def test_upload_directory(): """Test uploading a directory.""" src_dir = './testdata' skylink = 'testskylink' sialink = Skynet.uri_skynet_prefix() + skylink # upload a directory responses.add(responses.POST, '', json={'skylink': skylink}, status=200) print('Uploading dir ' + src_dir) sialink2 = Skynet.upload_directory(src_dir) if sialink != sialink2: sys.exit('ERROR: expected returned sialink ' + sialink + ', received ' + sialink2) print('Dir upload successful, sialink: ' + sialink) body = responses.calls[0].request.body assert str(body).find('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files[]"; \ filename="file1"') != -1 assert str(body).find('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files[]"; \ filename="file3"') != -1 assert str(body).find('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files[]"; \ filename="dir1/file2"') != -1 # Check a file that shouldn't be there. assert str(body).find('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files[]"; \ filename="file0"') == -1 assert len(responses.calls) == 1
def test_upload_file_custom_filename(): """Test uploading a file with a custom filename.""" src_file = './testdata/file1' skylink = 'testskylinkcustomname' sialink = Skynet.uri_skynet_prefix() + skylink custom_name = 'testname' opts = Skynet.default_upload_options() opts.custom_filename = custom_name # upload a file with custom filename responses.add(responses.POST, '', json={'skylink': skylink}, status=200) print("Uploading file " + src_file) sialink2 = Skynet.upload_file(src_file, opts) if sialink != sialink2: sys.exit("ERROR: expected returned sialink " + sialink + ", received " + sialink2) print("File upload successful, sialink: " + sialink2) body = responses.calls[0].request.body assert str(body).find('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; \ filename="' + custom_name + '"') != -1 with open(src_file, 'r') as fd: contents = assert str(body).find(contents) != -1 assert len(responses.calls) == 1
def test_upload_and_download_file(): """Test uploading and download a file.""" src_file = "./testdata/file1" skylink = 'testskylink' sialink = Skynet.uri_skynet_prefix() + skylink # upload a file responses.add(responses.POST, '', json={'skylink': skylink}, status=200) print("Uploading file " + src_file) sialink2 = Skynet.upload_file(src_file) if sialink != sialink2: sys.exit("ERROR: expected returned sialink " + sialink + ", received " + sialink2) print("File upload successful, sialink: " + sialink2) body = responses.calls[0].request.body assert str(body).find('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; \ filename="file1"') != -1 with open(src_file, 'r') as fd: contents = assert str(body).find(contents) != -1 # download a file responses.add(responses.GET, '' + skylink, "test\n", status=200) dst_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name print("Downloading to " + dst_file) Skynet.download_file(dst_file, skylink) if not filecmp.cmp(src_file, dst_file): sys.exit("ERROR: Downloaded file at " + dst_file + " did not equal uploaded file " + src_file) print("File download successful") assert len(responses.calls) == 2
def upload_file(path, custom_filename='', portal=None, force=False): opts = sia_upload_options(custom_filename, portal) resp = SkynetClient.upload_file_request(path, opts, force).json() print(resp) return Skynet.uri_skynet_prefix() + resp["skylink"]
def upload_file(path, opts=None): return Skynet.uri_skynet_prefix() + upload_file_request( path, opts).json()["skylink"]