예제 #1
class WSClient:
    def __init__(self, configuration, url, headers, capture_all):
        """A websocket client with support for channels.

            Exec command uses different channels for different streams. for
        example, 0 is stdin, 1 is stdout and 2 is stderr. Some other API calls
        like port forwarding can forward different pods' streams to different
        header = []
        self._connected = False
        self._channels = {}
        self._ordered_all = []
        if capture_all:
            self._all = StringIO()
            self._all = _IgnoredIO()

        # We just need to pass the Authorization, ignore all the other
        # http headers we get from the generated code
        if headers and 'authorization' in headers:
            header.append("authorization: %s" % headers['authorization'])

        if headers and 'sec-websocket-protocol' in headers:
            header.append("sec-websocket-protocol: %s" %
            header.append("sec-websocket-protocol: v4.channel.k8s.io")

        if url.startswith('wss://') and configuration.verify_ssl:
            ssl_opts = {
                'cert_reqs': ssl.CERT_REQUIRED,
                'ca_certs': configuration.ssl_ca_cert or certifi.where(),
            if configuration.assert_hostname is not None:
                ssl_opts['check_hostname'] = configuration.assert_hostname
            ssl_opts = {'cert_reqs': ssl.CERT_NONE}

        if configuration.cert_file:
            ssl_opts['certfile'] = configuration.cert_file
        if configuration.key_file:
            ssl_opts['keyfile'] = configuration.key_file

        self.sock = WebSocket(sslopt=ssl_opts, skip_utf8_validation=False)
        if configuration.proxy:
            proxy_url = urlparse(configuration.proxy)
            self.sock.connect(url, header=header, http_proxy_host=proxy_url.hostname, http_proxy_port=proxy_url.port)
            self.sock.connect(url, header=header)
        self._connected = True

    def peek_channel(self, channel, timeout=0):
        """Peek a channel and return part of the input,
        empty string otherwise."""
        if channel in self._channels:
            return self._channels[channel]
        return ""

    def read_channel(self, channel, timeout=0):
        """Read data from a channel."""
        if channel not in self._channels:
            ret = self.peek_channel(channel, timeout)
            ret = self._channels[channel]
        if channel in self._channels:
            del self._channels[channel]
        return ret

    def readline_channel(self, channel, timeout=None):
        """Read a line from a channel."""
        if timeout is None:
            timeout = float("inf")
        start = time.time()
        while self.is_open() and time.time() - start < timeout:
            if channel in self._channels:
                data = self._channels[channel]
                if "\n" in data:
                    index = data.find("\n")
                    ret = data[:index]
                    data = data[index+1:]
                    if data:
                        self._channels[channel] = data
                        del self._channels[channel]
                    return ret
            self.update(timeout=(timeout - time.time() + start))

    def readline_any(self, timeout=None):
        """Read a line from any output channel."""
        import logging
        from datetime import datetime
        logger = logging.getLogger('kubernetes.client.rest')
        if timeout is None:
            timeout = float("inf")
        start = time.time()
        chunks = {STDOUT_CHANNEL : "", STDERR_CHANNEL : ""}

        while self.is_open() and time.time() - start < timeout:
            for position, entry in enumerate(self._ordered_all):
                index = entry["data"].find("\n")
                if index == -1:
                    chunks[entry["channel"]] += entry["data"]
                    del self._ordered_all[position]
                    chunks[entry["channel"]] += entry["data"][:index]
                    ret = {"channel": entry["channel"], "data": chunks[entry["channel"]]}
                    entry["data"] = entry["data"][index+1:]
                    if not entry["data"]:
                        del self._ordered_all[position]
                    if ret["data"]:
                        chunks[entry["channel"]] = ""
                        return ret
            self.update(timeout=(timeout - time.time() + start))

    # def readline_any(self, channels=[STDOUT_CHANNEL, STDERR_CHANNEL], timeout=None):
    #     """Read a line from any output channel."""
    #     if timeout is None:
    #         timeout = float("inf")
    #     start = time.time()
    #     while self.is_open() and time.time() - start < timeout:
    #         for channel in channels:
    #             if channel in self._channels:
    #                 data = self._channels[channel]
    #                 if not data:
    #                     continue
    #                 if "\n" in data:
    #                     index = data.find("\n")
    #                     ret = {"channel": channel, "data": data[:index]}
    #                     data = data[index+1:]
    #                     if data:
    #                         self._channels[channel] = data
    #                     else:
    #                         del self._channels[channel]
    #                     return ret
    #         self.update(timeout=(timeout - time.time() + start))

    def write_channel(self, channel, data):
        """Write data to a channel."""
        # check if we're writing binary data or not
        binary = six.PY3 and type(data) == six.binary_type
        opcode = ABNF.OPCODE_BINARY if binary else ABNF.OPCODE_TEXT

