class Component(Base): type = frag_func = Element('DamageAlgorithm', 'Fragility algorithm', Element.NO_DEFAULT) recovery_func = Element('DamageAlgorithm', 'Recovery algorithm', Element.NO_DEFAULT) def expose_to(self, intensity_param): return self.frag_func(intensity_param)
class ConnectionValues(Base): """ Each connection between two components has a capacity and a weight. """ link_capacity = Element('float', 'Link capacity', 0.0) weight = Element('float', 'Weight', 0.0)
class RecoveryState(Base): recovery_mean = Element('float', 'Recovery mean', 0.0, [lambda x: float(x) > 0.0]) recovery_std = Element('float', 'Recovery standard deviation', 0.0, [lambda x: float(x) > 0.0]) recovery_95percentile = Element('float', 'Recovery 95th percentile', 0.0, [lambda x: float(x) > 0.0])
class LogNormalCDF(ResponseModel): median = Element('float', 'Median of the log normal CDF.', Element.NO_DEFAULT, [lambda x: float(x) > 0.]) beta = Element('float', 'Log standard deviation of the log normal CDF', Element.NO_DEFAULT, [lambda x: float(x) > 0.]) def __call__(self, value): import scipy.stats as stats return stats.lognorm.cdf(value, self.beta, scale=self.median)
class Model(Base): description = Info('Represents a model (e.g. a "model of a powerstation")') components = Element('dict', 'A component', dict, [lambda x: [isinstance(y, Component) for y in itervalues(x)]]) name = Element('str', "The model's name", 'model') def add_component(self, name, component): self.components[name] = component
class DamageAlgorithm(Base): damage_states = Element( 'dict', 'Response models for the damage stages', [lambda x: [isinstance(y, DamageState) for y in x.itervalues()]]) def __call__(self, intensity_param, state): return self.damage_states[state](intensity_param)
class StepFunc(ResponseModel): xys = Element('XYPairs', 'A list of X, Y pairs.', list, [lambda xy: [(float(x), float(y)) for x, y in xy]]) dummy = Element('Unreachable_from_elements', 'Unreachable from elements', Unreachable_from_elements) def __call__(self, value): """ Note that intervals are closed on the right. """ for x, y in self.xys: if value < x: return y raise ValueError('value is greater than all xs!')
class RecoveryAlgorithm(Base): recovery_states = Element( 'IODict', 'Recovery models for the damage states', [lambda x: [isinstance(y, RecoveryState) for y in x.itervalues()]]) def __call__(self, intensity_param, state): for recovery_state in self.recovery_states: recovery_state(intensity_param) return
def test_cannot_have_fields(self): """ Check that we cannot create a model containing elements with dissallowed names, such as "predecessor". """ with self.assertRaises(ValueError): cls = type( 'Tst', (Base, ), {'predecessor': Element('object', 'dissallowed name', object)})
class Component(Base): """Fundamental unit of an infrastructure system. It contains the categorical definitions of the component as well as the algorithms that assess the damage and recovery.""" component_type = Element('str', 'Type of component.') component_class = Element('str', 'Class of component.') node_type = Element('str', 'Class of node.') node_cluster = Element('str', 'Node cluster.') operating_capacity = Element('str', 'Node cluster.') frag_func = Element('DamageAlgorithm', 'Fragility algorithm', Element.NO_DEFAULT) recovery_func = Element('RecoveryAlgorithm', 'Recovery algorithm', Element.NO_DEFAULT) destination_components = Element('IODict', 'List of connected components', IODict) def expose_to(self, hazard_level, scenario): """ Expose the component to the hazard using the damage algorithm. :param hazard_level: the hazard level :param scenario: Additional parameters that may be required to assess hazard damage. :return: The array of probabilities that each damage level was exceeded. """ component_pe_ds = self.frag_func.pe_ds(hazard_level) return component_pe_ds def get_damage_state(self, ds_index): """ Return the required damage state. :param ds_index: The index of the damage state, as supplied by expose_to method. :return: The fragility function object """ return self.frag_func.damage_states.index(ds_index) def get_recovery(self, ds_index): """ The fragility function and recovery functions are both indexed on the same damage state index :param ds_index: Index of the damage state. :return: recovery function object """ return self.recovery_func.recovery_states.index(ds_index)
