def __init__(self, username, password, key, logfile, verbose=False): self.inbox = pydelicious.dlcs_feed('user_inbox', format='rss', username=username, key=key) self.api = pydelicious.DeliciousAPI(username, password) self.posters = json_load(pydelicious.json_network(username)) self.logfile = logfile self.verbose = verbose
def update_status(self): playerids = None if self.secret is None: playerids = MultiplayerHandler.session_status(self.session_id) else: url = 'http://%s/api/v1/multiplayer/status/session/%s' % (self.server, self.session_id) try: f = urlopen(url) try: response = json_load(f) # pylint: disable=E1103 if response['ok']: data = response.get('data', None) if data is not None: playerids = data.get('playerids', None) # pylint: enable=E1103 finally: f.close() except URLError: # Switch to internal server self.server = None self.secret = None return except KeyError: return playerids = set(playerids or []) players = self.players for player_id in players.keys(): if player_id not in playerids: del players[player_id]
def merge(source_files, output_filename="default.json", output_metrics=True): """Utility function to merge JSON assets.""""%i assets -> %s", len(source_files), output_filename) merged = { } for i, f in enumerate(source_files):"Processing:%03i:%s", i + 1, f) try: with open(f, 'r') as source: j = json_load(source) if isinstance(j, dict): merged = merge_dictionaries(j, merged) else: merged = j except IOError as e: LOG.error("Failed processing: %s", f) LOG.error(' >> %s', e) try: with open(output_filename, 'w') as target:"Writing:%s", output_filename) json_encoder.FLOAT_REPR = float_to_string json_dump(merged, target, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) except IOError as e: LOG.error('Failed processing: %s', output_filename) LOG.error(' >> %s', e) else: if output_metrics: log_metrics(merged)
def update_status(self): playerids = None if self.secret is None: playerids = MultiplayerHandler.session_status(self.session_id) else: url = 'http://%s/api/v1/multiplayer/status/session/%s' % ( self.server, self.session_id) try: f = urlopen(url) try: response = json_load(f) # pylint: disable=E1103 if response['ok']: data = response.get('data', None) if data is not None: playerids = data.get('playerids', None) # pylint: enable=E1103 finally: f.close() except URLError: # Switch to internal server self.server = None self.secret = None return except KeyError: return playerids = set(playerids or []) players = self.players for player_id in players.keys(): if player_id not in playerids: del players[player_id]
def get_settings_definition(): settings_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'application_settings.json') with open(settings_filename) as f: settings = json_load(f, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) return flatten_settings_definition(settings)
def generate_data(country='US'): if not os.path.isfile(TOWER_FILE) or not os.path.isfile(AP_FILE): tower_data = JSONTupleKeyedDict() ap_data = JSONTupleKeyedDict() cell_gen = random_cell(country=country) wifi_gen = random_ap(country=country) for i in range(TESTING_CELL_SUBSET): lat = random.randint(BBOX[country]['min_lat'], BBOX[country]['max_lat']) lat = float(lat) / FACTOR lon = random.randint(BBOX[country]['min_lon'], BBOX[country]['max_lon']) lon = float(lon) / FACTOR tower_data[(lat, lon)] = [] ap_data[(lat, lon)] = [] for x in range(random.randint(1, 5)): rcell = data = { "radio": rcell['radio'], "mcc": rcell['mcc'], "mnc": rcell['mnc'], "lac": rcell['lac'], "cid": rcell['cid'] } if data not in tower_data[(lat, lon)]: tower_data[(lat, lon)].append(data) for x in range(random.randint(1, 20)): rapp = ap_data[(lat, lon)].append({"key": rapp['key']}) with open(TOWER_FILE, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(tower_data, cls=LocationDictEncoder)) with open(AP_FILE, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(ap_data, cls=LocationDictEncoder)) else: ap_data = json_load(open(AP_FILE), object_hook=JSONLocationDictDecoder) tower_data = json_load(open(TOWER_FILE), object_hook=JSONLocationDictDecoder) return tower_data.items(), ap_data.items()
def read_metadata_cache(self): try: file_name = self.get_meta_data_path() gzip_file = GzipFile(filename=file_name, mode='rb') meta_data_cache = json_load(gzip_file) gzip_file.close() cache_time = stat(file_name).st_mtime except IOError: cache_time = -1 meta_data_cache = {} return cache_time, meta_data_cache
