예제 #1
def test_seam_carving():
    img = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                    [0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]],
    energy = 1 - img

    out = transform.seam_carve(img, energy, 'vertical', 1, border=0)
    testing.assert_allclose(out, 0)

    img = img.T
    out = transform.seam_carve(img, energy, 'horizontal', 1, border=0)
    testing.assert_allclose(out, 0)
예제 #2
def seam_carve(image,
    '''Converts an image into target width and height by using seam carving

    :param image: Input image to be reduced to target width and height
    :type image: array_like
    :param target_width: target width of image
    :type target_width: int
    :param target_height: target height of image
    :type target_height: int
    :param energy_map: A function used to construct the energy matrix for the image
    :type energy_map: function

    :return: Seam carved image in which vertical and horizontal seams
        have been identified and removed to meet the target image size.
    :rtype: ndarray

    src_height, src_width = image.shape[:2]
    t_height = int(float(src_height) * target_width / src_width)
    if t_height > target_height:
        logging.info('Reducing image size to %d x %d', target_width, t_height)
        # Let's do a first level resizing
        image = vision.resize_by_width(image, target_width)
        src_height, src_width = image.shape[:2]
    t_width = int(float(src_width) * target_height / src_height)
    if t_width > target_width:
        logging.info('Reducing image size to %d x %d', t_width, target_height)
        image = vision.resize_by_height(image, target_height)
        src_height, src_width = image.shape[:2]
    if target_width < src_width:
        # compute the energy matrix for the image
        energy_matrix = energy_map(image)
        # We need to remove some vertical seams
        num_seams_to_remove = src_width - target_width
        logging.info('Removing %d vertical seams', num_seams_to_remove)
        image = transform.seam_carve(image, energy_matrix, 'vertical',
        image = (image * 255).astype('uint8')
    if target_height < src_height:
        # compute the energy matrix for the image
        energy_matrix = energy_map(image)
        # We need to remove some horizontal seams
        num_seams_to_remove = src_height - target_height
        logging.info('Removing %d horizontal seams', num_seams_to_remove)
        image = transform.seam_carve(image, energy_matrix, 'horizontal',
        image = (image * 255).astype('uint8')
    return image
예제 #3
def test_seam_carving():
    img = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                    [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                    [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.float)
    energy = 1 - img

    out = transform.seam_carve(img, energy, 'vertical', 1, border=0)
    testing.assert_allclose(out, 0)

    img = img.T
    out = transform.seam_carve(img, energy, 'horizontal', 1, border=0)
    testing.assert_allclose(out, 0)
예제 #4
def work_work_progress(img, remove_direction, num_of_seam_to_delete,
    # Perform seam carving without save option
    # don't save image if progress button is click, just show it, because if save, a lot of image will be save.

    import cv2
    from skimage import transform

    from algo import my_algorithm

    direction = remove_direction  # vertical/horizontal
    seams_per_iter = num_of_seam_to_delete  # number of pixels to remove each iteration

    cv2.imshow('Original Image', img)
    # # images resizing
    # print(img.shape)
    # size_change = img.shape
    # size_change = [int(x * 1) for x in size_change]
    # img = cv2.resize(img, (size_change[1], size_change[0]))
    # print(img.shape)

    energy_map = my_algorithm(img, algo_type)

    # put images into a array
    buffer_image = []
    for i in range(0, seams_per_iter):
        image_result = transform.seam_carve(img, energy_map, direction, i)

    # Show images only when the steps can be divided by 10
    for i in range(0, len(buffer_image)):
        current_progress = str(i)
        if i % 10 == 0:
            cv2.imshow("Result " + current_progress, buffer_image[i])
예제 #5
def carveImg(tImag, tType):
    if os.path.exists(tImag) is False:
        print(u"%s not found" % tImag)

    # load the image and convert it to grayscale
    image = cv2.imread(tImag)
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    # compute the Sobel gradient magnitude representation
    # of the image -- this will serve as our "energy map"
    # input to the seam carving algorithm
    lTemp = filters.sobel(gray.astype("float"))

    # show the original image
    cv2.imshow("Original", image)
    cv2.imshow("temp", lTemp)

    # loop over a number of seams to remove
    for numSeams in range(10, 140, 5):
        # perform seam carving, removing the desired number
        # of frames from the image -- `vertical` cuts will
        # change the image width while `horizontal` cuts will
        # change the image height
        carved = transform.seam_carve(image, lTemp, tType, numSeams)
        print("[INFO] removing {} seams; new size: "
              "w={}, h={}".format(numSeams, carved.shape[1], carved.shape[0]))
        # show the output of the seam carving algorithm
        cv2.imshow("Carved", carved)
def updatePhoto(e, direction, arrow):
    global xSeams
    global ySeams
    global mag
    global root
    global panel
    global image

    vh = ""
    seam = 0
    if direction == "x":
        if arrow == "left":
            xSeams += 2
        if arrow == "right":
            xSeams -= 2
        vh = "vertical"
        seam = xSeams

    if direction == "y":
        if arrow == "up":
            ySeams += 2
        if arrow == "down":
            ySeams -= 2
        vh = "horizontal"
        seam = ySeams

    carved = transform.seam_carve(image, mag, vh, seam)
    b, g, r = cv2.split(carved * 255)
    carved_image = cv2.merge((r, g, b))
    display_image = Image.fromarray(carved_image.astype("uint8"))
    display_image_actual = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=display_image)
    panel.image = display_image_actual
예제 #7
def image_resize(request):
    json_data = json.loads(request.body.decode('utf-8'))
    width = abs(json_data['width'])
    height = abs(json_data['height'])
    img = json_data['image']
    ext = img.split('.')[-1]
    if request.user.is_authenticated:
        username = request.user.username
        query = (
            | Media.objects.filter(image=img).filter(public=True)).first()
        print(query.width, width, query.height, height)
        if query.width - width < 0 or query.height - height < 0:
            return JsonResponse({"error": "Invalid height and width"})
        if query is not None:
            imgpath = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, img)
            image = Image.open(imgpath)
            np_img = np.array(image)
            np_img = util.img_as_float(np_img)
            eimg = filters.sobel(color.rgb2gray(np_img))
            out = transform.seam_carve(np_img, eimg, 'horizontal',
                                       query.height - height)
            out = out / out.max()
            out = out * 255
            eimg = filters.sobel(color.rgb2gray(out))
            out = transform.seam_carve(out, eimg, 'vertical',
                                       query.width - width)
            out = out / out.max()
            out = out * 255
            out = out.astype(np.uint8)
            image = Image.fromarray(out)
            image = image.resize((width, height), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
            output = BytesIO()
            image.save(output, 'JPEG')
            filecontent = ContentFile(output.getvalue())
            media = Media()
            media.owner = request.user
            media.dislay_name = query.display_name + ' Resized'
            media.public = query.public
            media.image.save('image.jpg', File(filecontent), save=True)
            return JsonResponse({'link': media.get_link()})
            raise Http404
        return redirect('/login?next=/upload')
예제 #8
def image_remove(request):
    json_data = json.loads(request.body.decode('utf-8'))
    # width = abs(json_data['width'])
    # height = abs(json_data['height'])
    img = json_data['image']
    points = json_data['points']

    if request.user.is_authenticated:
        username = request.user.username
        query = (
            | Media.objects.filter(public=True)).first()
        if query is not None:
            imgpath = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, img)
            image = Image.open(imgpath)
            np_img = np.array(image)
            np_img = util.img_as_float(np_img)

