예제 #1
def get_features(board, zoid_str, controller, dictionaries=True):
    """ Given a board (with list of list representation), future zoid,
    and controller, this function returns the set of all possible options
    and their feature values.

    board - [[int]] - list of list representation of board
    zoid_str - string - string value for a zoid (e.g. "T")
    controller - {string: int} - dictionary controller for a simulator

    If dictionaries=True then it will return it as a series of nested
    dictionaries organized as:
        return_val[orientation][row][col] = {zoid: '', board: [[]], features: {}}
    If dictionaries=False then it will return it as a list of dictionaries,
    with one dictionary for each option/feature set:
        return_val = [{'zoid': zoid, 'orient': orientation, 'row': row,
                        'col': col, 'board': [[]], 'features': {}}]

    sim = TetrisSimulator(controller=controller)
    sim.space = tetris_cow2.convert_old_board(board)
    sim.curr_z = all_zoids[zoid_str]

    if dictionaries == True:
        # Return all features as an organized dictionary structure
        all_feats = {}
        for orient, pos in sim.get_options():
            if orient not in all_feats.keys():
                all_feats[orient] = {}
            if pos[0] not in all_feats[orient].keys():
                all_feats[orient][pos[0]] = {}
            zoid = sim.curr_z.get_copy()
            board = sim.space.get_cow()
            # Not really sure what the value=2 does, but was used in simulator.py
            board.imprint_zoid(zoid, orient=orient, pos=pos, value=2)
            board_and_feats = {
                'zoid': zoid_str,
                'board': board.row_space(),
                'features': sim.get_features(board, sim.space)
            all_feats[orient][pos[0]][pos[1]] = board_and_feats
        return all_feats
        all_feats = []
        for orient, pos in sim.get_options():
            option = {}
            zoid = sim.curr_z.get_copy()
            option['zoid'] = zoid_str
            option['row'] = pos[0]
            option['col'] = pos[1]
            option['orient'] = orient
            board = sim.space.get_cow()
            board.imprint_zoid(zoid, orient=orient, pos=pos, value=2)
            option['board'] = board.row_space()
            option['features'] = sim.get_features(board, sim.space)
        return all_feats
예제 #2
def predict(space, zoid, controller):
        sim = TetrisSimulator(controller = controller)
        sim.space = sim.convert_space(space)
        sim.curr_z = zoid
        return sim.control()
예제 #3
        player_board = [[0]*10 for i in range(20)]
        prev_line = lines[x - 1]
        prev_line = prev_line.rstrip().split('\t')
        player_board = eval(eval(prev_line[board_ix]))
    line = line.rstrip().split('\t')
    if line[curr_zoid_ix] != 'NA':
        player_zoid = line[curr_zoid_ix]

    working_controller = CERLscore
    working_features = CERLscore.keys()
    sim = TetrisSimulator(controller=working_controller)
    sim.space = tetris_cow2.convert_old_board(player_board)
    sim.curr_z = all_zoids[player_zoid]

    feats = get_features(player_board, player_zoid, working_controller, dictionaries=False)
    for f in feats:
        lh_val = f['features']['landing_height'] * working_controller['landing_height']
        ec_val = f['features']['eroded_cells'] * working_controller['eroded_cells']
        rt_val = f['features']['row_trans'] * working_controller['row_trans']
        ct_val = f['features']['col_trans'] * working_controller['col_trans']
        pit_val = f['features']['pits'] * working_controller['pits']
        wells_val = f['features']['cuml_wells'] * working_controller['cuml_wells']
        move_score = lh_val + ec_val + rt_val + ct_val + pit_val + wells_val
        out_line = ""
        out_line += (str(line[ep_num_ix]) + "\t")