def _get_timeseries(self): """ Simple regression test of OpenDAP data repository. """ epsg, bbox, bpoly = self.epsg_bbox dem_file = path.join(shyftdata_dir, "netcdf", "") n_hours = 30 t0 = self.start_date + api.deltahours(7) period = api.UtcPeriod(t0, t0 + api.deltahours(n_hours)) repos = GFSDataRepository( epsg=epsg, dem_file=dem_file, padding=5000.0, utc=t0) #//epsg, dem_file, padding=5000., utc=None data_names = ("temperature", "wind_speed", "precipitation", "relative_humidity", "radiation") sources = repos.get_timeseries(data_names, period, geo_location_criteria=bpoly) self.assertEqual(set(data_names), set(sources.keys())) self.assertEqual(len(sources["temperature"]), 2) # TODO: this was 6 before common changes. data1 = sources["temperature"][0] data2 = sources["temperature"][1] self.assertNotEqual(data1.mid_point().x, data2.mid_point().x) self.assertNotEqual(data1.mid_point().y, data2.mid_point().y) self.assertNotEqual(data1.mid_point().z, data2.mid_point().z) self.assertLessEqual( data1.ts.time(0), period.start, 'expect returned fc ts to cover requested period') self.assertGreaterEqual( data1.ts.total_period().end, period.end, 'expect returned fc ts to cover requested period')
def test_create_basic(self): a = np.array([[1.1, 1.2, 1.3], [2.1, 2.2, 2.3]], dtype=np.float64) ta = TimeAxis(deltahours(0), deltahours(1), 3) tsv = create_ts_vector_from_np_array(ta, a, ts_point_fx.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) self.assertIsNotNone(tsv) for i in range(2): self.assertTrue(np.allclose(tsv[i].values.to_numpy(), a[i])) self.assertTrue(ta == tsv[i].time_axis) self.assertEqual(tsv[i].point_interpretation(), ts_point_fx.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) # create missmatch throws b = np.array([[], []], dtype=np.float64) try: create_ts_vector_from_np_array(ta, b, ts_point_fx.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) self.assertTrue(False, "Should throw for missmatch time-axis") except RuntimeError as e: pass # create empty ts works tb = TimeAxis(0, 0, 0) r = create_ts_vector_from_np_array(tb, b, ts_point_fx.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) self.assertEqual(len(r), 2) for ts in r: self.assertFalse(ts) # create empty returns empty c = np.empty(shape=(0, 0), dtype=np.float64) z = create_ts_vector_from_np_array(tb, c, ts_point_fx.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) self.assertEqual(len(z), 0)
def _get_forecast(self): """ Simple forecast regression test of OpenDAP data repository. """ epsg, bbox, bpoly = self.epsg_bbox dem_file = path.join(shyftdata_dir, "netcdf", "") n_hours = 30 t0 = self.start_date + api.deltahours(9) period = api.UtcPeriod(t0, t0 + api.deltahours(n_hours)) t_c = self.start_date + api.deltahours( 7) # the beginning of the forecast criteria repos = GFSDataRepository(epsg, dem_file) data_names = ( "temperature", ) # the full set: "wind_speed", "precipitation", "relative_humidity", "radiation") sources = repos.get_forecast(data_names, period, t_c, geo_location_criteria=bpoly) self.assertEqual(set(data_names), set(sources.keys())) self.assertEqual(len(sources["temperature"]), 2) data1 = sources["temperature"][0] data2 = sources["temperature"][1] self.assertNotEqual(data1.mid_point().x, data2.mid_point().x) self.assertNotEqual(data1.mid_point().y, data2.mid_point().y) self.assertNotEqual(data1.mid_point().z, data2.mid_point().z) self.assertLessEqual( data1.ts.time(0), period.start, 'expect returned fc ts to cover requested period') self.assertGreaterEqual( data1.ts.total_period().end, period.end, 'expect returned fc ts to cover requested period')
def test_create_xx_source_vector(self): # arrange the setup a = np.array([[1.1, 1.2, 1.3], [2.1, 2.2, 2.3]], dtype=np.float64) ta = TimeAxis(deltahours(0), deltahours(1), 3) gpv = GeoPointVector() gpv[:] = [GeoPoint(1, 2, 3), GeoPoint(4, 5, 6)] cfs = [(create_precipitation_source_vector_from_np_array, PrecipitationSourceVector), (create_temperature_source_vector_from_np_array, TemperatureSourceVector), (create_radiation_source_vector_from_np_array, RadiationSourceVector), (create_rel_hum_source_vector_from_np_array, RelHumSourceVector), (create_radiation_source_vector_from_np_array, RadiationSourceVector)] # test all creation types: for cf in cfs: r = cf[0](ta, gpv, a, ts_point_fx.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) # act here self.assertTrue(isinstance(r, cf[1])) # then the asserts self.assertEqual(len(r), len(gpv)) for i in range(len(gpv)): self.assertEqual(r[i].mid_point(), gpv[i]) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(r[i].ts.values.to_numpy(), a[i])) self.assertEqual(r[i].ts.point_interpretation(), ts_point_fx.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE)
def test_get_ensemble(self): EPSG = 32633 upper_left_x = 436100.0 upper_left_y = 7417800.0 nx = 74 ny = 94 dx = 1000.0 dy = 1000.0 # Period start year = 2015 month = 7 day = 26 hour = 0 n_hours = 30 utc = api.Calendar() # No offset gives Utc t0 = api.YMDhms(year, month, day, hour) period = api.UtcPeriod(utc.time(t0), utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(n_hours)) t_c = utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(1) base_dir = path.join(shyftdata_dir, "netcdf", "arome") pattern = "fc*.nc" bbox = ([upper_left_x, upper_left_x + nx*dx, upper_left_x + nx*dx, upper_left_x], [upper_left_y, upper_left_y, upper_left_y - ny*dy, upper_left_y - ny*dy]) try: repos = AromeDataRepository(EPSG, base_dir, filename=pattern, bounding_box=bbox) data_names = ("temperature", "wind_speed", "relative_humidity") ensemble = repos.get_forecast_ensemble(data_names, period, t_c, None) self.assertTrue(isinstance(ensemble, list)) self.assertEqual(len(ensemble), 10) except AromeDataRepositoryError as adre: self.skipTest("(test inconclusive- missing arome-data {0})".format(adre))
def test_get_ensemble(self): """ Simple ensemble regression test of OpenDAP data repository. """ epsg, bbox = self.epsg_bbox dem_file = path.join(shyftdata_dir, "netcdf", "") # Period start (year, month, day), hour = self.start_date, 9 n_hours = 30 utc = api.Calendar() # No offset gives Utc t0 = api.YMDhms(year, month, day, hour) period = api.UtcPeriod(utc.time(t0), utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(n_hours)) t_c = utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(7) repos = GFSDataRepository(epsg, dem_file, bounding_box=bbox) data_names = ("temperature", "wind_speed", "precipitation", "relative_humidity", "radiation") ensembles = repos.get_forecast_ensemble(data_names, period, t_c, None) for sources in ensembles: self.assertEqual(set(data_names), set(sources.keys())) self.assertEqual(len(sources["temperature"]), 6) data1 = sources["temperature"][0] data2 = sources["temperature"][1] self.assertNotEqual(data1.mid_point().x, data2.mid_point().x) self.assertNotEqual(data1.mid_point().y, data2.mid_point().y) self.assertNotEqual(data1.mid_point().z, data2.mid_point().z) h_dt = (data1.ts.time(1) - data1.ts.time(0))/3600 self.assertEqual(data1.ts.size(), 30//h_dt)
def test_ts_get_krls_predictor(self): t0=api.utctime_now() ta=api.TimeAxis(t0, api.deltahours(1), 30*24) data=np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, ta.size())) ts_data=api.TimeSeries(ta, data, api.POINT_INSTANT_VALUE) ts=api.TimeSeries("a") try: ts.get_krls_predictor()"should not be able to get predictor for unbound") except: pass fbi=ts.find_ts_bind_info() fbi[0].ts.bind(ts_data) ts.bind_done() pred=ts.get_krls_predictor(api.deltahours(3)) ts_krls=pred.predict(ta) self.assertEqual(len(ts_krls), len(ts_data)) ts_mse=pred.mse_ts(ts_data) self.assertEqual(len(ts_mse), len(ts_data)) for i in range(len(ts_krls)): self.assertAlmostEqual(ts_krls.values[i], ts_data.values[i], places=1) self.assertAlmostEqual(ts_mse.values[i], 0, places=2) self.assertAlmostEqual(pred.predictor_mse(ts_data), 0, places=2)