        channel_prefix = chr(channel)
        if binary:
            channel_prefix = six.binary_type(channel_prefix, "ascii")

        payload = channel_prefix + data
        self.sock.send(payload, opcode=opcode)

    def peek_stdout(self, timeout=0):
        """Same as peek_channel with channel=1."""
        return self.peek_channel(STDOUT_CHANNEL, timeout=timeout)

    def read_stdout(self, timeout=None):
        """Same as read_channel with channel=1."""
        return self.read_channel(STDOUT_CHANNEL, timeout=timeout)

    def readline_stdout(self, timeout=None):
        """Same as readline_channel with channel=1."""
        return self.readline_channel(STDOUT_CHANNEL, timeout=timeout)

    def peek_stderr(self, timeout=0):
        """Same as peek_channel with channel=2."""
        return self.peek_channel(STDERR_CHANNEL, timeout=timeout)

    def read_stderr(self, timeout=None):
        """Same as read_channel with channel=2."""
        return self.read_channel(STDERR_CHANNEL, timeout=timeout)

    def readline_stderr(self, timeout=None):
        """Same as readline_channel with channel=2."""
        return self.readline_channel(STDERR_CHANNEL, timeout=timeout)

    def read_all(self):
        """Return buffered data received on stdout and stderr channels.
        This is useful for non-interactive call where a set of command passed
        to the API call and their result is needed after the call is concluded.
        Should be called after run_forever() or update()

        TODO: Maybe we can process this and return a more meaningful map with
        channels mapped for each input.
        out = self._all.getvalue()
        self._all = self._all.__class__()
        self._channels = {}
        return out

    def is_open(self):
        """True if the connection is still alive."""
        return self._connected

    def write_stdin(self, data):
        """The same as write_channel with channel=0."""
        self.write_channel(STDIN_CHANNEL, data)

    def update(self, timeout=0):
        """Update channel buffers with at most one complete frame of input."""
        if not self.is_open():
        if not self.sock.connected:
            self._connected = False
        r, _, _ = select.select(
            (self.sock.sock, ), (), (), timeout)
        if r:
            op_code, frame = self.sock.recv_data_frame(True)
            if op_code == ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE:
                self._connected = False
            elif op_code == ABNF.OPCODE_BINARY or op_code == ABNF.OPCODE_TEXT:
                data = frame.data
                if six.PY3:
                    data = data.decode("utf-8", "replace")
                if len(data) > 1:
                    channel = ord(data[0])
                    data = data[1:]
                    if data:
                        if channel in [STDOUT_CHANNEL, STDERR_CHANNEL]:
                            # keeping all messages in the order they received
                            # for non-blocking call.
                            self._ordered_all.append({"channel": channel, "data": data})
                        if channel not in self._channels:
                            self._channels[channel] = data
                            self._channels[channel] += data

    def run_forever(self, timeout=None):
        """Wait till connection is closed or timeout reached. Buffer any input
        received during this time."""
        if timeout:
            start = time.time()
            while self.is_open() and time.time() - start < timeout:
                self.update(timeout=(timeout - time.time() + start))
            while self.is_open():
    def returncode(self):
        The return code, A None value indicates that the process hasn't
        terminated yet.
        if self.is_open():
            return None
            err = self.read_channel(ERROR_CHANNEL)
            err = yaml.safe_load(err)
            if err['status'] == "Success":
                return 0
            return int(err['details']['causes'][0]['message'])

    def close(self, **kwargs):
        close websocket connection.
        self._connected = False
        if self.sock:
예제 #2
class WSClient:
    def __init__(self, configuration, url, headers, capture_all):
        """A websocket client with support for channels.

            Exec command uses different channels for different streams. for
        example, 0 is stdin, 1 is stdout and 2 is stderr. Some other API calls
        like port forwarding can forward different pods' streams to different
        self._connected = False
        self._channels = {}
        if capture_all:
            self._all = StringIO()
            self._all = _IgnoredIO()
        self.sock = create_websocket(configuration, url, headers)
        self._connected = True
        self._returncode = None

    def peek_channel(self, channel, timeout=0):
        """Peek a channel and return part of the input,
        empty string otherwise."""
        if channel in self._channels:
            return self._channels[channel]
        return ""

    def read_channel(self, channel, timeout=0):
        """Read data from a channel."""
        if channel not in self._channels:
            ret = self.peek_channel(channel, timeout)
            ret = self._channels[channel]
        if channel in self._channels:
            del self._channels[channel]
        return ret