class DamageAlgorithm(Base): damage_states = Element( 'IODict', 'Response models for the damage states', [lambda x: [isinstance(y, DamageState) for y in x.itervalues()]]) def pe_ds(self, intensity_param): pe_ds = np.zeros(len(self.damage_states)) for offset, damage_state in enumerate(self.damage_states.itervalues()): if damage_state.mode != 1: raise RuntimeError("Mode {} not implemented".format( damage_state.mode)) pe_ds[offset] = damage_state(intensity_param) return pe_ds[1:]
class DamageState(ResponseModel): damage_state = Element('str', 'Damage state name') damage_state_description = Element( 'str', 'A description of what the damage state means') mode = Element('int', 'The mode used to estimate the damage') functionality = Element('float', 'Level of functionality for this damage level', 0.0, [lambda x: float(x) >= 0.0]) fragility_source = Element('str', 'The source of the parameter values') damage_ratio = Element('float', 'damage ratio', 0.0, [lambda x: float(x) >= 0.0])
class IFSystem(Model): """ The top level representation of a system that can respond to a range of hazards. It encapsulates a number of components that are used to estimate the response to various hazard levels. """ name = Element('str', "The model's name", 'model') description = Info('Represents a model (e.g. a "model of a powerstation")') components = Element( 'IODict', 'The components that make up the infrastructure system', IODict, [lambda x: [isinstance(y, Component) for y in x.itervalues()]]) supply_nodes = Element( 'dict', 'The components that supply the infrastructure system', {}) output_nodes = Element( 'dict', 'The components that output from the infrastructure system', {}) supply_total = None component_graph = None if_nominal_output = None system_class = None sys_dmg_states = [ 'DS0 None', 'DS1 Slight', 'DS2 Moderate', 'DS3 Extensive', 'DS4 Complete' ] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Construct the infrastructure object :param kwargs: Objects making up the infrastructure """ super(IFSystem, self).__init__(**kwargs) # TODO This assignment should be replaced by subclasses of IFSystem # instantiated directly by the model creator # This intitiates some instance members with the correct configuration. # Not sure why these aren't in the configuration file if self.system_class.lower() == 'substation': # Initiate the substation, note: this may not have been tested in this # version of the code. self.uncosted_classes = [ 'JUNCTION POINT', 'SYSTEM INPUT', 'SYSTEM OUTPUT', 'Generator', 'Bus', 'Lightning Arrester' ] self.ds_lims_compclasses = { 'Disconnect Switch': [0.05, 0.40, 0.70, 0.99, 1.00], 'Circuit Breaker': [0.05, 0.40, 0.70, 0.99, 1.00], 'Current Transformer': [0.05, 0.40, 0.70, 0.99, 1.00], 'Voltage Transformer': [0.05, 0.40, 0.70, 0.99, 1.00], 'Power Transformer': [0.05, 0.40, 0.70, 0.99, 1.00], 'Control Building': [0.06, 0.30, 0.75, 0.99, 1.00] } elif self.system_class.lower() == 'powerstation': # Initiate the power station values, which have been used in all current # testing self.uncosted_classes = [ 'JUNCTION POINT', 'SYSTEM INPUT', 'SYSTEM OUTPUT' ] self.ds_lims_compclasses = { 'Boiler': [0.0, 0.05, 0.40, 0.70, 1.00], 'Control Building': [0.0, 0.05, 0.40, 0.70, 1.00], 'Emission Management': [0.0, 0.05, 0.40, 0.70, 1.00], 'Fuel Delivery and Storage': [0.0, 0.05, 0.40, 0.70, 1.00], 'Fuel Movement': [0.0, 0.05, 0.40, 0.70, 1.00], 'Generator': [0.0, 0.05, 0.40, 0.70, 1.00], 'SYSTEM OUTPUT': [0.0, 0.05, 0.40, 0.70, 1.00], 'Stepup Transformer': [0.0, 0.05, 0.40, 0.70, 1.00], 'Turbine': [0.0, 0.05, 0.40, 0.70, 1.00], 'Water System': [0.0, 0.05, 0.40, 0.70, 1.00] } component_graph = ComponentGraph(self.components) def add_component(self, name, component): """Add a component to the component dict""" self.components[name] = component def expose_to(self, hazard_level, scenario): """ Exposes the components of