예제 #1
    def filter(self, condition, invert=False):
        """Filter `Atoms` by `condition`.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.3.11

           Filters the list of `Atoms` **in-place**. Use
           :meth:`~Atoms.filtered` to generate a new filtered list
           of `Atoms`.

        condition : :class:`~python:str` or boolean array
            Boolean index array having same shape as the initial dimensions
            of the list of `Atoms` being indexed.
        invert : bool, optional
            If `True`, the boolean array `condition` is inverted element-wise.

        if isinstance(condition, str):
            condition = convert_condition_str(self, condition)
        if invert:
            condition = ~condition
            self.data = np.asarray(self)[condition].tolist()
        except AttributeError:
            self.data = np.asarray(self)[condition]
예제 #2
    def filtered(self, condition, invert=False):
        """Return new list of `Atoms` filtered by `condition`.

        .. versionadded:: 0.3.11

        condition : array_like, bool
            Boolean index array having same shape as the initial dimensions
            of the list of `Atoms` being indexed.
        invert : bool, optional
            If `True`, the boolean array `condition` is inverted element-wise.

        filtered_atoms : `Atoms`
            If `invert` is `False`, return the elements where `condition`
            is `True`.

            If `invert` is `True`, return the elements where `~condition`
            (i.e., numpy.invert(condition)) is `True`.

        An example using the structure data of a 10 nm `(10, 0)`

        >>> from sknano.generators import SWNTGenerator
        >>> swnt = SWNTGenerator(10, 0, Lz=10, fix_Lz=True).atoms
        >>> # select 'left', 'middle', 'right' atoms
        >>> latoms = swnt.filtered(swnt.z <= 25)
        >>> matoms = swnt.filtered((swnt.z < 75) & (swnt.z > 25))
        >>> ratoms = swnt.filtered(swnt.z >= 75)
        >>> from pprint import pprint
        >>> pprint([getattr(atoms, 'bounds') for atoms in
        ...         (latoms, matoms, ratoms)])
        [Cuboid(pmin=Point([-3.914435, -3.914435, 0.0]), \
                pmax=Point([3.914435, 3.914435, 24.85])),
         Cuboid(pmin=Point([-3.914435, -3.914435, 25.56]), \
                pmax=Point([3.914435, 3.914435, 74.55])),
         Cuboid(pmin=Point([-3.914435, -3.914435, 75.97]), \
                pmax=Point([3.914435, 3.914435, 100.11]))]
        >>> latoms.Natoms + matoms.Natoms + ratoms.Natoms == swnt.Natoms

        if isinstance(condition, str):
            condition = convert_condition_str(self, condition)
        if invert:
            condition = ~condition
            return self.__class__(atoms=np.asarray(self)[condition].tolist(),
        except AttributeError:
            return self.__class__(atoms=np.asarray(self)[condition],