def test_get_forecast(self): # Period start year = 2015 month = 8 day = 24 hour = 6 n_hours = 65 utc = api.Calendar() # No offset gives Utc t0 = api.YMDhms(year, month, day, hour) period = api.UtcPeriod(utc.time(t0), utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(n_hours)) t_c1 = utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(1) t_c2 = utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(7) base_dir = path.join(shyftdata_dir, "repository", "arome_data_repository") pattern = "arome_metcoop*default2_5km_*.nc" EPSG, bbox = self.arome_epsg_bbox repos = AromeDataRepository(EPSG, base_dir, filename=pattern, bounding_box=bbox) data_names = ("temperature", "wind_speed", "precipitation", "relative_humidity") tc1_sources = repos.get_forecast(data_names, period, t_c1, None) tc2_sources = repos.get_forecast(data_names, period, t_c2, None) self.assertTrue(len(tc1_sources) == len(tc2_sources)) self.assertTrue(set(tc1_sources) == set(data_names)) self.assertTrue(tc1_sources["temperature"][0].ts.size() == n_hours + 1) tc1_precip = tc1_sources["precipitation"][0].ts tc2_precip = tc2_sources["precipitation"][0].ts self.assertEqual(tc1_precip.size(), n_hours) self.assertTrue(tc1_precip.time(0) != tc2_precip.time(0))
def test_get_ensemble(self): EPSG = 32633 upper_left_x = 436100.0 upper_left_y = 7417800.0 nx = 74 ny = 94 dx = 1000.0 dy = 1000.0 # Period start n_hours = 30 utc = api.Calendar() # No offset gives Utc t0 = utc.time(2015, 7, 26) period = api.UtcPeriod(t0, t0 + api.deltahours(n_hours)) t_c = t0 + api.deltahours(1) base_dir = path.join(shyftdata_dir, "netcdf", "arome") # pattern = "fc*.nc" pattern = "fc_(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})[T_](\d{2})Z?.nc$" bpoly = box(upper_left_x, upper_left_y - ny * dy, upper_left_x + nx * dx, upper_left_y) try: repos = MetNetcdfDataRepository(EPSG, base_dir, filename=pattern) data_names = ("temperature", "wind_speed", "relative_humidity") ensemble = repos.get_forecast_ensemble(data_names, period, t_c, geo_location_criteria=bpoly) self.assertTrue(isinstance(ensemble, list)) self.assertEqual(len(ensemble), 10) except MetNetcdfDataRepositoryError as adre: self.skipTest( "(test inconclusive- missing arome-data {0})".format(adre))
def test_get_ensemble(self): """ Simple ensemble regression test of OpenDAP data repository. """ epsg, bbox = self.epsg_bbox dem_file = path.join(shyftdata_dir, "netcdf", "") n_hours = 30 t0 = self.start_date + api.deltahours( 9) # api.YMDhms(year, month, day, hour) period = api.UtcPeriod(t0, t0 + api.deltahours(n_hours)) t_c = t0 repos = GFSDataRepository(epsg, dem_file, bounding_box=bbox) data_names = ( "temperature", ) # this is the full set: "wind_speed", "precipitation", "relative_humidity", "radiation") ensembles = repos.get_forecast_ensemble(data_names, period, t_c, None) for sources in ensembles: self.assertEqual(set(data_names), set(sources.keys())) self.assertEqual(len(sources["temperature"]), 6) data1 = sources["temperature"][0] data2 = sources["temperature"][1] self.assertNotEqual(data1.mid_point().x, data2.mid_point().x) self.assertNotEqual(data1.mid_point().y, data2.mid_point().y) self.assertNotEqual(data1.mid_point().z, data2.mid_point().z) self.assertLessEqual( data1.ts.time(0), period.start, 'expect returned fc ts to cover requested period') self.assertGreaterEqual( data1.ts.total_period().end, period.end, 'expect returned fc ts to cover requested period')
def test_get_ensemble(self): """ Simple ensemble regression test of OpenDAP data repository. """ epsg, bbox = self.epsg_bbox dem_file = path.join(shyftdata_dir, "netcdf", "") # Period start (year, month, day), hour = self.start_date, 9 n_hours = 30 utc = api.Calendar() # No offset gives Utc t0 = api.YMDhms(year, month, day, hour) period = api.UtcPeriod(utc.time(t0), utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(n_hours)) t_c = utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(7) repos = GFSDataRepository(epsg, dem_file, bounding_box=bbox) data_names = ("temperature", "wind_speed", "precipitation", "relative_humidity", "radiation") ensembles = repos.get_forecast_ensemble(data_names, period, t_c, None) for sources in ensembles: self.assertEqual(set(data_names), set(sources.keys())) self.assertEqual(len(sources["temperature"]), 6) data1 = sources["temperature"][0] data2 = sources["temperature"][1] self.assertNotEqual(data1.mid_point().x, data2.mid_point().x) self.assertNotEqual(data1.mid_point().y, data2.mid_point().y) self.assertNotEqual(data1.mid_point().z, data2.mid_point().z) h_dt = (data1.ts.time(1) - data1.ts.time(0)) / 3600 self.assertEqual(data1.ts.size(), 30 // h_dt)
def test_get_ensemble_forecast_collection(self): EPSG = 32633 upper_left_x = 436100.0 upper_left_y = 7417800.0 nx = 74 ny = 94 dx = 1000.0 dy = 1000.0 t0 = api.YMDhms(2015, 7, 26, 0) n_hours = 30 utc = api.Calendar() # No offset gives Utc period = api.UtcPeriod(utc.time(t0), utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(n_hours)) t_c = utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(1) base_dir = path.join(shyftdata_dir, "netcdf", "arome") pattern = "" bbox = ([upper_left_x, upper_left_x + nx * dx, upper_left_x + nx * dx, upper_left_x], [upper_left_y, upper_left_y, upper_left_y - ny * dy, upper_left_y - ny * dy]) try: ar1 = AromeDataRepository(EPSG, base_dir, filename=pattern, bounding_box=bbox) ar2 = AromeDataRepository(EPSG, base_dir, filename=pattern, bounding_box=bbox) repos = GeoTsRepositoryCollection([ar1, ar2]) data_names = ("temperature", "wind_speed", "relative_humidity") ensemble = repos.get_forecast_ensemble(data_names, period, t_c, None) self.assertTrue(isinstance(ensemble, list)) self.assertEqual(len(ensemble), 10) with self.assertRaises(GeoTsRepositoryCollectionError) as context: repos = GeoTsRepositoryCollection([ar1, ar2], reduce_type="add") repos.get_forecast_ensemble(data_names, period, t_c, None) self.assertEqual("Only replace is supported yet", context.exception.args[0]) except AromeDataRepositoryError as adre: self.skipTest("(test inconclusive- missing arome-data {0})".format(adre))
def test_get_forecast_collection(self): n_hours = 30 dt = api.deltahours(1) utc = api.Calendar() # No offset gives Utc tc = api.YMDhms(2015, 8, 24, 6) t0 = utc.time(tc) period = api.UtcPeriod(t0, t0 + api.deltahours(n_hours)) date_str = "{}{:02}{:02}_{:02}".format(tc.year, tc.month,, tc.hour) epsg, bbox = self.arome_epsg_bbox base_dir = path.join(shyftdata_dir, "repository", "arome_data_repository") f1 = "arome_metcoop_red_default2_5km_{}.nc".format(date_str) f2 = "arome_metcoop_red_test2_5km_{}.nc".format(date_str) ar1 = AromeDataRepository(epsg, base_dir, filename=f1, allow_subset=True) ar2 = AromeDataRepository(epsg, base_dir, filename=f2, elevation_file=f1, allow_subset=True) geo_ts_repository = GeoTsRepositoryCollection([ar1, ar2]) source_names = ("temperature", "radiation") sources = geo_ts_repository.get_forecast(source_names, period, t0, geo_location_criteria=bbox) self.assertTrue(all([x in source_names for x in sources])) geo_ts_repository = GeoTsRepositoryCollection([ar1, ar2], reduce_type="add") with self.assertRaises(GeoTsRepositoryCollectionError) as context: sources = geo_ts_repository.get_forecast(("temperature", "radiation"), period, t0, geo_location_criteria=bbox)
def test_bias_predictor(self): """ Verify that if we feed forecast[n] and observation into the bias-predictor it will create the estimated bias offsets """ f = api.KalmanFilter() bp = api.KalmanBiasPredictor(f) self.assertIsNotNone(bp) self.assertEqual(bp.filter.parameter.n_daily_observations, 8) n_fc = 8 utc = api.Calendar() t0 = utc.time(2016, 1, 1) dt = api.deltahours(1) n_fc_steps = 36 # e.g. like arome 36 hours fc_dt = api.deltahours(6) fc_fx = lambda time_axis: self._create_fc_values(time_axis, 2.0) # just return a constant 2.0 deg C for now fc_set = self._create_geo_forecast_set(n_fc, t0, dt, n_fc_steps, fc_dt, fc_fx) n_obs = 24 obs_ta = api.Timeaxis2(t0, dt, n_obs) obs_ts = api.Timeseries(obs_ta, fill_value=0.0) kalman_dt = api.deltahours(3) # suitable average for prediction temperature kalman_ta = api.Timeaxis2(t0, kalman_dt, 8) bp.update_with_forecast(fc_set, obs_ts, kalman_ta) # here we feed in forecast-set and observation into kalman fc_setv = self._create_forecast_set(n_fc, t0, dt, n_fc_steps, fc_dt, fc_fx) bp.update_with_forecast(fc_setv, obs_ts, kalman_ta) # also verify we can feed in a pure TsVector bias_pattern = bp.state.x # the bp.state.x is now the best estimates fo the bias between fc and observation self.assertEqual(len(bias_pattern), 8) for i in range(len(bias_pattern)): self.assertLess(abs(bias_pattern[i] - 2.0), 0.2) # bias should iterate to approx 2.0 degC now.
