예제 #1
def info(bot, mess, args):
    """display info about currently playing file"""

    # abort if nothing is playing
    active = bot.xbmc_active_player()
    if not active:
        return 'Nothing playing'
    (pid, typ) = active

    # get file name
    result = bot.xbmc('Player.GetItem', {'playerid': pid})
    name = result['result']['item']['label']

    # get speed, current time, and total time
    result = bot.xbmc('Player.GetProperties', {
        'playerid': pid,
        'properties': ['speed', 'time', 'totaltime']
    current = util.time2str(result['result']['time'])
    total = util.time2str(result['result']['totaltime'])

    # translate speed: 0 = 'paused', 1 = 'playing'
    speed = result['result']['speed']
    status = 'playing'
    if speed == 0:
        status = 'paused'

    return '%s %s at %s/%s - "%s"' % (typ.title(), status, current, total,
예제 #2
파일: xbmc.py 프로젝트: TheSchwa/sibyl
def info(bot,mess,args):
  """display info about currently playing file"""

  # abort if nothing is playing
  active = bot.xbmc_active_player()
  if not active:
    return 'Nothing playing'
  (pid,typ) = active

  # get file name
  result = bot.xbmc('Player.GetItem',{'playerid':pid})
  name = result['result']['item']['label']

  # get speed, current time, and total time
  result = bot.xbmc('Player.GetProperties',
  current = util.time2str(result['result']['time'])
  total = util.time2str(result['result']['totaltime'])

  # translate speed: 0 = 'paused', 1 = 'playing'
  speed = result['result']['speed']
  status = 'playing'
  if speed==0:
    status = 'paused'

  return '%s %s at %s/%s - "%s"' % (typ.title(),status,current,total,name)
예제 #3
파일: note.py 프로젝트: rmcintosh/sibyl
def note(bot, mess, args):
    """add a note - note (show|add|playing|remove) [body|num]"""

    # default behavior is "show"
    if not args:
        args = ['show']
    if args[0] not in ['show', 'add', 'playing', 'remove']:
        args.insert(0, 'show')

    # set second parameter to make playing/add logic easier
    if len(args) < 2:
        args[1] = ' '.join(args[1:])

    # add the currently playing file to the body of the note then do "add"
    if args[0] == 'playing':

        if not bot.has_plugin('xbmc'):
            return 'This feature not available because plugin "xbmc" not loaded'

        args[0] = 'add'

        active = bot.xbmc_active_player()
        if not active:
            return 'Nothing playing; note not added'
        (pid, typ) = active
        params = {'playerid': pid, 'properties': ['time']}
        result = bot.xbmc('Player.GetProperties', params)
        t = str(util.time2str(result['result']['time']))

        result = bot.xbmc('Player.GetItem', {
            'playerid': pid,
            'properties': ['file']
        fil = os.path.basename(str(result['result']['item']['file']))

        args[1] += ' --- file "' + fil + '" at ' + t

    # add the note to bot.notes and bot.note_file
    if args[0] == 'add':
        if args[1] == '':
            return 'Note body cannot be blank'
        return 'Added note #' + str(len(bot.notes)) + ': ' + args[1]

    # remove the specified note number from bot.notes and rewrite bot.note_file
    # notes are stored internally 0-indexed, but users see 1-indexed
    if args[0] == 'remove':
            num = int(args[1]) - 1
        except ValueError as e:
            return 'Parameter to note remove must be an integer'
        if num < 0 or num > len(bot.notes) - 1:
            return 'Parameter to note remove must be in [1,' + str(
                len(bot.notes)) + ']'

        body = bot.notes[num]
        del bot.notes[num]
        return 'Removed note #' + str(num + 1) + ': ' + body

    # otherwise show notes if they exist
    if len(bot.notes) == 0:
        return 'No notes'

    # if args[1] is blank then show all
    if args[1] == '':
        s = ''
        for (i, n) in enumerate(bot.notes):
            s += '(Note #' + str(i + 1) + '): ' + n + ', '
        return s[:-2]

    # if args[1] is a valid integer show that note
        num = int(args[1]) - 1
    except ValueError as e:
        num = None

    if num is not None:
        if num < 0 or num > len(bot.notes) - 1:
            return 'Parameter to note show must be in [1,' + str(len(
                bot.notes)) + ']'
        return 'Note #' + str(num + 1) + ': ' + bot.notes[num]

