def getExpandPop(logger=None,**kwargs): """ Wrapper for """ options = simuGWAS.options short_desc = '''This program evolves a subset of the HapMap dataset forward in time in order to simulate case control samples with realistic allele frequency and linkage disequilibrium structure.''' if len(kwargs) > 0: pars = Params(options,short_desc,**kwargs) else: pars = Params(options,short_desc) if not pars.guiGetParam(): sys.exit(1) if os.path.isfile(pars.filename):"Expanded population %s already exists, skipping ahead!" % pars.filename) return pars if pars.run_mode == "Now": init=simuPOP.loadPopulation(pars.initPop)'Loaded initial population from file %s. ' % pars.initPop) pop = simuGWAS.simuGWAS(pars,init,logger) if pars.filename:"Saving expanded population to %s" % pars.filename) pop.vars().clear() pars.expandPop =pop elif pars.run_mode == "Batch": pars.saveConfig("simuGWAS.config") return pars
def addMutantsFrom(pop, param): # Adding mutants extMutantFile, regions, logger = param mPop = sim.loadPopulation(extMutantFile) # convert allele-based population to mutation based population. mPop = allelesToMutants(mPop, regions, logger) # mPop.resize(pop.popSize()) # Add loci to pop for ch in range(mPop.numChrom()): pop.addLoci([ch] * mPop.numLoci(ch), list( range( pop.numLoci(ch) + 1, pop.numLoci(ch) + mPop.numLoci(ch) + 1))) if logger: # if an initial population is given'Adding mutants to population after bottleneck') # Add mutants to pop for ind, mInd in zip(pop.individuals(), mPop.individuals()): for p in range(2): for ch in range(pop.numChrom()): geno = ind.genotype(p, ch) mGeno = mInd.genotype(p, ch) idx = geno.index(0) for i, m in enumerate(mGeno): if m == 0: break geno[idx + i] = m return True
def single_mode(pipeline_pars,logger=None): if download_pars=downloadData(logger) if pipeline_pars.init: init_pop_pars =getInitPop(logger) if pipeline_pars.expand: expand_pop_pars = getExpandPop(logger) if pipeline_pars.penetrance: case_control_pars = getCaseControl(logger) if pipeline_pars.expand: if expand_pop_pars.filename == case_control_pars.expandPop: case_control_pars.pop = expand_pop_pars.expandPop"Using expandPop from simuGWAS!") else: case_control_pars.pop = simuPOP.loadPopulation(case_control_pars.expandPop)"Expanded population %s loaded!" %case_control_pars.expandPop) if os.path.isfile(case_control_pars.sampledPop):"Skipping case control dataset, file %s exists." %case_control_pars.sampledPop) else: case_control_dataset = singleGeneModel.penetrance(case_control_pars,logger)"Sampled population saved at %s" %case_control_pars.sampledPop) if pipeline_pars.format: format_filenames = get_formatters(logger) if pipeline_pars.cline: cline_filenames = get_cline(logger)
def inRead(filename): """ Reads a binary file containing a population in simuPOP format. Returns the population as a simuPOP object. """ pop = inputsimuPop.loadPopulation(filename) return pop
def downloadData(logger=None,**kwargs): ''' Download and create populations from the third phase of the HapMap3 data. By default it grabs all available populations. chroms -- a list of human chromosome numbers. (required) mypops -- a list of HapMap population names. (optional) If the directory "HapMap" does not exist in the current directory, it will create one. In the HapMap directory, if a HapMap population file already exists, it will not be overwritten. From Peng and Amos This equivalent to command > --chroms='[2, 5,10]' --dest=HapMap ''' options = loadHapMap3.options short_desc = """This script downloads the second release of the phase 3 of the HapMap datasets\n' 'and saves them in simuPOP format. It also downloads the fine-scale\n' 'recombination map and saves the genetic distance of each marker in\n' 'a dictionary (geneticMap) in the population\'s local namespace.""" if len(kwargs) > 0: pars = Params(options,short_desc,kwargs) else: pars = Params(options,short_desc) if not pars.guiGetParam(nCol=2): sys.exit(1) if not pars.skip: for chrom in pars.chroms: for sample in loadHapMap3.HapMap3_pops: popFile = os.path.join(pars.dest, "HapMap3_%s_chr%d.pop" % (sample, chrom)) try: if os.path.isfile(popFile): pop = simuPOP.loadPopulation(popFile) if pop.popSize() == loadHapMap3.HapMap3_pop_sizes[sample]: if logger:"Skipping existing population %s." % popFile) continue except: print "do or do not, there is no try"# continue to load file pass pop = loadHapMapPop(chrom, sample) if logger:"Save population to %s." % popFile) return pars
