def get_distorted(image, params, orient = "horizont"): shifts = [] np_image = array(image.convert("L")) for el in params: if el[0] == "sin": shifts.append(lambda x: np_image.shape[0] / el[1] * \ np.sin(x * el[2] / np_image.shape[1])) if el[0] == "cos": shifts.append(lambda x: np_image.shape[0] / el[1] * \ np.cos(x * el[2] / np_image.shape[1])) if el[0] == "triang": lambda x: np_image.shape[0] / el[1] * \ (x / el[2] / np_image.shape[1] - math.floor(x / (el[2] / np_image.shape[1]))) if el[0] == "erosion": np_image = erosion(np_image, square(el[1])) if el[0] == "dilation": np_image = dilation(np_image, square(el[1])) if orient == "horizont": for idx in xrange(np_image.shape[0]): for shift in shifts: np_image[idx,:] = np.roll(np_image[idx,:], int(shift(idx))) if orient == "vert": for idx in xrange(np_image.shape[1]): for shift in shifts: np_image[:, idx] = np.roll(np_image[:, idx], int(shift(idx))) return Image.fromarray(np_image)
def get_symbols(image): dil_eros = bin_search(dilatation_cross_numb, [image], (1, 16), 1.0, "dec") block_size = 50 binary_adaptive_image = erosion(dilation(threshold_adaptive( array(image.convert("L")), block_size, offset=10), square(dil_eros)), square(dil_eros)) all_labels = label(binary_adaptive_image, background = True) objects = find_objects(all_labels) av_width = av_height = 0 symbols = [] for obj in objects: symb = (binary_adaptive_image[obj], (obj[0].start, obj[1].start)) symbols.append(symb) av_height += symb[0].shape[0] av_width += symb[0].shape[1] av_width /= float(len(objects)) av_height /= float(len(objects)) symbols = [symb for symb in symbols if symb[0].shape[0] >= av_height and symb[0].shape[1] >= av_width] return symbols
def morphoNoiseRemoval(img): "Removes noise by succession of 5 opening/closing morphological operators" for i in range(0,5): img = opening2(img, square(3)) img = closing2(img, square(3)) return img
def removeChessboard(img): # Get the major lines in the image edges, dilatedEdges, (h, theta, d) = findLines(img) # Create image with ones to fill inn lines lines = np.ones(img.shape[:2]) # Add lines to image as zeroes for _, angle, dist in zip(*hough_line_peaks(h, theta, d)): y0 = (dist - 0 * np.cos(angle)) / np.sin(angle) y1 = (dist - img.shape[1] * np.cos(angle)) / np.sin(angle) x, y = line(int(y1), 0, int(y0), img.shape[1] - 1) x = np.clip(x, 0, img.shape[0] - 1) y = np.clip(y, 0, img.shape[1] - 1) lines[x, y] = 0 # Remove border edges from image with all edges w = 4 edges = np.pad(edges[w:img.shape[0] - w, w:img.shape[1] - w], w, mode='constant') # Erode the lines bigger, such that they cover the original lines lines = erosion(lines, square(13)) # Remove major lines and close shape paths removedChessboard = closing(edges * lines, square(8)) return removedChessboard
def calculate_masked_stats(): plate_no = "59798" parsed = get_plate_files(plate_no) for w in ['w2']: files = filter(lambda f: f.wave == w[1], parsed) # accum = np.zeros((2160, 2160), dtype=np.uint32) # files = filter(lambda x: 's1' not in x and 's7' not in x, all_files) nof = len(files) for i, frame in enumerate(files[0:5], 1): LogHelper.logText(frame.fullpath) img = imread(frame.fullpath) t = filters.threshold_yen(img) b1 = img > t b2 = binary_erosion(b1, square(2)) b3 = binary_dilation(b2, square(10)) b4 = binary_closing(b3, square(3)) imm =, img) mn, mx = np.percentile(imm, (1, 99)) LogHelper.logText( '%3d of %d, %4d-%4d-%4d-%5d, %.0f-%.0f' % (i, nof, imm.min(), mn, mx, imm.max(), imm.mean(), imm.std()) ) im2 = imm.filled(int(imm.mean())) out_name = "{0}\\{5}-{1}{2}-{3}-{4}.tif".format(ROOT_DIR, frame.row, frame.column,, LogHelper.init_ts, frame.experiment) imsave(out_name, im2)
def morph(img, tparams): ops = [mor.grey.erosion, mor.grey.dilation] t = ops[np.random.randint(2)] if t == 0: selem = mor.square(np.random.randint(1, tparams['selem_size'][0])) else: selem = mor.square(np.random.randint(1, tparams['selem_size'][1])) return t(img, selem)
def seg_sect(self, img): img_canny = canny(img, sigma=self.sigma, low_threshold=self.low_threshold) img_dilate = binary_dilation(img_canny, square(3)) img_erode = binary_erosion(img_dilate, square(3)) img_fill = binary_fill_holes(img_erode) return img_fill
def process_cell(img): # la binariza en caso de que sea escala de grises if not img.dtype == 'bool': img = img > 0 # Binarizar # Calcular máscaras para limpiar lineas largas verticales h_k = 0.8 sum0 = np.sum(img, 0) # Aplastar la matriz a una fila con las sumas de los valores de cada columna. thr0 = sum0 < h_k * img.shape[0] thr0 = thr0.reshape(len(thr0), 1) # Convertirlo a vector de una dimensión # Calcular máscaras para limpiar lineas largas horizontales w_k = 0.5 sum1 = np.sum(img, 1) thr1 = sum1 < w_k * img.shape[1] thr1 = thr1.reshape(len(thr1), 1) mask = thr0.transpose() * thr1 # Generar máscara final para la celda mask_lines = mask.copy() elem = morphology.square(5) mask = morphology.binary_erosion(mask, elem) # Eliminar ruido img1 = np.bitwise_and(mask, img) # Imagen filtrada # segmentación del bloque de números kerw = 5 # Kernel width thr_k = 0.8 # Calcular mascara para marcar inicio y fin de región con dígitos horizontalmente sum0 = np.sum(img1, 0) sum0 = signal.medfilt(sum0, kerw) thr0 = sum0 > thr_k * np.median(sum0) thr0 = np.bitwise_and(thr0.cumsum() > 0, np.flipud(np.flipud(thr0).cumsum() > 0)) thr0 = thr0.reshape(len(thr0), 1) # Calcular mascara para marcar inicio y fin de región con dígitos verticalmente sum1 = np.sum(img1, 1) sum1 = signal.medfilt(sum1, kerw) thr1 = sum1 > thr_k * np.median(sum1) thr1 = np.bitwise_and(thr1.cumsum() > 0, np.flipud(np.flipud(thr1).cumsum() > 0)) thr1 = thr1.reshape(len(thr1), 1) # Mascara final para inicio y fin de caracteres (bounding box of digit region) mask = thr0.transpose() * thr1 mask = morphology.binary_dilation(mask, morphology.square(2)) img = np.bitwise_and(mask_lines.astype(img.dtype), img) # Aplicar máscara para quitar lineas img = morphology.binary_dilation(img, morphology.disk(1)) # Dilatación para unir números quebrados por la máscara anterior img = morphology.binary_erosion(img, morphology.disk(1)) # Volver a la fomorma 'original' con los bordes unidos return np.bitwise_and(mask, img)
def _getPoseMask(peaks, height, width, radius=4, var=4, mode='Solid'): ## MSCOCO Pose part_str = [nose, neck, Rsho, Relb, Rwri, Lsho, Lelb, Lwri, Rhip, Rkne, Rank, Lhip, Lkne, Lank, Leye, Reye, Lear, Rear, pt19] # find connection in the specified sequence, center 29 is in the position 15 # limbSeq = [[2,3], [2,6], [3,4], [4,5], [6,7], [7,8], [2,9], [9,10], \ # [10,11], [2,12], [12,13], [13,14], [2,1], [1,15], [15,17], \ # [1,16], [16,18], [3,17], [6,18]] # limbSeq = [[2,3], [2,6], [3,4], [4,5], [6,7], [7,8], [2,9], [9,10], \ # [10,11], [2,12], [12,13], [13,14], [2,1], [1,15], [15,17], \ # [1,16], [16,18]] # , [9,12] # limbSeq = [[3,4], [4,5], [6,7], [7,8], [9,10], \ # [10,11], [12,13], [13,14], [2,1], [1,15], [15,17], \ # [1,16], [16,18]] # limbSeq = [[2,3], [2,6], [3,4], [4,5], [6,7], [7,8], [2,9], [9,10], \ [10,11], [2,12], [12,13], [13,14], [2,1], [1,15], [15,17], \ [1,16], [16,18], [2,17], [2,18], [9,12], [12,6], [9,3], [17,18]] # indices = [] values = [] for limb in limbSeq: p0 = peaks[limb[0] -1] p1 = peaks[limb[1] -1] if 0!=len(p0) and 0!=len(p1): r0 = p0[0][1] c0 = p0[0][0] r1 = p1[0][1] c1 = p1[0][0] ind, val = _getSparseKeypoint(r0, c0, 0, height, width, radius, var, mode) indices.extend(ind) values.extend(val) ind, val = _getSparseKeypoint(r1, c1, 0, height, width, radius, var, mode) indices.extend(ind) values.extend(val) distance = np.sqrt((r0-r1)**2 + (c0-c1)**2) sampleN = int(distance/radius) # sampleN = 0 if sampleN>1: for i in xrange(1,sampleN): r = r0 + (r1-r0)*i/sampleN c = c0 + (c1-c0)*i/sampleN ind, val = _getSparseKeypoint(r, c, 0, height, width, radius, var, mode) indices.extend(ind) values.extend(val) shape = [height, width, 1] ## Fill body dense = np.squeeze(_sparse2dense(indices, values, shape)) ## TODO # im = Image.fromarray((dense*255).astype(np.uint8)) #'xxxxx.png') # pdb.set_trace() dense = dilation(dense, square(5)) dense = erosion(dense, square(5)) return dense
def getRegions(): """Geocode address and retreive image centered around lat/long""" address = request.args.get('address') results = Geocoder.geocode(address) lat, lng = results[0].coordinates zip_code = results[0].postal_code map_url = '{0},{1}&size=640x640&zoom=19&sensor=false&maptype=roadmap&&style=visibility:simplified|gamma:0.1' request_url = map_url.format(lat, lng) req = urllib.urlopen(request_url) img = io.imread(req.geturl(),flatten=True) labels, numobjects = ndimage.label(img) image = filter.canny(img, sigma=3) thresh = threshold_otsu(image) bw = closing(image > thresh, square(3)) # remove artifacts connected to image border cleared = bw.copy() clear_border(cleared) # label image regions label_image = label(cleared) borders = np.logical_xor(bw, cleared) label_image[borders] = -1 image_label_overlay = label2rgb(label_image, image=image) fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(6, 6)) ax.imshow(image_label_overlay)
def estimate_rotation(img): assert(img.dtype == 'bool') # elimina bloques rellenos para acelerar la deteccion de lineas elem = morphology.square(2) aux = morphology.binary_dilation(img, elem) - morphology.binary_erosion(img, elem) # Detección de lineas usando transformada de Hough probabilística thres = 50 minlen = 0.1 * min(aux.shape) maxgap = 0.01 * minlen lines = transform.probabilistic_hough(aux, threshold=thres, line_length=minlen, line_gap=maxgap) # me aseguro que el primer punto de cada línea sea el más próximo al origen for lin in lines: (x0,y0), (x1,y1) = lin if x1*x1+y1*y1 < x0*x0+y0*y0: (x0, x1) = (x1, x0) (y0, y1) = (y1, y0) # orientación dominante angle_half_range = np.math.pi / 4 nbins = int(2 * angle_half_range * (180./np.math.pi) / 0.2) orient = [] for lin in lines: (x0,y0), (x1,y1) = lin orient.append(np.math.atan2(y1-y0, x1-x0)) (h, binval) = np.histogram(orient, range=(-angle_half_range, angle_half_range), bins=nbins) alpha = binval[h.argmax()] * (180./ np.math.pi) return alpha + 0.5 * (binval[1] - binval[0]) * (180./ np.math.pi)
def process_image(image): tic = time.clock() # rescale intensity p2, p98 = np.percentile(image, (1, 99.9)) image = rescale_intensity(1.0*image, in_range=(p2, p98)) # do simple filter based on color value thresh = 0.5*threshold_func(image) filtered_image = np.zeros_like(image,dtype=np.uint8) # set up all-zero image filtered_image[image > thresh] = 1 # filtered values set to 1 # perform watershed transform to split clusters distance = ndi.distance_transform_edt(filtered_image) local_maxi = peak_local_max(distance, indices=False, footprint=morphology.square(7), labels=filtered_image, exclude_border=False) markers = ndi.label(local_maxi)[0] # segment and label particles labels = morphology.watershed(-distance, markers, mask=filtered_image) backup_labels = labels.copy() # remove boundaries and restore any small particles deleted in this process labels[find_boundaries(labels)] = 0 for i in np.unique(backup_labels)[1:]: if np.count_nonzero(labels[backup_labels == i]) == 0: labels[backup_labels == i] = i toc = time.clock() procTime = toc - tic return image, labels, procTime
def run4(self): """ Cette fonction recadre les images grâce à SURF et RANSAC, fonctionne bien.""" for x in xrange(len(self.stack)-1): print('Traitement image ' + str(x+1)) im1,im2 = 255.*gaussian_filter(self.stack[x,...], sqrt(self.initial_sigma**2 - 0.25)), 255.*gaussian_filter(self.stack[x+1,...], sqrt(self.initial_sigma**2 - 0.25)) im1,im2 = enhance_contrast(normaliser(im1), square(5)), enhance_contrast(normaliser(im2), square(5)) im1, im2 = normaliser(im1), normaliser(im2) b = cv2.SURF() #b.create("Feature2D.BRISK") k1,d1 = b.detectAndCompute(im1,None) k2,d2 = b.detectAndCompute(im2,None) bf = cv2.BFMatcher() matches = bf.knnMatch(d1,d2, k=2) # Apply ratio test good = [] for m,n in matches: if m.distance < 0.75*n.distance: good.append(m) g1,g2 = [],[] for i in good: g1.append(k1[i.queryIdx].pt) g2.append(k2[i.trainIdx].pt) model, inliers = ransac((np.array(g1), np.array(g2)), AffineTransform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=self.min_epsilon, max_trials=self.max_trials, stop_residuals_sum=self.min_inlier_ratio) self.stack[x+1,...] = warp(self.stack[x+1,...], AffineTransform(rotation=model.rotation, translation=model.translation), output_shape=self.stack[x+1].shape) self.stack = self.stack.astype(np.uint8)
