예제 #1
def main():
    scale_amount = (200, 150)
    cam = Camera(0)
    prev = cam.get_image().resize(scale_amount[0], scale_amount[1])
    t = 0.5
    buffer = 20
    count = 0

    while True:
        current = cam.get_image()
        current = current.resize(scale_amount[0], scale_amount[1])
        if count < buffer:
            count = count + 1
            fs = current.find(Motion, prev, window=15, method="BM")
            length_of_fs = len(fs)
            if fs:
                dx = 0
                dy = 0
                for f in fs:
                    dx = dx + f.dx
                    dy = dy + f.dy

                dx = dx / length_of_fs
                dy = dy / length_of_fs
                motion_str = movement_check(dx, dy, t)
                current.dl().text(motion_str, (10, 10))

        prev = current
def main():
    scale_amount = (200, 150)
    cam = Camera(0)
    prev = cam.get_image().resize(scale_amount[0], scale_amount[1])
    t = 0.5
    buffer = 20
    count = 0

    while True:
        current = cam.get_image()
        current = current.resize(scale_amount[0], scale_amount[1])
        if count < buffer:
            count = count + 1
            fs = current.find(Motion, prev, window=15, method="BM")
            length_of_fs = len(fs)
            if fs:
                dx = 0
                dy = 0
                for f in fs:
                    dx = dx + f.dx
                    dy = dy + f.dy

                dx = dx / length_of_fs
                dy = dy / length_of_fs
                motion_str = movement_check(dx, dy, t)
                current.dl().text(motion_str, (10, 10))

        prev = current
예제 #3
class ColorSegmentationWindow(Window):
    def __init__(self):
              self).__init__('Color Segmentation Example')
        self.cam = Camera()
        self.template_img = None
        self.point1 = (0, 0)
        self.point2 = (0, 0)
        self.mosue_down = False

    def on_mouse(self, event, x, y, mouse_key, data=None):
        """ Callback for mouse events

            event - int - see cv2.EVENT_* constants
            x, y - int, int - position of the cursor
            mouse_key - int - mouse key
        if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
            self.point1 = (x, y)
            self.point2 = (x, y)
            self.mosue_down = True
        elif event == cv2.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE:
            if self.mosue_down == True:
                self.point2 = (x, y)
        elif event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP:
            self.mosue_down = False
            self.point2 = (x, y)

            x1, y1, w, h = points_to_roi(self.point1, self.point2)
            if w > 0 and h > 0:
                self.template_img = self.cam.get_image().crop(x1, y1, w, h)
                print "Mode:", "Detecting features..."

    def on_key(self, key):
        if key == 32:  # Space bar to select template
            self.template_img = None
            print "Mode:", "Selecting template..."

    def on_update(self):
        """ Callback for periodic update.
        img = self.cam.get_image()

        if self.mosue_down:
            img = img.apply_layers()
        elif self.template_img is not None:
            # Detect and draw key points
            img = img.draw_keypoint_matches(self.template_img)
            img = img.apply_layers()

class ColorSegmentationWindow(Window):

    def __init__(self):
        super(ColorSegmentationWindow, self).__init__('Color Segmentation Example')
        self.cam = Camera()
        self.template_img = None
        self.point1 = (0, 0)
        self.point2 = (0, 0)
        self.mosue_down = False

    def on_mouse(self, event, x, y, mouse_key, data=None):
        """ Callback for mouse events

            event - int - see cv2.EVENT_* constants
            x, y - int, int - position of the cursor
            mouse_key - int - mouse key
        if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
            self.point1 = (x, y)
            self.point2 = (x, y)
            self.mosue_down = True
        elif event == cv2.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE:
            if self.mosue_down == True:
                self.point2 = (x, y)
        elif event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP:
            self.mosue_down = False
            self.point2 = (x, y)

            x1, y1, w, h = points_to_roi(self.point1, self.point2)
            if w > 0 and h > 0:
                self.template_img = self.cam.get_image().crop(x1, y1, w, h)
                print "Mode:", "Detecting features..."

