def addPixmap(self, pixmap, title=None, comment=None, commentPosition=None): """Add a pixmap to the print preview scene :param QPixmap pixmap: Pixmap to be added to the scene :param str title: Title shown above (centered) the pixmap :param str comment: Comment displayed below the pixmap :param commentPosition: "CENTER" or "LEFT" """ if self._toBeCleared: self._clearAll() self.ensurePrinterIsSet() if self.printer is None: _logger.error("printer is not set, cannot add pixmap to page") return if title is None: title = ' ' * 88 if comment is None: comment = ' ' * 88 if commentPosition is None: commentPosition = "CENTER" if qt.qVersion() < "5.0": rectItem = qt.QGraphicsRectItem(, self.scene) else: rectItem = qt.QGraphicsRectItem( rectItem.setRect(qt.QRectF(1, 1, pixmap.width(), pixmap.height())) pen = rectItem.pen() color = qt.QColor( color.setAlpha(1) pen.setColor(color) rectItem.setPen(pen) rectItem.setZValue(1) rectItem.setFlag(qt.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True) rectItem.setFlag(qt.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, True) rectItem.setFlag(qt.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsFocusable, False) rectItemResizeRect = _GraphicsResizeRectItem(rectItem, self.scene) rectItemResizeRect.setZValue(2) if qt.qVersion() < "5.0": pixmapItem = qt.QGraphicsPixmapItem(rectItem, self.scene) else: pixmapItem = qt.QGraphicsPixmapItem(rectItem) pixmapItem.setPixmap(pixmap) pixmapItem.setZValue(0) # I add the title if qt.qVersion() < "5.0": textItem = qt.QGraphicsTextItem(title, rectItem, self.scene) else: textItem = qt.QGraphicsTextItem(title, rectItem) textItem.setTextInteractionFlags(qt.Qt.TextEditorInteraction) offset = 0.5 * textItem.boundingRect().width() textItem.moveBy(0.5 * pixmap.width() - offset, -20) textItem.setZValue(2) # I add the comment if qt.qVersion() < "5.0": commentItem = qt.QGraphicsTextItem(comment, rectItem, self.scene) else: commentItem = qt.QGraphicsTextItem(comment, rectItem) commentItem.setTextInteractionFlags(qt.Qt.TextEditorInteraction) offset = 0.5 * commentItem.boundingRect().width() if commentPosition.upper() == "LEFT": x = 1 else: x = 0.5 * pixmap.width() - offset commentItem.moveBy(x, pixmap.height() + 20) commentItem.setZValue(2) rectItem.moveBy(20, 40)
def addSvgItem(self, item, title=None, comment=None, commentPosition=None, viewBox=None): """Add a SVG item to the scene. :param QSvgRenderer item: SVG item to be added to the scene. :param str title: Title shown above (centered) the SVG item. :param str comment: Comment displayed below the SVG item. :param str commentPosition: "CENTER" or "LEFT" :param QRectF viewBox: Bounding box for the item on the print page (xOffset, yOffset, width, height). If None, use original item size. """ if not qt.HAS_SVG: raise RuntimeError("Missing QtSvg library.") if not isinstance(item, qt.QSvgRenderer): raise TypeError("addSvgItem: QSvgRenderer expected") if self._toBeCleared: self._clearAll() self.ensurePrinterIsSet() if self.printer is None: _logger.error("printer is not set, cannot add SvgItem to page") return if title is None: title = 50 * ' ' if comment is None: comment = 80 * ' ' if commentPosition is None: commentPosition = "CENTER" if viewBox is None: if hasattr(item, "_viewBox"): # PyMca compatibility: viewbox attached to item viewBox = item._viewBox else: # try the original item viewbox viewBox = item.viewBoxF() svgItem = _GraphicsSvgRectItem(viewBox, svgItem.setSvgRenderer(item) svgItem.setCacheMode(qt.QGraphicsItem.NoCache) svgItem.setZValue(0) svgItem.setFlag(qt.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True) svgItem.setFlag(qt.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, True) svgItem.setFlag(qt.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsFocusable, False) rectItemResizeRect = _GraphicsResizeRectItem(svgItem, self.scene) rectItemResizeRect.setZValue(2) self._svgItems.append(item) if qt.qVersion() < '5.0': textItem = qt.QGraphicsTextItem(title, svgItem, self.scene) else: textItem = qt.QGraphicsTextItem(title, svgItem) textItem.setTextInteractionFlags(qt.Qt.TextEditorInteraction) title_offset = 0.5 * textItem.boundingRect().width() textItem.setZValue(1) textItem.setFlag(qt.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, True) dummyComment = 80 * "1" if qt.qVersion() < '5.0': commentItem = qt.QGraphicsTextItem(dummyComment, svgItem, self.scene) else: commentItem = qt.QGraphicsTextItem(dummyComment, svgItem) commentItem.setTextInteractionFlags(qt.Qt.TextEditorInteraction) scaleCalculationRect = qt.QRectF(commentItem.boundingRect()) scale = svgItem.boundingRect().width() / scaleCalculationRect.width() comment_offset = 0.5 * commentItem.boundingRect().width() if commentPosition.upper() == "LEFT": x = 1 else: x = 0.5 * svgItem.boundingRect().width( ) - comment_offset * scale # fixme: centering commentItem.moveBy( svgItem.boundingRect().x() + x, svgItem.boundingRect().y() + svgItem.boundingRect().height()) commentItem.setPlainText(comment) commentItem.setZValue(1) commentItem.setFlag(qt.