.tt1'), os.path.join(temp_path, 'alaska1964.tt3')] # os.path.join(temp_path, 'alaska1964.tt2'), for path in dtopo_paths: test_dtopo.write(path) dtopo = dtopotools.DTopography(path=path) assert test_dtopo.dZ.shape == dtopo.dZ.shape, \ "Shape of dZ not equal for topo_type = %s." % dtopo.topo_type assert numpy.allclose(test_dtopo.dZ, dtopo.dZ), \ "dZ not equal for %s" % path except AssertionError as e: test_dump_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "test_dtopo_io") shutil.mkdir(test_dump_path) shutil.copy(temp_path, test_dump_path) raise e finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_path)
def test_dtopo_io(): r"""Test IO of dtopography class""" test_data_path = os.path.join(testdir, "data", "alaska1964_test_data.tt3") test_dtopo = dtopotools.DTopography(path=test_data_path) temp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: dtopo_paths = [ os.path.join(temp_path, 'alaska1964.tt1'), os.path.join(temp_path, 'alaska1964.tt3') ] # os.path.join(temp_path, 'alaska1964.tt2'), for path in dtopo_paths: test_dtopo.write(path) dtopo = dtopotools.DTopography(path=path) assert test_dtopo.dZ.shape == dtopo.dZ.shape, \ "Shape of dZ not equal for topo_type = %s." % dtopo.topo_type assert numpy.allclose(test_dtopo.dZ, dtopo.dZ), \ "dZ not equal for %s" % path except AssertionError as e: test_dump_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "test_dtopo_io") shutil.mkdir(test_dump_path) shutil.copy(temp_path, test_dump_path) raise e finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_path)
def __init__(self,THRESHOLD=10000,path="./"): self.TABLE = skiplist.SkipList(isdup=False) self.THRESHOLD = THRESHOLD self.path = path self.curr_active = max([int(f.replace('.sst', '').replace(self.path,'')) for f in glob(path+'*.sst')] or [1]) if os.path.exists(path) == False: shutil.mkdir(path)
def __init__(self, THRESHOLD=10000, path="./"): self.TABLE = {} self.THRESHOLD = THRESHOLD self.path = path self.curr_active = max([int(f.replace(".sst", "").replace(self.path, "")) for f in glob(path + "*.sst")] or [1]) if os.path.exists(path) == False: shutil.mkdir(path)
def load_data(self, path=None): '''指定路径,加载该文件夹目录下所有数据文件''' if path is not None: self.path = path if os.path.exists(path) == False: shutil.mkdir(path) for filename in glob(self.path + "*.sst"): self.load_file(filename)
def load_data(self, path=None): """指定路径,加载该文件夹目录下所有数据文件""" if path is not None: self.path = path if os.path.exists(path) == False: shutil.mkdir(path) for filename in glob(self.path + "*.sst"): self.load_file(filename)
def cda(pagename, wiki='wecanfly', create=False): pagename = unquote(pagename) cfg = getattr(__import__('wiki_' + wiki), 'Config') path = os.path.join(cfg.data_dir, 'pages', pagename, 'attachments') if os.path.isdir(path): os.chdir(path) elif create: shutil.mkdir(path) os.chdir(path) print path
def __init__(self, THRESHOLD=10000, path="./"): self.TABLE = {} self.THRESHOLD = THRESHOLD self.path = path self.curr_active = max([ int(f.replace('.sst', '').replace(self.path, '')) for f in glob(path + '*.sst') ] or [1]) if os.path.exists(path) == False: shutil.mkdir(path)
def main(xyz): if not os.path.isfile(xyz): raise IOError("%s is not a file." % (xyz)) sample_dir = 'sample' if not os.path.isdir(sample_dir): shutil.mkdir(sample_dir) coordinates_fname = os.path.join(sample_dir, "r.txt") atom_numbers_fname = os.path.join(sample_dir, "Z.txt") Z = [] r = [] with open(xyz, 'r', newline='') as xyz_handle: reader = csv.reader(xyz_handle, delimiter=' ') for line in reader: if len(line) < 4: print("INFO: " + "".join(line)) continue symbol = line[0] element = getattr(elements, symbol) Z.append(str(element.number)) coords = [float(x) for x in line[1:] if x != ''] r.append(coords) # Convert to m. r = numpy.array(r) * 1.0e-10 with open(coordinates_fname, 'w') as r_handle: for coords in r: r_handle.write("%.8e\t%.8e\t%.8e\n" % (coords[0], coords[1], coords[2])) with open(atom_numbers_fname, 'w') as Z_handle: Z_handle.write(' '.join(Z))
import time import shutil import subprocess experiment_name = time.time() shutil.mkdir(experiment_name) PROB_PUT = .1 N_ITER = 1000000 CACHE_SIZE = 100 SIZE_MEAN = 10000000 SIZE_VARIANCE = 1000000 KEY_VARINCE = 5 VERBOSE_GC_FLAG = "-verbose:gc" BENCH_PROG = "com.scottandrewcarr.caching.BenchMark" BASE_DIR="/home/carr27/caching" def get_class_path(): cp = [] IDEA_OUTPUT = BASE_DIR + "/out" COMMONS_LOGGING = BASE_DIR + "/libs/commons-logging-1.1.3.jar" JCS = BASE_DIR + "/libs/jcs-1.3.jar" cp.append(IDEA_OUTPUT) cp.append(COMMONS_LOGGING) cp.append(JCS) cp_string = "" for i in range(len(cp)): if i == 0: cp_string = cp[i] else: cp_string = cp_string + ":"+ cp[i] return cp_string
