def setUp(self): self._converter = AudioSppasPresenter() self._sample_1 = self._sample_2 = self._sample_path_new = os.path.join(samples, "converted.wav") if os.path.exists(self._sample_path_new): os.remove(self._sample_path_new)
def extract_channels( settings, factor=0, channel=0, p=None ): """ Extract the first channel for each sound file of the settings. @param settings: a list of dictionaries with extracted information from a settings file. @param factor: coefficient to apply to the volume @param channel: index of the channel to extract @param p is a progress dialog """ total = len( settings ) for i,channelparameter in enumerate(settings): if p: p.update(float(i)/total, "Channel " + str(i+1) + " of " + str(total)) audio = channelparameter['file'] ) # CHANNEL EXTRACTION idx = audio.extract_channel( channel ) channelparameter['channel'] = audio.get_channel(idx) # RMS EXTRACTION if factor > 0: rms = audioutils.get_rms(channelparameter['channel'].frames, audio.get_sampwidth()) rmswanted = audioutils.mel2db(audioutils.db2mel(rms)*factor) channelparameter['factor'] = rmswanted/rms audio.close() del audio
def FileSelected(self, filename): """ Show information of a sound file. """ try:'PropertyPanel. File: '+filename) #_wav = wave.Wave_read( filename ) _audio = filename ) duration = float(_audio.get_duration() ) value_list = [ filename, '%.2f' % duration, str(_audio.get_framerate()), str(_audio.get_sampwidth()), str(_audio.get_nchannels()), str(_audio.get_minvolume()), str(_audio.get_meanvolume()), str(_audio.get_maxvolume()) ] except Exception as e: value_list = [ NO_INFO_LABEL ] * len(LABEL_LIST)" ... Error reading %s: %s" % (filename,e)) for i,value in enumerate(value_list): #self._values[i].SetLabel(value) # deprecated. (now, only works on windows) self._values[i].ChangeValue(value) # linux self.SetForegroundColour( self._prefs.GetValue('M_FG_COLOUR') )
def test_WriteFrames(self): _sample_new = "newFile.wav" # save first _sample_new, self._sample_1 ) # read the saved file and compare Audio() instances newFile = _sample_new ) self.assertEqual(newFile.get_framerate(), self._sample_1.get_framerate()) self.assertEqual(newFile.get_sampwidth(), self._sample_1.get_sampwidth()) self.assertEqual(newFile.get_nchannels(), self._sample_1.get_nchannels()) self.assertEqual(newFile.get_nframes(), self._sample_1.get_nframes()) newFile.close() os.remove(_sample_new) self._sample_1.rewind() signals.save_fragment( _sample_new, self._sample_1, self._sample_1.read_frames(self._sample_1.get_nframes())) newFile = _sample_new ) self.assertEqual(newFile.get_framerate(), self._sample_1.get_framerate()) self.assertEqual(newFile.get_sampwidth(), self._sample_1.get_sampwidth()) self.assertEqual(newFile.get_nchannels(), self._sample_1.get_nchannels()) self.assertEqual(newFile.get_nframes(), self._sample_1.get_nframes()) newFile.close() os.remove(_sample_new) _sample_new = "newFile.aiff" # save first _sample_new, self._sample_4 ) # read the saved file and compare Audio() instances newFile = _sample_new ) self.assertEqual(newFile.get_framerate(), self._sample_4.get_framerate()) self.assertEqual(newFile.get_sampwidth(), self._sample_4.get_sampwidth()) self.assertEqual(newFile.get_nchannels(), self._sample_4.get_nchannels()) self.assertEqual(newFile.get_nframes(), self._sample_4.get_nframes()) newFile.close() os.remove(_sample_new) self._sample_4.rewind() signals.save_fragment( _sample_new, self._sample_4, self._sample_4.read_frames(self._sample_4.get_nframes())) newFile = _sample_new ) self.assertEqual(newFile.get_framerate(), self._sample_4.get_framerate()) self.assertEqual(newFile.get_sampwidth(), self._sample_4.get_sampwidth()) self.assertEqual(newFile.get_nchannels(), self._sample_4.get_nchannels()) self.assertEqual(newFile.get_nframes(), self._sample_4.get_nframes()) newFile.close() os.remove(_sample_new)
def test_Export_Change_Framerate(self): converted = self._converter.export(self._sample_path_2, self._sample_path_new) self.assertEqual(converted, True) self.assertEqual(os.path.exists(self._sample_path_new), True) newaudio = self.assertEqual(newaudio.get_framerate(), self._converter.get_framerate()) self.assertEqual(newaudio.get_sampwidth(), self._converter.get_sampwidth()) self.assertEqual(newaudio.get_nchannels(), 1) self.assertEqual(newaudio.get_nframes()/newaudio.get_framerate(), self._sample_2.get_nframes()/self._sample_2.get_framerate())