    def on_key(self, key):
        if key == 32:  # Space bar to select template
            self.template_img = None
            print "Mode:", "Selecting template..."

    def on_update(self):
        """ Callback for periodic update.
        img = self.cam.get_image()

        if self.mosue_down:
            img.dl().rectangle_to_pts(self.point1, self.point2, color=Color.RED)
            img = img.apply_layers()
        elif self.template_img is not None:
            # Detect and draw key points
            img = img.draw_keypoint_matches(self.template_img)
            img = img.apply_layers()

예제 #5
class BallTrackWindow(Window):

    def __init__(self):
        super(BallTrackWindow, self).__init__('Ball Track Example')
        self.cam = Camera()  # initialize the camera
        self.normal = True  # mode toggle for segment detection

    def on_key(self, key):
        if key == 32:  # Space bar to switch between modes
            self.normal = not self.normal
            print "Display Mode:", "Normal" if self.normal else "Segmented"

    def on_update(self):
        """ Callback for periodic update.
        img = self.cam.get_image().flip_horizontal()  # grab image from camera
        dist = img.color_distance(Color.BLACK).dilate(2)  # try to separate colors in image
        segmented = dist.stretch(200, 255)  # really try to push out white colors
        if not self.normal:
            img = segmented
        blobs = segmented.find_blobs()  # search the image for blob objects
        if blobs:  # if blobs are found
            circles = blobs.filter([b.is_circle(0.2) for b in blobs])  # filter out only circle shaped blobs
            if circles:
                # draw the circle on the main image
                img.dl().circle((circles[-1].x, circles[-1].y),
                                circles[-1].radius(), Color.BLUE, width=3)
예제 #6
class Webcam(QtGui.QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self, parent=None):

        self.MainWindow = Ui_Dialog()
        self.webcam = Camera(0, {"width": 640, "height": 480})

        self.timer = QtCore.QTimer()

        self.connect(self.timer, QtCore.SIGNAL('timeout()'), self.show_frame)


    def show_frame(self):
        ipl_image = self.webcam.get_image()
        ipl_image.dl().circle((150, 75), 50, Color.RED, filled=True)
        data = ipl_image.tostring()
        image = QtGui.QImage(data, ipl_image.width, ipl_image.height, 3 * ipl_image.width, QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888)
        pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap()
예제 #7
analog_pin_1 = board.get_pin('a:1:i')  # Use pin 1 as input
analog_pin_2 = board.get_pin('a:2:i')  # Use pin 2 as input
button_13 = board.get_pin('d:13:i')  # Use pin 13 for button input

it = util.Iterator(board)  # Initalize the pin monitor for the Arduino
it.start()  # Start the pin monitor loop

multiplier = 400.0  # A value to adjust the edge threshold by
cam = Camera()  # Initalize the camera

while True:
    t1 = analog_pin_1.read()  # Read the value from pin 1
    t2 = analog_pin_2.read()  # Read the value from pin 2
    b13 = button_13.read()  # Read if the button has been pressed.

    if not t1:  # Set a default if no value read
        t1 = 50
        t1 *= multiplier

    if not t2:  # Set a default if no value read
        t2 = 100
        t2 *= multiplier

    print "t1 " + str(t1) + ", t2 " + str(t2) + ", b13 " + str(b13)
    img = cam.get_image().flip_horizontal()
    edged_img = img.edges(int(t1), int(t2)).invert().smooth()
예제 #8
from simplecv.api import Camera

c = Camera()

while True:
    img = c.get_image()
    split = img.split(2, 1)
    left = split[0][0]
    mirrorred = img.blit(left.flip_horizontal(), (left.width + 1, 0))
예제 #9
This program uses a Color model to try and do segmentation based on color

print __doc__

import time
from simplecv.color_model import ColorModel
from simplecv.api import Camera

c = Camera()
i = c.get_image()
cm = ColorModel(i)
t = int(time.time())
ticks = 0

while True:
    ticks = ticks + 1
    if int(time.time()) > t:
        print str(ticks) + " fps"
        ticks = 0
        t = int(time.time())
예제 #10
This program is basically the hello world in SimpleCV
all it does is grab an image from the camera and display it
print __doc__

from simplecv.api import Camera

cam = Camera()

while True:
    img = cam.get_image()
예제 #11

from simplecv.api import Camera
from simplecv.stream import VideoStream
import time

c = Camera()
vs = VideoStream("foo.avi")

for i in range(0, 500):
예제 #12
This example just takes an image, finds the edges, and draws them
the threshold is used for the edge detection, if you adjust the
max_threshold and threshold_step values and run the program you will
see it change over time
print __doc__

from simplecv.api import Camera, Color

cam = Camera()  # initialize the camera
max_threshold = 255  # this is used for the edge detection
threshold_step = 0.5  # this is the amount to adjust the threshold by each time the display is updated
threshold = max_threshold

while True:
    image = cam.get_image()  # get image (or frame) from camera
    flipped_image = image.flip_horizontal()  # flip it so it looks mirrored
    edged_image = flipped_image.edges(threshold)  # get the image edges

    # This just automatically cycles through threshold levels
    if threshold <= 0:
        threshold = max_threshold
        threshold -= 0.5

    edged_image.dl().text("Current Edge Threshold:" + str(threshold), (10, 20),
예제 #13
This program does basic motion blurring.  It averages the number of
maxframes that are set using some basic image math
print __doc__

from operator import add
from simplecv.api import Camera

cam = Camera()  # initialize the camera

# the number of frames
maxframes = 3
frames = []

while True:
    #add the next frame to the end of the set

    if len(frames) > maxframes:
        frames.pop(0)  # remove the earliest frame if we're at max

    pic = reduce(add, [i / float(len(frames)) for i in frames])
    # add the frames in the array, weighted by 1 / number of frames

예제 #14
This program is basically the hello world in SimpleCV
all it does is grab an image from the camera and display it
print __doc__

from simplecv.api import Camera

cam = Camera()

while True:
    img = cam.get_image()
예제 #15
This example just takes an image, finds the edges, and draws them
the threshold is used for the edge detection, if you adjust the
max_threshold and threshold_step values and run the program you will
see it change over time
print __doc__

from simplecv.api import Camera, Color

cam = Camera()  # initialize the camera
max_threshold = 255  # this is used for the edge detection
threshold_step = 0.5  # this is the amount to adjust the threshold by each time the display is updated
threshold = max_threshold

while True:
    image = cam.get_image() # get image (or frame) from camera
    flipped_image = image.flip_horizontal() # flip it so it looks mirrored
    edged_image = flipped_image.edges(threshold) # get the image edges

    # This just automatically cycles through threshold levels
    if threshold <= 0:
        threshold = max_threshold
        threshold -= 0.5

    edged_image.dl().text("Current Edge Threshold:" + str(threshold), (10, 20), color=Color.GREEN)
예제 #16
This program super imposes the camera onto the television in the picture
print __doc__

from simplecv.api import Camera, Image

tv_original = Image("family_watching_television_1958.jpg", sample=True)

tv_coordinates = [(353, 379), (433, 380), (432, 448), (354, 446)]
tv_mask = Image(tv_original.size_tuple).invert().warp(tv_coordinates)
tv = tv_original - tv_mask

c = Camera()

while True:
    bwimage = c.get_image().to_gray().resize(tv.width, tv.height).to_bgr()
    on_tv = tv + bwimage.warp(tv_coordinates)
예제 #17
from simplecv.api import Camera

c = Camera()

while True:
    img = c.get_image()
    split = img.split(2, 1)
    left = split[0][0]
    mirrorred = img.blit(left.flip_horizontal(),(left.width + 1, 0))
예제 #18
from simplecv.api import Camera
from simplecv.color import Color
from simplecv.segmentation.mog_segmentation import MOGSegmentation

mog = MOGSegmentation(history=200, mixtures=5, bg_ratio=0.3, noise_sigma=16,

cam = Camera()

while True:

    segmented_image = mog.get_segmented_image()

    blobs = mog.get_segmented_blobs()
    for blob in blobs:
        segmented_image.dl().circle((blob.x, blob.y), 10, Color.RED)

예제 #19
This program basically simulates some kind of 80's music video.
print __doc__

from simplecv.api import Camera, Blob

cam = Camera()

# settings for the project
min_size = 0.1 * cam.get_property("width") * cam.get_property("height")  # Change threshold
thresh = 10  # frame difference threshold

last_img = cam.get_image()
last_img.dl().text("Move around to get the party started!", (5, 5))

while True:
    new_img = cam.get_image()
    track_img = new_img - last_img  # difference the images
    blobs =  track_img.find(Blob, -1, threshblocksize=99)  # use adapative blob detection
    if blobs:
    last_img = new_img # update the image
analog_pin_1 = board.get_pin('a:1:i')  # Use pin 1 as input
analog_pin_2 = board.get_pin('a:2:i')  # Use pin 2 as input
button_13 = board.get_pin('d:13:i')  # Use pin 13 for button input

it = util.Iterator(board)  # Initalize the pin monitor for the Arduino
it.start()  # Start the pin monitor loop

multiplier = 400.0  # A value to adjust the edge threshold by
cam = Camera()  # Initalize the camera

while True:
    t1 = analog_pin_1.read()  # Read the value from pin 1
    t2 = analog_pin_2.read()  # Read the value from pin 2
    b13 = button_13.read()  # Read if the button has been pressed.

    if not t1:  # Set a default if no value read
        t1 = 50 
        t1 *= multiplier 

    if not t2:  # Set a default if no value read
        t2 = 100
        t2 *= multiplier

    print "t1 " + str(t1) + ", t2 " + str(t2) + ", b13 " + str(b13)
    img = cam.get_image().flip_horizontal()
    edged_img = img.edges(int(t1), int(t2)).invert().smooth()
예제 #21
This program super imposes the camera onto the television in the picture
print __doc__

from simplecv.api import Camera, Image

tv_original = Image("family_watching_television_1958.jpg", sample=True)

tv_coordinates = [(353, 379), (433, 380), (432, 448), (354, 446)]
tv_mask = Image(tv_original.size_tuple).invert().warp(tv_coordinates)
tv = tv_original - tv_mask

c = Camera()

while True:
    bwimage = c.get_image().to_gray().resize(tv.width, tv.height).to_bgr()
    on_tv = tv + bwimage.warp(tv_coordinates)
예제 #22
    right_red = right.merge_channels(r, None, None)
    #right_red.save("red.png", sample=True)
    sz = (left.width + offset[0], left.height + offset[1])
    output = left_blue.embiggen(size=sz, pos=(0, 0))
    output = output.blit(right_red, alpha=0.5, pos=offset)
    output = output.crop(offset[0], y=offset[1], w=left.width - offset[0], h=left.height - offset[1])
    return output

print "Taking pictures. Please move your camera slightly to its right"
print "after every picture."

c = Camera()
images = []

for i in range(5):
    print "Picture %d taken" % (i + 1)

offset = (0, 0)

for i in range(4):
    left = images[i]
    right = images[i + 1]
    output = threedee_me(left, right, offset)
    print output.save(temp=True)
예제 #23
This program does basic motion blurring.  It averages the number of
maxframes that are set using some basic image math
print __doc__

from operator import add
from simplecv.api import Camera

cam = Camera()  # initialize the camera

# the number of frames
maxframes = 3
frames = []

while True:
    #add the next frame to the end of the set

    if len(frames) > maxframes:
        frames.pop(0)  # remove the earliest frame if we're at max

    pic = reduce(add, [i / float(len(frames)) for i in frames])
    # add the frames in the array, weighted by 1 / number of frames
