class sppasSeg: """ This class implements the IPUs segmentation. """ def __init__(self, logfile=None): """ Create a sppasSeg instance. @param logfile (sppasLog): a log file mainly used to print messages to the user. """ self.logfile = logfile self.silence = [] self.restaure_default() # End __init__ # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def restaure_default(self): """ Set default values. """ self.pause_seconds = 0.250 self.min_length = 0.300 self.volume_cap = 0 self.shift_start = 0.010 self.trsunits = [] self.trsnames = [] self.audiospeech = None self.audiosil = None self.dirtracks = False self.save_as_trs = False # End restaure_default # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # ################################################################## # Getters and Setters # ################################################################## def set_min_volume(self, volume_cap): """ Fix the default minimum volume value (rms). """ self.volume_cap = int(volume_cap) def set_min_silence(self, pause_seconds): """ Fix the default minimum speech duration (in seconds). """ self.pause_seconds = float(pause_seconds) def set_min_speech(self, min_length): """ Fix the default minimum silence duration (in seconds). """ self.min_length = float(min_length) def set_shift(self, s): """ Fix the default minimum boundary shift value (in seconds). """ self.shift_start = float(s) def set_dirtracks(self, dirtracks): """ Fix the "dirtracks" option (boolean). """ self.dirtracks = dirtracks def get_dirtracks(self): """ Get the "dirtracks" option (boolean). """ return self.dirtracks def set_save_as_trs(self, output): """ Fix the "save as transcription" option (boolean). """ self.save_as_trs = output def get_save_as_trs(self): """ Get the "save as textgrid" option (boolean). """ return self.save_as_trs # End OPTIONS # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def fix_options(self, options): for opt in options: if "shift_start" == opt.get_key(): self.set_shift(opt.get_value()) elif "min_speech" == opt.get_key(): self.set_min_speech(opt.get_value()) elif "min_sil" == opt.get_key(): self.set_min_silence(opt.get_value()) elif "min_vol" == opt.get_key(): v = opt.get_value() if v > 0: self.set_min_volume(v) elif "tracks" == opt.get_key(): self.set_dirtracks(opt.get_value()) elif "save_as_trs" == opt.get_key(): self.set_save_as_trs(opt.get_value()) # End fix_options # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_trs(self): return self.trsunits def set_trs(self, filename): """ Extract inter pausal units of the transcription. Input is a text file as: - Each line is supposed to be at least one unit. - Each '#' symbol is considered as a unit boundary. Parameters: - filename (string): contains the transcription Return: none Exception: IOerror """ # 0 means that I do NOT know if there is a silence: # It does not mean that there IS NOT a silence. self.bornestart = 0 self.borneend = 0 self.trsunits = [] trs = if trs.GetSize() != 1: raise IOError( "Error while reading %s (not the expected number of tiers. Got %d)" % (filename, trs.GetSize()) ) tier = trs[0] if tier.GetSize() == 0: raise IOError("Error while reading %s (Got no utterances!)" % filename) # Fix bornes if tier[0].GetLabel().IsSilence() is True: self.bornestart = 1 if tier[-1].GetLabel().IsSilence() is True and tier.GetSize() > 1: self.borneend = 1 for ann in tier: if ann.GetLabel().IsSilence() is False: self.trsunits.append(ann.GetLabel().GetValue()) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def verifyborne(self): """ Verify silences at start and end. """ if self.bornestart == 0 and self.borneend == 0: # we do not know anything about silences at start and end # then, everything is ALWAYS OK! return True units = list(self.audiosil.tracks()) first_from_pos = units[0][0] last_to_pos = units[len(units) - 1][1] # If I expected a silence at start... and I found a track if self.bornestart != 0 and first_from_pos == 0: # Verify if getsilence found a silence at start return False # If I expected a silence at end... and I found a track if self.borneend != 0 and last_to_pos == self.audiospeech.get_nframes(): return False return True # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def split_into_vol(self, nbtracks): """ Try various volume values to get silences. Parameters: - nbtracks is the expected number of speech units """ # Min volume in the speech vmin = int(self.audiospeech.get_minvolume()) # Max is set to the mean vmax = int(self.audiospeech.get_meanvolume()) # Step is used to not exagerate a detailed search! # step is set to 5% of the volume between min and mean. # step = int(vmin + ( (vmax - vmin) / 10.0)) step = int((vmax - vmin) / 20.0) # Min