the infrastructure to a hazard level within a scenario. :param hazard_level: The hazard level that the infrastructure is to be exposed to. :param scenario: The parameters for the scenario being simulated. :return: The state of the infrastructure after the exposure. """ code_start_time = time.time( ) # keep track of the length of time the exposure takes # calculate the damage state probabilities component_damage_state_ind = self.probable_ds_hazard_level( hazard_level, scenario) # calculate the component loss, functionality, output, # economic loss and recovery output over time component_sample_loss, \ comp_sample_func, \ if_sample_output, \ if_sample_economic_loss, \ if_output_given_recovery = self.calc_output_loss(scenario, component_damage_state_ind) # Construct the dictionary containing the statisitics of the response component_response = self.calc_response(component_sample_loss, comp_sample_func, component_damage_state_ind) # determine average output for the output components if_output = {} for output_index, (output_comp_id, output_comp) in enumerate( self.output_nodes.iteritems()): if_output[output_comp_id] = np.mean(if_sample_output[:, output_index]) # log the elapsed time for this hazard level elapsed = timedelta(seconds=(time.time() - code_start_time))"[ Hazard {} run time: {} ]\n".format( hazard_level.hazard_intensity, str(elapsed))) # We combine the result data into a dictionary for ease of use response_dict = { hazard_level.hazard_intensity: [ component_damage_state_ind, if_output, component_response, if_sample_output, if_sample_economic_loss, if_output_given_recovery ] } return response_dict def probable_ds_hazard_level(self, hazard_level, scenario): """ Calculate the probability that being exposed to a hazard level will exceed the given damage levels for each component. A monte carlo approach is taken by simulating the exposure for the number of samples given in the scenario. :param hazard_level: Level of the hazard :param scenario: Parameters for the scenario :return: An array of the probability that each of the damage states were exceeded. """ if scenario.run_context: # Use seeding for this test run for reproducibility, the seeding # is generated by converting the hazard intensity to an integer # after shifting by two decimal places. prng = np.random.RandomState( int(hazard_level.hazard_intensity * 100)) else: # seeding was not used prng = np.random.RandomState() # record the number of elements for use num_elements = len(self.components) # construct a zeroed numpy array that can contain the number of samples for # each element. component_damage_state_ind = np.zeros( (scenario.num_samples, num_elements), dtype=int) # create another numpy array of random uniform [0,1.0) numbers. rnd = prng.uniform(size=(scenario.num_samples, num_elements)) logging.debug("Hazard Intensity {}".format( hazard_level.hazard_intensity)) # iterate through the components for index, comp_key in enumerate(sorted(self.components.keys())): component = self.components[comp_key] # use the components expose_to method to retrieve the probabilities # of this hazard level exceeding each of the components damage levels component_pe_ds = np.sort( component.expose_to(hazard_level, scenario)) logging.debug("Component {} : pe_ds {}".format( component.component_id, component_pe_ds)) # This little piece of numpy magic calculates the damage level by summing # how many damage states were exceeded. # Unpacking the calculation: # component_pe_ds is usually something like [0.01, 0.12, 0.21, 0.33] # rnd[:, index] gives the random numbers created for this component # with the first axis (denoted by :) containing the samples for this # hazard intensity. The [:, np.newaxis] broadcasts ( # each randomn number across the supplied component_pe_ds. If the sample number # is greater than the first two numbers in component_pe_ds, the comparison > will # return [True, True, False, False] # the np.sum will convert this to [1, 1, 0, 0] and return 2. This is the resulting # damage level. This will complete the comparison for all of the samples # for this component component_damage_state_ind[:, index] = \ np.sum(component_pe_ds > rnd[:, index][:, np.newaxis], axis=1) return component_damage_state_ind def calc_output_loss(self, scenario, component_damage_state_ind): """ Calculate the results to the infrastructure given the damage state parameter :param scenario: Details of the scenario being run :param component_damage_state_ind: The array of the component's damage state samples :return: 5 lists of calculations """ # Component loss caused by the damage if_level_loss = np.zeros((scenario.num_samples, len(self.components)), dtype=np.float64) # Infrastructure loss: sum of component loss if_level_economic_loss = np.zeros(scenario.num_samples, dtype=np.float64) # Component functionality if_level_functionality = np.zeros( (scenario.num_samples, len(self.components)), dtype=np.float64) # output for the level of damage if_level_output = np.zeros( (scenario.num_samples, len(self.output_nodes)), dtype=np.float64) # output available as recovery progresses if_output_given_recovery = np.zeros( (scenario.num_samples, scenario.num_time_steps), dtype=np.float64) # iterate through the samples for sample_index in range(scenario.num_samples): # initialise the function and loss arrays for the sample component_function_at_time = [] comp_sample_loss = np.zeros(len(self.components)) comp_sample_func = np.zeros(len(self.components)) # Extract the array of damage states for this sample component_ds = component_damage_state_ind[sample_index, :] # iterate through the components for component_index, comp_key in enumerate( sorted(self.components.keys())): component = self.components[comp_key] # get the damage state for the component damage_state = component.get_damage_state( component_ds[component_index]) # use the damage state attributes to calculate the loss and functionality for the component sample loss = damage_state.damage_ratio * component.cost_fraction comp_sample_loss[component_index] = loss comp_sample_func[component_index] = damage_state.functionality # calculate the recovery time component_function_at_time.append( self.calc_recov_time_given_comp_ds( component, component_ds[component_index], scenario)) # save this sample's component loss and functionality if_level_loss[sample_index, :] = comp_sample_loss if_level_functionality[sample_index, :] = comp_sample_func # the infrastructure's economic loss for this sample is the sum of all # component losses if_level_economic_loss[sample_index] = np.sum(comp_sample_loss) # estimate the output for this sample's component functionality if_level_output[sample_index, :] = self.compute_output_given_ds( comp_sample_func) # calculate the restoration output component_function_at_time = np.array(component_function_at_time) for time_step in range(scenario.num_time_steps): if_output_given_recovery[sample_index, time_step] = \ sum(self.compute_output_given_ds(component_function_at_time[:, time_step])) return if_level_loss, \ if_level_functionality, \ if_level_output, \ if_level_economic_loss, \ if_output_given_recovery def get_nominal_output(self): """ Estimate the output of the undamaged infrastructure output nodes. :return: Numeric value of aggregated output. """ if not self.if_nominal_output: self.if_nominal_output = 0 for output_comp_id, output_comp in self.output_nodes.iteritems(): self.if_nominal_output += output_comp['output_node_capacity'] return self.if_nominal_output def compute_output_given_ds(self, comp_level_func): """ Using the graph of components, the output is calculated from the component functionality parameter. :param comp_level_func: An array that indicates the functionality level for each component. :return: An array of the output level for each output node. """ # Create the component graph if one does not yet exist if not self.component_graph: self.component_graph = ComponentGraph(self.components, comp_level_func) else: self.component_graph.update_capacity(self.components, comp_level_func) # calculate the capacity system_flows_sample = [] system_outflows_sample = np.zeros(len(self.output_nodes)) for output_index, (output_comp_id, output_comp) in enumerate( self.output_nodes.iteritems()): # track the