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, True) if qt.qVersion() < "5.0": commentItem.scale(scale, scale) else: # the correct equivalent would be: # rectItem.setTransform(qt.QTransform.fromScale(scalex, scaley)) commentItem.setScale(scale) textItem.moveBy( svgItem.boundingRect().x() + 0.5 * svgItem.boundingRect().width() - title_offset * scale, svgItem.boundingRect().y()) if qt.qVersion() < "5.0": textItem.scale(scale, scale) else: # the correct equivalent would be: # rectItem.setTransform(qt.QTransform.fromScale(scalex, scaley)) textItem.setScale(scale)
def addSvgItem(self, item, title=None, comment=None, commentPosition=None, viewBox=None, keepRatio=True): """Add a SVG item to the scene. :param QSvgRenderer item: SVG item to be added to the scene. :param str title: Title shown above (centered) the SVG item. :param str comment: Comment displayed below the SVG item. :param str commentPosition: "CENTER" or "LEFT" :param QRectF viewBox: Bounding box for the item on the print page (xOffset, yOffset, width, height). If None, use original item size. :param bool keepRatio: If True, resizing the item will preserve its original aspect ratio. """ if not qt.HAS_SVG: raise RuntimeError("Missing QtSvg library.") if not isinstance(item, qt.QSvgRenderer): raise TypeError("addSvgItem: QSvgRenderer expected") if self._toBeCleared: self._clearAll() self.ensurePrinterIsSet() if self.printer is None: _logger.error("printer is not set, cannot add SvgItem to page") return if title is None: title = 50 * ' ' if comment is None: comment = 80 * ' ' if commentPosition is None: commentPosition = "CENTER" if viewBox is None: if hasattr(item, "_viewBox"): # PyMca compatibility: viewbox attached to item viewBox = item._viewBox else: # try the original item viewbox viewBox = item.viewBoxF() svgItem = _GraphicsSvgRectItem(viewBox, svgItem.setSvgRenderer(item) svgItem.setCacheMode(qt.QGraphicsItem.NoCache) svgItem.setZValue(0) svgItem.setFlag(qt.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True) svgItem.setFlag(qt.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, True) svgItem.setFlag(qt.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsFocusable, False) rectItemResizeRect = _GraphicsResizeRectItem(svgItem, self.scene, keepratio=keepRatio) rectItemResizeRect.setZValue(2) self._svgItems.append(item) # Comment / legend dummyComment = 80 * "1" if qt.qVersion() < '5.0': commentItem = qt.QGraphicsTextItem(dummyComment, svgItem, self.scene) else: commentItem = qt.QGraphicsTextItem(dummyComment, svgItem) commentItem.setTextInteractionFlags(qt.Qt.TextEditorInteraction) # we scale the text to have the legend box have the same width as the graph scaleCalculationRect = qt.QRectF(commentItem.boundingRect()) scale = svgItem.boundingRect().width() / scaleCalculationRect.width() commentItem.setPlainText(comment) commentItem.setZValue(1) commentItem.setFlag(qt.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, True) if qt.qVersion() < "5.0": commentItem.scale(scale, scale) else: commentItem.setScale(scale) # align if commentPosition.upper() == "CENTER": alignment = qt.Qt.AlignCenter elif commentPosition.upper() == "RIGHT": alignment = qt.Qt.AlignRight else: alignment = qt.Qt.AlignLeft commentItem.setTextWidth(commentItem.boundingRect().width()) center_format = qt.QTextBlockFormat() center_format.setAlignment(alignment) cursor = commentItem.textCursor() cursor.mergeBlockFormat(center_format) cursor.clearSelection() commentItem.setTextCursor(cursor) if alignment == qt.Qt.AlignLeft: deltax = 0 else: deltax = (svgItem.boundingRect().width() - commentItem.boundingRect().width()) / 2. commentItem.moveBy(svgItem.boundingRect().x() + deltax, svgItem.boundingRect().y() + svgItem.boundingRect().height()) # Title if qt.qVersion() < '5.0': textItem = qt.QGraphicsTextItem(title, svgItem, self.scene) else: textItem = qt.QGraphicsTextItem(title, svgItem) textItem.setTextInteractionFlags(qt.Qt.TextEditorInteraction) textItem.setZValue(1) textItem.setFlag(qt.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, True) title_offset = 0.5 * textItem.boundingRect().width() textItem.moveBy(svgItem.boundingRect().x() + 0.5 * svgItem.boundingRect().width() - title_offset * scale, svgItem.boundingRect().y()) if qt.qVersion() < "5.0": textItem.scale(scale, scale) else: textItem.setScale(scale)