    # if args[1] is text, show matching notes
    search = args[1].lower()
    matches = [
        i for i in range(0, len(bot.notes)) if search in bot.notes[i].lower()

    s = 'Found ' + str(len(matches)) + ' matches: '
    for i in matches:
        s += '(Note #' + str(i + 1) + '): ' + bot.notes[i] + ', '
    return s[:-2]
예제 #4
def stream(bot, mess, args):
    """stream from [YouTube, Twitch (Live)] - stream url"""

    if not args:
        return 'You must specify a URL'

    agent = {
        'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:46.0) ' +
        'Gecko/20100101 Firefox/46.0'
    msg = args[0]

    # remove http:// https:// www. from start
    msg = msg.replace('http://', '').replace('https://',
                                             '').replace('www.', '')

    # account for mobile links from youtu.be and custom start times
    if msg.lower().startswith('youtu.be'):
        tim = None
        if '?t=' in msg:
            tim = msg[msg.find('?t=') + 3:]
            msg = msg[:msg.find('?t=')]
        msg = 'youtube.com/watch?v=' + msg[msg.rfind('/') + 1:]
        if tim:
            msg += ('&t=' + tim)

    # account for "&start=" custom start times
    msg = msg.replace('&start=', '&t=')

    s = 'Unsupported URL'

    # parse youtube links
    if msg.lower().startswith('youtube'):

        #check for custom start time
        tim = None
        if '&t=' in msg:
            start = msg.find('&t=') + 3
            end = msg.find('&', start + 1)
            if end == -1:
                end = len(msg)
            tim = msg[start:end]

            # get raw seconds from start time
            sec = 0
            if 'h' in tim:
                sec += 3600 * int(tim[:tim.find('h')])
                tim = tim[tim.find('h') + 1:]
            if 'm' in tim:
                sec += 60 * int(tim[:tim.find('m')])
                tim = tim[tim.find('m') + 1:]
            if 's' in tim:
                sec += int(tim[:tim.find('s')])
                tim = ''
            if len(tim) > 0:
                sec = int(tim)

            # parse seconds to 'h:mm:ss'
            tim = {'hours': 0, 'minutes': 0, 'seconds': 0}
            if int(sec / 3600) > 0:
                tim['hours'] = int(sec / 3600)
                sec -= 3600 * tim['hours']
            if int(sec / 60) > 0:
                tim['minutes'] = int(sec / 60)
                sec -= 60 * tim['minutes']
            tim['seconds'] = sec
            tim = util.time2str(tim)

        # remove feature, playlist, etc info from end and get vid
        if '&' in msg:
            msg = msg[:msg.find('&')]
        vid = msg[msg.find('watch?v=') + 8:]

        # send xbmc request and seek if given custom start time
        result = bot.xbmc(
            'Player.Open', {
                'item': {
                    'plugin://plugin.video.youtube/play/?video_id=' + vid
        if tim:
            bot.run_cmd('seek', [tim])

            # retrieve video info from webpage
            api = 'https://youtube.com/oembed?url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=%s&format=json'
            j = json.loads(requests.get(api % vid, headers=agent).text)
            title = util.cleanhtml(j['title'])
            channel = util.cleanhtml(j['author_name'])

            # respond to the user with video info
            s = 'Streaming "' + title + '" by "' + channel + '" from YouTube'

            s = 'Streaming (unable to retrieve title) from YouTube'

        if tim:
            s += (' at ' + tim)

    elif 'twitch' in msg.lower():

        # get the webpage
        if 'channel=' in msg:
            vid = msg.split('channel=')[-1].split('&')[0]
            vid = msg.split('twitch.tv/')[-1].split('/')[0]
        html = requests.get('http://twitch.tv/' + vid, headers=agent).text

        # find the stream title
        stream = html.find("property='og:title'")
        stop = html.rfind("'", 0, stream)
        start = html.rfind("'", 0, stop) + 1
        stream = html[start:stop]