outputs by source type (e.g. water or coal) total_supply_flow_by_source = {} for supply_index, (supply_comp_id, supply_comp) in enumerate( self.supply_nodes.iteritems()): if_flow_fraction = self.component_graph.maxflow( supply_comp_id, output_comp_id) if_sample_flow = if_flow_fraction * supply_comp[ 'capacity_fraction'] if supply_comp[ 'commodity_type'] not in total_supply_flow_by_source: total_supply_flow_by_source[ supply_comp['commodity_type']] = if_sample_flow else: total_supply_flow_by_source[ supply_comp['commodity_type']] += if_sample_flow total_available_flow = min( total_supply_flow_by_source.itervalues()) estimated_capacity_fraction = min(total_available_flow, output_comp['capacity_fraction']) system_outflows_sample[ output_index] = estimated_capacity_fraction * self.get_nominal_output( ) return system_outflows_sample def calc_recov_time_given_comp_ds(self, component, damage_state, scenario): ''' Calculates the recovery time of a component, given damage state index ''' import scipy.stats as stats recovery_parameters = component.get_recovery(damage_state) damage_parameters = component.get_damage_state(damage_state) m = recovery_parameters.recovery_mean s = recovery_parameters.recovery_std fn = damage_parameters.functionality cdf = stats.norm.cdf(scenario.restoration_time_range, loc=m, scale=s) return cdf + (1.0 - cdf) * fn def calc_response(self, component_loss, comp_sample_func, component_damage_state_ind): """ Convert the arrays into dicts for subsequent analysis :param component_loss: The array of component loss values :param comp_sample_func: The array of component functionality values :param component_damage_state_ind: The array of component damage state indicators :return: A dict of component response statistics """ comp_resp_dict = dict() for comp_index, comp_id in enumerate(np.sort(self.components.keys())): component = self.components[comp_id] comp_resp_dict[(comp_id, 'loss_mean')] \ = np.mean(component_loss[:, comp_index]) comp_resp_dict[(comp_id, 'loss_std')] \ = np.std(component_loss[:, comp_index]) comp_resp_dict[(comp_id, 'func_mean')] \ = np.mean(comp_sample_func[:, comp_index]) comp_resp_dict[(comp_id, 'func_std')] \ = np.std(comp_sample_func[:, comp_index]) comp_resp_dict[(comp_id, 'num_failures')] \ = np.mean(component_damage_state_ind[:, comp_index] >= (len(component.frag_func.damage_states) - 1)) return comp_resp_dict def get_component_types(self): """ Convenience method to get the list of components that are costed. :return: list of costed component types """ uncosted_comptypes = set( ['CONN_NODE', 'SYSTEM_INPUT', 'SYSTEM_OUTPUT']) component_types = set() for component in self.components.itervalues(): if component.component_type not in uncosted_comptypes: component_types.add(component.component_type) return list(component_types) def get_components_for_type(self, component_type): """ Return a list of components for the passed component type. :param component_type: A string representing a component type :return: List of components with the matching component type. """ for component in self.components.itervalues(): if component.component_type == component_type: yield component.component_id def get_system_damage_states(self): """ Return a list of the damage state labels :return: List of strings detailing the system damage levels. """ return [ 'DS0 None', 'DS1 Slight', 'DS2 Moderate', 'DS3 Extensive', 'DS4 Complete' ] def get_dmg_scale_bounds(self, scenario): """ An array of damage scale boundaries :param scenario: The values for the simulation scenarios :return: Array of real numbers representing damage state boundaries """ # todo introduce system subclass to infrastructure return [0.01, 0.15, 0.4, 0.8, 1.0] def get_component_class_list(self): """ Return the list of component classes from the components. Not sure why duplicates are returned and then stripped out, it seems unnecessary :return: A generator for the list. """ for component in self.components.itervalues(): yield component.component_class
class DamageState(ReponseModel): damage_state_description = Element('str', 'A description of what the damage state means.')
