예제 #1
def cal_c12p( FD, ring_mask, bad_frame_list=None, 
            good_start=0, num_buf = 8, num_lev = None, imgsum=None, norm=None ):
    '''calculation g2 by using a multi-tau algorithm
       for a compressed file with parallel calculation
    FD.beg = max(FD.beg, good_start)
    noframes = FD.end - FD.beg #+1   # number of frames, not "no frames"
    for i in range(FD.beg, FD.end):
    if num_lev is None:
        num_lev = int(np.log( noframes/(num_buf-1))/np.log(2) +1) +1
    print ('In this g2 calculation, the buf and lev number are: %s--%s--'%(num_buf,num_lev))
    if  bad_frame_list is not None:
        if len(bad_frame_list)!=0:
            print ('Bad frame involved and will be precessed!')            
            noframes -=  len(np.where(np.in1d( bad_frame_list, 
                                              range(good_start, FD.end)))[0])   
    print ('%s frames will be processed...'%(noframes))      
    ring_masks = [   np.array(ring_mask==i, dtype = np.int64) 
              for i in np.unique( ring_mask )[1:] ]    
    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(  ring_mask  )    
    if norm is not None:
        norms = [ norm[ np.in1d(  pixelist, 
            extract_label_indices( np.array(ring_mask==i, dtype = np.int64))[1])]
                for i in np.unique( ring_mask )[1:] ] 
    inputs = range( len(ring_masks) ) 
    pool =  Pool(processes= len(inputs) )
    internal_state = None       
    print( 'Starting assign the tasks...')    
    results = {}    
    if norm is not None: 
        for i in  tqdm( inputs ): 
        #for i in  inputs: 
            results[i] =  apply_async( pool, lazy_two_timep, ( FD, num_lev, num_buf, ring_masks[i],
                        internal_state,  bad_frame_list, imgsum,
                                    norms[i], ) ) 
        #print ('for norm is None')    
        for i in tqdm ( inputs ): 
        #for i in  inputs: 
            results[i] = apply_async( pool, lazy_two_timep, ( FD, num_lev, num_buf, ring_masks[i], 
                        internal_state,   bad_frame_list,imgsum, None,
                                     ) )             
    print( 'Starting running the tasks...')    
    res =   [ results[k].get() for k in   tqdm( list(sorted(results.keys())) )   ] 

    c12 = np.zeros( [ noframes, noframes, len(ring_masks)] )
    for i in inputs:
        #print( res[i][0][:,0].shape, g2.shape )
        c12[:,:,i] = res[i][0][0]  #[:len_lag, :len_lag] 
        if i==0:
            lag_steps  = res[0][1]
    print( 'G2 calculation DONE!')
    del results
    del res
    return  c12, lag_steps[    lag_steps < noframes ] 
예제 #2
def cal_c12p( FD, ring_mask, bad_frame_list=None, 
            good_start=0, num_buf = 8, num_lev = None, imgsum=None, norm=None ):
    '''calculation g2 by using a multi-tau algorithm
       for a compressed file with parallel calculation
    FD.beg = max(FD.beg, good_start)
    noframes = FD.end - FD.beg #+1   # number of frames, not "no frames"
    for i in range(FD.beg, FD.end):
    if num_lev is None:
        num_lev = int(np.log( noframes/(num_buf-1))/np.log(2) +1) +1
    print ('In this g2 calculation, the buf and lev number are: %s--%s--'%(num_buf,num_lev))
    if  bad_frame_list is not None:
        if len(bad_frame_list)!=0:
            print ('Bad frame involved and will be precessed!')            
            noframes -=  len(np.where(np.in1d( bad_frame_list, 
                                              range(good_start, FD.end)))[0])   
    print ('%s frames will be processed...'%(noframes))      
    ring_masks = [   np.array(ring_mask==i, dtype = np.int64) 
              for i in np.unique( ring_mask )[1:] ]    
    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(  ring_mask  )    
    if norm is not None:
        norms = [ norm[ np.in1d(  pixelist, 
            extract_label_indices( np.array(ring_mask==i, dtype = np.int64))[1])]
                for i in np.unique( ring_mask )[1:] ] 
    inputs = range( len(ring_masks) ) 
    pool =  Pool(processes= len(inputs) )
    internal_state = None       
    print( 'Starting assign the tasks...')    
    results = {}    
    if norm is not None: 
        for i in  tqdm( inputs ): 
        #for i in  inputs: 
            results[i] =  apply_async( pool, lazy_two_timep, ( FD, num_lev, num_buf, ring_masks[i],
                        internal_state,  bad_frame_list, imgsum,
                                    norms[i], ) ) 
        #print ('for norm is None')    
        for i in tqdm ( inputs ): 
        #for i in  inputs: 
            results[i] = apply_async( pool, lazy_two_timep, ( FD, num_lev, num_buf, ring_masks[i], 
                        internal_state,   bad_frame_list,imgsum, None,
                                     ) )             
    print( 'Starting running the tasks...')    
    res =   [ results[k].get() for k in   tqdm( list(sorted(results.keys())) )   ] 

    c12 = np.zeros( [ noframes, noframes, len(ring_masks)] )
    for i in inputs:
        #print( res[i][0][:,0].shape, g2.shape )
        c12[:,:,i] = res[i][0][0]  #[:len_lag, :len_lag] 
        if i==0:
            lag_steps  = res[0][1]
    print( 'G2 calculation DONE!')
    del results
    del res
    return  c12, lag_steps[    lag_steps < noframes ] 
예제 #3
def test_rectangles():
    shape = (15, 26)
    roi_data = np.array(([2, 2, 6, 3], [6, 7, 8, 5], [8, 18, 5, 10]),

    all_roi_inds = roi.rectangles(roi_data, shape)

    roi_inds, pixel_list = roi.extract_label_indices(all_roi_inds)

    ty = np.zeros(shape).ravel()
    ty[pixel_list] = roi_inds
    num_pixels_m = (np.bincount(ty.astype(int)))[1:]

    re_mesh = ty.reshape(*shape)
    for i, (col_coor, row_coor, col_val, row_val) in enumerate(roi_data, 0):
        ind_co = np.column_stack(np.where(re_mesh == i + 1))

        left, right = np.max([col_coor, 0]), np.min([col_coor + col_val,
        top, bottom = np.max([row_coor, 0]), np.min([row_coor + row_val,
        assert_almost_equal(left, ind_co[0][0])
        assert_almost_equal(right-1, ind_co[-1][0])
        assert_almost_equal(top, ind_co[0][1])
        assert_almost_equal(bottom-1, ind_co[-1][-1])
예제 #4
def auto_two_Array(data, rois, data_pixel=None):
    Dec 16, 2015, Y.G.@CHX
    a numpy operation method to get two-time correlation function 
        data:  images sequence, shape as [img[0], img[1], imgs_length]
        rois: 2-D array, the interested roi, has the same shape as image, can be rings for saxs, boxes for gisaxs
        data_pixel: if not None,    
                    2-D array, shape as (len(images), len(qind)),
                    use function Get_Pixel_Array( ).get_data(  ) to get 
        g12: a 3-D array, shape as ( imgs_length, imgs_length, q)
    One example:        
        g12 = auto_two_Array( imgsr, ring_mask, data_pixel = data_pixel ) 

    start_time = time.time()

    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(rois)
    noqs = len(np.unique(qind))
    nopr = np.bincount(qind, minlength=(noqs + 1))[1:]

    if data_pixel is None:
        data_pixel = Get_Pixel_Array(data, pixelist).get_data()
        #print (data_pixel.shape)

    noframes = data_pixel.shape[0]
    g12b = np.zeros([noframes, noframes, noqs])
    Unitq = (noqs / 10)
    proi = 0

    for qi in tqdm(range(1, noqs + 1)):
        pixelist_qi = np.where(qind == qi)[0]
        #print (pixelist_qi.shape,  data_pixel[qi].shape)
        data_pixel_qi = data_pixel[:, pixelist_qi]

        sum1 = (np.average(data_pixel_qi, axis=1)).reshape(1, noframes)
        sum2 = sum1.T

        g12b[:, :, qi - 1] = np.dot(
            data_pixel_qi, data_pixel_qi.T) / sum1 / sum2 / nopr[qi - 1]
        #print ( proi, int( qi //( Unitq) ) )
#        if  int( qi //( Unitq) ) == proi:
#            sys.stdout.write("#")
#            sys.stdout.flush()
#            proi += 1

    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    print('Total time: %.2f min' % (elapsed_time / 60.))

    return g12b
예제 #5
def get_pixelist_interp_iq(qp, iq, ring_mask, center):

    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(ring_mask)
    #pixely = pixelist%FD.md['nrows'] -center[1]
    #pixelx = pixelist//FD.md['nrows'] - center[0]

    pixely = pixelist % ring_mask.shape[1] - center[1]
    pixelx = pixelist // ring_mask.shape[1] - center[0]

    r = np.hypot(pixelx, pixely)  #leave as float.
    #r= np.int_( np.hypot(pixelx, pixely)  +0.5  ) + 0.5
    return np.interp(r, qp, iq)
예제 #6
def get_pixelist_interp_iq( qp, iq, ring_mask, center):
    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(  ring_mask  )
    #pixely = pixelist%FD.md['nrows'] -center[1]  
    #pixelx = pixelist//FD.md['nrows'] - center[0]
    pixely = pixelist%ring_mask.shape[1] -center[1]  
    pixelx = pixelist//ring_mask.shape[1]  - center[0]
    r= np.hypot(pixelx, pixely)              #leave as float.
    #r= np.int_( np.hypot(pixelx, pixely)  +0.5  ) + 0.5  
    return np.interp( r, qp, iq ) 
예제 #7
def get_max_countc(FD, labeled_array):
    """Compute the max intensity of ROIs in the compressed file (FD)

    FD: Multifile class
        compressed file
    labeled_array : array
        labeled array; 0 is background.
        Each ROI is represented by a nonzero integer. It is not required that
        the ROI labels are contiguous
    index : int, list, optional
        The ROI's to use. If None, this function will extract averages for all

    max_intensity : a float
    index : list
        The labels for each element of the `mean_intensity` list

    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(labeled_array)
    timg = np.zeros(FD.md['ncols'] * FD.md['nrows'], dtype=np.int32)
    timg[pixelist] = np.arange(1, len(pixelist) + 1)

    if labeled_array.shape != (FD.md['ncols'], FD.md['nrows']):
        raise ValueError(
            " `image` shape (%d, %d) in FD is not equal to the labeled_array shape (%d, %d)"
            % (FD.md['ncols'], FD.md['nrows'], labeled_array.shape[0],

    max_inten = 0
    for i in tqdm(range(FD.beg, FD.end, 1),
                  desc='Get max intensity of ROIs in all frames'):
        (p, v) = FD.rdrawframe(i)
        w = np.where(timg[p])[0]

        max_inten = max(max_inten, np.max(v[w]))
    return max_inten
예제 #8
def get_max_countc(FD, labeled_array ):
    """Compute the max intensity of ROIs in the compressed file (FD)

    FD: Multifile class
        compressed file
    labeled_array : array
        labeled array; 0 is background.
        Each ROI is represented by a nonzero integer. It is not required that
        the ROI labels are contiguous
    index : int, list, optional
        The ROI's to use. If None, this function will extract averages for all

    max_intensity : a float
    index : list
        The labels for each element of the `mean_intensity` list
    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(  labeled_array  ) 
    timg = np.zeros(    FD.md['ncols'] * FD.md['nrows']   , dtype=np.int32   ) 
    timg[pixelist] =   np.arange( 1, len(pixelist) + 1  ) 
    if labeled_array.shape != ( FD.md['ncols'],FD.md['nrows']):
        raise ValueError(
            " `image` shape (%d, %d) in FD is not equal to the labeled_array shape (%d, %d)" %( FD.md['ncols'],FD.md['nrows'], labeled_array.shape[0], labeled_array.shape[1]) )

    max_inten =0 
    for  i in tqdm(range( FD.beg, FD.end, 1  ), desc= 'Get max intensity of ROIs in all frames' ):    
        (p,v) = FD.rdrawframe(i)
        w = np.where( timg[p] )[0]
        max_inten = max( max_inten, np.max(v[w]) )        
    return max_inten
예제 #9
def test_rectangles():
    shape = (15, 26)
    roi_data = np.array(([2, 2, 6, 3], [6, 7, 8, 5], [8, 18, 5, 10]),

    all_roi_inds = roi.rectangles(roi_data, shape)

    roi_inds, pixel_list = roi.extract_label_indices(all_roi_inds)

    ty = np.zeros(shape).ravel()
    ty[pixel_list] = roi_inds

    re_mesh = ty.reshape(*shape)
    for i, (col_coor, row_coor, col_val, row_val) in enumerate(roi_data, 0):
        ind_co = np.column_stack(np.where(re_mesh == i + 1))

        left, right = np.max([col_coor,
                              0]), np.min([col_coor + col_val, shape[0]])
        top, bottom = np.max([row_coor,
                              0]), np.min([row_coor + row_val, shape[1]])
        assert_almost_equal(left, ind_co[0][0])
        assert_almost_equal(right - 1, ind_co[-1][0])
        assert_almost_equal(top, ind_co[0][1])
        assert_almost_equal(bottom - 1, ind_co[-1][-1])
예제 #10
def auto_two_Arrayc(  data_pixel, rois, index=None):
    Dec 16, 2015, Y.G.@CHX
    a numpy operation method to get two-time correlation function 
        data:  images sequence, shape as [img[0], img[1], imgs_length]
        rois: 2-D array, the interested roi, has the same shape as image, can be rings for saxs, boxes for gisaxs
        data_pixel: if not None,    
                    2-D array, shape as (len(images), len(qind)),
                    use function Get_Pixel_Array( ).get_data(  ) to get 
        g12: a 3-D array, shape as ( imgs_length, imgs_length, q)
    One example:        
        g12 = auto_two_Array( imgsr, ring_mask, data_pixel = data_pixel ) 
    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(   rois  )
    noqs = len( np.unique(qind) )
    nopr = np.bincount(qind, minlength=(noqs+1))[1:] 
    noframes = data_pixel.shape[0]    

