def create_optparser(sdk_dir): """Create the parser for the command line. """ def store_abspath(option, opt_str, value, parser): setattr(parser.values, option.dest, os.path.abspath(value)) def store_abspath_dir(option, opt_str, value, parser): if not os.path.isdir(value): raise optparse.OptionValueError("'%s' is not a directory" % value) setattr(parser.values, option.dest, os.path.abspath(value)) def store_abspath_file(option, opt_str, value, parser): if not os.path.isfile(value): raise optparse.OptionValueError("'%s' is not a file" % value) setattr(parser.values, option.dest, os.path.abspath(value)) def store_version(option, opt_str, value, parser): version = version_from_string(value) if version is None: raise optparse.OptionValueError( "'%s' is not a valid version number" % value) setattr(parser.values, option.dest, version) p = optparse.OptionParser(usage="python %prog [opts] [macro=value] " "[macro+=value]", version=sip_version_str) # Note: we don't use %default to be compatible with Python 2.3. p.add_option("-k", "--static", action="store_true", default=False, dest="static", help="build the SIP module as a static library") p.add_option("-p", "--platform", action="store", type="string", metavar="PLATFORM", dest="platform", help="the platform/compiler " "configuration [default: %s]" % build_platform) p.add_option("-u", "--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="build with debugging symbols") p.add_option("--sip-module", action="store", default="sip", type="string", metavar="NAME", dest="sip_module", help="the package.module name " "of the sip module [default: sip]") p.add_option("--configuration", dest='config_file', type='string', action='callback', callback=store_abspath_file, metavar="FILE", help="FILE contains the target configuration") p.add_option("--target-py-version", dest='target_py_version', type='string', action='callback', callback=store_version, metavar="VERSION", help="the major.minor version of the target Python [default: " "%s]" % siputils.version_to_string(py_version, parts=2)) p.add_option("--sysroot", dest='sysroot', type='string', action='callback', callback=store_abspath_dir, metavar="DIR", help="DIR is the target system root directory") p.add_option("--no-tools", action="store_true", default=False, dest="no_tools", help="disable the building of the code generator " "and the installation of the build system [default: enabled]") p.add_option("--use-qmake", action="store_true", default=False, dest="use_qmake", help="generate qmake .pro files instead of " "Makefiles") if sys.platform == 'darwin': # Get the latest SDK to use as the default. sdks = glob.glob(sdk_dir + '/MacOSX*.sdk') if len(sdks) > 0: sdks.sort() _, default_sdk = os.path.split(sdks[-1]) else: default_sdk = 'MacOSX10.4u.sdk' g = optparse.OptionGroup(p, title="MacOS X Configuration") g.add_option("--arch", action="append", default=[], dest="arch", choices=["i386", "x86_64", "ppc"], help="build for architecture ARCH") g.add_option("--deployment-target", action="store", default='', metavar="VERSION", dest="deployment_target", help="set the value of the MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET " "environment variable in generated Makefiles") g.add_option( "-n", "--universal", action="store_true", default=False, dest="universal", help="build the SIP code generator and module as universal " "binaries") g.add_option("-s", "--sdk", action="store", default=default_sdk, type="string", metavar="SDK", dest="sdk", help="the name of the SDK used when building universal " "binaries [default: %s]" % default_sdk) p.add_option_group(g) # Querying. g = optparse.OptionGroup(p, title="Query") g.add_option("--show-platforms", action="store_true", default=False, dest="show_platforms", help="show the list of supported " "platform/compiler configurations") g.add_option("--show-build-macros", action="store_true", default=False, dest="show_build_macros", help="show the list of supported build " "macros") p.add_option_group(g) # Installation. g = optparse.OptionGroup(p, title="Installation") g.add_option( "-b", "--bindir", action="callback", type="string", metavar="DIR", dest="sipbindir", callback=store_abspath, help="where the SIP code generator will be installed [default: " "%s]" % plat_bin_dir) g.add_option("-d", "--destdir", action="callback", type="string", metavar="DIR", dest="sipmoddir", callback=store_abspath, help="where the SIP module will be installed [default: " "%s]" % plat_py_site_dir) g.add_option("-e", "--incdir", action="callback", type="string", metavar="DIR", dest="sipincdir", callback=store_abspath, help="where the SIP header file will be installed [default: " "%s]" % plat_py_inc_dir) g.add_option("-v", "--sipdir", action="callback", type="string", metavar="DIR", dest="sipsipdir", callback=store_abspath, help="where .sip files are normally installed [default: " "%s]" % plat_sip_dir) p.add_option_group(g) return p
def create_optparser(sdk_dir): """Create the parser for the command line. """ def store_abspath(option, opt_str, value, parser): setattr(parser.values, option.dest, os.path.abspath(value)) def store_abspath_dir(option, opt_str, value, parser): if not os.path.isdir(value): raise optparse.OptionValueError("'%s' is not a directory" % value) setattr(parser.values, option.dest, os.path.abspath(value)) def store_abspath_file(option, opt_str, value, parser): if not os.path.isfile(value): raise optparse.OptionValueError("'%s' is not a file" % value) setattr(parser.values, option.dest, os.path.abspath(value)) def store_version(option, opt_str, value, parser): version = siputils.version_from_string(value) if version is None: raise optparse.OptionValueError("'%s' is not a valid version number" % value) setattr(parser.values, option.dest, version) p = optparse.OptionParser(usage="python %prog [opts] [macro=value] " "[macro+=value]", version=sip_version_str) # Note: we don't use %default to be compatible with Python 2.3. p.add_option( "-k", "--static", action="store_true", default=False, dest="static", help="build the SIP module as a static library", ) p.add_option( "-p", "--platform", action="store", type="string", metavar="PLATFORM", dest="platform", help="the platform/compiler " "configuration [default: %s]" % build_platform, ) p.add_option("-u", "--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="build with debugging symbols") p.add_option( "--sip-module", action="store", default="sip", type="string", metavar="NAME", dest="sip_module", help="the package.module name " "of the sip module [default: sip]", ) p.add_option( "--configuration", dest="config_file", type="string", action="callback", callback=store_abspath_file, metavar="FILE", help="FILE contains the target configuration", ) p.add_option( "--target-py-version", dest="target_py_version", type="string", action="callback", callback=store_version, metavar="VERSION", help="the major.minor version of the target Python [default: " "%s]" % siputils.version_to_string(py_version, parts=2), ) p.add_option( "--sysroot", dest="sysroot", type="string", action="callback", callback=store_abspath_dir, metavar="DIR", help="DIR is the target system root directory", ) p.add_option( "--no-tools", action="store_true", default=False, dest="no_tools", help="disable the building of the code generator " "and the installation of the build system [default: enabled]", ) p.add_option( "--use-qmake", action="store_true", default=False, dest="use_qmake", help="generate qmake .pro files instead of " "Makefiles", ) if sys.platform == "darwin": # Get the latest SDK to use as the default. sdks = glob.glob(sdk_dir + "/MacOSX*.sdk") if len(sdks) > 0: sdks.sort() _, default_sdk = os.path.split(sdks[-1]) else: default_sdk = "MacOSX10.4u.sdk" g = optparse.OptionGroup(p, title="MacOS X Configuration") g.add_option( "--arch", action="append", default=[], dest="arch", choices=["i386", "x86_64", "ppc"], help="build for architecture ARCH", ) g.add_option( "--deployment-target", action="store", default="", metavar="VERSION", dest="deployment_target", help="set the value of the MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET " "environment variable in generated Makefiles", ) g.add_option( "-n", "--universal", action="store_true", default=False, dest="universal", help="build the SIP code generator and module as universal " "binaries", ) g.add_option( "-s", "--sdk", action="store", default=default_sdk, type="string", metavar="SDK", dest="sdk", help="the name of the SDK used when building universal " "binaries [default: %s]" % default_sdk, ) p.add_option_group(g) # Querying. g = optparse.OptionGroup(p, title="Query") g.add_option( "--show-platforms", action="store_true", default=False, dest="show_platforms", help="show the list of supported " "platform/compiler configurations", ) g.add_option( "--show-build-macros", action="store_true", default=False, dest="show_build_macros", help="show the list of supported build " "macros", ) p.add_option_group(g) # Installation. g = optparse.OptionGroup(p, title="Installation") g.add_option( "-b", "--bindir", action="callback", type="string", metavar="DIR", dest="sipbindir", callback=store_abspath, help="where the SIP code generator will be installed [default: " "%s]" % plat_bin_dir, ) g.add_option( "-d", "--destdir", action="callback", type="string", metavar="DIR", dest="sipmoddir", callback=store_abspath, help="where the SIP module will be installed [default: " "%s]" % plat_py_site_dir, ) g.add_option( "-e", "--incdir", action="callback", type="string", metavar="DIR", dest="sipincdir", callback=store_abspath, help="where the SIP header file will be installed [default: " "%s]" % plat_py_venv_inc_dir, ) g.add_option( "-v", "--sipdir", action="callback", type="string", metavar="DIR", dest="sipsipdir", callback=store_abspath, help="where .sip files are normally installed [default: " "%s]" % plat_sip_dir, ) p.add_option_group(g) return p
def update_from_configuration_file(config_file): """ Update a number of globals from values read from a configuration file. """ siputils.inform("Reading configuration from %s..." % config_file) config = {} # Read the file into the dict. cfg = open(config_file) line_nr = 0 for l in cfg: line_nr += 1 # Strip comments and blank lines. l = l.split('#')[0].strip() if l == '': continue parts = l.split('=', 1) if len(parts) == 2: name = parts[0].strip() value = parts[1].strip() else: name = value = '' if name == '' or value == '': siputils.error("%s:%d: Invalid line." % (config_file, line_nr)) config[name] = value last_name = name cfg.close() # Enforce the presets. version = siputils.version_to_string(py_version).split('.') config['py_major'] = version[0] config['py_minor'] = version[1] config['sysroot'] = sysroot # Override the relevent values. global py_platform, plat_py_conf_inc_dir, plat_py_inc_dir, plat_py_lib_dir global sip_bin_dir, sip_inc_dir, sip_module_dir, sip_sip_dir py_platform = _get_configuration_value(config, 'py_platform', py_platform) plat_py_inc_dir = _get_configuration_value(config, 'py_inc_dir', plat_py_inc_dir) plat_py_lib_dir = _get_configuration_value(config, 'py_pylib_dir', plat_py_lib_dir) # The pyconfig.h directory defaults to the Python.h directory. plat_py_conf_inc_dir = _get_configuration_value(config, 'py_conf_inc_dir', plat_py_inc_dir) sip_bin_dir = _get_configuration_value(config, 'sip_bin_dir', sip_bin_dir) sip_module_dir = _get_configuration_value(config, 'sip_module_dir', sip_module_dir) # Note that this defaults to any 'py_inc_dir' specified in the # configuration file. sip_inc_dir = _get_configuration_value(config, 'sip_inc_dir', plat_py_inc_dir) # Note that this is only used when creating sip_sip_dir = _get_configuration_value(config, 'sip_sip_dir', sip_sip_dir)
def update_from_configuration_file(config_file): """ Update a number of globals from values read from a configuration file. """ siputils.inform("Reading configuration from %s..." % config_file) config = {} # Read the file into the dict. cfg = open(config_file) line_nr = 0 for l in cfg: line_nr += 1 # Strip comments and blank lines. l = l.split("#")[0].strip() if l == "": continue parts = l.split("=", 1) if len(parts) == 2: name = parts[0].strip() value = parts[1].strip() else: name = value = "" if name == "" or value == "": siputils.error("%s:%d: Invalid line." % (config_file, line_nr)) config[name] = value last_name = name cfg.close() # Enforce the presets. version = siputils.version_to_string(py_version).split(".") config["py_major"] = version[0] config["py_minor"] = version[1] config["sysroot"] = sysroot # Override the relevent values. global py_platform, plat_py_conf_inc_dir, plat_py_inc_dir, plat_py_lib_dir global sip_bin_dir, sip_inc_dir, sip_module_dir, sip_sip_dir py_platform = _get_configuration_value(config, "py_platform", py_platform) plat_py_inc_dir = _get_configuration_value(config, "py_inc_dir", plat_py_inc_dir) plat_py_lib_dir = _get_configuration_value(config, "py_pylib_dir", plat_py_lib_dir) # The pyconfig.h directory defaults to the Python.h directory. plat_py_conf_inc_dir = _get_configuration_value(config, "py_conf_inc_dir", plat_py_inc_dir) sip_bin_dir = _get_configuration_value(config, "sip_bin_dir", sip_bin_dir) sip_module_dir = _get_configuration_value(config, "sip_module_dir", sip_module_dir) # Note that this defaults to any 'py_inc_dir' specified in the # configuration file. sip_inc_dir = _get_configuration_value(config, "sip_inc_dir", plat_py_inc_dir) # Note that this is only used when creating sip_sip_dir = _get_configuration_value(config, "sip_sip_dir", sip_sip_dir)