예제 #1
파일: sale.py 프로젝트: gldnspud/simplsale
 def success(self, template_name, transaction_number):
     # First, divert to the 404 page if the
     # transaction_number is not found.
     if transaction_number not in g.success_data:
         return abort(
             status_code = 404, 
             comment = 'Transaction number expired or invalid.',
     # Retrieve from success cache. Copy it since we will mutate it.
     values = g.success_data[transaction_number].copy()
     # Apply the generic commerce notice.
     sale_template = SaleTemplate(template_name)
     success_xml = sale_template.success_xml()
     # Grab the mailer, since it's an object and not a string.
     mailer = values.pop('mailer_instance')
     # Apply remaining text values to the template.
     for key, value in values.items():
         for e in CSSSelector('#' + key)(success_xml):
             e.text = value
     # Allow the mailer to manipulate the page.
     for e in CSSSelector('#simplsale-email-notice')(success_xml):
     # Render.
     return XHTML11_DTD + tounicode(success_xml, method='html')
예제 #2
 def setUp(self):
     self.minimal = SaleTemplate('minimal')
예제 #3
class TestSaleTemplate(object):

    def setUp(self):
        self.minimal = SaleTemplate('minimal')

    def test_fields(self):
        expected = {
            'billing_amount': '',
            'billing_amount_price': '',
            'billing_amount_name': '',
            'billing_email': '',
            'billing_name': '',
            'billing_street': '',
            'billing_zip': '',
            'billing_city': '',
            'billing_state': '',
            'billing_card_number': '',
            'billing_expiration_month': '',
            'billing_expiration_year': '',
            'billing_cvv2': '',
        print self.minimal.fields()
        assert expected == self.minimal.fields()

    def test_receipt_text_all(self):
        values = dict(
            billing_email = '*****@*****.**',
            transaction_number = '123',
            billing_amount = '45.00 some option',
            billing_amount_description = 'some option',
            billing_amount_price = '45.00',
            billing_street = '123 Fake St.',
            billing_city = 'Springfield',
            billing_state = 'OR',
            billing_zip = '97477',
            billing_card_number = '************5100',
            commerce_name = 'dummy',
            commerce_notice = '(No actual commerce plugin was used)',
        expected = dedent("""\
            From: [email protected]
            To: [email protected]
            Subject: SimplSale minimal - sale # 123

            (No actual commerce plugin was used)

            The SimplTest minimal sale completed.

            The transaction number is 123.

            You purchased "some option".
            Billing amount was 45.00.


            Billing Street: 123 Fake St.
            Billing City: Springfield
            Billing State: OR
            Billing ZIP: 97477
            Billing Card No.: ************5100
        assert expected == self.minimal.receipt_text(**values)

    def test_record_text_all(self):
        values = dict(
            billing_email = '*****@*****.**',
            transaction_number = '123',
            billing_amount = '45.00 some option',
            billing_amount_description = 'some option',
            billing_amount_price = '45.00',
            billing_street = '123 Fake St.',
            billing_city = 'Springfield',
            billing_state = 'OR',
            billing_zip = '97477',
            billing_card_number = '************5100',
            commerce_name = 'dummy',
            commerce_notice = '(No actual commerce plugin was used)',
        expected = dedent("""\
            From: [email protected]
            To: [email protected]
            Subject: SimplSale minimal [dummy] - 123

            Transaction number: 123
            Billing amount:     45.00 some option

            Billing email:      [email protected]
            Billing Street:     123 Fake St.
            Billing City:       Springfield
            Billing State:      OR
            Billing ZIP:        97477
            Billing Card No.:   ************5100


            123,[email protected],45.00 some option,123 Fake St.,Springfield,OR,97477,************5100
        assert expected == self.minimal.record_text(**values)
예제 #4
파일: sale.py 프로젝트: gldnspud/simplsale
 def index_slash(self, template_name):
     sale_template = SaleTemplate(template_name)
     index_xml = sale_template.index_xml()
     form = h.simplsale_form(index_xml)
     # Fill in the expiration month and year fields if they use
     # select tags.
     month_selects = CSSSelector(
     for select in month_selects:
     year_selects = CSSSelector(
     for select in year_selects:
     # GET-specific stuff.
     if request.method == 'GET':
         # Empty form, so remove the form-errors element.
         h.set_form_errors(form, None)
         # Also remove any field errors.
         field_names = sale_template.fields().keys()
         h.remove_field_errors(form, *field_names)
         h.remove_field_errors(form, 'billing_expiration')
     # POST-specific stuff.
     elif request.method == 'POST':
         # Get the values for all of the fields.
         values = {}
         for name in sale_template.fields().keys():
             values[name] = request.params.get(name, '').strip()
         # Check to make sure all required fields are filled in.
         values_ok = True
         zip_is_valid = True
         for name in sale_template.fields(required=True).keys():
             if name.startswith('billing_expiration_'):
             value = values[name]
             if value == '':
                 # Set form errors if there are empty required
                 # fields.
                 values_ok = False
             elif name == 'billing_zip' and not h.is_valid_zip(value):
                 # Special handling for ZIP codes, to determine
                 # validity.
                 zip_is_valid = values_ok = False
                 # Remove field errors for non-empty required
                 # fields, and set their values to what the user
                 # gave.
                 h.remove_field_errors(form, name)
             h.set_field_value(form, name, value)
         # Handle billing_expiration_ differently.
         month = values['billing_expiration_month']
         year = values['billing_expiration_year']
         if month == '' or year == '':
             values_ok = False
             h.remove_field_errors(form, 'billing_expiration')
         h.set_field_value(form, 'billing_expiration_month', month)
         h.set_field_value(form, 'billing_expiration_year', year)
         # Resolve ZIP codes if optional city and state not
         # completely filled in.
         if (zip_is_valid
             and (values.get('billing_city', None) == ''
                  or values.get('billing_state', None) == ''
                 info = loads(get_zipcode_info(str(values['billing_zip'])))
             except KeyError:
                 values['billing_city'] = info['city']
                 values['billing_state'] = info['state']
                 h.set_field_value(form, 'billing_city', info['city'])
                 h.set_field_value(form, 'billing_state', info['state'])
         # Finish up.
         if values_ok:
             # Redirect to success page when everything is OK.
             # --- Unsanitized values ---
             # Split billing_amount between price and description.
             ba_items = values['billing_amount'].split(' ', 1)
             ba_price, ba_description = ba_items
             values['billing_amount_price'] = ba_price
             # Create and submit the commerce transaction.
             CommerceClass = config['simplsale.commerce.class']
             transaction = CommerceClass(config, values)
             transaction.submit()    # Blocking.
             # --- Sanitize ---
             values['billing_amount_description'] = ba_description
             values['billing_amount_price'] = ba_price
             # Obscure the card number.
             cn = values['billing_card_number']
             obscure_len = len(cn) - 4
             obscured_cn = ('*' * obscure_len) + cn[obscure_len:]
             values['billing_card_number'] = obscured_cn
             # --- Sanitized values ---
             if transaction.result is transaction.SUCCESS:
                 # Store transaction number and other information.
                     commerce_name = config['simplsale.commerce'],
                     commerce_notice = 
                     transaction_number = transaction.number,
                 # Successful transaction. First, deliver email.
                 EmailClass = config['simplsale.email.class']
                 mailer = EmailClass(sale_template, values)
                 # Store the mailer itself so it can construct
                 # notices directly onto success pages using etree
                 # manipulation.
                 values['mailer_instance'] = mailer
                 # Associate values with transaction number.
                 g.success_data[transaction.number] = values
                 # Perform the redirection.
                     template_name = template_name,
                     transaction_number = transaction.number,
             elif transaction.result is transaction.FAILURE:
                 # Failed transaction, continue with index page.
                     'We could not process your transaction. '
                     'Please make sure that the information '
                     'below is correct.  ("%s")' % transaction.result_text
             # Set form errors and continue with rendering the
             # index page again.
                 form, 'Some fields are not complete.  See below.')
     return XHTML11_DTD + tounicode(index_xml, method='html')