        # find the stream description
        title = html.find("property='og:description'")
        stop = html.rfind("'", 0, title)
        start = html.rfind("'", 0, stop) + 1
        title = html[start:stop]

        response = bot.xbmc(
            {'item': {
                'file': 'plugin://plugin.video.twitch/playLive/' + vid
        s = 'Streaming "' + title + '" by "' + stream + '" from Twitch Live'

    bot.last_played = None
    if bot.has_plugin('bookmark'):
        bot.last_resume = None
    return s
예제 #5
def bookmark(bot, mess, args):
    """manage bookmarks - bookmark [show|set|remove|update] [name]"""

    if not args:
        args = ['show']

    if args[0] == 'set':
        # check if last_played is set
        if bot.last_played is None:
            return 'No active audios or videos playlist to bookmark'

        # check if anything is actually playing
        if bot.xbmc_active_player() is None:
            return 'Nothing playing'

        # check if a name was passed
        name = bot.last_played[1]
        args = args[1:]
        if len(args) > 0:
            name = str(args[0])

        # get info for bookmark
        pid = bot.last_played[0]
        path = bot.last_played[1]
        params = {'playerid': pid, 'properties': ['position', 'time']}
        result = bot.xbmc('Player.GetProperties', params)
        pos = result['result']['position']
        t = str(util.time2str(result['result']['time']))
        add = time.time()
        result = bot.xbmc('Player.GetItem', {
            'playerid': pid,
            'properties': ['file']
        fil = os.path.basename(str(result['result']['item']['file']))

        # note that the position is stored 0-indexed
        bot.bm_store[name] = {
            'path': path,
            'add': add,
            'time': t,
            'pid': pid,
            'pos': pos,
            'file': fil
        bm_update(bot, name, bot.bm_store[name])
        return 'Bookmark added for "' + name + '" item ' + str(pos +
                                                               1) + ' at ' + t

    elif args[0] == 'remove':
        if len(args) == 1:
            return 'To remove all bookmarks use "bookmarks remove *"'
        if not bm_remove(bot, args[1]):
            return 'Bookmark "' + name + '" not found'
        return 'Removed bookmark "%s"' % args[1]

    elif args[0] == 'update':
        if not bot.last_resume:
            return 'No active bookmark'
        return bot.run_cmd('bookmark', ['set', bot.last_resume])

    elif args[0] == 'show':
        args = args[1:]

    # actual code for show function because this is default behavior
    if len(bot.bm_store) == 0:
        return 'No bookmarks'

    # if no args are passed return all bookmark names
    matches = bot.bm_store.keys()
    if len(args) == 0 or args[0] == '':
        return 'There are ' + str(
            len(matches)) + ' bookmarks: ' + ', '.join(matches)

    # if a search term was passed find matches and display them
    search = ' '.join(args).lower()
    matches = [m for m in matches if search in m.lower()]

    entries = []
    for m in matches:
        item = bot.bm_store[m]
        pos = item['pos']
        t = item['time']
        f = item['file']
        entries.append('"%s" at item %s and time %s which is "%s"' %
                       (m, pos + 1, t, f))
    if len(entries) == 0:
        return 'Found 0 bookmarks'
    if len(entries) == 1:
        return 'Found 1 bookmark: ' + str(entries[0])
    return 'Found ' + str(
        len(entries)) + ' bookmarks: ' + util.list2str(entries)
예제 #6
파일: note.py 프로젝트: TheSchwa/sibyl
def note(bot,mess,args):
  """add a note - note (show|add|playing|remove) [body|num]"""

  # default behavior is "show"
  if not args:
    args = ['show']
  if args[0] not in ['show','add','playing','remove']:

  # set second parameter to make playing/add logic easier
  if len(args)<2:
    args[1] = ' '.join(args[1:])

  # add the currently playing file to the body of the note then do "add"
  if args[0]=='playing':

    if not bot.has_plugin('xbmc'):
      return 'This feature not available because plugin "xbmc" not loaded'

    args[0] = 'add'

    active = bot.xbmc_active_player()
    if not active:
      return 'Nothing playing; note not added'
    (pid,typ) = active
    params = {'playerid':pid,'properties':['time']}
    result = bot.xbmc('Player.GetProperties',params)
    t = str(util.time2str(result['result']['time']))

    result = bot.xbmc('Player.GetItem',{'playerid':pid,'properties':['file']})
    fil = os.path.basename(str(result['result']['item']['file']))

    args[1] += ' --- file "'+fil+'" at '+t

  # add the note to bot.notes and bot.note_file
  if args[0]=='add':
    if args[1]=='':
      return 'Note body cannot be blank'
    return 'Added note #'+str(len(bot.notes))+': '+args[1]

  # remove the specified note number from bot.notes and rewrite bot.note_file
  # notes are stored internally 0-indexed, but users see 1-indexed
  if args[0]=='remove':
      num = int(args[1])-1
    except ValueError as e:
      return 'Parameter to note remove must be an integer'
    if num<0 or num>len(bot.notes)-1:
      return 'Parameter to note remove must be in [1,'+str(len(bot.notes))+']'

    body = bot.notes[num]
    del bot.notes[num]
    return 'Removed note #'+str(num+1)+': '+body

  # otherwise show notes if they exist
  if len(bot.notes)==0:
    return 'No notes'

  # if args[1] is blank then show all
  if args[1]=='':
    s = ''
    for (i,n) in enumerate(bot.notes):
      s += '(Note #'+str(i+1)+'): '+n+', '
    return s[:-2]

  # if args[1] is a valid integer show that note
    num = int(args[1])-1
  except ValueError as e:
    num = None

  if num is not None:
    if num<0 or num>len(bot.notes)-1:
      return 'Parameter to note show must be in [1,'+str(len(bot.notes))+']'
    return 'Note #'+str(num+1)+': '+bot.notes[num]

  # if args[1] is text, show matching notes
  search = args[1].lower()
  matches = [i for i in range(0,len(bot.notes))
      if search in bot.notes[i].lower()]

  s = 'Found '+str(len(matches))+' matches: '
  for i in matches:
    s += '(Note #'+str(i+1)+'): '+bot.notes[i]+', '
  return s[:-2]
예제 #7
파일: bookmark.py 프로젝트: TheSchwa/sibyl
def bookmark(bot,mess,args):
  """manage bookmarks - bookmark [show|set|remove|update] [name]"""

  if not args:
    args = ['show']

  if args[0]=='set':
    # check if last_played is set
    if bot.last_played is None:
      return 'No active audios or videos playlist to bookmark'

    # check if anything is actually playing
    if bot.xbmc_active_player() is None:
      return 'Nothing playing'

    # check if a name was passed
    name = bot.last_played[1]
    args = args[1:]
    if len(args)>0:
      name = str(args[0])

    # get info for bookmark
    pid = bot.last_played[0]
    path = bot.last_played[1]
    params = {'playerid':pid,'properties':['position','time']}
    result = bot.xbmc('Player.GetProperties',params)
    pos = result['result']['position']
    t = str(util.time2str(result['result']['time']))
    add = time.time()
    result = bot.xbmc('Player.GetItem',{'playerid':pid,'properties':['file']})
    fil = os.path.basename(str(result['result']['item']['file']))

    # note that the position is stored 0-indexed
    bot.bm_store[name] = {'path':path,'add':add,'time':t,
    return 'Bookmark added for "'+name+'" item '+str(pos+1)+' at '+t

  elif args[0]=='remove':
    if len(args)==1:
      return 'To remove all bookmarks use "bookmarks remove *"'
    if not bm_remove(bot,args[1]):
      return 'Bookmark "'+name+'" not found'
    return 'Removed bookmark "%s"' % args[1]

  elif args[0]=='update':
    if not bot.last_resume:
      return 'No active bookmark'
    return bot.run_cmd('bookmark',['set',bot.last_resume])

  elif args[0]=='show':
    args = args[1:]

  # actual code for show function because this is default behavior
  if len(bot.bm_store)==0:
    return 'No bookmarks'

  # if no args are passed return all bookmark names
  matches = bot.bm_store.keys()
  if len(args)==0 or args[0]=='':
    return 'There are '+str(len(matches))+' bookmarks: '+', '.join(matches)