    if index is None:
        index =  np.arange( 1, noqs + 1 )        
            index = np.array(  index  )
        except TypeError:
            index = np.array(  [index]  )
        #print( index )
    qlist = np.arange( 1, noqs + 1 )[ index -1  ]    
    #print( qlist )    
        g12b = np.zeros(  [noframes, noframes, len(qlist) ] )
        DO = True
        print("The array is too large. The Sever can't handle such big array. Will calulate different Q sequencely")  
        '''TO be done here  '''
        DO = False 
    if DO:
        i = 0
        for  qi in tqdm(qlist ):
            #print (qi-1)
            pixelist_qi =  np.where( qind == qi)[0] 
            #print (pixelist_qi.shape,  data_pixel[qi].shape)
            data_pixel_qi =    data_pixel[:,pixelist_qi] 
            sum1 = (np.average( data_pixel_qi, axis=1)).reshape( 1, noframes   )  
            sum2 = sum1.T 
            #print( qi, qlist, )
            #print( g12b[:,:,qi -1 ] )
            g12b[:,:, i  ] = np.dot(   data_pixel_qi, data_pixel_qi.T)  /sum1  / sum2  / nopr[qi -1]
            i +=1
        return g12b
예제 #11
def auto_two_Arrayp(  data_pixel, rois, index=None):
    TODO list
    will try to use dask
    Dec 16, 2015, Y.G.@CHX
    a numpy operation method to get two-time correlation function using parallel computation
        data:  images sequence, shape as [img[0], img[1], imgs_length]
        rois: 2-D array, the interested roi, has the same shape as image, can be rings for saxs, boxes for gisaxs
        data_pixel: if not None,    
                    2-D array, shape as (len(images), len(qind)),
                    use function Get_Pixel_Array( ).get_data(  ) to get 
        g12: a 3-D array, shape as ( imgs_length, imgs_length, q)
    One example:        
        g12 = auto_two_Array( imgsr, ring_mask, data_pixel = data_pixel ) 
    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(   rois  )
    noqs = len( np.unique(qind) )
    nopr = np.bincount(qind, minlength=(noqs+1))[1:] 
    noframes = data_pixel.shape[0]    
    g12b = np.zeros(  [noframes, noframes, noqs] )
    if index is None:
        index =  np.arange( 1, noqs + 1 )        
            index = np.array(  index  )
        except TypeError:
            index = np.array(  [index]  )
    qlist = np.arange( 1, noqs + 1 )[ index -1  ]    

    inputs = range( len(qlist) ) 
    data_pixel_qis = [0]* len(qlist)
    for i in inputs:         
        pixelist_qi =  np.where( qind ==  qlist[i] )[0] 
        data_pixel_qis[i] =    data_pixel[:,pixelist_qi]    
    #pool =  Pool(processes= len(inputs) )  
    #results = [ apply_async( pool, _get_two_time_for_one_q, ( qlist[i], 
    #                                    data_pixel_qis[i], nopr, noframes ) ) for i in tqdm( inputs )  ]        
    #res = [r.get() for r in results]    
    pool =  Pool(processes= len(inputs) )  
    results = {}        
    for i in  inputs:        
        results[i] =   pool.apply_async(  _get_two_time_for_one_q, [
                            qlist[i], data_pixel_qis[i], nopr, noframes
                               ]  )  
    res = np.array( [ results[k].get() for k in   list(sorted(results.keys()))   ]     )   
    for i in inputs:
        g12b[:,:,qi -1 ] = res[i]        
    print( 'G12 calculation DONE!')        
    return g12b #g12b
예제 #12
def lazy_one_timep(FD, num_levels, num_bufs, labels,
            internal_state=None, bad_frame_list=None, imgsum=None, 
                  norm = None ):
    if internal_state is None:
        internal_state = _internal_statep(num_levels, num_bufs, labels)    
    # create a shorthand reference to the results and state named tuple    
    s = internal_state
    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(  labels  )    
    # iterate over the images to compute multi-tau correlation 
    fra_pix = np.zeros_like( pixelist, dtype=np.float64)    
    timg = np.zeros(    FD.md['ncols'] * FD.md['nrows']   , dtype=np.int32   ) 
    timg[pixelist] =   np.arange( 1, len(pixelist) + 1  ) 
    if bad_frame_list is None:
    #for  i in tqdm(range( FD.beg , FD.end )):
    for  i in range( FD.beg , FD.end ):
        if i in bad_frame_list:
            fra_pix[:]= np.nan
            (p,v) = FD.rdrawframe(i)
            w = np.where( timg[p] )[0]
            pxlist = timg[  p[w]   ] -1             
            if imgsum is None:
                if norm is None:
                    #print ('here')
                    fra_pix[ pxlist] = v[w]
                    fra_pix[ pxlist] = v[w]/ norm[pxlist]   #-1.0 
                if norm is None:
                    fra_pix[ pxlist] = v[w] / imgsum[i] 
                    fra_pix[ pxlist] = v[w]/ imgsum[i]/  norm[pxlist]           
        level = 0   
        # increment buffer
        s.cur[0] = (1 + s.cur[0]) % num_bufs 
        # Put the ROI pixels into the ring buffer. 
        s.buf[0, s.cur[0] - 1] =  fra_pix        
        #print( i, len(p), len(w), len( pixelist))
        #print ('i= %s init fra_pix'%i )            
        buf_no = s.cur[0] - 1
        # Compute the correlations between the first level
        # (undownsampled) frames. This modifies G,
        # past_intensity, future_intensity,
        # and img_per_level in place!        
        #print (s.G)
        _one_time_processp(s.buf, s.G, s.past_intensity, s.future_intensity,
                          s.label_array, num_bufs, s.num_pixels,
                          s.img_per_level, level, buf_no, s.norm, s.lev_len)

        #print (s.G)
        # check whether the number of levels is one, otherwise
        # continue processing the next level
        processing = num_levels > 1
        level = 1        
        while processing:
            if not s.track_level[level]:
                s.track_level[level] = True
                processing = False
                prev = (1 + (s.cur[level - 1] - 2) % num_bufs)
                s.cur[level] = (
                    1 + s.cur[level] % num_bufs)

                s.buf[level, s.cur[level] - 1] = ((
                        s.buf[level - 1, prev - 1] +
                        s.buf[level - 1, s.cur[level - 1] - 1]) / 2)

                # make the track_level zero once that level is processed
                s.track_level[level] = False

                # call processing_func for each multi-tau level greater
                # than one. This is modifying things in place. See comment
                # on previous call above.
                buf_no = s.cur[level] - 1
                _one_time_processp(s.buf, s.G, s.past_intensity,
                                  s.future_intensity, s.label_array, num_bufs,
                                  s.num_pixels, s.img_per_level, level, buf_no,
                                  s.norm, s.lev_len)
                level += 1
                # Checking whether there is next level for processing
                processing = level < num_levels               

    # If any past intensities are zero, then g2 cannot be normalized at
    # those levels. This if/else code block is basically preventing
    # divide-by-zero errors.
    if len(np.where(s.past_intensity == 0)[0]) != 0:
        g_max = np.where(s.past_intensity == 0)[0][0]
        g_max = s.past_intensity.shape[0]

    g2 = (s.G[:g_max] / (s.past_intensity[:g_max] *
    #print (FD)

    #del FD
    #print (g2)
    #return results(g2, s.lag_steps[:g_max], s)
    return g2, s.lag_steps[:g_max] #, s
예제 #13
def lazy_one_time(FD,
    """Generator implementation of 1-time multi-tau correlation
    If you do not want multi-tau correlation, set num_levels to 1 and
    num_bufs to the number of images you wish to correlate
The number of bins (of size 1) is one larger than the largest value in
`x`. If `minlength` is specified, there will be at least this number
of bins in the output array (though it will be longer if necessary,
depending on the contents of `x`).
Each bin gives the number of occurrences of its index value in `x`.
If `weights` is specified the input array is weighted by it, i.e. if a
value ``n`` is found at position ``i``, ``out[n] += weight[i]`` instead
of ``out[n] += 1``.

    image_iterable : FD, a compressed eiger file by Multifile class
    num_levels : int
        how many generations of downsampling to perform, i.e., the depth of
        the binomial tree of averaged frames
    num_bufs : int, must be even
        maximum lag step to compute in each generation of downsampling
    labels : array
        Labeled array of the same shape as the image stack.
        Each ROI is represented by sequential integers starting at one.  For
        example, if you have four ROIs, they must be labeled 1, 2, 3,
        4. Background is labeled as 0
    internal_state : namedtuple, optional
        internal_state is a bucket for all of the internal state of the
        generator. It is part of the `results` object that is yielded from
        this generator
    For the sake of normalization: 
        imgsum: a list with the same length as FD, sum of each frame
        qp, iq:  the circular average radius (in pixel) and intensity    
        center: beam center


        A `results` object is yielded after every image has been processed.
        This `reults` object contains, in this order:
        - `g2`: the normalized correlation
          shape is (len(lag_steps), num_rois)
        - `lag_steps`: the times at which the correlation was computed
        - `_internal_state`: all of the internal state. Can be passed back in
          to `lazy_one_time` as the `internal_state` parameter
    The normalized intensity-intensity time-autocorrelation function
    is defined as
    .. math::
        g_2(q, t') = \\frac{<I(q, t)I(q, t + t')> }{<I(q, t)>^2}
        t' > 0
    Here, ``I(q, t)`` refers to the scattering strength at the momentum
    transfer vector ``q`` in reciprocal space at time ``t``, and the brackets
    ``<...>`` refer to averages over time ``t``. The quantity ``t'`` denotes
    the delay time
    This implementation is based on published work. [1]_
    .. [1] D. Lumma, L. B. Lurio, S. G. J. Mochrie and M. Sutton,
        "Area detector based photon correlation in the regime of
        short data batches: Data reduction for dynamic x-ray
        scattering," Rev. Sci. Instrum., vol 71, p 3274-3289, 2000.

    if internal_state is None:
        internal_state = _init_state_one_time(num_levels, num_bufs, labels)
    # create a shorthand reference to the results and state named tuple
    s = internal_state

    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(labels)
    # iterate over the images to compute multi-tau correlation

    fra_pix = np.zeros_like(pixelist, dtype=np.float64)

    timg = np.zeros(FD.md['ncols'] * FD.md['nrows'], dtype=np.int32)
    timg[pixelist] = np.arange(1, len(pixelist) + 1)

    if bad_frame_list is None:
        bad_frame_list = []
    for i in tqdm(range(FD.beg, FD.end)):
        if i in bad_frame_list:
            fra_pix[:] = np.nan
            (p, v) = FD.rdrawframe(i)
            w = np.where(timg[p])[0]
            pxlist = timg[p[w]] - 1

            if imgsum is None:
                if norm is None:
                    fra_pix[pxlist] = v[w]
                    fra_pix[pxlist] = v[w] / norm[pxlist]  #-1.0

                if norm is None:
                    fra_pix[pxlist] = v[w] / imgsum[i]
                    fra_pix[pxlist] = v[w] / imgsum[i] / norm[pxlist]

        level = 0
        # increment buffer
        s.cur[0] = (1 + s.cur[0]) % num_bufs
        # Put the ROI pixels into the ring buffer.
        s.buf[0, s.cur[0] - 1] = fra_pix
        fra_pix[:] = 0

        #print( i, len(p), len(w), len( pixelist))

        #print ('i= %s init fra_pix'%i )
        buf_no = s.cur[0] - 1
        # Compute the correlations between the first level
        # (undownsampled) frames. This modifies G,
        # past_intensity, future_intensity,
        # and img_per_level in place!
        _one_time_process(s.buf, s.G, s.past_intensity, s.future_intensity,
                          s.label_array, num_bufs, s.num_pixels,
                          s.img_per_level, level, buf_no, s.norm, s.lev_len)

        # check whether the number of levels is one, otherwise
        # continue processing the next level
        processing = num_levels > 1

        level = 1
        while processing:
            if not s.track_level[level]:
                s.track_level[level] = True
                processing = False
                prev = (1 + (s.cur[level - 1] - 2) % num_bufs)
                s.cur[level] = (1 + s.cur[level] % num_bufs)

                s.buf[level, s.cur[level] -
                      1] = ((s.buf[level - 1, prev - 1] +
                             s.buf[level - 1, s.cur[level - 1] - 1]) / 2)

                # make the track_level zero once that level is processed
                s.track_level[level] = False

                # call processing_func for each multi-tau level greater
                # than one. This is modifying things in place. See comment
                # on previous call above.
                buf_no = s.cur[level] - 1
                _one_time_process(s.buf, s.G, s.past_intensity,
                                  s.future_intensity, s.label_array, num_bufs,
                                  s.num_pixels, s.img_per_level, level, buf_no,
                                  s.norm, s.lev_len)
                level += 1

                # Checking whether there is next level for processing
                processing = level < num_levels

        # If any past intensities are zero, then g2 cannot be normalized at
        # those levels. This if/else code block is basically preventing
        # divide-by-zero errors.
        if len(np.where(s.past_intensity == 0)[0]) != 0:
            g_max = np.where(s.past_intensity == 0)[0][0]
            g_max = s.past_intensity.shape[0]

        g2 = (s.G[:g_max] /
              (s.past_intensity[:g_max] * s.future_intensity[:g_max]))
        yield results(g2, s.lag_steps[:g_max], s)
예제 #14
def auto_two_Arrayc(data_pixel, rois, index=None):
    Dec 16, 2015, Y.G.@CHX
    a numpy operation method to get two-time correlation function 
        data:  images sequence, shape as [img[0], img[1], imgs_length]
        rois: 2-D array, the interested roi, has the same shape as image, can be rings for saxs, boxes for gisaxs
        data_pixel: if not None,    
                    2-D array, shape as (len(images), len(qind)),
                    use function Get_Pixel_Array( ).get_data(  ) to get 
        g12: a 3-D array, shape as ( imgs_length, imgs_length, q)
    One example:        
        g12 = auto_two_Array( imgsr, ring_mask, data_pixel = data_pixel ) 

