예제 #1

        return distance

#   Program

# Initialize board
initial_board = randomMovements(string_to_list('e-1-2\n3-4-5\n6-7-8'), 1000)
initial_board = string_to_list('8-6-e-9\n7-1-2-10\n4-3-5-14\n12-11-13-15')
initial_state = list_to_string(initial_board)

# Create solver object
result = astar(EightPuzzleProblem(initial_state), graph_search=True)

# Print results
for i, (action, state) in enumerate(result.path()):
    if action == None:
        print('Initial configuration')
    elif i == len(result.path()) - 1:
        print('Move: ' + str(i) + ' After moving', action,
              'into the empty space. Goal achieved!')
        print('Move: ' + str(i) + ' After moving', action,
              'into the empty space')

예제 #2
    # Cost dictionary
    COSTS = {
        "up": cost_regular,
        "down": cost_regular,
        "left": cost_regular,
        "right": cost_regular,
        "up left": cost_regular,
        "up right": cost_regular,
        "down left": cost_regular,
        "down right": cost_regular,
    # creating maze solver object
    problem = MazeSolver(MAP)

    # running solver
    result = astar(problem, graph_search=True)

    # extracting the path
    path = [x[1] for x in result.path()]

    # output file for the resulted path
    r = open("path-coord.txt", "w")
    # print result for debug purposes
    for y in range(len(MAP)):
        for x in range(len(MAP[y])):
            if (x, y) == problem.initial:
                print('o', end='')
            elif (x, y) == problem.goal:
                print('x', end='')
            elif (x, y) in path:
예제 #3
def doAStar(NEWMAP, problem, myviewer):
    result = astar(problem, graph_search=True, viewer=myviewer)
    path = [x[1] for x in result.path()]
    print("Ruta realizada A*:")
    print(printMap(NEWMAP, problem, path))
예제 #4
class HelloProblem(SearchProblem):
    def actions(self, state):
        if len(state) < len(GOAL):
            return list(' ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')
            return []

    def result(self, state, action):
        return state + action

    def is_goal(self, state):
        return state == GOAL

    def heuristic(self, state):
        # how far are we from the goal?
        wrong = sum([1 if state[i] != GOAL[i] else 0  for i in range(len(state))])
        missing = len(GOAL) - len(state)
        return wrong + missing

my_viewer = BaseViewer()

problem = HelloProblem(initial_state='')
# result = astar(problem)

result = astar(problem,viewer=my_viewer)


예제 #5
            x, y = p
            while (0 <= x < N) and (0 <= y < N):
                if (x, y) in pairs and (x, y) != original:
                    tot += 1
                x, y = x + delta_x, y + delta_y

            x, y = p
            while (0 <= x < N) and (0 <= y < N):
                if (x, y) in pairs and (x, y) != original:
                    tot += 1
                x, y = x - delta_x, y - delta_y

        return tot

    def print_board(self, s):
        N = self.N
        board = zip(range(N), s)
        for i in range(N):
            for j in range(N):
                if (i, j) in board:
                    print 'Q',
                    print '.',
            print ''

# Run for the 8x8 case
problem = NQueensSwap(N=8)
result = astar(problem, graph_search=False)
예제 #6
GOAL = [1, 3, 6, 8, 12]

class TorchProblem(SearchProblem):
    def actions(self, state: Party):
        if (state.cost < 1):
            return []
            if (state.direction):  # A to B
                return [(x, y) for x in state.aSide for y in state.aSide]
            else:  # B to A
                return [(x, y) for x in state.bSide for y in state.bSide]

    def result(self, state: Party, action: tuple):
        return state.modify(action)

    def is_goal(self, state: Party):
        temp = sorted(state.bSide)
        return temp == GOAL and state.cost >= 0

    def heuristic(self, state: Party):
        return len(GOAL) - len(state.bSide)

problem = TorchProblem(initial_state=Party([], GOAL.copy(), 30, True))
result = astar(problem)

for x in result.path():
    print((x[0], x[1].attr()))
예제 #7
        state = string2list(state)
        cost = 0
        for number, correct_position in GOAL_POSITIONS.items():
            current_position = find_number(state, number)
            diff_x = abs(current_position[0] - correct_position[0])
            diff_y = abs(current_position[1] - correct_position[1])
            cost += diff_x + diff_y

