예제 #1
class TableWriter:
    def __init__(self, asm_writer, max_width, min_col_width):
        self.asm_writer = asm_writer
        self.max_width = max_width
        self.min_col_width = min_col_width
        self.table = None
        self.table_parser = TableParser()
        self.cell_matrix = None

    def format_table(self, text):
        self.table = self.table_parser.parse_table(self.asm_writer, text)
        self.table.cell_padding = 3
        self.table.reduce_width(self.max_width, self.min_col_width)
        self.cell_matrix = self._build_cell_matrix()
        return self._create_table_text()

    def _build_cell_matrix(self):
        cell_matrix = []
        for row in self.table.rows:
            cell_matrix.append([None] * self.table.num_cols)
        for cell in self.table.cells:
            for x in range(cell.col_index, cell.col_index + cell.colspan):
                for y in range(cell.row_index, cell.row_index + cell.rowspan):
                    cell_matrix[y][x] = cell
        return cell_matrix

    def _get_cell(self, col_index, row_index):
        if 0 <= row_index < len(self.cell_matrix) and 0 <= col_index < self.table.num_cols:
            return self.cell_matrix[row_index][col_index]

    def _render_row(self, lines, row_index, first_line=True):
        rendered = False
        line = ''
        col_index = 0
        cell_left_transparent = True
        cell = self._get_cell(col_index, row_index)
        while cell:
            if cell.transparent and cell_left_transparent:
                border = ' '
                border = '|'
            text = ''
            if cell.contents and (first_line or row_index == cell.row_index + cell.rowspan - 1):
                text = cell.contents.pop(0)
                rendered = True
            line += "{} {} ".format(border, text.ljust(self.table.get_cell_width(col_index, cell.colspan)))
            col_index += cell.colspan
            cell_left_transparent = cell.transparent
            cell = self._get_cell(col_index, row_index)
        if rendered:
            if (cell and not cell.transparent) or (cell is None and not cell_left_transparent):
                line += '|'
        return rendered

    def _create_table_text(self):
        lines = []
        max_row_index = len(self.table.rows)
        if max_row_index == 0:
            return lines
        separator_row_indexes = set((0, max_row_index))
        separator_row_indexes.update([i + 1 for i in self.table.get_header_rows()])
        for row_index in range(max_row_index):
            if row_index in separator_row_indexes:
            self._render_row(lines, row_index)
            while self._render_row(lines, row_index, False):
        return lines

    def _create_row_separator(self, row_index):
        # Return a separator between rows `row_index - 1` and `row_index`
        line = ''
        col_index = 0
        cell_left_contents = True

        while col_index < self.table.num_cols:
            cell_above = self._get_cell(col_index, row_index - 1)
            if row_index < len(self.table.rows):
                cell = self._get_cell(col_index, row_index)
                cell = cell_above
            if cell is None:
            cell_above_transparent = cell_above is None or cell_above.transparent
            cell_above_left = self._get_cell(col_index - 1, row_index - 1)
            cell_above_left_transparent = cell_above_left is None or cell_above_left.transparent
            cell_left = self._get_cell(col_index - 1, row_index)
            cell_left_transparent = cell_left is None or cell_left.transparent
            cell_contents = bool(cell_above and cell_above.contents)
            if cell.transparent and cell_above_transparent and cell_above_left_transparent and cell_left_transparent:
                line += ' '
            elif cell_contents and cell_left_contents:
                line += '|'
                line += '+'
            if cell_contents:
                text = cell.contents.pop(0)
                line += ' {} '.format(text.ljust(self.table.get_cell_width(col_index, cell_above.colspan)))
                if cell.transparent and cell_above_transparent:
                    spacer = ' '
                    spacer = '-'
                line += spacer * (2 + self.table.get_cell_width(col_index, cell.colspan))
            cell_left_contents = cell_contents
            col_index += cell.colspan