# call function simuRareVariants to get simulated population. You can # also call the script from command line. # # We only need pop file to further analysis. No .ped file is saved. simuRareVariants(regions=['chr1:1..63000'], N=(8100, 8100, 7900, 900000), G=(20000, 10, 370), mu=1.8e-8, steps=[100, 1, 10], selModel='multiplicative', selDist='constant', selCoef=None, popFile='example.pop') # load population pop = sim.loadPopulation('example.pop') # add an information field to every individual pop.addInfoFields('trait') def trait(geno): ''' Define a quantitative trait model. geno is the genotype of each individual passed by pyQuanTrait. Note that this population is in mutational space so geno is the location instead of value of mutants. 0 values should be ignored. ''' # get number of mutants count = len(geno) - geno.count(0) # N(count, 1) using simuPOP's random number generator. return sim.getRNG().randNormal(count, 1)
def removeDPL(pop,DPL=['rs4491689'],savefile=False): """ Removes a locus by name and (if specified) saves the population to savefile. Expands upon the simuPOP.removeLoci() by returning an error if one of the DPL is already removed. """ for locus in DPL: try: pop.removeLoci(pop.locusByName(locus)) except ValueError: return "Locus %s already removed!" %locus if savefile: return 0 if __name__=='__main__': popname = 'rep_1.pop' newDPLfile = popname.split('.')[0] + "_newDPL_loc.txt" pop = sim.loadPopulation(popname) print "Started with %d loci" % pop.totNumLoci() numRemoved,newLoc = removeRare(pop,savefile='MAFremoved_'+popname) print "Removed %d Loci!" % numRemoved print "pop now has %d loci" % pop.totNumLoci() writeSNPLoc(newLoc,newDPLfile) removeDPL_success = removeDPL(pop,savefile='DPLremoved_'+popname) print removeDPL_success removeDPL_success = removeDPL(pop,savefile='DPLremoved_'+popname) print removeDPL_success
popsize = 10000 females = 400 males = 400 generations = 10 replicates = 100 td = TusonDrift(genetic_map_filename=map_filename, population_size=popsize, number_of_breeding_females=females, number_of_breeding_males=males, number_of_generations=generations, founder_population_filename=founder_filename, population_structure_filename=popst_filename) recom_rates = parser.parse_recombination_rates(map_filename) tuson = sim.loadPopulation(td.founder_population_filename) tuson.setSubPopName('tuson', 0) sim.tagID(tuson, reset=True) # tuson_meta = td.initialize_meta_population(tuson, number_of_reps=replicates) # sites, inds = td.find_fixed_sites(tuson, 0.15, 0.03) sim.stat(tuson, numOfSegSites=sim.ALL_AVAIL, vars=['numOfFixedSites', 'fixedSites']) sites = tuson.dvars().fixedSites
#import h5py #import collections as col np.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=3) input_file_prefix = '/home/vakanas/BISB/rjwlab-scripts/saegus_project/devel/magic/1478/' mg = analyze.MultiGeneration('epsilon') run_id = 'epsilon' generations = 10 heritability = 0.7 number_of_qtl = 50 number_of_replicates = 2 founders = [[2, 26], [3, 25], [4, 24], [5, 23]] os_per_pair = 500 recombination_rates = [0.01] * 1478 prefounders = sim.loadPopulation(input_file_prefix + 'bia_prefounders.pop') config_file_template = input_file_prefix + 'gwas_pipeline.xml' sim.tagID(prefounders, reset=True) alleles = np.array( pd.read_hdf(input_file_prefix + 'parameters/alleles_at_1478_loci.hdf')) rdm_populations = sim.Simulator(prefounders, number_of_replicates, stealPops=False) rdm_magic = breed.MAGIC(rdm_populations, founders, recombination_rates) sim.tagID(prefounders, reset=27) rdm_magic.generate_f_one(founders, os_per_pair) sim.stat(rdm_populations.population(0), alleleFreq=sim.ALL_AVAIL) af = analyze.allele_data(rdm_populations.population(0), alleles,