        return cost

    def heuristic_MALA(self, state):
        cost = 0
        for i in range(len(state)):
            if state[i] != '0' and state[i] != GOAL[i]:
                cost += 1

        return cost

visor = BaseViewer()  # o WebViewer() o ConsoleViewer()

result = astar(EightPuzzleProblem("7,2,4|5,0,6|8,3,1"),

print result.state
print result.path()
print len(result.path())

print visor.stats
예제 #8
        return [
            (x, y) for x in range(4) for y in range(4)
            if (x, y) not in state and  # asi no pone la carpa donde haya otra
             y) not in arboles and  # asi no pone la carpa donde haya un arbol
            tiene_vecinos((x, y), arboles)
            and  # asi obliga a que la carpa se ponga vecina a algun arbol
            not tiene_vecinos((x, y), state)
        ]  # asi obliga a que la carpa NO este vecina a las carpas ya puestas

    def result(self, state, action):
        # agrego la carpa a la lista de carpas ya puestas
        return state + (action, )

    def cost(self, state1, action, state2):
        # poner una carpa siempre cuesta lo mismo
        return 1

    def is_goal(self, state):
        # si puse 4 carpas, ya termine
        return len(state) == 4

    def heuristic(self, state):
        # me faltan tantas acciones como carpas me falte ubicar para llegar a 4
        return 4 - len(state)

result = astar(ProblemaCarpas(tuple()), graph_search=True)

print result.state
예제 #9

    def esValido(self, estado):
        return (estado[0] >= estado[1]) or (estado[0] == 0) and \
               (3 - estado[0]) >= (3 - estado[1]) or (estado[0] == 3) and \
               (0 <= estado[0] <= 3) and \
               (0 <= estado[1] <= 3)

    def is_goal(self, estado):
        return estado == (0, 0, 1)

    def result(self, estado, accion):
        if estado[2] == 0:
            return (estado[0] - accion[1][0], estado[1] - accion[1][1], 1)
            return (estado[0] + accion[1][0], estado[1] + accion[1][1], 0)

    def heuristic(self, estado):
        return (estado[0] + estado[1]) / 2

    def value(self, estado):
        return 6 - estado[0] - estado[1]

problema = Novios()
visor = WebViewer()
solucion = astar(problema, viewer=visor)
#visor = ConsoleViewer
#solucion = astar(problema, viewer=visor)
예제 #10
        rows = string_to_list(
            state)  #La accion parameter contiene la ficha a mover
        row_e, col_e = find_location(rows, '0')
        row_n, col_n = find_location(rows, action)

        rows[row_e][col_e], rows[row_n][col_n] = rows[row_n][col_n], rows[

        return list_to_string(rows)

    def is_goal(self, state):
        return state == GOAL  #Devuelve true si el estado actual es el estado deseado

    def heuristic(
            state):  #Regresa una estimacion de la distancia al estado deseado
        rows = string_to_list(state)
        distance = 1
        for number in '123804765':
            row_n, col_n = find_location(rows, number)
            row_n_goal, col_n_goal = goal_positions[number]
            distance += abs(row_n - row_n_goal) + abs(col_n - col_n_goal)
        return distance

result = astar(PuzzleProblem(INITIAL))

for action, state in result.path():
# 4.3 - esto tiene que tener un ojetivo
class resolvedor(SearchProblem):
    def actions(self, estado):
        if len(estado) < len(objetivo):
            return list(caracteres)
            return []

    def heuristic(self, estado):
        erradas = sum(
            [1 if estado[i] != objetivo[i] else 0 for i in range(len(estado))])
        perdidas = len(objetivo) - len(estado)
        return erradas + perdidas

    def result(self, estado, accion):
        return estado + accion

    def is_goal(self, estado):
        return estado == objetivo

# 5 - se instancia
#     se parte desde vacio
#     se crea un visualizador de solucion
#     se le dice que lo resuelva
problema = resolvedor(initial_state="")
visualizadorSolucion = ConsoleViewer()
solucion = astar(problema, viewer=visualizadorSolucion)
# Se procede a mostar la solucion:
예제 #12
        state = str2list(state)

        row_e, col_e = find(state, 'e')
        row_n, col_n = find(state, action)

        state[row_e][col_e] = state[row_n][col_n]
        state[row_n][col_n] = 'e'

        return list2str(state)