    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(rois)
    noqs = len(np.unique(qind))
    nopr = np.bincount(qind, minlength=(noqs + 1))[1:]
    noframes = data_pixel.shape[0]

    if index is None:
        index = np.arange(1, noqs + 1)
            index = np.array(index)
        except TypeError:
            index = np.array([index])
        #print( index )
    qlist = np.arange(1, noqs + 1)[index - 1]
    #print( qlist )
        g12b = np.zeros([noframes, noframes, len(qlist)])
        DO = True
            "The array is too large. The Sever can't handle such big array. Will calulate different Q sequencely"
        '''TO be done here  '''
        DO = False

    if DO:
        i = 0
        for qi in tqdm(qlist):
            #print (qi-1)
            pixelist_qi = np.where(qind == qi)[0]
            #print (pixelist_qi.shape,  data_pixel[qi].shape)
            data_pixel_qi = data_pixel[:, pixelist_qi]
            sum1 = (np.average(data_pixel_qi, axis=1)).reshape(1, noframes)
            sum2 = sum1.T
            #print( qi, qlist, )
            #print( g12b[:,:,qi -1 ] )
            g12b[:, :, i] = np.dot(
                data_pixel_qi, data_pixel_qi.T) / sum1 / sum2 / nopr[qi - 1]
            i += 1
        return g12b
예제 #15
def lazy_one_timep(FD, num_levels, num_bufs, labels,
            internal_state=None, bad_frame_list=None, imgsum=None, 
                  norm = None ):
    if internal_state is None:
        internal_state = _internal_statep(num_levels, num_bufs, labels)    
    # create a shorthand reference to the results and state named tuple    
    s = internal_state
    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(  labels  )    
    # iterate over the images to compute multi-tau correlation 
    fra_pix = np.zeros_like( pixelist, dtype=np.float64)    
    timg = np.zeros(    FD.md['ncols'] * FD.md['nrows']   , dtype=np.int32   ) 
    timg[pixelist] =   np.arange( 1, len(pixelist) + 1  ) 
    if bad_frame_list is None:
    #for  i in tqdm(range( FD.beg , FD.end )):
    for  i in range( FD.beg , FD.end ):
        if i in bad_frame_list:
            fra_pix[:]= np.nan
            (p,v) = FD.rdrawframe(i)
            w = np.where( timg[p] )[0]
            pxlist = timg[  p[w]   ] -1             
            if imgsum is None:
                if norm is None:
                    #print ('here')
                    fra_pix[ pxlist] = v[w]
                    fra_pix[ pxlist] = v[w]/ norm[pxlist]   #-1.0 
                if norm is None:
                    fra_pix[ pxlist] = v[w] / imgsum[i] 
                    fra_pix[ pxlist] = v[w]/ imgsum[i]/  norm[pxlist]           
        level = 0   
        # increment buffer
        s.cur[0] = (1 + s.cur[0]) % num_bufs 
        # Put the ROI pixels into the ring buffer. 
        s.buf[0, s.cur[0] - 1] =  fra_pix        
        #print( i, len(p), len(w), len( pixelist))
        #print ('i= %s init fra_pix'%i )            
        buf_no = s.cur[0] - 1
        # Compute the correlations between the first level
        # (undownsampled) frames. This modifies G,
        # past_intensity, future_intensity,
        # and img_per_level in place!        
        #print (s.G)
        _one_time_processp(s.buf, s.G, s.past_intensity, s.future_intensity,
                          s.label_array, num_bufs, s.num_pixels,
                          s.img_per_level, level, buf_no, s.norm, s.lev_len)

        #print (s.G)
        # check whether the number of levels is one, otherwise
        # continue processing the next level
        processing = num_levels > 1
        level = 1        
        while processing:
            if not s.track_level[level]:
                s.track_level[level] = True
                processing = False
                prev = (1 + (s.cur[level - 1] - 2) % num_bufs)
                s.cur[level] = (
                    1 + s.cur[level] % num_bufs)

                s.buf[level, s.cur[level] - 1] = ((
                        s.buf[level - 1, prev - 1] +
                        s.buf[level - 1, s.cur[level - 1] - 1]) / 2)

                # make the track_level zero once that level is processed
                s.track_level[level] = False

                # call processing_func for each multi-tau level greater
                # than one. This is modifying things in place. See comment
                # on previous call above.
                buf_no = s.cur[level] - 1
                _one_time_processp(s.buf, s.G, s.past_intensity,
                                  s.future_intensity, s.label_array, num_bufs,
                                  s.num_pixels, s.img_per_level, level, buf_no,
                                  s.norm, s.lev_len)
                level += 1
                # Checking whether there is next level for processing
                processing = level < num_levels               

    # If any past intensities are zero, then g2 cannot be normalized at
    # those levels. This if/else code block is basically preventing
    # divide-by-zero errors.
    if len(np.where(s.past_intensity == 0)[0]) != 0:
        g_max = np.where(s.past_intensity == 0)[0][0]
        g_max = s.past_intensity.shape[0]

    g2 = (s.G[:g_max] / (s.past_intensity[:g_max] *
    #print (FD)

    #del FD
    #print (g2)
    #return results(g2, s.lag_steps[:g_max], s)
    return g2, s.lag_steps[:g_max] #, s
예제 #16
def lazy_two_time(FD, num_levels, num_bufs, labels,
                  two_time_internal_state=None, bad_frame_list=None, imgsum= None, norm = None ):

#def lazy_two_time(labels, images, num_frames, num_bufs, num_levels=1,
#                  two_time_internal_state=None):
    """ Generator implementation of two-time correlation
    If you do not want multi-tau correlation, set num_levels to 1 and
    num_bufs to the number of images you wish to correlate
    Multi-tau correlation uses a scheme to achieve long-time correlations
    inexpensively by downsampling the data, iteratively combining successive
    The longest lag time computed is num_levels * num_bufs.
    ** see comments on multi_tau_auto_corr
    FD: the handler of compressed data 
    num_levels : int, optional
        how many generations of downsampling to perform, i.e.,
        the depth of the binomial tree of averaged frames
        default is one
    num_bufs : int, must be even
        maximum lag step to compute in each generation of
    labels : array
        labeled array of the same shape as the image stack;
        each ROI is represented by a distinct label (i.e., integer)
    two_time_internal_state: None

        A ``results`` object is yielded after every image has been processed.
        This `reults` object contains, in this order:
        - ``g2``: the normalized correlation
          shape is (num_rois, len(lag_steps), len(lag_steps))
        - ``lag_steps``: the times at which the correlation was computed
        - ``_internal_state``: all of the internal state. Can be passed back in
          to ``lazy_one_time`` as the ``internal_state`` parameter
    The two-time correlation function is defined as
    .. math::
        C(q,t_1,t_2) = \\frac{<I(q,t_1)I(q,t_2)>}{<I(q, t_1)><I(q,t_2)>}
    Here, the ensemble averages are performed over many pixels of detector,
    all having the same ``q`` value. The average time or age is equal to
    ``(t1+t2)/2``, measured by the distance along the ``t1 = t2`` diagonal.
    The time difference ``t = |t1 - t2|``, with is distance from the
    ``t1 = t2`` diagonal in the perpendicular direction.
    In the equilibrium system, the two-time correlation functions depend only
    on the time difference ``t``, and hence the two-time correlation contour
    lines are parallel.
    .. [1]
        A. Fluerasu, A. Moussaid, A. Mandsen and A. Schofield, "Slow dynamics
        and aging in collodial gels studied by x-ray photon correlation
        spectroscopy," Phys. Rev. E., vol 76, p 010401(1-4), 2007.
    num_frames = FD.end - FD.beg  
    if two_time_internal_state is None:
        two_time_internal_state = _init_state_two_time(num_levels, num_bufs,labels, num_frames)
    # create a shorthand reference to the results and state named tuple
    s = two_time_internal_state    
    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(  labels  )    
    # iterate over the images to compute multi-tau correlation
    fra_pix = np.zeros_like( pixelist, dtype=np.float64)    
    timg = np.zeros(    FD.md['ncols'] * FD.md['nrows']   , dtype=np.int32   ) 
    timg[pixelist] =   np.arange( 1, len(pixelist) + 1  )     
    if bad_frame_list is None:
    for  i in tqdm(range( FD.beg , FD.end )):        
        if i in bad_frame_list:
            fra_pix[:]= np.nan
            (p,v) = FD.rdrawframe(i)
            w = np.where( timg[p] )[0]
            pxlist = timg[  p[w]   ] -1            
            if imgsum is None:
                if norm is None:
                    fra_pix[ pxlist] = v[w] 
                    fra_pix[ pxlist] = v[w]/ norm[pxlist]   #-1.0  
                if norm is None:
                    fra_pix[ pxlist] = v[w] / imgsum[i] 
                    fra_pix[ pxlist] = v[w]/ imgsum[i]/  norm[pxlist]            
        level = 0   
        # increment buffer
        s.cur[0] = (1 + s.cur[0]) % num_bufs         
        s.count_level[0] = 1 + s.count_level[0]
        # get the current image time
        s = s._replace(current_img_time=(s.current_img_time + 1))        
        # Put the ROI pixels into the ring buffer. 
        s.buf[0, s.cur[0] - 1] =  fra_pix 
        _two_time_process(s.buf, s.g2, s.label_array, num_bufs,
                          s.num_pixels, s.img_per_level, s.lag_steps,
                          level=0, buf_no=s.cur[0] - 1)
        # time frame for each level
        # check whether the number of levels is one, otherwise
        # continue processing the next level
        processing = num_levels > 1
        # Compute the correlations for all higher levels.
        level = 1
        while processing:
            if not s.track_level[level]:
                s.track_level[level] = 1
                processing = False
                prev = 1 + (s.cur[level - 1] - 2) % num_bufs
                s.cur[level] = 1 + s.cur[level] % num_bufs
                s.count_level[level] = 1 + s.count_level[level]                
                s.buf[level, s.cur[level] - 1] = ( s.buf[level - 1, prev - 1] +  
                                                  s.buf[level - 1, s.cur[level - 1] - 1] )/2

                t1_idx = (s.count_level[level] - 1) * 2

                current_img_time = ((s.time_ind[level - 1])[t1_idx] +
                                    (s.time_ind[level - 1])[t1_idx + 1])/2.
                # time frame for each level
                # make the track_level zero once that level is processed
                s.track_level[level] = 0
                # call the _two_time_process function for each multi-tau level
                # for multi-tau levels greater than one
                # Again, this is modifying things in place. See comment
                # on previous call above.
                _two_time_process(s.buf, s.g2, s.label_array, num_bufs,
                                  s.num_pixels, s.img_per_level, s.lag_steps,
                                  level=level, buf_no=s.cur[level]-1)
                level += 1

                # Checking whether there is next level for processing
                processing = level < num_levels
        #print (s.g2[1,:,1] )
        yield s
예제 #17
def test_rings():
    center = (100., 100.)
    img_dim = (200, 205)
    first_q = 10.
    delta_q = 5.
    num_rings = 7  # number of Q rings
    one_step_q = 5.0
    step_q = [2.5, 3.0, 5.8]

    # test when there is same spacing between rings
    edges = roi.ring_edges(first_q, width=delta_q, spacing=one_step_q,
    print("edges there is same spacing between rings ", edges)
    label_array = roi.rings(edges, center, img_dim)
    print("label_array there is same spacing between rings", label_array)
    label_mask, pixel_list = roi.extract_label_indices(label_array)
    # number of pixels per ROI
    num_pixels = np.bincount(label_mask, minlength=(np.max(label_mask)+1))
    num_pixels = num_pixels[1:]

    # test when there is same spacing between rings
    edges = roi.ring_edges(first_q, width=delta_q, spacing=2.5,
    print("edges there is same spacing between rings ", edges)
    label_array = roi.rings(edges, center, img_dim)
    print("label_array there is same spacing between rings", label_array)
    label_mask, pixel_list = roi.extract_label_indices(label_array)
    # number of pixels per ROI
    num_pixels = np.bincount(label_mask, minlength=(np.max(label_mask)+1))
    num_pixels = num_pixels[1:]

    # test when there is different spacing between rings
    edges = roi.ring_edges(first_q, width=delta_q, spacing=step_q,
    print("edges when there is different spacing between rings", edges)
    label_array = roi.rings(edges, center, img_dim)
    print("label_array there is different spacing between rings", label_array)
    label_mask, pixel_list = roi.extract_label_indices(label_array)
    # number of pixels per ROI
    num_pixels = np.bincount(label_mask, minlength=(np.max(label_mask)+1))
    num_pixels = num_pixels[1:]

    # test when there is no spacing between rings
    edges = roi.ring_edges(first_q, width=delta_q, num_rings=num_rings)
    print("edges", edges)
    label_array = roi.rings(edges, center, img_dim)
    print("label_array", label_array)
    label_mask, pixel_list = roi.extract_label_indices(label_array)
    # number of pixels per ROI
    num_pixels = np.bincount(label_mask, minlength=(np.max(label_mask)+1))
    num_pixels = num_pixels[1:]

    # Did we draw the right number of rings?
    actual_num_rings = len(np.unique(label_array)) - 1
    assert_equal(actual_num_rings, num_rings)

    # Does each ring have more pixels than the last, being larger?
    ring_areas = np.bincount(label_array.ravel())[1:]
    area_comparison = np.diff(ring_areas)
    areas_monotonically_increasing = np.all(area_comparison > 0)

    # Test various illegal inputs
                  lambda: roi.ring_edges(1, 2))  # need num_rings
    # width incompatible with num_rings
                  lambda: roi.ring_edges(1, [1, 2, 3], num_rings=2))
    # too few spacings
                  lambda: roi.ring_edges(1, [1, 2, 3], [1]))
    # too many spacings
                  lambda: roi.ring_edges(1, [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]))
    # num_rings conflicts with width, spacing
                  lambda: roi.ring_edges(1, [1, 2, 3], [1, 2], 5))
    w_edges = [[5, 7], [1, 2]]
    assert_raises(ValueError, roi.rings, w_edges, center=(4, 4),
                  shape=(20, 20))
예제 #18
def xsvs(image_sets, label_array, number_of_img, timebin_num=2, time_bin=None,only_first_level=False,
         max_cts=None, bad_images = None, threshold=None):   
    This function will provide the probability density of detecting photons
    for different integration times.
    The experimental probability density P(K) of detecting photons K is
    obtained by histogramming the speckle counts over an ensemble of
    equivalent pixels and over a number of speckle patterns recorded
    with the same integration time T under the same condition.
    image_sets : array
        sets of images
    label_array : array
        labeled array; 0 is background.
        Each ROI is represented by a distinct label (i.e., integer).
    number_of_img : int
        number of images (how far to go with integration times when finding
        the time_bin, using skxray.utils.geometric function)
    timebin_num : int, optional
        integration time; default is 2
    max_cts : int, optional
       the brightest pixel in any ROI in any image in the image set.
       defaults to using skxray.core.roi.roi_max_counts to determine
       the brightest pixel in any of the ROIs
    bad_images: array, optional
        the bad images number list, the XSVS will not analyze the binning image groups which involve any bad images
    threshold: float, optional
        If one image involves a pixel with intensity above threshold, such image will be considered as a bad image.
    prob_k_all : array
        probability density of detecting photons
    prob_k_std_dev : array
        standard deviation of probability density of detecting photons
    These implementation is based on following references
    References: text [1]_, text [2]_
    .. [1] L. Li, P. Kwasniewski, D. Oris, L Wiegart, L. Cristofolini,
       C. Carona and A. Fluerasu , "Photon statistics and speckle visibility
       spectroscopy with partially coherent x-rays" J. Synchrotron Rad.,
       vol 21, p 1288-1295, 2014.
    .. [2] R. Bandyopadhyay, A. S. Gittings, S. S. Suh, P.K. Dixon and
       D.J. Durian "Speckle-visibilty Spectroscopy: A tool to study
       time-varying dynamics" Rev. Sci. Instrum. vol 76, p  093110, 2005.
    There is an example in https://github.com/scikit-xray/scikit-xray-examples
    It will demonstrate the use of these functions in this module for
    experimental data.
    if max_cts is None:
        max_cts = roi.roi_max_counts(image_sets, label_array)

    # find the label's and pixel indices for ROI's
    labels, indices = roi.extract_label_indices(label_array)
    nopixels = len(indices)
    # number of ROI's
    u_labels = list(np.unique(labels))
    num_roi = len(u_labels)

    # create integration times
    if time_bin is None:time_bin = geometric_series(timebin_num, number_of_img)
    if only_first_level:
        time_bin = [1]
    # number of times in the time bin
    num_times = len(time_bin)

    # number of pixels per ROI
    num_pixels = np.bincount(labels, minlength=(num_roi+1))[1:]

    # probability density of detecting photons
    prob_k_all = np.zeros([num_times, num_roi], dtype=np.object)

    # square of probability density of detecting photons
    prob_k_pow_all = np.zeros_like(prob_k_all)

    # standard deviation of probability density of detecting photons
    prob_k_std_dev = np.zeros_like(prob_k_all)

    # get the bin edges for each time bin for each ROI
    bin_edges = np.zeros(prob_k_all.shape[0], dtype=prob_k_all.dtype)
    for i in range(num_times):
        bin_edges[i] = np.arange(max_cts*2**i)

    start_time = time.time()  # used to log the computation time (optionally)

    for i, images in enumerate(image_sets):
        #print( i, images )
        # Ring buffer, a buffer with periodic boundary conditions.
        # Images must be keep for up to maximum delay in buf.
        #buf = np.zeros([num_times, timebin_num], dtype=np.object)  # matrix of buffers
        buf =  np.ma.zeros([num_times, timebin_num, nopixels]) 
        buf.mask = True   

        # to track processing each time level
        track_level = np.zeros( num_times )
        track_bad_level = np.zeros( num_times )
        # to increment buffer
        cur = np.int_( np.full(num_times, timebin_num) )

        # to track how many images processed in each level
        img_per_level = np.zeros(num_times, dtype=np.int64)

        prob_k = np.zeros_like(prob_k_all)
        prob_k_pow = np.zeros_like(prob_k_all)
            noframes= len(images)
            noframes= images.length
        #Num= { key: [0]* len(  dict_dly[key] ) for key in list(dict_dly.keys())  }
        for n, img in enumerate(images):
            cur[0] = 1 + cur[0]% timebin_num
            # read each frame
            # Put the image into the ring buffer.
            img_ = (np.ravel(img))[indices]   
            if threshold is not None:
                if img_.max() >= threshold:
                    print ('bad image: %s here!'%n  )
                    img_ =  np.ma.zeros( len(img_) )
                    img_.mask = True    
            if bad_images is not None:        
                if n in bad_images:
                    print ('bad image: %s here!'%n)
                    img_ =  np.ma.zeros( len(img_) )
                    img_.mask = True         
            buf[0, cur[0] - 1] = img_
            #print( n, np.sum(buf[0, cur[0] - 1] ), np.sum( img ) )

            _process(num_roi, 0, cur[0] - 1, buf, img_per_level, labels,
                     max_cts, bin_edges[0], prob_k, prob_k_pow,track_bad_level)
            #print (0, img_per_level)

            # check whether the number of levels is one, otherwise
            # continue processing the next level
            level = 1
            if number_of_img>1:
            #print ('track_level: %s'%track_level)
            #while level < num_times:
                #if not track_level[level]:
                    #track_level[level] = 1
            if only_first_level:
                processing = 0
            while processing:
                if track_level[level]:
                    prev = 1 + (cur[level - 1] - 2) % timebin_num
                    cur[level] = 1 + cur[level] % timebin_num
                    bufa = buf[level-1,prev-1]
                    bufb=  buf[level-1,cur[level-1]-1] 
                    if (bufa.data==0).all():
                        buf[level,cur[level]-1] =  bufa
                    elif (bufb.data==0).all():
                        buf[level,cur[level]-1] = bufb 
                        buf[level, cur[level]-1] =  bufa + bufb
                    #print (level, cur[level]-1)
                    track_level[level] = 0

                    _process(num_roi, level, cur[level]-1, buf, img_per_level,
                             labels, max_cts, bin_edges[level], prob_k,
                    level += 1
                    if level < num_times:processing = 1
                    else:processing = 0
                    track_level[level] = 1
                    processing = 0
                #print ('track_level: %s'%track_level)
            if  noframes>=10 and n %( int(noframes/10) ) ==0:

            prob_k_all += (prob_k - prob_k_all)/(i + 1)
            prob_k_pow_all += (prob_k_pow - prob_k_pow_all)/(i + 1)

    prob_k_std_dev = np.power((prob_k_pow_all -
                               np.power(prob_k_all, 2)), .5)
    for i in range(num_times):
        if   isinstance(prob_k_all[i,0], float ):
            for j in range( len(u_labels)):
                prob_k_all[i,j] = np.array(  [0] * (len(bin_edges[i]) -1 ) )
                prob_k_std_dev[i,j] = np.array(  [0] * (len(bin_edges[i]) -1 ) )
    logger.info("Processing time for XSVS took %s seconds."
                "", (time.time() - start_time))
    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    #print (Num)
    print ('Total time: %.2f min' %(elapsed_time/60.)) 
    #print (img_per_level - track_bad_level)
    #print (buf)
    return bin_edges, prob_k_all, prob_k_std_dev
예제 #19
def lazy_two_timep(FD, num_levels, num_bufs, labels,
                  internal_state=None, bad_frame_list=None, imgsum= None, norm = None ):

    """ Generator implementation of two-time correlation
    If you do not want multi-tau correlation, set num_levels to 1 and
    num_bufs to the number of images you wish to correlate
    Multi-tau correlation uses a scheme to achieve long-time correlations
    inexpensively by downsampling the data, iteratively combining successive
    The longest lag time computed is num_levels * num_bufs.
    ** see comments on multi_tau_auto_corr
    FD: the handler of compressed data 
    num_levels : int, optional
        how many generations of downsampling to perform, i.e.,
        the depth of the binomial tree of averaged frames
        default is one
    num_bufs : int, must be even
        maximum lag step to compute in each generation of
    labels : array
        labeled array of the same shape as the image stack;
        each ROI is represented by a distinct label (i.e., integer)
    two_time_internal_state: None

        A ``results`` object is yielded after every image has been processed.
        This `reults` object contains, in this order:
        - ``g2``: the normalized correlation
          shape is (num_rois, len(lag_steps), len(lag_steps))
        - ``lag_steps``: the times at which the correlation was computed
        - ``_internal_state``: all of the internal state. Can be passed back in
          to ``lazy_one_time`` as the ``internal_state`` parameter
    The two-time correlation function is defined as
    .. math::
        C(q,t_1,t_2) = \\frac{<I(q,t_1)I(q,t_2)>}{<I(q, t_1)><I(q,t_2)>}
    Here, the ensemble averages are performed over many pixels of detector,
    all having the same ``q`` value. The average time or age is equal to
    ``(t1+t2)/2``, measured by the distance along the ``t1 = t2`` diagonal.
    The time difference ``t = |t1 - t2|``, with is distance from the
    ``t1 = t2`` diagonal in the perpendicular direction.
    In the equilibrium system, the two-time correlation functions depend only
    on the time difference ``t``, and hence the two-time correlation contour
    lines are parallel.
    .. [1]
        A. Fluerasu, A. Moussaid, A. Mandsen and A. Schofield, "Slow dynamics
        and aging in collodial gels studied by x-ray photon correlation
        spectroscopy," Phys. Rev. E., vol 76, p 010401(1-4), 2007.
    num_frames = FD.end - FD.beg 
    if internal_state is None:
        internal_state = _init_state_two_timep(num_levels, num_bufs, labels, num_frames )    
    # create a shorthand reference to the results and state named tuple    
    s = internal_state    
    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(  labels  )    
    # iterate over the images to compute multi-tau correlation
    fra_pix = np.zeros_like( pixelist, dtype=np.float64)    
    timg = np.zeros(    FD.md['ncols'] * FD.md['nrows']   , dtype=np.int32   ) 
    timg[pixelist] =   np.arange( 1, len(pixelist) + 1  )     
    if bad_frame_list is None:
    for  i in  range( FD.beg , FD.end ):        
        if i in bad_frame_list:
            fra_pix[:]= np.nan
            (p,v) = FD.rdrawframe(i)
            w = np.where( timg[p] )[0]
            pxlist = timg[  p[w]   ] -1            
            if imgsum is None:
                if norm is None:
                    fra_pix[ pxlist] = v[w] 
                    fra_pix[ pxlist] = v[w]/ norm[pxlist]   #-1.0  
                if norm is None:
                    fra_pix[ pxlist] = v[w] / imgsum[i] 
                    fra_pix[ pxlist] = v[w]/ imgsum[i]/  norm[pxlist]            
        level = 0   
        # increment buffer
        s.cur[0] = (1 + s.cur[0]) % num_bufs         
        s.count_level[0] = 1 + s.count_level[0]
        # get the current image time
        #s = s._replace(current_img_time=(s.current_img_time + 1)) 
        s.current_img_time += 1
        # Put the ROI pixels into the ring buffer. 
        s.buf[0, s.cur[0] - 1] =  fra_pix 
        _two_time_processp(s.buf, s.g2, s.label_array, num_bufs,
                          s.num_pixels, s.img_per_level, s.lag_steps,
                          level=0, buf_no=s.cur[0] - 1)
        # time frame for each level
        # check whether the number of levels is one, otherwise
        # continue processing the next level
        processing = num_levels > 1
        # Compute the correlations for all higher levels.
        level = 1
        while processing:
            if not s.track_level[level]:
                s.track_level[level] = 1
                processing = False
                prev = 1 + (s.cur[level - 1] - 2) % num_bufs
                s.cur[level] = 1 + s.cur[level] % num_bufs
                s.count_level[level] = 1 + s.count_level[level]                
                s.buf[level, s.cur[level] - 1] = ( s.buf[level - 1, prev - 1] +  
                                                  s.buf[level - 1, s.cur[level - 1] - 1] )/2
                t1_idx = (s.count_level[level] - 1) * 2
                current_img_time = ((s.time_ind[level - 1])[t1_idx] +
                                    (s.time_ind[level - 1])[t1_idx + 1])/2.
                # time frame for each level
                # make the track_level zero once that level is processed
                s.track_level[level] = 0
                # call the _two_time_process function for each multi-tau level
                # for multi-tau levels greater than one
                # Again, this is modifying things in place. See comment
                # on previous call above.
                _two_time_processp(s.buf, s.g2, s.label_array, num_bufs,
                                  s.num_pixels, s.img_per_level, s.lag_steps,
                                  level=level, buf_no=s.cur[level]-1)
                level += 1