            poly = []
            xmax = points[0]['x']
            xmin = points[0]['x']
            for point in points:
                xmax = max(xmax, point['y'])
                xmin = min(xmin, point['y'])
                poly.append((point['y'], point['x']))
            pr = np.array([p[0] for p in poly])
            pc = np.array([p[1] for p in poly])
            rr, cc = draw.polygon(pr, pc)
            ext = img.split('.')[-1]
            eimg = filters.sobel(color.rgb2gray(np_img))
            print(rr.max(), rr.min(), cc)
            eimg[rr, cc] -= 1000

            out = transform.seam_carve(np_img, eimg, 'vertical',
                                       (xmax - xmin) // 3) * 255
            out = out.astype(np.uint8)
            image = Image.fromarray(out)
            # image = image.resize((width, height), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
            output = BytesIO()
            image.save(output, 'BMP')
            filecontent = ContentFile(output.getvalue())
            media = Media()
            media.owner = request.user
            media.dislay_name = query.display_name + ' Resized'
            media.public = query.public
            media.image.save('image.jpg', File(filecontent), save=True)
            return JsonResponse({'link': media.get_link()})
            raise Http404
        return redirect('/login?next=/upload')
예제 #9
def removeSeam(vid_array, dir, mag):
    F, H, W, _ = vid_array.shape

    newH = H - 1 if (dir == 'horizontal') else H
    newW = W - 1 if (dir == 'vertical') else W

    new_vid_array = np.zeros((F, newH, newW, 3)).astype(np.uint8)

    for frame in range(F):
        new_frame = transform.seam_carve(vid_array[frame], mag, dir, 1) * 255.0
        new_vid_array[frame] = new_frame.astype(np.uint8)

    return new_vid_array.astype(np.uint8)
def carve_image(img, size = 480, target_size = 720):
    width, height = img.shape[1], img.shape[0]
    direction = 'vertical'

    rotate = False
    if width < height:
        rotate = True
        img = imutils.rotate_bound(img, 90)
    if height > size:
        img = cv2.resize(img, None, fx=size/height, fy=size/height, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
        width, height = img.shape[1], img.shape[0]
    seams_to_remove = max([width, height]) - min([width, height])
    normal_resize = cv2.resize(img, None, fx=height/width, fy=1, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    mag = filters.sobel(gray.astype('float'))
    for numSeams in range(1, seams_to_remove):
            carved = img_as_ubyte(carved)
            gray = cv2.cvtColor(carved, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            mag = filters.sobel(gray.astype('float'))
            carved = transform.seam_carve(carved, mag, direction, 1)
            carved = transform.seam_carve(img, mag, direction, numSeams)
    carved = img_as_ubyte(carved)
    if rotate:
        carved = imutils.rotate_bound(carved, 270)

    width, height = carved.shape[1], carved.shape[0]
    carved = cv2.resize(carved, None, fx=target_size/height, fy=target_size/height, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)

    return carved
예제 #11
def test_seam_carving():
    img = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                    [0, 1, 0, 0, 1],
                    [1, 0, 0, 1, 0]], dtype=np.float)

    expected = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 1],
                        [0, 0, 1, 0]], dtype=np.float)

    energy = 1 - img

    out = transform.seam_carve(img, energy, 'vertical', 1, border=0)
    testing.assert_equal(out, expected)

    img = img.T
    energy = energy.T

    out = transform.seam_carve(img, energy, 'horizontal', 1, border=0)
    testing.assert_equal(out, expected.T)
예제 #12
def get_resized_image(file, ratio):
    img = util.img_as_float(io.imread(file))
    if len(img.shape) >= 3 and img.shape[2] == 4:
        img = color.rgba2rgb(img)
    if len(img.shape) == 2:
        img = color.gray2rgb(img)

    eimg = filters.sobel(color.rgb2gray(img))
    width = img.shape[1]
    height = img.shape[0]

    mode, rm_paths = get_lines_to_remove((width, height), ratio)
    if mode:
        logger.debug("Carving %s %s paths ", rm_paths, mode)
        outh = transform.seam_carve(img, eimg, mode, rm_paths)
        return outh
        return img
예제 #13
def work_work(img, remove_direction, num_of_seam_to_delete, algo_type):
    # Perform seam carving with save option
    import cv2
    from skimage import transform

    from algo import my_algorithm

    direction = remove_direction  # vertical/horizontal
    seams_per_iter = num_of_seam_to_delete  # number of pixels to remove each iteration (lower is cleaner)

