예제 #1
thinme = N.where(D['obs']['obs0'] < 5000)[0][::5]
leaveme = N.where(D['obs']['obs0'] > 5000)
uwindlow = D['obs']['obs13'][thinme]
vwindlow = D['obs']['obs14'][thinme]
plow = pres[thinme]
uwindhigh = D['obs']['obs13'][leaveme]
vwindhigh = D['obs']['obs14'][leaveme]
phigh = pres[leaveme]
uwind = N.hstack((uwindlow, uwindhigh))
vwind = N.hstack((vwindlow, vwindhigh))
pthin = N.hstack((plow,phigh))
thin_locs = gridded_data.thinned_barbs(pres)
# replace pres with pthin below to have thinned values
ST._windbarbs_real(uwind[thin_locs], vwind[thin_locs], pres[thin_locs], delta=1, n=35, color="black")
ST._temperature_real(temp, pres, color="black", linestyle="solid")
ST._dewpoint_real(dewp, pres, color="black", linestyle="dashed")
del pres, temp, dewp, thin_locs

# Plot
plt.axis([-20, 50, P_b, P_t])
plt.xlabel(r"Temperature ($^{\circ}$C) at 1000\,hPa")
xticks = N.arange(-20, 51, 5)
plt.xticks(xticks, ["" if tick % 10 != 0 else str(tick) for tick in xticks])
plt.ylabel("Pressure (hPa)")
yticks = N.arange(P_bot, P_t - 1, -10 ** 4)
ytix = ["%4u" % (p / 100.0) for p in yticks]
plt.yticks(yticks, ytix)

# yticks = N.arange(P_bot,P_t-1,-10**4)
# plt.yticks(yticks,yticks/100)