def test_Save(self): cidx = self._sample_1.extract_channel(0) channel = self._sample_1.get_channel(cidx) audio = Audio() audio.append_channel( channel ) TestChannel._sample_path_new, audio ) savedaudio = self._sample_1.rewind() frames = self._sample_1.read_frames( self._sample_1.get_nframes() ) savedframes = savedaudio.read_frames( self._sample_1.get_nframes() ) self.assertEqual(len(frames), len(savedframes)) self.assertEqual(frames, savedframes)
def export(self, inputname, outputname): """ Create a new wav file with requested parameters. @param inputname (string) name of the inputfile @param reqSamplewidth (string) name of the outputfile """ toconvert = False audio = if (audio.get_sampwidth() < self._reqSamplewidth): raise NameError("The sample width of ("+str(audio.get_sampwidth())+") of the given file is not appropriate. " + str(self._reqSamplewidth) + " bytes required") if (audio.get_framerate() < self._reqFramerate): raise NameError("The framerate of ("+str(audio.get_framerate())+") of the given file is not appropriate. " + str(self._reqFramerate) + " Hz required") if (self._reqSamplewidth != audio.get_sampwidth()): toconvert = True if self._logfile: self._logfile.print_message("The sample width of ("+str(audio.get_sampwidth())+") of the given file is not appropriate. Sample width is changed to " + str(self._reqSamplewidth) + " bytes", indent=3, status=1) if (self._reqChannels != audio.get_nchannels()): toconvert = True if self._logfile: self._logfile.print_message("The number of channels of ("+str(audio.get_nchannels())+") of the given file is not appropriate. Number of channels is changed to " + str(self._reqChannels) + " channels", indent=3, status=1) if (self._reqFramerate != audio.get_framerate()): toconvert = True if self._logfile: self._logfile.print_message("The framerate of ("+str(audio.get_framerate())+") of the given file is not appropriate. Framerate is changed to " + str(self._reqFramerate) + " Hz", indent=3, status=1) if toconvert is True: # Get the expected channel idx = audio.extract_channel(0) # no more need of input data, can close audio.close() # Do the job (do not modify the initial channel). formatter = ChannelFormatter( audio.get_channel(idx) ) formatter.set_framerate(self._reqFramerate) formatter.set_sampwidth(self._reqSamplewidth) formatter.convert() # Save the converted channel audio_out = Audio() audio_out.append_channel( ) outputname, audio_out ) return toconvert
def run_alignment(self, inputwav, basename, outputalign): """ Execute the external program julius to align. @param inputwav is the wav input file name. @param basename is the name of the phon file @param outputalign is the output file name. """ try: wavspeech = duration = wavspeech.get_duration() except Exception: duration = 0. self.run_basic(duration, basename, outputalign)
def run(self, audiofile, trsfile, output_dir, output_ext="TextGrid"): """ Split an audio file into multiple small audio file. @param audiofile is the audio input file name @param trsfile is the transcription input file name @param output_dir is a directory name to save output tracks (one per unit) @param output_ext (default TextGrid) """ if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.mkdir(output_dir) audiospeech = transcription = tracks_tier = None for tier in transcription: if "name" in tier.GetName().lower(): tracks_tier = tier if tracks_tier is None: raise Exception("Expected tier not found: a tier name must contain 'name'") list_transcription = TrsUtils.Split(transcription, tracks_tier) names = [a.GetLabel().GetValue() for a in tracks_tier if not a.GetLabel().IsEmpty()] trstracks = [] for trs in list_transcription: begin = int(trs.GetBegin() * audiospeech.get_framerate()) end = int(trs.GetEnd() * audiospeech.get_framerate()) trstracks.append((begin, end)) TrsUtils.Shift(trs, trs.GetBegin()) chunks = [] nframes = audiospeech.get_nframes() for from_pos, to_pos in trstracks: if nframes < from_pos: raise ValueError("Position %d not in range(%d)" % (from_pos, nframes)) audiospeech.set_pos(from_pos) chunks.append(audiospeech.read_frames(to_pos - from_pos)) for name, chunk, trs in zip(names, chunks, list_transcription):, name + ".wav"), chunk), name + "." + output_ext), trs)