    # # images resizing
    # print(img.shape)
    # size_change = img.shape
    # size_change = [int(x * 1) for x in size_change]
    # img = cv2.resize(img, (size_change[1], size_change[0]))
    # print(img.shape)
    energy_map = my_algorithm(img, algo_type)

    image_result = transform.seam_carve(img, energy_map, direction,
    # current_progress = str(num_of_seam_to_delete)
    return image_result
예제 #14
def seam_carve(img):
    Seam carve image
    :param img: PIL image object
    :return: PIL image object
    # Convert to skimage image
    img_to_convert = img.copy()
    img_to_convert = pil_to_skimage(img_to_convert)
    # Energy Map, used to determine which pixels will be removed
    eimg = filters.sobel(color.rgb2gray(img_to_convert))

    # (height, width)
    img_dimensions = img_to_convert.shape
    # Squish width if width >= height, squish height if height > width
    # Number of pixels to keep along the outer edges (5% of largest dimension)
    # Number of seams to be removed, (1 to 10% of largest dimension)
    if img_dimensions[1] >= img_dimensions[0]:
        mode = "horizontal"
        border = round(img_dimensions[1] * 0.05)
        num_seams = random.randint(1, round(0.1*img_dimensions[1]))
        mode = "vertical" 
        border = round(img_dimensions[0] * 0.05)
        num_seams = random.randint(1, round(0.1*img_dimensions[0]))
        img_to_convert = transform.seam_carve(img_to_convert, eimg, mode, num_seams, border)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Unable to seam_carve: " + str(e))
    # Convert back to PIL image
    img_to_convert = skimage_to_pil(img_to_convert)
    return img_to_convert
예제 #15
def stretch_and_shrink(image, num_steps=40):
    Stretches an image by some mount and shrinks it back over a one second animation
    height, width = image.shape[:2]
    extra = int (width / 10.0)    
    step = int(extra * 1.0 / num_steps)
    # make sure that step size is even
    if step % 2 == 1: 
        step  = step + 1
    images = [image]
    image = util.img_as_float(image)
    print('Image size: {}x{}'.format(width, height))
    print('Number of seams to be removed: {}, in each iteration: {}'.format(num_steps * step, step))

    for i in range(num_steps):
        print('Iteration: {}'.format(i+1))
        #print('Converting to gray scale.')
        gray_image = color.rgb2gray(image)
        #print('Computing sobel energy.')
        energy = filters.sobel(gray_image)
        #print('Performing seam carving')
        image = transform.seam_carve(image, energy, 'vertical', step)
        #print('Converting to 8-bit format')
        image_u8 = util.img_as_ubyte(image)
        #print('Adding side bars in black')
        cur_width = image_u8.shape[1]
        # add pillar box appropriately
        image_u8 = iv.add_pillar_box_pattern(image_u8, int((width - cur_width)/2))
    images_reversed = images[::-1]
    return images
예제 #16
    def seam_carve(self):
        ratio = self.ratio
        gray = self.gray
        image = self.image

        # compute energy map
        emap = filters.sobel(gray.astype("float"))

        # shape of image
        h, w = gray.shape[:2]

        # 1:1 ratio
        if ratio == "square":
            if h >= w:
                self.direction = "horizontal"
                self.numseams = h - w
            elif w > h:
                self.direction = "vertical"
                self.numseams = w - h

