def run(self): try: # parse configuration self.config = Configuration(self.config_file_name) except FileNotFoundError as e: print("[Error] File not found: {}".format(e.filename)) exit(1) #variables = self.config.get_variables() #pprint(variables) #tasks = self.config.get_tasks() #pprint(tasks) # change to low priority process = psutil.Process() if is "nt": process.nice(psutil.BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS) else: process.nice(10) # should about be the same as BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS self.runner = Runner(self.max_workers) self.runner.add_tasks(self.config.get_tasks()) if self.interactive_mode: import curses # curses.wrapper(self.interactive_screen) else:
class Simr: program_description = 'Simr v0.0.2' config = None runner = None processing_units = 0 max_workers = 0 interactive_mode = False config_file_name = "" curses_screen = None def __init__(self): self.processing_units = multiprocessing.cpu_count() print("Processing units found: {}".format(self.processing_units)) self.max_workers = self.processing_units def set_max_workers(self, max_workers): self.max_workers = max_workers print("Max workers set to: {}".format(self.max_workers)) def set_interactive_mode(self, interactive_mode): self.interactive_mode = interactive_mode if interactive_mode: print("Interactive mode: {}".format(self.interactive_mode)) def set_config_file_name(self, config_file_name): self.config_file_name = config_file_name print("Config file: {}".format(self.config_file_name)) def interactive_screen(self, win): try: import curses except ImportError: print("Could not import curses. Please install:") exit(1) self.curses_screen = win curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.curs_set(False) self.curses_screen.keypad(1) self.curses_screen.nodelay(1) self.curses_screen.timeout(1000) counter = 1 # draw screen self.curses_screen.addstr(0, 1, " {} ".format(Simr.program_description)) self.curses_screen.addstr(4, 1, "Press up, down, or q") y, x = self.curses_screen.getmaxyx() self.curses_screen.hline(2, 1, curses.ACS_HLINE, x - 2) # flush any input curses.flushinp() while 1: self.curses_screen.addstr(1, 1, "Max workers: {}".format(self.max_workers)) self.curses_screen.addstr(3, 1, "Counter: {}".format(counter)) self.curses_screen.refresh() c = self.curses_screen.getch() if c == ord('q'): self.curses_screen.clear() return 0 elif c == curses.KEY_UP: self.max_workers += 1 if self.max_workers > self.processing_units: self.max_workers = self.processing_units elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN: self.max_workers -= 1 if self.max_workers < 0: self.max_workers = 0 pass counter += 1 def run(self): try: # parse configuration self.config = Configuration(self.config_file_name) except FileNotFoundError as e: print("[Error] File not found: {}".format(e.filename)) exit(1) #variables = self.config.get_variables() #pprint(variables) #tasks = self.config.get_tasks() #pprint(tasks) # change to low priority process = psutil.Process() if is "nt": process.nice(psutil.BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS) else: process.nice(10) # should about be the same as BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS self.runner = Runner(self.max_workers) self.runner.add_tasks(self.config.get_tasks()) if self.interactive_mode: import curses # curses.wrapper(self.interactive_screen) else: