class GenomicSelectionApp(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, design.Ui_MainWindow): """ This is a class to control the GUI written in I made from design.ui by using pyuic5 pyuic5 design.ui -o """ def __init__(self): """ Constructor """ super(self.__class__, self).__init__() ''' instance variables ''' # dictionary that contains nessesary data for the simulation = {'Geno': None, 'RF': None, 'Eft': None, 'Gebvs': None, 'Potentials': None} # list of original populations self.orgPopulations = ['test data 1', 'test data 2', 'test data 3'] # list of selection approaches self.selectionApproaches = ['GEBV', 'HV', 'OHV'] # file name of the data file self.filename = None # simulator object self.simulator = None # sets up layout and widgets that are defined self.setupUi(self) # move the window to the upper left for test purpose self.move(1, 0) # set up connections of gui elements self.setupConnections() # display original populations and selection approaches self.dispItems() # change the current status self.changeStatus("Please load the data. (File->Open Data File)") def setupConnections(self): """ Set up connections of the GUI elements """ ## When the start button is clicked self.btnStartPause.clicked.connect(self.btnStartPauseClicked) ## When the stop button is clicked self.btnStop.clicked.connect(self.btnStopClicked) ## when open data option is clicked self.actionOpenData.triggered.connect(self.loadData) ## when the generate test data option is clicked self.actionGenerateTestData.triggered.connect(self.generateTestData) def btnStartPauseClicked(self): """ Start/Pause button is clicked """ if['Geno'] is None: # data not loaded yet print('Data not loaded yet') self.changeStatus('Please load the data first.') else: # start simulation if self.simulator is None: # if it is the first time to start the simulation self.simulator = Simulator(, self.gridLayout, self.canvas, self.listStatus, self.listSimStatus) self.simulator.start() self.btnStartPause.setText('Pause') else: if self.simulator.isSimStopped(): self.simulator.restart() else: if self.simulator.isSimPaused(): self.simulator.resume() self.btnStartPause.setText('Pause') else: self.simulator.pause() self.btnStartPause.setText('Resume') def btnStopClicked(self): """ Stop button is clicked """ if self.simulator is None: # data not loaded yet print('Start the simulation first') self.changeStatus('Please start the simulation first.') else: self.simulator.stop() self.btnStartPause.setText('Start') def generateTestData(self): """ generate test data using a different thread """ self.testDataGenerator = TestDataGenerator(, self.listStatus) self.testDataGenerator.start() def loadData(self): """ load data using a different thread """ self.fileDialog = QtWidgets.QFileDialog(self) selectedfile = self.fileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open File', './', 'Data (*.mat *.csv *.xlsx)') self.filename = selectedfile[0] print('{} is selected'.format(self.filename)) if self.filename is not None: self.dataFileLoader = DataFileLoader(, self.filename, self.listStatus) self.dataFileLoader.start() def dispItems(self): """ displays the original Populations and selection approaches """ print("displaying items") # clear the list first self.listWidgetOrgPopulation.clear() if self.orgPopulations: for choice in self.orgPopulations: self.listWidgetOrgPopulation.addItem(choice) self.listWidgetSelectionApproach.clear() if self.selectionApproaches: for choice in self.selectionApproaches: self.listWidgetSelectionApproach.addItem(choice) self.listWidgetOrgPopulation.setCurrentRow(0) self.listWidgetSelectionApproach.setCurrentRow(0) def changeStatus(self, text): self.listStatus.insertItem(0, text) def closeEvent(self, event): """ shows a exit prompt and exit the app """ quit_msg = "Are you sure you want to exit the program?" reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(self, 'Message', quit_msg, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) if reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: event.accept() if self.simulator is not None: self.simulator.exit() else: event.ignore()
from controllers import ManualController from environment import Environment from simulation import Simulator if __name__ == "__main__": controller = ManualController() game_simulator = Environment(controller) game_simulator.make(True) snake_history, apple_history, score_history, state_history = game_simulator.simulate( printing=True, logging=True) simulator = Simulator(snake_history, apple_history, score_history, state_history, manual=True) simulator.start()