예제 #1
파일: sice.py 프로젝트: GEUS-SICE/pySICE
# Filtering pixels unsuitable for retrieval
isnow[sza > 75] = 100
isnow[toa_cor_o3[20, :, :] < 0.1] = 102
for i_channel in range(21):
    toa_cor_o3[i_channel, ~np.isnan(isnow)] = np.nan

vaa[~np.isnan(isnow)] = np.nan
saa[~np.isnan(isnow)] = np.nan
sza[~np.isnan(isnow)] = np.nan
vza[~np.isnan(isnow)] = np.nan
height = height.astype(float)
height[~np.isnan(isnow)] = np.nan

# =========== view geometry and atmosphere propeties  ==============
raa, cos_sza, cos_vza, ak1, ak2, inv_cos_za, cos_sa = sl.view_geometry(
    vaa, saa, sza, vza, aot, height)

tau, p, g, gaer, taumol, tauaer = sl.aerosol_properties(aot, height, cos_sa)

# =========== snow properties  ====================================
D, area, al, r0, bal = sl.snow_properties(toa_cor_o3, ak1, ak2)
# filtering small D
D_thresh = 0.1
isnow[np.logical_and(D < D_thresh, np.isnan(isnow))] = 104

for i in range(21):
    toa_cor_o3[i, D < D_thresh] = np.nan
area[D < D_thresh] = np.nan
al[D < D_thresh] = np.nan
r0[D < D_thresh] = np.nan
bal[D < D_thresh] = np.nan
예제 #2
# Filtering pixels unsuitable for retrieval
isnow[sza > 75] = 100
isnow[toa_cor_o3[20, :, :] < 0.1] = 102
for i_channel in range(21):
    toa_cor_o3[i_channel, ~np.isnan(isnow)] = np.nan

vaa[~np.isnan(isnow)] = np.nan
saa[~np.isnan(isnow)] = np.nan
sza[~np.isnan(isnow)] = np.nan
vza[~np.isnan(isnow)] = np.nan
height = height.astype(float)
height[~np.isnan(isnow)] = np.nan

# =========== view geometry and atmosphere propeties  ==============
raa, am1, am2, ak1, ak2, amf, co = sl.view_geometry(vaa, saa, sza, vza, aot,
tau, p, g, gaer, taumol, tauaer = sl.aerosol_properties(aot, height, co)

# =========== snow properties  ====================================
D, area, al, r0, bal = sl.snow_properties(toa_cor_o3, ak1, ak2)
# filtering small D
D_thresh = 0.1
isnow[D < D_thresh] = 104

for i in range(21):
    toa_cor_o3[i, D < D_thresh] = np.nan
area[D < D_thresh] = np.nan
al[D < D_thresh] = np.nan
r0[D < D_thresh] = np.nan
bal[D < D_thresh] = np.nan
am1[D < D_thresh] = np.nan