  # if a search term was passed find matches and display them
  search = ' '.join(args).lower()
  matches = [m for m in matches if search in m.lower()]

  entries = []
  for m in matches:
    item = bot.bm_store[m]
    pos = item['pos']
    t = item['time']
    f = item['file']
    entries.append('"%s" at item %s and time %s which is "%s"' % (m,pos+1,t,f))
  if len(entries)==0:
    return 'Found 0 bookmarks'
  if len(entries)==1:
    return 'Found 1 bookmark: '+str(entries[0])
  return 'Found '+str(len(entries))+' bookmarks: '+util.list2str(entries)
예제 #8
파일: xbmc.py 프로젝트: TheSchwa/sibyl
def stream(bot,mess,args):
  """stream from [YouTube, Twitch (Live)] - stream url"""

  if not args:
    return 'You must specify a URL'

  agent = {'User-agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:46.0) '
      +'Gecko/20100101 Firefox/46.0'}
  msg = args[0]

  # remove http:// https:// www. from start
  msg = msg.replace('http://','').replace('https://','').replace('www.','')

  # account for mobile links from youtu.be and custom start times
  if msg.lower().startswith('youtu.be'):
    tim = None
    if '?t=' in msg:
      tim = msg[msg.find('?t=')+3:]
      msg = msg[:msg.find('?t=')]
    msg = 'youtube.com/watch?v='+msg[msg.rfind('/')+1:]
    if tim:
      msg += ('&t='+tim)

  # account for "&start=" custom start times
  msg = msg.replace('&start=','&t=')

  s = 'Unsupported URL'

  # parse youtube links
  if msg.lower().startswith('youtube'):

    #check for custom start time
    tim = None
    if '&t=' in msg:
      start = msg.find('&t=')+3
      end = msg.find('&',start+1)
      if end==-1:
        end = len(msg)
      tim = msg[start:end]

      # get raw seconds from start time
      sec = 0
      if 'h' in tim:
        sec += 3600*int(tim[:tim.find('h')])
        tim = tim[tim.find('h')+1:]
      if 'm' in tim:
        sec += 60*int(tim[:tim.find('m')])
        tim = tim[tim.find('m')+1:]
      if 's' in tim:
        sec += int(tim[:tim.find('s')])
        tim = ''
      if len(tim)>0:
        sec = int(tim)

      # parse seconds to 'h:mm:ss'
      tim = {'hours':0,'minutes':0,'seconds':0}
      if int(sec/3600)>0:
        tim['hours'] = int(sec/3600)
        sec -= 3600*tim['hours']
      if int(sec/60)>0:
        tim['minutes'] = int(sec/60)
        sec -= 60*tim['minutes']
      tim['seconds'] = sec
      tim = util.time2str(tim)

    # remove feature, playlist, etc info from end and get vid
    if '&' in msg:
      msg = msg[:msg.find('&')]
    vid = msg[msg.find('watch?v=')+8:]

    # send xbmc request and seek if given custom start time
    result = bot.xbmc('Player.Open',{'item':{'file':
    if tim:

      # retrieve video info from webpage
      api = 'https://youtube.com/oembed?url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=%s&format=json'
      j = json.loads(requests.get(api % vid,headers=agent).text)
      title = util.cleanhtml(j['title'])
      channel = util.cleanhtml(j['author_name'])

      # respond to the user with video info
      s = 'Streaming "'+title+'" by "'+channel+'" from YouTube'

      s = 'Streaming (unable to retrieve title) from YouTube'

    if tim:
      s += (' at '+tim)

  elif 'twitch' in msg.lower():

    # get the webpage
    if 'channel=' in msg:
      vid = msg.split('channel=')[-1].split('&')[0]
      vid = msg.split('twitch.tv/')[-1].split('/')[0]
    html = requests.get('http://twitch.tv/'+vid,headers=agent).text

    # find the stream title
    stream = html.find("property='og:title'")
    stop = html.rfind("'",0,stream)
    start = html.rfind("'",0,stop)+1
    stream = html[start:stop]

    # find the stream description
    title = html.find("property='og:description'")
    stop = html.rfind("'",0,title)
    start = html.rfind("'",0,stop)+1
    title = html[start:stop]

    response = bot.xbmc('Player.Open',{'item':{'file':
    s = 'Streaming "'+title+'" by "'+stream+'" from Twitch Live'

  bot.last_played = None
  if bot.has_plugin('bookmark'):
    bot.last_resume = None
  return s