        # 16:9 ratio
        elif ratio == "landscape":
            if h >= w:
                self.direction = "horizontal"
                carved_w = w
                carved_h = (carved_w * 9) // 16
                self.numseams = h - carved_h

            elif w > h:
                # if old height can contain the new height (respecting ratio)
                if (h - ((w * 9) // 16)) >= 0:
                    self.direction = "horizontal"
                    carved_w = w
                    carved_h = (carved_w * 9) // 16
                    self.numseams = h - carved_h

                    self.direction = "vertical"
                    carved_h = h
                    carved_w = (carved_h * 16) // 9
                    self.numseams = w - carved_w

        # 9:16 ratio
        elif ratio == "portrait":
            if h >= w:
                # if old width can contain the new width (respecting ratio)
                if (w - ((h * 9) // 16)) >= 0:
                    self.direction = "vertical"
                    carved_h = h
                    carved_w = (carved_h * 9) // 16
                    self.numseams = w - carved_w
                    self.direction = "horizontal"
                    carved_w = w
                    carved_h = (carved_w * 16) // 9
                    self.numseams = h - carved_h
            elif w > h:
                self.direction = "vertical"
                carved_h = h
                carved_w = (carved_h * 9) // 16
                self.numseams = w - carved_w

        carved = transform.seam_carve(image, emap, self.direction,

        return carved
예제 #17
def image_resize2(request):
    img = request.GET.get('image', '')
    ext = img.split('.')[-1]
    key = request.GET.get('key', '')
    referer = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', '')
    referer = urlparse(referer).hostname
    if img == '' or key == '' or referer == '':
        imgpath = os.path.join("notallowed.png")
        image = Image.open(imgpath)
        response = HttpResponse(content_type="image/jpeg")
        image.save(response, "JPEG")
        return response
    height = request.GET.get('height', '')
    width = request.GET.get('width', '')
    if height == '' or width == '':
        query = Media.objects.filter(image=img).filter(
        if query is not None:
            imgpath = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, str(query.image))
            image = Image.open(imgpath)
            response = HttpResponse(content_type="image/jpeg")
            image.save(response, "JPEG")
            return response
            imgpath = os.path.join("notallowed.png")
            image = Image.open(imgpath)
            response = HttpResponse(content_type="image/jpeg")
            image.save(response, "JPEG")
            return response
    print("Referer", referer)
    height = int(height)
    width = int(width)
    query = Media.objects.filter(image=img).filter(
    if query is not None:
        api_management = APIManagement.objects.filter(key=key).first()
        if api_management.quota <= 0:
            imgpath = os.path.join("notallowed.png")
            image = Image.open(imgpath)
            response = HttpResponse(content_type="image/jpeg")
            image.save(response, "JPEG")
            return response
            api_management.quota -= 1
        cache_query = CachedMedia.objects.filter(original=query).filter(
        if cache_query is not None:
            cache_query.last_hit_at = datetime.now()
            imgpath = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, str(cache_query.image))
            image = Image.open(imgpath)
            response = HttpResponse(content_type="image/jpeg")
            image.save(response, "JPEG")
            return response
            print("Media Found")
            print(query.width, width, query.height, height)
            if query.width - width < 0 or query.height - height < 0:
                raise Http404
            imgpath = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, img)
            image = Image.open(imgpath)
            np_img = np.array(image)
            np_img = util.img_as_float(np_img)
            eimg = filters.sobel(color.rgb2gray(np_img))
            out = transform.seam_carve(np_img, eimg, 'horizontal',
                                       query.height - height)
            out = out / out.max()
            out = out * 255
            eimg = filters.sobel(color.rgb2gray(out))
            out = transform.seam_carve(out, eimg, 'vertical',
                                       query.width - width)
            out = out / out.max()
            out = out * 255
            out = out.astype(np.uint8)
            image = Image.fromarray(out)
            # image = image.resize((width, height), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
            output = BytesIO()
            image.save(output, 'JPEG')
            filecontent = ContentFile(output.getvalue())
            media = CachedMedia()
            media.owner = query.owner
            media.dislay_name = img + ' Resized'
            media.public = query.public
            media.api_type = '1'
            media.last_hit_at = datetime.now()
            media.original = query
            media.image.save('image.jpg', File(filecontent), save=True)
            response = HttpResponse(content_type="image/jpeg")
            image.save(response, "JPEG")
            return response
        print('No matching Image')
        imgpath = os.path.join("notallowed.png")
        image = Image.open(imgpath)
        response = HttpResponse(content_type="image/jpeg")
        image.save(response, "JPEG")
        return response
예제 #18
                help="seam removal direction")
args = vars(ap.parse_args())

