def getRanges(self): print("self.getnVars()" + str(self.getnVars())) m = int(self.getnVars()) rangos = [[0.0 for y in range(2)] for x in range(m)] print("rangos has two dimensions, first is self.getnVars()==" + str(self.getnVars()) + ",second is 2") for i in range(0, self.getnInputs()): print("self.getnInputs()" + str(self.getnInputs()) + " i = " + str(i)) attHere = Attributes.getInputAttribute(Attributes, i) print("attHere.getNumNominalValues()== " + str(attHere.getNumNominalValues())) if (attHere.getNumNominalValues() > 0): rangos[i][0] = 0.0 rangos[i][1] = attHere.getNumNominalValues() - 1 print(" attHere.getNumNominalValues() > 0,rangos[" + str(i) + "][0]==" + str(rangos[i][0]) + ",rangos[i][1]== " + str(rangos[i][1])) else: rangos[i][0] = attHere.getMinAttribute() rangos[i][1] = attHere.getMaxAttribute() print(" attHere.getNumNominalValues() <= 0, rangos[" + str(i) + "][0]==" + str(rangos[i][0]) + ",rangos[i][1]== " + str(rangos[i][1])) rangos[self.getnVars() - 1][0] = Attributes.getOutputAttribute( Attributes, 0).getMinAttribute() rangos[self.getnVars() - 1][1] = Attributes.getOutputAttribute( Attributes, 0).getMaxAttribute() return rangos
def removeAttribute(self, tSet, inputAtt, whichAtt): attToDel = None # Getting a reference to the attribute to del if (inputAtt == True): if (self.storeAttributesAsNonStatic and self.attributes != None): attToDel = self.attributes.getInputAttribute(whichAtt) else: attToDel = Attributes.getInputAttribute(whichAtt) else: if (self.storeAttributesAsNonStatic and self.attributes != None): attToDel = self.attributes.getOutputAttribute(whichAtt) else: attToDel = Attributes.getOutputAttribute(whichAtt) if (self.storeAttributesAsNonStatic == True and self.attributes != None): print("Removing the attribute") if (self.attributes.removeAttribute(inputAtt, whichAtt) == False or (tSet != None and tSet.attributes.removeAttribute(inputAtt, whichAtt)) == False): return False else: if (Attributes.removeAttribute(inputAtt, whichAtt) == False): return False for i in range(0, len(self.instanceSet)): if (self.storeAttributesAsNonStatic and self.attributes != None): self.instanceSet[i].removeAttribute(self.attributes, attToDel, inputAtt, whichAtt) else: self.instanceSet[i].removeAttribute(attToDel, inputAtt, whichAtt) if (tSet != None): for i in range(0, tSet.instanceSet.length): if (self.storeAttributesAsNonStatic == True and self.attributes != None): tSet.instanceSet[i].removeAttribute(self.attributes, attToDel, inputAtt, whichAtt) else: tSet.instanceSet[i].removeAttribute(attToDel, inputAtt, whichAtt) return True
def getNames(self): nombres = ["" for x in range(self.__nInputs)] for i in range(0, self.__nInputs): nombres[i] = Attributes.getInputAttribute(Attributes, i).getName() return nombres
def numberValues(self, attribute): return Attributes.getInputAttribute( self, attribute).getNumNominalValues(Attributes)