        if cell_contents:
            return line + '|'
        if line.endswith(' '):
            return line.rstrip()
        return line + '+'
예제 #2
파일: skoolasm.py 프로젝트: sahwar/skoolkit
class TableWriter:
    def __init__(self, asm_writer, max_width, min_col_width, properties):
        self.asm_writer = asm_writer
        self.max_width = max_width
        self.min_col_width = min_col_width
        border_h = properties.get('table-border-horizontal', '-')
        self.border_h_ext = border_h[:1].strip()
        self.border_h_int = (border_h[1:2] or self.border_h_ext).strip()
        self.border_v = properties.get('table-border-vertical', '')[:1] or '|'
        self.border_join = properties.get('table-border-join', '')[:1] or '+'
        self.table = None
        self.table_parser = TableParser()
        self.cell_matrix = None

    def format_table(self, text):
        self.table = self.table_parser.parse_table(self.asm_writer, text)
        self.table.prepare_cells(self.min_col_width, self.max_width)
        self.cell_matrix = self._build_cell_matrix()
        return self._create_table_text()

    def _build_cell_matrix(self):
        cell_matrix = []
        for row in self.table.rows:
            cell_matrix.append([None] * self.table.num_cols)
        for cell in self.table.cells:
            for x in range(cell.col_index, cell.col_index + cell.colspan):
                for y in range(cell.row_index, cell.row_index + cell.rowspan):
                    cell_matrix[y][x] = cell
        return cell_matrix

    def _get_cell(self, col_index, row_index):
        if 0 <= row_index < len(
                self.cell_matrix) and 0 <= col_index < self.table.num_cols:
            return self.cell_matrix[row_index][col_index]

    def _render_row(self, lines, row_index, first_line=True):
        rendered = False
        line = ''
        col_index = 0
        cell_left_transparent = True
        cell = self._get_cell(col_index, row_index)
        while cell:
            if cell.transparent and cell_left_transparent:
                border = ' '
                border = self.border_v
            text = ''
            if cell.contents and (first_line or row_index
                                  == cell.row_index + cell.rowspan - 1):
                text = cell.contents.pop(0)
                rendered = True
            line += "{} {} ".format(
                text.ljust(self.table.get_cell_width(col_index, cell.colspan)))
            col_index += cell.colspan
            cell_left_transparent = cell.transparent
            cell = self._get_cell(col_index, row_index)
        if rendered:
            if (cell and not cell.transparent) or (cell is None and
                                                   not cell_left_transparent):
                line += self.border_v
        return rendered

    def _create_table_text(self):
        lines = []
        max_row_index = len(self.table.rows)
        if max_row_index == 0:
            return lines
        sep = True
        for row_index in range(max_row_index + 1):
            if sep or row_index == max_row_index:
                row_sep = self._create_row_separator(row_index)
                if row_sep:
            if row_index < max_row_index:
                self._render_row(lines, row_index)
                while self._render_row(lines, row_index, False):
                sep = any(c.header for c in self.table.rows[row_index])
        return lines

    def _create_row_separator(self, row_index):
        # Return a separator between rows `row_index - 1` and `row_index`
        line = ''
        col_index = 0
        cell_left_contents = True

        while col_index < self.table.num_cols:
            cell_above = self._get_cell(col_index, row_index - 1)
            if row_index < len(self.table.rows):
                cell = self._get_cell(col_index, row_index)
                cell = cell_above
            if cell is None:
            cell_above_transparent = cell_above is None or cell_above.transparent
            cell_above_left = self._get_cell(col_index - 1, row_index - 1)
            cell_above_left_transparent = cell_above_left is None or cell_above_left.transparent
            cell_left = self._get_cell(col_index - 1, row_index)
            cell_left_transparent = cell_left is None or cell_left.transparent
            cell_contents = bool(
                and (cell_above.contents
                     or cell_above.row_index + cell_above.rowspan > row_index))
            if cell.transparent and cell_above_transparent and cell_above_left_transparent and cell_left_transparent:
                line += ' '
            elif cell_contents and cell_left_contents:
                line += self.border_v
                line += self.border_join
            if cell_contents:
                if cell.contents:
                    text = cell.contents.pop(0)
                    text = ''
                line += ' {} '.format(
                if cell.transparent and cell_above_transparent:
                    spacer = ' '
                elif 0 < row_index < len(self.table.rows):
                    spacer = self.border_h_int
                    spacer = self.border_h_ext
                if not spacer:
                    return None
                line += spacer * (
                    2 + self.table.get_cell_width(col_index, cell.colspan))
            cell_left_contents = cell_contents
            col_index += cell.colspan

