def main(filename): for row in csv.DictReader(open(filename)): family = Family.create(*_extract_values(row, ( "Parent 1 Last Name", "Parent 2 Last Name", "Street Address", "City", "Zip Code", "Phone", "Pets" ))) for i in range(1, 3): if row.get('Parent {0} First Name'.format(i)): Parent.create(family, *_extract_values(row, [x.format(i) for x in "Parent {0} First Name", "Parent {0} Last Name", "Parent {0} email", "Parent {0} best phone number"])) for i in range(1, 4): if row.get('Child {0} Name'.format(i)): Child.create(family, *_extract_values(row, ("Child {0} Name".format(i), "Child {0} Birthdate".format(i)))) print "Created family '{0}'".format( db.session.add(family) db.session.commit()
def admin_add_submit(): family_form = FamilyForm(request.form, prefix='family') parent1_form = ParentForm(request.form, prefix='parent1') parent2_form = ParentForm(request.form, prefix='parent2') child1_form = ChildForm(request.form, prefix='child1') child2_form = ChildForm(request.form, prefix='child2') child3_form = ChildForm(request.form, prefix='child3') # TODO: Figure out how to dynamically add the forms. if not family_form.validate_on_submit(): if family_form.errors: return jsonify(errors=family_form.errors) family = Family.create(*[, None) for k in [ 'name', 'name', 'address', 'city', 'zipcode', 'phone', 'pets' ]]) db.session.add(family) # Not great, but WTForms and rendering fields doesn't work well with dynamically added javascript. for form in (parent1_form, parent2_form): # Parent 2 might not exist. if not'first_name'): continue if not form.validate_on_submit(): if form.errors: return jsonify(errors=form.errors) parent = Parent.create(family, *[, None) for k in [ 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'cell_phone', 'work_phone' ]]) db.session.add(parent) for form in (child1_form, child2_form, child3_form): if not'name'): continue print if not form.validate_on_submit(): if form.errors: return jsonify(errors=form.errors) child = Child.create(family,'name'),'birthday')) db.session.add(child) db.session.commit() flash("Added the {0} family!".format(, 'info') return redirect(url_for(request.endpoint), 303)