def dark_channel(image, structure=square(15)): (h, w, c) = image.shape dark_channels = np.zeros_like(image) for i in range(c): dark_channels[:, :, i] = minimum_filter(image[:, :, i], footprint=structure) dark_channel = np.min(dark_channels, axis=2) return dark_channel
def edge_confidence(epi, window=9, threshold=0.02): """ Calculates the edge confidence according to eq. 2. This is a simple measurement which designates an edge if pixel intensities of gray value changes. An edge is determined by the sum of difference in pixel intensity of a central pixel to all pixels in a 1D window of size window. It is assumed that there is an edge if the sum is greater than a given threshold. Parameters ---------- epi : numpy.array [v,u] Set of all gray-value epis for scanline s_hat. window_size : int, optional The 1D window siz in pixels. As the window should be centered symmetrically around the pixel to process the value shpuld be odd. For even numbers the next higher odd number is chosen. threshold : float, optional The threshold giving the smallest difference in EPI luminescence which must be overcome to designate an edge. Returns ------- Ce : numpy.array [v,u] Edge confidence values for each EPI pixel. Me : numpy.array [v,u] of boolean. True means an edge was discovered for at that pixel. """ v_dim = epi.shape[0] u_dim = epi.shape[1] # Check dimensions of input data assert epi.shape == (v_dim, u_dim,), 'Input EPI has wrong shape in function \'edge_confidence\'.' # Make window size odd if window % 2 == 0: warnings.warn( 'window should be an odd number in function \'edge_confidence\'. Window size {g} was given but {u} is used instead.'.format( g=window, u=window + 1)) window += 1 # We avoid the border problem by padding the epi. padded_epi = np.pad(epi, ((0, 0), (int(window // 2), int(window // 2))), 'edge') assert padded_epi.shape == (v_dim, u_dim + window - 1,), 'Padded epi has wrong shape in function \'edge_confidence\'.' # Calculate confidence values Ce = np.zeros(epi.shape, dtype=np.float32) # initiate array for k in range(window): Ce += (epi[...] - padded_epi[:, k:epi.shape[1] + k]) ** 2 Me = Ce > threshold # create confidence Mask Me = binary_opening(Me, selem=square(2), out=Me) # work with square to avoid aliasing # Let's see if our results have reasonable meaning' assert np.all( Ce >= 0), 'Negative edge confidence found in function \'edge_confidence\'.' assert Ce.shape == (v_dim, u_dim,), 'Ce output has incorrect shape in fucntion \'edge_confidence\'.' assert Me.shape == (v_dim, u_dim,), 'Me output has incorrect shape in fucntion \'edge_confidence\'.' return Ce, Me
def get_rough_detection(self, img, bigsize=40.0, smallsize=4.0, thresh = 0): diff = self.difference_of_gaussian(-img, bigsize, smallsize) diff[diff>thresh] = 1 se = morphology.square(4) ero = morphology.erosion(diff, se) labimage = label(ero) #rec = morphology.reconstruction(ero, img, method='dilation').astype(np.dtype('uint8')) # connectivity=1 corresponds to 4-connectivity. morphology.remove_small_objects(labimage, min_size=600, connectivity=1, in_place=True) #res = np.zeros(img.shape) ero[labimage==0] = 0 ero = 1 - ero labimage = label(ero) morphology.remove_small_objects(labimage, min_size=400, connectivity=1, in_place=True) ero[labimage==0] = 0 res = 1 - ero res[res>0] = 255 #temp = 255 - temp #temp = morphology.remove_small_objects(temp, min_size=400, connectivity=1, in_place=True) #res = 255 - temp return res
def focus_score(self): f_score = (color.rgb2grey(self.img) - erosion(color.rgb2grey(self.img), square(4))) non_zero_pixel_area = self.get_nonzero_pixel_area(f_score) #print("focus score: " + str(np.sum(f_score) / non_zero_pixel_area)) #plt.imshow(f_score) return np.sum(f_score) / non_zero_pixel_area
def segmentation(image): """Executes image segmentation based on various features of the video stream""" gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (5, 5), 0) ret, bw = cv2.threshold(blurred, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU) # Close binary image result = cv2.dilate(bw, square(10), iterations = 1) result = cv2.erode(result, square(10), iterations = 1) # Open binary image result = cv2.erode(result, square(10), iterations = 1) result = cv2.dilate(result, square(10), iterations = 1) return label(result) * 50
def run3(self): """ Cette fonction test des alternatives à SIFT et ORB. Ne fonctionne pas.""" for x in xrange(len(self.stack)-1): print('Traitement image ' + str(x+1)) im1,im2 = 255.*gaussian_filter(self.stack[x,...], sqrt(self.initial_sigma**2 - 0.25)), 255.*gaussian_filter(self.stack[x+1,...], sqrt(self.initial_sigma**2 - 0.25)) im1,im2 = enhance_contrast(normaliser(im1), square(3)), enhance_contrast(normaliser(im2), square(3)) im1, im2 = normaliser(im1), normaliser(im2) b = cv2.BRISK() #b.create("Feature2D.BRISK") k1,d1 = b.detectAndCompute(im1,None) k2,d2 = b.detectAndCompute(im2,None) bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING) matches = bf.match(d1,d2) g1,g2 = [],[] for i in matches: g1.append(k1[i.queryIdx].pt) g2.append(k2[i.trainIdx].pt) model, inliers = ransac((np.array(g1), np.array(g2)), AffineTransform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=self.min_epsilon, max_trials=self.max_trials, stop_residuals_sum=self.min_inlier_ratio) self.stack[x+1,...] = warp(self.stack[x+1,...], AffineTransform(rotation=model.rotation, translation=model.translation), output_shape=self.stack[x+1].shape) self.stack = self.stack.astype(np.uint8)
def updateRasterInfo(self, **kwargs): kwargs['output_info']['statistics'] = () kwargs['output_info']['histogram'] = () self.window = square(int(kwargs.get('size', 3))) m = kwargs.get('measure', 'Mean').lower() if m == 'minimum': self.func = rank.minimum elif m == 'maximum': self.func = rank.maximum elif m == 'mean': self.func = rank.mean elif m == 'bilateral mean': self.func = rank.mean_bilateral elif m == 'median': self.func = rank.median elif m == 'sum': self.func = rank.sum elif m == 'entropy': self.func = rank.entropy elif m == 'threshold': self.func = rank.threshold elif m == 'autolevel': self.func = rank.autolevel return kwargs
def plot_preprocessed_image(self): """ plots pre-processed image. The plotted image is the same as obtained at the end of the get_text_candidates method. """ image = restoration.denoise_tv_chambolle(self.image, weight=0.1) thresh = threshold_otsu(image) bw = closing(image > thresh, square(2)) cleared = bw.copy() label_image = measure.label(cleared) borders = np.logical_xor(bw, cleared) label_image[borders] = -1 image_label_overlay = label2rgb(label_image, image=image) fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(12, 12)) ax.imshow(image_label_overlay) for region in regionprops(label_image): if region.area < 10: continue minr, minc, maxr, maxc = region.bbox rect = mpatches.Rectangle((minc, minr), maxc - minc, maxr - minr, fill=False, edgecolor='red', linewidth=2) ax.add_patch(rect)
def median_filter(image, selem=None): if selem is None: # default mask is 5x5 square selem = square(5) depth = image.shape[2] return np.dstack(median(channel[...,0], selem) for channel in np.dsplit(image, depth)) / 255.
def filter_img(img): selem = square(11) img[:, :, 0] = rank.mean(img[:, :, 0], selem=selem) img[:, :, 1] = rank.mean(img[:, :, 1], selem=selem) img[:, :, 2] = rank.mean(img[:, :, 2], selem=selem) #return np.array(img, dtype=float) return img_as_float(img)
def squareMask(maskImg, square_width): #both odd and even square_with are allowed boxsize = maskImg.get_xsize() maskArray = EMNumPy.em2numpy(maskImg) if (boxsize <= square_width): print "ERROR: the width of the square cannot be larger than the boxsize of particles." sys.exit() #from skimage.morphology import square #Generates a flat, square-shaped structuring element. #Every pixel along the perimeter has a chessboard distance no greater than radius (radius=floor(width/2)) pixels. squareArray = square(square_width, dtype=np.uint8) m, n = squareArray.shape assert m==n if (m%2 == 0): pad_before = (boxsize - m)/2 pad_after = (boxsize - m)/2 else: pad_before = (boxsize - m)/2 pad_after = (boxsize - m)/2+1 #pad_width = (boxsize - square_width)/2 #print "m, n, pad_before, pad_after", m, n, pad_before, pad_after #squareArrayPad = np.pad(squareArray, pad_width, mode='constant') squareArrayPad = np.pad(squareArray, (pad_before, pad_after), mode='constant') squareImg = EMNumPy.numpy2em(squareArrayPad) return squareImg
def roofRegion(edge): """Estimate region based on edges of roofRegion """ # apply threshold thresh = threshold_otsu(image) bw = closing(image > thresh, square(3)) # remove artifacts connected to image border cleared = bw.copy() clear_border(cleared) # label image regions label_image = label(cleared) borders = np.logical_xor(bw, cleared) label_image[borders] = -1 image_label_overlay = label2rgb(label_image, image=image) fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(6, 6)) ax.imshow(image_label_overlay) for region in regionprops(label_image): # skip small images if region.area < 100: continue # draw rectangle around segmented coins minr, minc, maxr, maxc = region.bbox rect = mpatches.Rectangle((minc, minr), maxc - minc, maxr - minr, fill=False, edgecolor='red', linewidth=2) ax.add_patch(rect)
def blobs(image, remove_mb = None, val = 160, size = 100): """ Convolve a kernel on the image and a gaussian filter to highligh blobs. Find blobs using the Difference of Gaussian. Remove from the list of blobs the blobs that are at the membrane. return 3 different list """ thresh = threshold_otsu(image) #Find all the blobs in the image using Difference of Gaussian blobs_in_image = feature.blob_dog(image, min_sigma=0.01, max_sigma=3, threshold=thresh) blob_list = [] for blob in blobs_in_image: y, x, r = blob blob_list.append((y, x)) if remove_mb == None: blob_in_image_after_binary = set(blob_list) else: #Create a mask to remove blobs that are at the membrane and surrounded #by bright big object binary = image >= val*thresh/100 binary = dilation(binary, square(3)) binary = remove_small_objects(binary, min_size=size) # Create a list of coordinate with the binary image coor_binary = np.nonzero(binary) list_blob_masked = zip(*coor_binary) #Substract the list of coordinate from the binary image to the list of blobs blob_in_image_after_binary = (set(blob_list) - set (list_blob_masked)) return blob_in_image_after_binary
def main(): for file_path in glob.glob("/home/lucas/Downloads/Lucas/GSK 10uM/*.JPG"): img = data.imread(file_path, as_grey=True) img = transform.resize(img, [600, 600]) img_color = transform.resize(data.imread(file_path), [600, 600]) img[img >img.mean()-0.1] = 0 # io.imshow(img) # # edges = canny(img) bordas_fechadas = closing(img > 0.1, square(15)) # fechando gaps fill_cells = ndi.binary_fill_holes(bordas_fechadas) # io.imshow(fill_cells) # img_label = label(fill_cells, background=0) n= 0 for x in regionprops(img_label): if x.area < 2000 and x.area > 300: n +=1 print x.area minr, minc, maxr, maxc = x.bbox try: out_path_name = file_path.split("/")[-1].rstrip(".JPG") io.imsave("out/cell_{}_pic_{}_area_{}.png".format(n, out_path_name, str(round(x.area))),img_color[minr-3: maxr+3, minc-3: maxc+3]) except: pass
def threshold_image(image, threshold=0): """ This function takes out any values in an image's RGB matrix that are below the threshold value. Inputs: - image: a matrix describing an image with only one channel represented. - threshold: a value, between 0 and 1, for which if an image matrix's value is below, will be set to 0, and if above, will be set to 1. If the threshold is set to 0, then an Otsu thresholding will be returned. Outputs: - thresholded_image: a matrix representation of the thresholded image. this is essentially a black and white image. - thresh: the threshold value To screen: the black-and-white image representation. - """ if threshold == 0: thresh = threshold_otsu(image) if threshold != 0: thresh = threshold thresholded_image = closing(image > thresh, square(3), out=None) imshow(thresholded_image) return thresholded_image, thresh