class Infrastructure(Base): """ The top level representation of a system that can respond to a range of hazards. It encapsulates a number of components that are used to estimate the response to various hazard levels. """ supply_nodes = Element( 'dict', 'The components that supply ' 'the infrastructure system', dict) output_nodes = Element( 'dict', 'The components that output from ' 'the infrastructure system', dict) # supply_total = None _component_graph = None if_nominal_output = None system_class = None sys_dmg_states = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Construct the infrastructure object :param kwargs: Objects making up the infrastructure """ super(Infrastructure, self).__init__(**kwargs) if not getattr(self, "components", None): self.components = IODict() self._component_graph = ComponentGraph(self.components) def calc_output_loss(self, scenario, component_damage_state_ind): """ Calculate the results to the infrastructure given the damage state parameter :param scenario: Details of the scenario being run :param component_damage_state_ind: The array of the component's damage state samples :return: 5 lists of calculations """ # Component loss caused by the damage if_level_loss = np.zeros((scenario.num_samples, len(self.components)), dtype=np.float64) # Infrastructure loss: sum of component loss if_level_economic_loss = np.zeros(scenario.num_samples, dtype=np.float64) # Component functionality if_level_functionality = \ np.zeros((scenario.num_samples, len(self.components)), dtype=np.float64) # output for the level of damage if_level_output = \ np.zeros((scenario.num_samples, len(self.output_nodes)), dtype=np.float64) # ******************** # NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: # output available as recovery progresses # if_output_given_recovery = \ # np.zeros((scenario.num_samples, scenario.num_time_steps), # dtype=np.float64) # iterate through the samples for sample_index in range(scenario.num_samples): # initialise the function and loss arrays for the sample # component_function_at_time = [] comp_sample_loss = np.zeros(len(self.components)) comp_sample_func = np.zeros(len(self.components)) # Extract the array of damage states for this sample component_ds = component_damage_state_ind[sample_index, :] # iterate through the components count = 0 for component_index, comp_key in \ enumerate(sorted(self.components.keys())): component = self.components[comp_key] # get the damage state for the component damage_state = \ component.get_damage_state(component_ds[component_index]) # use the damage state attributes to calculate the loss and # functionality for the component sample loss = damage_state.damage_ratio * component.cost_fraction comp_sample_loss[component_index] = loss comp_sample_func[component_index] = damage_state.functionality # save this sample's component loss and functionality if_level_loss[sample_index, :] = comp_sample_loss if_level_functionality[sample_index, :] = comp_sample_func # the infrastructure's economic loss for this sample is the sum # of all component losses if_level_economic_loss[sample_index] = np.sum(comp_sample_loss) # estimate the output for this sample's component functionality if_level_output[sample_index, :] \ = self.compute_output_given_ds(comp_sample_func) return if_level_loss, \ if_level_functionality, \ if_level_output, \ if_level_economic_loss def get_nominal_output(self): """ Estimate the output of the undamaged infrastructure output nodes. :return: Numeric value of aggregated output. """ if not self.if_nominal_output: self.if_nominal_output = 0 for output_comp_id, output_comp in self.output_nodes.items(): self.if_nominal_output += output_comp['output_node_capacity'] return self.if_nominal_output def compute_output_given_ds(self, comp_level_func): """ Using the graph of components, the output is calculated from the component functionality parameter. :param comp_level_func: An array that indicates the functionality level for each component. :return: An array of the output level for each output node. """ # Create the component graph if one does not yet exist if not self._component_graph: self._component_graph = ComponentGraph(self.components, comp_level_func) else: self._component_graph.update_capacity(self.components, comp_level_func) # calculate the capacity # system_flows_sample = [] system_outflows_sample = np.zeros(len(self.output_nodes)) for output_index, (output_comp_id, output_comp) in \ enumerate(self.output_nodes.items()): # track the outputs by source type (e.g. water or coal) total_supply_flow_by_source = {} for supply_index, (supply_comp_id, supply_comp) in \ enumerate(self.supply_nodes.items()): if_flow_fraction = self._component_graph.maxflow( supply_comp_id, output_comp_id) if_sample_flow = if_flow_fraction * \ supply_comp['capacity_fraction'] if supply_comp['commodity_type'] not in \ total_supply_flow_by_source: total_supply_flow_by_source[supply_comp['commodity_type']] \ = if_sample_flow