def _call_qm(self, prep_fcst_lst, weights, geo_points, ta, input_source_types, nb_prior_scenarios): # Check interpolation period is within time axis (ta) ta_start = ta.time(0) ta_end = ta.time(ta.size() - 1) # start of last time step interp_start = ta_start + api.deltahours(self.qm_interp_hours[0]) interp_end = ta_start + api.deltahours(self.qm_interp_hours[1]) if interp_start > ta_end: interp_start = api.no_utctime interp_end = api.no_utctime if interp_end > ta_end: interp_end = ta_end # Re-organize data before sending to api.quantile_map_forecast. For each source type and geo_point, group # forecasts as TsVectorSets, send to api.quantile_map_forecast and return results as ensemble of source-keyed # dictionaries of geo-ts # First re-organize weights - one weight per TVS. weight_sets = api.DoubleVector([w for ws in weights for w in ws]) # New version results = [{} for i in range(nb_prior_scenarios)] for src in input_source_types: qm_scenarios = [] for geo_pt_idx, geo_pt in enumerate(geo_points): forecast_sets = api.TsVectorSet() for i, fcst_group in enumerate(prep_fcst_lst): for j, forecast in enumerate(fcst_group): scenarios = api.TsVector() for member in forecast: scenarios.append(member[src][geo_pt_idx].ts) forecast_sets.append(scenarios) if i == self.repo_prior_idx and j == 0: prior_data = scenarios # TODO: read prior if repo_prior_idx is None qm_scenarios.append( api.quantile_map_forecast(forecast_sets, weight_sets, prior_data, ta, interp_start, interp_end, True)) # Alternative: convert to array to enable slicing # arr = np.array(qm_scenarios) # Now organize to desired output format: ensemble of source-keyed dictionaries of geo-ts for i in range(0, nb_prior_scenarios): # source_dict = {} # ts_vct = arr[:, i] ts_vct = [x[i] for x in qm_scenarios] vct = self.source_vector_map[src]() [ vct.append(self.source_type_map[src](geo_pt, ts)) for geo_pt, ts in zip(geo_points, ts_vct) ] # Alternatives: # vct[:] = [self.source_type_map[src](geo_pt, ts) for geo_pt, ts in zip(geo_points, ts_vct)] # vct = self.source_vector_map[src]([self.source_type_map[src](geo_pt, ts) for geo_pt, ts in zip(geo_points, ts_vct)]) results[i][src] = vct return results
def continuous_calibration(): utc = Calendar() t_start = utc.time(YMDhms(2011, 9, 1)) t_fc_start = utc.time(YMDhms(2015, 10, 1)) dt = deltahours(1) n_obs = int(round((t_fc_start - t_start)/dt)) obs_time_axis = TimeAxisFixedDeltaT(t_start, dt, n_obs + 1) q_obs_m3s_ts = observed_tistel_discharge(obs_time_axis.total_period()) ptgsk = create_tistel_simulator(PTGSKOptModel, tistel.geo_ts_repository(tistel.grid_spec.epsg())) initial_state = burn_in_state(ptgsk, t_start, utc.time(YMDhms(2012, 9, 1)), q_obs_m3s_ts) num_opt_days = 30 # Step forward num_opt_days days and store the state for each day: recal_start = t_start + deltahours(num_opt_days*24) t = t_start state = initial_state opt_states = {t: state} while t < recal_start:, dt, 24), state) t += deltahours(24) state = ptgsk.reg_model_state opt_states[t] = state recal_stop = utc.time(YMDhms(2011, 10, 30)) recal_stop = utc.time(YMDhms(2012, 5, 30)) curr_time = recal_start q_obs_avg = TsTransform().to_average(t_start, dt, n_obs + 1, q_obs_m3s_ts) target_spec = TargetSpecificationPts(q_obs_avg, IntVector([0]), 1.0, KLING_GUPTA) target_spec_vec = TargetSpecificationVector([target_spec]) i = 0 times = [] values = [] p, p_min, p_max = construct_calibration_parameters(ptgsk) while curr_time < recal_stop: print(i) i += 1 opt_start = curr_time - deltahours(24*num_opt_days) opt_state = opt_states.pop(opt_start) p = ptgsk.region_model.get_region_parameter() p_opt = ptgsk.optimize(TimeAxisFixedDeltaT(opt_start, dt, 24*num_opt_days), opt_state, target_spec_vec, p, p_min, p_max, tr_stop=1.0e-5) ptgsk.region_model.set_region_parameter(p_opt) corr_state = adjust_simulator_state(ptgsk, curr_time, q_obs_m3s_ts), dt, 24), corr_state) curr_time += deltahours(24) opt_states[curr_time] = ptgsk.reg_model_state discharge = ptgsk.region_model.statistics.discharge([0]) times.extend(discharge.time(i) for i in range(discharge.size())) values.extend(list(np.array(discharge.v))) plt.plot(utc_to_greg(times), values) plot_results(None, q_obs=observed_tistel_discharge(UtcPeriod(recal_start, recal_stop))) set_calendar_formatter(Calendar()) #plt.interactive(1) plt.title("Continuously recalibrated discharge vs observed") plt.xlabel("Time in UTC") plt.ylabel(r"Discharge in $\mathbf{m^3s^{-1}}$", verticalalignment="top", rotation="horizontal") plt.gca().yaxis.set_label_coords(0, 1.1)
def continuous_calibration(): utc = Calendar() t_start = utc.time(YMDhms(2011, 9, 1)) t_fc_start = utc.time(YMDhms(2015, 10, 1)) dt = deltahours(1) n_obs = int(round((t_fc_start - t_start)/dt)) obs_time_axis = Timeaxis(t_start, dt, n_obs + 1) q_obs_m3s_ts = observed_tistel_discharge(obs_time_axis.total_period()) ptgsk = create_tistel_simulator(PTGSKOptModel, tistel.geo_ts_repository(tistel.grid_spec.epsg())) initial_state = burn_in_state(ptgsk, t_start, utc.time(YMDhms(2012, 9, 1)), q_obs_m3s_ts) num_opt_days = 30 # Step forward num_opt_days days and store the state for each day: recal_start = t_start + deltahours(num_opt_days*24) t = t_start state = initial_state opt_states = {t: state} while t < recal_start:, dt, 24), state) t += deltahours(24) state = ptgsk.reg_model_state opt_states[t] = state recal_stop = utc.time(YMDhms(2011, 10, 30)) recal_stop = utc.time(YMDhms(2012, 5, 30)) curr_time = recal_start q_obs_avg = TsTransform().to_average(t_start, dt, n_obs + 1, q_obs_m3s_ts) target_spec = TargetSpecificationPts(q_obs_avg, IntVector([0]), 1.0, KLING_GUPTA) target_spec_vec = TargetSpecificationVector([target_spec]) i = 0 times = [] values = [] p, p_min, p_max = construct_calibration_parameters(ptgsk) while curr_time < recal_stop: print(i) i += 1 opt_start = curr_time - deltahours(24*num_opt_days) opt_state = opt_states.pop(opt_start) p = ptgsk.region_model.get_region_parameter() p_opt = ptgsk.optimize(Timeaxis(opt_start, dt, 24*num_opt_days), opt_state, target_spec_vec, p, p_min, p_max, tr_stop=1.0e-5) ptgsk.region_model.set_region_parameter(p_opt) corr_state = adjust_simulator_state(ptgsk, curr_time, q_obs_m3s_ts), dt, 24), corr_state) curr_time += deltahours(24) opt_states[curr_time] = ptgsk.reg_model_state discharge = ptgsk.region_model.statistics.discharge([0]) times.extend(discharge.time(i) for i in range(discharge.size())) values.extend(list(np.array(discharge.v))) plt.plot(utc_to_greg(times), values) plot_results(None, q_obs=observed_tistel_discharge(UtcPeriod(recal_start, recal_stop))) set_calendar_formatter(Calendar()) #plt.interactive(1) plt.title("Continuously recalibrated discharge vs observed") plt.xlabel("Time in UTC") plt.ylabel(r"Discharge in $\mathbf{m^3s^{-1}}$", verticalalignment="top", rotation="horizontal") plt.gca().yaxis.set_label_coords(0, 1.1)