def mask_to_objects_2d(mask, background=0, offset=None): """Convert 2D (binary or label) mask to polygons. Generates borders fitting in the objects. Parameters ---------- mask: ndarray 2D mask array. Expected shape: (height, width). background: int Value used for encoding background pixels. offset: tuple (optional, default: None) (x, y) coordinate offset to apply to all the extracted polygons. Returns ------- extracted: list of AnnotationSlice Each object slice represent an object from the image. Fields time and depth of AnnotationSlice are set to None. """ if mask.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Cannot handle image with ndim different from 2 ({} dim. given).".format(mask.ndim)) if offset is None: offset = (0, 0) # opencv only supports contour extraction for binary masks: clean mask and binarize mask_cpy = np.zeros(mask.shape, dtype=np.uint8) mask_cpy[mask != background] = 255 # create artificial separation between adjacent touching each other + clean contours = dilation(mask, square(3)) - mask mask_cpy[np.logical_and(contours > 0, mask > 0)] = background mask_cpy = clean_mask(mask_cpy, background=background) # extract polygons and labels polygons = _locate(mask_cpy, offset=offset) objects = list() for polygon in polygons: # loop for handling multipart geometries for curr in flatten_geoms(polygon.geoms) if hasattr(polygon, "geoms") else [polygon]: x, y = get_polygon_inner_point(curr) objects.append((polygon, mask[y - offset[1], x - offset[0]])) return objects
def label_particles_edge(im, sigma=2, closing_size=0, **extra_args): """ Segment image using Canny edge-finding filter. parameters ---------- im : image in which to find particles sigma : size of the Canny filter closing_size : size of the closing filter returns ------- labels : an image array of uniquely labeled segments """ from skimage.morphology import square, binary_closing, skeletonize if skimage_version < StrictVersion('0.11'): from skimage.filter import canny else: from skimage.filters import canny edges = canny(im, sigma=sigma) if closing_size > 0: edges = binary_closing(edges, square(closing_size)) edges = skeletonize(edges) labels = sklabel(edges) print "found {} segments".format(labels.max()) # in ma.array mask, False is True, and vice versa labels =, mask=edges == 0) return labels
def _get_batches_of_transformed_samples(self, index_array): batch_x = [] batch_y = [] for batch_index, image_index in enumerate(index_array): _idx = self.image_ids[image_index] img0 = all_images[_idx].copy() msk0 = all_masks[_idx].copy() lbl0 = all_labels[_idx].copy() good4copy = all_good4copy[_idx] x0 = random.randint(0, img0.shape[1] - input_shape[1]) y0 = random.randint(0, img0.shape[0] - input_shape[0]) img = img0[y0:y0 + input_shape[0], x0:x0 + input_shape[1], :] msk = msk0[y0:y0 + input_shape[0], x0:x0 + input_shape[1], :] if len(good4copy) > 0 and random.random() > 0.75: num_copy = random.randrange(1, min(6, len(good4copy) + 1)) lbl_max = lbl0.max() for i in range(num_copy): lbl_max += 1 l_id = random.choice(good4copy) lbl_msk = all_labels[_idx] == l_id row, col = np.where(lbl_msk) y1, x1 = np.min(np.where(lbl_msk), axis=1) y2, x2 = np.max(np.where(lbl_msk), axis=1) lbl_msk = lbl_msk[y1:y2 + 1, x1:x2 + 1] lbl_img = img0[y1:y2 + 1, x1:x2 + 1, :] if random.random() > 0.5: lbl_msk = lbl_msk[:, ::-1, ...] lbl_img = lbl_img[:, ::-1, ...] rot = random.randrange(4) if rot > 0: lbl_msk = np.rot90(lbl_msk, k=rot) lbl_img = np.rot90(lbl_img, k=rot) x1 = random.randint( max(0, x0 - lbl_msk.shape[1] // 2), min(img0.shape[1] - lbl_msk.shape[1], x0 + input_shape[1] - lbl_msk.shape[1] // 2)) y1 = random.randint( max(0, y0 - lbl_msk.shape[0] // 2), min(img0.shape[0] - lbl_msk.shape[0], y0 + input_shape[0] - lbl_msk.shape[0] // 2)) tmp = erosion(lbl_msk, square(5)) lbl_msk_dif = lbl_msk ^ tmp tmp = dilation(lbl_msk, square(5)) lbl_msk_dif = lbl_msk_dif | (tmp ^ lbl_msk) lbl0[y1:y1 + lbl_msk.shape[0], x1:x1 + lbl_msk.shape[1]][lbl_msk] = lbl_max img0[y1:y1 + lbl_msk.shape[0], x1:x1 + lbl_msk.shape[1]][lbl_msk] = lbl_img[lbl_msk] full_diff_mask = np.zeros_like(img0[..., 0], dtype='bool') full_diff_mask[y1:y1 + lbl_msk.shape[0], x1:x1 + lbl_msk.shape[1]] = lbl_msk_dif img0[..., 0][full_diff_mask] = median( img0[..., 0], mask=full_diff_mask)[full_diff_mask] img0[..., 1][full_diff_mask] = median( img0[..., 1], mask=full_diff_mask)[full_diff_mask] img0[..., 2][full_diff_mask] = median( img0[..., 2], mask=full_diff_mask)[full_diff_mask] img = img0[y0:y0 + input_shape[0], x0:x0 + input_shape[1], :] lbl = lbl0[y0:y0 + input_shape[0], x0:x0 + input_shape[1]] msk = create_mask(lbl) if 'ic100_' in all_ids[_idx] or 'gnf_' in all_ids[_idx]: data = self.random_transformers[1](image=img[..., ::-1], mask=msk) else: data = self.random_transformers[0](image=img[..., ::-1], mask=msk) img = data['image'][..., ::-1] msk = data['mask'] msk = msk.astype('float') msk[..., 0] = (msk[..., 0] > 127) * 1 msk[..., 1] = (msk[..., 1] > 127) * (msk[..., 0] == 0) * 1 msk[..., 2] = (msk[..., 1] == 0) * (msk[..., 0] == 0) * 1 otp = msk img = np.concatenate([img, bgr_to_lab(img)], axis=2) batch_x.append(img) batch_y.append(otp) batch_x = np.array(batch_x, dtype="float32") batch_y = np.array(batch_y, dtype="float32") batch_x = preprocess_inputs(batch_x) return self.transform_batch_x(batch_x), self.transform_batch_y(batch_y)
''' Created on Aug 6, 2019 @author: jsaavedr Filtro Mediana ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import skimage.filters as filters import skimage.morphology as morphology import scipy.ndimage.filters as nd_filters import utils import pai_io if __name__ == '__main__': filename = '../images/gray/ruido.tif' image = pai_io.imread(filename, as_gray=True) strel = morphology.square(3) image_median = filters.median(image, strel) g_kernel = utils.get_gaussian2d(2, 6) image_g = nd_filters.convolve(image, g_kernel, mode='constant', cval=0) fig, xs = plt.subplots(1, 3) for i in range(3): xs[i].set_axis_off() xs[0].imshow(image, cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=255) xs[0].set_title('Image') xs[1].imshow(image_g, cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=255) xs[1].set_title('Filtro Gaussiano') xs[2].imshow(image_median, cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=255) xs[2].set_title('Filtro Mediana')
M = dict_imp.transform(M) M = normalize(M) print('Number of samples in Dictionary', len(names)) M = remove_bands(M, bands) data = remove_bands(data, bands) recon_img = np.reshape(data.transpose(), (data.shape[1], img.shape[0], img.shape[1])) #spec.view_cube(recon_img) print('Dictionary Shape', M.shape) print('Data reduced shape', data.shape) pad_img = add_padding(recon_img, 3) print('Padded image', pad_img.shape) M = M.transpose() data = data.transpose() mu = .004 lamb = .1 gamma = .006 n_iter = 300 width = 5 strel = square(width) #data = np.transpose(data) X = morph_opt(M, data, lamb, gamma, mu, strel, n_iter=300) #M = np.transpose(M) print(X.shape) recon =, X) #recon = np.transpose(recon) recon_img = np.reshape(recon, (250, 190, 188))
def erosion(img): # return greyscale morphological erosion of an image return mp.erosion(img, mp.square(2, dtype=np.uint8))
def remove_dead_pixels(vid, thresh=1.1): for frame in tqdm(range(vid.shape[0]), desc='Removing Dead Pixels'): med = skimage.filters.median(vid[frame, :, :], square(10)).ravel() img = vid[frame, :, :].ravel() img[img > thresh * med] = med[img > thresh * med] vid[frame, :, :] = img.reshape(vid.shape[1], vid.shape[2])
def Bfx_lbp(I, R=None, options={}): """ X, Xn, options = Bfx_lbp(I, R, options) Toolbox: Balu Local Binary Patterns features X is the features vector, Xn is the list of feature names (see Example to see how it works). It calculates the LBP over the a regular grid of patches. The function uses scikit-image's local_binary_pattern implementation (see It returns a matrix of uniform lbp82 descriptors for I, made by concatenating histograms of each grid cell in the image. Grid size is options['hdiv'] * options['vdiv'] R is a binary image or empty. If R is given the lbp will be computed the corresponding pixles R==0 in image I will be set to 0. options['mappingtype'] can have one of this options: {'nri_uniform', 'uniform', 'ror', 'default'}. If not options is provided 'nri_uniform' which produces histograms of 59 bins will be used. Output: X is a matrix of size ((hdiv*vdiv) x 59), each row has a histogram corresponding to a grid cell. We use 59 bins. options['x'] of size hdiv*vdiv is the x coordinates of center of ith grid cell options['y'] of size hdiv*vdiv is the y coordinates of center of ith grid cell Both coordinates are calculated as if image was a square of side length 1. References: Ojala, T.; Pietikainen, M. & Maenpaa, T. Multiresolution gray-scale and rotation invariant texture classification with local binary patterns. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2002, 24, 971-987. Mu, Y. et al (2008): Discriminative Local Binary Patterns for Human Detection in Personal Album. CVPR-2008. Example 1: import numpy as np from balu.ImagesAndData import balu_imageload from balu.FeatureExtraction import Bfx_lbp from balu.InputOutput import Bio_printfeatures from matplotlib.pyplot import bar, figure, show options = { 'weight': 0, # Weigth of the histogram bins 'vdiv': 3, # one vertical divition 'hdiv': 3, # one horizontal divition 'samples': 8, # number of neighbor samples 'mappingtype': 'nri_uniform' # uniform LBP } I = balu_imageload('testimg1.jpg') # input image J = I[119:219, 119:239, 1] # region of interest (green) figure(1) imshow(J, cmap='gray') # image to be analyzed X, Xn = Bfx_lbp(J, None, options) # LBP features figure(2); bar(np.arange(X.shape[1]), X[0, :]) Bio_printfeatures(X, Xn) show() Example 2: import numpy as np from balu.ImagesAndData import balu_imageload from balu.FeatureExtraction import Bfx_lbp from balu.InputOutput import Bio_printfeatures from matplotlib.pyplot import bar, figure, show options = { 'weight': 0, # Weigth of the histogram bins 'vdiv': 3, # one vertical divition 'hdiv': 3, # one horizontal divition 'samples': 8, # number of neighbor samples 'mappingtype': 'uniform' # uniform LBP } I = balu_imageload('testimg1.jpg') # input image J = I[119:219, 119:239, 1] # region of interest (green) figure(1) imshow(J, cmap='gray') # image to be analyzed X, Xn = Bfx_lbp(J, None, options) # LBP features figure(2); bar(np.arange(X.shape[1]), X[0, :]) Bio_printfeatures(X, Xn) show() See also Bfx_gabor, Bfx_clp, Bfx_fourier, Bfx_dct. (c) GRIMA-DCCUC, 2011 With collaboration from: Diego Patiño ([email protected]) -> Translated implementation into python (2017) """ if R is None: R = np.ones(I.shape) if 'show' not in options: options['show'] = False if 'normalize' not in options: options['normalize'] = False if options['show']: print('--- extracting local binary patterns features...') if 'samples' not in options: options['samples'] = 8 if 'integral' not in options: options['integral'] = False if 'radius' not in options: options['radius'] = np.log(options['samples']) / np.log(2.0) - 1 if 'weight' not in options: options['weight'] = 0 LBPst = 'LBP' if 'mappingtype' not in options: options['mappingtype'] = 'nri_uniform' if options['mappingtype'] == 'ror': num_patterns = 256 elif options['mappingtype'] == 'uniform': num_patterns = 10 elif options['mappingtype'] == 'nri_uniform': num_patterns = 59 else: options['mappingtype'] = 'default' num_patterns = 256 st = '{0},{1}'.format(options['samples'], options['mappingtype']) # Get lbp image if R is not None: I[np.where(R == 0)] = 0 radius = options['radius'] P = options['samples'] LBP = local_binary_pattern(I, P=P, R=radius, method=options['mappingtype']) n1, n2 = LBP.shape options['Ilbp'] = LBP if options['integral']: options['Hx'] = Bim_inthist(LBP, num_patterns) vdiv = options['vdiv'] hdiv = options['hdiv'] modn1 = n1 % vdiv if modn1 != 0: LBP = np.concatenate((LBP.T, np.zeros((LBP.shape[1], vdiv - modn1))), 1).T I = np.concatenate((I.T, np.zeros((I.shape[1], vdiv - modn1))), 1).T modn2 = n2 % hdiv if modn2 != 0: LBP = np.concatenate((LBP, np.zeros((LBP.shape[0], hdiv - modn2))), 1) I = np.concatenate((I, np.zeros((I.shape[0], hdiv - modn2))), 1) n1, n2 = LBP.shape ylen = int(np.round(n1 / vdiv)) xlen = int(np.round(n2 / hdiv)) # split image into blocks (saved as columns) grid_img = view_as_blocks(LBP, block_shape=(ylen, xlen)) if options['weight'] > 0: LBPst = 'w' + LBPst mt = int(2 * radius - 1) mt2 = float(mt**2) Id = I.astype(int) weight = options['weight'] if weight == 1: W = np.abs( convolve2d(Id, np.ones((mt, mt)) / mt2, mode='same') - Id) elif weight == 2: W = (np.abs( convolve2d(Id, np.ones((mt, mt)) / mt2, mode='same') - Id)) / (Id + 1) elif weight == 3: W = np.abs(median(Id, square(mt)) - Id) elif weight == 4: W = np.abs(median(Id, square(mt)) - Id) / (Id + 1) elif weight == 5: W = np.abs(order_filter(Id, np.ones((mt, mt)), 0) - Id) elif weight == 6: W = np.abs(order_filter(Id, np.ones((mt, mt)), 0) - Id) / (Id + 1) elif weight == 7: Id = convolve2d(Id, np.ones((mt, mt)) / mt2, mode='same') W = np.abs(order_filter(Id, np.ones((mt, mt)), 0) - Id) / (Id + 1) elif weight == 8: Id = median(Id, square(mt)) W = np.abs(order_filter(Id, np.ones((mt, mt)), 0) - Id) / (Id + 1) elif weight == 9: Id = median(Id, square(mt)) W = np.abs(order_filter(Id, np.ones((mt, mt)), 1) - Id) / (Id + 1) else: print("Bfx_lbp does not recognize options['weight'] = {0}.".format( options['weight'])) grid_W = view_as_blocks(W, block_shape=(ylen, xlen)) num_rows_blocks, num_cols_blocks = grid_W.shape[0:2] desc = np.zeros((num_patterns, num_cols_blocks * num_rows_blocks)) p = 0 for br in range(num_rows_blocks): for bc in range(num_cols_blocks): x = grid_img[br, bc].astype(int).ravel() y = grid_W[br, bc].ravel() d = np.zeros(num_patterns) for k in range(ylen * xlen): d[x[k]] += y[k] desc[:, p] = d p += 1 else: desc = (np.histogram(grid_img.ravel(), num_patterns)[0])[None] # calculate coordinates of descriptors as if it was square w/ side=1 dx = 1.0 / float(hdiv) dy = 1.0 / float(vdiv) x = np.linspace(dx / 2.0, 1 - dx / 2.0, hdiv) y = np.linspace(dy / 2.0, 1 - dy / 2.0, vdiv) options['x'] = x options['y'] = y D = desc.T M, N = D.shape Xn = (N * M) * [None] X = np.zeros((1, N * M)) k = 0 for i in range(M): for j in range(N): Xn[k] = '{0}({1},{2})[{3}] '.format( LBPst, i, j, st) X[0, k] = D[i, j] k += 1 if options['normalize']: X = X / np.sum(X) return X, Xn