else: total_supply_flow_by_source[supply_comp['commodity_type']] \ += if_sample_flow total_available_flow = min(total_supply_flow_by_source.values()) estimated_capacity_fraction \ = min(total_available_flow, output_comp['capacity_fraction']) system_outflows_sample[output_index] \ = estimated_capacity_fraction * self.get_nominal_output() return system_outflows_sample # TODO: FIX `calc_recov_time_given_comp_ds` # def calc_recov_time_given_comp_ds(self, component, damage_state, scenario): # ''' # Calculates the recovery time of a component, given damage state index # ''' # import scipy.stats as stats # recovery_parameters = component.get_recovery(damage_state) # damage_parameters = component.get_damage_state(damage_state) # # m = recovery_parameters.recovery_mean # s = recovery_parameters.recovery_std # fn = damage_parameters.functionality # cdf = stats.norm.cdf(scenario.restoration_time_range, loc=m, scale=s) # return cdf + (1.0 - cdf) * fn def calc_response(self, component_loss, comp_sample_func, component_damage_state_ind): """ Convert the arrays into dicts for subsequent analysis :param component_loss: The array of component loss values :param comp_sample_func: The array of component functionality values :param component_damage_state_ind: The array of component damage state indicators :return: A dict of component response statistics """ component_list_sorted = np.sort(self.components.keys()) num_samples = np.shape(component_loss)[0] comp_resp_dict = dict() comptype_resp_dict = dict() # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Collate response of individual components: for comp_index, comp_id in enumerate(component_list_sorted): component = self.components[comp_id] comp_resp_dict[(comp_id, 'loss_mean')] \ = np.mean(component_loss[:, comp_index]) comp_resp_dict[(comp_id, 'loss_std')] \ = np.std(component_loss[:, comp_index]) comp_resp_dict[(comp_id, 'func_mean')] \ = np.mean(comp_sample_func[:, comp_index]) comp_resp_dict[(comp_id, 'func_std')] \ = np.std(comp_sample_func[:, comp_index]) comp_resp_dict[(comp_id, 'num_failures')] \ = np.mean(component_damage_state_ind[:, comp_index] >= (len(component.damage_states) - 1)) # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Collate aggregate response of component grouped by their type: for ct_index, ct_id in enumerate(self.get_component_types()): comps_of_a_type = sorted(list(self.get_components_for_type(ct_id))) ct_pos_index = [ list(component_list_sorted).index(x) for x in comps_of_a_type ] comptype_resp_dict[(ct_id, 'loss_mean')] \ = np.mean(component_loss[:, ct_pos_index]) comptype_resp_dict[(ct_id, 'loss_std')] \ = np.std(component_loss[:, ct_pos_index]) comptype_resp_dict[(ct_id, 'loss_tot')] \ = np.sum(component_loss[:, ct_pos_index]) / num_samples comptype_resp_dict[(ct_id, 'func_mean')] \ = np.mean(comp_sample_func[:, ct_pos_index]) comptype_resp_dict[(ct_id, 'func_std')] \ = np.std(comp_sample_func[:, ct_pos_index]) acomponent = self.components[comps_of_a_type[0]] comptype_resp_dict[(ct_id, 'num_failures')] \ = np.mean(component_damage_state_ind[:, ct_pos_index] >= (len(acomponent.damage_states) - 1)) # --------------------------------------------------------------- return comp_resp_dict, comptype_resp_dict def get_component_types(self): """ Convenience method to get the list of components that are costed. :return: list of costed component types """ uncosted_comptypes = {'CONN_NODE', 'SYSTEM_INPUT', 'SYSTEM_OUTPUT'} component_types = set() for component in self.components.values(): if component.component_type not in uncosted_comptypes: component_types.add(component.component_type) return list(component_types) def get_components_for_type(self, component_type): """ Return a list of components for the passed component type. :param component_type: A string representing a component type :return: List of components with the matching component type. """ for component in self.components.values(): if component.component_type == component_type: yield component.component_id def get_system_damage_states(self): """ Return a list of the damage state labels :return: List of strings detailing the system damage levels. """ return self.sys_dmg_states def get_dmg_scale_bounds(self, scenario): """ An array of damage scale boundaries :param scenario: The values for the simulation scenarios :return: Array of real numbers representing damage state boundaries """ # todo introduce system subclass to infrastructure return [0.01, 0.15, 0.4, 0.8, 1.0] def get_component_class_list(self): """ Return the list of component classes from the components. Not sure why duplicates are returned and then stripped out, it seems unnecessary :return: A generator for the list. """ for component in self.components.values(): yield component.component_class
class Component(Base): frag_func = Element('ResponseModel', 'A fragility function', Element.NO_DEFAULT) def expose_to(self, hazard_level, scenario): return self.frag_func(hazard_level)