def test_extract_conversion_factors_from_string(self): u = utime('hours since 1970-01-01 00:00:00') t_origin = api.Calendar(u.tzoffset).time( api.YMDhms(u.origin.year, u.origin.month,, u.origin.hour, u.origin.minute, u.origin.second)) delta_t_dic = {'days': api.deltahours(24), 'hours': api.deltahours(1), 'minutes': api.deltaminutes(1)} delta_t = delta_t_dic[u.units] self.assertIsNotNone(u) self.assertEqual(delta_t, api.deltahours(1)) self.assertEqual(t_origin, 0)
def test_integral_fine_resolution(self): """ Case study for last-interval bug from python""" utc=api.Calendar() ta=api.TimeAxis(utc.time(2017, 10, 16), api.deltahours(24*7), 219) tf=api.TimeAxis(utc.time(2017, 10, 16), api.deltahours(3), 12264) src=api.TimeSeries(ta, fill_value=1.0, point_fx=api.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) ts=src.integral(tf) self.assertIsNotNone(ts) for i in range(len(tf)): if not math.isclose(ts.value(i), 1.0*api.deltahours(3)): self.assertAlmostEqual(ts.value(i), 1.0*api.deltahours(3))
def _predict_bias(self, obs_set, fc_set): # Return a set of bias_ts per observation geo_point bias_set = api.TemperatureSourceVector() kf = api.KalmanFilter() kbp = api.KalmanBiasPredictor(kf) kta = api.Timeaxis2(self.t0, api.deltahours(3), 8) for obs in obs_set: kbp.update_with_forecast(fc_set, obs.ts, kta) pattern = api.KalmanState.get_x(kbp.state) # a_ts = api.Timeseries(pattern, api.deltahours(3), self.ta) # can do using ct of Timeseries, or: b_ts = api.create_periodic_pattern_ts(pattern, api.deltahours(3), self.ta.time(0), self.ta) # function bias_set.append(api.TemperatureSource(obs.mid_point(), b_ts)) return bias_set
def test_extract_conversion_factors_from_string(self): u = utime('hours since 1970-01-01 00:00:00') t_origin = api.Calendar(u.tzoffset).time( api.YMDhms(u.origin.year, u.origin.month,, u.origin.hour, u.origin.minute, u.origin.second)) delta_t_dic = { 'days': api.deltahours(24), 'hours': api.deltahours(1), 'minutes': api.deltaminutes(1) } delta_t = delta_t_dic[u.units] self.assertIsNotNone(u) self.assertEqual(delta_t, api.deltahours(1)) self.assertEqual(t_origin, 0)
def _predict_bias(self, obs_set, fc_set): # Return a set of bias_ts per observation geo_point bias_set = api.TemperatureSourceVector() kf = api.KalmanFilter() kbp = api.KalmanBiasPredictor(kf) kta = api.TimeAxis(self.t0, api.deltahours(3), 8) for obs in obs_set: kbp.update_with_forecast(fc_set, obs.ts, kta) pattern = api.KalmanState.get_x(kbp.state) # a_ts = api.TimeSeries(pattern, api.deltahours(3), self.ta) # can do using ct of TimeSeries, or: b_ts = api.create_periodic_pattern_ts(pattern, api.deltahours(3), self.ta.time(0), self.ta) # function bias_set.append(api.TemperatureSource(obs.mid_point(), b_ts)) return bias_set
def test_periodic_pattern_ts(self): c = api.Calendar() t0 = c.time(2016, 1, 1) dt = api.deltahours(1) n = 240 ta = api.Timeaxis2(t0, dt, n) pattern_values = api.DoubleVector.from_numpy(np.arange(8)) pattern_dt = api.deltahours(3) pattern_t0 = c.time(2015,6,1) pattern_ts = api.create_periodic_pattern_ts(pattern_values, pattern_dt, pattern_t0, ta) # this is how to create a periodic pattern ts (used in gridpp/kalman bias handling) self.assertAlmostEqual(pattern_ts.value(0), 0.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(pattern_ts.value(1), 0.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(pattern_ts.value(2), 0.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(pattern_ts.value(3), 1.0) # next step in pattern starts here self.assertAlmostEqual(pattern_ts.value(24), 0.0) # next day repeats the pattern
def test_get_ensemble_forecast_collection(self): EPSG = 32633 upper_left_x = 436100.0 upper_left_y = 7417800.0 nx = 74 ny = 94 dx = 1000.0 dy = 1000.0 t0 = api.YMDhms(2015, 7, 26, 0) n_hours = 30 utc = api.Calendar() # No offset gives Utc period = api.UtcPeriod(utc.time(t0), utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(n_hours)) t_c = utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(1) base_dir = path.join(shyftdata_dir, "netcdf", "arome") pattern = "" bbox = ([ upper_left_x, upper_left_x + nx * dx, upper_left_x + nx * dx, upper_left_x ], [ upper_left_y, upper_left_y, upper_left_y - ny * dy, upper_left_y - ny * dy ]) try: ar1 = AromeDataRepository(EPSG, base_dir, filename=pattern, bounding_box=bbox) ar2 = AromeDataRepository(EPSG, base_dir, filename=pattern, bounding_box=bbox) repos = GeoTsRepositoryCollection([ar1, ar2]) data_names = ("temperature", "wind_speed", "relative_humidity") ensemble = repos.get_forecast_ensemble(data_names, period, t_c, None) self.assertTrue(isinstance(ensemble, list)) self.assertEqual(len(ensemble), 10) with self.assertRaises(GeoTsRepositoryCollectionError) as context: repos = GeoTsRepositoryCollection([ar1, ar2], reduce_type="add") repos.get_forecast_ensemble(data_names, period, t_c, None) self.assertEqual("Only replace is supported yet", context.exception.args[0]) except AromeDataRepositoryError as adre: self.skipTest( "(test inconclusive- missing arome-data {0})".format(adre))
def prec_acc_conv(p): indx = np.nonzero([ in self.analysis_hours for ti in time])[0] f = 1000.*api.deltahours(1)/(time[1] - time[0]) # conversion from m/delta_t to mm/1hour dp = (p[1:] - p[:-1])*f dp[indx] = p[indx+1]*f #return np.clip(p[1:] - p[:-1], 0.0, 1000.0) return dp
def ensemble_demo(): utc = Calendar() t_start = utc.time(YMDhms(2011, 9, 1)) t_fc_ens_start = utc.time(YMDhms(2015, 7, 26)) disp_start = utc.time(YMDhms(2015, 7, 20)) dt = deltahours(1) n_obs = int(round((t_fc_ens_start - t_start)/dt)) n_fc_ens = 30 n_disp = int(round(t_fc_ens_start - disp_start)/dt) + n_fc_ens + 24*7 obs_time_axis = Timeaxis(t_start, dt, n_obs + 1) fc_ens_time_axis = Timeaxis(t_fc_ens_start, dt, n_fc_ens) display_time_axis = Timeaxis(disp_start, dt, n_disp) q_obs_m3s_ts = observed_tistel_discharge(obs_time_axis.total_period()) ptgsk = create_tistel_simulator(PTGSKOptModel, tistel.geo_ts_repository(tistel.grid_spec.epsg())) initial_state = burn_in_state(ptgsk, t_start, utc.time(YMDhms(2012, 9, 1)), q_obs_m3s_ts), initial_state) current_state = adjust_simulator_state(ptgsk, t_fc_ens_start, q_obs_m3s_ts) q_obs_m3s_ts = observed_tistel_discharge(display_time_axis.total_period()) ens_repos = tistel.arome_ensemble_repository(tistel.grid_spec) ptgsk_fc_ens = create_tistel_simulator(PTGSKModel, ens_repos) sims = ptgsk_fc_ens.create_ensembles(fc_ens_time_axis, t_fc_ens_start, current_state) for sim in sims: sim.simulate() plt.hold(1) percentiles = [10, 25, 50, 75, 90] plot_percentiles(sims, percentiles, obs=q_obs_m3s_ts) #plt.interactive(1)
def setUp(self): self.c = api.Calendar() self.d = api.deltahours(1) self.n = 24 # self.t= self.c.trim(api.utctime_now(),self.d) self.t = self.c.trim(self.c.time(1969, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0), self.d) self.ta = api.TimeAxis(self.t, self.d, self.n)