plt.savefig(path + '/outlines/' + input_no_ext + '.jpg') plt.close() path = sys.argv[1] input_images = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(path) if f.endswith('.tif')]) print(input_images) mask_images = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(path) if f.endswith('ties_.png')]) all_dfs = [] print('Paths are correct') for image_name, mask_name in zip(input_images, mask_images) : mask= io.imread(path +'/' + mask_name, as_gray = True) mask_bw = rgb2gray(mask) thresh = threshold_otsu(mask_bw) bw = closing(mask_bw > thresh, square(3)) cleared = clear_border(bw) label_image = measure.label(cleared) area = [] length = [] width = [] solidity = [] centroid = [] for region in measure.regionprops(label_image): area.append(region.area) length.append(region.major_axis_length) width.append(region.minor_axis_length) solidity.append(region.solidity) centroid.append(region.centroid)
def boundary_mask(footprint_msk=None, out_file=None, reference_im=None, boundary_width=3, boundary_type='inner', burn_value=255, **kwargs): """Convert a dataframe of geometries to a pixel mask. Note ---- This function requires creation of a footprint mask before it can operate; therefore, if there is no footprint mask already present, it will create one. In that case, additional arguments for :func:`footprint_mask` (e.g. ``df``) must be passed. By default, this function draws boundaries *within* the edges of objects. To change this behavior, use the `boundary_type` argument. Arguments --------- footprint_msk : :class:`numpy.array`, optional A filled in footprint mask created using :func:`footprint_mask`. If not provided, one will be made by calling :func:`footprint_mask` before creating the boundary mask, and the required arguments for that function must be provided as kwargs. out_file : str, optional Path to an image file to save the output to. Must be compatible with :class:`rasterio.DatasetReader`. If provided, a `reference_im` must be provided (for metadata purposes). reference_im : :class:`rasterio.DatasetReader` or `str`, optional An image to extract necessary coordinate information from: the affine transformation matrix, the image extent, etc. If provided, `affine_obj` and `shape` are ignored boundary_width : int, optional The width of the boundary to be created **in pixels.** Defaults to 3. boundary_type : ``"inner"`` or ``"outer"``, optional Where to draw the boundaries: within the object (``"inner"``) or outside of it (``"outer"``). Defaults to ``"inner"``. burn_value : `int`, optional The value to use for labeling objects in the mask. Defaults to 255 (the max value for ``uint8`` arrays). The mask array will be set to the same dtype as `burn_value`. Ignored if `burn_field` is provided. **kwargs : optional Additional arguments to pass to :func:`footprint_mask` if one needs to be created. Returns ------- boundary_mask : :class:`numpy.array` A pixel mask with 0s for non-object pixels and the same value as the footprint mask `burn_value` for the boundaries of each object. """ if out_file and not reference_im: raise ValueError( 'If saving output to file, `reference_im` must be provided.') if reference_im: reference_im = _check_rasterio_im_load(reference_im) # need to have a footprint mask for this function, so make it if not given if footprint_msk is None: footprint_msk = footprint_mask(reference_im=reference_im, burn_value=burn_value, **kwargs) # perform dilation or erosion of `footprint_mask` to get the boundary strel = square(boundary_width) if boundary_type == 'outer': boundary_mask = dilation(footprint_msk, strel) elif boundary_type == 'inner': boundary_mask = erosion(footprint_msk, strel) # use xor operator between border and footprint mask to get _just_ boundary boundary_mask = boundary_mask ^ footprint_msk # scale the `True` values to burn_value and return boundary_mask = boundary_mask > 0 # need to binarize to get burn val right output_arr = boundary_mask.astype('uint8') * burn_value if out_file: meta = reference_im.meta.copy() meta.update(count=1) meta.update(dtype='uint8') with, 'w', **meta) as dst: dst.write(output_arr, indexes=1) return output_arr
F = I[1525:3000, 1450:1800] imshow(F, cmap='gray') show() print("imagen recortada binarizada") borde2 = sobel(F, mask=None) Z = (borde2 > 0.1).astype('uint32') imshow(Z, cmap='gray') show() plt.hist(borde2.ravel(), 256, [0, 1]) selSquare = square(14) selDisk = disk(12) selRectangle = rectangle(6, 20) IDilationSquare = dilation(Z, selem=selSquare) #imshow(IDilationSquare, cmap='gray') #show() IDilationDisk = dilation(Z, selem=selDisk) #imshow(IDilationDisk, cmap='gray') #show() IDilationRectangle = dilation(Z, selem=selRectangle) imshow(IDilationRectangle, cmap='gray') show() IClosingSquare = closing(IDilationDisk, selem=selSquare) #imshow(IClosingSquare, cmap='gray')
def optimalThreshold(self, color_im, method='r_small_objects', remove_spots=True, level=200, debug=True): im = cv2.cvtColor(color_im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(im, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU) if debug: cv2.imwrite('binary.jpg', thresh) thresh = filters.median(thresh, morphology.square(7)) cv2.imwrite('binary_med.jpg', thresh) #MORPHOLOGICAL_REMOVE_SMALL_OBJECTS imglab = morphology.label(thresh) # create labels in segmented image min_s = (int)(im.shape[0]) try: cleaned = morphology.remove_small_objects(imglab, min_size=min_s, connectivity=8) except UserWarning: pass res_small = np.zeros((cleaned.shape)) # create array of size cleaned res_small[cleaned > 0] = 255 res_small = np.uint8(res_small) if debug: cv2.imwrite("cleaned.jpg", res_small) #MORPOLOGICAL_OPENING_OPENCV kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (32, 32)) opened_mask = cv2.morphologyEx(thresh, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel) if debug: cv2.imwrite("opened_mask.jpg", opened_mask) if remove_spots: blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(im, (11, 11), 0) spots = cv2.threshold(blurred, level, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] res_small = res_small - spots opened_mask = opened_mask - spots if debug: cv2.imwrite("cleaned_spots.jpg", res_small) cv2.imwrite("opened_mask_spots.jpg", opened_mask) img, contours, h = cv2.findContours(res_small, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) max_c = [] max_a = 0 result = np.zeros(img.shape) for contour in contours: if cv2.contourArea(contour) > max_a: max_c = contour max_a = cv2.contourArea(contour) bouding = cv2.boundingRect(max_c) print(bouding) if debug: masked_img = cv2.bitwise_and(color_im, color_im, mask=opened_mask) masked_img2 = cv2.bitwise_and(color_im, color_im, mask=res_small) cv2.imwrite("masked_img.jpg", masked_img) cv2.imwrite("masked_img_small.jpg", masked_img2) min_x = bouding[1] min_y = bouding[0] w_x = bouding[1] + bouding[3] h_y = bouding[0] + bouding[2] return res_small, min_x, min_y, w_x, h_y
def binary_image(folder, image_file, threshold=2, figsize=(10, 10), ajar=False, close=False, show=False, channel=None, imname=None): """Create binary image from input image with optional opening step. Parameters ---------- folder : string Directory containing image_file image_file : string Filename of image to be analyzed. threshold : int or float Intensity threshold of binary image. figsize : tuple of int or float Size of output figure. ajar : bool If True, opens binary image by performing a dilation followed by an erosion. close : bool If True, closes binary image by performing an erosion followed by a dilation. show : bool If True, outputs image to Jupyter notebook display. channel : int Channel of image to read in for multichannel images e.g. testim[:, :, channel] imname : string Desired name of output file. Defaults to 'test.png'. Returns ------- op_image : numpy.ndarray Output image. Examples -------- """ fname = '{}/{}'.format(folder, image_file) if channel is None: test_image = sio.imread(fname) else: test_image = sio.imread(fname)[:, :, channel] bi_image = test_image > threshold if ajar is True: op_image = opening(bi_image, square(3)) else: op_image = bi_image if close is True: op_image = closing(op_image, square(3)) if show: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) ax.imshow(op_image, cmap='gray') ax.axis('off') op_image = op_image.astype('uint8')*255 if imname is None: output = "clean_{}".format(image_file) else: output = imname sio.imsave('{}/{}'.format(folder, output), op_image) return op_image
def remove_background(self, method, *args, **kwargs): """Perform background subtraction via multiple methods. Parameters ---------- method : string Specify the method used to determine the direct beam position. * 'h-dome' - * 'gaussian_difference' - Uses a difference between two gaussian convolutions to determine where the peaks are, and sets all other pixels to 0. * 'median' - Use a median filter for background removal * 'reference_pattern' - Subtract a user-defined reference patterns from every diffraction pattern. sigma_min : int, float Standard deviation for the minimum gaussian convolution (gaussian_difference only) sigma_max : int, float Standard deviation for the maximum gaussian convolution (gaussian_difference only) footprint : int Size of the window that is convoluted with the array to determine the median. Should be large enough that it is about 3x as big as the size of the peaks (median only). implementation : 'scipy' or 'skimage' (median only) see expt_utils.subtract_background_median for details, if not selected 'scipy' is used bg : array Background array extracted from vacuum. (subtract_reference only) *args: Arguments to be passed to map(). **kwargs: Keyword arguments to be passed to map(). Returns ------- bg_subtracted : :obj:`ElectronDiffraction2D` A copy of the data with the background subtracted. Be aware that this function will only return inplace. """ if method == 'h-dome': scale = = / scale bg_subtracted =, inplace=False, *args, **kwargs), selem=square(3)) = / elif method == 'gaussian_difference': bg_subtracted =, inplace=False, *args, **kwargs) elif method == 'median': if 'implementation' in kwargs.keys(): if kwargs['implementation'] != 'scipy' and kwargs[ 'implementation'] != 'skimage': raise NotImplementedError( "Unknown implementation `{}`".format( kwargs['implementation'])) bg_subtracted =, inplace=False, *args, **kwargs) elif method == 'reference_pattern': bg_subtracted =, inplace=False, *args, **kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError( "The method specified, '{}', is not implemented. See" "documentation for available implementations.".format(method)) return bg_subtracted