pop.popSize() pop.alleleName(1) pop.numChrom() pop.chromBegin(1) ind = pop.individual(2) # access individual ind.chromName(0) # fitness in infoFields # recombination # save and load a population pop = sim.Population(100, loci=5, chromNames=['chrom1']) pop.dvars().name = 'my sim.Population''sample.pop') pop1 = sim.loadPopulation('sample.pop') # genetic drift with 1 replication pop = sim.Population(100, loci=[5]) startfreq = .5 gens = 100 steps = 10 f = open('simtest_out.txt', 'w+') f.write('gen,freq\n') f.close() pop.evolve( initOps=[ sim.InitGenotype( freq=[startfreq, 1 - startfreq]), # initalize genotypes with, 2 alleles w/ freq
def test_generate_operating_population(): genetic_map = pd.read_csv('nam_prefounders_genetic_map.txt', index_col=None, sep='\t') pf_map ='pf_map') misc_gmap ='misc_gmap') uniparams ='uniparams') locus_names = uniparams['locus_names'] pos_column = uniparams['pos_column'] allele_names = uniparams['allele_names'] snp_to_integer = uniparams['snp_to_integer'] integer_to_snp = uniparams['integer_to_snp'] alleles = misc_gmap['alleles'] chr_cM_positions = misc_gmap['chr_cM_positions'] cM_positions = misc_gmap['cM_positions'] integral_valued_loci = misc_gmap['integral_valued_loci'] relative_integral_valued_loci = misc_gmap['relative_integral_valued_loci'] recombination_rates = misc_gmap['recombination_rates'] nam = sim.loadPopulation(uniparams['prefounder_file_name']) sim.tagID(nam, reset=True) nam.setSubPopName('maize_nam_prefounders', 0) selection_statistics = { 'aggregate': {}, 'selected': {}, 'non-selected': {} } ind_names_for_gwas = {i: {} for i in range(uniparams[ 'number_of_replicates'])} uniparams['meta_pop_sample_sizes'] = {i: 100 for i in range(0, uniparams['generations_of_selection'] + 1, 2) } s = simulate.Truncation(uniparams['generations_of_selection'], uniparams['generations_of_random_mating'], uniparams['operating_population_size'], uniparams[ 'proportion_of_individuals_saved'], uniparams['overshoot_as_proportion'], uniparams['individuals_per_breeding_subpop'], uniparams['heritability'], uniparams['meta_pop_sample_sizes'], uniparams['number_of_replicates']) ind_names_for_gwas = {i: {} for i in range(uniparams[ 'number_of_replicates'])} founders = uniparams['founders'] replicated_nam = sim.Simulator(nam, rep=2, stealPops=False) pop = replicated_nam.extract(0) assert pop.popSize() == 26, "Population is too large." s.generate_f_one(pop, recombination_rates, founders, 100) assert pop.popSize() == 400, "Population should have size: {} after the F_1 mating " \ "procedure." \ "".format(len(founders) * 100) #pop.splitSubPop(0, [100] * 4) #subpop_list = list(range(pop.numSubPop())) intmd_os_struct = s.restructure_offspring(pop, 100, 4) snd_order = breed.SecondOrderPairIDChooser(intmd_os_struct, 1) pop.evolve( preOps=[sim.MergeSubPops()], matingScheme=sim.HomoMating( sim.PyParentsChooser(snd_order.snd_ord_id_pairs), sim.OffspringGenerator(ops=[ sim.IdTagger(), sim.ParentsTagger(), sim.PedigreeTagger(), sim.Recombinator(rates=recombination_rates) ], numOffspring=1), subPopSize=[200], ), gen=1, ) assert pop.popSize() == 1, "Population does not have correct size after second round of mating." second_intmd_os_struct = s.restructure_offspring(pop, 100, 2) third_order = breed.SecondOrderPairIDChooser(second_intmd_os_struct, 1) pop.evolve( preOps=[sim.MergeSubPops()], matingScheme=sim.HomoMating( sim.PyParentsChooser(third_order.snd_ord_id_pairs), sim.OffspringGenerator(ops=[ sim.IdTagger(), sim.ParentsTagger(), sim.PedigreeTagger(), sim.Recombinator(rates=recombination_rates) ], numOffspring=1), subPopSize=[100], ), gen=1, ) assert pop.popSize() == 100, "Second merge of breeding sub-populations. Offspring population does not have " \ "correct size"
