def hierarchical_merging_of_region_boundary_rags_example(): #img = edges = sobel(skimage.color.rgb2gray(img)) labels = slic(img, compactness=30, n_segments=400) g = graph.rag_boundary(labels, edges) graph.show_rag(labels, g, img) plt.title('Initial RAG') labels2 = graph.merge_hierarchical(labels, g, thresh=0.08, rag_copy=False, in_place_merge=True, merge_func=merge_boundary, weight_func=weight_boundary) graph.show_rag(labels, g, img) plt.title('RAG after hierarchical merging') plt.figure() out = skimage.color.label2rgb(labels2, img, kind='avg') plt.imshow(out) plt.title('Final segmentation')
def _quantify_2d(cls, tile, img_seg, nz, feature_calculators, **kwargs): feature_values = [] for z in range(nz): # Calculate properties of masked+labeled cell components cell_props = measure.regionprops(img_seg[z][CytometerBase.CELL_MASK_CHANNEL], cache=False) nucleus_props = measure.regionprops(img_seg[z][CytometerBase.NUCLEUS_MASK_CHANNEL], cache=False) if len(cell_props) != len(nucleus_props): raise ValueError( 'Expecting cell and nucleus properties to have same length (nucleus props = {}, cell props = {})' .format(len(nucleus_props), len(cell_props)) ) # Compute RAG for cells if necessary graph = None if kwargs.get('cell_graph'): labels = img_seg[z][CytometerBase.CELL_MASK_CHANNEL] # rag_boundary fails on all zero label matrices so default to empty graph if that is the case # see: if np.count_nonzero(labels) > 0: graph = label_graph.rag_boundary(labels, np.ones(labels.shape)) else: graph = label_graph.RAG() # Loop through each detected cell and compute features for i in range(len(cell_props)): props = ObjectProperties(cell=cell_props[i], nucleus=nucleus_props[i]) # Run each feature calculator and add results in order feature_values.append([ v for fc in feature_calculators for v in fc.get_feature_values(tile, img_seg, graph, props, z) ]) return feature_values
def show_segmen_rag(array, pathlibpath, numSegments, threshold, cedges=177, compactness=0.1, sigma=5, convert2lab=False): print('Obtaining superstructures') segments = slic(array, compactness=compactness, n_segments=numSegments, sigma=sigma, multichannel=False, convert2lab=convert2lab) print('Number of SV: ', len(np.unique(segments))) segments += 1 edges = filters.sobel(array) print('Obtaining RAG') rag = graph.rag_boundary(segments, edges, connectivity=1) segments2 = graph.merge_hierarchical(segments, rag, threshold=threshold, in_place_merge=True, rag_copy=False, merge_func=merge_boundary, weight_func=weight_boundary) print('Final Number of SV: ', len(np.unique(segments2))) graph.show_rag(segments, rag, array, edge_cmap='viridis') save_yorno(array, segments, pathlibpath, cedges)
def get_patches(img, compactness=30, n_segments=200, rag_thresh=0.08): """Get list of patches from image found with SLIC.""" patches = [] img_lab = color.rgb2lab(img) edges = filters.sobel(color.rgb2gray(img)) labels = segmentation.slic(img_lab, convert2lab=False, compactness=compactness, n_segments=n_segments) g = graph.rag_boundary(labels, edges) segmented = graph.merge_hierarchical(labels, g, thresh=rag_thresh, rag_copy=False, in_place_merge=True, merge_func=merge_boundary, weight_func=weight_boundary) idxs_sorted = np.argsort(segmented.reshape((segmented.size))) _, idxs_start = np.unique( segmented.reshape((segmented.size))[idxs_sorted], return_index=True) idxs_for_values = np.split(idxs_sorted, idxs_start[1:]) for idxs in idxs_for_values: rows, cols = np.unravel_index(idxs, img.shape[:2]) data = img[rows, cols] lab = np.mean(img_lab[rows, cols], axis=0) patches.append((rows, cols, data, lab)) return patches
def compute(self, image, n_region, mask=None): """ Parameters ---------- image: numpy ndarray image array to be represented as regions n_region : int the number of regions to be generated mask: mask image to give region of interest Returns ------- regions : a list of regions """ gray_image = image.copy() if mask is not None: gray_image[mask > 0] = 0 # Convert the original image to the 0~255 gray image gray_image = (gray_image - gray_image.min()) / (gray_image.max() - gray_image.min()) labels = segmentation.slic(gray_image.astype(np.float), n_segments=n_region, slic_zero=True, sigma=2, multichannel=False, enforce_connectivity=True) # edge_map = filters.sobel(gray_image) # just for 2-D image edge_map = filters.laplace(gray_image) # Given an image's initial segmentation and its edge map this method constructs the # corresponding Region Adjacency Graph (RAG). Each node in the RAG represents a set of # pixels within the image with the same label in labels. The weight between two adjacent # regions is the average value in edge_map along their boundary. rag = graph.rag_boundary(labels, edge_map) regions = [] n_labels = labels.max() + 1 for r in np.arange(n_labels): # get vox_pos position = np.transpose(np.nonzero(labels == r)) # get vox_feat vox_feat = np.zeros((position.shape[0], 1)) n_D = position.shape[1] for i in range(position.shape[0]): if n_D == 2: vox_feat[i][0] = image[position[i][0], position[i][1]] elif n_D == 3: vox_feat[i][0] = image[position[i][0], position[i][1], position[i][2]] else: raise RuntimeError("We just consider 2_D and 3_D images at present!") regions.append(Region(position, vox_feat=vox_feat, r_id=r)) for r in range(n_labels): for r_key in rag.edge[r].keys(): regions[r].add_neighbor(regions[r_key]) self.regions = regions self.image_shape = image.shape return regions
def generate_neighbor_matrix(superpixel_map, sequence): ''' This function is to convert the input superpixel image into a matrix with shape (number_of_superpixel, number_of_superpixel). It's used to indicate what's the neighbor of a superpixel. "1" --> These two superpixels are neighbour. "0" --> These two superpixels are not neightbour. Arg: superpixel_map: (Width, Height) sequence: Segmentation values that corresponding to labels except background. Return: Adjacency matrix. ''' pseudo_edge_map = np.ones(np.shape(superpixel_map)) rag = graph.rag_boundary(superpixel_map, pseudo_edge_map, connectivity=2) num_super = rag.number_of_nodes() neighbor_matrix = np.zeros((num_super, num_super)) nodes_list = rag.nodes() for i in nodes_list: if i not in sequence: continue for neighbor in rag.neighbors_iter(i): neighbor_not_background = np.intersect1d(neighbor, sequence) neighbor_matrix[i, neighbor_not_background] = 1 return neighbor_matrix
def get_groups(original): """ Finds a segmentation of image by taking an oversegmentation produced by the Priority-Flood watershed and progressively reducing with a boundary region adjacency graph :param original: Original RGB image to segment :return: Segmented image. label = 0 represents an edge, label = -1 represents a pruned area """ original = gaussian(original, sigma=1.5, multichannel=True) original = downscale_to(original, area_limit=2e5) g = original[:, :, 1] def weight_boundary(RAG, src, dst, n): default = {'weight': 0.0, 'count': 0} count_src = RAG[src].get(n, default)['count'] count_dst = RAG[dst].get(n, default)['count'] weight_src = RAG[src].get(n, default)['weight'] weight_dst = RAG[dst].get(n, default)['weight'] count = count_src + count_dst return { 'count': count, 'weight': (count_src * weight_src + count_dst * weight_dst) / count } greyscale = rgb2gray(original) gradient = np.hypot(sobel(greyscale, axis=0), sobel(greyscale, axis=1)) segmentation1 = watershed(gradient, markers=400, mask=greyscale > 0.3) RAG = graph.rag_boundary(segmentation1, gradient) segmentation2 = graph.merge_hierarchical(segmentation1, RAG, thresh=5e-3, rag_copy=False, in_place_merge=True, merge_func=lambda *args: None, weight_func=weight_boundary) segmentation2[greyscale < 0.3] = -1 segmentation2 = prune(segmentation2, abs_threshold=g.size / 1000, default=-1) counts, lo, hi = [], [], [] for label in set(segmentation2[segmentation2 >= 0]): interior = distance_transform_edt(segmentation2 == label) >= 1.5 if np.sum(interior) >= 0: counts.append(np.sum(interior)) lo.append(np.percentile(gradient[interior], q=70)) hi.append(np.percentile(gradient[interior], q=90)) edges = canny(greyscale, low_threshold=np.average(lo, weights=counts), high_threshold=np.average(hi, weights=counts)) edges = binary_dilation(edges, disk(2)) edges = binary_closing(edges, disk(5)) edges = remove_small_objects(edges, g.size / 1000) edges = edges[1:-1, 1:-1] edges = np.pad(edges, pad_width=1, mode='constant', constant_values=1) groups = im_label(edges, background=1, connectivity=1) groups = prune(groups, abs_threshold=g.size / 1000) groups[greyscale < 0.15] = -2 # Ignore black areas due to mechanical vignetting return groups
def boundaryRAG(cls, data, labels, sigma): edges = sobel(data) mat = np.copy(labels) + 1 if np.min(labels) == 0 else np.copy(labels) g = graph.rag_boundary(mat, edges, connectivity=2) props = regionprops(mat) labelsToIndex = cls.labelsToPropsIndex(props) cls.addData(g, data.shape, sigma, props, labelsToIndex) return g
def process(self, data): with Timer('superpixelnode_2'): im_l, im_r, rgb, labels = data edges = filters.sobel(color.rgb2gray(rgb)) g = graph.rag_boundary(labels, edges) labels2 = graph.merge_hierarchical(labels, g, thresh=0.02, rag_copy=False, in_place_merge=True, merge_func=merge_boundary, weight_func=weight_boundary) return im_l, im_r, labels2.astype(np.uint8)
def get_segments(self, frame): rgb = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) labels = slic(rgb, self.n_segments) edges = filters.sobel(color.rgb2gray(rgb)) g = graph.rag_boundary(labels, edges) labels2 = graph.merge_hierarchical(labels, g, thresh=0.02, rag_copy=False, in_place_merge=True, merge_func=merge_boundary, weight_func=weight_boundary) return labels2.astype(np.uint8)
def merge_hier_boundary(labels, image, thresh=0.03, show_rag=False): """ Merges the given labels using a RAG based on boundaries. Parameters ---------- labels: ndarray image: ndarray thresh: float show_rag: bool Returns ------- rag: RAG labels: ndarray Merged labels. """ edges = filters.sobel(color.rgb2gray(image)) rag = graph.rag_boundary(labels, edges) rag_copy = False if show_rag: rag_copy = True fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 10)) labels = graph.merge_hierarchical(labels, rag, thresh=thresh, rag_copy=rag_copy, in_place_merge=True, merge_func=merge_boundary, weight_func=weight_boundary) if show_rag: graph.show_rag(labels, rag, image, ax=ax[0]) ax[0].title('Initial RAG') graph.show_rag(labels, graph.rag_boundary(labels, edges), ax=ax[1]) ax[1].title('Final RAG') return rag, labels
def region_boundry(image): #image = imageGlobal labels = segmentation.slic(image, compactness=30, n_segments=400) edges = filters.sobel(image) edges_rgb = color.gray2rgb(edges) g = graph.rag_boundary(labels, edges) lc = graph.show_rag(labels, g, edges_rgb, img_cmap=None, edge_cmap='viridis', edge_width=1.2) plt.colorbar(lc, fraction=0.03)
def _get_neighbors_from_label_image(self, suffix, iterations=1, save_neighbors=True, **kwargs): ''' From the image_label, find all_neighbors Assumes that the labels on the image are the same as in the feature table. On the label image, 0 is bg objectNumbers start at 1 ''' labels = np.unique( self.feature_table[self._column_objectnumber].values) custom_image_label = self.image_label.copy() custom_image_label[~np.isin(custom_image_label, labels)] = 0 if self._debug: print( "_get_neighbors_from_label_image\n#labels = {}; #objects = {}, starting label id = {}, iterations={}" .format(len(labels), self.n, min(labels), iterations)) all_borders = (morphological_gradient(custom_image_label, size=3) > 0) label_rag = graph.rag_boundary(custom_image_label, all_borders.astype(float), connectivity=iterations) label_rag.remove_node(0) adj_mat = np.array(nx.adjacency_matrix(label_rag).todense()) sum_neighbors = np.sum(adj_mat, axis=0) self.adjacency_matrix[iterations] = [adj_mat] if self._debug: print("_get_neighbors_from_label_image", suffix) print("_get_neighbors_from_label_image", len(sum_neighbors), len(labels), self.n) self.feature_table.loc[ self.feature_table[self._column_objectnumber].isin(labels), 'NumberNeighbors_{}'.format(suffix)] = sum_neighbors if save_neighbors: index_for_series = self.feature_table.index[self.feature_table[ self._column_objectnumber].isin(labels)] self.feature_table.loc[:, 'neighbors_{}'.format( suffix)] = self.feature_table[self._column_objectnumber].apply( lambda v: label_rag.neighbors(v))
def test_rag_boundary(): labels = np.zeros((16, 16), dtype='uint8') edge_map = np.zeros_like(labels, dtype=float) edge_map[8, :] = 0.5 edge_map[:, 8] = 1.0 labels[:8, :8] = 1 labels[:8, 8:] = 2 labels[8:, :8] = 3 labels[8:, 8:] = 4 g = graph.rag_boundary(labels, edge_map, connectivity=1) assert set(g.nodes()) == set([1, 2, 3, 4]) assert set(g.edges()) == set([(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4)]) assert g[1][3]['weight'] == 0.25 assert g[2][4]['weight'] == 0.34375 assert g[1][3]['count'] == 16
def get_rag(gray_image, labels): """ Get the region adjacency graph using the labeled image and corresponding the edge map generated by greyscale image with sobel filter :param gray_image: The greyscale image corresponding to the labeled image :type gray_image: numpy.ndarray :param labels: a labeled segmented image, where the pixels in the image are labeled with index of the \ segmented regions. :type labels: numpy.ndarray :return: The region adjacency graph in dictionary \ see for more \ references :rtype: skimage.future.graph.RAG """ # Get rag of the labeled image edge_map = sobel(gray_image) rag = graph.rag_boundary(labels, edge_map) return rag
def get_segments(self, frame): if not self.initialized: self.rgb = np.empty_like(frame) self.lab = np.empty_like(frame) self.initialized = True #with Timer('super-labels1'): cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB, dst=self.rgb) labels = slic(self.rgb, self.n_segments) #with Timer('super-labels2'): edges = filters.sobel(color.rgb2gray(self.rgb)) g = graph.rag_boundary(labels, edges) labels2 = graph.merge_hierarchical(labels, g, thresh=0.02, rag_copy=False, in_place_merge=True, merge_func=merge_boundary, weight_func=weight_boundary) return labels2.astype(np.uint8)
def rag_merge_threshold(edges, labels, threshold, size_pen): ''' Merge adjacent segments using region adjacency graph based on strength of edge between them. ''' # create region adjacency graph using the edge info to produce # edge weights between the nodes. click.echo('creating Region Adjacency Graph') rag = graph.rag_boundary(labels, edges) # calculate pixel counts for each node lab, counts = np.unique(labels.ravel(), return_counts=True) click.echo('starting with {} segments'.format(lab.max())) counts = (counts / counts.max()) * size_pen for i, n in enumerate(lab): rag.node[n].update({'pixels': counts[i]}) # update initial edge weights to weight by mean size of nodes for n1, n2 in rag.edges_iter(): total_pix = rag.node[n1]['pixels'] + rag.node[n2]['pixels'] rag.edge[n1][n2]['weight'] += total_pix rag.edge[n2][n1]['weight'] += total_pix # calculate a value from the threshold percentile of edge weights. edge_weights = [x[2]['weight'] for x in rag.edges(data=True)] t = np.percentile(edge_weights, threshold) # merge adjacent labels iteratively if their edge weight is below the # required threshold. click.echo('merging segments with edge weights below {} percentile'.format( threshold)) refined_labels = graph.merge_hierarchical( labels, rag, t, rag_copy=True, in_place_merge=True, merge_func=merge_nodes, weight_func=update_edge_weights) refined_labels, *_ = segmentation.relabel_sequential(refined_labels + 1, offset=1) click.echo('merged into {} segments'.format(refined_labels.max())) return refined_labels
def region_boundry(img): gimg = color.rgb2gray(img) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1) labels = segmentation.slic(img, compactness=30, n_segments=400) edges = filters.sobel(gimg) edges_rgb = color.gray2rgb(edges) g = graph.rag_boundary(labels, edges) lc = graph.show_rag(labels, g, edges_rgb, img_cmap=None, edge_cmap='viridis', edge_width=1.2) ax.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) ax.set_title("Original Image") plt.colorbar(lc, fraction=0.03) plt.tight_layout()
def _ncutb_seg(self, data_list): """ This function use bounday instead of color to formulate the RAG Use the ncut method to segment the image [image, slic_label/[slic_param], [ncut_param]] """ img = data_list[0] param = data_list[1] param_cut = data_list[2] if param_cut is None: threahold = 0.2 else: threahold = param_cut[0] # Check if the param is the super pixel label or the num of super pixel # to be segmented try: num = int(param[0]) # super pixel seg label1 = segmentation.slic(img, compactness=10, n_segments=num, max_iter=100, slic_zero=True) except: label1 = param # N-Cut # Edge detection edge = filters.sobel(color.rgb2gray(img)) # Smooth the edge map edge = filters.gaussian(edge, 1) edge = filters.gaussian(edge, 1) # Reverse the energy map ne = edge.max() - edge rag = graph.rag_boundary(label1, ne) label2 = graph.cut_normalized(label1, rag, thresh=threahold) return label2
def make_network(mask, draw=False, save_loc=None): orig, image_labels, edge_map = get_img_labels_edge_map(mask) g = graph.rag_boundary(image_labels, edge_map) g.remove_node(0) if draw: fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(15, 15), dpi=200) ax = ax.ravel() ax[0].imshow(orig, cmap='gray') ax[2].imshow(label2rgb(image_labels, image=orig)) ax[1].imshow(edge_map) lc = graph.show_rag(image_labels, g, edge_map, ax=ax[3], edge_width=5, edge_cmap='Blues') fig.colorbar(lc, fraction=0.03, ax=ax[3]) pos = {} for idx in list(g.nodes): pos[idx] = (np.array(g.nodes[idx]['centroid'])[::-1]) nx.draw(g, pos, ax=ax[3]) for a in ax: a.grid('off') fig.tight_layout() if save_loc is not None: fig.savefig(save_loc) else: # because if we don't draw then these features aren't added to the graph props = regionprops(image_labels) for (n, data), region, idx in zip(g.nodes(data=True), props, range(len(props))): data['centroid'] = tuple(map(int, region['centroid'])) data['uid'] = idx return g
elif OVER_SEG == "quick": segments = segmentation.quickshift(gray2rgb(img), kernel_size=3, max_dist=6, ratio=0.5) elif OVER_SEG == "water": gradient = sobel(rgb2gray(img)) segments = segmentation.watershed(gradient, markers=400, compactness=0.001) segments -= 1 else: raise ValueError(OVER_SEG) # Region Adjacency Graph if ALGO == "hier": edges = filters.sobel(color.rgb2gray(img)) g = graph.rag_boundary(segments, edges) labels = graph.merge_hierarchical(segments, g, thresh=0.08, rag_copy=True, in_place_merge=True, merge_func=merge_boundary, weight_func=weight_boundary) elif ALGO == "ncut": g = graph.rag_mean_color(img, segments, mode='similarity') labels = graph.cut_normalized(segments, g, thresh=0.0002, num_cuts=20, in_place=False) elif ALGO == "thresh":
def img_to_nodes(img, mask): def weight_boundary(graph, src, dst, n): """ Handle merging of nodes of a region boundary region adjacency graph. This function computes the `"weight"` and the count `"count"` attributes of the edge between `n` and the node formed after merging `src` and `dst`. Parameters ---------- graph : RAG The graph under consideration. src, dst : int The vertices in `graph` to be merged. n : int A neighbor of `src` or `dst` or both. Returns ------- data : dict A dictionary with the "weight" and "count" attributes to be assigned for the merged node. """ default = {'weight': 0.0, 'count': 0} count_src = graph[src].get(n, default)['count'] count_dst = graph[dst].get(n, default)['count'] weight_src = graph[src].get(n, default)['weight'] weight_dst = graph[dst].get(n, default)['weight'] count = count_src + count_dst return { 'count': count, 'weight': (count_src * weight_src + count_dst * weight_dst) / count } def merge_boundary(graph, src, dst): """Call back called before merging 2 nodes. In this case we don't need to do any computation here. """ pass def separate_regions(labels, graph): indices = {} for x in range(labels.shape[0]): for y in range(labels.shape[1]): id = labels[x][y] if id not in indices: indices[id] = [] indices[id].append((x, y)) nodes = {} for key, value in indices.items(): nodes[key] = Node(key, graph, np.array(value)) for n in nodes.values(): n.update_neighbours(nodes, labels.size) return nodes def relabel(labels): idx, counts = np.unique(labels, return_counts=True) idx = idx[counts.argsort()] idx = idx[::-1] ch = np.zeros_like(idx) ch[idx] = np.arange(idx.size) labels = ch[labels] return labels edges = edg(img) labels = me.label(mask) g = graph.rag_boundary(labels, edges) labels = graph.merge_hierarchical(labels, g, thresh=0.2, rag_copy=False, in_place_merge=True, merge_func=merge_boundary, weight_func=weight_boundary) labels = relabel(labels) labels = mp.dilation(labels) labels = mp.area_closing(labels, 10) labels = mp.erosion(labels) g = graph.rag_boundary(labels, edges) nodes = separate_regions(labels, g) return labels, nodes
flat = np.nanargmin(voro_tensor, axis=0) flat =, mask) plt.figure(dpi=800) plt.imshow(flat) edges = filters.sobel(flat) edges_rgb = color.gray2rgb(edges) from skimage.future import graph plt.figure(dpi=800) g = graph.rag_boundary(flat, edges, connectivity=1) g.remove_node(0) lc = graph.show_rag(flat, g, edges_rgb, img_cmap=None, edge_cmap='viridis', edge_width=1.2) plt.colorbar(lc, fraction=0.03) for i in range(1, len(uni)): print([uni[x] for x in g.neighbors(i)]) # plt.figure(dpi=500) # plt.scatter(cols[rpos, 0], cols[rpos,1]) # plt.grid(True) #
def main(_): if not FLAGS.dataset_dir: raise ValueError('You must supply the dataset directory with --dataset_dir') tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) with tf.Graph().as_default(): tf_global_step = slim.get_or_create_global_step() ###################### # Gnerate the tfRecorder data # ###################### datareader,Volshape,rindex,spmap,labelOrg,imgOrg=EvalSample_Gnerate(FLAGS.dataset_dir, 'Glabel.nrrd') Patchsize=len(rindex) ###################### # Select the dataset # ###################### dataset = dataset_factory.get_dataset( FLAGS.dataset_name, FLAGS.dataset_split_name, FLAGS.dataset_dir,file_pattern=FLAGS.file_name,Datasize=Patchsize) #################### # Select the model # #################### #num_classes=2 with tf.Graph().as_default(): network_fn = nets_factory.get_network_fn( FLAGS.model_name, num_classes=(dataset.num_classes - FLAGS.labels_offset), is_training=False) ############################################################## # Create a dataset provider that loads data from the dataset # ############################################################## provider = slim.dataset_data_provider.DatasetDataProvider( dataset, shuffle=False, common_queue_capacity=2 * FLAGS.batch_size, common_queue_min=FLAGS.batch_size) [image, label] = provider.get(['image', 'label']) # label -= FLAGS.labels_offset ##################################### # Select the preprocessing function # ##################################### preprocessing_name = FLAGS.preprocessing_name or FLAGS.model_name image_preprocessing_fn = preprocessing_factory.get_preprocessing( preprocessing_name, is_training=False) eval_image_size = FLAGS.eval_image_size or network_fn.default_image_size image = image_preprocessing_fn(image, eval_image_size, eval_image_size) images, labels = tf.train.batch( [image, label], batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, num_threads=FLAGS.num_preprocessing_threads, capacity=5 * FLAGS.batch_size) ################### # Define the model # #################### logits, end_points = network_fn(images) probabilities = tf.nn.softmax(logits) pred = tf.argmax(logits, dimension=1) # if FLAGS.moving_average_decay: # variable_averages = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage( # FLAGS.moving_average_decay, tf_global_step) # variables_to_restore = variable_averages.variables_to_restore( # slim.get_model_variables()) # variables_to_restore[] = tf_global_step # else: # variables_to_restore = slim.get_variables_to_restore() # #predictions = tf.argmax(logits, 1) # labels = tf.squeeze(labels) # # # Define the metrics: # names_to_values, names_to_updates = slim.metrics.aggregate_metric_map({ # 'Accuracy': slim.metrics.streaming_accuracy(predictions, labels), # 'Recall@5': slim.metrics.streaming_recall_at_k( # logits, labels, 5), # }) # # # Print the summaries to screen. # summary_ops = [] # for name, value in names_to_values.items(): # summary_name = 'eval/%s' % name # op = tf.scalar_summary(summary_name, value, collections=[]) # op = tf.Print(op, [value], summary_name) # tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.SUMMARIES, op) # summary_ops.append(op) # # TODO(sguada) use num_epochs=1 # if FLAGS.max_num_batches: # num_batches = FLAGS.max_num_batches # else: # # This ensures that we make a single pass over all of the data. # num_batches = math.ceil(dataset.num_samples / float(FLAGS.batch_size)) if tf.gfile.IsDirectory(FLAGS.checkpoint_path): checkpoint_path = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(FLAGS.checkpoint_path) else: checkpoint_path = FLAGS.checkpoint_path'Evaluating %s' % checkpoint_path) init_fn = slim.assign_from_checkpoint_fn( os.path.join(checkpoint_path), slim.get_model_variables())# vriable name??? #Volshape=(50,61,61) imgshape=spmap.shape segResult=np.zeros(imgshape) groundtruth=np.zeros(imgshape) segPromap=np.zeros(imgshape) segPromapEdge=np.zeros(imgshape) PreMap=[] labellist=[] seglist=[] conv1list=[] conv2list=[] imgorglist=[] fclist=[] with tf.Session() as sess: # Load weights init_fn(sess) #, feed_dict) # Start input enqueue threads. coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) num_iter = int(math.ceil(dataset.num_samples/float(FLAGS.batch_size))) step = 0 try: while step < num_iter and not coord.should_stop(): # Run evaluation steps or whatever segmentation,log,pmap,labelmap,imgpre,conv1,conv2,fc3=[pred,logits,probabilities,labels,images,end_points['conv1'],end_points['conv3'],end_points['fc3']]) step+=1 PreMap.extend(pmap) conv1list.extend(conv1) conv2list.extend(conv2) fclist.extend(fc3) imgorglist.extend(imgpre) seglist.append(segmentation) labellist.append(labelmap) print('The No. %d/%d caculation'%(step,num_iter)) #Miaimshow.subplots(Pro_imgs, num=step+2, cols=8) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: print('Done evalutaion -- epoch limit reached') finally: # When done, ask the threads to stop. coord.request_stop() PreMap = np.array(PreMap),'liverspProbmap.npy'), PreMap) # PreMap=np.squeeze(PreMap,axis=1) # PreMap_flat = PreMap.ravel() # PreMap_flat=np.divide((PreMap_flat - np.amin(PreMap_flat)) * 255, (np.amax(PreMap_flat) - np.amin(PreMap_flat))) m = 0 for i in range(len(rindex)): segResult[spmap==rindex[i]]=np.array(seglist).ravel()[i] segPromap[spmap==rindex[i]]=PreMap[i,1] segPromapEdge[spmap==rindex[i]]=PreMap[i,2] groundtruth[spmap==rindex[i]]=np.array(labellist).ravel()[i] coord.join(threads) fig,ax= plt.subplots(nrows=2,ncols=3) from skimage.segmentation import mark_boundaries ax[0,0].set_title('Segmentation with superpixel map') ax[0,0].imshow(mark_boundaries(segResult, spmap)) ax[0,1].set_title('Segmentation with ground truth map') ax[0,1].imshow(segResult) ax[0,1].imshow(labelOrg,alpha=0.5,cmap='jet') ax[0,2].set_title('Reading label') ax[0,2].imshow(groundtruth) ax[1,0].set_title('liver Probabilities map') ax[1,0].imshow(segPromap) ax[1,1].set_title('edge Probabilities map') ax[1,1].imshow(segPromapEdge) ax[1,2].set_title('liver +edge Probabilities map') ax[1,2].imshow(segPromapEdge+segPromap) segthpro=segPromapEdge+segPromap segthpro[segthpro<0.8]=0 from skimage.segmentation import active_contour from skimage.measure import find_contours from skimage.filters import gaussian from skimage import morphology #edg=sobel(segResult.astype(int)) segmorp=morphology.remove_small_objects(segthpro.astype(bool),5000) segopen=morphology.opening(segmorp,morphology.disk(3)) segclose=morphology.closing(segopen,morphology.disk(15)) fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,3) ax=ax.ravel() ax[0].imshow(segmorp) ax[0].set_title('Removed the small objects') ax[1].imshow(segopen) ax[1].set_title('After open operation') ax[2].imshow(segclose) ax[2].imshow(labelOrg,alpha=0.5,cmap='jet') ax[2].set_title('After close operation') plt.axis('off') from MiaUtils import Miametrics as metric mt=metric.MiaMetrics(logger) dsc=mt.DSCMetric(segclose,labelOrg.astype(bool)) print('The dice similarity coefficient score is {}'.format(dsc)) voe=mt.VOEMetric(segclose,labelOrg.astype(bool)) print('The Volume overlap Error score is {}'.format(voe)) rvd=mt.RVDMetric(segclose,labelOrg.astype(bool)) print('The Relative voume difference score is {}'.format(rvd)) from medpy.metric.binary import hd from medpy.metric.binary import asd from medpy.metric.binary import obj_fpr from medpy.metric.binary import obj_tpr Asd=asd(segclose,labelOrg.astype(bool)) print('The Asd score is {}'.format(Asd)) HD=hd(segclose,labelOrg.astype(bool)) print('The Hausdorff Distance score is {}'.format(HD)) ###************************************************************************ ####superpixel-graph cuts mehtod computation #######******************************************************************** from skimage import segmentation, color,filters from skimage.future import graph img=DataNormalize(imgOrg)/255 img=np.dstack((np.dstack((img, img)), img)) labels1 = segmentation.slic(img, compactness=5, n_segments=2000,sigma=1) #labels1=spmap out1 = color.label2rgb(labels1, img, kind='avg') edge_map = filters.sobel(color.rgb2gray(img)) g = graph.rag_boundary(labels1, edge_map) #g = graph.rag_mean_color(img, labels1, mode='similarity') labels2 = graph.cut_normalized(labels1, g) out2 = color.label2rgb(labels2, img, kind='avg') fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True, sharey=True) ax[0].imshow(out1) ax[1].imshow(out2) for a in ax: a.axis('off') plt.tight_layout()
#array = np.transpose(array, (1, 0, 2)) print(array.shape) print('Obtaining superstructures') segments = slic(array, compactness=compactness, n_segments=numSegments, multichannel=False, convert2lab=convert2lab) print('Number of SV: ', len(np.unique(segments))) segments += 1 array = array.astype('int64') mag = ndi.generic_gradient_magnitude(array, ndi.sobel, float) mag *= 255.0 / np.max(mag) # normalize (Q&D) print('Obtaining RAG') rag = graph.rag_boundary(segments, mag, connectivity=1) print('Merging RAG´s segments') segments2 = graph.merge_hierarchical(segments, rag, 253, in_place_merge=True, rag_copy=False, merge_func=ji.merge_boundary, weight_func=ji.weight_boundary) print('Final Number of SV: ', len(np.unique(segments2))) # 110 #graph.show_rag(segments, rag, array, edge_cmap= 'viridis') destino_guardar = Path( 'C:/Users/Juan Ignacio/Documents/Movistar Cloud/TFM/Prueba_Feima_multiframe' )
Construct a region boundary RAG with the ``rag_boundary`` function. The function :py:func:`skimage.future.graph.rag_boundary` takes an ``edge_map`` argument, which gives the significance of a feature (such as edges) being present at each pixel. In a region boundary RAG, the edge weight between two regions is the average value of the corresponding pixels in ``edge_map`` along their shared boundary. """ from skimage.future import graph from skimage import data, segmentation, color, filters, io from matplotlib import pyplot as plt img = gimg = color.rgb2gray(img) labels = segmentation.slic(img, compactness=30, n_segments=400, start_label=1) edges = filters.sobel(gimg) edges_rgb = color.gray2rgb(edges) g = graph.rag_boundary(labels, edges) lc = graph.show_rag(labels, g, edges_rgb, img_cmap=None, edge_cmap='viridis', edge_width=1.2) plt.colorbar(lc, fraction=0.03)
) imagen1 = "prueba_slic_100_pequena.tif" imagen2 = 'prueba_slic_100.tif' ruta1 = directorio / imagen2 prueba1 = ji.read_tiff(ruta1) numSegments = 2200000 ## 1/30 #19000 prueba2d #100000 slic100 peque #superp = slic(prueba1, n_segments = numSegments,compactness= 0.1, multichannel= False, convert2lab= False) superp += 1 print('Number of SV: ', len(np.unique(superp))) prueba1 = prueba1.astype('int64') # Precision mag = ndi.generic_gradient_magnitude(prueba1, ndi.sobel, float) # Float for rag_boundary #mag *= 255.0 / np.max(mag) # normalize (Q&D) ragb = graph.rag_boundary(superp, mag, connectivity=1) # CLUST "CORTAR" umbralc = 1000 superp_co = graph.cut_threshold(superp, ragb, umbralc) print('Intermediate Number of SV: ', len(np.unique(superp_co))) superp_co += 1 # CLUST "UNIR" umbralb = 3500 ragb2 = graph.rag_boundary(superp_co, mag, connectivity=1) superp_un = graph.merge_hierarchical(superp_co, ragb2, umbralb, in_place_merge=True, rag_copy=False, merge_func=ji.merge_boundary, weight_func=ji.weight_boundary)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri Apr 7 10:13:38 2017 @author: luiz """ from skimage.future import graph from skimage import data, segmentation, color, filters, io from matplotlib import pyplot as plt img = gimg = color.rgb2gray(img) labels = segmentation.slic(img, compactness=30, n_segments=400) edges = filters.sobel(gimg) edges_rgb = color.gray2rgb(edges) g = graph.rag_boundary(labels, edges) lc = graph.show_rag(labels, g, edges_rgb, img_cmap=None, edge_cmap='viridis', edge_width=1.2) plt.colorbar(lc, fraction=0.03)
def process(path, N_SEGM, THRESH, ADAP): im = #'/home/olusiak/Obrazy/rois/41136_001.png-2.jpg') #ran=1 #im_arr2 = np.fromstring(im.tobytes(), dtype=np.uint8) #im_arr2 = im_arr2.reshape((im.size[1], im.size[0], 3)) #for x in range(len(im_arr2)): # for y in range(len(im_arr2[0])): # im_arr2[x][y][2]=0#=(im_arr2[0],255,255) # im_arr2[x][y][1]=0 #plt.imshow(im_arr2) im_arr = np.fromstring(im.tobytes(), dtype=np.uint8) im_arr = im_arr.reshape((im.size[1], im.size[0], 3)) gray = cv2.cvtColor(im_arr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) if ADAP: thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(gray, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV, 55, 20) else: data = dict() for i in gray.ravel(): if data.has_key(i): data[i] += 1 else: data[i] = 1 # if data.has_key(255): max = 0 id = None for k in data.keys(): # print 'k ',k if data[k] >= max and k < 240 and k > 130: # 50:#240: id = k max = data[k] # for k in data.keys(): # print 'k ',k,' ',data[k] # print 'key: ',id,' - ',max id -= THRESH # 35 ret, thresh = cv2.threshold( gray, id, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C + cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV ) #+cv2.THRESH_OTSU)#cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C+ #plt.matshow(thresh,cmap='gray') kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8) opening = cv2.morphologyEx(thresh, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel, iterations=3) opening2 = cv2.morphologyEx(thresh, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel, iterations=3) #plt.imshow(opening) for i in range(opening.shape[0]): for j in range(opening.shape[1]): if opening[i][j] == 0: im_arr[i][j] = (0, 0, 0) #plt.imshow(im_arr) #plt.matshow(opening) #plt.imshow(im_arr) #im = Image.fromarray(im_arr) #im.thumbnail((im.size[0] / ran, im.size[1] / ran), Image.ANTIALIAS) #im_arr = np.fromstring(im.tobytes(), dtype=np.uint8) #im_arr = im_arr.reshape((im.size[1], im.size[0], 3)) #im = Image.fromarray(opening) #im.thumbnail((im.size[0] / ran, im.size[1] / ran), Image.ANTIALIAS) #opening = np.fromstring(im.tobytes(), dtype=np.uint8) #opening = opening.reshape((im.size[1], im.size[0])) img2 = im_arr edges = filters.sobel(color.rgb2gray(img2)) labels = segmentation.slic(img2, compactness=30, n_segments=N_SEGM) #30 2000 #g = graph.rag_mean_color(img2, labels)#added g = graph.rag_boundary(labels, edges) #first #graph.show_rag(labels, g, img) #plt.title('Initial RAG') labels2 = graph.merge_hierarchical( labels, g, thresh=0.98, rag_copy=False, # 0.08 in_place_merge=True, merge_func=merge_boundary, weight_func=weight_boundary) #final_labels = graph.cut_threshold(labels, g, 29)#added #final_label_rgb = color.label2rgb(final_labels, img2, colors=cols, kind='overlay')#added #labels2=final_label_rgb#added #plt.imshow(final_label_rgb) #graph.show_rag(labels, g, im) #plt.title('RAG after hierarchical merging') #plt.figure() #ret, opening = cv2.threshold(opening,0,255,cv2.THRESH_OTSU)#cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C+ #out = color.label2rgb(labels2, img2, kind='avg') s = set() for row in labels2: for e in row: s.add(e) #print 'sss ',len(s) cols = list() c = 0 cp = len(s) + 5 for r in range(0, 256, 1): for r2 in range(0, 256, 1): for r3 in range(0, 256, 1): cols.append((r, r2, r3)) cp -= 1 if cp == 0: break if cp == 0: break if cp == 0: break # print 'cols', len(cols) shuffle(cols) img2 = np.zeros_like(img2) img2[:, :, 0] = opening2 img2[:, :, 1] = opening2 img2[:, :, 2] = opening2 out = color.label2rgb(labels2, img2, colors=cols, kind='overlay', alpha=1) for i in range(img2.shape[0]): for j in range(img2.shape[1]): if img2[i][j][0] == 0 and img2[i][j][1] == 0 and img2[i][j][ 2] == 0: #,0,0]: out[i][j][0] = 0 out[i][j][1] = 0 out[i][j][2] = 0 #print 'OUT' #plt.imshow(out) #plt.imshow(out) #xx = set() #for i in range(out.shape[0]): # fx.shape[0]): # for j in range(out.shape[1]): # fx.shape[1]): # s = (out[i, j][0], out[i, j][1], out[i, j][2]) # xx.add(s) out = np.uint8(out) im = Image.fromarray(out) #plt.imshow(out) return im
for l in files: s = "pic/Expressionism/" s += str(l) print(s) f.write(s + ' ') img = io.imread(s) img = cv.GaussianBlur(img, (11,11), 0) labels = segmentation.slic(img, compactness=30, n_segments=150) labels = labels + 1 regions = regionprops(labels) edge_map = filters.sobel(color.rgb2gray(img)) label_rgb = color.label2rgb(labels, img, kind='avg') label_rgb = segmentation.mark_boundaries(label_rgb, labels, (0, 1, 1)) edge_map = filters.sobel(color.rgb2gray(img)) rag = graph.rag_boundary(labels, edge_map) for region in regions: rag.node[region['label']]['centroid'] = region['centroid'] rag.node[region['label']]['color'] = label_rgb[region['centroid']] red = np.asarray([1, 0, 0]) green = np.asarray([0, 1, 0]) blue = np.asarray([0, 0, 1]) yellow = np.asarray([1, 1, 0]) purple = np.asarray([0.5, 0, 0.5]) orange = np.asarray([1, 0.5, 0]) palette = [red, green, blue, yellow, purple, orange] harmony = 0 disharmony = 0 tr = 0.4
def create_graph(floormap, return_dist=False, room_coordinates=False): """ Segment the floormap into rooms and create a Region Adjacency Graph for the level. Many settings for decorating the graph are possible, by default the simplest form is returned. :param floormap: Binary image representing the level floor :param return_dist: If true, also returns the distance map of each point to the closest wall. :param room_coordinates: If true, each graph node will contain the room vertices and information about the walls :return: (Roommap, Graph) if return_dist is False, (Roommap, Graph, dist) otherwise """ # Ensuring that floormap is always a boolean array floormap = floormap.astype(np.bool) #floormap = rescale(floormap, 2) dist = ndi.distance_transform_edt(floormap) threshold = int(dist.max()) optimal_threshold = 0 number_of_centers = 0 # Finding room center and finding the optimal threshold (the one that maximizes the number of rooms) for i in range(int(dist.max()), int(dist.min()) - 1, -1): local_max = peak_local_max(dist, threshold_abs=threshold - i, indices=False, labels=floormap, min_distance=3) markers = ndi.label(local_max)[0] if markers.max() > number_of_centers: optimal_threshold = threshold - i number_of_centers = markers.max() # Computing roommap with the optimal threshold local_max = peak_local_max(dist, min_distance=3, indices=False, labels=floormap, threshold_abs=optimal_threshold) markers = ndi.label(local_max)[0] roommap = watershed(-dist, markers, mask=floormap) room_RAG_boundaries = skg.rag_boundary( roommap, filters.sobel(color.rgb2gray(roommap))) if room_coordinates: # For each floor... floors = label(floormap) for floor_id in range(max(1, floors.min()), floors.max() + 1): # Skipping label 0 (background) # Building the wall list for floor boundaries # Here the map is upsampled by a factor 2 before finding the contours, then coordinates are divided by two. # This is for avoiding "X" shaped connections between rooms due to how find_contours work floor_contour = find_contours(resize( floors == floor_id, (floors.shape[0] * 2, floors.shape[1] * 2), order=0), 0.5, positive_orientation='low')[0] / 2 walls_vertices = [tuple(v) for v in floor_contour] floor_boundaries = tuple(vertices_to_segment_list(walls_vertices)) # Map of rooms belonging to current floor rooms = roommap * (floors == floor_id) for room_id in range(max(1, rooms.min()), rooms.max() + 1): # Skipping label 0 (background) if room_id not in rooms: # Some room id may be in another floor, if they are enumerated horizontally continue # Here the map is upsampled by a factor 2 before finding the contours, then coordinates are divided by two. # This is for avoiding "X" shaped connections between rooms due to how find_contours work room_contour = find_contours(resize( rooms == room_id, (rooms.shape[0] * 2, rooms.shape[1] * 2), order=0), 0.5, fully_connected='high', positive_orientation='low')[0] / 2 rooms_vertices = [tuple(v) for v in room_contour] room_boundaries = tuple( vertices_to_segment_list(rooms_vertices)) room_RAG_boundaries.node[room_id]['walls'] = list() for segment in room_boundaries: leads_to = 0 if segment in floor_boundaries else None # We cannot still know edges for other rooms but background room_RAG_boundaries.node[room_id]['walls'].append( (segment, leads_to)) # Here we still miss the relation between boundary and edges. # Second pass for room_id in range(max(1, rooms.min()), rooms.max() + 1): if room_id not in rooms: # Some room id may be in another floor, if they are enumerated horizontally continue boundaries_current = { wall for wall in room_RAG_boundaries.node[room_id]['walls'] if wall[1] is None } for neigh in room_RAG_boundaries.adj[room_id]: if neigh == 0: continue # Finding the neighbour boundaries. We must consider both directions for each vertex boundaries_neigh = { wall for wall in room_RAG_boundaries.node[neigh]['walls'] if wall[1] is None } boundaries_neigh_reverse = { _reverse_wall(wall) for wall in room_RAG_boundaries.node[neigh]['walls'] if wall[1] is None } common_segments = boundaries_current.intersection( boundaries_neigh) common_segments_reversed = boundaries_current.intersection( boundaries_neigh_reverse) # Marking the boundary in the two nodes with the destination node # Each node will contain the list for cs in common_segments: i_current = room_RAG_boundaries.node[room_id][ 'walls'].index(cs) i_neighbour = room_RAG_boundaries.node[neigh][ 'walls'].index(cs) room_RAG_boundaries.node[room_id]['walls'][ i_current] = (cs[0], neigh) room_RAG_boundaries.node[neigh]['walls'][ i_neighbour] = (cs[0], room_id) # Same thing in the case of reversed segments for cs in common_segments_reversed: rev_cs = _reverse_wall(cs) i_current = room_RAG_boundaries.node[room_id][ 'walls'].index(cs) i_neighbour = room_RAG_boundaries.node[neigh][ 'walls'].index(rev_cs) room_RAG_boundaries.node[room_id]['walls'][ i_current] = (cs[0], neigh) room_RAG_boundaries.node[neigh]['walls'][ i_neighbour] = (rev_cs[0], room_id) if return_dist: return roommap, room_RAG_boundaries, dist return roommap, room_RAG_boundaries
def quantify(self, tile, img_seg, channel_names=None, include_cell_intensity=True, include_nucleus_intensity=False, include_cell_graph=False, spot_count_channels=None, spot_count_params=None): ncyc, nz, _, nh, nw = tile.shape # Move cycles and channels to last axes (in that order) tile = np.moveaxis(tile, 0, -1) tile = np.moveaxis(tile, 1, -1) # Collapse tile to ZHWC (instead of cycles and channels being separate) tile = np.reshape(tile, (nz, nh, nw, -1)) nch = tile.shape[-1] # Generate default channel names list if necessary if channel_names is None: channel_names = ['{:03d}'.format(i) for i in range(nch)] if nch != len(channel_names): raise ValueError( 'Tile has {} channels but given channel name list has {} (they should be equal); ' 'channel names given = {}, tile shape = {}' .format(nch, len(channel_names), channel_names, tile.shape) ) # Configure features to be calculated based on provided flags feature_calculators = [BasicCellFeatures()] if include_cell_intensity: feature_calculators.append(IntensityFeatures(nch, channel_names, COMP_CELL)) if include_nucleus_intensity: feature_calculators.append(IntensityFeatures(nch, channel_names, COMP_NUCLEUS)) if include_cell_graph: feature_calculators.append(GraphFeatures()) if spot_count_channels is not None: indexes = [channel_names.index(c) for c in spot_count_channels] params = spot_count_params or {} feature_calculators.append(SpotFeatures(indexes, spot_count_channels, **params)) # Compute list of resulting feature names (values will be added in this order) feature_names = [v for fc in feature_calculators for v in fc.get_feature_names()] feature_values = [] for z in range(nz): # Calculate properties of masked+labeled cell components cell_props = measure.regionprops(img_seg[z][CELL_CHANNEL], cache=False) nucleus_props = measure.regionprops(img_seg[z][NUCLEUS_CHANNEL], cache=False) if len(cell_props) != len(nucleus_props): raise ValueError( 'Expecting cell and nucleus properties to have same length (nucleus props = {}, cell props = {})' .format(len(nucleus_props), len(cell_props)) ) # Compute RAG for cells if necessary graph = None if include_cell_graph: labels = img_seg[z][CELL_CHANNEL] # rag_boundary fails on all zero label matrices so default to empty graph if that is the case # see: if np.count_nonzero(labels) > 0: graph = label_graph.rag_boundary(labels, np.ones(labels.shape)) else: graph = label_graph.RAG() # Loop through each detected cell and compute features for i in range(len(cell_props)): props = ObjectProperties(cell=cell_props[i], nucleus=nucleus_props[i]) # Run each feature calculator and add results in order feature_values.append([ v for fc in feature_calculators for v in fc.get_feature_values(tile, img_seg, graph, props, z) ]) return pd.DataFrame(feature_values, columns=feature_names)
if not in_place: self.remove_node(dst) return new graph.RAG.merge_nodes = merge_nodes # <markdowncell> # Now we can make a RAG that will be mergeable: # <codecell> g = graph.rag_boundary(ws, edges) # <markdowncell> # g is now a *graph* in which each region is a node, and each node links to that # regions neighbors. The edges have hold properties about the boundary between # the corresponding region: # <codecell> plt.imshow(ws == 45) print(g[45])