def clean_image(folder, image_file, threshold=2, figsize=(10, 10), ajar=False, close=False, show=False, area_thresh=50, channel=None, imname=None): """Create binary image from input image with optional opening step. Parameters ---------- folder : string Directory containing image_file image_file : string Filename of image to be analyzed. threshold : int or float Intensity threshold of binary image. figsize : tuple of int or float Size of output figure. ajar : bool If True, opens binary image by performing a dilation followed by an erosion. close : bool If True, closes binary image by performing an erosion followed by a dilation. show : bool If True, outputs image to Jupyter notebook display. area_thresh : int or float Minimum square pixels for object to be included in final image. channel : int Channel of image to read in for multichannel images e.g. testim[:, :, channel] imname : string Desired name of output file. Defaults to 'test.png'. Returns ------- short_image : numpy.ndarray Output binary image. All small objects (area < area_thresh) are filtered out. short_props : skimage.object Contains all properties of objects identified in image. Examples -------- """ fname = '{}/{}'.format(folder, image_file) if channel is None: test_image = sio.imread(fname) else: test_image = sio.imread(fname)[:, :, channel] bi_image = test_image > threshold if ajar is True: op_image = opening(bi_image, square(3)) else: op_image = bi_image if close is True: op_image = closing(op_image, square(3)) op_image = op_image.astype('uint8')*255 # if default_name: # output = "clean_{}.png".format(image_file.split('.')[0]) # else: # output = fname # sio.imsave(folder+'/'+output, op_image) # Labelling and cleaning up image. test_image = op_image labels = label(test_image) props = regionprops(labels) short_image = np.zeros(labels.shape) counter = 0 skip = 0 short_props = [] for i in range(0, len(props)): area = props[i]['area'] if area < area_thresh: skip = skip + 1 else: short_props.append(props[i]) test_coords = props[i]['coords'].tolist() for coord in test_coords: short_image[coord[0], coord[1]] = True counter = counter + 1 if show: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) ax.imshow(short_image, cmap='gray') ax.axis('off') short_image = short_image.astype('uint8')*255 if imname is None: output = "short_{}".format(image_file) else: output = imname sio.imsave(folder+'/'+output, short_image) return short_image, short_props
def dilation(img): # return greyscale morphological dilation of an image return mp.dilation(img, mp.square(2, dtype=np.uint8))
def merge_overlapping_images(metadata, inputs): """ Merge simultaneous overlapping images that cover the area of interest. When the area of interest is located at the boundary between 2 images, there will be overlap between the 2 images and both will be downloaded from Google Earth Engine. This function merges the 2 images, so that the area of interest is covered by only 1 image. KV WRL 2018 Arguments: ----------- metadata: dict contains all the information about the satellite images that were downloaded inputs: dict with the following keys 'sitename': str name of the site 'polygon': list polygon containing the lon/lat coordinates to be extracted, longitudes in the first column and latitudes in the second column, there are 5 pairs of lat/lon with the fifth point equal to the first point: ``` polygon = [[[151.3, -33.7],[151.4, -33.7],[151.4, -33.8],[151.3, -33.8], [151.3, -33.7]]] ``` 'dates': list of str list that contains 2 strings with the initial and final dates in format 'yyyy-mm-dd': ``` dates = ['1987-01-01', '2018-01-01'] ``` 'sat_list': list of str list that contains the names of the satellite missions to include: ``` sat_list = ['L5', 'L7', 'L8', 'S2'] ``` 'filepath_data': str filepath to the directory where the images are downloaded Returns: ----------- metadata_updated: dict updated metadata """ # only for Sentinel-2 at this stage (not sure if this is needed for Landsat images) sat = 'S2' filepath = os.path.join(inputs['filepath'], inputs['sitename']) filenames = metadata[sat]['filenames'] # find the pairs of images that are within 5 minutes of each other time_delta = 5 * 60 # 5 minutes in seconds dates = metadata[sat]['dates'].copy() pairs = [] for i, date in enumerate(metadata[sat]['dates']): # dummy value so it does not match it again dates[i] = pytz.utc.localize(datetime(1, 1, 1) + timedelta(days=i + 1)) # calculate time difference time_diff = np.array( [np.abs((date - _).total_seconds()) for _ in dates]) # find the matching times and add to pairs list boolvec = time_diff <= time_delta if np.sum(boolvec) == 0: continue else: idx_dup = np.where(boolvec)[0][0] pairs.append([i, idx_dup]) # because they could be triplicates in S2 images, adjust the pairs for consecutive merges for i in range(1, len(pairs)): if pairs[i - 1][1] == pairs[i][0]: pairs[i][0] = pairs[i - 1][0] # for each pair of image, first check if one image completely contains the other # in that case keep the larger image. Otherwise merge the two images. for i, pair in enumerate(pairs): # get filenames of all the files corresponding to the each image in the pair fn_im = [] for index in range(len(pair)): fn_im.append([ os.path.join(filepath, 'S2', '10m', filenames[pair[index]]), os.path.join(filepath, 'S2', '20m', filenames[pair[index]].replace('10m', '20m')), os.path.join(filepath, 'S2', '60m', filenames[pair[index]].replace('10m', '60m')), os.path.join( filepath, 'S2', 'meta', filenames[pair[index]].replace('_10m', '').replace('.tif', '.txt')) ]) # get polygon for first image polygon0 = SDS_tools.get_image_bounds(fn_im[0][0]) im_epsg0 = metadata[sat]['epsg'][pair[0]] # get polygon for second image polygon1 = SDS_tools.get_image_bounds(fn_im[1][0]) im_epsg1 = metadata[sat]['epsg'][pair[1]] # check if epsg are the same if not im_epsg0 == im_epsg1: print( 'WARNING: there was an error as two S2 images do not have the same epsg,' + ' please open an issue on Github at' + ' and include your script so we can find out what happened.') break # check if one image contains the other one if polygon0.contains(polygon1): # if polygon0 contains polygon1, remove files for polygon1 for k in range(4): # remove the 3 .tif files + the .txt file os.chmod(fn_im[1][k], 0o777) os.remove(fn_im[1][k]) # print('removed 1') continue elif polygon1.contains(polygon0): # if polygon1 contains polygon0, remove image0 for k in range(4): # remove the 3 .tif files + the .txt file os.chmod(fn_im[0][k], 0o777) os.remove(fn_im[0][k]) # print('removed 0') # adjust the order in case of triplicates if i + 1 < len(pairs): if pairs[i + 1][0] == pair[0]: pairs[i + 1][0] = pairs[i][1] continue # otherwise merge the two images after masking the nodata values else: for index in range(len(pair)): # read image im_ms, georef, cloud_mask, im_extra, im_QA, im_nodata = SDS_preprocess.preprocess_single( fn_im[index], sat, False) # in Sentinel2 images close to the edge of the image there are some artefacts, # that are squares with constant pixel intensities. They need to be masked in the # raster (GEOTIFF). It can be done using the image standard deviation, which # indicates values close to 0 for the artefacts. if len(im_ms) > 0: # calculate image std for the first 10m band im_std = SDS_tools.image_std(im_ms[:, :, 0], 1) # convert to binary im_binary = np.logical_or(im_std < 1e-6, np.isnan(im_std)) # dilate to fill the edges (which have high std) mask10 = morphology.dilation(im_binary, morphology.square(3)) # mask the 10m .tif file (add no_data where mask is True) SDS_tools.mask_raster(fn_im[index][0], mask10) # now calculate the mask for the 20m band (SWIR1) # for the older version of the ee api calculate the image std again if int(ee.__version__[-3:]) <= 201: # calculate std to create another mask for the 20m band (SWIR1) im_std = SDS_tools.image_std(im_extra, 1) im_binary = np.logical_or(im_std < 1e-6, np.isnan(im_std)) mask20 = morphology.dilation(im_binary, morphology.square(3)) # for the newer versions just resample the mask for the 10m bands else: # create mask for the 20m band (SWIR1) by resampling the 10m one mask20 = ndimage.zoom(mask10, zoom=1 / 2, order=0) mask20 = transform.resize(mask20, im_extra.shape, mode='constant', order=0, preserve_range=True) mask20 = mask20.astype(bool) # mask the 20m .tif file (im_extra) SDS_tools.mask_raster(fn_im[index][1], mask20) # create a mask for the 60m QA band by resampling the 20m one mask60 = ndimage.zoom(mask20, zoom=1 / 3, order=0) mask60 = transform.resize(mask60, im_QA.shape, mode='constant', order=0, preserve_range=True) mask60 = mask60.astype(bool) # mask the 60m .tif file (im_QA) SDS_tools.mask_raster(fn_im[index][2], mask60) # make a figure for quality control/debugging # im_RGB = SDS_preprocess.rescale_image_intensity(im_ms[:,:,[2,1,0]], cloud_mask, 99.9) # fig,ax= plt.subplots(2,3,tight_layout=True) # ax[0,0].imshow(im_RGB) # ax[0,0].set_title('RGB original') # ax[1,0].imshow(mask10) # ax[1,0].set_title('Mask 10m') # ax[0,1].imshow(mask20) # ax[0,1].set_title('Mask 20m') # ax[1,1].imshow(mask60) # ax[1,1].set_title('Mask 60 m') # ax[0,2].imshow(im_QA) # ax[0,2].set_title('Im QA') # ax[1,2].imshow(im_nodata) # ax[1,2].set_title('Im nodata') else: continue # once all the pairs of .tif files have been masked with no_data, merge the using gdal_merge fn_merged = os.path.join(filepath, 'merged.tif') for k in range(3): # merge masked bands gdal_merge.main( ['', '-o', fn_merged, '-n', '0', fn_im[0][k], fn_im[1][k]]) # remove old files os.chmod(fn_im[0][k], 0o777) os.remove(fn_im[0][k]) os.chmod(fn_im[1][k], 0o777) os.remove(fn_im[1][k]) # rename new file fn_new = fn_im[0][k].split('.')[0] + '_merged.tif' os.chmod(fn_merged, 0o777) os.rename(fn_merged, fn_new) # open both metadata files metadict0 = dict([]) with open(fn_im[0][3], 'r') as f: metadict0['filename'] = f.readline().split('\t')[1].replace( '\n', '') metadict0['acc_georef'] = float( f.readline().split('\t')[1].replace('\n', '')) metadict0['epsg'] = int(f.readline().split('\t')[1].replace( '\n', '')) metadict1 = dict([]) with open(fn_im[1][3], 'r') as f: metadict1['filename'] = f.readline().split('\t')[1].replace( '\n', '') metadict1['acc_georef'] = float( f.readline().split('\t')[1].replace('\n', '')) metadict1['epsg'] = int(f.readline().split('\t')[1].replace( '\n', '')) # check if both images have the same georef accuracy if np.any( np.array([ metadict0['acc_georef'], metadict1['acc_georef'] ]) == -1): metadict0['georef'] = -1 # add new name metadict0['filename'] = metadict0['filename'].split( '.')[0] + '_merged.tif' # remove the old metadata.txt files os.chmod(fn_im[0][3], 0o777) os.remove(fn_im[0][3]) os.chmod(fn_im[1][3], 0o777) os.remove(fn_im[1][3]) # rewrite the .txt file with a new metadata file fn_new = fn_im[0][3].split('.')[0] + '_merged.txt' with open(fn_new, 'w') as f: for key in metadict0.keys(): f.write('%s\t%s\n' % (key, metadict0[key])) # update filenames list (in case there are triplicates) filenames[pair[0]] = metadict0['filename'] print( '%d out of %d Sentinel-2 images were merged (overlapping or duplicate)' % (len(pairs), len(filenames))) # update the metadata dict metadata_updated = get_metadata(inputs) return metadata_updated
draw.set_color(img,[rr,cc],[255,0,0]) plt.imshow(img, '''8、空心椭圆''' plt.subplot(428) plt.title('hollow ellipse') img=data.chelsea() rr, cc=draw.ellipse_perimeter(150, 150, 30, 80) draw.set_color(img,[rr,cc],[255,0,0]) plt.imshow(img, # ============================================================================= print('''十一、基本形态学滤波''') # ============================================================================= img=data.checkerboard() '''1、膨胀(dilation)''' dst1=sm.dilation(img,sm.square(5)) #用边长为5的正方形滤波器进行膨胀滤波 dst2=sm.dilation(img,sm.square(15)) #用边长为15的正方形滤波器进行膨胀滤波 fig = plt.figure('morphology',figsize=(12,4)) fig.suptitle('dilation') plt.subplot(131) plt.title('origin image') plt.imshow(img, plt.subplot(132) plt.title('morphological image') plt.imshow(dst1, plt.subplot(133) plt.title('morphological image') plt.imshow(dst2, '''2、腐蚀(erosion)''' dst1=sm.erosion(img,sm.square(5)) #用边长为5的正方形滤波器进行膨胀滤波
