예제 #1
def prepareSubmission(BinaryPath, walltime=48):
    """This function will generate files usefull to launch the simulation, 
  especially if the simulation has moved from a server to another. 
  'runjob' and 'simulation.sh' will be generated. 'runjob' is the file that must be executed to launch the simulation. 
  In fact, 'runjob' will submit to the queue scheduler the script 'simulation.sh' that contains all the 
  binaries that must be launched by the simulation.
  Indeed, the scripts used to launch the simulation will be adapted in function of the hostname"""

    command = BinaryPath+"/mercury\n" + \
              BinaryPath+"/element\n" + \
              "echo `date '+%d-%m-%Y at %H:%M:%S'` `pwd` ': Done'>>~/qsub.log\n"

    # We want to know the name of the machine, to adapt the way we will launch the simulations in function
    hostname = simulations_utilities.getHostname()

    # We define a bash script to launch the simulation in a queue
    if ('arguin' in hostname):
        script = simulations_utilities.SimpleJob(command)  # For arguin
        simulations_utilities.writeRunjobSGE("simulation.sh")  # For arguin
    elif ('avakas' in hostname):
        script = simulations_utilities.Job_PBS(command,
                                               walltime=walltime)  # For avakas
        simulations_utilities.writeRunjobPBS("simulation.sh")  # For avakas
        print("The hostname %s is not recognized by the script" % hostname)
        print("Unable to prepare submission. Only valid for tests.")

예제 #2
def prepareSubmission(BinaryPath, walltime=48):
  """This function will generate files usefull to launch the simulation, 
  especially if the simulation has moved from a server to another. 
  'runjob' and 'simulation.sh' will be generated. 'runjob' is the file that must be executed to launch the simulation. 
  In fact, 'runjob' will submit to the queue scheduler the script 'simulation.sh' that contains all the 
  binaries that must be launched by the simulation.
  Indeed, the scripts used to launch the simulation will be adapted in function of the hostname"""
  command = BinaryPath+"/mercury\n" + \
            BinaryPath+"/element\n" + \
            "echo `date '+%d-%m-%Y at %H:%M:%S'` `pwd` ': Done'>>~/qsub.log\n"
  # We want to know the name of the machine, to adapt the way we will launch the simulations in function
  hostname = simulations_utilities.getHostname()
  # We define a bash script to launch the simulation in a queue
  if ('arguin' in hostname):
    script = simulations_utilities.SimpleJob(command) # For arguin
    simulations_utilities.writeRunjobSGE("simulation.sh") # For arguin
  elif('avakas' in hostname):
    script = simulations_utilities.Job_PBS(command, walltime=walltime) # For avakas
    simulations_utilities.writeRunjobPBS("simulation.sh") # For avakas
    print("The hostname %s is not recognized by the script" % hostname)
    print("Unable to prepare submission. Only valid for tests.")
예제 #3
def generateOutputs():
    command = "rm *.aei"
    (stdout, stderr, returnCode) = autiwa.lancer_commande(command)

    # We want to know the name of the machine, to adapt the way we will launch the simulations in function
    hostname = simulations_utilities.getHostname()
    command = BINARY_FOLDER[hostname] + "/element"

    (stdout, stderr, returnCode) = autiwa.lancer_commande(command)
예제 #4
def generateOutputs():
  command = "rm *.aei"
  (stdout, stderr, returnCode) = autiwa.lancer_commande(command)

  # We want to know the name of the machine, to adapt the way we will launch the simulations in function
  hostname = simulations_utilities.getHostname()
  command = BINARY_FOLDER[hostname]+"/element"
  (stdout, stderr, returnCode) = autiwa.lancer_commande(command)
# v1.1
# To check if there is NaN in the orbits, or if the simulation did not have time to finish itself before the allowed time by the server.

import os
import pdb
import autiwa
import sys
import subprocess
import simulations_utilities
import mercury_utilities

# Get current working directory
rep_exec = os.getcwd()

# Get the machine hostname
hostname = simulations_utilities.getHostname()

scriptFolder = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # the folder in which the module is. 
binaryPath = os.path.join(scriptFolder, os.path.pardir)

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