# # This script is an example in the simuPOP user's guide. Please refer to # the user's guide ( for a detailed # description of this example. # import simuPOP as sim pop = sim.Population(100, loci=10) # five copies of the same population simu = sim.Simulator(pop, rep=5) simu.numRep() # evolve for ten generations and save the populations simu.evolve(initOps=[sim.InitSex(), sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.3, 0.7])], matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(), finalOps=sim.SavePopulation('!"pop%d.pop"%rep'), gen=10) # load the population and create another Simulator simu = sim.Simulator([sim.loadPopulation('pop%d.pop' % x) for x in range(5)]) # continue to evolve simu.evolve(matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(), gen=10) # print out allele frequency for pop in simu.populations(): sim.stat(pop, alleleFreq=0) print('%.2f' % pop.dvars().alleleFreq[0][0]) # get a population pop = simu.extract(0) simu.numRep()
def simuRareVariants(regions, N, G, mu, selDist, selCoef, selModel='exponential', recRate=0, splitTo=[1], splitAt=0, migrRate=0, steps=[100], mutationModel='finite_sites', initPop='', extMutantFile='', addMutantsAt=0, postHook=None, statFile='', popFile='', markerFile='', mutantFile='', genotypeFile='', verbose=1, logger=None): ''' Please refer to -h for a detailed description of all parameters. Note that a user-defined function can be passed to parameter selDist to specify arbitrary distribution of fitness. A script-only feature is that a Python function can be provided through parameter postHook to process the population at each generation. ''' # # convert regions to start/end positions ranges = [] chromTypes = [] for region in regions: start, end = [int(x) for x in region.split(':')[1].split('..')] ranges.append((start, end + 1)) if region.split(':')[0] == 'chrX': chromTypes.append(sim.CHROMOSOME_X) if len(regions) > 1: raise ValueError( 'The current implementation only allows one region if it is on chromosome X' )'Chromosome {} is on chromosome X'.format(region)) elif region.split(':')[0] == 'chrY': raise ValueError( 'The current implementation does not support chromosome Y') chromTypes.append(sim.CHROMOSOME_Y)'Chromosome {} is on chromosome Y'.format(region)) else: chromTypes.append(sim.AUTOSOME) if logger:'%s regions with a total length of %d basepair.' % (len(ranges), sum([x[1] - x[0] for x in ranges]))) # # set default parameter if selCoef is None: # set default parameters if selDist == 'mixed_gamma': selCoef = [0.0186, 0.0001, 0.184, 0.160 * 2, 0.5, 0.0001, 0.1] elif selDist == 'mixed_gamma1': selCoef = [0, -1, 0.562341, 0.01, 0.5, 0.00001, 0.1] elif selDist == 'gamma1': selCoef = [0.23, 0.185 * 2, 0.5] elif selDist == 'gamma2': selCoef = [0.184, 0.160 * 2, 0.5] elif selDist == 'gamma3': selCoef = [0.206, 0.146 * 2, 0.5] elif selDist == 'constant': selCoef = [0.01, 0.5] elif not isinstance(selDist, collections.Callable): raise ValueError("Unsupported random distribution") else: # force to list type selCoef = list(selCoef) if len(steps) == 0: # at the end of each stage steps = G elif len(steps) == 1: # save step for each stage steps = steps * len(G) # use a right selection operator. collector = fitnessCollector() mode = { 'multiplicative': sim.MULTIPLICATIVE, 'additive': sim.ADDITIVE, 'exponential': sim.EXPONENTIAL }[selModel] # if type(popFile) == str: popFile = [popFile, -1] # if isinstance(selDist, collections.Callable): mySelector = MutSpaceSelector(selDist=selDist, mode=mode, output=collector.getCoef) elif selDist == 'mixed_gamma': mySelector = MutSpaceSelector(selDist=mixedGamma(selCoef), mode=mode, output=collector.getCoef) elif selDist == 'mixed_gamma1': mySelector = MutSpaceSelector(selDist=mixedGamma1(selCoef), mode=mode, output=collector.getCoef) elif selDist.startswith('gamma'): mySelector = MutSpaceSelector(selDist=[sim.GAMMA_DISTRIBUTION] + selCoef, mode=mode, output=collector.getCoef) elif selDist == 'constant': if selCoef == 0: mySelector = sim.NoneOp() else: mySelector = MutSpaceSelector(selDist=[sim.CONSTANT] + selCoef, mode=mode, output=collector.getCoef) # # Evolve if os.path.isfile(initPop): if logger:'Loading initial population %s...' % initPop) pop = sim.loadPopulation(initPop) if pop.numChrom() != len(regions): raise ValueError( 'Initial population %s does not have specified regions.' % initPop) for ch, reg in enumerate(regions): if pop.chromName(ch) != reg: raise ValueError( 'Initial population %s does not have region %s' % (initPop, reg)) pop.addInfoFields(['fitness', 'migrate_to']) else: pop = sim.Population(size=N[0], loci=[10] * len(regions), chromNames=regions, infoFields=['fitness', 'migrate_to'], chromTypes=chromTypes) if logger: startTime = time.clock() # progGen = [] # 0, G[0], G[0]+G[1], ..., sum(G) Gens = [sum(G[:i]) for i in range(len(G) + 1)] for i in range(len(Gens) - 1): progGen += list(range(Gens[i], Gens[i + 1], steps[i])) pop.evolve( initOps=sim.InitSex(), preOps=[ sim.PyOutput('''Statistics outputted are 1. Generation number, 2. population size (a list), 3. number of segregation sites, 4. average number of segregation sites per individual 5. average allele frequency * 100 6. average fitness value 7. minimal fitness value of the parental population ''', at = 0)] + \ [sim.PyOutput('Starting stage %d\n' % i, at = Gens[i]) for i in range(0, len(Gens))] + \ # add alleles from an existing population [sim.IfElse(extMutantFile != '', ifOps = [ sim.PyOutput('Loading and converting population %s' % extMutantFile), sim.PyOperator(func=addMutantsFrom, param=(extMutantFile, regions, logger)), ], at = addMutantsAt), # revert alleles at fixed loci to wildtype MutSpaceRevertFixedSites(), # mutate in a region at rate mu, if verbose > 2, save mutation events to a file MutSpaceMutator(mu, ranges, {'finite_sites':1, 'infinite_sites':2}[mutationModel], output='' if verbose < 2 else '>>mutations.lst'), # selection on all loci mySelector, # output statistics in verbose mode sim.IfElse(verbose > 0, ifOps=[ sim.Stat(popSize=True, meanOfInfo='fitness', minOfInfo='fitness'), NumSegregationSites(), sim.PyEval(r'"%5d %s %5d %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f\n" ' '% (gen, subPopSize, numSites, avgSites, avgFreq*100, meanOfInfo["fitness"], minOfInfo["fitness"])', output='>>' + statFile), ], at = progGen ), sim.IfElse(len(splitTo) > 1, sim.Migrator(rate=migrIslandRates(migrRate, len(splitTo)), begin=splitAt + 1) ), ], matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(ops=MutSpaceRecombinator(recRate, ranges), subPopSize=multiStageDemoFunc(N, G, splitTo, splitAt)), postOps = [ sim.NoneOp() if postHook is None else sim.PyOperator(func=postHook), sim.SavePopulation(popFile[0], at=popFile[1]), ], finalOps=[ # revert fixed sites so that the final population does not have fixed sites MutSpaceRevertFixedSites(), sim.IfElse(verbose > 0, ifOps=[ # statistics after evolution sim.Stat(popSize=True), NumSegregationSites(), sim.PyEval(r'"%5d %s %5d %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f\n" ' '% (gen+1, subPopSize, numSites, avgSites, avgFreq*100, meanOfInfo["fitness"], minOfInfo["fitness"])', output='>>' + statFile), sim.PyEval(r'"Simulated population has %d individuals, %d segregation sites.' r'There are on average %.1f sites per individual. Mean allele frequency is %.4f%%.\n"' r'% (popSize, numSites, avgSites, avgFreq*100)'), ]), ], gen = Gens[-1] ) # record selection coefficients to population if len(collector.selCoef) == 0: # this must be the neutral case where a NonOp has been used. pop.dvars().selCoef = 0 else: pop.dvars().selCoef = collector.selCoef # re-save the file with the added selCoef if popFile[-1] == -1:[0]) # if logger:'Population simulation takes %.2f seconds' % (time.clock() - startTime)) if markerFile or genotypeFile: if logger:'Saving marker information to file %s' % markerFile) mutants = saveMarkerInfoToFile(pop, markerFile, logger) if genotypeFile: if logger:'Saving genotype in .ped format to file %s' % genotypeFile) saveGenotypeToFile(pop, genotypeFile, mutants, logger) if mutantFile: if logger:'Saving mutants to file %s' % mutantFile) saveMutantsToFile(pop, mutantFile, logger=logger) return pop
