def run3(self): """ Cette fonction test des alternatives à SIFT et ORB. Ne fonctionne pas.""" for x in xrange(len(self.stack)-1): print('Traitement image ' + str(x+1)) im1,im2 = 255.*gaussian_filter(self.stack[x,...], sqrt(self.initial_sigma**2 - 0.25)), 255.*gaussian_filter(self.stack[x+1,...], sqrt(self.initial_sigma**2 - 0.25)) im1,im2 = enhance_contrast(normaliser(im1), square(3)), enhance_contrast(normaliser(im2), square(3)) im1, im2 = normaliser(im1), normaliser(im2) b = cv2.BRISK() #b.create("Feature2D.BRISK") k1,d1 = b.detectAndCompute(im1,None) k2,d2 = b.detectAndCompute(im2,None) bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING) matches = bf.match(d1,d2) g1,g2 = [],[] for i in matches: g1.append(k1[i.queryIdx].pt) g2.append(k2[i.trainIdx].pt) model, inliers = ransac((np.array(g1), np.array(g2)), AffineTransform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=self.min_epsilon, max_trials=self.max_trials, stop_residuals_sum=self.min_inlier_ratio) self.stack[x+1,...] = warp(self.stack[x+1,...], AffineTransform(rotation=model.rotation, translation=model.translation), output_shape=self.stack[x+1].shape) self.stack = self.stack.astype(np.uint8)
def run4(self): """ Cette fonction recadre les images grâce à SURF et RANSAC, fonctionne bien.""" for x in xrange(len(self.stack)-1): print('Traitement image ' + str(x+1)) im1,im2 = 255.*gaussian_filter(self.stack[x,...], sqrt(self.initial_sigma**2 - 0.25)), 255.*gaussian_filter(self.stack[x+1,...], sqrt(self.initial_sigma**2 - 0.25)) im1,im2 = enhance_contrast(normaliser(im1), square(5)), enhance_contrast(normaliser(im2), square(5)) im1, im2 = normaliser(im1), normaliser(im2) b = cv2.SURF() #b.create("Feature2D.BRISK") k1,d1 = b.detectAndCompute(im1,None) k2,d2 = b.detectAndCompute(im2,None) bf = cv2.BFMatcher() matches = bf.knnMatch(d1,d2, k=2) # Apply ratio test good = [] for m,n in matches: if m.distance < 0.75*n.distance: good.append(m) g1,g2 = [],[] for i in good: g1.append(k1[i.queryIdx].pt) g2.append(k2[i.trainIdx].pt) model, inliers = ransac((np.array(g1), np.array(g2)), AffineTransform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=self.min_epsilon, max_trials=self.max_trials, stop_residuals_sum=self.min_inlier_ratio) self.stack[x+1,...] = warp(self.stack[x+1,...], AffineTransform(rotation=model.rotation, translation=model.translation), output_shape=self.stack[x+1].shape) self.stack = self.stack.astype(np.uint8)
def contrast(image_in, cont_size): if cont_size > 0: print('enhancing contrast, width', str(cont_size)) cont = rank.enhance_contrast(np.copy(image_in), disk(cont_size)) return cont if cont_size == 0: return image_in
def filter_test(): in_dir = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'Data', 'Step2', 'Validation') res_imgs = [] for sub_dir in get_immediate_subfolders(in_dir): full_dir = os.path.join(in_dir, sub_dir) for sub_dir2 in get_immediate_subfolders(full_dir): full_dir2 = os.path.join(full_dir, sub_dir2) for img_file in os.listdir(full_dir2): full_path_name = os.path.join(full_dir2, img_file) if os.path.isfile(full_path_name) and img_file.lower().endswith(tuple(EXT_FILTER)): ori_img = skio.imread(full_path_name) gry_img = skcolor.rgb2gray(ori_img) res_img = enhance_contrast(gry_img, disk(5)) # res_img = exps.adjust_gamma(gry_img) # res2_img = exps.rescale_intensity(res_img) # flt_img = np.array(res_img > flts.threshold_li(res_img)) res_imgs.append(res_img.reshape(-1)) arr_imgs = np.asarray(res_imgs) img_cnt = arr_imgs.shape[0] n_col = math.ceil(math.sqrt(img_cnt)) n_row = math.ceil(img_cnt / n_col) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 12)) for i in range(0, img_cnt): ax = fig.add_subplot(n_row, n_col, (i + 1)) img = ax.imshow(arr_imgs[i].reshape(28, 96)) img.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) img.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.suptitle('All {} Samples'.format(img_cnt), size=12, x=0.518, y=0.935)
def contrast_nuclei(image_in, cont_size): if cont_size > 0: print('Enhancing contrast') return rank.enhance_contrast(np.copy(image_in), disk(cont_size)) if cont_size == 0: print('Not enhancing contrast') return image_in
def add_index_layer(img, append=False): img_rows = np.shape(img)[0] img_cols = np.shape(img)[1] # entropy 熵 e = ( (entropy(img[:, :, 0], disk(1)) + entropy(img[:, :, 1], disk(1)) + entropy(img[:, :, 2], disk(1))) / 3).reshape( [img_rows, img_cols, 1]) # contrast 对比度 c = ((enhance_contrast(img[:, :, 0], disk(1)) + enhance_contrast(img[:, :, 1], disk(1)) + enhance_contrast( img[:, :, 2], disk(1))) / 3).reshape([img_rows, img_cols, 1]) # mean 均值 m = ((mean(img[:, :, 0], disk(1)) + mean(img[:, :, 1], disk(1)) + mean(img[:, :, 2], disk(1))) / 3).reshape( [img_rows, img_cols, 1]) if append: return np.concatenate([img, e, c, m], axis=2) else: return np.concatenate([e, c, m], axis=2)
def check_all(): selem = morphology.disk(1) refs = np.load( os.path.join(skimage.data_dir, "rank_filter_tests.npz")) assert_equal(refs["autolevel"], rank.autolevel(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["autolevel_percentile"], rank.autolevel_percentile(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["bottomhat"], rank.bottomhat(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["equalize"], rank.equalize(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["gradient"], rank.gradient(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["gradient_percentile"], rank.gradient_percentile(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["maximum"], rank.maximum(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["mean"], rank.mean(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["geometric_mean"], rank.geometric_mean(self.image, selem)), assert_equal(refs["mean_percentile"], rank.mean_percentile(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["mean_bilateral"], rank.mean_bilateral(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["subtract_mean"], rank.subtract_mean(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["subtract_mean_percentile"], rank.subtract_mean_percentile(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["median"], rank.median(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["minimum"], rank.minimum(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["modal"], rank.modal(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["enhance_contrast"], rank.enhance_contrast(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["enhance_contrast_percentile"], rank.enhance_contrast_percentile(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["pop"], rank.pop(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["pop_percentile"], rank.pop_percentile(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["pop_bilateral"], rank.pop_bilateral(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["sum"], rank.sum(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["sum_bilateral"], rank.sum_bilateral(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["sum_percentile"], rank.sum_percentile(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["threshold"], rank.threshold(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["threshold_percentile"], rank.threshold_percentile(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["tophat"], rank.tophat(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["noise_filter"], rank.noise_filter(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["entropy"], rank.entropy(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["otsu"], rank.otsu(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["percentile"], rank.percentile(self.image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["windowed_histogram"], rank.windowed_histogram(self.image, selem))
def filter_images(path, filename): """ Applies filters to image, that is located in folder :param path: define path to temp folder :param filename: name of image for processing :return: filtered image """ img_data = io.imread(path + filename, as_grey=True) # Set better contrast to raw data with disk r = 20 img_data = enhance_contrast(img_data, disk(20)) img_data_dil = dilation(img_data, disk(1)) return img_data_dil
def shanghai_chunk_code_processing(img, row_range, column_range): """对于上海分割验证码的处理 :param img: 上海验证码分割后的图片 :param row_range: 分割的横坐标范围 :param column_range: 分割的纵坐标范围 :return: 二值化后的分割验证码图片 """ img = img[column_range[0]:column_range[1], row_range[0]:row_range[1]] img = sfr.enhance_contrast(img, morphology.selem.disk(1)) img = sfr.maximum(img, morphology.selem.rectangle(3, 2)) img = morphology.dilation(img, morphology.selem.rectangle(2, 1)) thresh = filters.threshold_otsu(img) img = (img >= thresh) * 1.0 return img
def run2(self): """ Cette fonction recadre les images grâce à SIFT et RANSAC, fonctionne bien.""" for x in xrange(len(self.stack)-1): print('Traitement image ' + str(x+1)) im1,im2 = 255.*gaussian_filter(self.stack[x,...], sqrt(self.initial_sigma**2 - 0.25)), 255.*gaussian_filter(self.stack[x+1,...], sqrt(self.initial_sigma**2 - 0.25)) im1,im2 = enhance_contrast(normaliser(im1), square(3)), enhance_contrast(normaliser(im2), square(3)) im1, im2 = normaliser(im1), normaliser(im2) sift = cv2.SIFT() # find the keypoints and descriptors with SIFT kp1, des1 = sift.detectAndCompute(im1,None) kp2, des2 = sift.detectAndCompute(im2,None) # BFMatcher with default params bf = cv2.BFMatcher() matches = bf.knnMatch(des1,des2, k=2) # Apply ratio test good = [] for m,n in matches: if m.distance < 0.75*n.distance: good.append(m) # good est une liste de DMatch g1,g2 = [],[] for i in good: g1.append(kp1[i.queryIdx].pt) g2.append(kp2[i.trainIdx].pt) model, inliers = ransac((np.array(g1), np.array(g2)), AffineTransform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=self.min_epsilon, max_trials=self.max_trials, stop_residuals_sum=self.min_inlier_ratio) self.stack[x+1,...] = warp(self.stack[x+1,...], AffineTransform(rotation=model.rotation, translation=model.translation), output_shape=self.stack[x+1].shape) self.stack = self.stack.astype(np.uint8)
def contrast_booster(array): array = array.astype(float) array = standarize_brightness(array, 1, array.shape[1]) array = standarize_brightness(array, array.shape[0], 1) array -= array.min() array = array / array.max() - 0.5 array *= 2.0 array = enhance_contrast(array, disk(2)) ''' array = standarize_brightness(array, 1, 128) #array = equalize_hist(array) array = array - array.min() array = array / array.max() * 255.0 array = array.astype(np.uint8) ''' return array
def hebei_chunk_code_processing(img, row_range, column_range): """对于河北分割验证码的处理 :param img: 河北验证码分割后的图片 :param row_range: 分割的横坐标范围 :param column_range: 分割的纵坐标范围 :return: 二值化后的分割验证码图片 """ img = img[column_range[0]:column_range[1], row_range[0]:row_range[1]] img = sfr.enhance_contrast(img, morphology.selem.disk(1)) img = sfr.maximum(img, morphology.selem.rectangle(3, 2)) img = morphology.dilation(img, morphology.selem.rectangle(2, 1)) # thresh = filters.threshold_otsu(img) # img = (img >= thresh) * 1.0 img = morphology.remove_small_objects(img, 5) return img
def run(self, image): assert image.size > 0 hed = cv2.split(rgb2hed(image))[1] hed = img_as_ubyte(1.0 - hed) # hed = 1.0 - hed hed = rescale_intensity(hed) im = hed # im = img_as_ubyte(hed) # com.debug_im(im) im[im >= 115] = 255 im[im < 115] = 0 im = rank.enhance_contrast(im, disk(5)) im = morph.close(im, disk(3)) can = cv2.adaptiveBilateralFilter(im, self.bilateral_kernel, self.sigma_color) return can
def label_from_thresh(frame, thresh, parameters): smooth = parameters['smooth'] min_distance =['nuc_distance']) image = rank.median(frame, disk(smooth)) image = rank.enhance_contrast(image, disk(smooth)) im_max = image.max() if im_max < thresh: return np.zeros(image.shape, dtype=np.int32) else: image = image > thresh distance = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(image) local_maxi = peak_local_max(distance, footprint=disk(min_distance), #min_distance=min_distance, indices=False, labels=image) markers = ndimage.label(local_maxi)[0] return watershed(-distance, markers, mask=image)
def enhanceContrastIfRequired(imagePath, outputPath): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") imagePath = "" + imagePath color = io.imread(imagePath) lowContrast = is_low_contrast(color, fraction_threshold=0.25) if (lowContrast): print('low contrast detected. enhancing image') image_to_enhance = img_as_ubyte(color) enhanced = enhance_contrast(image_to_enhance, determineSelem(image_to_enhance)) p2, p98 = np.percentile(enhanced, (2, 98)) output = rescale_intensity(enhanced, in_range=(p2, p98)) else: print('contrast enhancing not needed') output = color imsave('' + outputPath, output) output
def make_img_features(id_, train=True): path = 'train' if train else 'test' pred = cv2.imread(f'predicts/{path}/{id_}_proba.png')[..., 0] pred_bin = np.copy(enhance_contrast(np.copy(pred), disk(3))) pred_bin[pred_bin >= 128] = 255 pred_bin[pred_bin < 128] = 0 features_pred = [ len(find_contours(pred, .9)), len(find_contours(pred_bin, .9)), count_contours_cv(pred), count_contours_cv(pred_bin), pred.mean(), pred.std(), ] features_pred = np.array(features_pred) return features_pred
def enhance_contrast_image(image_array, windows_size, window_shape="square", im_show=True, return_img=False): """Enhance contrast of an image. This replaces each pixel by the local maximum if the pixel greyvalue is closer to the local maximum than the local minimum. Otherwise it is replaced by the local minimum. Parameters ---------- image_array:numpy.array: input image windows_size:int the size of window window_shape: str str is element from dict:{square, disk} im_show : Bool if True show result return_img: Bool if True return img """ from skimage.filters.rank import enhance_contrast #make kernel check_windows_size(windows_size) kernel = make_kernel(window_shape, windows_size) #enhance_contrast_image img = enhance_contrast(image_array, kernel) #show image if im_show: show_image(img) if return_img: return img
def apply_preprocessing(img): # Intensity scaling img_intensity_scale = rescale_intensity(img, in_range="dtype") # Contrast enhancing img_enhanced_contrast = enhance_contrast(img_intensity_scale, disk(5)) # Adaptive histogram equalizer img_equalized = equalize_adapthist(img_enhanced_contrast) # Gaussian smoothing img_smoothed = gaussian(img_equalized) # Binarization with adaptive thresholding thresh_local = threshold_local(img_smoothed, 125, 'mean') img_binarized = apply_thresh(img_smoothed, thresh_local) # Thinning img_thinned = thin(invert(img_binarized)) return img_thinned
def check_all(): np.random.seed(0) image = np.random.rand(25, 25) selem = morphology.disk(1) refs = np.load(os.path.join(skimage.data_dir, "rank_filter_tests.npz")) assert_equal(refs["autolevel"], rank.autolevel(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["autolevel_percentile"], rank.autolevel_percentile(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["bottomhat"], rank.bottomhat(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["equalize"], rank.equalize(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["gradient"], rank.gradient(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["gradient_percentile"], rank.gradient_percentile(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["maximum"], rank.maximum(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["mean"], rank.mean(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["mean_percentile"], rank.mean_percentile(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["mean_bilateral"], rank.mean_bilateral(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["subtract_mean"], rank.subtract_mean(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["subtract_mean_percentile"], rank.subtract_mean_percentile(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["median"], rank.median(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["minimum"], rank.minimum(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["modal"], rank.modal(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["enhance_contrast"], rank.enhance_contrast(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["enhance_contrast_percentile"], rank.enhance_contrast_percentile(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["pop"], rank.pop(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["pop_percentile"], rank.pop_percentile(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["pop_bilateral"], rank.pop_bilateral(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["sum"], rank.sum(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["sum_bilateral"], rank.sum_bilateral(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["sum_percentile"], rank.sum_percentile(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["threshold"], rank.threshold(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["threshold_percentile"], rank.threshold_percentile(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["tophat"], rank.tophat(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["noise_filter"], rank.noise_filter(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["entropy"], rank.entropy(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["otsu"], rank.otsu(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["percentile"], rank.percentile(image, selem)) assert_equal(refs["windowed_histogram"], rank.windowed_histogram(image, selem))
def otsu_local_method(img, op="disc", test=False): if op == "disc" or op == "cup": to_plot = [] img_red = img[:, :, 0] img_red = skimage.util.img_as_ubyte(img_red) if test: to_plot.append(("red_chan", img_red)) img_red = skimage.filters.gaussian(img_red, 4.2) if test: to_plot.append(("gaussian f", img_red)) img_red = enhance_contrast(img_red, disk(3)) if test: to_plot.append(("enhace_contrast", img_red)) """ Local Otsu """ t_loc_otsu = otsu(img_red, disk(20)) mask = img_red >= t_loc_otsu if test: to_plot.append(("Otsu local", th.apply(img_red, mask))) mask = binary_opening(mask, disk(2)) mask = binary_closing(mask, disk(4)) if test: to_plot.append(("binary open-close", th.apply(img_red, mask))) """ Chusing brightest region """ mask = msr.closest_prop(img_red, mask) if test: to_plot.append(("brightest region", th.apply(img_red, mask))) maskfinal = binary_closing(mask, disk(20)) if test: to_plot.append(("binary closing", th.apply(img_red, maskfinal))) img_red = th.apply(img_red, maskfinal) props = msr.props(img_red, maskfinal)[0] minr, minc, maxr, maxc = props.bbox img_cut = img[minr:maxr, minc:maxc] if test: vi.plot_multy(to_plot, 3, 3, 'Otsu Local chain') if op == "cup": minr, minc, maxr, maxc = props.bbox img_green = img[minr:maxr, minc:maxc, 1] to_plot = [] if test: to_plot.append(("green channel", img_green)) v_mask, _ = segment_veins(img_green, test) img_aux = closing(img_green, disk(6)) img_aux = dilation(img_aux, disk(6)) img_aux2 = dilation(img_green, disk(3)) if test: to_plot.append(("closed + dilated", img_aux)) to_plot.append(("dilated", img_aux2)) img_v_closed = th.apply(img_aux, v_mask) img_t_dilated = th.apply(img_aux2, v_mask == False) if test: to_plot.append(("veins part", img_v_closed)) to_plot.append(("target part", img_t_dilated)) img_green = img_v_closed + img_t_dilated if test: to_plot.append(("img_green", img_green)) """ Local Otsu """ t_loc_otsu = otsu(img_green, disk(20)) mask = img_green >= t_loc_otsu mask = msr.closest_prop(img_green, mask) if test: to_plot.append(("Otsu local", th.apply(img_green, mask))) mask1 = mask mask = np.zeros(img[:, :, 1].shape) mask[minr:maxr, minc:maxc] = mask1 if test: vi.plot_multy(to_plot, 2, 4, 'cup') return (mask, img_cut, props)
def sobel_watershed_method(img, op="disc", veins=False, test=False): if op == "disc" or op == "cup": to_plot = [] img_red = img[:, :, 0] if test: to_plot.append(("Red Channel", img_red)) img_red = skimage.util.img_as_ubyte(img_red) img_red = skimage.filters.gaussian(img_red, 0.1) if test: to_plot.append(("Gaussian Filter", img_red)) img_red = enhance_contrast(img_red, disk(6)) if test: to_plot.append(("Enhace Contrast", img_red)) elevation_map = sobel(img_red) if test: to_plot.append(("gradientes", elevation_map)) markers = np.zeros_like(img_red) s2 = f.target_set_mean(img_red, 8.5) markers[img_red < 150] = 1 markers[img_red > s2] = 2 seg_img = segmentation.watershed(elevation_map, markers) mask = (seg_img - 1) > 0 if test: to_plot.append(("Sobel + WaterShed", seg_img)) mask = binary_opening(mask, disk(2)) mask = skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects(mask, 400) if test: to_plot.append(("Removing small objects", th.apply(img_red, mask))) mask = binary_closing(mask, disk(6)) if test: to_plot.append(("Closing Region", th.apply(img[:, :, 0], mask))) mask = skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects(mask, 1700) if test: to_plot.append( ("Removing Big Objects", th.apply(img[:, :, 0], mask))) mask = binary_closing(mask, disk(6)) mask = msr.closest_prop(img[:, :, 0], mask) if test: to_plot.append( ("Removing non brighter region", th.apply(img[:, :, 0], mask))) mask = binary_dilation(mask, disk(3)) mask = binary_closing(mask, disk(12)) if test: to_plot.append( ("Dilate result region", th.apply(img[:, :, 0], mask))) props = msr.props(img_red, mask)[0] minr, minc, maxr, maxc = props.bbox img_cut = img[minr:maxr, minc:maxc] if test: vi.plot_multy(to_plot, 3, 4, 'Sobel Watershed') if op == "cup": minr, minc, maxr, maxc = props.bbox img_green = img[minr:maxr, minc:maxc, 1] to_plot = [] columns = 1 if test: to_plot.append(("green channel", img_green)) if not veins: columns = 4 v_mask, _ = segment_veins(img_green, test) img_aux = closing(img_green, disk(6)) img_aux = dilation(img_aux, disk(6)) img_aux2 = dilation(img_green, disk(3)) if test: to_plot.append(("closed + dilated", img_aux)) to_plot.append(("dilated", img_aux2)) img_v_closed = th.apply(img_aux, v_mask) img_t_dilated = th.apply(img_aux2, v_mask == False) if test: to_plot.append(("veins part", img_v_closed)) to_plot.append(("target part", img_t_dilated)) img_green = img_v_closed + img_t_dilated if test: to_plot.append(("without veins", img_green)) img_green = dilation(img_green, disk(6)) img_green = enhance_contrast(img_green, disk(10)) elevation_map = sobel(img_green) markers = np.zeros_like(img_green) s2 = f.target_set_mean(img_green, 8.5) markers[img_green < 150] = 1 markers[img_green > s2] = 2 seg_img = segmentation.watershed(elevation_map, markers) mask = (seg_img - 1) > 0 if test: to_plot.append(("P-tile", th.apply(img_green, mask))) mask1 = mask mask = np.zeros(img[:, :, 1].shape) mask[minr:maxr, minc:maxc] = mask1 if test: vi.plot_multy(to_plot, 2, columns, 'cup') return (mask, img_cut, props)
from skimage import data, color import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from skimage.morphology import disk import skimage.filters.rank as sfr original_image = color.rgb2gray( plt.imshow(original_image, filtered_images = [] filtered_images.append(sfr.autolevel(original_image, disk(5))) filtered_images.append(sfr.bottomhat(original_image, disk(5))) filtered_images.append(sfr.tophat(original_image, disk(5))) filtered_images.append(sfr.enhance_contrast(original_image, disk(5))) filtered_images.append(sfr.entropy(original_image, disk(5))) filtered_images.append(sfr.equalize(original_image, disk(5))) filtered_images.append(sfr.gradient(original_image, disk(5))) filtered_images.append(sfr.maximum(original_image, disk(5))) filtered_images.append(sfr.minimum(original_image, disk(5))) filtered_images.append(sfr.mean(original_image, disk(5))) filtered_images.append(sfr.median(original_image, disk(5))) filtered_images.append(sfr.modal(original_image, disk(5))) filtered_images.append(sfr.otsu(original_image, disk(5))) filtered_images.append(sfr.threshold(original_image, disk(5))) filtered_images.append(sfr.subtract_mean(original_image, disk(5))) filtered_images.append(sfr.sum(original_image, disk(5))) name_list = [ 'autolevel', 'bottomhat', 'tophat', 'enhance_contrast', 'entropy', 'equalize', 'gradient', 'maximum', 'minimum', 'mean', 'median', 'modal', 'otsu', 'threshold', 'subtract_mean', 'sum' ]
plt.subplot(122) plt.title('filted image:autolevel') plt.imshow(auto, '''2、bottomhat 与 tophat''' auto =rank.bottomhat(img, disk(5)) #半径为5的圆形滤波器 plt.figure('filters2',figsize=(8,8)) plt.subplot(121) plt.title('origin image') plt.imshow(img, plt.subplot(122) plt.title('filted image:bottomhat && tophat') plt.imshow(auto, '''3、enhance_contrast''' auto =rank.enhance_contrast(img, disk(5)) #半径为5的圆形滤波器 plt.figure('filters3',figsize=(8,8)) plt.subplot(121) plt.title('origin image') plt.imshow(img, plt.subplot(122) plt.title('filted image:enhance_contrast') plt.imshow(auto, '''4、entropy''' dst =rank.entropy(img, disk(5)) #半径为5的圆形滤波器 plt.figure('filters4',figsize=(8,8)) plt.subplot(121) plt.title('origin image') plt.imshow(img, plt.subplot(122)
def contrast_enhancement(self, local_mtx=disk(5)): self.img_over = enhance_contrast(uint16(self.img), local_mtx, mask=self.img > self.img.mean()) # edge detector from PIL ImageFilter img_edges = img.filter(ImageFilter.FIND_EDGES) # sobel filter from skimage.filters array = np.array(img) array = sobel(array) array -= array.min() array *= 255.0 array *= 30 array = np.clip(array, 0.0, 255.0) array = array / array.max() - 0.5 array *= 2.0 array = enhance_contrast(array, disk(1)) array = array - array.min() array = array / array.max() * 255.0 img_sobel = Image.fromarray(array) # canny filter from skimage.feature array = np.array(img) array = canny(array, sigma=1.2) # sigma decides what information to delete img_canny = Image.fromarray(array) # canny filter after morphology dilation for i in range(3): array = morphology.binary_dilation(array) img_canny_dilated = Image.fromarray(array)
def func(frame): smoothed = rank.median(frame,disk(smooth_size)) smoothed = rank.enhance_contrast(smoothed, disk(smooth_size)) return smoothed
def apply(self, img, param=None): """ see Filter.apply() """ return rank.enhance_contrast(img, disk(param['size']))
def snakes(img, op="disc", test=False): if op == "disc": img_red = img[:, :, 0] img_red = enhance_contrast(img_red, disk(10)) img_red = gaussian(img_red, 5) mask = f.hand_made(img_red, 10, 2) mask = binary_opening(mask, disk(7)) mask = skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects(mask, 1700) mask = msr.closest_prop(img_red, mask) if msr.props(img_red, mask): props = msr.props(img_red, mask)[0] y0, x0 = props.centroid x02 = x0 - props.minor_axis_length / 4 y_axis = x_axis = props.major_axis_length / 2 else: (x_axis, y_axis) = img_red.shape x0 = x02 = x_axis / 2 - 1 y0 = y_axis / 2 - 1 s = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 400) r = y0 + y_axis * np.sin(s) c = x02 + x_axis * np.cos(s) init = np.array([r, c]).T snake = active_contour(img_red, init, boundary_condition='fixed', alpha=0.1, beta=5, gamma=0.001) if op == "cup": img_red = img[:, :, 1] img_red = enhance_contrast(img_red, disk(4)) img_red = gaussian(img_red, 1) mask = f.hand_made(img_red, 10, 2) mask = binary_opening(mask, disk(7)) mask = skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects(mask, 1700) mask = msr.closest_prop(img_red, mask) if msr.props(img_red, mask): props = msr.props(img_red, mask)[0] y0, x0 = props.centroid x02 = x0 - props.minor_axis_length / 4 y_axis = x_axis = props.major_axis_length / 2 else: (y_axis, x_axis) = img_red.shape x0 = x02 = x_axis / 2 y0 = y_axis / 2 x_axis = x_axis / 3 - 1 y_axis = y_axis / 2 - 10 s = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 400) r = y0 + y_axis * np.sin(s) c = x02 + x_axis * np.cos(s) init = np.array([r, c]).T snake = active_contour(img_red, init, boundary_condition='fixed', alpha=0.4, beta=10, gamma=0.001) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 5)) ax.imshow(img_red, cmap="gray") ax.plot(init[:, 1], init[:, 0], '--r', lw=3) ax.plot(snake[:, 1], snake[:, 0], '-b', lw=3) ax.set_xticks([]), ax.set_yticks([]) ax.axis([0, img.shape[1], img.shape[0], 0])
from skimage.filters.rank import enhance_contrast contr = np.empty_like(img) for i, aslice in enumerate(img): contr[i] = enhance_contrast(aslice.astype(np.uint16), disk(3)) slicing(contr, 'gray')
for i in range(0,len(image_list)): axes_list[i].imshow(image_list[i],, vmin=0, vmax=255) axes_list[i].set_title(title_list[i]) axes_list[i].axis('off') axes_list[i].set_adjustable('box-forced') ###################################################################### # The morphological contrast enhancement filter replaces the central pixel by # the local maximum if the original pixel value is closest to local maximum, # otherwise by the minimum local. from skimage.filters.rank import enhance_contrast noisy_image = img_as_ubyte( enh = enhance_contrast(noisy_image, disk(5)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=[10, 7], sharex='row', sharey='row') ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4 = ax.ravel() ax1.imshow(noisy_image, ax1.set_title('Original') ax1.axis('off') ax1.set_adjustable('box-forced') ax2.imshow(enh, ax2.set_title('Local morphological contrast enhancement') ax2.axis('off') ax2.set_adjustable('box-forced') ax3.imshow(noisy_image[200:350, 350:450],
def handmade_p_tile_method(img, op="disc", test=False): if op == "disc" or op == "cup": to_plot = [] img_red = img[:, :, 0] if test: to_plot.append(("Red Channel", img_red)) img_red = dilation(img_red, disk(3)) if test: to_plot.append(("Gaussing", img_red)) img_red = enhance_contrast(img_red, disk(10)) if test: to_plot.append(("Enhace_contrast", img_red)) mask = f.hand_made(img_red, 10, 2) if test: to_plot.append(("P-tile", th.apply(img_red, mask))) mask = binary_opening(mask, disk(7)) mask = skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects(mask, 1700) if test: to_plot.append( ("Opening and remove small objects", th.apply(img_red, mask))) props = msr.props(img_red, mask)[0] minr, minc, maxr, maxc = props.bbox img_cut = img[minr:maxr, minc:maxc] if test: to_plot.append(("Binary opening", th.apply(img_red, mask))) if test: vi.plot_multy(to_plot, 2, 3, 'P-tile') if op == "cup": minr, minc, maxr, maxc = props.bbox img_green = img[minr:maxr, minc:maxc, 1] to_plot = [] if test: to_plot.append(("green channel", img_green)) v_mask, _ = segment_veins(img_green, test) img_aux = closing(img_green, disk(6)) img_aux = dilation(img_aux, disk(6)) img_aux2 = dilation(img_green, disk(3)) if test: to_plot.append(("closed + dilated", img_aux)) to_plot.append(("dilated", img_aux2)) img_v_closed = th.apply(img_aux, v_mask) img_t_dilated = th.apply(img_aux2, v_mask == False) if test: to_plot.append(("veins part", img_v_closed)) to_plot.append(("target part", img_t_dilated)) img_green = img_v_closed + img_t_dilated if test: to_plot.append(("without veins", img_green)) img_green = dilation(img_green, disk(6)) img_green = enhance_contrast(img_green, disk(10)) if test: to_plot.append(("dilation + contrast", img_green)) mask = f.hand_made(img_green, 10, 2, smallest=0) if test: to_plot.append(("P-tile", th.apply(img_green, mask))) mask1 = mask mask = np.zeros(img[:, :, 1].shape) mask[minr:maxr, minc:maxc] = mask1 if test: vi.plot_multy(to_plot, 4, 4, 'Otsu Local chain') return (mask, img_cut, props)