def test_update_UserCommands(): import simmetis as sim cmd = sim.UserCommands() cmd.update({'OBS_EXPTIME': 30}) assert cmd.cmds['OBS_EXPTIME'] == 30 with pytest.raises(KeyError): cmd.update({'NO_EXISTE': 30})
def calculate_zeropoint(filter_name,verbose=False): cmd = sim.UserCommands("../notebooks/metis_image_NQ.config") cmd["ATMO_USE_ATMO_BG"] = "yes" cmd["SCOPE_USE_MIRROR_BG"] = "yes" cmd["SIM_VERBOSE"]="no" cmd["FPA_QE"]="../data/TC_detector_METIS_NQ_no_losses.dat" cmd["INST_FILTER_TC"]="../data/TC_filter_"+filter_name+".dat" opt = sim.OpticalTrain(cmd) fpa = sim.Detector(cmd, small_fov=False) ## generate a source with 0 mag lam, spec = sim.source.flat_spectrum(0, "../data/TC_filter_"+filter_name+".dat") src = sim.Source(lam=lam, spectra=np.array([spec]), ref=[0], x=[0], y=[0]) src.apply_optical_train(opt, fpa) exptime=1 ## ## noise-free image before applying Poisson noise photonflux = fpa.chips[0].array.T clean_image = photonflux * exptime ## ## detector image with Poisson noise hdu = fpa.read_out(OBS_EXPTIME=exptime) bg_counts = np.min(clean_image) source_minus_bg_counts = np.sum(clean_image - np.min(clean_image)) if verbose: print("Background counts/s: {0:.2E}".format(bg_counts)) print("Background-subtracted source counts/s: {0:.2E}".format(source_minus_bg_counts)) return(bg_counts,source_minus_bg_counts)
def calculate_zeropoint(filter_id, filter_path, verbose=False): ## ## find out if we have the LM or NQ band camera filter_data = if filter_data["col1"][0] < 6: cmd = sim.UserCommands("../notebooks/metis_image_LM.config") cmd["FPA_QE"] = "../data/TC_detector_METIS_LM_no_losses.dat" else: cmd = sim.UserCommands("../notebooks/metis_image_NQ.config") cmd["FPA_QE"] = "TC_detector_METIS_NQ_no_losses.dat" cmd["INST_FILTER_TC"] = "../data/TC_filter_" + filter_id + ".dat" opt = sim.OpticalTrain(cmd) fpa = sim.Detector(cmd, small_fov=False) ## generate a source with 0 mag lam, spec = sim.source.flat_spectrum(0, filter_path) src = sim.Source(lam=lam, spectra=np.array([spec]), ref=[0], x=[0], y=[0]) src.apply_optical_train(opt, fpa) exptime = 1 ## ## noise-free image before applying Poisson noise photonflux = fpa.chips[0].array.T clean_image = photonflux * exptime ## ## detector image with Poisson noise hdu = fpa.read_out(OBS_EXPTIME=exptime) bg_counts = np.min(clean_image) source_minus_bg_counts = np.sum(clean_image - np.min(clean_image)) if verbose: print("Background counts/s: {0:.2E}".format(bg_counts)) print("Background-subtracted source counts/s: {0:.2E}".format( source_minus_bg_counts)) return (bg_counts, source_minus_bg_counts)
def run_simmetis(): import simmetis as sim import os cmd = sim.UserCommands() cmd["OBS_EXPTIME"] = 3600 cmd["OBS_NDIT"] = 1 cmd["INST_FILTER_TC"] = "J" src = sim.source.source_1E4_Msun_cluster() opt = sim.OpticalTrain(cmd) fpa = sim.Detector(cmd) src.apply_optical_train(opt, fpa) fpa.read_out("my_output.fits") is_there = os.path.exists("my_output.fits") os.remove("my_output.fits") return is_there