line = ListGEN.write(g + "\n") ListGEN.close() #====================== Save Informations ======================# file_to_open_3 = os.path.join(PATHF, "savepop0.pop") file_to_open_4 = os.path.join(PATHF, "Resultats", "savepop0.pop") shutil.copy(file_to_open_3, file_to_open_4) for g in range(nb_gen): file_to_open_5 = os.path.join(PATHF, "Resultats", "savepop%d.pop" % g) pop = sim.loadPopulation(file_to_open_5) file_to_open_6 = os.path.join(PATHF, "Resultats", "myPOP_Generation_" + str(g) + ".tmp") export(pop, format='csv', infoFields=['sum_g1', 'z1', 'fitness'], output=file_to_open_6, gui=False) #====================== Execute the script wich paste the gen column ======================# file_to_open_7 = os.path.join(PATHF, "Script", " %s %s")[file_to_open_7 % (nb_indiv, nb_gen)], shell=True)
proto_prefix = 'C:\\Users\\DoubleDanks\\BISB\\wisser\\code\\rjwlab-scripts' \ '\\saegus_project\\devel\\data_dump' \ '\\fourth_generation_simulated_gwas\\' run_prefix = 'rs_L10_H04\\' tassel_input_dir_prefix = proto_prefix + run_prefix + 'tassel_input\\' tassel_output_dir_prefix = proto_prefix + run_prefix + 'tassel_output\\' tassel_config_prefix = proto_prefix + run_prefix + 'tassel_config_files\\' various_simulation_info_prefix = proto_prefix + run_prefix + 'simulation_data\\' populations_prefix = proto_prefix + run_prefix + 'populations\\' parameter_prefix = proto_prefix + run_prefix + 'simulation_parameters\\' ind_names_prefix = proto_prefix + run_prefix + 'ind_names\\' nam = sim.loadPopulation(u_parameters['prefounder_file_name']) sim.tagID(nam, reset=True) nam.setSubPopName('maize_nam_prefounders', 0) selection_statistics = {'aggregate': {}, 'selected': {}, 'non-selected': {}} ind_names_for_gwas = { i: {} for i in range(u_parameters['number_of_replicates']) } u_parameters['meta_pop_sample_sizes'] = { i: 100 for i in range(0, u_parameters['generations_of_selection'] + 1, 2) } s = simulate.Truncation(u_parameters['generations_of_selection'],
recombination_rates = [] for chromosome in cM_positions: for cM in chromosome: if str(cM)[-2:] == '.6': recombination_rates.append(0.01) else: recombination_rates.append(0.0) flat_cM_positions = [] for cMs in cM_positions: flat_cM_positions.extend(cMs) # In[ ]: nam = sim.loadPopulation('nam_prefounders.pop') sim.tagID(nam, reset=True) nam.setSubPopName('prefounders', 0) sample_sizes = {i: 100 for i in range(0, 21, 2)} locus_names = list(range(nam.totNumLoci())) genetic_structure = {} #genetic_structure['cM_positions'] = cM_positions #enetic_structure['chr_cM_positions'] = chr_cM_positions genetic_structure['allele_names'] = allele_names genetic_structure['integral_valued_loci'] = integral_valued_loci genetic_structure[ 'relative_integral_valued_loci'] = relative_integral_valued_loci genetic_structure['alleles'] = alleles genetic_structure['recombination_rates'] = recombination_rates
def tuson_pop(): tuson = sim.loadPopulation('tuson.pop') return tuson
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # # This script is an example in the simuPOP user's guide. Please refer to # the user's guide ( for a detailed # description of this example. # import simuPOP as sim from simuPOP.sampling import drawNuclearFamilySample pop = sim.loadPopulation('log/pedigree.pop') sample = drawNuclearFamilySample(pop, families=2, numOffspring=(2, 4), affectedParents=(1, 2), affectedOffspring=(1, 3)) # try to separate two families? sample.asPedigree() #= sim.Pedigree(sample, loci=sim.ALL_AVAIL, infoFields=sim.ALL_AVAIL) sample.addInfoFields('ped_id') # return size of families sz = sample.identifyFamilies(pedField='ped_id') print(sz) ped1 = sample.extractIndividuals(IDs=0, idField='ped_id') # print the ID of all individuals in the first pedigree print([ind.ind_id for ind in ped1.allIndividuals()])
def load_nam(): nam = sim.loadPopulation('nam_prefounders.pop') return nam