def setup_package(install=False, build=False, clean=False): """setup_package() Function to call distutils setup to install the package to the default location for third party modules. Checks to see if required modules are installed and if not tries to install them (apart from Basemap) """ try: from .__init__ import __author__, __version__, __email__, __doc__, __looseversion__, __build__ except: from __init__ import __author__, __version__, __email__, __doc__, __looseversion__, __build__ kwargs = dict( name='pyNLLoc', version=str(__version__) + 'b' + str(__build__), author=__author__, author_email=__email__, packages=['pyNLLoc'], package_dir={'pyNLLoc': '.'}, requires=[], install_requires=[], provides=['pyNLLoc', 'Scat2Angle', 'XYZ2Angle'], url='', download_url='' + __version__, bugtrack_url='', scripts=['', '', ''], description='pyNLLoc: Python functions for NonLinLoc and Scat2Angle', long_description=__doc__ + '\n\n' + open('').read() + '\n', package_data={ 'pyNLLoc': [ 'README', '', 'GridLib.c', 'GetAngles.cpp', 'NLLoc_code/*/*', 'NLLoc_code/*.*' ] }, classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", "Intended Audience :: Science/Research", "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)", "Natural Language :: English", "Programming Language :: Python", "Programming Language :: C++", "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering" ]) if _SETUPTOOLS: kwargs['extras_require'] = {'Cluster': ['pyqsub>=1.0.0']} kwargs['install_requires'].append('pyqsub>=1.0.0') kwargs.pop('scripts') kwargs['version'] = __looseversion__ kwargs['entry_points'] = { 'console_scripts': [ 'pyNLLoc = pyNLLoc:pyNLLoc_run', 'Scat2Angle = pyNLLoc:Scat2Angle_run', 'XYZ2Angle = pyNLLoc:XYZ2Angle_run' ] #,'XYZ2Time = pyNLLoc:XYZ2Time_run'] } if build or 'build_all' in sys.argv or 'build-all' in sys.argv: #clean dist dir try: for fname in glob.glob('dist/*'): try: os.remove(fname) except: pass except: pass print('------\nBUILDING DISTRIBUTIONS\n-----\n') clean_package() argv = [sys.executable, "", "sdist"] clean_package() argv = [sys.executable, "", "sdist", "--format=gztar"] if _SETUPTOOLS: clean_package() argv = [sys.executable, "", "bdist_egg"] clean_package() argv = [sys.executable, "", "bdist_wheel"] clean_package() argv = [sys.executable, "", "bdist_msi"] clean_package() print('\n------\nBUILD COMPLETE\n------\n') elif 'pypi_upload' in sys.argv: argv = [sys.executable, "", "sdist", "upload", "-r", "pypi"] clean_package() argv = [ sys.executable, "", "sdist", "--format=gztar", "upload", "-r", "pypi" ] clean_package() argv = [ sys.executable, "", "bdist_wininst", "upload", "-r", "pypi" ] clean_package() argv = [ sys.executable, "", "bdist_wheel", "upload", "-r", "pypi" ] clean_package() argv = [ sys.executable, "", "bdist_msi", "upload", "-r", "pypi" ] elif 'clean_all' in sys.argv or clean or 'clean-all' in sys.argv: argv = [sys.executable, "", "clean", "--all"] try: shutil.rmtree('build/') except: pass try: shutil.rmtree('pyNLLoc-' + __looseversion__ + '/') shutil.mkdir('pyNLLoc-' + __looseversion__ + '/') except: try: shutil.rmtree('pyNLLoc-' + __version__ + '/') shutil.mkdir('pyNLLoc-' + __version__ + '/') except: pass if _SETUPTOOLS: try: shutil.rmtree('pyNLLoc.egg-info/') shutil.mkdir('pyNLLoc.egg-info/') except: pass else: if 'install' in sys.argv: #Try to build GetNLLOCScatterAngles and add to scripts ret = os.system('make all') if ret != 0: ret = os.system('./') if ret != 0: print( '\n\n*******************************\n\nC++ module not automatically compiled.\nPlease build manually.\n\n*******************************\n\n' ) try: setup(**kwargs) except ValueError: kwargs['version'] = __version__ setup(**kwargs)
def test_dynamic_tohoku(verbose=False, plot=False): r"""Test dynamic faulting via a Tohoku example""" shoreline_fname = os.path.join(testdir, 'data', 'tohoku_shoreline_1min.npy') shoreline_xy = numpy.load(shoreline_fname) subfault_fname = os.path.join(testdir, 'data', 'tohoku_ucsb.txt') fault = dtopotools.UCSBFault() fault.rupture_type = 'dynamic' if plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fault.plot_subfaults(slip_color=True) # plot final slip # seafloor deformation: quick_test = True if quick_test: xlower = 140. xupper = 146. ylower = 35. yupper = 41. xylim = [xlower,xupper,ylower,yupper] # dtopo parameters for 4 min resolution: mx = int((xupper - xlower)*15 + 1) my = int((yupper - ylower)*15 + 1) else: xlower = 135. xupper = 150. ylower = 30. yupper = 45. xylim = [xlower,xupper,ylower,yupper] # dtopo parameters for 1 min resolution: mx = int((xupper - xlower)*60 + 1) my = int((yupper - ylower)*60 + 1) x = numpy.linspace(xlower,xupper,mx) y = numpy.linspace(ylower,yupper,my) tmax = 0. for s in fault.subfaults: tmax = max(tmax, s.rupture_time + s.rise_time + s.rise_time_ending) if verbose: print("rupture ends at time ",tmax) times = numpy.linspace(0,tmax,10) dtopo = fault.create_dtopography(x,y,times,verbose=True) dz_final = dtopo.dZ[-1] dz_max = dz_final.max() if plot: # Incorporate this function in dtopotools to replace animate_dz_colors? def plot_subfaults_dz(t, fig=None): if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5)) else: fig.clf() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) fault.plot_subfaults(axes=ax1, slip_color=True, slip_time=t, xylim=xylim) dtopo.plot_dz_colors(axes=ax2, t=t, cmax_dz=dz_max) ax1.plot(shoreline_xy[:,0],shoreline_xy[:,1],'g') ax2.plot(shoreline_xy[:,0],shoreline_xy[:,1],'g') plt.axis(xylim) return fig dtopo.plot_dz_colors(t=tmax) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5)) for t in list(numpy.linspace(0,150,16)) + [170,200]: plot_subfaults_dz(t,fig) plt.draw() time.sleep(1) temp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: fname = os.path.join(temp_path, 'tohoku_ucsb_dynamic.tt3') dtopo.write(fname, 3) except Exception as e: test_name = inspect.stack()[1][-2][0][:-3] test_dump_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), test_name) shutil.mkdir(test_dump_path) shutil.copy(temp_path, test_dump_path) raise e finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_path) if verbose: print('Created ',fname)
def test_dynamic_tohoku(verbose=False, plot=False): r"""Test dynamic faulting via a Tohoku example""" shoreline_fname = os.path.join(testdir, 'data', 'tohoku_shoreline_1min.npy') shoreline_xy = numpy.load(shoreline_fname) subfault_fname = os.path.join(testdir, 'data', 'tohoku_ucsb.txt') fault = dtopotools.UCSBFault() fault.rupture_type = 'dynamic' if plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fault.plot_subfaults(slip_color=True) # plot final slip # seafloor deformation: quick_test = True if quick_test: xlower = 140. xupper = 146. ylower = 35. yupper = 41. xylim = [xlower, xupper, ylower, yupper] # dtopo parameters for 4 min resolution: mx = int((xupper - xlower) * 15 + 1) my = int((yupper - ylower) * 15 + 1) else: xlower = 135. xupper = 150. ylower = 30. yupper = 45. xylim = [xlower, xupper, ylower, yupper] # dtopo parameters for 1 min resolution: mx = int((xupper - xlower) * 60 + 1) my = int((yupper - ylower) * 60 + 1) x = numpy.linspace(xlower, xupper, mx) y = numpy.linspace(ylower, yupper, my) tmax = 0. for s in fault.subfaults: tmax = max(tmax, s.rupture_time + s.rise_time + s.rise_time_ending) if verbose: print("rupture ends at time ", tmax) times = numpy.linspace(0, tmax, 10) dtopo = fault.create_dtopography(x, y, times, verbose=True) dz_final = dtopo.dZ[-1] dz_max = dz_final.max() if plot: # Incorporate this function in dtopotools to replace animate_dz_colors? def plot_subfaults_dz(t, fig=None): if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5)) else: fig.clf() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) fault.plot_subfaults(axes=ax1, slip_color=True, slip_time=t, xylim=xylim) dtopo.plot_dz_colors(axes=ax2, t=t, cmax_dz=dz_max) ax1.plot(shoreline_xy[:, 0], shoreline_xy[:, 1], 'g') ax2.plot(shoreline_xy[:, 0], shoreline_xy[:, 1], 'g') plt.axis(xylim) return fig dtopo.plot_dz_colors(t=tmax) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5)) for t in list(numpy.linspace(0, 150, 16)) + [170, 200]: plot_subfaults_dz(t, fig) plt.draw() time.sleep(1) temp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: fname = os.path.join(temp_path, 'tohoku_ucsb_dynamic.tt3') dtopo.write(fname, 3) except Exception as e: test_name = inspect.stack()[1][-2][0][:-3] test_dump_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), test_name) shutil.mkdir(test_dump_path) shutil.copy(temp_path, test_dump_path) raise e finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_path) if verbose: print('Created ', fname)