def diagnosis(self, inputname): """ Return True if the file corresponds to the requirements. @param inputname (string) name of the inputfile """ toconvert = False audio = if (self._reqSamplewidth != audio.get_sampwidth()): toconvert = True if (self._reqChannels != audio.get_nchannels()): toconvert = True if (self._reqFramerate != audio.get_framerate()): toconvert = True audio.close() return toconvert
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Verify and extract args: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- parser = ArgumentParser(usage="%s -w file [options]" % os.path.basename(PROGRAM), description="... a script to get information about a wav file.") parser.add_argument("-w", metavar="file", required=True, help='Input wav file name') parser.add_argument("-f", metavar="value", default=0.01, type=float, help='Frame duration to estimate rms (default: 0.01)') if len(sys.argv) <= 1: sys.argv.append('-h') args = parser.parse_args() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wavspeech = wavspeech.frameduration = args.f print "Wav file name: ", args.w print "Duration in seconds: ", wavspeech.get_duration() print "Frame rate: ", wavspeech.get_framerate() print "Sample width: ", wavspeech.get_sampwidth() print "Channels: ", wavspeech.get_nchannels() print "Volume min: ", wavspeech.get_minvolume() print "Volume max: ", wavspeech.get_maxvolume() print "Volume mean: ", wavspeech.get_meanvolume() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def setUp(self): self._sample_1 = self._sample_2 =
parser.add_argument("-bs", default=0, metavar="value", type=float, help='The position (in seconds) when begins the mix, don\'t use with -bf') parser.add_argument("-es", default=0, metavar="value", type=float, help='The position (in seconds) when ends the mix, don\'t use with -ef') parser.add_argument("-bf", default=0, metavar="value", type=float, help='The position (in number of frames) when begins the mix, don\'t use with -bs') parser.add_argument("-ef", default=0, metavar="value", type=float, help='The position (in number of frames) when ends the mix, don\'t use with -es') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if len(sys.argv) <= 1: sys.argv.append('-h') args = parser.parse_args() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- audio_out = Audio() audio = if and print "bf option and bs option can't be used at the same time !" sys.exit(1) if args.ef and print "ef option and es option can't be used at the same time !" sys.exit(1) if begin = elif begin =*audio.get_framerate() else: begin = 0
parser.add_argument("-o", metavar="file", required=True, help='Audio Output file name') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if len(sys.argv) <= 1: sys.argv.append('-h') args = parser.parse_args() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- mixer = ChannelsMixer() for inputFile in args.w: audio = for i in xrange(audio.get_nchannels()): idx = audio.extract_channel(i) audio.rewind() mixer.append_channel(audio.get_channel(idx)) newchannel = mixer.mix() # Save the converted channel audio_out = Audio() audio_out.append_channel( newchannel ) args.o, audio_out ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def setUp(self): self._sample_1 = self._sample_2 = self._sample_3 = self._sample_4 =
def run( self, audiofile, trsinputfile=None, trstieridx=None, ntracks=None, diroutput=None, tracksext=None, listoutput=None, textgridoutput=None, ): """ Perform an IPU segmentation from a wav file. - audiofile is the sound input file name - trsinputfile is a transcription (or 'None') - ntracks expected number of tracks - diroutput is a directory name to save output tracks (one per unit) - tracksext is the track extension (used with the diroutput option) - listoutput is a file name to save the IPU segmentation result (this file contains the begin time and end time of each unit, and the wav duration) - textgridoutput is a file name to save the IPU segmentation result. """ fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(audiofile) # Set input if fileExtension.lower() in signals.extensions: try: self.audiospeech = except Exception as e: raise Exception("Input error.\n" + str(e) + "\n") # Auto-adjust volume if self.volume_cap == 0: minv = self.audiospeech.get_minvolume() meanv = self.audiospeech.get_meanvolume() step = int((meanv - minv) / 5.0) self.volume_cap = minv + step else: raise Exception("Input error: unrecognized file format\n") self.bornestart = 0 self.borneend = 0 idx = self.audiospeech.extract_channel(0) channel = self.audiospeech.get_channel(idx) self.audiosil = ChannelSil(channel, self.min_length) # Silence detection is here: # ########################### # Fix transcription units if a transcription is given trstracks = None sil = True self.trsinput = None if trsinputfile: if trsinputfile.lower().endswith("txt"): self.set_trs(trsinputfile) else: try: # Get tracks and silences from an annotated file trstracks = self.get_from_transcription(trsinputfile, trstieridx) self.audiosil.set_silence(self.silence) # Do not find silences automatically! sil = False except Exception as e: raise Exception("Input transcription error. " + str(e) + "\n") if sil is True: try: self.split(ntracks) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Error while executing Split.\n" + str(e) + "\n") # save output # ############################################################### if trstracks is None: trstracks = self.audiosil.tracks() # Write silences/units into a transcription file if textgridoutput is not None: self.write_textgrid(textgridoutput, trstracks) # Write speech into track files with a given file extension if diroutput is not None or self.dirtracks is True: if diroutput is None: diroutput = fileName + "-tracks" if self.logfile is not None: self.logfile.print_message(str(len(self.trsunits)) + " units to write.", indent=3) self.logfile.print_message(str(len(self.silence)) + " silences.", indent=3) # Automatically Activate the list output file if listoutput is None and self.logfile is not None: listoutput = os.path.join(diroutput, "index.txt") self.logfile.print_message(listoutput, indent=3) # Fix output files format (txt or TextGrid) if tracksext is None: tracksext = "TextGrid" if self.save_as_trs is True else "txt" if "." + tracksext.strip().lower() in and tracksext != "txt": trs = self.create_trsunits(trstracks) audiosilpres = AudioSilencePresenter(self.audiosil) audiosilpres.write_tracks( trstracks, diroutput, ext=tracksext, trsunits=trs, trsnames=self.trsnames, logfile=self.logfile ) else: audiosilpres = AudioSilencePresenter(self.audiosil) audiosilpres.write_tracks( trstracks, diroutput, ext=tracksext, trsunits=self.trsunits, trsnames=self.trsnames, logfile=self.logfile, ) # Write silences boundaries (in seconds) into a file if listoutput: self.write_list(listoutput, trstracks) # ##################################################################### # self.restaure_default() if trstracks is None: nbtracks = 0 else: try: nbtracks = len(trstracks) except Exception: nbtracks = 0 return (self.silence, nbtracks)
def setUp(self): self._sample_1 = self._sample_2 =
parser.add_argument("-w", metavar="file", nargs='+', required=True, help='Audio Input file names') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if len(sys.argv) <= 1: sys.argv.append('-h') args = parser.parse_args() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- equalizer = ChannelsEqualizer() file =[0]) sampwidth = file.get_sampwidth() framerate = file.get_framerate() for inputFile in args.w: audio = if audio.get_sampwidth() != sampwidth: print "Input files must have the same sample width !" sys.exit(1) if audio.get_framerate() != framerate: print "Input files must have the same framerate !" sys.exit(1) idx = audio.extract_channel(1) equalizer.append_channel(audio.get_channel(idx)) equalizer.equalize()
# Verify and extract args: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- parser = ArgumentParser(usage="%s -o output file [options]" % os.path.basename(PROGRAM), description="A script to apply high-pass filter (development version)") parser.add_argument("-i", metavar="file", required=True, help='Audio Input file name') parser.add_argument("-o", metavar="file", required=True, help='Audio Output file name') if len(sys.argv) <= 1: sys.argv.append('-h') args = parser.parse_args() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- audioin = args.i ) SAMPLE_RATE = audioin.get_framerate() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # IIR filter coefficients freq = 2000 # Hz r = 0.98 a1 = -2.0 * r * math.cos(freq / (SAMPLE_RATE / 2.0) * math.pi) a2 = r * r filter = [a1, a2] print filter n = audioin.get_nframes() original = struct.unpack('%dh' % n, audioin.read_frames(n)) original = [s / 2.0**15 for s in original]
def setUp(self): self._sample_1 = self._sample_2 =
def setUp(self): self._sample_1 = self._sample_2 = self._sample_3 =