def fetch_sources(self, input_source_types, data, params, period): """Method for fetching the sources in NetCDF files. Parameters ---------- input_source_types : dict A map between the data to be extracted and the data containers in shyft.api. data : dict An geo-located time series shyft.api container. params : dict Additional parameters for locating the datasets. period : tuple A (start_time, stop_time) tuple that species the simulation period. """ self.__dict__.update(params) # Fill the data with actual values for input_source, source_api in input_source_types.iteritems(): ts = self._fetch_station_tseries(input_source, params['types'], period) assert type(ts) is list tsf = api.TsFactory() for station in ts: times = station['time'] assert type(times) is list dt = times[1] - times[0] if len(times) > 1 else api.deltahours(1) total_period = api.UtcPeriod(times[0], times[-1] + dt) time_points = api.UtcTimeVector(times) time_points.push_back(total_period.end) values = station['values'] value_points = api.DoubleVector.FromNdArray(values) api_ts = tsf.create_time_point_ts(total_period, time_points, value_points) data_source = source_api(api.GeoPoint(*station['location']), api_ts) data[input_source].append(data_source) return data
def test_kling_gupta_and_nash_sutcliffe(self): """ Test/verify exposure of the kling_gupta and nash_sutcliffe correlation functions """ def np_nash_sutcliffe(o, p): return 1 - (np.sum((o - p) ** 2)) / (np.sum((o - np.mean(o)) ** 2)) c = api.Calendar() t0 = c.time(2016, 1, 1) dt = api.deltahours(1) n = 240 ta = api.Timeaxis2(t0, dt, n) from math import sin, pi rad_max = 10 * 2 * pi obs_values = api.DoubleVector.from_numpy(np.array([sin(i * rad_max / n) for i in range(n)])) mod_values = api.DoubleVector.from_numpy(np.array([0.1 + sin(pi / 10.0 + i * rad_max / n) for i in range(n)])) obs_ts = api.Timeseries(ta=ta, values=obs_values, point_fx=api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) mod_ts = api.Timeseries(ta=ta, values=mod_values, point_fx=api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) self.assertAlmostEqual(api.kling_gupta(obs_ts, obs_ts, ta, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 1.0, None, "1.0 for perfect match") self.assertAlmostEqual(api.nash_sutcliffe(obs_ts, obs_ts, ta), 1.0, None, "1.0 for perfect match") # verify some non trivial cases, and compare to numpy version of ns mod_inv = obs_ts * -1.0 kge_inv = obs_ts.kling_gupta(mod_inv) # also show how to use time-series.method itself to ease use ns_inv = obs_ts.nash_sutcliffe(mod_inv) # similar for nash_sutcliffe, you can reach it directly from a ts ns_inv2 = np_nash_sutcliffe(obs_ts.values.to_numpy(), mod_inv.values.to_numpy()) self.assertLessEqual(kge_inv, 1.0, "should be less than 1") self.assertLessEqual(ns_inv, 1.0, "should be less than 1") self.assertAlmostEqual(ns_inv, ns_inv2, 4, "should equal numpy calculated value") kge_obs_mod = api.kling_gupta(obs_ts, mod_ts, ta, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) self.assertLessEqual(kge_obs_mod, 1.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(obs_ts.nash_sutcliffe( mod_ts), np_nash_sutcliffe(obs_ts.values.to_numpy(), mod_ts.values.to_numpy()))
def test_percentiles(self): c = api.Calendar() t0 = c.time(2016, 1, 1) dt = api.deltahours(1) n = 240 ta = api.Timeaxis(t0, dt, n) timeseries = api.TsVector() for i in range(10): timeseries.append( api.Timeseries(ta=ta, fill_value=i, point_fx=api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE)) wanted_percentiles = api.IntVector([0, 10, 50, -1, 70, 100]) ta_day = api.Timeaxis(t0, dt * 24, n // 24) ta_day2 = api.Timeaxis2(t0, dt * 24, n // 24) percentiles = api.percentiles(timeseries, ta_day, wanted_percentiles) percentiles2 = timeseries.percentiles(ta_day2, wanted_percentiles) # just to verify it works with alt. syntax self.assertEqual(len(percentiles2), len(percentiles)) for i in range(len(ta_day)): self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, percentiles[0].value(i), 3, " 0-percentile") self.assertAlmostEqual(0.9, percentiles[1].value(i), 3, " 10-percentile") self.assertAlmostEqual(4.5, percentiles[2].value(i), 3, " 50-percentile") self.assertAlmostEqual(4.5, percentiles[3].value(i), 3, " -average") self.assertAlmostEqual(6.3, percentiles[4].value(i), 3, " 70-percentile") self.assertAlmostEqual(9.0, percentiles[5].value(i), 3, "100-percentile")
def test_time_shift(self): c=api.Calendar() t0=c.time(2016, 1, 1) t1=c.time(2017, 1, 1) dt=api.deltahours(1) n=240 ta=api.TimeAxisFixedDeltaT(t0, dt, n) ts0=api.TimeSeries(ta=ta, fill_value=3.0, point_fx=api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) tsa=api.TimeSeries('a') ts1=api.time_shift(tsa, t1 - t0) self.assertTrue(ts1.needs_bind()) ts1_blob=ts1.serialize() ts1=api.TimeSeries.deserialize(ts1_blob) tsb=ts1.find_ts_bind_info() self.assertEqual(len(tsb), 1) tsb[0].ts.bind(ts0) ts1.bind_done() self.assertFalse(ts1.needs_bind()) ts2=2.0*ts1.time_shift(t0 - t1) # just to verify it still can take part in an expression for i in range(ts0.size()): self.assertAlmostEqual(ts0.value(i), ts1.value(i), 3, "expect values to be equal") self.assertAlmostEqual(ts0.value(i)*2.0, ts2.value(i), 3, "expect values to be double value") self.assertEqual(ts0.time(i) + (t1 - t0), ts1.time(i), "expect time to be offset delta_t different") self.assertEqual(ts0.time(i), ts2.time(i), "expect time to be equal")
def test_create_target_spec_from_std_time_series(self): """ Verify we can create target-spec giving ordinary ts, and that passing a non-fixed time-axis raises exception """ cal = api.Calendar() ta = api.TimeAxis(cal.time(2017, 1, 1), api.deltahours(1), 24) ts = api.TimeSeries( ta, fill_value=3.0, point_fx=api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) cids = api.IntVector([0, 2, 3]) t0 = api.TargetSpecificationPts(ts, cids, 0.7, api.KLING_GUPTA, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, api.SNOW_COVERED_AREA, 'test_uid') self.assertAlmostEqual(t0.ts.value(0), ts.value(0)) rid = 0 t1 = api.TargetSpecificationPts(ts, rid, 0.7, api.KLING_GUPTA, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 'test_uid') self.assertAlmostEqual(t1.ts.value(0), ts.value(0)) tax = api.TimeAxis(api.UtcTimeVector.from_numpy(ta.time_points[:-1]), ta.total_period().end) tsx = api.TimeSeries( tax, fill_value=2.0, point_fx=api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) tx = api.TargetSpecificationPts(tsx, rid, 0.7, api.KLING_GUPTA, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 'test_uid') self.assertIsNotNone(tx)
def test_tiny_bbox(self): EPSG, _, _ = self.senorge_epsg_bbox x0 = 374499.5 # lower left y0 = 6451499.5 # lower right nx = 1.0 ny = 1.0 dx = 1.0 dy = 1.0 bbox = ([x0, x0 + nx * dx, x0 + nx * dx, x0], [y0, y0, y0 + ny * dy, y0 + ny * dy]) bpoly = box(min(bbox[0]), min(bbox[1]), max(bbox[0]), max(bbox[1])) # Period start year = 2015 month = 1 n_hours = 30 date_str = "{}-{:02}".format(year, month) utc = api.Calendar() # No offset gives Utc t0 = api.YMDhms(year, month) period = api.UtcPeriod(utc.time(t0), utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(n_hours)) base_dir = path.join(shyftdata_dir, "repository", "senorge_data_repository", "senorge2") filename = "" reader = SeNorgeDataRepository(EPSG, base_dir, filename=filename, padding=0) data_names = ("precipitation",) tss = reader.get_timeseries(data_names, period, geo_location_criteria=bpoly) for name, ts in tss.items(): self.assertTrue(len(ts) == 1)
def test_calendar_add_3h_during_dst(self): osl = api.Calendar("Europe/Oslo") t0 = osl.time(2016, 3, 27) # dst change during spring t1 = osl.add(t0, api.Calendar.DAY, 1) dt3h=api.deltahours(3) d3h= osl.diff_units(t0,t1,dt3h) self.assertEqual(8, d3h)
def test_no_point_inside_polygon_bounds(self): EPSG, bbox, bpoly = self.arome_epsg_bbox bounds = bpoly.bounds bpoly = box(bounds[0], 6010000.0, bounds[2], 6035000.0) # Period start year = 2015 month = 8 day = 24 hour = 6 n_hours = 30 date_str = "{}{:02}{:02}_{:02}".format(year, month, day, hour) utc = api.Calendar() # No offset gives Utc t0 = api.YMDhms(year, month, day, hour) period = api.UtcPeriod(utc.time(t0), utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(n_hours)) base_dir = path.join(shyftdata_dir, "repository", "arome_data_repository") filename = "arome_metcoop_red_default2_5km_{}.nc".format(date_str) reader = MetNetcdfDataRepository(EPSG, base_dir, filename=filename, padding=0.0) data_names = ("temperature", "wind_speed", "precipitation", "relative_humidity") with self.assertRaises(MetNetcdfDataRepositoryError) as context: reader.get_timeseries(data_names, period, geo_location_criteria=bpoly) self.assertEqual( "No points in dataset which are within the bounding box of the geo_location_criteria polygon.", context.exception.args[0])
def test_kling_gupta_and_nash_sutcliffe(self): """ Test/verify exposure of the kling_gupta and nash_sutcliffe correlation functions """ def np_nash_sutcliffe(o, p): return 1 - (np.sum((o - p)**2))/(np.sum((o - np.mean(o))**2)) c=api.Calendar() t0=c.time(2016, 1, 1) dt=api.deltahours(1) n=240 ta=api.TimeAxis(t0, dt, n) from math import sin, pi rad_max=10*2*pi obs_values=api.DoubleVector.from_numpy(np.array([sin(i*rad_max/n) for i in range(n)])) mod_values=api.DoubleVector.from_numpy(np.array([0.1 + sin(pi/10.0 + i*rad_max/n) for i in range(n)])) obs_ts=api.TimeSeries(ta=ta, values=obs_values, point_fx=api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) mod_ts=api.TimeSeries(ta=ta, values=mod_values, point_fx=api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) self.assertAlmostEqual(api.kling_gupta(obs_ts, obs_ts, ta, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 1.0, None, "1.0 for perfect match") self.assertAlmostEqual(api.nash_sutcliffe(obs_ts, obs_ts, ta), 1.0, None, "1.0 for perfect match") # verify some non trivial cases, and compare to numpy version of ns mod_inv=obs_ts*-1.0 kge_inv=obs_ts.kling_gupta(mod_inv) # also show how to use time-series.method itself to ease use ns_inv=obs_ts.nash_sutcliffe(mod_inv) # similar for nash_sutcliffe, you can reach it directly from a ts ns_inv2=np_nash_sutcliffe(obs_ts.values.to_numpy(), mod_inv.values.to_numpy()) self.assertLessEqual(kge_inv, 1.0, "should be less than 1") self.assertLessEqual(ns_inv, 1.0, "should be less than 1") self.assertAlmostEqual(ns_inv, ns_inv2, 4, "should equal numpy calculated value") kge_obs_mod=api.kling_gupta(obs_ts, mod_ts, ta, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) self.assertLessEqual(kge_obs_mod, 1.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(obs_ts.nash_sutcliffe(mod_ts), np_nash_sutcliffe(obs_ts.values.to_numpy(), mod_ts.values.to_numpy()))
def test_abs(self): c=api.Calendar() t0=c.time(2016, 1, 1) dt=api.deltahours(1) n=4 v=api.DoubleVector([1.0, -1.5, float("nan"), 3.0]) ta=api.TimeAxisFixedDeltaT(t0, dt, n) ts0=api.TimeSeries(ta=ta, values=v, point_fx=api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) tsa=api.TimeSeries('a') ts1=tsa.abs() ts1_blob=ts1.serialize() ts1=api.TimeSeries.deserialize(ts1_blob) self.assertTrue(ts1.needs_bind()) bts=ts1.find_ts_bind_info() self.assertEqual(len(bts), 1) bts[0].ts.bind(ts0) ts1.bind_done() self.assertFalse(ts1.needs_bind()) self.assertAlmostEqual(ts0.value(0), ts1.value(0), 6) self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(ts0.value(1)), ts1.value(1), 6) self.assertTrue(math.isnan(ts1.value(2))) self.assertAlmostEqual(ts0.value(3), ts1.value(3), 6) tsv0=api.TsVector() tsv0.append(ts0) tsv1=tsv0.abs() self.assertAlmostEqual(tsv0[0].value(0), tsv1[0].value(0), 6) self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(tsv0[0].value(1)), tsv1[0].value(1), 6) self.assertTrue(math.isnan(tsv1[0].value(2))) self.assertAlmostEqual(tsv0[0].value(3), tsv1[0].value(3), 6)
def test_create_region_environment(self): cal = api.Calendar() time_axis = api.Timeaxis(cal.time(api.YMDhms(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)), api.deltahours(1), 240) re = self.create_dummy_region_environment(time_axis, api.GeoPoint(1000, 1000, 100)) self.assertIsNotNone(re) self.assertEqual(len(re.radiation), 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(re.radiation[0].ts.value(0), 300.0)
def test_tiny_bbox(self): EPSG, _ = self.arome_epsg_bbox x0 = 436250.0 # lower left y0 = 6823250.0 # lower right nx = 1 ny = 1 dx = 5.0 dy = 5.0 bbox = ([x0, x0 + nx*dx, x0 + nx*dx, x0], [y0, y0, y0 + ny*dy, y0 + ny*dy]) print(bbox) # Period start year = 2015 month = 8 day = 24 hour = 6 n_hours = 30 date_str = "{}{:02}{:02}_{:02}".format(year, month, day, hour) utc = api.Calendar() # No offset gives Utc t0 = api.YMDhms(year, month, day, hour) period = api.UtcPeriod(utc.time(t0), utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(n_hours)) base_dir = path.join(shyftdata_dir, "repository", "arome_data_repository") filename = "arome_metcoop_red_default2_5km_{}.nc".format(date_str) reader = AromeDataRepository(EPSG, base_dir, filename=filename, bounding_box=bbox, x_padding=0, y_padding=0) data_names = ("temperature", "wind_speed", "precipitation", "relative_humidity") try: tss = reader.get_timeseries(data_names, period, None) except AromeDataRepository as err:"reader.get_timeseries raised AromeDataRepositoryError('{}') " "unexpectedly.".format(err.args[0]))
def setUp(self): self.c=api.Calendar() self.d=api.deltahours(1) self.n=24 #self.t= self.c.trim(api.utctime_now(),self.d) self.t= self.c.trim(self.c.time(api.YMDhms(1969,12,31,0,0,0)),self.d) self.ta=api.Timeaxis(self.t,self.d,self.n)
def test_percentiles(self): c=api.Calendar() t0=c.time(2016, 1, 1) dt=api.deltahours(1) n=240 ta=api.TimeAxisFixedDeltaT(t0, dt, n) timeseries=api.TsVector() for i in range(10): timeseries.append( api.TimeSeries(ta=ta, fill_value=i, point_fx=api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE)) wanted_percentiles=api.IntVector([api.statistics_property.MIN_EXTREME, 0, 10, 50, api.statistics_property.AVERAGE, 70, 100, api.statistics_property.MAX_EXTREME]) ta_day=api.TimeAxisFixedDeltaT(t0, dt*24, n//24) ta_day2=api.TimeAxis(t0, dt*24, n//24) percentiles=api.percentiles(timeseries, ta_day, wanted_percentiles) percentiles2=timeseries.percentiles(ta_day2, wanted_percentiles) # just to verify it works with alt. syntax self.assertEqual(len(percentiles2), len(percentiles)) for i in range(len(ta_day)): self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, percentiles[0].value(i), 3, "min-extreme ") self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, percentiles[1].value(i), 3, " 0-percentile") self.assertAlmostEqual(0.9, percentiles[2].value(i), 3, " 10-percentile") self.assertAlmostEqual(4.5, percentiles[3].value(i), 3, " 50-percentile") self.assertAlmostEqual(4.5, percentiles[4].value(i), 3, " -average") self.assertAlmostEqual(6.3, percentiles[5].value(i), 3, " 70-percentile") self.assertAlmostEqual(9.0, percentiles[6].value(i), 3, "100-percentile") self.assertAlmostEqual(9.0, percentiles[7].value(i), 3, "max-extreme")
def test_subsets(self): EPSG, bbox = self.arome_epsg_bbox # Period start year = 2015 month = 8 day = 24 hour = 6 n_hours = 30 date_str = "{}{:02}{:02}_{:02}".format(year, month, day, hour) utc = api.Calendar() # No offset gives Utc t0 = api.YMDhms(year, month, day, hour) period = api.UtcPeriod(utc.time(t0), utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(n_hours)) base_dir = path.join(shyftdata_dir, "repository", "arome_data_repository") filename = "arome_metcoop_red_default2_5km_{}.nc".format(date_str) data_names = ("temperature", "wind_speed", "precipitation", "relative_humidity", "radiation") allow_subset = False reader = AromeDataRepository(EPSG, base_dir, filename=filename, bounding_box=bbox, allow_subset=allow_subset) with self.assertRaises(AromeDataRepositoryError) as context: reader.get_timeseries(data_names, period, None) self.assertEqual("Could not find all data fields", context.exception.args[0]) allow_subset = True reader = AromeDataRepository(EPSG, base_dir, filename=filename, bounding_box=bbox, allow_subset=allow_subset) try: sources = reader.get_timeseries(data_names, period, None) except AromeDataRepositoryError as e:"AromeDataRepository.get_timeseries(data_names, period, None) " "raised AromeDataRepositoryError unexpectedly.") self.assertEqual(len(sources), len(data_names) - 1)
def ensemble_demo(): utc = Calendar() t_start = utc.time(YMDhms(2011, 9, 1)) t_fc_ens_start = utc.time(YMDhms(2015, 7, 26)) disp_start = utc.time(YMDhms(2015, 7, 20)) dt = deltahours(1) n_obs = int(round((t_fc_ens_start - t_start) / dt)) n_fc_ens = 30 n_disp = int(round(t_fc_ens_start - disp_start) / dt) + n_fc_ens + 24 * 7 obs_time_axis = Timeaxis(t_start, dt, n_obs + 1) fc_ens_time_axis = Timeaxis(t_fc_ens_start, dt, n_fc_ens) display_time_axis = Timeaxis(disp_start, dt, n_disp) q_obs_m3s_ts = observed_tistel_discharge(obs_time_axis.total_period()) ptgsk = create_tistel_simulator( PTGSKOptModel, tistel.geo_ts_repository(tistel.grid_spec.epsg())) initial_state = burn_in_state(ptgsk, t_start, utc.time(YMDhms(2012, 9, 1)), q_obs_m3s_ts), initial_state) current_state = adjust_simulator_state(ptgsk, t_fc_ens_start, q_obs_m3s_ts) q_obs_m3s_ts = observed_tistel_discharge(display_time_axis.total_period()) ens_repos = tistel.arome_ensemble_repository(tistel.grid_spec) ptgsk_fc_ens = create_tistel_simulator(PTGSKModel, ens_repos) sims = ptgsk_fc_ens.create_ensembles(fc_ens_time_axis, t_fc_ens_start, current_state) for sim in sims: sim.simulate() plt.hold(1) percentiles = [10, 25, 50, 75, 90] plot_percentiles(sims, percentiles, obs=q_obs_m3s_ts) plt.interactive(1)
def test_calendar_add_3h_during_dst(self): osl = api.Calendar("Europe/Oslo") t0 = osl.time(2016, 3, 27) # dst change during spring t1 = osl.add(t0, api.Calendar.DAY, 1) dt3h = api.deltahours(3) d3h = osl.diff_units(t0, t1, dt3h) self.assertEqual(8, d3h)
def test_subsets(self): EPSG, bbox, bpoly = self.senorge_epsg_bbox # Period start year = 2015 month = 1 n_hours = 30 date_str = "{}-{:02}".format(year, month) utc = api.Calendar() # No offset gives Utc t0 = api.YMDhms(year, month) period = api.UtcPeriod(utc.time(t0), utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(n_hours)) base_dir = path.join(shyftdata_dir, "repository", "senorge_data_repository", "senorge2") filename = "" data_names = ("precipitation","foo") allow_subset = False reader = SeNorgeDataRepository(EPSG, base_dir, filename=filename, allow_subset=allow_subset) with self.assertRaises(SeNorgeDataRepositoryError) as context: reader.get_timeseries(data_names, period, geo_location_criteria=bpoly) self.assertEqual("Could not find all data fields", context.exception.args[0]) allow_subset = True reader = SeNorgeDataRepository(EPSG, base_dir, filename=filename, allow_subset=allow_subset) try: sources = reader.get_timeseries(data_names, period, geo_location_criteria=bpoly) except SeNorgeDataRepositoryError as e:"AromeDataRepository.get_timeseries(data_names, period, None) " "raised AromeDataRepositoryError unexpectedly.") self.assertEqual(len(sources), len(data_names)-1)
def test_integral(self): c=api.Calendar() t0=c.time(2016, 1, 1) dt=api.deltahours(1) n=240 ta=api.TimeAxis(t0, dt, n) fill_value=1.0 ts=api.TimeSeries(ta=ta, fill_value=fill_value, point_fx=api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE) tsa=api.TimeSeries('a')*1.0 + 0.0 # expression, needing bind tsb=api.TimeSeries('b')*1.0 + 0.0 # another expression, needing bind for different ts ts_i1=tsa.integral(ta) ts_i2=api.integral(tsb, ta) # circulate through serialization ts_i1_blob=ts_i1.serialize() ts_i2_blob=ts_i2.serialize() ts_i1=api.TimeSeries.deserialize(ts_i1_blob) ts_i2=api.TimeSeries.deserialize(ts_i2_blob) for ts_i in [ts_i1, ts_i2]: self.assertTrue(ts_i.needs_bind()) tsb=ts_i.find_ts_bind_info() self.assertEqual(len(tsb), 1) tsb[0].ts.bind(ts) ts_i.bind_done() self.assertFalse(ts_i.needs_bind()) ts_i1_values=ts_i1.values for i in range(n): expected_value=dt*fill_value self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_value, ts_i1.value(i), 4, "expect integral of each interval") self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_value, ts_i2.value(i), 4, "expect integral of each interval") self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_value, ts_i1_values[i], 4, "expect integral of each interval")
def test_get_dummy(self): """ #Simple regression test of WRF data repository. """ EPSG, bbox, bpoly = self.senorge_epsg_bbox # Period start n_days = 5 t0 = api.YMDhms(2015, 2) date_str = "{}-{:02}".format(t0.year, t0.month) utc = api.Calendar() # No offset gives Utc period = api.UtcPeriod(utc.time(t0), utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(n_days * 24)) base_dir = path.join(shyftdata_dir, "repository", "senorge_data_repository", "senorge2") f1 = "" senorge1 = SeNorgeDataRepository(EPSG, base_dir, filename=f1, allow_subset=True) senorge1_data_names = ("radiation",) sources = senorge1.get_timeseries(senorge1_data_names, period, geo_location_criteria=bpoly) self.assertTrue(len(sources) > 0) self.assertTrue(set(sources) == set(senorge1_data_names)) p0 = sources["radiation"][0].ts self.assertTrue(p0.size() == n_days) self.assertTrue(p0.time(0), period.start)
