예제 #1
	def addTowers( self ):
		"Add towers."
		bottomLayerIndex = self.getBottomLayerIndex()
		if bottomLayerIndex == None:
		self.addLayerLinesIfDifferent( bottomLayerIndex )
		removedIsland = euclidean.getTransferClosestSurroundingLoop( self.oldOrderedLocation, self.islandLayers[ bottomLayerIndex ], self )
		while 1:
			self.climbTower( removedIsland )
			bottomLayerIndex = self.getBottomLayerIndex()
			if bottomLayerIndex == None:
			self.addLayerLinesIfDifferent( bottomLayerIndex )
			removedIsland = euclidean.getTransferClosestSurroundingLoop( self.oldOrderedLocation, self.islandLayers[ bottomLayerIndex ], self )
예제 #2
	def getRemovedIslandAddLayerLinesIfDifferent( self, islands, layerIndex ):
		"Add gcode lines for the layer if it is different than the old bottom layer index."
		threadLayer = None
		if layerIndex != self.oldLayerIndex:
			self.oldLayerIndex = layerIndex
			threadLayer = self.threadLayers[ layerIndex ]
			self.distanceFeedRate.addLines( threadLayer.beforeExtrusionLines )
		removedIsland = euclidean.getTransferClosestSurroundingLoop( self.oldOrderedLocation, islands, self )
		if threadLayer != None:
			self.distanceFeedRate.addLines( threadLayer.afterExtrusionLines )
		return removedIsland
예제 #3
	def climbTower( self, removedIsland ):
		"Climb up the island to any islands directly above."
		outsetDistance = 1.5 * self.extrusionWidth
		for step in xrange( self.towerPreferences.maximumTowerHeight.value ):
			aboveIndex = self.oldLayerIndex + 1
			if aboveIndex >= len( self.islandLayers ):
			outsetRemovedLoop = removedIsland.boundingLoop.getOutsetBoundingLoop( outsetDistance )
			islandsWithin = []
			for island in self.islandLayers[ aboveIndex ]:
				if self.isInsideRemovedOutsideCone( island, outsetRemovedLoop, aboveIndex ):
					islandsWithin.append( island )
			if len( islandsWithin ) < 1:
			self.addLayerLinesIfDifferent( aboveIndex )
			removedIsland = euclidean.getTransferClosestSurroundingLoop( self.oldOrderedLocation, islandsWithin, self )
			self.islandLayers[ aboveIndex ].remove( removedIsland )