# load the image and convert it to grayscale
image = cv2.imread(args["image"])
gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

# compute the Sobel gradient magnitude representation
# of the image -- this will serve as our "energy map"
# input to the seam carving algorithm
mag = filters.sobel(gray.astype("float"))

# show the original image
cv2.imshow("Original", image)

# loop over a number of seams to remove
for numSeams in range(20, 140, 20):
    # perform seam carving, removing the desired number
    # of frames from the image -- `vertical` cuts will
    # change the image width while `horizontal` cuts will
    # change the image height
    carved = transform.seam_carve(image, mag, args["direction"], numSeams)
    print("[INFO] removing {} seams; new size: "
          "w={}, h={}".format(numSeams, carved.shape[1], carved.shape[0]))

    # show the output of the seam carving algorithm
    cv2.imshow("Carved", carved)
예제 #19
# but the anothur didn't use theta = image.size()/20, he set theta as a content number : 2
def energyMap(img):
    x0 = np.roll(img, -1, axis=1).T
    x1 = np.roll(img, 1, axis=1).T
    y0 = np.roll(img, -1, axis=0).T
    y1 = np.roll(img, 1, axis=0).T
    return simpleEnergy(x0, x1, y0, y1).T

# reference : https://github.com/margaret/seam-carver/blob/master/energy_functions.py

if __name__ == '__main__':
    input_image_name = 'tram.png'
    source_image = cv2.imread(input_image_name)

    #contrast_map = calcContrastMap(extend_image,theta)
    contrast_map = energyMap(source_image)

    carved = transform.seam_carve(source_image, contrast_map, 'vertical', 50)
    cv2.imshow('skt_seam_carving_result', carved)
    new_carved = np.zeros_like(carved)
    new_carved = cv2.normalize(carved,
    cv2.imwrite("skt_seam_carving_result.jpg", new_carved)
예제 #20
def seam_carving (image, direction): 
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    mag = filters.sobel(gray.astype("float"))
    for num_seam in range(20, 140, 20):
        carved = transform.seam_carve(image, mag, direction, num_seam)
    return carved
from skimage import transform
from skimage import filters
import cv2
import numpy as np

img = cv2.imread('images/person.jpeg')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

magnitude = filters.sobel(gray.astype('float'))

for numSeams in range(20, 140, 20):
    # carved = transform.seam_carve(img, magnitude, 'horizontal', numSeams)
    carved = transform.seam_carve(img,
    print("[INFO] removing {} seams; new size: "
          "w={}, h={}".format(numSeams, carved.shape[1], carved.shape[0]))

    cv2.imshow('Carved', carved)
    cv2.imshow('Origin', img)

#cv2.imshow('Origin', img)
예제 #22
    sobel_x = cv2.convertScaleAbs(sobel_x)  # get 8bit abs value
    sobel_y = cv2.Sobel(gray, cv2.CV_64F, 0, 1, ksize=5)  # sobel Y
    sobel_y = cv2.convertScaleAbs(sobel_y)
    energy_map = cv2.addWeighted(sobel_x, 0.5, sobel_y, 0.5, 0)
    return energy_map

energy_map = create_energy_map(img)

cv2.imshow('original', energy_map)

for i, num_seams in enumerate(range(seams_per_iter, scale, seams_per_iter)):
    #Where the actual carving happens.
    carve = transform.seam_carve(img, energy_map, direction, seams_per_iter)
    #Where the carved value is removed or something and reset to 'img'.
    img = (carve * 255).astype(
        np.uint8)  # recursively recalculate images, save time, cleaner cuts
    #Energy map being created.
    energy_map = create_energy_map(img)

    print("removing %d pixels" % (num_seams))