                # Checking whether there is next level for processing
                processing = level < num_levels
        #print (s.g2[1,:,1] )
        #yield s        
    for q in range(np.max(s.label_array)):
        x0 = (s.g2)[q, :, :]
        (s.g2)[q, :, :] = (np.tril(x0) + np.tril(x0).T -
    return s.g2, s.lag_steps
예제 #20
def auto_two_Arrayp(  data_pixel, rois, index=None):
    TODO list
    will try to use dask
    Dec 16, 2015, Y.G.@CHX
    a numpy operation method to get two-time correlation function using parallel computation
        data:  images sequence, shape as [img[0], img[1], imgs_length]
        rois: 2-D array, the interested roi, has the same shape as image, can be rings for saxs, boxes for gisaxs
        data_pixel: if not None,    
                    2-D array, shape as (len(images), len(qind)),
                    use function Get_Pixel_Array( ).get_data(  ) to get 
        g12: a 3-D array, shape as ( imgs_length, imgs_length, q)
    One example:        
        g12 = auto_two_Array( imgsr, ring_mask, data_pixel = data_pixel ) 
    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(   rois  )
    noqs = len( np.unique(qind) )
    nopr = np.bincount(qind, minlength=(noqs+1))[1:] 
    noframes = data_pixel.shape[0]    
    g12b = np.zeros(  [noframes, noframes, noqs] )
    if index is None:
        index =  np.arange( 1, noqs + 1 )        
            index = np.array(  index  )
        except TypeError:
            index = np.array(  [index]  )
    qlist = np.arange( 1, noqs + 1 )[ index -1  ]    

    inputs = range( len(qlist) ) 
    data_pixel_qis = [0]* len(qlist)
    for i in inputs:         
        pixelist_qi =  np.where( qind ==  qlist[i] )[0] 
        data_pixel_qis[i] =    data_pixel[:,pixelist_qi]    
    #pool =  Pool(processes= len(inputs) )  
    #results = [ apply_async( pool, _get_two_time_for_one_q, ( qlist[i], 
    #                                    data_pixel_qis[i], nopr, noframes ) ) for i in tqdm( inputs )  ]        
    #res = [r.get() for r in results]    
    pool =  Pool(processes= len(inputs) )  
    results = {}        
    for i in  inputs:        
        results[i] =   pool.apply_async(  _get_two_time_for_one_q, [
                            qlist[i], data_pixel_qis[i], nopr, noframes
                               ]  )  
    res = np.array( [ results[k].get() for k in   list(sorted(results.keys()))   ]     )   
    for i in inputs:
        g12b[:,:,qi -1 ] = res[i]        
    print( 'G12 calculation DONE!')        
    return g12b #g12b
예제 #21
def _validate_and_transform_inputs(num_bufs, num_levels, labels):
    This is a helper function to validate inputs and create initial state
    inputs for both one time and two time correlation
    num_bufs : int
    num_levels : int
    labels : array
        labeled array of the same shape as the image stack;
        each ROI is represented by a distinct label (i.e., integer)
    label_array : array
        labels of the required region of interests(ROI's)
    pixel_list : array
        1D array of indices into the raveled image for all
        foreground pixels (labeled nonzero)
        e.g., [5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22]
    num_rois : int
        number of region of interests (ROI)
    num_pixels : array
        number of pixels in each ROI
    lag_steps : array
        the times at which the correlation was computed
    buf : array
        image data for correlation
    img_per_level : array
        to track how many images processed in each level
    track_level : array
        to track processing each level
    cur : array
        to increment the buffer
    norm : dict
        to track bad images
    lev_len : array
        length of each levels
    if num_bufs % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError("There must be an even number of `num_bufs`. You "
                         "provided %s" % num_bufs)
    label_array, pixel_list = extract_label_indices(labels)

    # map the indices onto a sequential list of integers starting at 1
    label_mapping = {label: n+1
                     for n, label in enumerate(np.unique(label_array))}
    # remap the label array to go from 1 -> max(_labels)
    for label, n in label_mapping.items():
        label_array[label_array == label] = n

    # number of ROI's
    num_rois = len(label_mapping)

    # stash the number of pixels in the mask
    num_pixels = np.bincount(label_array)[1:]

    # Convert from num_levels, num_bufs to lag frames.
    tot_channels, lag_steps, dict_lag = multi_tau_lags(num_levels, num_bufs)

    # these norm and lev_len will help to find the one time correlation
    # normalization norm will updated when there is a bad image
    norm = {key: [0] * len(dict_lag[key]) for key in (dict_lag.keys())}
    lev_len = np.array([len(dict_lag[i]) for i in (dict_lag.keys())])

    # Ring buffer, a buffer with periodic boundary conditions.
    # Images must be keep for up to maximum delay in buf.
    buf = np.zeros((num_levels, num_bufs, len(pixel_list)),
    # to track how many images processed in each level
    img_per_level = np.zeros(num_levels, dtype=np.int64)
    # to track which levels have already been processed
    track_level = np.zeros(num_levels, dtype=bool)
    # to increment buffer
    cur = np.ones(num_levels, dtype=np.int64)

    return (label_array, pixel_list, num_rois, num_pixels,
            lag_steps, buf, img_per_level, track_level, cur,
            norm, lev_len)
def autocor_two_time( num_buf, rois, imgs, num_lev=None, start_img=None, end_img=None    ):
    Dec 16, 2015, Y.G.@CHX
    a multi-tau code for two-time correlation function  
        num_buf: int, number of buffer
        rois: 2-D array, the interested roi, has the same shape as image, can be rings for saxs, boxes for gisaxs
        imgs: pims sequences, image stack
        num_lev: int, number of level, if None: = int(np.log( noframes/(num_buf-1))/np.log(2) +1) +1
        start_img: int, None, =0
        end_img: int, None, = len(imgs)
        #to be done to deal with bad frames
        #bad_images: list, None,bad_images list
        #threshold: float, None, intensity max threshold, above which is considered as bad images
    g12, 3D-array, shape as ( len(imgs), len(imgs), q)
    One example:
        g12  = autocor_two_time( num_buf,  ring_mask, imgsr, num_lev=None )

    #print (dly)
    if start_img is None:start_img=0
    if end_img is None:
            end_img= len(imgs)
            end_img= imgs.length
    #print (start_img, end_img)    
    noframes = end_img - start_img #+ 1
    #print (noframes)
    ring_mask = rois
    if num_lev is None:num_lev = int(np.log( noframes/(num_buf-1))/np.log(2) +1) +1
    print ( 'The lev number is %s'%num_lev)
    dly, dict_dly = delays( num_lev, num_buf, time=1 )
    #print (dly.max())
    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(   ring_mask  )
    noqs = np.max(qind)    
    nopr = np.bincount(qind, minlength=(noqs+1))[1:]
    nopixels = nopr.sum() 
    start_time = time.time()
    buf=np.zeros([num_lev,num_buf,nopixels])  #// matrix of buffers, for store img
    cur=np.ones(num_lev) * num_buf
    countl = np.array( np.zeros(  num_lev ),dtype='int')  
    g12 =  np.zeros( [ noframes, noframes, noqs] )      
    num= np.array( np.zeros(  num_lev ),dtype='int')          
    time_ind ={key: [] for key in range(num_lev)}   
    for n in range( start_img, end_img ):   ##do the work here
        cur[0]=1+cur[0]%num_buf  # increment buffer  
        img = imgs[n] 
        #print ( 'The insert image is %s' %(n) )
        buf[0, cur[0]-1 ]=  (np.ravel(img))[pixelist]
        img=[] #//save space 
        countl[0] = 1+ countl[0]
        current_img_time = n - start_img +1
        process_two_time(lev=0, bufno=cur[0]-1,n=current_img_time,
                        g12=g12, buf=buf, num=num, num_buf=num_buf, noqs=noqs, qind=qind, nopr=nopr, dly=dly)     
        time_ind[0].append(  current_img_time   )
        while processing:
            if cts[lev]:
                prev=  1+ (cur[lev-1]-1-1+num_buf)%num_buf
                cur[lev]=  1+ cur[lev]%num_buf
                countl[lev] = 1+ countl[lev]                                
                buf[lev,cur[lev]-1] = ( buf[lev-1,prev-1] + buf[lev-1,cur[lev-1]-1] ) /2.
                t1_idx=   (countl[lev]-1) *2
                current_img_time = ((time_ind[lev-1])[t1_idx ] +  (time_ind[lev-1])[t1_idx +1 ] )/2. 
                time_ind[lev].append(  current_img_time      )  
                process_two_time(lev=lev, bufno=cur[lev]-1,n=current_img_time,
                        g12=g12, buf=buf, num=num, num_buf=num_buf, noqs=noqs, qind=qind, nopr=nopr, dly=dly)  
                #//Since this level finished, test if there is a next level for processing
                if lev<num_lev:processing = 1
                else:processing = 0                                
                cts[lev]=1      #// set flag to process next time
                processing=0    #// can stop until more images are accumulated              
        if  n %(noframes/10) ==0:
    for q in range(noqs):            
        x0 =  g12[:,:,q]
        g12[:,:,q] = np.tril(x0) +  np.tril(x0).T - np.diag( np.diag(x0) )            
    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    print ('Total time: %.2f min' %(elapsed_time/60.))
    return g12, elapsed_time/60.
예제 #23
def lazy_one_time(FD, num_levels, num_bufs, labels,
                  internal_state=None, bad_frame_list=None, imgsum=None, norm = None ):
    """Generator implementation of 1-time multi-tau correlation
    If you do not want multi-tau correlation, set num_levels to 1 and
    num_bufs to the number of images you wish to correlate
The number of bins (of size 1) is one larger than the largest value in
`x`. If `minlength` is specified, there will be at least this number
of bins in the output array (though it will be longer if necessary,
depending on the contents of `x`).
Each bin gives the number of occurrences of its index value in `x`.
If `weights` is specified the input array is weighted by it, i.e. if a
value ``n`` is found at position ``i``, ``out[n] += weight[i]`` instead
of ``out[n] += 1``.

    image_iterable : FD, a compressed eiger file by Multifile class
    num_levels : int
        how many generations of downsampling to perform, i.e., the depth of
        the binomial tree of averaged frames
    num_bufs : int, must be even
        maximum lag step to compute in each generation of downsampling
    labels : array
        Labeled array of the same shape as the image stack.
        Each ROI is represented by sequential integers starting at one.  For
        example, if you have four ROIs, they must be labeled 1, 2, 3,
        4. Background is labeled as 0
    internal_state : namedtuple, optional
        internal_state is a bucket for all of the internal state of the
        generator. It is part of the `results` object that is yielded from
        this generator
    For the sake of normalization: 
        imgsum: a list with the same length as FD, sum of each frame
        qp, iq:  the circular average radius (in pixel) and intensity    
        center: beam center


        A `results` object is yielded after every image has been processed.
        This `reults` object contains, in this order:
        - `g2`: the normalized correlation
          shape is (len(lag_steps), num_rois)
        - `lag_steps`: the times at which the correlation was computed
        - `_internal_state`: all of the internal state. Can be passed back in
          to `lazy_one_time` as the `internal_state` parameter
    The normalized intensity-intensity time-autocorrelation function
    is defined as
    .. math::
        g_2(q, t') = \\frac{<I(q, t)I(q, t + t')> }{<I(q, t)>^2}
        t' > 0
    Here, ``I(q, t)`` refers to the scattering strength at the momentum
    transfer vector ``q`` in reciprocal space at time ``t``, and the brackets
    ``<...>`` refer to averages over time ``t``. The quantity ``t'`` denotes
    the delay time
    This implementation is based on published work. [1]_
    .. [1] D. Lumma, L. B. Lurio, S. G. J. Mochrie and M. Sutton,
        "Area detector based photon correlation in the regime of
        short data batches: Data reduction for dynamic x-ray
        scattering," Rev. Sci. Instrum., vol 71, p 3274-3289, 2000.

    if internal_state is None:
        internal_state = _init_state_one_time(num_levels, num_bufs, labels)
    # create a shorthand reference to the results and state named tuple
    s = internal_state

    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(  labels  )    
    # iterate over the images to compute multi-tau correlation  
    fra_pix = np.zeros_like( pixelist, dtype=np.float64)
    timg = np.zeros(    FD.md['ncols'] * FD.md['nrows']   , dtype=np.int32   ) 
    timg[pixelist] =   np.arange( 1, len(pixelist) + 1  ) 
    if bad_frame_list is None:
    for  i in tqdm(range( FD.beg , FD.end )):        
        if i in bad_frame_list:
            fra_pix[:]= np.nan
            (p,v) = FD.rdrawframe(i)
            w = np.where( timg[p] )[0]
            pxlist = timg[  p[w]   ] -1 
            if imgsum is None:
                if norm is None:
                    fra_pix[ pxlist] = v[w] 
                    fra_pix[ pxlist] = v[w]/ norm[pxlist]   #-1.0    
                if norm is None:
                    fra_pix[ pxlist] = v[w] / imgsum[i] 
                    fra_pix[ pxlist] = v[w]/ imgsum[i]/  norm[pxlist]           
        level = 0   
        # increment buffer
        s.cur[0] = (1 + s.cur[0]) % num_bufs 
        # Put the ROI pixels into the ring buffer. 
        s.buf[0, s.cur[0] - 1] =  fra_pix        
        #print( i, len(p), len(w), len( pixelist))
        #print ('i= %s init fra_pix'%i )            
        buf_no = s.cur[0] - 1
        # Compute the correlations between the first level
        # (undownsampled) frames. This modifies G,
        # past_intensity, future_intensity,
        # and img_per_level in place!
        _one_time_process(s.buf, s.G, s.past_intensity, s.future_intensity,
                          s.label_array, num_bufs, s.num_pixels,
                          s.img_per_level, level, buf_no, s.norm, s.lev_len)

        # check whether the number of levels is one, otherwise
        # continue processing the next level
        processing = num_levels > 1

        level = 1
        while processing:
            if not s.track_level[level]:
                s.track_level[level] = True
                processing = False
                prev = (1 + (s.cur[level - 1] - 2) % num_bufs)
                s.cur[level] = (
                    1 + s.cur[level] % num_bufs)

                s.buf[level, s.cur[level] - 1] = ((
                        s.buf[level - 1, prev - 1] +
                        s.buf[level - 1, s.cur[level - 1] - 1]) / 2)

