def plotpmf1D(xvst,xlabel="",ylabel="Free energy (k$_B$T)",bins=50,saveas=None,display=True,label=""): """Plot 1D pmf""" if not display: import matplotlib matplotlib.use("Agg") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt mid_bin,Fdata = pmfutil.pmf1D(xvst,bins=bins) plt.plot(mid_bin,Fdata,lw=2,label=label) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) if saveas is not None: plt.savefig(saveas) if display:
def TS_probabilities(Tdirs,coordfile,contact_args): """ Calculate the TS contact probabilities along some reaction coordinate Parameters ---------- Tdirs : list List of directory names to collect reaction coordinate file from coordfile : str Name of file containing reaction coordinate. contact_args : object Object containing the """ T = Tdirs[0].split("_")[0] coordname = coordfile.split(".")[0] if not os.path.exists("%s_profile/state_bounds.txt" % coordname): # Determine state bounds from 1D profile print "calculating state bounds" coordvst = np.concatenate([np.loadtxt("%s/%s" % (x,coordfile)) for x in Tdirs ]) if not os.path.exists("%s_profile" % coordname): os.mkdir("%s_profile" % coordname) os.chdir("%s_profile" % coordname) mid_bin, Fdata = pmfutil.pmf1D(coordvst,bins=40) xinterp, F = pmfutil.interpolate_profile(mid_bin,Fdata) minidx, maxidx = pmfutil.extrema_from_profile(xinterp,F) min_bounds, max_bounds = pmfutil.state_bounds_from_profile(xinterp,F) min_labels, max_labels = pmfutil.assign_state_labels(min_bounds,max_bounds) pmfutil.save_state_bounds(T,min_bounds,max_bounds,min_labels,max_labels) os.chdir("..") with open("%s_profile/%s_state_bounds.txt" % (coordname,T),"r") as fin: state_bins = np.array([ [float(x.split()[1]),float(x.split()[2])] for x in fin.readlines() if x.split()[0].startswith("TS")]) else: # Load state bounds with open("%s_profile/state_bounds.txt" % coordname,"r") as fin: state_bins = np.array([ [float(x.split()[1]),float(x.split()[2])] for x in fin.readlines() if x.split()[0].startswith("TS")]) # Calculate the contact probability in TS print "calculating TS" contact_args.bins = state_bins bin_edges, qi_vs_Q = simulation.calc.binned_contacts.calculate_binned_contacts_vs_q(contact_args) TS = qi_vs_Q[0,:] return TS
def plotpmf1D(xvst, xlabel="", ylabel="Free energy (k$_B$T)", bins=50, saveas=None, display=True, label=""): """Plot 1D pmf""" if not display: import matplotlib matplotlib.use("Agg") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt mid_bin, Fdata = pmfutil.pmf1D(xvst, bins=bins) plt.plot(mid_bin, Fdata, lw=2, label=label) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) if saveas is not None: plt.savefig(saveas) if display:
parser.add_argument('--saveas', type=str, help='Optional. Filename to save plot.') args = parser.parse_args() filename = coord_name = filename.split(".")[0] n_bins = args.n_bins title = args.title saveas = args.saveas if filename.endswith("npy"): coord = np.load(filename) else: coord = np.loadtxt(filename) if filename == "Q.dat": coord += np.random.normal(size=coord.shape[0]) mid_bin, Fdata = pmfutil.pmf1D(coord,bins=n_bins) #xinterp, F = pmfutil.interpolate_profile(mid_bin,Fdata) # Plot profile from data and interpolant #plt.plot(xinterp,F(xinterp),lw=2,color='b',label="data") plt.plot(mid_bin,Fdata,marker='o',color='b',label="fit") plt.legend() plt.xlabel("%s" % coord_name,fontsize=16) plt.ylabel("F(%s) (k$_B$T)" % coord_name,fontsize=16) plt.title(title) if saveas is not None: plt.savefig(saveas)
print T[i] qtanh_files = [ "{}/{}".format(os.path.dirname(x),coordfile) for x in trajfiles[i] ] qtanh_files_exist = [ os.path.exists(x) for x in qtanh_files ] # this should work except I am experiencing a strange NaN error. if np.all(qtanh_files_exist) and not recalculate: qtanh = [ np.load(x) for x in qtanh_files ] else: qtanh = [] for n in range(len(trajfiles[i])): traj = trajfiles[i][n] qtanh_temp = np.array(, top=topfile))) + "/" + coordfile, qtanh_temp) qtanh.append(qtanh_temp) # calculate free energy profile and state definitions mid_bin, Fdata = pmfutil.pmf1D(np.concatenate(qtanh), bins=40) #plt.plot(mid_bin, Fdata, label=str(T[i])) if not os.path.exists(coordname + "_profile"): os.mkdir(coordname + "_profile") os.chdir(coordname + "_profile") np.savetxt("T_{}_mid_bin.dat".format(T[i]), mid_bin) np.savetxt("T_{}_F.dat".format(T[i]), Fdata) xinterp, F = pmfutil.interpolate_profile(mid_bin, Fdata) minidx, maxidx = pmfutil.extrema_from_profile(xinterp, F) F_fit = F(xinterp) with open("T_{}_stab.dat".format(T[i]), "w") as fout: fout.write(str(F_fit[minidx[1]] - F_fit[minidx[0]]))
help='Optional. Filename to save plot.') args = parser.parse_args() filename = coord_name = filename.split(".")[0] n_bins = args.n_bins title = args.title saveas = args.saveas if filename.endswith("npy"): coord = np.load(filename) else: coord = np.loadtxt(filename) if filename == "Q.dat": coord += np.random.normal(size=coord.shape[0]) mid_bin, Fdata = pmfutil.pmf1D(coord, bins=n_bins) #xinterp, F = pmfutil.interpolate_profile(mid_bin,Fdata) # Plot profile from data and interpolant #plt.plot(xinterp,F(xinterp),lw=2,color='b',label="data") plt.plot(mid_bin, Fdata, marker='o', color='b', label="fit") plt.legend() plt.xlabel("%s" % coord_name, fontsize=16) plt.ylabel("F(%s) (k$_B$T)" % coord_name, fontsize=16) plt.title(title) if saveas is not None: plt.savefig(saveas)