and max are adjusted vmin += step vmax -= step # Save initial value __v = self.volume_cap # First Test !!! self.volume_cap = vmin self.audiosil.get_silence(p=self.pause_seconds, v=self.volume_cap, s=self.shift_start) n = len(list(self.audiosil.tracks())) b = self.verifyborne() while n != nbtracks or b is False: # We would never be done anyway. if (vmax == vmin) or (vmax - vmin) < step: self.volume_cap = __v return n # Try with the middle volume value vmid = int(vmin + (vmax - vmin) / 2.0) if n > nbtracks: # We split too often. Need to consider less as silence. vmax = vmid elif n < nbtracks: # We split too seldom. Need to consider more as silence. vmin = vmid else: # We did not find start/end silence. vmin += step # Find silences with these parameters self.volume_cap = int(vmid) self.audiosil.get_silence(p=self.pause_seconds, v=int(vmid), s=self.shift_start) n = len(list(self.audiosil.tracks())) b = self.verifyborne() # End while: finished with success if self.logfile: self.logfile.print_message("Threshold volume value: " + str(self.volume_cap), indent=3) self.logfile.print_message("Threshold silence duration: " + str(self.pause_seconds), indent=3) self.logfile.print_message("Threshold speech duration: " + str(self.min_length), indent=3) self.volume_cap = __v return 0 # End split_into_vol # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def split_into(self, nbtracks): """ Try various volume values, pause durations and silence duration to get silences. Parameters: - nbtracks is the expected number of silences """ # Try with default parameters: self.audiosil.get_silence(p=self.pause_seconds, v=self.volume_cap, s=self.shift_start) n = len(list(self.audiosil.tracks())) b = self.verifyborne() if n == nbtracks and b is True: return True # Try with default min lengths (change only volume): n = self.split_into_vol(nbtracks) if n == 0: return True if n > nbtracks: # We split too often. Try with larger' values. while n > nbtracks: self.pause_seconds += 0.010 self.min_length += 0.010 try: n = self.split_into_vol(nbtracks) except Exception: return False if n == 0: return True else: # We split too seldom. Try with shorter' values. p = self.pause_seconds m = self.min_length while n < nbtracks and self.pause_seconds > 0.040: self.pause_seconds -= 0.010 try: n = self.split_into_vol(nbtracks) except Exception: return False if n == 0: return True # we failed... self.pause_seconds = p while n < nbtracks and self.min_length > 0.040: self.min_length -= 0.010 try: n = self.split_into_vol(nbtracks) except Exception: return False if n == 0: return True # we failed... self.min_length = m while n < nbtracks and self.pause_seconds > 0.040 and self.min_length > 0.040: self.min_length -= 0.010 self.pause_seconds -= 0.010 try: n = self.split_into_vol(nbtracks) except Exception: return False if n == 0: return True return False # End split_into # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def split(self, nbtracks=None): """ Main split function. Parameters: none """ if nbtracks is not None: _nbtracks = nbtracks else: _nbtracks = len(self.trsunits) if <= max(self.min_length, self.pause_seconds): if self.logfile: self.logfile.print_message("Speech file is too short!", indent=3, status=1) self.audiosil.set_silence(None) return # Blind or controlled silence detection if _nbtracks > 0: res = self.split_into(_nbtracks) if not res: raise Exception( " Silence detection failed.\nUnable to find " + str(_nbtracks) + " inter-pausal units.\n" ) else: self.audiosil.get_silence(p=self.pause_seconds, v=self.volume_cap, s=self.shift_start) if self.logfile: self.logfile.print_message("Threshold volume value: " + str(self.volume_cap), indent=3) self.logfile.print_message("Threshold silence duration: " + str(self.pause_seconds), indent=3) self.logfile.print_message("Threshold speech duration: " + str(self.min_length), indent=3) # End split # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # ################################################################## def __format_names(self, entry): import re # Remove multiple spaces __str = re.sub(u"[\s]+", ur" ", entry) # Spaces at beginning and end __str = re.sub(u"^[ ]+", ur"", __str) __str = re.sub(u"[ ]+$", ur"", __str) # Replace spaces by underscores __str = re.sub(u"\s", ur"_", __str) # Replace non-ASCII characters by underscores return re.sub(r"[^\x00-\x7F]", "_", __str) def get_from_transcription(self, inputfilename, tieridx=None): """ Extract silences and transcription units from a transcription (and the tier index). Also extract names if any. Parameters: - inputfilename is the input transcription file name Return: none Exception: IOerror """ try: trsinput = except IOError as e: raise IOError("WavSeg. No input transcription.\n" + str(e)) self.trsinput = trsinput # Input tier if tieridx is None: trstier = trsinput[0] for tier in trsinput: tiername = tier.GetName().lower() if "trs" in tiername or "trans" in tiername or "ipu" in tiername: trstier = tier break else: trstier = trsinput[tieridx] # Expected file names nametier = None for tier in trsinput: tiername = tier.GetName().lower() if "name" in tiername or "file" in tiername: nametier = tier trstracks = [] self.silence = [] self.trsunits = [] self.trsnames = [] i = 0 last = trstier.GetSize() while i < last: # Set the current annotation values __ann = trstier[i] __label = __ann.GetLabel().GetValue() # Save information if __ann.GetLabel().IsSilence(): __start = int(__ann.GetLocation().GetBeginMidpoint() * self.audiospeech.get_framerate()) __end = int(__ann.GetLocation().GetEndMidpoint() * self.audiospeech.get_framerate()) # Verify next annotations (concatenate all silences between 2 tracks) if (i + 1) < last: __nextann = trstier[i + 1] while (i + 1) < last and __nextann.GetLabel().IsSilence(): __end = int(__nextann.GetLocation().GetEndMidpoint() * self.audiospeech.get_framerate()) i = i + 1 if (i + 1) < last: __nextann = trstier[i + 1] self.silence.append([__start, __end]) else: __start = int(__ann.GetLocation().GetBeginMidpoint() * self.audiospeech.get_framerate()) __end = int(__ann.GetLocation().GetEndMidpoint() * self.audiospeech.get_framerate()) trstracks.append([__start, __end]) self.trsunits.append(__label) if nametier is not None: time = (__ann.GetLocation().GetBeginMidpoint() + __ann.GetLocation().GetEndMidpoint()) / 2.0 ##????????iname = TierUtils.Select(nametier, lambda a: time in a.Time) # iname = TierUtils.Select(nametier, lambda a: time in a.GetLocation().GetValue().GetMidpoint()) aname = nametier.Find( __ann.GetLocation().GetBeginMidpoint(), __ann.GetLocation().GetEndMidpoint(), True ) if not len(aname): trstracks.pop() self.trsunits.pop() else: iname = aname[0].GetLabel().GetValue() self.trsnames.append(self.__format_names(iname)) # Continue i = i + 1 return trstracks # End split_from_transcription # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # ################################################################## # Outputs # ################################################################## def write_list(self, filename, trstracks): encoding = "utf-8" with, "w", encoding) as fp: idx = 0 for from_pos, to_pos in trstracks: # Print informations on stdout fp.write( "%.4f %.4f " % ( float(from_pos) / float(self.audiospeech.get_framerate()), float(to_pos) / float(self.audiospeech.get_framerate()), ) ) if len(self.trsnames) > 0 and idx < len(self.trsnames): fp.write(self.trsnames[idx].encode(encoding) + "\n") else: fp.write("\n") idx = idx + 1 # Finally, print wav duration fp.write("%.4f\n" % (float(self.audiospeech.get_nframes()) / float(self.audiospeech.get_framerate()))) # End write_list # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def write_textgrid(self, filename, trstracks): if trstracks is None: raise Exception("No tracks found to be written.\n") # Create a transcription from tracks trs = Transcription("IPU-Segmentation") tieripu = trs.NewTier("IPU") tier = trs.NewTier("Transcription") radius = 1.0 / self.audiospeech.get_framerate() try: i = 0 to_pos_prec = 0 for from_pos, to_pos in trstracks: if self.trsunits: if i > len(self.trsunits): raise Exception("Bad number of tracks to write\n") # From the previous track to the current track: silence if to_pos_prec < from_pos: begin = float(to_pos_prec) / float(self.audiospeech.get_framerate()) end = float(from_pos) / float(self.audiospeech.get_framerate()) a = Annotation(TimeInterval(TimePoint(begin, radius), TimePoint(end, radius)), Label("#")) tieripu.Append(a) tier.Append(a.Copy()) # New track with speech begin = float(from_pos) / float(self.audiospeech.get_framerate()) end = float(to_pos) / float(self.audiospeech.get_framerate()) label = "ipu_%d" % (i + 1) a = Annotation(TimeInterval(TimePoint(begin, radius), TimePoint(end, radius)), Label(label)) tieripu.Append(a) if self.trsunits: label = label + " " + self.trsunits[i] a = Annotation(TimeInterval(TimePoint(begin, radius), TimePoint(end, radius)), Label(label)) tier.Append(a) # Go to the next i += 1 to_pos_prec = to_pos # The end is a silence? end_pos = float(self.audiospeech.get_nframes()) if to_pos_prec < end_pos: begin = TimePoint(float(to_pos_prec) / float(self.audiospeech.get_framerate()), radius) end = TimePoint(float(end_pos) / float(self.audiospeech.get_framerate()), radius) if begin < end: a = Annotation(TimeInterval(begin, end), Label("#")) tieripu.Append(a) tier.Append(a.Copy()) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Error while converting tracks to the tier output.