        if cell_contents and not cell_above_transparent:
            return line + self.border_v
        if line.endswith(' '):
            return line.rstrip()
        return line + self.border_join
예제 #3
class TableWriter:
    def __init__(self, asm_writer, max_width, min_col_width):
        self.asm_writer = asm_writer
        self.max_width = max_width
        self.min_col_width = min_col_width
        self.table = None
        self.table_parser = TableParser()
        self.cell_matrix = None

    def format_table(self, text):
        self.table = self.table_parser.parse_table(self.asm_writer, text)
        self.table.cell_padding = 3
        self.table.reduce_width(self.max_width, self.min_col_width)
        self.cell_matrix = self._build_cell_matrix()
        return self._create_table_text()

    def _build_cell_matrix(self):
        cell_matrix = []
        for row in self.table.rows:
            cell_matrix.append([None] * self.table.num_cols)
        for cell in self.table.cells:
            for x in range(cell.col_index, cell.col_index + cell.colspan):
                for y in range(cell.row_index, cell.row_index + cell.rowspan):
                    cell_matrix[y][x] = cell
        return cell_matrix

    def _get_cell(self, col_index, row_index):
        if 0 <= row_index < len(self.cell_matrix) and 0 <= col_index < self.table.num_cols:
            return self.cell_matrix[row_index][col_index]

    def _render_row(self, lines, row_index, first_line=True):
        rendered = False
        line = ''
        col_index = 0
        cell_left_transparent = True
        cell = self._get_cell(col_index, row_index)
        while cell:
            if cell.transparent and cell_left_transparent:
                border = ' '
                border = '|'
            text = ''
            if cell.contents and (first_line or row_index == cell.row_index + cell.rowspan - 1):
                text = cell.contents.pop(0)
                rendered = True
            line += "{} {} ".format(border, text.ljust(self.table.get_cell_width(col_index, cell.colspan)))
            col_index += cell.colspan
            cell_left_transparent = cell.transparent
            cell = self._get_cell(col_index, row_index)
        if rendered:
            if (cell and not cell.transparent) or (cell is None and not cell_left_transparent):
                line += '|'
        return rendered

    def _create_table_text(self):
        lines = []
        max_row_index = len(self.table.rows)
        if max_row_index == 0:
            return lines
        separator_row_indexes = set((0, max_row_index))
        separator_row_indexes.update([i + 1 for i in self.table.get_header_rows()])
        for row_index in range(max_row_index):
            if row_index in separator_row_indexes:
            self._render_row(lines, row_index)
            while self._render_row(lines, row_index, False):
        return lines

    def _create_row_separator(self, row_index):
        # Return a separator between rows `row_index - 1` and `row_index`
        line = ''
        col_index = 0
        cell_left_contents = True

        while col_index < self.table.num_cols:
            cell_above = self._get_cell(col_index, row_index - 1)
            if row_index < len(self.table.rows):
                cell = self._get_cell(col_index, row_index)
                cell = cell_above
            if cell is None:
            cell_above_transparent = cell_above is None or cell_above.transparent
            cell_above_left = self._get_cell(col_index - 1, row_index - 1)
            cell_above_left_transparent = cell_above_left is None or cell_above_left.transparent
            cell_left = self._get_cell(col_index - 1, row_index)
            cell_left_transparent = cell_left is None or cell_left.transparent
            cell_contents = bool(cell_above and cell_above.contents)
            if cell.transparent and cell_above_transparent and cell_above_left_transparent and cell_left_transparent:
                line += ' '
            elif cell_contents and cell_left_contents:
                line += '|'
                line += '+'
            if cell_contents:
                text = cell.contents.pop(0)
                line += ' {} '.format(text.ljust(self.table.get_cell_width(col_index, cell_above.colspan)))
                if cell.transparent and cell_above_transparent:
                    spacer = ' '
                    spacer = '-'
                line += spacer * (2 + self.table.get_cell_width(col_index, cell.colspan))
            cell_left_contents = cell_contents
            col_index += cell.colspan

        if cell_contents:
            return line + '|'
        if line.endswith(' '):
            return line.rstrip()
        return line + '+'