def test_UtcPeriod_to_string(self): c1 = api.YMDhms(2000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) t = self.utc.time(c1) p = api.UtcPeriod(t, t + api.deltahours(1)) s = p.to_string() self.assertEqual(s, "[2000-01-02T03:04:05Z,2000-01-02T04:04:05Z>") s2 = self.std.to_string(p) self.assertEqual(s2, "[2000-01-02T04:04:05+01,2000-01-02T05:04:05+01>")
def test_source_uid(self): cal = api.Calendar() time_axis = api.Timeaxis(cal.time(api.YMDhms(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)), api.deltahours(1), 240) mid_point = api.GeoPoint(1000, 1000, 100) precip_source = self._create_constant_geo_ts(api.PrecipitationSource, mid_point, time_axis.total_period(), 5.0) self.assertIsNotNone(precip_source.uid) precip_source.uid = 'abc' self.assertEqual(precip_source.uid, 'abc')
def test_wrong_file(self): with self.assertRaises(AromeDataRepositoryError) as context: utc = api.Calendar() # No offset gives Utc t0 = api.YMDhms(2015, 12, 25, 18) period = api.UtcPeriod(utc.time(t0), utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(30)) ar1 = AromeDataRepository(32632, shyftdata_dir, filename="") ar1.get_timeseries(("temperature",), period, None) self.assertTrue(all(x in context.exception.args[0] for x in ["File", "not found"]))
def test_UtcPeriod_to_string(self): c1 = api.YMDhms(2000,01,02,03,04,05); t = self.utc.time(c1); p= api.UtcPeriod(t,t+api.deltahours(1)) s = p.to_string() self.assertEqual(s, "[2000.01.02T03:04:05,2000.01.02T04:04:05>") s2= self.utc.to_string(p) self.assertEqual(s2, "[2000.01.02T03:04:05,2000.01.02T04:04:05>")
def test_create_TargetSpecificationPts(self): t = api.TargetSpecificationPts() t.scale_factor = 1.0 t.calc_mode = api.NASH_SUTCLIFFE t.calc_mode = api.KLING_GUPTA t.s_r = 1.0 # KGEs scale-factors t.s_a = 2.0 t.s_b = 3.0 self.assertIsNotNone(t.uid) t.uid = 'test' self.assertEqual(t.uid,'test') self.assertAlmostEqual(t.scale_factor, 1.0) # create a ts with some points cal = api.Calendar() start = cal.time(api.YMDhms(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) dt = api.deltahours(1) tsf = api.TsFactory() times = api.UtcTimeVector() times.push_back(start + 1 * dt) times.push_back(start + 3 * dt) times.push_back(start + 4 * dt) values = api.DoubleVector() values.push_back(1.0) values.push_back(3.0) values.push_back(np.nan) tsp = tsf.create_time_point_ts(api.UtcPeriod(start, start + 24 * dt), times, values) # convert it from a time-point ts( as returned from current smgrepository) to a fixed interval with timeaxis, needed by calibration tst = api.TsTransform() tsa = tst.to_average(start, dt, 24, tsp) # tsa2 = tst.to_average(start,dt,24,tsp,False) # tsa_staircase = tst.to_average_staircase(start,dt,24,tsp,False) # nans infects the complete interval to nan # tsa_staircase2 = tst.to_average_staircase(start,dt,24,tsp,True) # skip nans, nans are 0 # stuff it into the target spec. # also show how to specify snow-calibration cids = api.IntVector([0, 2, 3]) t2 = api.TargetSpecificationPts(tsa, cids, 0.7, api.KLING_GUPTA, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, api.SNOW_COVERED_AREA,'test_uid') self.assertEqual(t2.uid,'test_uid') t2.catchment_property = api.SNOW_WATER_EQUIVALENT self.assertEqual(t2.catchment_property, api.SNOW_WATER_EQUIVALENT) self.assertIsNotNone(t2.catchment_indexes) for i in range(len(cids)): self.assertEqual(cids[i], t2.catchment_indexes[i]) t.ts = tsa # TODO: Does not work, list of objects are not yet convertible tv = api.TargetSpecificationVector([t, t2]) tv = api.TargetSpecificationVector() tv.append(t) tv.append(t2) # now verify we got something ok self.assertEqual(2, tv.size()) self.assertAlmostEqual(tv[0].ts.value(1), 1.5) # average value 0..1 ->0.5 self.assertAlmostEqual(tv[0].ts.value(2), 2.5) # average value 0..1 ->0.5 self.assertAlmostEqual(tv[0].ts.value(3), 3.0) # average value 0..1 ->0.5 # and that the target vector now have its own copy of ts tsa.set(1, 3.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(tv[0].ts.value(1), 1.5) # make sure the ts passed onto target spec, is a copy self.assertAlmostEqual(tsa.value(1), 3.0) # and that we really did change the source
def burn_in_state(simulator, t_start, t_stop, q_obs_m3s_ts): dt = deltahours(1) n = int(round((t_stop - t_start)/dt)) time_axis = Timeaxis(t_start, dt, n) n_cells = simulator.region_model.size() state_repos = DefaultStateRepository(simulator.region_model.__class__, n_cells), state_repos.get_state(0)) # Go back in time (to t_start) and adjust q with observed discharge at that time. # This will give us a good initial state at t_start return adjust_simulator_state(simulator, t_start, q_obs_m3s_ts)
def test_calendar_add_and_diff_units(self): osl = api.Calendar("Europe/Oslo") t0 = osl.time(2016, 6, 1, 12, 0, 0) t1 = osl.add(t0, api.Calendar.DAY, 7) t2 = osl.add(t1, api.Calendar.WEEK, -1) self.assertEqual(t0, t2) self.assertEqual(7, osl.diff_units(t0, t1, api.Calendar.DAY)) self.assertEqual(1, osl.diff_units(t0, t1, api.Calendar.WEEK)) self.assertEqual(0, osl.diff_units(t0, t1, api.Calendar.MONTH)) self.assertEqual(7*24, osl.diff_units(t0, t1, api.deltahours(1)))
def setUp(self): = api.Calendar() self.dt = api.deltahours(1) self.nt = 24*10 self.t0 =, 1, 1) self.ta = api.Timeaxis2(self.t0, self.dt, self.nt) self.ta1 = api.Timeaxis(self.t0, self.dt, self.nt) self.geo_points = api.GeoPointVector() self.geo_points.append(api.GeoPoint( 100, 100, 1000)) self.geo_points.append(api.GeoPoint(5100, 100, 1150)) self.geo_points.append(api.GeoPoint( 100, 5100, 850))
def test_swig_python_time(self): """ This particular test is here to point out a platform specific bug detected on windows. """ c1 = api.YMDhms(1969, 12, 31, 23, 0, 0) t = self.utc.time(c1) # at this point, the value returned from c++ is correct, but on its # way through swig layer to python it goes via int32 and then to int64, proper signhandling # t_str = self.utc.to_string(t) # this one just to show it's still working as it should internally self.assertEquals(t_str, "1969-12-31T23:00:00Z") self.assertEquals(t, api.deltahours(-1))
def test_AverageAccessor(self): dv=np.arange(self.ta.size()) v=api.DoubleVector.FromNdArray(dv) t=api.UtcTimeVector(); for i in xrange(self.ta.size()): t.push_back(self.ta(i).start) t.push_back(self.ta(self.ta.size()-1).end) #important! needs n+1 points to determine n periods in the timeaxis tsf=api.TsFactory() ts1=tsf.create_point_ts(self.ta.size(), self.t, self.d, v) ts2=tsf.create_time_point_ts(self.ta.total_period(),t,v) tax=api.Timeaxis(self.ta.start()+api.deltaminutes(30),api.deltahours(1),self.ta.size()) avg1=api.AverageAccessorTs(ts1,tax) self.assertEquals(avg1.size(),tax.size())