\n" + str(e) + "\n") # Link both tiers: IPU and Transcription try: trs.GetHierarchy().addLink("TimeAssociation", tieripu, tier) except Exception as e:"Error while assigning hierarchy between IPU tier and Transcription tier: %s" % (str(e))) pass # Write the transcription try:, trs) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Error while saving the transcription output.\n" + str(e) + "\n") # End write_textgrid # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def create_trsunits(self, trstracks): """ Create a list of transcription units from tracks. @param trstracks @return list of Transcription objects """ if trstracks is None: raise Exception("No tracks found.\n") if self.trsinput is None: raise Exception("No trsinput found.\n") trs_list = [] trsunits_size = len(self.trsunits) for i, track in enumerate(trstracks): from_pos = track[0] to_pos = track[1] if self.trsunits and i > trsunits_size: raise Exception("Error: bad number of tracks.\n") # Create a new Transcription with speech start = float(from_pos) / float(self.audiospeech.get_framerate()) end = float(to_pos) / float(self.audiospeech.get_framerate()) a = Annotation(TimeInterval(TimePoint(start, 0.001), TimePoint(end, 0.001))) new_trs = Transcription(self.trsinput.GetName()) new_trs.SetMinTime(start) new_trs.SetMaxTime(end) for tier in self.trsinput: new_tier = TierUtils.Select(tier, lambda x: trsutils.overlaps(a, x)) if new_tier is not None: if new_tier[0].GetLocation().IsInterval(): new_tier[0].GetLocation().SetBeginMidpoint(start) new_tier[-1].GetLocation().SetEndMidpoint(end) new_trs.Append(new_tier) trsutils.TrsUtils.Shift(new_trs, new_trs.GetBegin()) trs_list.append(new_trs) return trs_list # End create_trsunits # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def run( self, audiofile, trsinputfile=None, trstieridx=None, ntracks=None, diroutput=None, tracksext=None, listoutput=None, textgridoutput=None, ): """ Perform an IPU segmentation from a wav file. - audiofile is the sound input file name - trsinputfile is a transcription (or 'None') - ntracks expected number of tracks - diroutput is a directory name to save output tracks (one per unit) - tracksext is the track extension (used with the diroutput option) - listoutput is a file name to save the IPU segmentation result (this file contains the begin time and end time of each unit, and the wav duration) - textgridoutput is a file name to save the IPU segmentation result. """ fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(audiofile) # Set input if fileExtension.lower() in signals.extensions: try: self.audiospeech = except Exception as e: raise Exception("Input error.\n" + str(e) + "\n") # Auto-adjust volume if self.volume_cap == 0: minv = self.audiospeech.get_minvolume() meanv = self.audiospeech.get_meanvolume() step = int((meanv - minv) / 5.0) self.volume_cap = minv + step else: raise Exception("Input error: unrecognized file format\n") self.bornestart = 0 self.borneend = 0 idx = self.audiospeech.extract_channel(0) channel = self.audiospeech.get_channel(idx) self.audiosil = ChannelSil(channel, self.min_length) # Silence detection is here: # ########################### # Fix transcription units if a transcription is given trstracks = None sil = True self.trsinput = None if trsinputfile: if trsinputfile.lower().endswith("txt"): self.set_trs(trsinputfile) else: try: # Get tracks and silences from an annotated file trstracks = self.get_from_transcription(trsinputfile, trstieridx) self.audiosil.set_silence(self.silence) # Do not find silences automatically! sil = False except Exception as e: raise Exception("Input transcription error. " + str(e) + "\n") if sil is True: try: self.split(ntracks) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Error while executing Split.\n" + str(e) + "\n") # save output # ############################################################### if trstracks is None: trstracks = self.audiosil.tracks() # Write silences/units into a transcription file if textgridoutput is not None: self.write_textgrid(textgridoutput, trstracks) # Write speech into track files with a given file extension if diroutput is not None or self.dirtracks is True: if diroutput is None: diroutput = fileName + "-tracks" if self.logfile is not None: self.logfile.print_message(str(len(self.trsunits)) + " units to write.", indent=3) self.logfile.print_message(str(len(self.silence)) + " silences.", indent=3) # Automatically Activate the list output file if listoutput is None and self.logfile is not None: listoutput = os.path.join(diroutput, "index.txt") self.logfile.print_message(listoutput, indent=3) # Fix output files format (txt or TextGrid) if tracksext is None: tracksext = "TextGrid" if self.save_as_trs is True else "txt" if "." + tracksext.strip().lower() in and tracksext != "txt": trs = self.create_trsunits(trstracks) audiosilpres = AudioSilencePresenter(self.audiosil) audiosilpres.write_tracks( trstracks, diroutput, ext=tracksext, trsunits=trs, trsnames=self.trsnames, logfile=self.logfile ) else: audiosilpres = AudioSilencePresenter(self.audiosil) audiosilpres.write_tracks( trstracks, diroutput, ext=tracksext, trsunits=self.trsunits, trsnames=self.trsnames, logfile=self.logfile, ) # Write silences boundaries (in seconds) into a file if listoutput: self.write_list(listoutput, trstracks) # ##################################################################### # self.restaure_default() if trstracks is None: nbtracks = 0 else: try: nbtracks = len(trstracks) except Exception: nbtracks = 0 return (self.silence, nbtracks)
def run( self, audiofile, trsinputfile=None, trstieridx=None, ntracks=None, diroutput=None, tracksext=None, listoutput=None, textgridoutput=None, ): """ Perform an IPU segmentation from a wav file. - audiofile is the sound input file name - trsinputfile is a transcription (or 'None') - ntracks expected number of tracks - diroutput is a directory name to save output tracks (one per unit) - tracksext is the track extension (used with the diroutput option) - listoutput is a file name to save the IPU segmentation result (this file contains the begin time and end time of each unit, and the wav duration) - textgridoutput is a file name to save the IPU segmentation result. """ fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(audiofile) # Set input if fileExtension.lower() in signals.extensions: try: self.audiospeech = except Exception as e: raise Exception("Input error.\n" + str(e) + "\n") # Auto-adjust volume if self.volume_cap == 0: minv = self.audiospeech.get_minvolume() meanv = self.audiospeech.get_meanvolume() step = int((meanv - minv) / 5.0) self.volume_cap = minv + step else: raise Exception("Input error: unrecognized file format\n") self.bornestart = 0 self.borneend = 0 idx = self.audiospeech.extract_channel(0) channel = self.audiospeech.get_channel(idx) self.audiosil = ChannelSil(channel, self.min_length) # Silence detection is here: # ########################### # Fix transcription units if a transcription is given trstracks = None sil = True self.trsinput = None if trsinputfile: if trsinputfile.lower().endswith("txt"): self.set_trs(trsinputfile) else: try: # Get tracks and silences from an annotated file trstracks = self.get_from_transcription(trsinputfile, trstieridx) self.audiosil.set_silence(self.silence) # Do not find silences automatically! sil = False except Exception as e: raise Exception("Input transcription error. " + str(e) + "\n") if sil is True: try: self.split(ntracks) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Error while executing Split.\n" + str(e) + "\n") # save output # ############################################################### if trstracks is None: trstracks = self.audiosil.tracks() # Write silences/units into a transcription file if textgridoutput is not None: self.write_textgrid(textgridoutput, trstracks) # Write speech into track files with a given file extension if diroutput is not None or self.dirtracks is True: if diroutput is None: diroutput = fileName + "-tracks" if self.logfile is not None: self.logfile.print_message(str(len(self.trsunits)) + " units to write.", indent=3) self.logfile.print_message(str(len(self.silence)) + " silences.", indent=3) # Automatically Activate the list output file if listoutput is None and self.logfile is not None: listoutput = os.path.join(diroutput, "index.txt") self.logfile.print_message(listoutput, indent=3) # Fix output files format (txt or TextGrid) if tracksext is None: tracksext = "TextGrid" if self.save_as_trs is True else "txt" if "." + tracksext.strip().lower() in and tracksext != "txt": trs = self.create_trsunits(trstracks) audiosilpres = AudioSilencePresenter(self.audiosil) audiosilpres.write_tracks( trstracks, diroutput, ext=tracksext, trsunits=trs, trsnames=self.trsnames, logfile=self.logfile ) else: audiosilpres = AudioSilencePresenter(self.audiosil) audiosilpres.write_tracks( trstracks, diroutput, ext=tracksext, trsunits=self.trsunits, trsnames=self.trsnames, logfile=self.logfile, ) # Write silences boundaries (in seconds) into a file if listoutput: self.write_list(listoutput, trstracks) # ##################################################################### # self.restaure_default() if trstracks is None: nbtracks = 0 else: try: nbtracks = len(trstracks) except Exception: nbtracks = 0 return (self.silence, nbtracks)