    def readline_channel(self, channel, timeout=None):
        """Read a line from a channel."""
        if timeout is None:
            timeout = float("inf")
        start = time.time()
        while self.is_open() and time.time() - start < timeout:
            if channel in self._channels:
                data = self._channels[channel]
                if "\n" in data:
                    index = data.find("\n")
                    ret = data[:index]
                    data = data[index+1:]
                    if data:
                        self._channels[channel] = data
                        del self._channels[channel]
                    return ret
            self.update(timeout=(timeout - time.time() + start))

    def write_channel(self, channel, data):
        """Write data to a channel."""
        # check if we're writing binary data or not
        binary = six.PY3 and type(data) == six.binary_type
        opcode = ABNF.OPCODE_BINARY if binary else ABNF.OPCODE_TEXT

        channel_prefix = chr(channel)
        if binary:
            channel_prefix = six.binary_type(channel_prefix, "ascii")

        payload = channel_prefix + data
        self.sock.send(payload, opcode=opcode)

    def peek_stdout(self, timeout=0):
        """Same as peek_channel with channel=1."""
        return self.peek_channel(STDOUT_CHANNEL, timeout=timeout)

    def read_stdout(self, timeout=None):
        """Same as read_channel with channel=1."""
        return self.read_channel(STDOUT_CHANNEL, timeout=timeout)

    def readline_stdout(self, timeout=None):
        """Same as readline_channel with channel=1."""
        return self.readline_channel(STDOUT_CHANNEL, timeout=timeout)

    def peek_stderr(self, timeout=0):
        """Same as peek_channel with channel=2."""
        return self.peek_channel(STDERR_CHANNEL, timeout=timeout)

    def read_stderr(self, timeout=None):
        """Same as read_channel with channel=2."""
        return self.read_channel(STDERR_CHANNEL, timeout=timeout)

    def readline_stderr(self, timeout=None):
        """Same as readline_channel with channel=2."""
        return self.readline_channel(STDERR_CHANNEL, timeout=timeout)

    def read_all(self):
        """Return buffered data received on stdout and stderr channels.
        This is useful for non-interactive call where a set of command passed
        to the API call and their result is needed after the call is concluded.
        Should be called after run_forever() or update()

        TODO: Maybe we can process this and return a more meaningful map with
        channels mapped for each input.
        out = self._all.getvalue()
        self._all = self._all.__class__()
        self._channels = {}
        return out

    def is_open(self):
        """True if the connection is still alive."""
        return self._connected

    def write_stdin(self, data):
        """The same as write_channel with channel=0."""
        self.write_channel(STDIN_CHANNEL, data)

    def update(self, timeout=0):
        """Update channel buffers with at most one complete frame of input."""
        if not self.is_open():
        if not self.sock.connected:
            self._connected = False

        # The options here are:
        # select.select() - this will work on most OS, however, it has a
        #                   limitation of only able to read fd numbers up to 1024.
        #                   i.e. does not scale well. This was the original
        #                   implementation.
        # select.poll()   - this will work on most unix based OS, but not as
        #                   efficient as epoll. Will work for fd numbers above 1024.
        # select.epoll()  - newest and most efficient way of polling.
        #                   However, only works on linux.
        if sys.platform.startswith('linux') or sys.platform in ['darwin']:
            poll = select.poll()
            poll.register(self.sock.sock, select.POLLIN)
            r = poll.poll(timeout)
            r, _, _ = select.select(
                (self.sock.sock, ), (), (), timeout)

        if r:
            op_code, frame = self.sock.recv_data_frame(True)
            if op_code == ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE:
                self._connected = False
            elif op_code == ABNF.OPCODE_BINARY or op_code == ABNF.OPCODE_TEXT:
                data = frame.data
                if six.PY3:
                    data = data.decode("utf-8", "replace")
                if len(data) > 1:
                    channel = ord(data[0])
                    data = data[1:]
                    if data:
                        if channel in [STDOUT_CHANNEL, STDERR_CHANNEL]:
                            # keeping all messages in the order they received
                            # for non-blocking call.
                        if channel not in self._channels:
                            self._channels[channel] = data
                            self._channels[channel] += data

    def run_forever(self, timeout=None):
        """Wait till connection is closed or timeout reached. Buffer any input
        received during this time."""
        if timeout:
            start = time.time()
            while self.is_open() and time.time() - start < timeout:
                self.update(timeout=(timeout - time.time() + start))
            while self.is_open():
    def returncode(self):
        The return code, A None value indicates that the process hasn't
        terminated yet.
        if self.is_open():
            return None
            if self._returncode is None:
                err = self.read_channel(ERROR_CHANNEL)
                err = yaml.safe_load(err)
                if err['status'] == "Success":
                    self._returncode = 0
                    self._returncode = int(err['details']['causes'][0]['message'])
            return self._returncode

    def close(self, **kwargs):
        close websocket connection.
        self._connected = False
        if self.sock: