예제 #1
def test_ellipse_model_predict():
    model = EllipseModel()
    model.params = (0, 0, 5, 10, 0)
    t = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, np.pi / 2)

    xy = np.array(((5, 0), (0, 10), (-5, 0), (0, -10)))
    assert_almost_equal(xy, model.predict_xy(t))
예제 #2
def test_ellipse_model_predict():
    model = EllipseModel()
    model.params = (0, 0, 5, 10, 0)
    t = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, np.pi / 2)

    xy = np.array(((5, 0), (0, 10), (-5, 0), (0, -10)))
    assert_almost_equal(xy, model.predict_xy(t))
예제 #3
    def _fit_ellipse(self, p): # UNTESTED
        Fit ellipse to points parameter; then determine the xy coordinates 
        along the ellipse that are at most half a pixel apart. We use 
        EllipseModel.predict_xy() to estimate the xy coordinates along the 
        ellipse. As the parameter to predict_xy() is the set of angles along 
        the ellipse, we must first determine the radian interval that results 
        in a distance (arc length) of maximum 0.5 pixels apart between xy 
        points. (This arc length starts at pi/4 or 0, depending on which of 
        the width or height of the ellipse is longer). 
        def get_arc_length_func(_a, _b): 
            return lambda _t:np.sqrt(_a**2*np.sin(_t)**2 + _b**2*np.cos(_t)**2)
        el = EllipseModel()
        a, b = el.params[2], el.params[3] # width and height of ellipse 
        self._center = np.array([el.params[0], el.params[1]])
        if a < b: 
            stop = np.pi/4 # whether maximum arc length is around np.pi/4 or 0
            stop  = 0. 
        t = np.pi/8 # radians along the ellipse 
        arc_length = 1. 
        arc_length_func = get_arc_length_func(a, b)
        while arc_length > 0.5: 
            t = t*0.75 
#            ellipse arc length 
#            https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/433094/how-to-determine-the-arc-length-of-ellipse
            arc_length = quad(arc_length_func, stop - t, stop)[0]
        circumfrence = quad(arc_length_func, 0, 2*np.pi)[0]
        n = circumfrence // t + 1
        intervals = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, n, endpoint=False)
        return el.predict_xy(intervals)
예제 #4
def test_ellipse_model_estimate():
    # generate original data without noise
    model0 = EllipseModel()
    model0._params = (10, 20, 15, 25, 0)
    t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)
    data0 = model0.predict_xy(t)

    # add gaussian noise to data
    data = data0 + np.random.normal(size=data0.shape)

    # estimate parameters of noisy data
    model_est = EllipseModel()

    # test whether estimated parameters almost equal original parameters
    assert_almost_equal(model0._params, model_est._params, 0)
def test_ellipse_model_estimate():
    # generate original data without noise
    model0 = EllipseModel()
    model0.params = (10, 20, 15, 25, 0)
    t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)
    data0 = model0.predict_xy(t)

    # add gaussian noise to data
    data = data0 + np.random.normal(size=data0.shape)

    # estimate parameters of noisy data
    model_est = EllipseModel()

    # test whether estimated parameters almost equal original parameters
    assert_almost_equal(model0.params, model_est.params, 0)
예제 #6
def FindEllipse(points, number=100):
    this method applies the ellipse model to the input points
    points --- (N,2) inputs array
    number --- number of points in the estimated ellipse 
    out ---  return points on the ellipse
    if type(points) is not np.ndarray:
        raise TypeError("the input must be a nd-array")

    if points.shape[1] != 2:
        print "the input array must be (N,2)"

    model = EllipseModel()  # create an object
    out = model.predict_xy(np.linspace(0, 2 * math.pi, number))
    return out
예제 #7
def test_ellipse_model_estimate():
    for angle in range(0, 180, 15):
        rad = np.deg2rad(angle)
        # generate original data without noise
        model0 = EllipseModel()
        model0.params = (10, 20, 15, 25, rad)
        t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)
        data0 = model0.predict_xy(t)

        # add gaussian noise to data
        random_state = np.random.RandomState(1234)
        data = data0 + random_state.normal(size=data0.shape)

        # estimate parameters of noisy data
        model_est = EllipseModel()

        # test whether estimated parameters almost equal original parameters
        assert_almost_equal(model0.params[:2], model_est.params[:2], 0)
        res = model_est.residuals(data0)
        assert_array_less(res, np.ones(res.shape))
예제 #8
def test_ellipse_model_estimate():
    for angle in range(0, 180, 15):
        rad = np.deg2rad(angle)
        # generate original data without noise
        model0 = EllipseModel()
        model0.params = (10, 20, 15, 25, rad)
        t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)
        data0 = model0.predict_xy(t)

        # add gaussian noise to data
        random_state = np.random.RandomState(1234)
        data = data0 + random_state.normal(size=data0.shape)