def merge_overlapping_images(metadata, inputs): """ Merge simultaneous overlapping images that cover the area of interest. When the area of interest is located at the boundary between 2 images, there will be overlap between the 2 images and both will be downloaded from Google Earth Engine. This function merges the 2 images, so that the area of interest is covered by only 1 image. KV WRL 2018 Arguments: ----------- metadata: dict contains all the information about the satellite images that were downloaded inputs: dict with the following keys 'sitename': str name of the site 'polygon': list polygon containing the lon/lat coordinates to be extracted, longitudes in the first column and latitudes in the second column, there are 5 pairs of lat/lon with the fifth point equal to the first point: ``` polygon = [[[151.3, -33.7],[151.4, -33.7],[151.4, -33.8],[151.3, -33.8], [151.3, -33.7]]] ``` 'dates': list of str list that contains 2 strings with the initial and final dates in format 'yyyy-mm-dd': ``` dates = ['1987-01-01', '2018-01-01'] ``` 'sat_list': list of str list that contains the names of the satellite missions to include: ``` sat_list = ['L5', 'L7', 'L8', 'S2'] ``` 'filepath_data': str filepath to the directory where the images are downloaded Returns: ----------- metadata_updated: dict updated metadata """ # only for Sentinel-2 at this stage (not sure if this is needed for Landsat images) sat = 'S2' filepath = os.path.join(inputs['filepath'], inputs['sitename']) filenames = metadata[sat]['filenames'] # find the pairs of images that are within 5 minutes of each other time_delta = 5 * 60 # 5 minutes in seconds dates = metadata[sat]['dates'].copy() pairs = [] for i, date in enumerate(metadata[sat]['dates']): # dummy value so it does not match it again dates[i] = pytz.utc.localize(datetime(1, 1, 1) + timedelta(days=i + 1)) # calculate time difference time_diff = np.array( [np.abs((date - _).total_seconds()) for _ in dates]) # find the matching times and add to pairs list boolvec = time_diff <= time_delta if np.sum(boolvec) == 0: continue else: idx_dup = np.where(boolvec)[0][0] pairs.append([i, idx_dup]) # for each pair of image, create a mask and add no_data into the .tif file (this is needed before merging .tif files) for i, pair in enumerate(pairs): fn_im = [] for index in range(len(pair)): # get filenames of all the files corresponding to the each image in the pair fn_im.append([ os.path.join(filepath, 'S2', '10m', filenames[pair[index]]), os.path.join(filepath, 'S2', '20m', filenames[pair[index]].replace('10m', '20m')), os.path.join(filepath, 'S2', '60m', filenames[pair[index]].replace('10m', '60m')), os.path.join( filepath, 'S2', 'meta', filenames[pair[index]].replace('_10m', '').replace('.tif', '.txt')) ]) # read that image im_ms, georef, cloud_mask, im_extra, im_QA, im_nodata = SDS_preprocess.preprocess_single( fn_im[index], sat, False) # im_RGB = SDS_preprocess.rescale_image_intensity(im_ms[:,:,[2,1,0]], cloud_mask, 99.9) # in Sentinel2 images close to the edge of the image there are some artefacts, # that are squares with constant pixel intensities. They need to be masked in the # raster (GEOTIFF). It can be done using the image standard deviation, which # indicates values close to 0 for the artefacts. if len(im_ms) > 0: # calculate image std for the first 10m band im_std = SDS_tools.image_std(im_ms[:, :, 0], 1) # convert to binary im_binary = np.logical_or(im_std < 1e-6, np.isnan(im_std)) # dilate to fill the edges (which have high std) mask10 = morphology.dilation(im_binary, morphology.square(3)) # mask all 10m bands for k in range(im_ms.shape[2]): im_ms[mask10, k] = np.nan # mask the 10m .tif file (add no_data where mask is True) SDS_tools.mask_raster(fn_im[index][0], mask10) # create another mask for the 20m band (SWIR1) im_std = SDS_tools.image_std(im_extra, 1) im_binary = np.logical_or(im_std < 1e-6, np.isnan(im_std)) mask20 = morphology.dilation(im_binary, morphology.square(3)) im_extra[mask20] = np.nan # mask the 20m .tif file (im_extra) SDS_tools.mask_raster(fn_im[index][1], mask20) # use the 20m mask to create a mask for the 60m QA band (by resampling) mask60 = ndimage.zoom(mask20, zoom=1 / 3, order=0) mask60 = transform.resize(mask60, im_QA.shape, mode='constant', order=0, preserve_range=True) mask60 = mask60.astype(bool) # mask the 60m .tif file (im_QA) SDS_tools.mask_raster(fn_im[index][2], mask60) else: continue # make a figure for quality control # fig,ax= plt.subplots(2,2,tight_layout=True) # ax[0,0].imshow(im_RGB) # ax[0,0].set_title('RGB original') # ax[1,0].imshow(mask10) # ax[1,0].set_title('Mask 10m') # ax[0,1].imshow(mask20) # ax[0,1].set_title('Mask 20m') # ax[1,1].imshow(mask60) # ax[1,1].set_title('Mask 60 m') # once all the pairs of .tif files have been masked with no_data, merge the using gdal_merge fn_merged = os.path.join(filepath, 'merged.tif') # merge masked 10m bands and remove duplicate file gdal_merge.main( ['', '-o', fn_merged, '-n', '0', fn_im[0][0], fn_im[1][0]]) os.chmod(fn_im[0][0], 0o777) os.remove(fn_im[0][0]) os.chmod(fn_im[1][0], 0o777) os.remove(fn_im[1][0]) os.chmod(fn_merged, 0o777) os.rename(fn_merged, fn_im[0][0]) # merge masked 20m band (SWIR band) gdal_merge.main( ['', '-o', fn_merged, '-n', '0', fn_im[0][1], fn_im[1][1]]) os.chmod(fn_im[0][1], 0o777) os.remove(fn_im[0][1]) os.chmod(fn_im[1][1], 0o777) os.remove(fn_im[1][1]) os.chmod(fn_merged, 0o777) os.rename(fn_merged, fn_im[0][1]) # merge QA band (60m band) gdal_merge.main( ['', '-o', fn_merged, '-n', '0', fn_im[0][2], fn_im[1][2]]) os.chmod(fn_im[0][2], 0o777) os.remove(fn_im[0][2]) os.chmod(fn_im[1][2], 0o777) os.remove(fn_im[1][2]) os.chmod(fn_merged, 0o777) os.rename(fn_merged, fn_im[0][2]) # remove the metadata .txt file of the duplicate image os.chmod(fn_im[1][3], 0o777) os.remove(fn_im[1][3]) print('%d pairs of overlapping Sentinel-2 images were merged' % len(pairs)) # update the metadata dict metadata_updated = copy.deepcopy(metadata) idx_removed = [] idx_kept = [] for pair in pairs: idx_removed.append(pair[1]) for idx in np.arange(0, len(metadata[sat]['dates'])): if not idx in idx_removed: idx_kept.append(idx) for key in metadata_updated[sat].keys(): metadata_updated[sat][key] = [ metadata_updated[sat][key][_] for _ in idx_kept ] return metadata_updated
def main(): parser=argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Image-file processing to identify total number of droplets', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('input_image', type=str, help='input image file') parser.add_argument('template_image', type=str, help='template image file') parser.add_argument('--outfile', type=str, help='output image name. Will default to input_image_processed.png') parser.add_argument('--cutoff_area', type=int, help='rectangle size. only detected rectangles above this size will be displayed') parser.add_argument('--include', action='store_true', dest="include_edge", help='Include edge or boundary or border droplets; incomplete droplets found on the edge of the picture will be included too.') parser.add_argument("--exclude", action="store_false", dest="include_edge", help='Exclude edge or boundary or border droplets; incomplete droplets found on the edge of the picture will be excluded.') parser.add_argument('--threshold', type=float, default=0.6, help='thresholding parameter, tweak from 0 to 1 and visually examine results, depends on the image, default is 0.6') args=parser.parse_args() if args.outfile==None: args.outfile=''.join([path.splitext(args.input_image)[0],"_border_",str(args.include_edge),'_processed']) ## leaving out the file extension; adding it later just before writing out the image file filename=args.input_image rectsize=args.cutoff_area print "...." print "image file being processed..." print "..." from skimage import img_as_float image = io.imread(filename, flatten=True) # conver 3d to 2d image by using flatten=True image = img_as_float(image) #io.imshow(image) ## check the image ## check the image from skimage.color import rgb2gray img_gray = rgb2gray(image) #io.imshow(img_gray) ## check the image ## check the image image = gaussian_filter(image, 1) seed = np.copy(image) seed[1:-1, 1:-1] = image.min() mask = image dilated = reconstruction(seed, mask, method='dilation') """ fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(8, 2.5), sharex=True, sharey=True) ax0.imshow(image, cmap='gray') ax0.set_title('original image') ax0.axis('off') ax0.set_adjustable('box-forced') ax1.imshow(dilated, vmin=image.min(), vmax=image.max(), cmap='gray') ax1.set_title('dilated') ax1.axis('off') ax1.set_adjustable('box-forced') ax2.imshow(image - dilated, cmap='gray') ax2.set_title('image - dilated') ax2.axis('off') ax2.set_adjustable('box-forced') fig.tight_layout() """ print "...." print "background correction..." print "..." h = 0.4 seed = image - h dilated = reconstruction(seed, mask, method='dilation') hdome = image - dilated #io.imshow(hdome) ## check the image ## check the image """ fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(8, 2.5)) yslice = 197 ax0.plot(mask[yslice], '0.5', label='mask') ax0.plot(seed[yslice], 'k', label='seed') ax0.plot(dilated[yslice], 'r', label='dilated') ax0.set_ylim(-0.2, 2) ax0.set_title('image slice') ax0.set_xticks([]) ax0.legend() ax1.imshow(dilated, vmin=image.min(), vmax=image.max(), cmap='gray') ax1.axhline(yslice, color='r', alpha=0.4) ax1.set_title('dilated') ax1.axis('off') ax2.imshow(hdome, cmap='gray') ax2.axhline(yslice, color='r', alpha=0.4) ax2.set_title('image - dilated') ax2.axis('off') fig.tight_layout() """ print "...." print "edge detection..." print "..." im = hdome edges1 = feature.canny(image, sigma=3) edges2 = feature.canny(im, sigma=3) #io.imshow(edges1) ## check the image ## check the image #io.imshow(edges2) ## check the image ## check the image """ # display results fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(8, 3), sharex=True, sharey=True) ax1.imshow(im, ax1.axis('off') ax1.set_title('Original image', fontsize=10) ax2.imshow(edges1, ax2.axis('off') ax2.set_title('Canny filter on original image, $\sigma=3$', fontsize=10) ax3.imshow(edges2, ax3.axis('off') ax3.set_title('Canny filter on background subtracted image, $\sigma=3$', fontsize=10) fig.tight_layout() """ # ### check how good are the original and processed images by selecting corresponding image here # image=image #image=edges2 #image=hdome ## apply threshold thresh = threshold_otsu(image) bw = closing(image > thresh, square(2)) #io.imshow(bw) ## check the image ## check the image print "... are we including incomplete droplets at the edge of image?..." print ".............................................................", args.include_edge if args.include_edge is False: ## remove artifacts connected to image border cleared = clear_border(bw) ## use this option to avoid the incomplete droplets at boundary/edge of picture frame else: cleared = bw ## use this to use all droplets in the image; even incomplete ones at the boundary/edge of pciture frame #io.imshow(cleared) ## check the image ## check the image # label image regions label_image = label(cleared) image_label_overlay = label2rgb(label_image, image=image) #io.imshow(image_label_overlay) ## check the image ## check the image fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) #ax.imshow(label_image) #ax.imshow(image_label_overlay) targetimagefile=args.input_image templateimagefile=args.template_image thresholdval=args.threshold beads_count=0 droplet_count=0 outfile=0 for region in regionprops(label_image): # take regions with large enough areas; should correspond to droplets if region.area >= rectsize: # draw rectangle around segmented droplets droplet_count=droplet_count+1 minr, minc, maxr, maxc = region.bbox rect = mpatches.Rectangle((minc, minr), maxc - minc, maxr - minr, fill=False, edgecolor='yellow', linewidth=2) #print region.bbox try: crop_image = image[minr-50:maxr+50, minc-50:maxc+50] ## offset the bounding box in all directions; seems better this way based on visual examination except ValueError: #raised if this subtraction takes it out of bounds pass finally: crop_image = image[minr:maxr, minc:maxc] #io.imshow(crop_image) ## check the image ## check the image outfile=outfile+1 ## improve this and instead of passing file names of whole images to the findtemplate function ## pass the cropped image that already exists here ## for now, not changing too drastically on something that works ## slow tweaks ensuring what works functionally well doesnt break down beads=findtemplate(templateimagefile, targetimagefile, region.bbox, outfile, thresholdval) ax.add_patch(rect) ax.set_axis_off() plt.tight_layout() outfile=args.outfile + "_totaldroplets-" + str(droplet_count) + ".png" print "...saving image file...." print outfile print "........................" plt.savefig(outfile) ## activate this if you want to examine how the processed images are turning out and stop/start with different input parameters; key one being --cutoff_area print " droplets identified in the image:" print droplet_count print "..."