                # make the track_level zero once that level is processed
                s.track_level[level] = False

                # call processing_func for each multi-tau level greater
                # than one. This is modifying things in place. See comment
                # on previous call above.
                buf_no = s.cur[level] - 1
                _one_time_process(s.buf, s.G, s.past_intensity,
                                  s.future_intensity, s.label_array, num_bufs,
                                  s.num_pixels, s.img_per_level, level, buf_no,
                                  s.norm, s.lev_len)
                level += 1

                # Checking whether there is next level for processing
                processing = level < num_levels

        # If any past intensities are zero, then g2 cannot be normalized at
        # those levels. This if/else code block is basically preventing
        # divide-by-zero errors.
        if len(np.where(s.past_intensity == 0)[0]) != 0:
            g_max = np.where(s.past_intensity == 0)[0][0]
            g_max = s.past_intensity.shape[0]

        g2 = (s.G[:g_max] / (s.past_intensity[:g_max] *
        yield results(g2, s.lag_steps[:g_max], s)
def auto_two_Array( data, rois, data_pixel=None  ):
    Dec 16, 2015, Y.G.@CHX
    a numpy operation method to get two-time correlation function 
        data:  images sequence, shape as [img[0], img[1], imgs_length]
        rois: 2-D array, the interested roi, has the same shape as image, can be rings for saxs, boxes for gisaxs
        data_pixel: if not None,    
                    2-D array, shape as (len(images), len(qind)),
                    use function Get_Pixel_Array( ).get_data(  ) to get 
        g12: a 3-D array, shape as ( imgs_length, imgs_length, q)
    One example:        
        g12 = auto_two_Array( imgsr, ring_mask, data_pixel = data_pixel ) 
    start_time = time.time()
    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(   rois  )
    noqs = len( np.unique(qind) )
    nopr = np.bincount(qind, minlength=(noqs+1))[1:]    
    if data_pixel is None:
        data_pixel =   Get_Pixel_Array( data, pixelist).get_data()
        #print (data_pixel.shape)
        noframes = len(data)
        noframes = data.length
    g12b = np.zeros(  [noframes, noframes, noqs] )
    Unitq = (noqs/10)
    for qi in range(1, noqs + 1 ):
        pixelist_qi =  np.where( qind == qi)[0] 
        #print (pixelist_qi.shape,  data_pixel[qi].shape)
        data_pixel_qi =    data_pixel[:,pixelist_qi]   
        sum1 = (np.average( data_pixel_qi, axis=1)).reshape( 1, noframes   )  
        sum2 = sum1.T       
        g12b[:,:,qi -1 ] = np.dot(   data_pixel_qi, data_pixel_qi.T)  /sum1  / sum2  / nopr[qi -1]
        #print ( proi, int( qi //( Unitq) ) )
        if  int( qi //( Unitq) ) == proi:
            proi += 1
    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    print ('Total time: %.2f min' %(elapsed_time/60.))
    return g12b
예제 #25
def xsvs(image_sets,
    This function will provide the probability density of detecting photons
    for different integration times.
    The experimental probability density P(K) of detecting photons K is
    obtained by histogramming the speckle counts over an ensemble of
    equivalent pixels and over a number of speckle patterns recorded
    with the same integration time T under the same condition.
    image_sets : array
        sets of images
    label_array : array
        labeled array; 0 is background.
        Each ROI is represented by a distinct label (i.e., integer).
    number_of_img : int
        number of images (how far to go with integration times when finding
        the time_bin, using skxray.utils.geometric function)
    timebin_num : int, optional
        integration time; default is 2
    max_cts : int, optional
       the brightest pixel in any ROI in any image in the image set.
       defaults to using skxray.core.roi.roi_max_counts to determine
       the brightest pixel in any of the ROIs
    bad_images: array, optional
        the bad images number list, the XSVS will not analyze the binning image groups which involve any bad images
    threshold: float, optional
        If one image involves a pixel with intensity above threshold, such image will be considered as a bad image.
    prob_k_all : array
        probability density of detecting photons
    prob_k_std_dev : array
        standard deviation of probability density of detecting photons
    These implementation is based on following references
    References: text [1]_, text [2]_
    .. [1] L. Li, P. Kwasniewski, D. Oris, L Wiegart, L. Cristofolini,
       C. Carona and A. Fluerasu , "Photon statistics and speckle visibility
       spectroscopy with partially coherent x-rays" J. Synchrotron Rad.,
       vol 21, p 1288-1295, 2014.
    .. [2] R. Bandyopadhyay, A. S. Gittings, S. S. Suh, P.K. Dixon and
       D.J. Durian "Speckle-visibilty Spectroscopy: A tool to study
       time-varying dynamics" Rev. Sci. Instrum. vol 76, p  093110, 2005.
    There is an example in https://github.com/scikit-xray/scikit-xray-examples
    It will demonstrate the use of these functions in this module for
    experimental data.
    if max_cts is None:
        max_cts = roi.roi_max_counts(image_sets, label_array)

    # find the label's and pixel indices for ROI's
    labels, indices = roi.extract_label_indices(label_array)
    nopixels = len(indices)
    # number of ROI's
    u_labels = list(np.unique(labels))
    num_roi = len(u_labels)

    # create integration times
    if time_bin is None:
        time_bin = geometric_series(timebin_num, number_of_img)
    if only_first_level:
        time_bin = [1]
    # number of times in the time bin
    num_times = len(time_bin)

    # number of pixels per ROI
    num_pixels = np.bincount(labels, minlength=(num_roi + 1))[1:]

    # probability density of detecting photons
    prob_k_all = np.zeros([num_times, num_roi], dtype=np.object)

    # square of probability density of detecting photons
    prob_k_pow_all = np.zeros_like(prob_k_all)

    # standard deviation of probability density of detecting photons
    prob_k_std_dev = np.zeros_like(prob_k_all)

    # get the bin edges for each time bin for each ROI
    bin_edges = np.zeros(prob_k_all.shape[0], dtype=prob_k_all.dtype)
    for i in range(num_times):
        bin_edges[i] = np.arange(max_cts * 2**i)

    start_time = time.time()  # used to log the computation time (optionally)

    for i, images in enumerate(image_sets):
        # Ring buffer, a buffer with periodic boundary conditions.
        # Images must be keep for up to maximum delay in buf.
        #buf = np.zeros([num_times, timebin_num], dtype=np.object)  # matrix of buffers

        buf = np.ma.zeros([num_times, timebin_num, nopixels])
        buf.mask = True

        # to track processing each time level
        track_level = np.zeros(num_times)
        track_bad_level = np.zeros(num_times)
        # to increment buffer
        cur = np.int_(np.full(num_times, timebin_num))

        # to track how many images processed in each level
        img_per_level = np.zeros(num_times, dtype=np.int64)

        prob_k = np.zeros_like(prob_k_all)
        prob_k_pow = np.zeros_like(prob_k_all)

            noframes = len(images)
            noframes = images.length

        #Num= { key: [0]* len(  dict_dly[key] ) for key in list(dict_dly.keys())  }

        for n, img in enumerate(images):
            cur[0] = 1 + cur[0] % timebin_num
            # read each frame
            # Put the image into the ring buffer.

            img_ = (np.ravel(img))[indices]

            if threshold is not None:
                if img_.max() >= threshold:
                    print('bad image: %s here!' % n)
                    img_ = np.ma.zeros(len(img_))
                    img_.mask = True

            if bad_images is not None:
                if n in bad_images:
                    print('bad image: %s here!' % n)
                    img_ = np.ma.zeros(len(img_))
                    img_.mask = True

            buf[0, cur[0] - 1] = img_

            #print( n, np.sum(buf[0, cur[0] - 1] ), np.sum( img ) )

            _process(num_roi, 0, cur[0] - 1, buf, img_per_level, labels,
                     max_cts, bin_edges[0], prob_k, prob_k_pow,

            #print (0, img_per_level)

            # check whether the number of levels is one, otherwise
            # continue processing the next level
            level = 1
            if number_of_img > 1:
                processing = 1
                processing = 0
            #print ('track_level: %s'%track_level)
            #while level < num_times:
            #if not track_level[level]:
            #track_level[level] = 1
            if only_first_level:
                processing = 0
            while processing:
                if track_level[level]:
                    prev = 1 + (cur[level - 1] - 2) % timebin_num
                    cur[level] = 1 + cur[level] % timebin_num

                    bufa = buf[level - 1, prev - 1]
                    bufb = buf[level - 1, cur[level - 1] - 1]

                    if (bufa.data == 0).all():
                        buf[level, cur[level] - 1] = bufa
                    elif (bufb.data == 0).all():
                        buf[level, cur[level] - 1] = bufb
                        buf[level, cur[level] - 1] = bufa + bufb

                    #print (level, cur[level]-1)

                    track_level[level] = 0

                    _process(num_roi, level, cur[level] - 1, buf,
                             img_per_level, labels, max_cts, bin_edges[level],
                             prob_k, prob_k_pow, track_bad_level)
                    level += 1
                    if level < num_times: processing = 1
                    else: processing = 0

                    track_level[level] = 1
                    processing = 0
                #print ('track_level: %s'%track_level)

            if noframes >= 10 and n % (int(noframes / 10)) == 0:

            prob_k_all += (prob_k - prob_k_all) / (i + 1)
            prob_k_pow_all += (prob_k_pow - prob_k_pow_all) / (i + 1)

    prob_k_std_dev = np.power((prob_k_pow_all - np.power(prob_k_all, 2)), .5)

    for i in range(num_times):
        if isinstance(prob_k_all[i, 0], float):
            for j in range(len(u_labels)):
                prob_k_all[i, j] = np.array([0] * (len(bin_edges[i]) - 1))
                prob_k_std_dev[i, j] = np.array([0] * (len(bin_edges[i]) - 1))

    logger.info("Processing time for XSVS took %s seconds."
                "", (time.time() - start_time))
    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    #print (Num)
    print('Total time: %.2f min' % (elapsed_time / 60.))

    #print (img_per_level - track_bad_level)
    #print (buf)

    return prob_k_all, prob_k_std_dev
예제 #26
def _validate_and_transform_inputs(num_bufs, num_levels, labels):
    This is a helper function to validate inputs and create initial state
    inputs for both one time and two time correlation
    num_bufs : int
    num_levels : int
    labels : array
        labeled array of the same shape as the image stack;
        each ROI is represented by a distinct label (i.e., integer)
    label_array : array
        labels of the required region of interests(ROI's)
    pixel_list : array
        1D array of indices into the raveled image for all
        foreground pixels (labeled nonzero)
        e.g., [5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22]
    num_rois : int
        number of region of interests (ROI)
    num_pixels : array
        number of pixels in each ROI
    lag_steps : array
        the times at which the correlation was computed
    buf : array
        image data for correlation
    img_per_level : array
        to track how many images processed in each level
    track_level : array
        to track processing each level
    cur : array
        to increment the buffer
    norm : dict
        to track bad images
    lev_len : array
        length of each levels
    if num_bufs % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError("There must be an even number of `num_bufs`. You "
                         "provided %s" % num_bufs)
    label_array, pixel_list = extract_label_indices(labels)

    # map the indices onto a sequential list of integers starting at 1
    label_mapping = {
        label: n + 1
        for n, label in enumerate(np.unique(label_array))
    # remap the label array to go from 1 -> max(_labels)
    for label, n in label_mapping.items():
        label_array[label_array == label] = n

    # number of ROI's
    num_rois = len(label_mapping)

    # stash the number of pixels in the mask
    num_pixels = np.bincount(label_array)[1:]

    # Convert from num_levels, num_bufs to lag frames.
    tot_channels, lag_steps, dict_lag = multi_tau_lags(num_levels, num_bufs)

    # these norm and lev_len will help to find the one time correlation
    # normalization norm will updated when there is a bad image
    norm = {key: [0] * len(dict_lag[key]) for key in (dict_lag.keys())}
    lev_len = np.array([len(dict_lag[i]) for i in (dict_lag.keys())])

    # Ring buffer, a buffer with periodic boundary conditions.
    # Images must be keep for up to maximum delay in buf.
    buf = np.zeros((num_levels, num_bufs, len(pixel_list)), dtype=np.float64)
    # to track how many images processed in each level
    img_per_level = np.zeros(num_levels, dtype=np.int64)
    # to track which levels have already been processed
    track_level = np.zeros(num_levels, dtype=bool)
    # to increment buffer
    cur = np.ones(num_levels, dtype=np.int64)

    return (label_array, pixel_list, num_rois, num_pixels, lag_steps, buf,
            img_per_level, track_level, cur, norm, lev_len)
예제 #27
def test_rings():
    center = (100., 100.)
    img_dim = (200, 205)
    first_q = 10.
    delta_q = 5.
    num_rings = 7  # number of Q rings
    one_step_q = 5.0
    step_q = [2.5, 3.0, 5.8]

    # test when there is same spacing between rings
    edges = roi.ring_edges(first_q,
    print("edges there is same spacing between rings ", edges)
    label_array = roi.rings(edges, center, img_dim)
    print("label_array there is same spacing between rings", label_array)
    label_mask, pixel_list = roi.extract_label_indices(label_array)
    # number of pixels per ROI
    num_pixels = np.bincount(label_mask, minlength=(np.max(label_mask) + 1))
    num_pixels = num_pixels[1:]

    # test when there is same spacing between rings
    edges = roi.ring_edges(first_q,
    print("edges there is same spacing between rings ", edges)
    label_array = roi.rings(edges, center, img_dim)
    print("label_array there is same spacing between rings", label_array)
    label_mask, pixel_list = roi.extract_label_indices(label_array)
    # number of pixels per ROI
    num_pixels = np.bincount(label_mask, minlength=(np.max(label_mask) + 1))
    num_pixels = num_pixels[1:]

    # test when there is different spacing between rings
    edges = roi.ring_edges(first_q, width=delta_q, spacing=step_q, num_rings=4)
    print("edges when there is different spacing between rings", edges)
    label_array = roi.rings(edges, center, img_dim)
    print("label_array there is different spacing between rings", label_array)
    label_mask, pixel_list = roi.extract_label_indices(label_array)
    # number of pixels per ROI
    num_pixels = np.bincount(label_mask, minlength=(np.max(label_mask) + 1))
    num_pixels = num_pixels[1:]