        # estimate parameters of noisy data
        model_est = EllipseModel()

        # test whether estimated parameters almost equal original parameters
        assert_almost_equal(model0.params[:2], model_est.params[:2], 0)
        res = model_est.residuals(data0)
        assert_array_less(res, np.ones(res.shape))
예제 #9
def grid_field_props(
        A, maxima='centroid',  allProps=True,
    Extracts various measures from a spatial autocorrelogram

    A : array_like
        The spatial autocorrelogram (SAC)
    maxima : str, optional
        The method used to detect the peaks in the SAC.
        Legal values are 'single' and 'centroid'. Default 'centroid'
    allProps : bool, optional
        Whether to return a dictionary that contains the attempt to fit an
        ellipse around the edges of the central size peaks. See below
        Default True

    props : dict
        A dictionary containing measures of the SAC. Keys include:
        * gridness score
        * scale
        * orientation
        * coordinates of the peaks (nominally 6) closest to SAC centre
        * a binary mask around the extent of the 6 central fields
        * values of the rotation procedure used to calculate gridness
        * ellipse axes and angle (if allProps is True and the it worked)

    The output from this method can be used as input to the show() method
    of this class.
    When it is the plot produced will display a lot more informative.

    See Also

    A_tmp = A.copy()
    A_tmp[~np.isfinite(A)] = -1
    A_tmp[A_tmp <= 0] = -1
    A_sz = np.array(np.shape(A))
    # [STAGE 1] find peaks & identify 7 closest to centre
    if 'min_distance' in kwargs:
        min_distance = kwargs.pop('min_distance')
        min_distance = np.ceil(np.min(A_sz / 2) / 8.).astype(int)
    peak_idx, field_labels = _get_field_labels(
        A_tmp, neighbours=7, **kwargs)
    # a fcn for the labeled_comprehension function that returns
    # linear indices in A where the values in A for each label are
    # greater than half the max in that labeled region

    def fn(val, pos):
        return pos[val > (np.max(val)/2)]
    nLbls = np.max(field_labels)
    indices = ndimage.labeled_comprehension(
        A_tmp, field_labels, np.arange(0, nLbls), fn, np.ndarray, 0, True)
    # turn linear indices into coordinates
    coords = [np.unravel_index(i, np.shape(A)) for i in indices]
    half_peak_labels = np.zeros_like(A)
    for peak_id, coord in enumerate(coords):
        xc, yc = coord
        half_peak_labels[xc, yc] = peak_id

    # Get some statistics about the labeled regions
    # fieldPerim = bwperim(half_peak_labels)
    lbl_range = np.arange(0, nLbls)
    # meanRInLabel = ndimage.mean(A, half_peak_labels, lbl_range)
    # nPixelsInLabel = np.bincount(np.ravel(half_peak_labels.astype(int)))
    # sumRInLabel = ndimage.sum_labels(A, half_peak_labels, lbl_range)
    # maxRInLabel = ndimage.maximum(A, half_peak_labels, lbl_range)
    peak_coords = ndimage.maximum_position(
        A, half_peak_labels, lbl_range)

    # Get some distance and morphology measures
    centre = np.floor(np.array(np.shape(A))/2)
    centred_peak_coords = peak_coords - centre
    peak_dist_to_centre = np.hypot(
    closest_peak_idx = np.argsort(peak_dist_to_centre)
    central_peak_label = closest_peak_idx[0]
    closest_peak_idx = closest_peak_idx[1:np.min((7, len(closest_peak_idx)-1))]
    # closest_peak_idx should now the indices of the labeled 6 peaks
    # surrounding the central peak at the image centre
    scale = np.median(peak_dist_to_centre[closest_peak_idx])
    orientation = np.nan
    orientation = grid_orientation(
        centred_peak_coords, closest_peak_idx)

    central_pt = peak_coords[central_peak_label]
    x = np.linspace(-central_pt[0], central_pt[0], A_sz[0])
    y = np.linspace(-central_pt[1], central_pt[1], A_sz[1])
    xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='ij')
    dist_to_centre = np.hypot(xv, yv)
    # get the max distance of the half-peak width labeled fields
    # from the centre of the image
    max_dist_from_centre = 0
    for peak_id, _coords in enumerate(coords):
        if peak_id in closest_peak_idx:
            xc, yc = _coords
            if np.any(xc) and np.any(yc):
                xc = xc - np.floor(A_sz[0]/2)
                yc = yc - np.floor(A_sz[1]/2)
                d = np.max(np.hypot(xc, yc))
                if d > max_dist_from_centre:
                    max_dist_from_centre = d
    # Set the outer bits and the central region of the SAC to nans
    # getting ready for the correlation procedure
    dist_to_centre[np.abs(dist_to_centre) > max_dist_from_centre] = 0
    dist_to_centre[half_peak_labels == central_peak_label] = 0
    dist_to_centre[dist_to_centre != 0] = 1
    dist_to_centre = dist_to_centre.astype(bool)
    sac_middle = A.copy()
    sac_middle[~dist_to_centre] = np.nan

    if 'step' in kwargs.keys():
        step = kwargs.pop('step')
        step = 30
        gridscore, rotationCorrVals, rotationArr = gridness(
            sac_middle, step=step)
    except Exception:
        gridscore, rotationCorrVals, rotationArr = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan

    im_centre = central_pt

    if allProps:
        # attempt to fit an ellipse around the outer edges of the nearest
        # peaks to the centre of the SAC. First find the outer edges for
        # the closest peaks using a ndimages labeled_comprehension
            def fn2(val, pos):
                xc, yc = np.unravel_index(pos, A_sz)
                xc = xc - np.floor(A_sz[0]/2)
                yc = yc - np.floor(A_sz[1]/2)
                idx = np.argmax(np.hypot(xc, yc))
                return xc[idx], yc[idx]
            ellipse_coords = ndimage.labeled_comprehension(
                A, half_peak_labels, closest_peak_idx, fn2, tuple, 0, True)
            ellipse_fit_coords = np.array([(x, y) for x, y in ellipse_coords])
            from skimage.measure import EllipseModel
            E = EllipseModel()
            im_centre = E.params[0:2]
            ellipse_axes = E.params[2:4]
            ellipse_angle = E.params[-1]
            ellipseXY = E.predict_xy(np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 50), E.params)
            # get the min containing circle given the eliipse minor axis
            from skimage.measure import CircleModel
            _params = im_centre
            circleXY = CircleModel().predict_xy(
                np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 50), params=_params)
        except (TypeError, ValueError): #  non-iterable x and y i.e. ellipse coords fail
            ellipse_axes = None
            ellipse_angle = (None, None)
            ellipseXY = None
            circleXY = None
    # collect all the following keywords into a dict for output
    closest_peak_coords = np.array(peak_coords)[closest_peak_idx]
    dictKeys = (
        'gridscore', 'scale', 'orientation', 'closest_peak_coords',
        'dist_to_centre', 'ellipse_axes',
        'ellipse_angle', 'ellipseXY', 'circleXY', 'im_centre',
        'rotationArr', 'rotationCorrVals')
    outDict = dict.fromkeys(dictKeys, np.nan)
    for thiskey in outDict.keys():
        outDict[thiskey] = locals()[thiskey]
        # neat trick: locals is a dict holding all locally scoped variables
    return outDict
예제 #10
class DFTanalyzer:
    '''Class to provide the 2D-DFT (shifted) of an image
    and a derived ellipse model representing the the frequencies
    of interest. Based on that model, several parameters
    for image analysis are provided.'''
    def __init__(self, img):
        self.dft = fft.fftshift(fft.fft2(img))

        self.contour = None
        self.ellipse = None
        self.wavelength = None
        self.low_pass = None
        self.filtered_img = None

    def abs_log_dft(self):
        '''Return log-transformed DFT.'''
        return np.abs(np.log(self.dft))

    def fit_model(self, cut_percent, gauss_sigma):
        '''Fit an ellipse model to a contour of a certain
        value in the filtered DFT.'''
        #Fit ellipse model
        al_dft = self.abs_log_dft

        gauss_dft = gaussian(al_dft, gauss_sigma)

        contour_value = gauss_dft.min() + (
            (gauss_dft.max() - gauss_dft.min()) * cut_percent / 100)
        contours = find_contours(gauss_dft, contour_value)

        assert len(contours) == 1

        self.contour = contours[0]

        self.ellipse = EllipseModel()

        self.ellipse.estimate(self.contour[:, ::-1])

        center = tuple([x / 2 for x in self.dft.shape])

        offset = euclidean(center,
                           (self.ellipse.params[1], self.ellipse.params[0]))

        half_diagonal = sqrt(sum((x**2 for x in self.dft.shape))) / 2

        assert (offset / half_diagonal) <= 0.03

        #derive wavelength and texture parameters
        xy_points = self.ellipse.predict_xy(
            np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 4 * self.ellipse.params[0]))

        max_x = round(xy_points[:, 0].max())
        min_y = round(xy_points[:, 1].min())

        wavelength_x = self.dft.shape[1] / (max_x - center[1])

        wavelength_y = self.dft.shape[0] / (center[0] - min_y)

        self.wavelength = round((wavelength_x + wavelength_y) / 2)

    def texture_radius(self):
        if self.wavelength is not None:
            return round(self.wavelength / 2)
            return None

    def min_patch_size(self):
        if self.wavelength is not None:
            return round(self.texture_radius**2 * pi)
            return None

    def apply_lowpass(self, upper, lower, gauss_sigma=1):
        '''Filter unwanted high frequencies based on the
        ellipse model.'''
        cx, cy, a, b, theta = self.ellipse.params

        self.low_pass = np.zeros_like(self.dft, dtype=np.float64) + lower
        rr, cc = draw.ellipse(cy, cx, b, a, self.low_pass.shape, (theta * -1))
        self.low_pass[rr, cc] = upper

        self.low_pass = gaussian(self.low_pass, gauss_sigma)

        filtered_dft = self.dft * self.low_pass

        self.filtered_img = np.abs(fft.ifft2(fft.ifftshift(filtered_dft)))