def generate_data(country='US'): if not os.path.isfile(TOWER_FILE) or not os.path.isfile(AP_FILE): tower_data = JSONTupleKeyedDict() ap_data = JSONTupleKeyedDict() cell_gen = random_cell(country=country) wifi_gen = random_ap(country=country) for i in range(TESTING_CELL_SUBSET): lat = random.randint( BBOX[country]['min_lat'], BBOX[country]['max_lat']) lat = float(lat) / FACTOR lon = random.randint( BBOX[country]['min_lon'], BBOX[country]['max_lon']) lon = float(lon) / FACTOR tower_data[(lat, lon)] = [] ap_data[(lat, lon)] = [] for x in range(random.randint(1, 5)): rcell = data = {"radio": rcell['radio'], "mcc": rcell['mcc'], "mnc": rcell['mnc'], "lac": rcell['lac'], "cid": rcell['cid']} if data not in tower_data[(lat, lon)]: tower_data[(lat, lon)].append(data) for x in range(random.randint(1, 20)): rapp = ap_data[(lat, lon)].append({"key": rapp['key']}) with open(TOWER_FILE, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(tower_data, cls=LocationDictEncoder)) with open(AP_FILE, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(ap_data, cls=LocationDictEncoder)) else: ap_data = json_load(open(AP_FILE), object_hook=JSONLocationDictDecoder) tower_data = json_load(open(TOWER_FILE), object_hook=JSONLocationDictDecoder) return tower_data.items(), ap_data.items()
def standard_include(infiles): """Load and merge all the ``infiles``.""" if infiles: definitions = {} for infile in infiles: if path_exists(infile): with open(infile, 'r') as infile_file: infile_json = json_load(infile_file) definitions = merge_dictionaries(infile_json, definitions) else: LOG.error('Missing file: %s', infile) return JsonAsset(definitions=definitions) else: return JsonAsset() return None
def standard_include(infiles): """Load and merge all the ``infiles``.""" if infiles: definitions = { } for infile in infiles: if path_exists(infile): with open(infile, 'r') as infile_file: infile_json = json_load(infile_file) definitions = merge_dictionaries(infile_json, definitions) else: LOG.error('Missing file: %s', infile) return JsonAsset(definitions=definitions) else: return JsonAsset() return None
def load_hashes(self, project): hashes = set() try: # Files containing cached hashes are stored in a folder called "__cached_hashes__". # The name of the file contains the creation time # so we skip files that are too old hashes_folder = join(self.cache_dir, self._cached_hash_folder) stale_time = long(time() - self._cached_hash_ttl) # 30 days for file_path in iglob(join(hashes_folder, '*.json')): delete_file = True try: file_time = long(splitext(basename(file_path))[0]) if stale_time < file_time: file_obj = open(file_path, 'rb') hashes_meta = json_load(file_obj) file_obj.close() # pylint: disable=E1103 hashes_version = hashes_meta.get('version', 0) if 2 <= hashes_version: cached_hashes = hashes_meta.get('hashes', None) if cached_hashes: delete_file = False hashes_host = hashes_meta.get('host', None) if hashes_host == hashes.update(cached_hashes) # pylint: enable=E1103 except (TypeError, ValueError): pass if delete_file:'Deleting stale cache file: %s', file_path) remove(file_path) except (IOError, error): pass except Exception as e: LOG.error(str(e)) hashes.update(self.request_hashes(project)) return hashes
def save_hashes(self, hashes): try: hashes_folder = join(self.cache_dir, self._cached_hash_folder) try: makedirs(hashes_folder) except OSError as e: if e.errno != EEXIST: LOG.error(str(e)) return # Load existing cache and only save the delta for file_path in iglob(join(hashes_folder, '*.json')): try: file_obj = open(file_path, 'rb') hashes_meta = json_load(file_obj) file_obj.close() hashes_host = hashes_meta['host'] if hashes_host == hashes.difference_update(hashes_meta['hashes']) except (IOError, TypeError, ValueError, KeyError, AttributeError): pass if hashes: try: file_path = join(hashes_folder, '%d.json' % long(time())) file_obj = open(file_path, 'wb') hashes_meta = { 'version': 2, 'host':, 'hashes': list(hashes) } json_dump(hashes_meta, file_obj, separators=(',', ':')) file_obj.close() except IOError: pass # pylint: disable=W0703 except Exception as e: LOG.error(str(e))
def main(): output = '' exit_code = 3 url = "" % result = None try: result = urllib2.urlopen(url,timeout = cliargs.timeout) except (urllib2.URLError,urllib2.HTTPError) as err_msg: output = (' error: %s' % err_msg) exit_code = 3 if result is not None: data = json_load( if data.has_key('register'): if data['register'] is None: print ('OK %s is not found in Updated: %s' %(,data['updateTime'])) exit(0) for i in data['register']: output += ('\n%s is found in register. For get more information see: %s' % (i['url'],i['proof'])) exit_code = 2 print(output) exit(exit_code)