    def heuristic(self, state):
        state = str2list(state)
        goal = str2list(GOAL)

        distance = 0

        for number in '12345678':
            row_n, col_n = find(state, number)
            row_g, col_g = find(goal, number)

            distance += abs(row_n - row_g) + abs(col_n - col_g)

        return distance

result = astar(OchoProblem(INITIAL), viewer=WebViewer())
#result = astar(OchoProblem(INITIAL))

print result.path()
print len(result.path())
예제 #13
                    row_king - 1, col_king + 1) not in soldiers and (
                        row_king + 1, col_king + 1) not in soldiers:
            actions.append((row_king, col_king + 1))
        if (row_king, col_king - 2) not in soldiers and (
                row_king - 1) > 0 and (col_king + 1) < 7 and (
                    row_king - 1, col_king - 1) not in soldiers and (
                        row_king + 1, col_king - 1) not in soldiers:
            actions.append((row_king, col_king - 1))
        return tuple(actions)

    def result(self, state, action):
        state = action
        return state

    def heuristic(self, state):
        distancias = []
        for exit in exits:
        return min([manhattan(x, state) for x in distancias])

def manhattan(pos1, pos2):
    x1, y1 = pos1
    x2, y2 = pos2
    return abs(x2 - x1) + abs(y2 - y1)

my_viewer = BaseViewer()
r = astar(HnefataflProblem(state), graph_search=True, viewer=WebViewer())

예제 #14
        return 1

    def heuristic(self, state):
        '''Returns an *estimation* of the distance from a state to the goal.
           We are using the manhattan distance.
        # distance = 10
        #l = list(state)
        #if l[0] == 'n':
        #    distance -= 3
        #if l[2] == 'n':
        #    distance -= 3
        #if l[6] == 'b':
        #    distance -= 3
        #if l[8] == 'b':
        #    distance -= 3
        # print ('state ', state)
        # print ('distance', distance)
        return 1

# result = astar(EigthPuzzleProblem(INITIAL))
# if you want to use the visual debugger, use this instead:
# result = astar(EigthPuzzleProblem(INITIAL), viewer=WebViewer())

med = (('b', '.', 'b', '.', '.', '.', 'n', '.', 'n'))

problem = Caballos(med)
예제 #15
        robot, aentregar, enmano = state
        x, y = robot
        laentregar = list(aentregar)
        lenmano = list(enmano)

        if action[0] == 'Agarrar':
        elif action[0] == 'Dejar':
            lenmano = []
            x, y = action[1]

        return (x, y), tuple(laentregar), tuple(lenmano)

    def cost(self, state1, action, state2):
        return 1

    def heuristic(self, state):
        robot, aentregar, enmano = state
        x, y = robot
        xx, yy = ENTREGA
        dif = (abs(x - xx), abs(y - yy))
        return sum([len(aentregar), len(enmano), max(dif)])

problema = Problema(ESTADO)
visor = BaseViewer()
respuesta = astar(problema, graph_search=True, viewer=visor)
for a in respuesta.path():
    print a
예제 #16
    def heuristic(self, state):
        # h2, manhattan distance
        total = 0
        for number in range(1, 9):
            current_row, current_column = find_number(number, state)
            goal_row, goal_column = find_number(number, GOAL)
            distance = abs(current_row - goal_row) + abs(current_column -
            total += distance

        return total

viewer = WebViewer()
# result = breadth_first(PuzzleProblem(INITIAL), graph_search=True)
# result = depth_first(PuzzleProblem(INITIAL), graph_search=True)
# result = uniform_cost(PuzzleProblem(INITIAL), graph_search=True, viewer=WebViewer())
# result = greedy(PuzzleProblem(INITIAL), graph_search=True, viewer=viewer)
result = astar(PuzzleProblem(INITIAL), graph_search=True, viewer=viewer)

print('Result state:')
print('Result path:')
for action, state in result.path():
    print('Action:', action)
    print('State:', state)

print('Solution at depth:', len(result.path()))

            statenuevo.remove((a, b - 1, 0))
            statenuevo.append((a, b - 1, 1))
        if (a + 1, b, 0) in state:
            statenuevo.remove((a + 1, b, 0))
            statenuevo.append((a + 1, b, 1))
        if (a, b + 1, 0) in state:
            statenuevo.remove((a, b + 1, 0))
            statenuevo.append((a, b + 1, 1))

        return tuple(statenuevo)

    def heuristic(self, state):
        cantidad = 0
        for a in state:
            x, y, z = a
            if z == 0:
                cantidad = cantidad + 1
        return cantidad / 5

    def cost(self, state1, action, state2):
        return 1

problema = problem(((0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 2, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0),
                    (1, 2, 0), (2, 0, 0), (2, 1, 0), (2, 2, 0)))
visor = BaseViewer()
resultado = astar(problema, graph_search=True, viewer=visor)
print resultado
for action, state in resultado.path():
    print 'action', action
    print 'result', resultado
예제 #18
        # apply all detected changes
        for change in changes_to_apply:
            if clothes[change] == 0:
                clothes[change] = 1
                clothes[change] = 0

        return circuit, previous_position, position, tuple(clothes)

    def heuristic(self, state):
        circuit, previous_position, position, clothes = state
        estimation = 0
        # needs to do at least one movement if the position is not the goal one
        if position != 'E':
            estimation += 1

        # needs to do at least one movement for each pair of things to change
        # (because it can change up to 2 things in one action)
        pending_changes = sum(1 for in_state, in_goal in zip(clothes, GOAL_CLOTHES)
                              if in_state != in_goal)
        estimation += pending_changes / 2

        return estimation

result = astar(SantaProblem(INITIAL), graph_search=True)

for action, state in result.path():
    circuit, previous_position, position, clothes = state
    print(position, clothes)
예제 #19
        rows = string_to_list(state)
        row_e, col_e = find_location(rows, 'e')
        row_n, col_n = find_location(rows, action)
        rows[row_e][col_e], rows[row_n][col_n] = rows[row_n][col_n], rows[row_e][col_e]
        return list_to_string(rows)
    def is_goal(self, state):
        '''Returns true if a state is the goal state.'''
        return state == GOAL
    def cost(self, state1, action, state2):
        '''Returns the cost of performing an action. No useful on this problem, i
           but needed.
        return 1
    def heuristic(self, state):
        '''Returns an *estimation* of the distance from a state to the goal.
           We are using the manhattan distance.
        rows = string_to_list(state)
        distance = 0
        for number in '12345678e':
            row_n, col_n = find_location(rows, number)
            row_n_goal, col_n_goal = goal_positions[number]
            distance += abs(row_n - row_n_goal) + abs(col_n - col_n_goal)
        return distance
result = astar(EigthPuzzleProblem(INITIAL))
for action, state in result.path():
    print('Move number', action)

예제 #20
    def find_path(self, start, end):
        problem = ShortestPathProblem(self.weights, start, end)
        result = astar(problem, graph_search=True)

        return result
예제 #21
# Final result that we want to achieve
GOAL = '''1-2-3

# Starting point
INITIAL = '''1-e-2

# Create a cache for the goal position of each piece
goal_positions = {}
rows_goal = string_to_list(GOAL)
for number in '12345678e':
    goal_positions[number] = get_location(rows_goal, number)

# Create the solver object
result = astar(PuzzleSolver(INITIAL))

# Print the results
for i, (action, state) in enumerate(result.path()):
    if action == None:
        print('Initial configuration')
    elif i == len(result.path()) - 1:
        print('After moving', action, 'into the empty space. Goal achieved!')
        print('After moving', action, 'into the empty space')

예제 #22
    def cost(self, state1, action, state2):
        'El costo de la acción es la capacidad total del jarro origen'
        return action[0] + 1

    def result(self, state, action):
        Esta funcion le quita X litros a jarro origen y los pone en jarro_destino

        X puede ser los litros del jarro origen o lo que falte para llenar el
        jarro destino, lo que demande menos agua.
        jarro_origen, jarro_destino = action
        litros_origen, litros_destino = state[jarro_origen], state[jarro_destino]

        a_trasvasar = min(litros_origen,
                          self.capacidad(jarro_destino, litros_destino))

        s = list(state)
        s[jarro_origen] -= a_trasvasar
        s[jarro_destino] += a_trasvasar

        return tuple(s)

    def heuristic(self, state):
        'Una posible heuristica es la cantidad de jarros que no tienen agua'
        return len([x for x in state if x == 0])

# Resolucion por A*
result = astar(JarrosProblem(4), graph_search=True, viewer=WebViewer())