    # add padding on right for removed seams (for video in imageJ)
    # This should be removed for the purpose of AWS Lambda. This way I can get the image file with the dimension that
    # the carved image is instead of having a black boarder on the right side.
    #carve = cv2.copyMakeBorder(carve, top=0, bottom=0, left=0, right=num_seams, borderType=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=[0, 0, 0])

    title = 'carved' + str(num_seams) + '.jpg'
예제 #23
#ap.add_argument("-i", "--image", required=True,
#help="path to input image file")
#ap.add_argument("-d", "--direction", type=str,
#default="vertical", help="seam removal direction")
#args = vars(ap.parse_args())

# load the image and convert it to grayscale
image = cv2.imread('image.jpg')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

# compute the Sobel gradient magnitude representation
# of the image -- this will serve as our "energy map"
# input to the seam carving algorithm
mag = filters.sobel(gray.astype("float"))

# show the original image
cv2.imshow("Original", image)

# loop over a number of seams to remove
for numSeams in range(20, 140, 10):
    # perform seam carving, removing the desired number
    # of frames from the image -- `vertical` cuts will
    # change the image width while `horizontal` cuts will
    # change the image height
    carved = transform.seam_carve(image, mag, "vertical", numSeams)
    print("[INFO] removing {} seams; new size: "
          "w={}, h={}".format(numSeams, carved.shape[1], carved.shape[0]))

    # show the output of the seam carving algorithm
    cv2.imshow("Carved", carved)
from skimage import transform
from skimage import filters
import cv2

image = cv2.imread("test.jpg")
gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

mag = filters.sobel(gray.astype("float"))

cv2.imshow("Original", image)
for numSeams in range(20, 140, 20):
    carved = transform.seam_carve(image, mag, 'horizantal', numSeams)
    print("[INFO] removing {} seams; new size: "
          "w={}, h={}".format(numSeams, carved.shape[1], carved.shape[0]))
    cv2.imshow("Carved", carved)
예제 #25
def test_seam_carving():
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
예제 #26
eimg = filters.sobel(color.rgb2gray(img))

plt.title('Original Image')


resized = transform.resize(img, (img.shape[0], img.shape[1] - 200),
plt.title('Resized Image')


out = transform.seam_carve(img, eimg, 'vertical', 200)
plt.title('Resized using Seam Carving')

# Resizing distorts the rocket and surrounding objects, whereas seam carving
# removes empty spaces and preserves object proportions.
# Object Removal
# --------------
# Seam carving can also be used to remove artifacts from images. This
# requires weighting the artifact with low values. Recall lower weights are
# preferentially removed in seam carving. The following code masks the
# rocket's region with low weights, indicating it should be removed.
	en_map = cv2.addWeighted(sobel_x, 0.5, sobel_y, 0.5, 0)
	return en_map
en_map = create_energy_map(img)	
cv2.imshow('energy map', en_map) 

#set scale factor
if direction == 'v':	
	direction = 'vertical'
	max_dim = img.shape[1] #maximum size of image 	
elif direction == 'h':
	direction = 'horizontal'
	max_dim = img.shape[0]
def nothing(x):
cv2.namedWindow('slider') #Make the trackbar, # seams to remove 

while True:
	scale = cv2.getTrackbarPos('c', 'slider')
	scale = float(scale/100.0) 
	pixels_to_rm = int(scale*max_dim) #number of seams to remove 
	carve = transform.seam_carve(img, en_map, direction, pixels_to_rm)
	cv2.imshow('carved', carve)
	if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): #quit	