    # test when there is no spacing between rings
    edges = roi.ring_edges(first_q, width=delta_q, num_rings=num_rings)
    print("edges", edges)
    label_array = roi.rings(edges, center, img_dim)
    print("label_array", label_array)
    label_mask, pixel_list = roi.extract_label_indices(label_array)
    # number of pixels per ROI
    num_pixels = np.bincount(label_mask, minlength=(np.max(label_mask) + 1))
    num_pixels = num_pixels[1:]

    # Did we draw the right number of rings?
    actual_num_rings = len(np.unique(label_array)) - 1
    assert_equal(actual_num_rings, num_rings)

    # Does each ring have more pixels than the last, being larger?
    ring_areas = np.bincount(label_array.ravel())[1:]
    area_comparison = np.diff(ring_areas)
    areas_monotonically_increasing = np.all(area_comparison > 0)
    assert areas_monotonically_increasing

    # Test various illegal inputs
    assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: roi.ring_edges(1, 2))  # need num_rings
    # width incompatible with num_rings
                  lambda: roi.ring_edges(1, [1, 2, 3], num_rings=2))
    # too few spacings
    assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: roi.ring_edges(1, [1, 2, 3], [1]))
    # too many spacings
    assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: roi.ring_edges(1, [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]))
    # num_rings conflicts with width, spacing
    assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: roi.ring_edges(1, [1, 2, 3], [1, 2], 5))
    w_edges = [[5, 7], [1, 2]]
                  center=(4, 4),
                  shape=(20, 20))
def autocor_two_time(num_buf,
    Dec 16, 2015, Y.G.@CHX
    a multi-tau code for two-time correlation function  
        num_buf: int, number of buffer
        rois: 2-D array, the interested roi, has the same shape as image, can be rings for saxs, boxes for gisaxs
        imgs: pims sequences, image stack
        num_lev: int, number of level, if None: = int(np.log( noframes/(num_buf-1))/np.log(2) +1) +1
        start_img: int, None, =0
        end_img: int, None, = len(imgs)
        #to be done to deal with bad frames
        #bad_images: list, None,bad_images list
        #threshold: float, None, intensity max threshold, above which is considered as bad images
    g12, 3D-array, shape as ( len(imgs), len(imgs), q)
    One example:
        g12  = autocor_two_time( num_buf,  ring_mask, imgsr, num_lev=None )

    #print (dly)
    if start_img is None: start_img = 0
    if end_img is None:
            end_img = len(imgs)
            end_img = imgs.length

    #print (start_img, end_img)
    noframes = end_img - start_img  #+ 1
    #print (noframes)
    ring_mask = rois
    if num_lev is None:
        num_lev = int(np.log(noframes / (num_buf - 1)) / np.log(2) + 1) + 1
    print('The lev number is %s' % num_lev)

    dly, dict_dly = delays(num_lev, num_buf, time=1)
    #print (dly.max())

    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(ring_mask)
    noqs = np.max(qind)
    nopr = np.bincount(qind, minlength=(noqs + 1))[1:]
    nopixels = nopr.sum()

    start_time = time.time()

    buf = np.zeros([num_lev, num_buf,
                    nopixels])  #// matrix of buffers, for store img

    cts = np.zeros(num_lev)
    cur = np.ones(num_lev) * num_buf
    countl = np.array(np.zeros(num_lev), dtype='int')

    g12 = np.zeros([noframes, noframes, noqs])

    num = np.array(np.zeros(num_lev), dtype='int')
    time_ind = {key: [] for key in range(num_lev)}

    ttx = 0
    for n in range(start_img, end_img):  ##do the work here

        cur[0] = 1 + cur[0] % num_buf  # increment buffer
        img = imgs[n]

        #print ( 'The insert image is %s' %(n) )

        buf[0, cur[0] - 1] = (np.ravel(img))[pixelist]
        img = []  #//save space
        countl[0] = 1 + countl[0]
        current_img_time = n - start_img + 1

                         bufno=cur[0] - 1,
        processing = 1
        lev = 1
        while processing:
            if cts[lev]:
                prev = 1 + (cur[lev - 1] - 1 - 1 + num_buf) % num_buf
                cur[lev] = 1 + cur[lev] % num_buf
                countl[lev] = 1 + countl[lev]
                buf[lev, cur[lev] - 1] = (buf[lev - 1, prev - 1] +
                                          buf[lev - 1, cur[lev - 1] - 1]) / 2.
                cts[lev] = 0
                t1_idx = (countl[lev] - 1) * 2
                current_img_time = ((time_ind[lev - 1])[t1_idx] +
                                    (time_ind[lev - 1])[t1_idx + 1]) / 2.
                                 bufno=cur[lev] - 1,
                lev += 1
                #//Since this level finished, test if there is a next level for processing
                if lev < num_lev: processing = 1
                else: processing = 0
                cts[lev] = 1  #// set flag to process next time
                processing = 0  #// can stop until more images are accumulated

        if n % (noframes / 10) == 0:

    for q in range(noqs):
        x0 = g12[:, :, q]
        g12[:, :, q] = np.tril(x0) + np.tril(x0).T - np.diag(np.diag(x0))
    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    print('Total time: %.2f min' % (elapsed_time / 60.))

    return g12, elapsed_time / 60.
예제 #29
roi_width = 9 # in pixels
roi_spacing = (5.0, 4.0)
x_center = 7. # in pixels
y_center = (129.) # in pixels
num_rings = 3

# get the edges of the rings
edges = roi.ring_edges(roi_start, width=roi_width,
                       spacing=roi_spacing, num_rings=num_rings)

# get the label array from the ring shaped 3 region of interests(ROI's)
labeled_roi_array = roi.rings(
    edges, (y_center, x_center), img_stack.shape[1:])

# extarct the ROI's lables and pixel indices corresponding to those labels
roi_indices, pixel_list = roi.extract_label_indices(labeled_roi_array)

# define the ROIs
roi_start = 65 # in pixels
roi_width = 9 # in pixels
roi_spacing = (5.0, 4.0)
x_center = 7. # in pixels
y_center = (129.) # in pixels
num_rings = 3

# get the edges of the rings
edges = roi.ring_edges(roi_start, width=roi_width,
                       spacing=roi_spacing, num_rings=num_rings)

# get the label array from the ring shaped 3 region of interests(ROI's)
def autocor_one_time(num_buf,
    Dec 16, 2015, Y.G.@CHX
    a multi-tau code for one-time correlation function,
    add new funciton to deal with bad images, which masked intensities are still
    large than threshold
        num_buf: int, number of buffer
        rois: 2-D array, the interested roi, has the same shape as image, can be rings for saxs, boxes for gisaxs
        imgs: pims sequences, image stack
        num_lev: int, number of level, if None: = int(np.log( noframes/(num_buf-1))/np.log(2) +1) +1
        start_img: int, None, =0
        end_img: int, None, = len(imgs)
        bad_images: list, None,bad_images list
        threshold: float, None, intensity max threshold, above which is considered as bad images
    g2, 2D-array, shape as (tau, q)
    tau, 1D-array    
    One example:
        g2, tau = autocor_one_time( num_buf,  ring_mask, imgsr, num_lev=None,
                                       bad_images=None, threshold= 65500 )

    start_time = time.time()
    #print (dly)
    if start_img is None:
        start_img = 0
    if end_img is None:
            end_img = len(imgs)
            end_img = imgs.length

    #print (start_img, end_img)
    noframes = end_img - start_img  #+ 1
    #print (noframes)
    ring_mask = rois
    if num_lev is None:
        num_lev = int(np.log(noframes / (num_buf - 1)) / np.log(2) + 1) + 1
    nolev = num_lev
    nobuf = num_buf
    print('The lev number is %s' % num_lev)

    dly, dict_dly = delays(num_lev, num_buf, time=1)
    #print (dly.max())
    lev_leng = np.array([len(dict_dly[i]) for i in list(dict_dly.keys())])

    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(ring_mask)
    noqs = np.max(qind)
    nopr = np.bincount(qind, minlength=(noqs + 1))[1:]
    nopixels = nopr.sum()
    start_time = time.time()

    buf = np.ma.zeros([num_lev, num_buf, nopixels])
    buf.mask = True

    cts = np.zeros(num_lev)
    cur = np.ones(num_lev) * num_buf
    countl = np.array(np.zeros(num_lev), dtype='int')

    g2 = np.zeros([noframes, noframes, noqs])

    G = np.zeros([(nolev + 1) * int(nobuf / 2), noqs])
    IAP = np.zeros([(nolev + 1) * int(nobuf / 2), noqs])
    IAF = np.zeros([(nolev + 1) * int(nobuf / 2), noqs])
    num = np.array(np.zeros(num_lev), dtype='int')

    Num = {key: [0] * len(dict_dly[key]) for key in list(dict_dly.keys())}
    print('Doing g2 caculation of %s frames---' % (noframes))
    ttx = 0
    #if bad_images is None:bad_images=[]
    for n in range(start_img, end_img):  ##do the work here
        img = imgs[n]

        #for n, img in enumerate( imgs):
        img_ = (np.ravel(img))[pixelist]

        #print ( img_.max() )
        if threshold is not None:
            if img_.max() >= threshold:
                print('bad image: %s here!' % n)
                img_ = np.ma.zeros(len(img_))
                img_.mask = True

        if bad_images is not None:
            if n in bad_images:
                print('bad image: %s here!' % n)
                img_ = np.ma.zeros(len(img_))
                img_.mask = True

        cur[0] = 1 + cur[0] % num_buf  # increment buffer

        buf[0, cur[0] - 1] = img_

        img = []  #//save space
        img_ = []
        countl[0] = 1 + countl[0]

                         bufno=cur[0] - 1,
        #time_ind[0].append(  current_img_time   )
        processing = 1
        lev = 1
        while processing:
            if cts[lev]:
                prev = 1 + (cur[lev - 1] - 1 - 1 + num_buf) % num_buf
                cur[lev] = 1 + cur[lev] % num_buf
                countl[lev] = 1 + countl[lev]

                bufa = buf[lev - 1, prev - 1]
                bufb = buf[lev - 1, cur[lev - 1] - 1]

                if (bufa.data == 0).all():
                    buf[lev, cur[lev] - 1] = bufa
                elif (bufb.data == 0).all():
                    buf[lev, cur[lev] - 1] = bufb
                    buf[lev, cur[lev] - 1] = (bufa + bufb) / 2.

                cts[lev] = 0
                t1_idx = (countl[lev] - 1) * 2

                                 bufno=cur[lev] - 1,

                lev += 1
                #//Since this level finished, test if there is a next level for processing
                if lev < num_lev: processing = 1
                else: processing = 0
                cts[lev] = 1  #// set flag to process next time
                processing = 0  #// can stop until more images are accumulated

        if n % (int(noframes / 10)) == 0:
    #print G.shape
    if (len(np.where(IAP == 0)[0]) != 0) and (0 not in nopr):
        gmax = np.where(IAP == 0)[0][0]
        gmax = IAP.shape[0]
    #print G
    g2 = (G[:gmax] / (IAP[:gmax] * IAF[:gmax]))
    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    #print (Num)
    print('Total time: %.2f min' % (elapsed_time / 60.))
    return g2, dly[:gmax]  #, elapsed_time/60.
def autocor_one_time( num_buf,  rois, imgs, num_lev=None, start_img=None, end_img=None,
                    bad_images = None, threshold=None):
    Dec 16, 2015, Y.G.@CHX
    a multi-tau code for one-time correlation function,
    add new funciton to deal with bad images, which masked intensities are still
    large than threshold
        num_buf: int, number of buffer
        rois: 2-D array, the interested roi, has the same shape as image, can be rings for saxs, boxes for gisaxs
        imgs: pims sequences, image stack
        num_lev: int, number of level, if None: = int(np.log( noframes/(num_buf-1))/np.log(2) +1) +1
        start_img: int, None, =0
        end_img: int, None, = len(imgs)
        bad_images: list, None,bad_images list
        threshold: float, None, intensity max threshold, above which is considered as bad images
    g2, 2D-array, shape as (tau, q)
    tau, 1D-array    
    One example:
        g2, tau = autocor_one_time( num_buf,  ring_mask, imgsr, num_lev=None,
                                       bad_images=None, threshold= 65500 )
    start_time = time.time()
    #print (dly)
    if start_img is None:
    if end_img is None:
            end_img= len(imgs)
            end_img= imgs.length
    #print (start_img, end_img)    
    noframes = end_img - start_img #+ 1
    #print (noframes)
    ring_mask = rois
    if num_lev is None:num_lev = int(np.log( noframes/(num_buf-1))/np.log(2) +1) +1
    nolev = num_lev
    nobuf =num_buf
    print ( 'The lev number is %s'%num_lev)
    dly, dict_dly = delays( num_lev, num_buf, time=1 )
    #print (dly.max())
    lev_leng = np.array( [  len(  dict_dly[i] ) for i in list(dict_dly.keys())   ])
    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(   ring_mask  )
    noqs = np.max(qind)    
    nopr = np.bincount(qind, minlength=(noqs+1))[1:]
    nopixels = nopr.sum()     
    start_time = time.time() 
    buf =  np.ma.zeros([num_lev,num_buf,nopixels])
    buf.mask = True   
    cur=np.ones(num_lev) * num_buf
    countl = np.array( np.zeros(  num_lev ),dtype='int')  
    g2 =  np.zeros( [ noframes, noframes, noqs] )   
    G=np.zeros( [(nolev+1)*int(nobuf/2),noqs])
    IAP=np.zeros( [(nolev+1)*int(nobuf/2),noqs])
    IAF=np.zeros( [(nolev+1)*int(nobuf/2),noqs])
    num= np.array( np.zeros(  num_lev ),dtype='int')  
    Num= { key: [0]* len(  dict_dly[key] ) for key in list(dict_dly.keys())  }
    print ('Doing g2 caculation of %s frames---'%(noframes ))
    #if bad_images is None:bad_images=[]
    for n in range( start_img, end_img ):   ##do the work here  
        img = imgs[n] 
    #for n, img in enumerate( imgs):
        img_ = (np.ravel(img))[pixelist]
        #print ( img_.max() )
        if threshold is not None:
            if img_.max() >= threshold:
                print ('bad image: %s here!'%n)
                img_ =  np.ma.zeros( len(img_) )
                img_.mask = True    
        if bad_images is not None:        
            if n in bad_images:
                print ('bad image: %s here!'%n)
                img_ =  np.ma.zeros( len(img_) )
                img_.mask = True 
        cur[0]=1+cur[0]%num_buf  # increment buffer  
        buf[0, cur[0]-1 ]=  img_

        img=[] #//save space 
        countl[0] = 1+ countl[0]
        process_one_time(lev=0, bufno=cur[0]-1,
            G=G,IAP=IAP,IAF=IAF, buf=buf, num=num, num_buf=num_buf, noqs=noqs, qind=qind, nopr=nopr, dly=dly, Num=Num, lev_leng=lev_leng )     
        #time_ind[0].append(  current_img_time   )
        while processing:
            if cts[lev]:
                prev=  1+ (cur[lev-1]-1-1+num_buf)%num_buf
                cur[lev]=  1+ cur[lev]%num_buf
                countl[lev] = 1+ countl[lev] 
                bufa = buf[lev-1,prev-1]
                bufb=  buf[lev-1,cur[lev-1]-1] 
                if (bufa.data==0).all():
                    buf[lev,cur[lev]-1] =  bufa
                elif (bufb.data==0).all():
                    buf[lev,cur[lev]-1] = bufb 
                    buf[lev,cur[lev]-1] = ( bufa + bufb ) /2. 
                t1_idx=   (countl[lev]-1) *2
                process_one_time(lev=lev, bufno=cur[lev]-1,
                        G=G,IAP=IAP,IAF=IAF, buf=buf, num=num, num_buf=num_buf, noqs=noqs, qind=qind, nopr=nopr, dly=dly,Num =Num, lev_leng=lev_leng )     
                #//Since this level finished, test if there is a next level for processing
                if lev<num_lev:processing = 1
                else:processing = 0                                
                cts[lev]=1      #// set flag to process next time
                processing=0    #// can stop until more images are accumulated              
        if  n %( int(noframes/10) ) ==0:
    #print G.shape    
    if (len(np.where(IAP==0)[0])!=0) and ( 0 not in nopr):
        gmax = np.where(IAP==0)[0][0]        
    #print G
    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    #print (Num)
    print ('Total time: %.2f min' %(elapsed_time/60.))        
    return  g2,dly[:gmax]  #, elapsed_time/60.
def auto_two_Array_g1_norm(data, rois, data_pixel=None):
    Dec 16, 2015, Y.G.@CHX
    a numpy operation method to get two-time correlation function with a normalization
    the purpose for this fucntion is to get a exactly same result as one-time correlation function
        data:  images sequence, shape as [img[0], img[1], imgs_length]
        rois: 2-D array, the interested roi, has the same shape as image, can be rings for saxs, boxes for gisaxs
        data_pixel: if not None,    
                    2-D array, shape as (len(images), len(qind)),
                    use function Get_Pixel_Array( ).get_data(  ) to get 
        g12b_norm: a 3-D array, shape as ( imgs_length, imgs_length, q), 
                   a convention two-time correlation functio  
                   same as obtained by auto_two_Array( data, roi, data_pixel=None  ) 
        g12b:      a 3-D array, shape as ( imgs_length, imgs_length, q), 
                   a non-normlized two-time correlation function
        norms:     a 2-D array, shape as ( imgs_length,   q), a normalization for further get one-time from two time  
    One example:        
        g12b_norm, g12b_not_norm, norms = auto_two_Array_g1_norm( imgsr, ring_mask, data_pixel = data_pixel ) 

    start_time = time.time()
    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(rois)
    noqs = len(np.unique(qind))
    nopr = np.bincount(qind, minlength=(noqs + 1))[1:]
    if data_pixel is None:
        data_pixel = Get_Pixel_Array(data, pixelist).get_data()
        #print (data_pixel.shape)

        noframes = len(data)
        noframes = data.length
    g12b_norm = np.zeros([noframes, noframes, noqs])
    g12b = np.zeros([noframes, noframes, noqs])
    norms = np.zeros([noframes, noqs])

    Unitq = (noqs / 10)
    proi = 0

    for qi in range(1, noqs + 1):
        pixelist_qi = np.where(qind == qi)[0]
        #print (pixelist_qi.shape,  data_pixel[qi].shape)
        data_pixel_qi = data_pixel[:, pixelist_qi]

        sum1 = (np.average(data_pixel_qi, axis=1)).reshape(1, noframes)
        sum2 = sum1.T
        #norms_g12  =  sum1 * sum2 * nopr[qi -1]
        norms[:, qi - 1] = sum1

        g12b[:, :, qi - 1] = np.dot(data_pixel_qi, data_pixel_qi.T)
        g12b_norm[:, :,
                  qi - 1] = g12b[:, :, qi - 1] / sum1 / sum2 / nopr[qi - 1]
        #print ( proi, int( qi //( Unitq) ) )
        if int(qi // (Unitq)) == proi:
            proi += 1

    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    print('Total time: %.2f min' % (elapsed_time / 60.))

    return g12b_norm, g12b, norms
def auto_two_Array_g1_norm( data, rois, data_pixel=None  ):
    Dec 16, 2015, Y.G.@CHX
    a numpy operation method to get two-time correlation function with a normalization
    the purpose for this fucntion is to get a exactly same result as one-time correlation function
        data:  images sequence, shape as [img[0], img[1], imgs_length]
        rois: 2-D array, the interested roi, has the same shape as image, can be rings for saxs, boxes for gisaxs
        data_pixel: if not None,    
                    2-D array, shape as (len(images), len(qind)),
                    use function Get_Pixel_Array( ).get_data(  ) to get 
        g12b_norm: a 3-D array, shape as ( imgs_length, imgs_length, q), 
                   a convention two-time correlation functio  
                   same as obtained by auto_two_Array( data, roi, data_pixel=None  ) 
        g12b:      a 3-D array, shape as ( imgs_length, imgs_length, q), 
                   a non-normlized two-time correlation function
        norms:     a 2-D array, shape as ( imgs_length,   q), a normalization for further get one-time from two time  
    One example:        
        g12b_norm, g12b_not_norm, norms = auto_two_Array_g1_norm( imgsr, ring_mask, data_pixel = data_pixel ) 
    start_time = time.time()
    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(   rois  )
    noqs = len( np.unique(qind) )
    nopr = np.bincount(qind, minlength=(noqs+1))[1:]    
    if data_pixel is None:
        data_pixel =   Get_Pixel_Array( data, pixelist).get_data()
        #print (data_pixel.shape)
        noframes = len(data)
        noframes = data.length
    g12b_norm = np.zeros(  [noframes, noframes, noqs] )
    g12b = np.zeros(  [noframes, noframes, noqs] )
    norms = np.zeros(  [noframes, noqs] )
    Unitq = (noqs/10)
    for qi in range(1, noqs + 1 ):
        pixelist_qi =  np.where( qind == qi)[0] 
        #print (pixelist_qi.shape,  data_pixel[qi].shape)
        data_pixel_qi =    data_pixel[:,pixelist_qi]   
        sum1 = (np.average( data_pixel_qi, axis=1)).reshape( 1, noframes   )  
        sum2 = sum1.T        
        #norms_g12  =  sum1 * sum2 * nopr[qi -1]
        norms[:,qi -1 ]  =  sum1 
        g12b[:,:,qi -1 ] = np.dot(   data_pixel_qi, data_pixel_qi.T)  
        g12b_norm[:,:,qi -1 ] = g12b[:,:,qi -1 ]/ sum1 / sum2 / nopr[qi -1]
        #print ( proi, int( qi //( Unitq) ) )
        if  int( qi //( Unitq) ) == proi:
            proi += 1
    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    print ('Total time: %.2f min' %(elapsed_time/60.))
    return g12b_norm, g12b, norms
예제 #34
def cal_g2p(FD,
    '''calculation g2 by using a multi-tau algorithm
       for a compressed file with parallel calculation
       if return_g2_details: return g2 with g2_denomitor, g2_past, g2_future
    FD.beg = max(FD.beg, good_start)
    noframes = FD.end - FD.beg + 1  # number of frames, not "no frames"
    for i in range(FD.beg, FD.end):
        pass_FD(FD, i)
    if num_lev is None:
        num_lev = int(np.log(noframes / (num_buf - 1)) / np.log(2) + 1) + 1
    print('In this g2 calculation, the buf and lev number are: %s--%s--' %
          (num_buf, num_lev))
    if bad_frame_list is not None:
        if len(bad_frame_list) != 0:
            print('%s Bad frames involved and will be discarded!' %
            noframes -= len(
                np.where(np.in1d(bad_frame_list, range(good_start,
    print('%s frames will be processed...' % (noframes - 1))
    ring_masks = [
        np.array(ring_mask == i, dtype=np.int64)
        for i in np.unique(ring_mask)[1:]
    qind, pixelist = roi.extract_label_indices(ring_mask)
    noqs = len(np.unique(qind))
    nopr = np.bincount(qind, minlength=(noqs + 1))[1:]
    if norm is not None:
        norms = [
                extract_label_indices(np.array(ring_mask == i,
            for i in np.unique(ring_mask)[1:]

    inputs = range(len(ring_masks))

    pool = Pool(processes=len(inputs))
    internal_state = None
    print('Starting assign the tasks...')
    results = {}
    if norm is not None:
        for i in tqdm(inputs):
            results[i] = apply_async(
                pool, lazy_one_timep,
                (FD, num_lev, num_buf, ring_masks[i], internal_state,
                 bad_frame_list, imgsum, norms[i], cal_error))
        #print ('for norm is None')
        for i in tqdm(inputs):
            results[i] = apply_async(
                pool, lazy_one_timep,
                (FD, num_lev, num_buf, ring_masks[i], internal_state,
                 bad_frame_list, imgsum, None, cal_error))
    print('Starting running the tasks...')
    res = [results[k].get() for k in tqdm(list(sorted(results.keys())))]
    len_lag = 10**10
    for i in inputs:  #to get the smallest length of lag_step,
        ##Here could result in problem for significantly cut useful data if some Q have very short tau list
        if len_lag > len(res[i][1]):
            lag_steps = res[i][1]
            len_lag = len(lag_steps)

    #lag_steps  = res[0][1]
    if not cal_error:
        g2 = np.zeros([len(lag_steps), len(ring_masks)])
        g2 = np.zeros([int((num_lev + 1) * num_buf / 2), len(ring_masks)])
        g2_err = np.zeros_like(g2)

        g2_G = np.zeros((int((num_lev + 1) * num_buf / 2), len(pixelist)))
        g2_P = np.zeros_like(g2_G)
        g2_F = np.zeros_like(g2_G)

    Gmax = 0
    lag_steps_err = res[0][1]
    nopr_ = np.lib.pad(np.cumsum(nopr), [1],
    for i in inputs:
        #print( res[i][0][:,0].shape, g2.shape )
        if not cal_error:
            g2[:, i] = res[i][0][:, 0][:len_lag]

            s_Gall_qi = res[i][2]  #[:len_lag]
            s_Pall_qi = res[i][3]  #[:len_lag]
            s_Fall_qi = res[i][4]  #[:len_lag]
            #print( s_Gall_qi.shape,s_Pall_qi.shape,s_Fall_qi.shape )
            avgGi = (np.average(s_Gall_qi, axis=1))
            devGi = (np.std(s_Gall_qi, axis=1))
            avgPi = (np.average(s_Pall_qi, axis=1))
            devPi = (np.std(s_Pall_qi, axis=1))
            avgFi = (np.average(s_Fall_qi, axis=1))
            devFi = (np.std(s_Fall_qi, axis=1))

            if len(np.where(avgPi == 0)[0]) != 0:
                g_max1 = np.where(avgPi == 0)[0][0]
                g_max1 = avgPi.shape[0]
            if len(np.where(avgFi == 0)[0]) != 0:
                g_max2 = np.where(avgFi == 0)[0][0]
                g_max2 = avgFi.shape[0]
            g_max = min(g_max1, g_max2)
            g2[:g_max, i] = avgGi[:g_max] / (avgPi[:g_max] * avgFi[:g_max])
            g2_err[:g_max, i] = np.sqrt(
                (1 / (avgFi[:g_max] * avgPi[:g_max]))**2 * devGi[:g_max]**2 +
                (avgGi[:g_max] /
                 (avgFi[:g_max]**2 * avgPi[:g_max]))**2 * devFi[:g_max]**2 +
                (avgGi[:g_max] /
                 (avgFi[:g_max] * avgPi[:g_max]**2))**2 * devPi[:g_max]**2)
            Gmax = max(g_max, Gmax)
            lag_stepsi = res[i][1]
            if len(lag_steps_err) < len(lag_stepsi):
                lag_steps_err = lag_stepsi

            g2_G[:, nopr_[i]:nopr_[i + 1]] = s_Gall_qi
            g2_P[:, nopr_[i]:nopr_[i + 1]] = s_Pall_qi
            g2_F[:, nopr_[i]:nopr_[i + 1]] = s_Fall_qi

    del results
    del res
    if cal_error:
        print('G2 with error bar calculation DONE!')
        return g2[:Gmax, :], lag_steps_err[:Gmax], g2_err[:Gmax, :] / np.sqrt(
            nopr), g2_G, g2_P, g2_F
        print('G2 calculation DONE!')
        return g2, lag_steps