def __getitem__(self, idx): fileName = self.fileList[idx] # load image imgName = os.path.join(self.dataFolder, fileName + '_mlt.png') image = io.imread(imgName) if len(image.shape) == 2: image = np.tile(image[..., None], (1, 3)) image = np.float32(image) / 255.0 # load albedo albedoName = os.path.join(self.albedoFolder, fileName + '_mlt_albedo.png') albedo = io.imread(albedoName) if len(albedo.shape) == 2: albedo = np.tile(albedo[..., None], (1, 3)) albedo = np.float32(albedo) / 255.0 albedo[albedo < 1e-6] = 1e-6 # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # complicated code copied from CGI # I don't really think this block of code is totally correct # get shading and mask according to the code maskName = os.path.join(self.dataFolder, fileName + "_mlt_mask.png") mask = io.imread(maskName) mask = np.float32(mask) / 255.0 gt_R_gray = np.mean(albedo, 2) mask[gt_R_gray < 1e-6] = 0 mask[np.mean(image, 2) < 1e-6] = 0 mask = skimage.morphology.binary_erosion(mask, square(11)) mask = np.expand_dims(mask, axis=2) mask = np.repeat(mask, 3, axis=2) albedo[albedo < 1e-6] = 1e-6 rgb_img = image**2.2 shading = rgb_img / albedo mask[ shading > 10] = 0 # CGI code this value is set to be 10, but I think it is wrong #mask[shading > 20] = 0 mask[shading < 1e-4] = 0 shading[shading < 1e-4] = 1e-4 shading[shading > 20] = 20 if np.sum(mask) < 10: max_S = 1.0 else: max_S = np.percentile(shading[mask > 0.5], 90) shading = shading / max_S mask = np.float32(np.abs(np.sum(mask, axis=2) / 3.0 - 1.0) < 1e-6) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## shading saved as raw #shadingName = os.path.join(self.shadingFolder, fileName + '.tiff') #shading = imageio.imread(shadingName) #if len(shading.shape)==2: # shading = np.tile(shading[...,None], (1, 3)) #shading = shading/20.0 if fileName in self.missingList: # no normal imgHeight = image.shape[0] imgWidth = image.shape[1] normal = np.zeros((imgHeight, imgWidth, 3)) normalMask = np.zeros((imgHeight, imgWidth)) else: normalName = os.path.join(self.normalFolder, fileName + '_norm_camera.png') normal = io.imread(normalName) normalMaskName = os.path.join(self.normalFolder, fileName + '_valid.png') normalMask = io.imread(normalMaskName) if self.transform: image, albedo, shading, normal, mask, normalMask = \ self.transform([image, albedo, shading, normal, mask, normalMask]) return image, albedo, shading, normal, mask, normalMask
def _get_batches_of_transformed_samples(self, index_array): batch_x = [] batch_y = [] #print(index_array) for batch_index, image_index in enumerate(index_array): row = self.image_table.iloc[image_index] img_id = row.ImageId if img_id in exclude_list: continue img0 = cv2.imread(path.join(images_folder, '{0}'.format(img_id)), cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) mask_path = path.join(masks_folder, '{0}.png'.format(img_id[:-4])) if not os.path.exists(mask_path): msk0 = np.zeros((768, 768, 3)) lbl0 = np.zeros((768, 768)) else: msk0 = cv2.imread(mask_path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) lbl0 = cv2.imread( path.join(labels_folder, '{0}.tif'.format(img_id[:-4])), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) if img0.shape[0] == 0 or msk0.shape[0] == 0 or lbl0.shape[ 0] == 0: img0 = np.zeros((768, 768, 3)) msk0 = np.zeros((768, 768, 3)) lbl0 = np.zeros((768, 768)) # print('mask_path', mask_path) # print('img_shape', img0.shape, 'mask_shape', msk0.shape) tmp = np.zeros_like(msk0[..., 0], dtype='uint8') tmp[1:-1, 1:-1] = msk0[1:-1, 1:-1, 0] good4copy = list( set(np.unique(lbl0[lbl0 > 0])).symmetric_difference( np.unique(lbl0[(lbl0 > 0) & (tmp == 0)]))) x0 = random.randint(0, img0.shape[1] - self.input_shape[1]) y0 = random.randint(0, img0.shape[0] - self.input_shape[0]) img = img0[y0:y0 + self.input_shape[0], x0:x0 + self.input_shape[1], :] msk = msk0[y0:y0 + self.input_shape[0], x0:x0 + self.input_shape[1], :] if len(good4copy) > 0 and random.random() > 0.75: num_copy = random.randrange(1, min(6, len(good4copy) + 1)) lbl_max = lbl0.max() for i in range(num_copy): lbl_max += 1 l_id = random.choice(good4copy) lbl_msk = lbl0 == l_id row, col = np.where(lbl_msk) y1, x1 = np.min(np.where(lbl_msk), axis=1) y2, x2 = np.max(np.where(lbl_msk), axis=1) lbl_msk = lbl_msk[y1:y2 + 1, x1:x2 + 1] lbl_img = img0[y1:y2 + 1, x1:x2 + 1, :] if random.random() > 0.5: lbl_msk = lbl_msk[:, ::-1, ...] lbl_img = lbl_img[:, ::-1, ...] rot = random.randrange(4) if rot > 0: lbl_msk = np.rot90(lbl_msk, k=rot) lbl_img = np.rot90(lbl_img, k=rot) x1 = random.randint( max(0, x0 - lbl_msk.shape[1] // 2), min(img0.shape[1] - lbl_msk.shape[1], x0 + self.input_shape[1] - lbl_msk.shape[1] // 2)) y1 = random.randint( max(0, y0 - lbl_msk.shape[0] // 2), min(img0.shape[0] - lbl_msk.shape[0], y0 + self.input_shape[0] - lbl_msk.shape[0] // 2)) tmp = erosion(lbl_msk, square(5)) lbl_msk_dif = lbl_msk ^ tmp tmp = dilation(lbl_msk, square(5)) lbl_msk_dif = lbl_msk_dif | (tmp ^ lbl_msk) lbl0[y1:y1 + lbl_msk.shape[0], x1:x1 + lbl_msk.shape[1]][lbl_msk] = lbl_max img0[y1:y1 + lbl_msk.shape[0], x1:x1 + lbl_msk.shape[1]][lbl_msk] = lbl_img[lbl_msk] full_diff_mask = np.zeros_like(img0[..., 0], dtype='bool') full_diff_mask[y1:y1 + lbl_msk.shape[0], x1:x1 + lbl_msk.shape[1]] = lbl_msk_dif img0[..., 0][full_diff_mask] = median( img0[..., 0], mask=full_diff_mask)[full_diff_mask] img0[..., 1][full_diff_mask] = median( img0[..., 1], mask=full_diff_mask)[full_diff_mask] img0[..., 2][full_diff_mask] = median( img0[..., 2], mask=full_diff_mask)[full_diff_mask] img = img0[y0:y0 + self.input_shape[0], x0:x0 + self.input_shape[1], :] lbl = lbl0[y0:y0 + self.input_shape[0], x0:x0 + self.input_shape[1]] msk = create_mask(lbl) # return img, msk data = self.random_transformers[0](image=img[..., ::-1], mask=msk) img = data['image'][..., ::-1] msk = data['mask'] msk = msk.astype('float') msk[..., 0] = (msk[..., 0] > 127) * 1 msk[..., 1] = (msk[..., 1] > 127) * (msk[..., 0] == 0) * 1 msk[..., 2] = (msk[..., 1] == 0) * (msk[..., 0] == 0) * 1 otp = msk img = np.concatenate([img, bgr_to_lab(img)], axis=2) batch_x.append(img) batch_y.append(otp) batch_x = np.array(batch_x, dtype="float32") batch_y = np.array(batch_y, dtype="float32") batch_x = preprocess_input(batch_x) return self.transform_batch_x(batch_x), self.transform_batch_y(batch_y)
add_image APIs """ from skimage import data from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu from skimage.segmentation import clear_border from skimage.measure import label from skimage.morphology import closing, square, remove_small_objects from napari import ViewerApp from napari.util import app_context with app_context(): image = data.coins()[50:-50, 50:-50] # apply threshold thresh = threshold_otsu(image) bw = closing(image > thresh, square(4)) # remove artifacts connected to image border cleared = remove_small_objects(clear_border(bw), 20) # label image regions label_image = label(cleared) # initialise viewer with astro image viewer = ViewerApp(coins=image, multichannel=False) viewer.layers[0].colormap = 'gray' # add the labels label_layer = viewer.add_labels(label_image, name='segmentation')
def __getitem__(self, idx): _idx = self.train_idxs[idx] fn = self.all_files[_idx] img = cv2.imread(fn, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) img2 = cv2.imread(fn.replace('_pre_disaster', '_post_disaster'), cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) msk0 = cv2.imread(fn.replace('/images/', '/masks/'), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) lbl_msk1 = cv2.imread( fn.replace('/images/', '/masks/').replace('_pre_disaster', '_post_disaster'), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) msk1 = np.zeros_like(lbl_msk1) msk2 = np.zeros_like(lbl_msk1) msk3 = np.zeros_like(lbl_msk1) msk4 = np.zeros_like(lbl_msk1) msk2[lbl_msk1 == 2] = 255 msk3[lbl_msk1 == 3] = 255 msk4[lbl_msk1 == 4] = 255 msk1[lbl_msk1 == 1] = 255 if random.random() > 0.5: img = img[::-1, ...] img2 = img2[::-1, ...] msk0 = msk0[::-1, ...] msk1 = msk1[::-1, ...] msk2 = msk2[::-1, ...] msk3 = msk3[::-1, ...] msk4 = msk4[::-1, ...] if random.random() > 0.05: rot = random.randrange(4) if rot > 0: img = np.rot90(img, k=rot) img2 = np.rot90(img2, k=rot) msk0 = np.rot90(msk0, k=rot) msk1 = np.rot90(msk1, k=rot) msk2 = np.rot90(msk2, k=rot) msk3 = np.rot90(msk3, k=rot) msk4 = np.rot90(msk4, k=rot) if random.random() > 0.9: shift_pnt = (random.randint(-320, 320), random.randint(-320, 320)) img = shift_image(img, shift_pnt) img2 = shift_image(img2, shift_pnt) msk0 = shift_image(msk0, shift_pnt) msk1 = shift_image(msk1, shift_pnt) msk2 = shift_image(msk2, shift_pnt) msk3 = shift_image(msk3, shift_pnt) msk4 = shift_image(msk4, shift_pnt) if random.random() > 0.6: rot_pnt = (img.shape[0] // 2 + random.randint(-320, 320), img.shape[1] // 2 + random.randint(-320, 320)) scale = 0.9 + random.random() * 0.2 angle = random.randint(0, 20) - 10 if (angle != 0) or (scale != 1): img = rotate_image(img, angle, scale, rot_pnt) img2 = rotate_image(img2, angle, scale, rot_pnt) msk0 = rotate_image(msk0, angle, scale, rot_pnt) msk1 = rotate_image(msk1, angle, scale, rot_pnt) msk2 = rotate_image(msk2, angle, scale, rot_pnt) msk3 = rotate_image(msk3, angle, scale, rot_pnt) msk4 = rotate_image(msk4, angle, scale, rot_pnt) if random.random() > 0.985: img = shift_channels(img, random.randint(-5, 5), random.randint(-5, 5), random.randint(-5, 5)) elif random.random() > 0.985: img2 = shift_channels(img2, random.randint(-5, 5), random.randint(-5, 5), random.randint(-5, 5)) if random.random() > 0.985: img = change_hsv(img, random.randint(-5, 5), random.randint(-5, 5), random.randint(-5, 5)) elif random.random() > 0.985: img2 = change_hsv(img2, random.randint(-5, 5), random.randint(-5, 5), random.randint(-5, 5)) if random.random() > 0.98: if random.random() > 0.985: img = clahe(img) elif random.random() > 0.985: img = gauss_noise(img) elif random.random() > 0.985: img = cv2.blur(img, (3, 3)) elif random.random() > 0.98: if random.random() > 0.985: img = saturation(img, 0.9 + random.random() * 0.2) elif random.random() > 0.985: img = brightness(img, 0.9 + random.random() * 0.2) elif random.random() > 0.985: img = contrast(img, 0.9 + random.random() * 0.2) if random.random() > 0.98: if random.random() > 0.985: img2 = clahe(img2) elif random.random() > 0.985: img2 = gauss_noise(img2) elif random.random() > 0.985: img2 = cv2.blur(img2, (3, 3)) elif random.random() > 0.98: if random.random() > 0.985: img2 = saturation(img2, 0.9 + random.random() * 0.2) elif random.random() > 0.985: img2 = brightness(img2, 0.9 + random.random() * 0.2) elif random.random() > 0.985: img2 = contrast(img2, 0.9 + random.random() * 0.2) if random.random() > 0.983: el_det = self.elastic.to_deterministic() img = el_det.augment_image(img) if random.random() > 0.983: el_det = self.elastic.to_deterministic() img2 = el_det.augment_image(img2) msk0 = msk0[..., np.newaxis] msk1 = msk1[..., np.newaxis] msk2 = msk2[..., np.newaxis] msk3 = msk3[..., np.newaxis] msk4 = msk4[..., np.newaxis] msk = np.concatenate([msk0, msk1, msk2, msk3, msk4], axis=2) msk = (msk > 127) msk[..., 0] = False msk[..., 1] = dilation(msk[..., 1], square(5)) msk[..., 2] = dilation(msk[..., 2], square(5)) msk[..., 3] = dilation(msk[..., 3], square(5)) msk[..., 4] = dilation(msk[..., 4], square(5)) msk[..., 1][msk[..., 2:].max(axis=2)] = False msk[..., 3][msk[..., 2]] = False msk[..., 4][msk[..., 2]] = False msk[..., 4][msk[..., 3]] = False msk[..., 0][msk[..., 1:].max(axis=2)] = True msk = msk * 1 lbl_msk = msk.argmax(axis=2) img = np.concatenate([img, img2], axis=2) img = preprocess_inputs(img) img = torch.from_numpy(img.transpose((2, 0, 1))).float() msk = torch.from_numpy(msk.transpose((2, 0, 1))).long() sample = {'img': img, 'msk': msk, 'lbl_msk': lbl_msk, 'fn': fn} return sample
sharey=True) ax0.imshow(np.squeeze(test_img).astype('uint8'), cmap='gray') ax1.imshow(overlay) # # general way # In[19]: # the rest defects defects_ # In[20]: start_time = time.time() bin_img = morphology.binary_closing((pred_img > 0), morphology.square(3)) label_img = measure.label(bin_img > 0) regions = measure.regionprops(label_img) proc_time = time.time() - start_time print('proc time = ', proc_time) overlay = np.squeeze(test_img).copy().astype('uint8') for region in regions: label = region.label area = region.area if area < 0: continue y0, x0, y1, x1 = region.bbox
def use_mask_tif(): for one_color in unique_colors: # print("one_color",one_color) # (0, 255, 127) # new_img=np.where(loaded_img_mask[:,:,:3]==np.array(one_color),1.0,0.0) loaded_img_mask_proc = loaded_img_mask[:, :, :3] # (0, 255, 127) locations are True new_img = np.all(loaded_img_mask_proc == np.array(one_color), axis=2) # print("new_img",new_img.shape) # print("new_img",new_img) new_img = skimage.morphology.binary_dilation(new_img, square(3)) new_img = new_img[:, :, np.newaxis].astype("uint8") # None (0, 255, 127) locations are 1 new_img = np.where(new_img == 0, 1, 0) # print("new_img",new_img) masked_img = loaded_img_crop * new_img stacked = np.vstack(masked_img) # # print("stacked",stacked.shape) # # (234971, 3) # # afaf # # stacked=loaded_img_crop_mask.reshape((-1,3)) # # print("stacked",stacked.shape) # # (234971, 3) idx = np.all(stacked == [0, 0, 0], 1) # # print("idx",idxs.shape) # # idx (234971,) # # print("idx",idx) # # afaf # a1=np.vstack(loaded_img_crop) stacked[idx] = [0, 255, 0] # # print("a1",a1.shape) # # a1 (234971, 3) loaded_img_crop_new = stacked.reshape(loaded_img_crop.shape[0], loaded_img_crop.shape[1], 3) # print("loaded_img_crop",loaded_img_crop.shape) # loaded_img_crop_masked=loaded_img_crop[loaded_img_crop_mask] # print("loaded_img_crop_masked",loaded_img_crop_masked) # # loaded_img_crop[loaded_img_crop_mask] (18, 3) # # loaded_img_crop[loaded_img_crop_mask] (387, 3) # # loaded_img_crop[loaded_img_crop_mask] (234971, 3) # # loaded_img_crop[loaded_img_crop_mask] (1629, 3) # loaded_img_crop[loaded_img_crop_mask]=[0,250,0] # # print("loaded_img_crop",loaded_img_crop) # plt.imshow(loaded_img_crop*nesw_img) plt.imshow(loaded_img_crop_new) plt.title("File: 1_Region 1_mask.tif, " + str(one_color)) # /home/young/Pictures/2019_04_14_10:01:03.png # /home/young/Pictures/2019_04_14_10:01:18.png # /home/young/Pictures/2019_04_14_10:01:34.png