def background_increases_consistently_with_exptime(): """ Run an empty source for exposure time: (1,2,4,8,16,32,64) mins If true the background level increases linearly and the stdev increases as sqrt(exptime) """ import numpy as np import simmetis as sim cmd = sim.UserCommands() cmd["OBS_REMOVE_CONST_BG"] = "no" opt = sim.OpticalTrain(cmd) fpa = sim.Detector(cmd) stats = [] for t in [2**i for i in range(7)]: src = sim.source.empty_sky() src.apply_optical_train(opt, fpa) hdu = fpa.read_out(OBS_EXPTIME=60 * t, FPA_LINEARITY_CURVE=None) im = hdu[0].data stats += [[t, np.sum(im), np.median(im), np.std(im)]] stats = np.array(stats) factors = stats / stats[0, :] bg_stats = [ i == np.round(l**2) == np.round(j) == np.round(k) for i, j, k, l in factors ] return_val = np.all(bg_stats) if not return_val: print(factors) return return_val
def test_load_UserCommands_with_invalid_sim_data_dir(): import simmetis as sim with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): cmd = sim.UserCommands(sim_data_dir="/")
def test_load_UserCommands_with_no_arguments(): import simmetis as sim with pytest.raises(ValueError): cmd = sim.UserCommands()
def __init__(self, filename, config, lambda0=0., verbose=False): '''Read datacube and WCS''' self.wide_figsize = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'].copy() self.wide_figsize[0] = self.wide_figsize[1]*16./9. self.verbose = verbose # separate our output from the bullshit printed by import print('============================================') self.filename = filename print("Source file ", filename) self.src_fits = self.src_cube = self.src_fits[0].data self.src_header = self.src_fits[0].header naxis3, naxis2, naxis1 = self.src_cube.shape print(naxis1, "x", naxis2, "pixels,", naxis3, "spectral channels") self.plotpix = np.asarray((naxis2//2, naxis1//2)) # Parse the WCS keywords in primary HDU #del self.src_header['VELREF'] # no AIPS stuff, please self.wcs = wcs.WCS(self.src_header) pixscale1, pixscale2 = wcs.utils.proj_plane_pixel_scales(self.wcs)[0:2] pixscale1 = (pixscale1 * self.wcs.wcs.cunit[0]).to(u.mas) pixscale2 = (pixscale2 * self.wcs.wcs.cunit[1]).to(u.mas) #print("image pixscale from WCS:", pixscale1, pixscale2, "/pixel") self.src_pixscale = np.asarray((pixscale1.value, pixscale2.value))*u.mas if self.verbose: print("image pixscale:", self.src_pixscale, "per pixel") # Check flux units of data cube try: bunit = self.src_header['BUNIT'] print("BUNIT:", bunit) if bunit.lower() == 'jy/pixel': #plt.semilogy(self.src_cube[:,111,100]) #print(np.max(self.src_cube[:,111,100])) pixarea = (wcs.utils.proj_plane_pixel_area(self.wcs) * self.wcs.wcs.cunit[0] * self.wcs.wcs.cunit[1]).to(u.arcsec*u.arcsec) if self.verbose: print("Pixel area is", pixarea) self.src_cube /= pixarea.value #plt.semilogy(self.src_cube[:,111,100]) #print(np.max(self.src_cube[:,111,100])) except KeyError: print("Keyword BUNIT not found. Assuming the data is in units of Jy/arcsec2") # make a Nlambda x 3 array crd = np.zeros((naxis3, 3)) crd[:, 2] = np.arange(naxis3) # Convert pixel coordinates to world coordinates # Second argument is "origin" -- in this case 0-based coordinates world_coo = self.wcs.wcs_pix2world(crd, 0)[:, 2] * self.wcs.wcs.cunit[2] if self.verbose: print("CTYPES:", self.wcs.wcs.ctype) print("CUNITS:", self.wcs.wcs.cunit) if self.wcs.wcs.ctype[2] == 'VRAD' or self.wcs.wcs.ctype[2] == 'VOPT': print("WARNING: Your Fits header specifies the spectral axis as", self.wcs.wcs.ctype[2]) print(" We treat it as apparent radial velocity (VELO)") self.wcs.wcs.ctype[2] = 'VELO' if self.wcs.wcs.ctype[2] == 'VELO': #print("Velocities:",world_coo) # this should be in the header, shouldn't it? if lambda0 > 0.: restcoo = lambda0 * # unit of lambda0 must be micron elif self.wcs.wcs.restwav > 0: restcoo = (self.wcs.wcs.restwav * u.m).to( elif self.wcs.wcs.restfrq > 0: restcoo = (self.wcs.wcs.restfrq * u.Hz).to(, equivalencies=u.spectral()) else: raise RuntimeError("Cannot determine rest wavelength of velocity scale.") wavelen = restcoo * (1. + world_coo / const.c) #print("Wavelengths:",wavelen) elif self.wcs.wcs.ctype[2] == 'WAVE': # TODO: test me! wavelen = restcoo = self.wcs.wcs.restwav * self.wcs.wcs.cunit[2] elif self.wcs.wcs.ctype[2] == 'FREQ': wavelen =, equivalencies=u.spectral()) restcoo = self.wcs.wcs.restfrq * self.wcs.wcs.cunit[2] else: print("spectral axis is '", self.wcs.wcs.ctype[2], "'") raise NotImplementedError('spectral axis must have type VELO, WAVE, or FREQ') self.wavelen = wavelen.value # should we store it with units? self.restcoo = restcoo # RESTFRQ or RESTWAV with units if self.verbose: print("Wavelengths:", wavelen[0:3], "...", wavelen[-1]) print("restfrq:", self.wcs.wcs.restfrq) print("restwav:", self.wcs.wcs.restwav) print("restcoo:", self.restcoo) #print("Rest wavelen:",, equivalencies=u.spectral())) in_velos =, equivalencies=u.doppler_optical(restcoo)) step = 1.5 * new3 = int((in_velos[-1] - in_velos[0]) / step)+1 meanv = (in_velos[0] + in_velos[-1]) / 2. self.det_velocities = np.arange((meanv-step*(new3-1)/2.).to(u.m/u.s).value, (meanv+step*((new3-1)/2.+1)).to(u.m/u.s).value, if self.verbose: print("Source velocities (WCS):", in_velos[0], "...", in_velos[-1]) #print(in_velos) print("new naxis3:", new3) #print("middle v:", meanv) print("Detector velocities:", self.det_velocities.shape, self.det_velocities[0], "...", self.det_velocities[-1]) # initialize the target cube, in case someone does not call transmission_emission() self.target_cube = self.src_cube self.target_hdr = self.src_header.copy() self.target_hdr['BUNIT'] = 'Jy/arcsec2' self.background = None self.transmission = 1. self.emission = None # will be computed later # initialize SimCADO to set searchpaths # print("Reading config", config) self.cmds = sm.UserCommands(config) self.det_pixscale = self.cmds["SIM_DETECTOR_PIX_SCALE"] * 1000. # in mas/pixel if self.verbose: print("Detector pixel scale ", self.det_pixscale, " mas/pixel") print("Filter = ", self.cmds["INST_FILTER_TC"]) # should be open filter if np.max(self.src_pixscale.value) > self.det_pixscale: print("+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+") print("| WARNING: MAX. PIXEL SCALE OF INPUT CUBE IS LARGER THAN DETECTOR PIXEL SCALE! |") print("|", np.max(self.src_pixscale), "/pixel >", self.det_pixscale, " mas/pixel") print("+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+")
def mimic_image(hdu, catalogue, cmds=None, hdu_ext=0, sim_chip_n=0, return_stamps=False, cat_ra_name="RA", cat_dec_name="DE", cat_filter_name="J", **kwargs): """ Create a SimMETIS image to mimic a real FITS file Parameters ---------- hdu : str, astropy.HDUList The original FITS object- either a filename or an astropy.HDUList object catalogue : str, astropy.Table A catalogue of stars - either a filename or an astropy.Table object cmds : str, simmetis.UserCommands Commands by which to simulate the image - a filename to a .config file or a UserCommands object hdu_ext : int The extension in the original FITS file which should be simulated sim_chip_n : int Which chip in the FPA_LAYOUT to simulate. Passed to apply_optical_train() and read_out() return_stamps : bool If True, returns two PostageStamps object for the original HDU and the generated HDU cat_ra_name, cat_dec_name, cat_filter_name : str The names of the column in catalogue which point to the RA, Dec and filter magnitudes for the stars Optional Parameters ------------------- As passed to a PostageStamps object "dx" : 0, "dy " : 0, "bg_tile_size" : 24, "stamp_width" : 24, "hot_pixel_threshold" : 3000 Returns ------- hdu_sim, src [, post_real, post_sim] If return_stamps is True, post_real and post_sim are returned Examples -------- :: >>> hdu_real ="HAWKI.2008-11-05T04_08_55.552.fits") >>> cat ="ngc362_cohen.dat") >>> >>> dx, dy = -5, 15 >>> >>> cmd = sim.UserCommands("hawki_ngc362.config") >>> cmd["INST_FILTER_TC"] = "J" >>> cmd["OBS_EXPTIME"] = 10 >>> >>> out = mimic_image(hdu=hdu_real, catalogue=cat, cmds=cmd, hdu_ext=3, ... sim_chip_n=3, return_stamps=True, ... dx=dx, dy=dy) >>> hdu_sim, src, post_real, post_sim = out >>> len(out) 4 """ if isinstance(hdu, str) and os.path.exists(hdu): hdu =[hdu_ext] elif isinstance(hdu, fits.HDUList): hdu = hdu[hdu_ext] else: raise ValueError("hdu must be a filename or an astropy HDU object: " + type(hdu)) if isinstance(catalogue, str) and os.path.exists(catalogue): cat = elif isinstance(catalogue, Table): cat = catalogue else: raise ValueError( "catalogue must be a filename or an astropy.Table object: " + type(catalogue)) if isinstance(cmds, str) and os.path.exists(cmds): cmds = sim.UserCommands(cmds) elif isinstance(cmds, sim.UserCommands): pass else: raise ValueError( "cmds must be a filename or an simmetis.UserCommands object: " + type(cmds)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(0.1, 0.1)) apl_fig = aplpy.FITSFigure(hdu, figure=fig) # get the RA DEC position of the centre of the HAWKI FoV xc, yc = hdu.header["CRPIX1"], hdu.header["CRPIX2"] ra_cen, dec_cen = apl_fig.pixel2world(xc, yc) # get the x,y positions in arcsec from the HAWKI FoV centre y = (cat[cat_dec_name] - dec_cen) * 3600 x = -(cat[cat_ra_name] - ra_cen) * 3600 * np.cos(cat[cat_dec_name] / 57.3) mag = cat[cat_filter_name] # make a Source object with the x,y positions in arcsec from the HAWKI FoV centre src = sim.source.stars(mags=mag, filter_name=cat_filter_name, x=x, y=y) opt = sim.OpticalTrain(cmds) fpa = sim.Detector(cmds, small_fov=False) print(sim_chip_n) src.apply_optical_train(opt, fpa, chips=sim_chip_n) hdu_sim = fpa.read_out(chips=sim_chip_n) ## Get the Postage Stamps if return_stamps: params = { "dx": 0, "dy ": 0, "bg_tile_size": 24, "stamp_width": 24, "hot_pixel_threshold": 3000 } params.update(**kwargs) w, h = hdu_sim[0].data.shape mask = (src.x_pix > 0) * (src.x_pix < w) * (src.y_pix > 0) * (src.y_pix < h) xw = cat[cat_ra_name][mask] yw = cat[cat_dec_name][mask] mag = cat[cat_filter_name][mask] # get the x,y pixel positions of the stars in the simulated image xps = src.x_pix[mask] yps = src.y_pix[mask] # get the x,y pixel positions of the stars in the real image, include offset if needed xpr, ypr = apl_fig.world2pixel(xw, yw) xpr += params["dx"] ypr += params["dy"] # get the images from the FITS objects im_sim = np.copy(hdu_sim[0].data) im_sim -= np.median(im_sim) post_sim = PostageStamps(im_sim, x=xps, y=yps, **params) im_real = np.copy( im_real -= np.median(im_real) post_real = PostageStamps(im_real, x=xpr, y=ypr, **params) return hdu_sim, src, post_real, post_sim else: return hdu_sim, src