def save_hashes(self, hashes): try: hashes_folder = join(self.cache_dir, self._cached_hash_folder) try: makedirs(hashes_folder) except OSError as e: if e.errno != EEXIST: LOG.error(str(e)) return # Load existing cache and only save the delta for file_path in iglob(join(hashes_folder, '*.json')): try: file_obj = open(file_path, 'rb') hashes_meta = json_load(file_obj) file_obj.close() hashes_host = hashes_meta['host'] if hashes_host == hashes.difference_update(hashes_meta['hashes']) except (IOError, TypeError, ValueError, KeyError, AttributeError): pass if hashes: try: file_path = join(hashes_folder, '%d.json' % long(time())) file_obj = open(file_path, 'wb') hashes_meta = {'version': 2, 'host':, 'hashes': list(hashes)} json_dump(hashes_meta, file_obj, separators=(',', ':')) file_obj.close() except IOError: pass # pylint: disable=W0703 except Exception as e: LOG.error(str(e))
def merge(self, other): merged = False if self.secret is None: merged = MultiplayerHandler.merge_sessions(self.session_id, other.session_id) else: hmac = _calculate_merge_session_hmac(self.secret, self.session_id, other.session_id) url = 'http://%s/api/v1/multiplayer/session/merge/%s/%s/%s' % (self.server, self.session_id, other.session_id, hmac) try: f = urlopen(url) try: response = json_load(f) # pylint: disable=E1103 merged = response['ok'] # pylint: enable=E1103 finally: f.close() except (URLError, KeyError): pass if merged: self.players.update(other.players) return merged
def merge(self, other): merged = False if self.secret is None: merged = MultiplayerHandler.merge_sessions(self.session_id, other.session_id) else: hmac = _calculate_merge_session_hmac(self.secret, self.session_id, other.session_id) url = 'http://%s/api/v1/multiplayer/session/merge/%s/%s/%s' % ( self.server, self.session_id, other.session_id, hmac) try: f = urlopen(url) try: response = json_load(f) # pylint: disable=E1103 merged = response['ok'] # pylint: enable=E1103 finally: f.close() except (URLError, KeyError): pass if merged: self.players.update(other.players) return merged
def load_json(filename): f = open(filename, 'rb') data = json_load(f) f.close() return data
from simplejson import load as json_load from matplotlib import pyplot as plt if (len(sys.argv) != 2): print("Argumentos invalidos" + str(len(sys.argv))) exit(1) config_file = sys.argv[1] if not os.path.isfile(config_file): print(f"Fichero {config_file} no encontrado") exit(1) with open(config_file, 'r') as f: config = json_load(f) DATASET_FILES = config['DATASET_FILES'] MAX_DEPTH1 = config['MAX_DEPTH_MIN'] MAX_DEPTH2 = config['MAX_DEPTH_MAX'] MAX_DEPTH_STEP = config['MAX_DEPTH_STEP'] SEED1 = config['SEED1'] SEED2 = config['SEED2'] OUTLIERS = config['OUTLIERS_PERCENT'] O_STEP = config['OUTLIERS_STEP'] PCA1 = config['PCA1'] PCA2 = config['PCA2'] PCA_STEP = config['PCA_STEP'] SAVE_DIR_ = config['SAVE_DIR'] MULTIPLICIDAD = config['MULTIPLICIDAD']
def check(self): """Check inbox for new items.""" logfh = None if os.access(self.logfile, os.F_OK): if self.verbose: print "[LOG] Log file found. Trying to resume...", try: # read in previous log data for resuming logfh = open(self.logfile, 'r') logfh.readline() logfh.close() if self.verbose: print "OK" except IOError: # most probably, the log file does not exist (yet) if self.verbose: print "failed" else: # log file does not exist, so there isn't any resume data # to read in pass try: if self.verbose: print "[LOG] Open log file for appending...", logfh = open(self.logfile, 'a') if self.verbose: print "done" except IOError: if self.verbose: print "failed" print "[LOG] ERROR: could not open log file for appending" self._cleanup() return # query metadata about each entry from for index, entry in enumerate(self.inbox.entries): url = urlmd5 = if in self.posters: if self.verbose: logfh.write("[LOG] %s Processing entry #%s: '%s'\n" % \ (strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), index + 1, url)) try: sleep(1) # be nice and wait 1 sec between connects urlinfo = json_load(pydelicious.dlcs_feed('urlinfo', urlmd5=urlmd5)) if urlinfo: urlinfo = urlinfo[0] else: urlinfo = {} title = urlinfo['title'] top_tags = urlinfo['top_tags'] or [] tagstr = 'via:%s ' % + \ ' '.join([tag.replace(' ','_') for tag in top_tags]) self.api.posts_add(url, title, tags=tagstr.strip()) if self.verbose: logfh.write("[LOG] %s Saved %s\n" % \ (strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), url)) except KeyError: pass except pydelicious.DeliciousItemExistsError: if self.verbose: logfh.write("[LOG] %s %s already added\n" % \ (strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), url)) except: logfh.write("[LOG] %s ERROR: %s\n" % \ (strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), sys.exc_info()[0])) # clean up logfh.close() raise else: logfh.write("[LOG] %s ERROR: %s not in network-aborting %s\n" % :\ (strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),, url)) # clean up logfh.close()