def dist_map(x, y, z, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, dx, delta_s): """function for centerline rasterization and distance map calculation inputs: x,y,z - coordinates of centerline xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax - x and y coordinates that define the area of interest dx - gridcell size (m) delta_s - distance between points along centerline (m) returns: cl_dist - distance map (distance from centerline) x_pix, y_pix, z_pix - x,y, and z pixel coordinates of the centerline s_pix - along-channel distance in pixels z_map - map of reference channel thalweg elevation (elevation of closest point along centerline) x, y, z - x,y,z centerline coordinates clipped to the 3D model domain""" y = y[(x > xmin) & (x < xmax)] z = z[(x > xmin) & (x < xmax)] x = x[(x > xmin) & (x < xmax)] dummy, dy, dz, ds, s = compute_derivatives(x, y, z) if len(np.where(ds > 2 * delta_s)[0]) > 0: inds = np.where(ds > 2 * delta_s)[0] inds = np.hstack((0, inds, len(x))) lengths = np.diff(inds) long_segment = np.where(lengths == max(lengths))[0][0] start_ind = inds[long_segment] + 1 end_ind = inds[long_segment + 1] if end_ind < len(x): x = x[start_ind:end_ind] y = y[start_ind:end_ind] z = z[start_ind:end_ind] else: x = x[start_ind:] y = y[start_ind:] z = z[start_ind:] xdist = xmax - xmin ydist = ymax - ymin iwidth = int((xmax - xmin) / dx) iheight = int((ymax - ymin) / dx) xratio = iwidth / xdist # create list with pixel coordinates: pixels = [] for i in range(0, len(x)): px = int(iwidth - (xmax - x[i]) * xratio) py = int(iheight - (ymax - y[i]) * xratio) pixels.append((px, py)) # create image and numpy array: img ="RGB", (iwidth, iheight), "white") draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) draw.line(pixels, fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)") # draw centerline as black line pix = np.array(img) cl = pix[:, :, 0] cl[cl == 255] = 1 # set background to 1 (centerline is 0) y_pix, x_pix = np.where(cl == 0) x_pix, y_pix = order_cl_pixels(x_pix, y_pix) # This next block of code is kind of a hack. Looking for, and eliminating, 'bad' pixels. img = np.array(img) img = img[:, :, 0] img[img == 255] = 1 img1 = morphology.binary_dilation(img, morphology.square(2)).astype(np.uint8) if len(np.where(img1 == 0)[0]) > 0: x_pix, y_pix = eliminate_bad_pixels(img, img1) x_pix, y_pix = order_cl_pixels(x_pix, y_pix) img1 = morphology.binary_dilation( img, np.array([[1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]], dtype=np.uint8)).astype(np.uint8) if len(np.where(img1 == 0)[0]) > 0: x_pix, y_pix = eliminate_bad_pixels(img, img1) x_pix, y_pix = order_cl_pixels(x_pix, y_pix) img1 = morphology.binary_dilation( img, np.array([[1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1]], dtype=np.uint8)).astype(np.uint8) if len(np.where(img1 == 0)[0]) > 0: x_pix, y_pix = eliminate_bad_pixels(img, img1) x_pix, y_pix = order_cl_pixels(x_pix, y_pix) #redo the distance calculation (because x_pix and y_pix do not always contain all the points in cl): cl[cl == 0] = 1 cl[y_pix, x_pix] = 0 cl_dist, inds = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(cl, return_indices=True) dx, dy, dz, ds, s = compute_derivatives(x, y, z) # dx_pix,dy_pix,ds_pix,s_pix = compute_derivatives(x_pix,y_pix) # needed for s_pix only dx_pix = np.gradient(x_pix) dy_pix = np.gradient(y_pix) ds_pix = np.sqrt(dx_pix**2 + dy_pix**2) s_pix = np.cumsum(ds_pix) f = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(s, z) snew = s_pix * s[-1] / s_pix[-1] if snew[-1] > s[-1]: snew[-1] = s[-1] snew[snew < s[0]] = s[0] z_pix = f(snew) # create z_map: z_map = np.zeros(np.shape(cl_dist)) z_map[y_pix, x_pix] = z_pix xinds = inds[1, :, :] yinds = inds[0, :, :] for i in range(0, len(x_pix)): z_map[(xinds == x_pix[i]) & (yinds == y_pix[i])] = z_pix[i] return cl_dist, x_pix, y_pix, z_pix, s_pix, z_map, x, y, z
def run_model(file_to_predict, cnn_model): model = keras.models.load_model(cnn_model) # notice: the image_path corresponds to certain image; ## for desinging user interface, image_path should be automatically as the imagepath of the image imported by the user. ## also could design for batch prediction Predicting_image_path = file_to_predict #related to whether the image normalized image_path = Predicting_image_path image = cv2.imread(image_path, 0) image = cv2.resize(image, (576, 576)) image = img_as_float(image) image *= 255.0/image.max() image = image/255.0 image = np.array(image) img = mpimg.imread(image_path) # imgplot = plt.imshow(img) y = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0) result = model.predict(y) result= np.squeeze(result, axis=0) result= np.squeeze(result, axis=-1) plt.imshow(result, cmap = 'gray', interpolation = 'bicubic') plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([]) dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) print("Output for dir path: " , dir_path) save_file = dir_path + "/" + "result_output_test.tif" plt.gca().set_axis_off() plt.subplots_adjust(top = 1, bottom = 0, right = 1, left = 0, hspace = 0, wspace = 0) plt.margins(0,0) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) plt.savefig(save_file, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) prediction_data = result # only show the boundary: ## Critical: must notice the output of CNN is pixel with continous numbers: # higher accuracy, the closer it is to the pixel values designated in masks. # thus, the number "0.6" made here is arbitary, depends on the accuracy of CNN, if Accuracy is high, it should be close to 1.0 ### could influence the quantification result by thining or expending the boundary/membrane areas ## could also find ways to show other ROI predicted to make more options for the user. prediction_data[prediction_data >= 0.7] = 1 prediction_data[prediction_data < 0.7] = 0 prediction_data = prediction_data.astype('int') prediction_data = morphology.remove_small_objects(prediction_data.astype(bool),64) prediction_data = prediction_data.astype('float32') prediction_data = skimage.morphology.closing(prediction_data, square(3)) ## add the row at the margin of image, because of bad annotation, the boundary in image margin would be miss classified. ROW= [0,1,2,3,4,5] for I in ROW: prediction_data[I,:]=1 prediction_data[:,I]=1 prediction_data[-I,:]=1 prediction_data[:,-I]=1 #change the interior area to value 1 prediction_data[prediction_data == 1.0] = 0.5 prediction_data[prediction_data == 0.0] = 1.0 prediction_data[prediction_data == 0.5] = 0.0 s = generate_binary_structure(2,2) # num_features # how many ROI/unconnected object it find labeled_array, num_features = label(prediction_data, structure=s) unique, counts = np.unique(labeled_array, return_counts=True) dict(zip(unique, counts)) for i in range(num_features+1): if np.count_nonzero(labeled_array == i)>1000: #discard small ROI a = np.count_nonzero(labeled_array == i) # print('pixel area =',np.count_nonzero(labeled_array == i)) b = ndimage.sum(image, labeled_array, index=[i]) # print('pixel intensity =',ndimage.sum(image, labeled_array, index=[i])) arr_1 = (labeled_array == i).astype(int) a1=np.roll(arr_1, 8, axis=0) a2=np.roll(arr_1, -8, axis=0) a3=np.roll(arr_1, 8, axis=1) a4=np.roll(arr_1, -8, axis=1) a5=a1+a2+a3+a4 a5[a5 > i-0.1] = 1 c= ndimage.sum(image, a5, index=[1])-b # print('pixel intensity in boundary =',c) ## Critical: the value "8" in np.rool meas to expand the region i by 8 pixels ### the value "8" corresponds to the length of the cell membranes. ## Critical: the prediction accuracy of CNN also would influence the parameter used in np.rool: ### also related to the parameter in "#only show the boundary:" lines slice_x, slice_y = ndimage.find_objects(labeled_array == i)[0] roi = labeled_array[slice_x, slice_y]
for z in range(1, 5): first_patient = load_scan(INPUT_FOLDER + patients[z]) first_patient_pixels = get_pixels_hu(first_patient) im = Image.fromarray( (first_patient_pixels[np.shape(first_patient_pixels)[0] / 2] + 1024) / 8) im = im.convert(mode="L") im = im.filter(ImageFilter.MedianFilter(15)) pxl = np.array(im) thresh = threshold_otsu(pxl) pxl2 = 255 * (pxl > thresh) #im2 = Image.fromarray(pxl2) selem = square(150) closed = closing(pxl2, selem) #im2 = Image.fromarray(closed) a = closed - pxl2 selem = square(20) closed = closing(a, selem) selem = disk(6) #closed = erosion(closed, selem) #im2 = Image.fromarray(closed) mul = (closed > 150) * pxl mask = (255 - closed) + mul mul = 255 * (mul > .44 * (np.max(mul) - np.min(mask))) #mul = 255*(mul>thresh) mul = opening(mul, selem)
def framefeats(movie, frame, labels, counter, ring_flag): labels = labels.astype(int) labels_bin = labels == 0 features_temp = [] ims = [] for j in range(movie.channels): im = movie.read_raw(j, frame) features_temp.append(regionprops(labels, im)) if ring_flag: ims.append(im) features = dict() features['tracking'] = np.zeros((len(features_temp[0]), 13)) features['data'] = np.zeros((len(features_temp[0]), 22)) new_label = np.zeros((movie.dims[0], movie.dims[1])) for j in range(len(features_temp[0])): # Tracking Features cell_temp = features_temp[0][j] ypos = cell_temp.centroid[0] xpos = cell_temp.centroid[1] features['tracking'][j, 0] = counter features['tracking'][j, 2] = xpos features['tracking'][j, 3] = ypos features['tracking'][j, 4] = min( [ypos, movie.dims[0] - ypos, xpos, movie.dims[1] - xpos]) # Morphology Features features['data'][j, 0] = cell_temp.area features['data'][j, 1] = cell_temp.eccentricity features['data'][j, 2] = cell_temp.major_axis_length features['data'][j, 3] = cell_temp.perimeter # Determine region for dilation if ring_flag: r = int(np.round(cell_temp.perimeter / 5)) bbox = cell_temp.bbox bbox_dil = (np.maximum(0, bbox[0] - r), np.maximum(0, bbox[1] - r), np.minimum(movie.dims[0], bbox[2] + r - 1), np.minimum(movie.dims[1], bbox[3] + r - 1)) pad = ((bbox[0] - bbox_dil[0], bbox_dil[2] - bbox[2]), (bbox[1] - bbox_dil[1], bbox_dil[3] - bbox[3])) image_dil = np.pad(cell_temp.image, pad, 'constant') image_dil = dilation(image_dil, square(r)) bin_roi = labels_bin[bbox_dil[0]:bbox_dil[2], bbox_dil[1]:bbox_dil[3]] ring_region = np.logical_and(image_dil, bin_roi) # Intensity Measurements for classification for k in range(0, movie.channels): cell_temp = features_temp[k][j] mu = cell_temp.mean_intensity im_temp = cell_temp.intensity_image.flatten() bin_temp = cell_temp.image.flatten() im_temp = im_temp[bin_temp] ind = k * 6 + 4 features['data'][j, ind] = mu features['data'][j, ind + 1] = np.median(im_temp) features['data'][j, ind + 2] = np.std(im_temp) features['data'][j, ind + 3] = np.std(im_temp[im_temp > mu]) if ring_flag: im_roi = ims[k][bbox_dil[0]:bbox_dil[2], bbox_dil[1]:bbox_dil[3]] ring_region_vals = im_roi[ring_region].flatten() features['data'][j, ind + 4] = np.mean(ring_region_vals) features['data'][j, ind + 5] = np.median(ring_region_vals) new_label[labels == cell_temp.label] = counter counter += 1 features['data'][np.isinf(features['data'])] = 0 features['data'][np.isnan(features['data'])] = 0 return features, new_label, counter
"/home/apages/pysrc/KernelPheno/data/DSC05389.jpeg", "/home/apages/pysrc/KernelPheno/data/DSC05384.jpeg"] br_thresh_sum = 0 num_images = 0 for path in img_files: col = imread(path) gray = rgb2gray(col) thresh = threshold_otsu(gray) num_images += 1 br_thresh_sum += thresh print("Threshold: " + str(thresh)) bw = closing(gray > thresh, square(3)) masked = col.copy() masked[np.where(bw)] = [0,0,0] # plt.imshow(masked) # avg = br_thresh_sum / num_images print("Average: " + str(avg)) for path in img_files: col = imread(path) gray = rgb2gray(col) thresh = threshold_otsu(gray) bw = closing(gray > thresh, square(3))
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as mpatches from skimage import data, filters, segmentation, measure, morphology, color #加载并裁剪硬币图片 imgname1 = "009-b.jpg" imgname2 = "003-b.jpg" img1 = cv2.imread(imgname1) img2 = cv2.imread(imgname2) image = data.coins()[50:-50, 50:-50] gray1 = cv2.cvtColor(img1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) image = gray1 thresh = filters.threshold_otsu(image) #阈值分割 bw = morphology.closing(image > thresh, morphology.square(3)) #闭运算 cleared = bw.copy() #复制 segmentation.clear_border(cleared) #清除与边界相连的目标物 label_image = measure.label(cleared) #连通区域标记 borders = np.logical_xor(bw, cleared) #异或 label_image[borders] = -1 image_label_overlay = color.label2rgb(label_image, image=image) #不同标记用不同颜色显示 fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 6)) ax0.imshow(cleared, ax1.imshow(image_label_overlay) for region in measure.regionprops(label_image): #循环得到每一个连通区域属性集